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TRIM interface (II)

Heinrich Schindler requested to merge TRIM into master

Add interface (TrackTrim) for importing output files generated using the TRIM program ( Like the "TRIMCAT" interface in classic Garfield, it reads the TRIM output file EXYZ.txt'. There are some small differences between the implementation in TrackTrim` and classic Garfield:

  • TrackTrim reads multiple ion trajectories from the file and cycles through them when generating tracks (whereas "TRIMCAT" reads a single ion trajectory at a time).
  • TrackTrim uses directly the energy steps given in EXYZ.txt, whereas "TRIMCAT" does a rebinning.

Possible improvements:

  • Add option to read COLLISON.txt instead of EXYZ.txt.
  • Handling of multiple layers.
  • At the moment, the cluster position corresponds to the end of a step. It could instead be in the centre, or one could randomize it, or have multiple clusters per energy step.
  • Instead of requiring the work function and Fano factor to be set by the user, TrackTrim could take it from the Medium.

Merge request reports
