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GaudiHive release v0.6 (2014-04-22)


+ Graph-based decision making unit for execution flow management:
  o unified control and data flow handling
  o predictive Data Flow management
  o new traversal strategy of the Control Flow graph realm
  o use via the useUnifiedFlowManager option of ForwardSchedulerSvc

Data object tracking
+ declaration of inputs and outputs via declareInput/declareOutput in Algorithms and Tools
- deprecation of declareDataObj

Tool tracking
+ declaration of used Tools via declarePrivateTool/declarePublicTool

TimelineSvc (beta)
+ timeline of the execution of algorithms
  keeping track of used event context (slot) and thread

o Algorithms and Tools of MiniBrunel workflow adapted to new declaration scheme
o see GaudiExamples/src/AlgTools/MyGaudiAlgorithm for example of tool declaration
o see GaudiExamples/src/POOLIO/ReadHandleAlg or WriteHandleAlg for data handle usage