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FTS-1914: Configure TPC role per Storage Endpoint

Joao Pedro Lopes requested to merge FTS-1914 into develop

FTS-1914: This merge request introduces a new concept of Third-Party-Copy (TPC) support as a property of a Storage Endpoint (SE).

With this changes the SE's can be configured in the database table t_se with their level of support for TPC. The different levels of support are: full support, pull mode only, push mode only and none.

The database schema was modified to add to the t_se table the tpc_support column with the SE's supported TPC modes.

The fts_url_copy was modified to receive a command line argument which tells which TPC modes are suitable for that particular file transfer.

With the information stored on the DB the fts_server reads the supported TPC modes for the two SE's involved in the TPC and passes the adequate copy mode to the fts_url_copy process via the new command line argument.

When the fts_url_copy gets the copy mode in its arguments it sets it in the gfal2 context before launching the file transfer.

Merge request reports
