diff --git a/src/fts3rest/fts3rest/controllers/banning.py b/src/fts3rest/fts3rest/controllers/banning.py
index 99ec3bd32c56db1941a61f9e0639ad49a7337820..8081a021e1fefc44faf83be823441598257e83c1 100644
--- a/src/fts3rest/fts3rest/controllers/banning.py
+++ b/src/fts3rest/fts3rest/controllers/banning.py
@@ -1,25 +1,402 @@
-from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound
+#   Copyright 2014-2020 CERN
+#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#   limitations under the License.
+from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound, BadRequest, Conflict
+from fts3rest.controllers.config import audit_configuration
+from flask import request, jsonify, Response
+import json
+import logging
+from datetime import datetime
+from sqlalchemy import distinct, func, and_
+from fts3.model import BannedDN, BannedSE, Job, File, JobActiveStates, FileActiveStates
+from fts3rest.model.meta import Session
+from fts3rest.lib.http_exceptions import *
+from fts3rest.lib.middleware.fts3auth.authorization import authorize
+from fts3rest.lib.middleware.fts3auth.constants import *
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def _ban_se(storage, vo_name, allow_submit, status, message):
+    """
+    Mark in the db the given storage as banned
+    """
+    user = request.environ["fts3.User.Credentials"]
+    banned = BannedSE()
+    banned.se = storage
+    banned.addition_time = datetime.utcnow()
+    banned.admin_dn = user.user_dn
+    banned.vo = vo_name
+    banned.message = message
+    if allow_submit and status == "WAIT":
+        banned.status = "WAIT_AS"
+    else:
+        banned.status = status
+    try:
+        Session.merge(banned)
+        Session.commit()
+    except Exception:
+        Session.rollback()
+        raise
+def _ban_dn(dn, message):
+    """
+    Mark in the db the given DN as banned
+    """
+    user = request.environ["fts3.User.Credentials"]
+    banned = BannedDN()
+    banned.dn = dn
+    banned.addition_time = datetime.utcnow()
+    banned.admin_dn = user.user_dn
+    banned.message = message
+    try:
+        Session.merge(banned)
+        Session.commit()
+    except Exception:
+        Session.rollback()
+        raise
+def _cancel_transfers(storage=None, vo_name=None):
+    """
+    Cancels the transfers that have the given storage either in source or destination,
+    and belong to the given VO.
+    Returns the list of affected jobs ids.
+    """
+    affected_job_ids = set()
+    files = Session.query(File.file_id).filter(
+        and_(
+            (File.source_se == storage) | (File.dest_se == storage),
+            File.file_state.in_(FileActiveStates + ["NOT_USED"]),
+        )
+    )
+    if vo_name and vo_name != "*":
+        files = files.filter(File.vo_name == vo_name)
+    now = datetime.utcnow()
+    try:
+        for row in files:
+            file_id = row[0]
+            job_id, file_index = (
+                Session.query(File.job_id, File.file_index)
+                .filter(File.file_id == file_id)
+                .one()
+            )
+            affected_job_ids.add(job_id)
+            # Cancel the affected file
+            Session.query(File).filter(File.file_id == file_id).update(
+                {
+                    "file_state": "CANCELED",
+                    "reason": "Storage banned",
+                    "finish_time": now,
+                    "dest_surl_uuid": None,
+                },
+                synchronize_session=False,
+            )
+            # If there are alternatives, enable them
+            if Session.bind.dialect.name == "mysql":
+                limit = " LIMIT 1"
+            else:
+                limit = ""
+            Session.execute(
+                "UPDATE t_file SET"
+                "   file_state = 'SUBMITTED' "
+                "WHERE"
+                "  job_id = :job_id AND file_index = :file_index AND file_state = 'NOT_USED' "
+                + limit,
+                dict(job_id=job_id, file_index=file_index),
+            )
+        Session.commit()
+        Session.expire_all()
+    except Exception:
+        Session.rollback()
+        raise
+    # Set each job terminal state if needed
+    try:
+        for job_id in affected_job_ids:
+            n_files = (
+                Session.query(func.count(distinct(File.file_id)))
+                .filter(File.job_id == job_id)
+                .all()[0][0]
+            )
+            n_canceled = (
+                Session.query(func.count(distinct(File.file_id)))
+                .filter(File.job_id == job_id)
+                .filter(File.file_state == "CANCELED")
+                .all()[0][0]
+            )
+            n_finished = (
+                Session.query(func.count(distinct(File.file_id)))
+                .filter(File.job_id == job_id)
+                .filter(File.file_state == "FINISHED")
+                .all()[0][0]
+            )
+            n_failed = (
+                Session.query(func.count(distinct(File.file_id)))
+                .filter(File.job_id == job_id)
+                .filter(File.file_state == "FAILED")
+                .all()[0][0]
+            )
+            n_terminal = n_canceled + n_finished + n_failed
+            # Job finished!
+            if n_terminal == n_files:
+                reason = None
+                Session.query(Job).filter(Job.job_id == job_id).update(
+                    {"job_state": "CANCELED", "job_finished": now, "reason": reason}
+                )
+        Session.commit()
+    except Exception:
+        Session.rollback()
+        raise
+    return affected_job_ids
+def _cancel_jobs(dn):
+    """
+    Cancel all jobs that belong to dn.
+    Returns the list of affected jobs ids.
+    """
+    jobs = Session.query(Job.job_id).filter(
+        Job.job_state.in_(JobActiveStates), Job.user_dn == dn, Job.job_finished == None
+    )
+    job_ids = map(lambda j: j[0], jobs)
+    try:
+        now = datetime.utcnow()
+        for job_id in job_ids:
+            Session.query(File).filter(File.job_id == job_id).filter(
+                File.file_state.in_(FileActiveStates)
+            ).update(
+                {"file_state": "CANCELED", "reason": "User banned", "finish_time": now},
+                synchronize_session=False,
+            )
+            Session.query(Job).filter(Job.job_id == job_id).update(
+                {"job_state": "CANCELED", "reason": "User banned", "job_finished": now},
+                synchronize_session=False,
+            )
+        Session.commit()
+        Session.expire_all()
+        return job_ids
+    except Exception:
+        Session.rollback()
+        raise
+def _set_to_wait_helper(storage, vo_name, from_state, to_state):
+    """
+    Helper for _set_to_wait
+    """
+    file_ids = Session.query(File.file_id).filter(
+        and_(File.file_state == from_state),
+        (File.source_se == storage) | (File.dest_se == storage),
+    )
+    if vo_name and vo_name != "*":
+        file_ids = file_ids.filter(File.vo_name == vo_name)
+    file_ids = map(lambda j: j[0], file_ids.all())
+    job_ids = set()
+    for file_id in file_ids:
+        Session.query(File).filter(File.file_id == file_id).update(
+            {"file_state": to_state}, synchronize_session=False
+        )
+        job_ids.add(Session.query(File).get(file_id).job_id)
+    return job_ids
+def _set_to_wait(storage, vo_name):
+    """
+    Updates the transfers that have the given storage either in source or destination,
+    and belong to the given VO.
+    """
+    try:
+        job_ids = _set_to_wait_helper(storage, vo_name, "SUBMITTED", "ON_HOLD")
+        job_ids.update(
+            _set_to_wait_helper(storage, vo_name, "STAGING", "ON_HOLD_STAGING")
+        )
+        Session.commit()
+        Session.expire_all()
+    except Exception:
+        Session.rollback()
+        raise
+    return job_ids
+def _reenter_queue(storage, vo_name):
+    """
+    Resets to SUBMITTED or STAGING those transfers that were set ON_HOLD with a previous banning
+    Returns the list of affects job ids.
+    """
+    job_ids = (
+        Session.query(distinct(File.job_id))
+        .filter((File.source_se == storage) | (File.dest_se == storage))
+        .filter(File.file_state.in_(["ON_HOLD", "ON_HOLD_STAGING"]))
+    )
+    if vo_name and vo_name != "*":
+        job_ids = job_ids.filter(File.vo_name == vo_name)
+    job_ids = map(lambda j: j[0], job_ids.all())
+    try:
+        for job_id in job_ids:
+            Session.query(File).filter(
+                File.job_id == job_id, File.file_state == "ON_HOLD_STAGING"
+            ).update({"file_state": "STAGING"}, synchronize_session=False)
+            Session.query(File).filter(
+                File.job_id == job_id, File.file_state == "ON_HOLD"
+            ).update({"file_state": "SUBMITTED"}, synchronize_session=False)
+    except Exception:
+        Session.rollback()
+        raise
+    return job_ids
 def ban_se():
-    raise NotFound
+    """
+    Ban a storage element. Returns affected jobs ids.
+    """
+    if request.content_type == "application/json":
+        try:
+            input_dict = json.loads(request.body)
+        except Exception:
+            raise BadRequest("Malformed input")
+    else:
+        input_dict = request.values
+    storage = input_dict.get("storage", None)
+    if not storage:
+        raise BadRequest("Missing storage parameter")
+    user = request.environ["fts3.User.Credentials"]
+    vo_name = user.vos[0]
+    allow_submit = bool(input_dict.get("allow_submit", False))
+    status = input_dict.get("status", "cancel").upper()
+    if status not in ["CANCEL", "WAIT"]:
+        raise BadRequest("status can only be cancel or wait")
+    if allow_submit and status == "CANCEL":
+        raise BadRequest("allow_submit and status = CANCEL can not be combined")
+    _ban_se(storage, vo_name, allow_submit, status, input_dict.get("message", ""))
+    audit_configuration(
+        "ban-se", "Storage %s for %s banned (%s)" % (storage, vo_name, status)
+    )
+    if status == "CANCEL":
+        affected = _cancel_transfers(storage=storage, vo_name=vo_name)
+    else:
+        affected = _set_to_wait(storage=storage, vo_name=vo_name)
+    log.warning(
+        "Storage %s banned (%s), %d jobs affected" % (storage, status, len(affected))
+    )
+    return jsonify(affected)
 def unban_se():
-    raise NotFound
+    """
+    Unban a storage element
+    """
+    storage = request.values.get("storage", None)
+    if not storage:
+        raise BadRequest("Missing storage parameter")
+    job_ids = []
+    try:
+        user = request.environ["fts3.User.Credentials"]
+        vo_name = user.vos[0]
+        Session.query(BannedSE).filter(
+            BannedSE.se == storage, BannedSE.vo == vo_name
+        ).delete()
+        job_ids = _reenter_queue(storage, vo_name)
+        Session.commit()
+    except Exception:
+        Session.rollback()
+        raise BadRequest("Storage not found")
+    log.warning("Storage %s unbanned" % storage)
+    audit_configuration("unban-se", "Storage %s unbanned" % storage)
+    return Response([], status=204, mimetype="application/json")
 def list_banned_se():
-    raise NotFound
+    """
+    List banned storage elements
+    """
+    return Response(Session.query(BannedSE).all(), mimetype="application/json")
 def ban_dn():
-    raise NotFound
+    """
+    Ban a user
+    """
+    if request.content_type == "application/json":
+        try:
+            input_dict = json.loads(request.body)
+        except Exception:
+            raise BadRequest("Malformed input")
+    else:
+        input_dict = request.params
+    user = request.environ["fts3.User.Credentials"]
+    dn = input_dict.get("user_dn", None)
+    if not dn:
+        raise BadRequest("Missing dn parameter")
+    if dn == user.user_dn:
+        raise Conflict("The user tried to ban (her|his)self")
+    _ban_dn(dn, input_dict.get("message", ""))
+    affected = _cancel_jobs(dn=dn)
+    audit_configuration("ban-dn", "User %s banned" % dn)
+    log.warning("User %s banned, %d jobs affected" % (dn, len(list(affected))))
+    return affected
 def unban_dn():
-    raise NotFound
+    """
+    Unban a user
+    """
+    dn = request.params.get("user_dn", None)
+    if not dn:
+        raise BadRequest("Missing user_dn parameter")
+    banned = Session.query(BannedDN).get(dn)
+    if banned:
+        try:
+            Session.delete(banned)
+            Session.commit()
+        except Exception:
+            Session.rollback()
+        log.warning("User %s unbanned" % dn)
+    else:
+        log.warning("Unban of user %s without effect" % dn)
+    audit_configuration("unban-dn", "User %s unbanned" % dn)
+    return Response([], status=204, mimetype="application/json")
 def list_banned_dn():
-    raise NotFound
+    """
+    List banned users
+    """
+    return Response(Session.query(BannedDN).all(), mimetype="application/json")
diff --git a/src/fts3rest/fts3rest/controllers/config/__init__.py b/src/fts3rest/fts3rest/controllers/config/__init__.py
index af84ecabf1c11d31c41fbe71f3415602afea14b3..6273fa9f0b4ae965452f6b83f7ad42fda8c21b82 100644
--- a/src/fts3rest/fts3rest/controllers/config/__init__.py
+++ b/src/fts3rest/fts3rest/controllers/config/__init__.py
@@ -1,5 +1,43 @@
+#   Copyright Members of the EMI Collaboration, 2013.
+#   Copyright 2013-2020 CERN
+#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#   limitations under the License.
+import json
+import logging
+from flask import request
+from fts3.model import *
+from fts3rest.model.meta import Session
+from fts3rest.lib.middleware.fts3auth.authorization import authorize
+from fts3rest.lib.middleware.fts3auth.constants import CONFIG
 from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def audit_configuration(action, config):
+    """
+    Logs and stores in the DB a configuration action
+    """
+    audit = ConfigAudit(
+        datetime=datetime.utcnow(),
+        dn=request.environ["fts3.User.Credentials"].user_dn,
+        config=config,
+        action=action,
+    )
+    Session.add(audit)
+    log.info(action)
 def index():
     raise NotFound