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add calo_total_EM variables that only use fit integral when waveforms are overflown

Deion Elgin Fellers requested to merge dfellers/calypso:calo_variable into master

I updated the ntuple maker to store the following calo_total_E_EM variables:

  • Calo_total_fit_E_EM = only use integrals from fits
  • Calo_total_raw_E_EM = only use raw integrals
  • Calo_total_E_EM = use raw integrals unless waveform is overflown, then use fit integral
  • Calo_total_fit_E_EM_fudged = only use integral from fit (includes 8% correction if MC)
  • Calo_total_raw_E_EM_fudged = only use raw integrals (includes 8% correction if MC)
  • Calo_total_E_EM_fudged = use raw integrals unless waveform is overflown, then use fit integral (includes 8% correction if MC)
Edited by Deion Elgin Fellers

Merge request reports