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Digitizer Updates

Samuel Ross Meehan requested to merge digitizer-updates into master

This is meant to merge into master the necessary pieces that allow for combined running of the TLB, TRB, and Digitizer along with a number of other improvements to the Digitizer core code and configuration.

Changes for the Digitizer :

  • Added monitoring module with histogram publication
  • Added some metric monitoring in the DigitizerReceiver
  • Added configuration for the conversion of TTT to BCID - by default it is set to 40.08
  • The IP address of the controller board can be input in the config as an IP address or a hostname (useful for DHCP-configured device setup)
  • Added monitoring which will log the ADC temperature
  • Modified heavily the format of the necessary configuration to make it more amendable to a jcon schema - NOTE that this will break backwards compatibility.
  • Added schemas for the DigitizerReceiver and DigitizerMonitor modules. I also modified the FASERFileWriter schema in the process but with nothing more than indentation changes to expand the tabs into spaces.
Edited by Samuel Ross Meehan

Merge request reports