The NtupleDumper code takes data in xAOD files and makes a simple ntuple. I have produced simple ntuples for all TI12 stable beam runs that we have collected and reconstructed so far. The ntuples can be found at "/eos/project/f/faser-commissioning/DeionsNtuples". An example pyROOT script that analyses the ntuples can be found here: ntupledumper/PhysicsAnalysis/NtupleDumper/scripts/analyzeNtuple.py
Some things to note about the ntuples:
- A blinding is enforced by not saving events that have a calo signal greater than that of a 10 GeV electron would have.
- Only events that have a scintillator coincidence trigger are saved in the ntuple.
- Only long tracks that have hits in tracking stations (1,2,3) or (0,1,2,3) are saved.
- All spacepoints and track-segments are saved
- All xAOD variables for all scintillator channels are saved (peak, integral, width, time, status, etc...)
- A charge to energy calibration is done for the calorimeter and preshower channels such that the energy deposited (GeV) in each calo and preshower channel is saved.
- The time for each scintillator hit is corrected by the clock phase such as to remove the 16ns digitizer jitter.
- Each track is extrapolated to each scintillator and the positions and angle of the track at each scintillator is saved.
- The ntuple file names distinguish if the run had high-gain or low-gain for the calorimeter PMT HV.
- In the root files for the ntuples, there are also histograms that store the noise (charge distribution from randomly triggered events) for each scintillator channel.