diff --git a/src/fts3rest/fts3rest/tests/functional/test_staging.py b/src/fts3rest/fts3rest/tests/functional/test_staging.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..289c1aff362e083242f3b82ce7904062038ca0fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fts3rest/fts3rest/tests/functional/test_staging.py
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+import json
+from fts3rest.tests import TestController
+from fts3rest.model.meta import Session
+from fts3.model import Job
+class TestSubmitToStaging(TestController):
+    """
+    Tests for the job controller
+    Focus in staging transfers
+    """
+    def test_submit_to_staging(self):
+        """
+        Submit a job into staging
+        """
+        self.setup_gridsite_environment()
+        self.push_delegation()
+        job = {
+            "files": [
+                {
+                    "sources": ["srm://source.es/file"],
+                    "destinations": ["srm://dest.ch/file"],
+                    "selection_strategy": "orderly",
+                    "checksum": "adler32:1234",
+                    "filesize": 1024,
+                    "metadata": {"mykey": "myvalue"},
+                }
+            ],
+            "params": {
+                "overwrite": True,
+                "copy_pin_lifetime": 3600,
+                "bring_online": 60,
+                "verify_checksum": True,
+            },
+        }
+        job_id = self.app.post(
+            url="/jobs",
+            content_type="application/json",
+            params=json.dumps(job),
+            status=200,
+        ).json["job_id"]
+        # Make sure it was committed to the DB
+        self.assertGreater(len(job_id), 0)
+        db_job = Session.query(Job).get(job_id)
+        self.assertEqual(db_job.job_state, "STAGING")
+        self.assertEqual(db_job.files[0].file_state, "STAGING")
+        return job_id
+    def test_submit_to_staging_no_lifetime(self):
+        """
+        Submit a job into staging, with pin lifetime not set
+        """
+        self.setup_gridsite_environment()
+        self.push_delegation()
+        job = {
+            "files": [
+                {
+                    "sources": ["srm://source.es/file"],
+                    "destinations": ["srm://dest.ch/file"],
+                    "selection_strategy": "orderly",
+                    "checksum": "adler32:1234",
+                    "filesize": 1024,
+                    "metadata": {"mykey": "myvalue"},
+                }
+            ],
+            "params": {"overwrite": True, "bring_online": 60, "verify_checksum": True},
+        }
+        job_id = self.app.post(
+            url="/jobs",
+            content_type="application/json",
+            params=json.dumps(job),
+            status=200,
+        ).json["job_id"]
+        # Make sure it was committed to the DB
+        self.assertGreater(len(job_id), 0)
+        db_job = Session.query(Job).get(job_id)
+        self.assertEqual(db_job.job_state, "STAGING")
+        self.assertEqual(db_job.files[0].file_state, "STAGING")
+        return job_id
+    def test_multiple_bringonline(self):
+        """
+        Test a bring online job, with multiple files
+        """
+        self.setup_gridsite_environment()
+        self.push_delegation()
+        job = {
+            "files": [
+                {
+                    "sources": ["srm://source.es/?SFN=/path/"],
+                    "destinations": ["srm://dest.ch/file"],
+                },
+                {
+                    "sources": ["srm://source.es/?SFN=/path/file2"],
+                    "destinations": ["srm://dest.ch/file2"],
+                },
+                {
+                    "sources": ["srm://source.es/?SFN=/path/file3"],
+                    "destinations": ["srm://dest.ch/file3"],
+                },
+            ],
+            "params": {
+                "overwrite": True,
+                "copy_pin_lifetime": 3600,
+                "bring_online": 60,
+                "verify_checksum": True,
+            },
+        }
+        job_id = self.app.post(
+            url="/jobs",
+            content_type="application/json",
+            params=json.dumps(job),
+            status=200,
+        ).json["job_id"]
+        # Make sure it was committed to the DB
+        self.assertGreater(len(job_id), 0)
+        db_job = Session.query(Job).get(job_id)
+        self.assertEqual(db_job.job_state, "STAGING")
+        self.assertEqual(len(db_job.files), 3)
+        # "Hashed" id must be equal so bulk bring online calls can be made
+        # See https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/FTS-145
+        hid = db_job.files[0].hashed_id
+        for f in db_job.files:
+            self.assertEqual(f.file_state, "STAGING")
+            self.assertEqual(f.hashed_id, hid)
+    def test_submit_to_staging_no_bring_online(self):
+        """
+        Submit a job into staging, with bring_online not set
+        """
+        self.setup_gridsite_environment()
+        self.push_delegation()
+        job = {
+            "files": [
+                {
+                    "sources": ["srm://source.es/file"],
+                    "destinations": ["srm://dest.ch/file"],
+                    "selection_strategy": "orderly",
+                    "checksum": "adler32:1234",
+                    "filesize": 1024,
+                    "metadata": {"mykey": "myvalue"},
+                }
+            ],
+            "params": {
+                "overwrite": True,
+                "copy_pin_lifetime": 60,
+                "verify_checksum": True,
+            },
+        }
+        job_id = self.app.post(
+            url="/jobs",
+            content_type="application/json",
+            params=json.dumps(job),
+            status=200,
+        ).json["job_id"]
+        # Make sure it was committed to the DB
+        self.assertGreater(len(job_id), 0)
+        db_job = Session.query(Job).get(job_id)
+        self.assertEqual(db_job.job_state, "STAGING")
+        self.assertEqual(db_job.files[0].file_state, "STAGING")
+        return job_id