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XDAQ is a middleware that eases the tasks of designing, programming and managing data acquisition applications by providing a simple, consistent and integrated distributed programming environment.
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Leverage the power of XDAQ on your platform, with pluggable components for the CMS experiment.
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The Rucio repository has moved on https://github.com/rucio/rucio.git. The Rucio team.
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Tools and scripts for the LHCb Nightly Builds and Release System.
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[WP, NI] FELIX User Manual (Asciidoc). Do not use master, use branches 5.x or 4.2.x
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The complete data acquisition software for the FASER experiment with core functionality provided by daqling.
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ITk demonstrator configuration db
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A second implementation of DAQPIPE base on signals/commands instead of more hardcoded ordered semantic. This is now the official version to use.
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Monitoring and environmental data acquisition software for the slipper experiment
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Lecture available here: https://indico.cern.ch/event/766995/contributions/3295781/
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