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Histograms_py.ref 18.27 KiB
# setting LC_ALL to "C"
# --> Including file '/home/marcocle/stacks/master/Gaudi/GaudiAlg/tests/qmtest/options/'
# <-- End of file '/home/marcocle/stacks/master/Gaudi/GaudiAlg/tests/qmtest/options/'
ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                   Welcome to ApplicationMgr (GaudiCoreSvc v36r12)
                                          running on on Thu Apr 20 15:13:07 2023
ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
Gaudi::Histogra...   INFO Writing ROOT histograms to: testHisto.root
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<Algorithm>
SimpleHistos        DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
SimpleHistos        DEBUG List of ALL properties of GaudiHistoAlgorithm/SimpleHistos  #properties = 43
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'AutoStringIDPurgeMap':{ '/' : '=SLASH=' }
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'UseSequencialNumericAutoIDs':False
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'HeaderFor1DHistoTable':'|   Title                                       |    #    |     Mean   |    RMS     |  Skewness  |  Kurtosis  |'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ShortFormatFor1DHistoTable':' | %1$-25.25s %2%'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'FormatFor1DHistoTable':'| %2$-45.45s | %3$=7d |%8$11.5g | %10$-11.5g|%12$11.5g |%14$11.5g |'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorHistograms':True
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'FullDetail':False
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'HistoDir':'SimpleHistos'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'HistoTopDir':''
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'HistoOffSet':0
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'HistoSplitDir':False
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'HistoCheckForNaN':True
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'HistoCountersPrint':True
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'HistoPrint':True
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'HistoProduce':True
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'RequireObjects':[  ]
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'VetoObjects':[  ]
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'CounterList':[ '.*' ]
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'Context':''
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'TypePrint':True
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'PropertiesPrint':False
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ErrorsPrint':True
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'RootInTES':''
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'FilterCircularDependencies':True
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'Blocking':False
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'NeededResources':[  ]
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'Cardinality':1
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'RegisterForContextService':True
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':'MonitorSvc'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'Timeline':False
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'AuditStop':False
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'AuditStart':False
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'AuditFinalize':False
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'AuditExecute':False
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'AuditRestart':False
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'AuditReinitialize':False
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'AuditInitialize':False
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'AuditAlgorithms':False
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ErrorMax':1
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'Enable':True
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':set()
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':set()
RootHistSvc          INFO Writing ROOT histograms to: histo.root
HistogramPersis...   INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootHistSvc
SimpleHistos        DEBUG GaudiHistoAlgorithm:: The histogram path is set to be 'SimpleHistos'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG input handles: 0
SimpleHistos        DEBUG output handles: 0
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Data Deps for SimpleHistos
EventLoopMgr      WARNING Unable to locate service "EventSelector"
EventLoopMgr      WARNING No events will be processed from external input.
ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Started successfully
RndmGenSvc.Engine    INFO Generator engine type:CLHEP::RanluxEngine
RndmGenSvc.Engine    INFO Current Seed:1234567 Luxury:3
RndmGenSvc           INFO Using Random engine:HepRndm::Engine<CLHEP::RanluxEngine>
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram 'Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1' desc = 'Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 1D Histogram : ID='Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1' Path=SimpleHistos Title='Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram '101' desc = 'Exponential'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 1D Histogram : ID='101' Path=SimpleHistos Title='Exponential'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram '102' desc = 'Breit'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 1D Histogram : ID='102' Path=SimpleHistos Title='Breit'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram 'poisson' desc = 'Poisson'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 1D Histogram : ID='poisson' Path=SimpleHistos Title='Poisson'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram 'subdir1/bino' desc = 'Binominal'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 1D Histogram : ID='subdir1/bino' Path=SimpleHistos Title='Binominal'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram 'subdir2/bino' desc = 'Binominal'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 1D Histogram : ID='subdir2/bino' Path=SimpleHistos Title='Binominal'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram 'Gaussian V Flat' desc = 'Gaussian V Flat'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 2D Histogram : ID='Gaussian V Flat' Path=SimpleHistos Title='Gaussian V Flat'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram 'Exponential V Flat' desc = 'Exponential V Flat'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 2D Histogram : ID='Exponential V Flat' Path=SimpleHistos Title='Exponential V Flat'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram 'binVpois' desc = 'Binom V poisson'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 2D Histogram : ID='binVpois' Path=SimpleHistos Title='Binom V poisson'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram 'expoVpois' desc = 'Expo V poisson'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 2D Histogram : ID='expoVpois' Path=SimpleHistos Title='Expo V poisson'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram '3D plot AutoID' desc = '3D plot AutoID'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 3D Histogram : ID='3D plot AutoID' Path=SimpleHistos Title='3D plot AutoID'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram '3d' desc = '3D plot ForcedID'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 3D Histogram : ID='3d' Path=SimpleHistos Title='3D plot ForcedID'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram 'Expo V Gauss 1DProf' desc = 'Expo V Gauss 1DProf'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 1D Profile Histogram : ID='Expo V Gauss 1DProf' Path=SimpleHistos Title='Expo V Gauss 1DProf'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram 'Expo V Gauss 1DProf s' desc = 'Expo V Gauss 1DProf s'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 1D Profile Histogram : ID='Expo V Gauss 1DProf s' Path=SimpleHistos Title='Expo V Gauss 1DProf s'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram 'Gauss V Flat 1DProf' desc = 'Gauss V Flat 1DProf'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 1D Profile Histogram : ID='Gauss V Flat 1DProf' Path=SimpleHistos Title='Gauss V Flat 1DProf'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram 'Gauss V Flat 1DProf S' desc = 'Gauss V Flat 1DProf S'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 1D Profile Histogram : ID='Gauss V Flat 1DProf S' Path=SimpleHistos Title='Gauss V Flat 1DProf S'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram 'Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-I' desc = 'Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-I'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 1D Profile Histogram : ID='Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-I' Path=SimpleHistos Title='Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-I'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram 'Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-I  s' desc = 'Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-I  s'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 1D Profile Histogram : ID='Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-I  s' Path=SimpleHistos Title='Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-I  s'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram 'Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-II' desc = 'Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-II'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 1D Profile Histogram : ID='Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-II' Path=SimpleHistos Title='Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-II'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram 'Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-II s' desc = 'Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-II s'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 1D Profile Histogram : ID='Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-II s' Path=SimpleHistos Title='Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-II s'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram '2dprof' desc = '2D profile1'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 2D Profile Histogram : ID='2dprof' Path=SimpleHistos Title='2D profile1'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram '321' desc = '2D profile2'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 2D Profile Histogram : ID='321' Path=SimpleHistos Title='2D profile2'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram 'varBinning/x' desc = '1D Variable Binning'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 1D Histogram : ID='varBinning/x' Path=SimpleHistos Title='1D Variable Binning'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram 'varBinning/y' desc = '2D Variable Binning'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 2D Histogram : ID='varBinning/y' Path=SimpleHistos Title='2D Variable Binning'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram 'varBinning/z' desc = '3D Variable Binning'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 3D Histogram : ID='varBinning/z' Path=SimpleHistos Title='3D Variable Binning'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram 'varBinning/a' desc = '1D Profile Variable Binning'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 1D Profile Histogram : ID='varBinning/a' Path=SimpleHistos Title='1D Profile Variable Binning'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram 'varBinning/b' desc = '2D Profile Variable Binning'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 2D Profile Histogram : ID='varBinning/b' Path=SimpleHistos Title='2D Profile Variable Binning'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram 'AutoID time test' desc = 'AutoID time test'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 1D Histogram : ID='AutoID time test' Path=SimpleHistos Title='AutoID time test'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram '1111' desc = 'Forced Numeric ID time test'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 1D Histogram : ID='1111' Path=SimpleHistos Title='Forced Numeric ID time test'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Monitoring histogram 'test1' desc = 'Forced Alpha ID time test'
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Booked 1D Histogram : ID='test1' Path=SimpleHistos Title='Forced Alpha ID time test'
SimpleHistos         INFO GaudiHistoAlgorithm:: Filling Histograms...... Please be patient !
Gaudi::Histogra...   INFO Completed update of ROOT histograms in: testHisto.root
ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
SimpleHistos      SUCCESS Booked 30 Histogram(s) : 1D=10 2D=5 3D=3 1DProf=9 2DProf=3
SimpleHistos      SUCCESS 1D histograms in directory "SimpleHistos" : 10
 | ID                        |   Title                                       |    #    |     Mean   |    RMS     |  Skewness  |  Kurtosis  |
 | 101                       | "Exponential"                                 |  50000  |    0.97244 | 0.91365    |     1.4781 |     2.1471 |
 | 102                       | "Breit"                                       |  50000  | -0.0047661 | 1.1982     |   -0.00237 |     3.5536 |
 | 1111                      | "Forced Numeric ID time test"                 |  50000  |  -0.010746 | 0.99822    | -0.0062505 |    0.03783 |
 | AutoID time test          | "AutoID time test"                            |  50000  |  -0.010746 | 0.99822    | -0.0062505 |    0.03783 |
 | Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1  | "Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1"                    |  50000  |  -0.010746 | 0.99822    | -0.0062505 |    0.03783 |
 | poisson                   | "Poisson"                                     |  50000  |     1.8072 | 1.1794     |    0.33256 |   -0.76904 |
 | subdir1/bino              | "Binominal"                                   |  50000  |     1.9077 | 1.1167     |    0.25326 |   -0.67131 |
 | subdir2/bino              | "Binominal"                                   |  50000  |     1.9077 | 1.1167     |    0.25326 |   -0.67131 |
 | test1                     | "Forced Alpha ID time test"                   |  50000  |  -0.010746 | 0.99822    | -0.0062505 |    0.03783 |
 | varBinning/x              | "1D Variable Binning"                         |  50000  | -0.0016591 | 2.8821     |   0.010336 |    -1.3177 |
SimpleHistos      SUCCESS 2D histograms in directory "SimpleHistos" : 5
 ID=Exponential V Flat         "Exponential V Flat"                             Ents/All=49827/50000<X>/sX=-0.0020678/2.8827,<Y>/sY=0.96736/0.90536
 ID=Gaussian V Flat            "Gaussian V Flat"                                Ents/All=50000/50000<X>/sX=-0.0016591/2.8821,<Y>/sY=-0.0044761/1.0035
 ID=binVpois                   "Binom V poisson"                                Ents/All=49936/50000<X>/sX=1.8068/1.1798,<Y>/sY=1.9088/1.1168
 ID=expoVpois                  "Expo V poisson"                                 Ents/All=49987/50000<X>/sX=1.8075/1.1796,<Y>/sY=0.97291/0.91449
 ID=varBinning/y               "2D Variable Binning"                            Ents/All=50000/50000<X>/sX=-0.0016591/2.8821,<Y>/sY=-0.0044761/1.0035
SimpleHistos      SUCCESS 3D histograms in directory "SimpleHistos" : 3
 ID=3D plot AutoID             "3D plot AutoID"                                 Ents/All=50000/50000<X>/sX=-0.011037/0.99886,<Y>/sY=0.97148/0.91262,<Z>/sZ=-0.0036933/1.1981
 ID=3d                         "3D plot ForcedID"                               Ents/All=50000/50000<X>/sX=-0.011037/0.99886,<Y>/sY=0.97148/0.91262,<Z>/sZ=-0.0036933/1.1981
 ID=varBinning/z               "3D Variable Binning"                            Ents/All=50000/50000<X>/sX=-0.0020678/2.8827,<Y>/sY=-0.0045774/1.0038,<Z>/sZ=0.96736/0.90536
SimpleHistos      SUCCESS 1D profile histograms in directory "SimpleHistos" : 9
 | ID                        |   Title                                       |    #    |     Mean   |    RMS     |  Skewness  |  Kurtosis  |
 | Expo V Gauss 1DProf       | "Expo V Gauss 1DProf"                         |  50000  |  -0.010746 | 0.99822    |     2.2178 |     83.641 |
 | Expo V Gauss 1DProf s     | "Expo V Gauss 1DProf s"                       |  50000  |  -0.010746 | 0.99822    |     2.2178 |     83.641 |
 | Gauss V Flat 1DProf       | "Gauss V Flat 1DProf"                         |  50000  | -0.0066482 | 5.7661     |          0 |         -3 |
 | Gauss V Flat 1DProf S     | "Gauss V Flat 1DProf S"                       |  50000  | -0.0066482 | 5.7661     |          0 |         -3 |
 | Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with | "Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-I"          |  24761  |   0.017698 | 5.7622     |   0.010483 |    -1.2479 |
 | Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with | "Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-I  s"       |  24761  |   0.017698 | 5.7622     |   0.010483 |    -1.2479 |
 | Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with | "Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-II"         |  25239  |  -0.030533 | 5.7699     |          0 |         -3 |
 | Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with | "Gauss V Flat 1DProf, with limits-II s"       |  25239  |  -0.030533 | 5.7699     |          0 |         -3 |
 | varBinning/a              | "1D Profile Variable Binning"                 |  50000  | -0.0016591 | 2.8821     |          0 |         -3 |
SimpleHistos      SUCCESS 2D profile histograms in directory "SimpleHistos" : 3
 ID=2dprof                     "2D profile1"                                    Ents/All=50000/50000<X>/sX=-0.010929/0.99846,<Y>/sY=0.97244/0.91365
 ID=321                        "2D profile2"                                    Ents/All=50000/50000<X>/sX=-0.010929/0.99846,<Y>/sY=0.97244/0.91365
 ID=varBinning/b               "2D Profile Variable Binning"                    Ents/All=50000/50000<X>/sX=-0.0016591/2.8821,<Y>/sY=-0.0044761/1.0035
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Tools to release :
SimpleHistos        DEBUG Services to release :
EventLoopMgr         INFO Histograms converted successfully according to request.
*****Chrono*****     INFO ****************************************************************************************************
*****Chrono*****     INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
*****Chrono*****     INFO ****************************************************************************************************
1DForcedNumericID    INFO Time User   : Tot=   10 [ms] Ave/Min/Max=  0.0002(+-  0.0447)/       0/      10 [ms] #=49999
1DAutoID             INFO Time User   : Tot=   10 [ms] Ave/Min/Max=  0.0002(+-  0.0447)/       0/      10 [ms] #=49999
1DOldStyle           INFO Time User   : Tot=   30 [ms] Ave/Min/Max=  0.0006(+-  0.0775)/       0/      10 [ms] #=49999
1DForcedAlphaID      INFO Time User   : Tot=   50 [ms] Ave/Min/Max=   0.001(+-     0.1)/       0/      10 [ms] #=49999
ChronoStatSvc        INFO Time User   : Tot= 0.94  [s]  #=  1
*****Chrono*****     INFO ****************************************************************************************************
ChronoStatSvc.f...   INFO  Service finalized successfully
ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully