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neBEM 2D

Heinrich Schindler requested to merge nebem2d into master

Rewrite of ComponentNeBem2d (2D implementation of the nearly-exact Boundary Element Method).

  • Conducting straight-line segments and thin wires can still be directly added to the layout by the user.
  • In addition, the user can define "regions" by specifying the coordinates of the polygon enclosing the area and a pointer to the medium inside the region. The boundary of a region can be set to a fixed potential or be requested to be a dielectric-dielectric interface. During initialization, overlaps of adjacent regions are determined and the corresponding λ (in case of a dielectric-dielectric interface) is calculated. Regions can be nested but are not allowed to have intersecting edges.
  • To illustrate the use of the class, three simple examples have been added: triangle with two sides at 1 V and one side at 0 V, dielectric between two conducting planes, wire inside a polygon.
  • The layout can be visualized using ViewCell (only in 2D for the time being).

Merge request reports
