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  • holau/Gaudi
  • dmagdali/Gaudi
  • pmunozpa/Gaudi
  • ssottoco/Gaudi
  • cvarni/Gaudi
  • mafila/Gaudi
  • admorris/Gaudi
  • staider/Gaudi
  • gunther/Gaudi
  • bstanisl/Gaudi
  • jtorasso/Gaudi
  • wochung/Gaudi
  • mveghel/Gaudi
  • averbyts/Gaudi
  • dguest/Gaudi
  • alboyer/Gaudi
  • dkonst/Gaudi
  • jcarcell/Gaudi
  • elmsheus/Gaudi
  • hpxgaudi/Gaudi
  • ganis/Gaudi
  • tadej/Gaudi
  • hahansen/Gaudi
  • juesseiv/Gaudi
  • imjelde/gaudida
  • jheuel/Gaudi
  • mimazure/Gaudi
  • masato/Gaudi
  • dcasperfaser/Gaudi
  • faser/offline/Gaudi
  • axu/Gaudi
  • sailer/Gaudi
  • amete/Gaudi
  • ponyisi/Gaudi
  • vavolkl/Gaudi
  • mstahl/Gaudi
  • wlampl/Gaudi
  • kreczko/Gaudi
  • emoyse/Gaudi
  • dhynds/Gaudi
  • sstahl/Gaudi
  • rcurrie/Gaudi
  • smh/Gaudi
  • valassi/Gaudi
  • bwynne/Gaudi_gaudi
  • abarton/Gaudi
  • tsulaia/gaudigaudi
  • mnowak/Gaudi
  • roiser/Gaudi
  • merrenst/Gaudi
  • mato/Gaudi
  • christos/Gaudi
  • goetz/Gaudi
  • goetz/AtlasGaudi
  • tsulaia/atlasgaudi
  • olupton/Gaudi
  • pseyfert/Gaudi
  • graemes/Gaudi
  • akraszna/AtlasGaudi
  • cattanem/Gaudi
  • skluth/Gaudi
  • will/Gaudi
  • ssnyder/Gaudi
  • agonzale/Gaudi
  • leggett/AtlasGaudi
  • apearce/Gaudi
  • mnowak/Gaudi-ORIG
  • fwinkl/AtlasGaudi
  • bwynne/Gaudi_atlas
  • chamont/Gaudi
  • rmatev/Gaudi
  • lhcb/Gaudi
  • atlas/Gaudi
  • akraszna/GaudiGaudi
  • fwinkl/Gaudi
  • jonrob/Gaudi
  • azaborow/Gaudi
  • clemenci/Gaudi
  • hgraslan/Gaudi
  • srimanob/Gaudi
  • graven/Gaudi
  • hegner/Gaudi
  • gaudi/Gaudi
83 results
Show changes
Commits on Source (89)
with 246 additions and 853 deletions
......@@ -3,18 +3,23 @@ stages:
- test
- deploy
- export BINARY_TAG=x86_64-centos7-gcc7-opt
- export LCG_hostos=x86_64-centos7
- export PATH=/cvmfs/${BINARY_TAG}/bin:${PATH}
- export LCG_release_area=/cvmfs/
- export PATH=/cvmfs/${PATH}
- export PYTHONPATH=/cvmfs/${PYTHONPATH}
- export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/cvmfs/
- export CCACHE_DIR=${PWD}/.ccache
- export CCACHE_CPP2=1
image: lhcbdev/centos7-build:latest
- cvmfs
stage: build
......@@ -32,14 +37,30 @@ build:
- .ccache
expire_in: 1 week
- cvmfs
stage: test
- curl -o --location ${CI_PROJECT_URL}/builds/artifacts/master/download?job=test_headers
- unzip -q '.ccache/*' || true
- /cvmfs/${BINARY_TAG}/bin/ccache -z
- export LCG_release_area=${LCG_release_area}:/cvmfs/
- make BUILDDIR=build test_public_headers_build
- /cvmfs/${BINARY_TAG}/bin/ccache -s
- build
- .ccache
expire_in: 1 week
image: lhcbdev/centos7-build:latest
- cvmfs
stage: test
- export LCG_release_area=${LCG_release_area}:/cvmfs/
- pip install autopep8
- sudo pip install autopep8
- make BUILDDIR=build apply-formatting
- git diff > apply-formatting.patch
- git diff --stat --exit-code
......@@ -50,7 +71,6 @@ coding-conventions:
expire_in: 1 day
image: lhcbdev/centos7-build:latest
- cvmfs
stage: test
......@@ -70,7 +90,6 @@ doxygen:
expire_in: 1 day
image: lhcbdev/centos7-build:latest
- cvmfs
stage: test
......@@ -27,11 +27,9 @@ endif()
# Declare project name and version
gaudi_project(Gaudi v30r1)
gaudi_project(Gaudi v30r2)
# These tests do not really fit in a subdirectory.
COMMAND nosetests --with-doctest ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/EnvConfig)
COMMAND nosetests ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/tests)
......@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ namespace Gaudi
#if __cplusplus < 201703L
// implementation of C++17 std::as_const, see
template <typename T>
constexpr std::add_const_t<T>& as_const( T& t ) noexcept
......@@ -111,7 +112,9 @@ namespace Gaudi
template <typename T>
void as_const( T&& t ) = delete;
using std::as_const;
template <typename Out1, typename Out2, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible<Out1, Out2>::value>>
......@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
// ============================================================================
class Algorithm; // GaudiKernel
class AlgTool; // GaudiKernel
class ISvcLocator;
namespace Gaudi
namespace Utils
......@@ -13,6 +13,10 @@
// Include files
// ============================================================================
#include "boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp"
#include <boost/multi_index/hashed_index.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/member.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/ordered_index.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index_container.hpp>
// ============================================================================
// GaudiKernel
// ============================================================================
......@@ -46,10 +50,6 @@ public:
typedef Tuples::Tuple Tuple;
/// the actual type of N-tuple ID
typedef GaudiAlg::TupleID TupleID;
/// the actual type of (title) -> (tuple) mappping
typedef GaudiAlg::TupleMapTitle TupleMapTitle;
/// the actual type of (Numeric ID) -> (tuple) mappping
typedef GaudiAlg::TupleMapID TupleMapID;
// ==========================================================================
// ==========================================================================
......@@ -244,24 +244,11 @@ public:
long printEvtCols() const;
// ==========================================================================
// ==========================================================================
/// check the existence AND validity of the N-Tuple with the given ID
bool nTupleExists( const TupleID& ID ) const;
/// check the existence AND validity of the Event Tag Collection with the given ID
bool evtColExists( const TupleID& ID ) const;
// ==========================================================================
// ==========================================================================
/// access to the all ntuples by title
const TupleMapTitle& nTupleMapTitle() const { return m_nTupleMapTitle; }
/// access to the all evet tag collections by title
const TupleMapTitle& evtColMapTitle() const { return m_evtColMapTitle; }
/// access to the all ntuples by numeric ID
const TupleMapID& nTupleMapID() const { return m_nTupleMapID; }
/// access to the all evet tag collections by numeric ID
const TupleMapID& evtColMapID() const { return m_evtColMapID; }
// ==========================================================================
// ==========================================================================
/** create TupleObj
......@@ -271,7 +258,8 @@ protected:
* @param clid unique classID for ntuple
* @return pointer to newly created TupleObj
virtual Tuples::TupleObj* createNTuple( const std::string& name, NTuple::Tuple* tuple, const CLID& clid ) const;
virtual std::unique_ptr<Tuples::TupleObj> createNTuple( const std::string& name, NTuple::Tuple* tuple,
const CLID& clid ) const;
/** create TupleObj for event tag collection
* @attention The method should never used directly by users
* @param name name/title
......@@ -279,7 +267,8 @@ protected:
* @param clid unique classID for ntuple
* @return pointer to newly created TupelObj
virtual Tuples::TupleObj* createEvtCol( const std::string& name, NTuple::Tuple* tuple, const CLID& clid ) const;
virtual std::unique_ptr<Tuples::TupleObj> createEvtCol( const std::string& name, NTuple::Tuple* tuple,
const CLID& clid ) const;
// ==========================================================================
// ==========================================================================
......@@ -363,16 +352,48 @@ private:
Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_evtColDir{this, "EvtColDir",
boost::algorithm::replace_all_copy( this->name(), ":", "_" ),
"Subdirectory for Event Tag Collections"};
struct nTupleMapItem final {
std::string title;
TupleID id;
std::shared_ptr<Tuples::TupleObj> tuple;
struct title_t {
struct id_t {
struct order_t {
template <typename... Ts>
using indexed_by = boost::multi_index::indexed_by<Ts...>;
template <typename... Ts>
using hashed_unique = boost::multi_index::hashed_unique<Ts...>;
template <typename... Ts>
using ordered_unique = boost::multi_index::ordered_unique<Ts...>;
template <typename Obj, typename Type, Type Obj::*Member>
using member = boost::multi_index::member<Obj, Type, Member>;
template <typename T>
using tag = boost::multi_index::tag<T>;
using nTupleMap = boost::multi_index_container<
nTupleMapItem, indexed_by<hashed_unique<tag<title_t>, member<nTupleMapItem, std::string, &nTupleMapItem::title>>,
hashed_unique<tag<id_t>, member<nTupleMapItem, TupleID, &nTupleMapItem::id>>,
ordered_unique<tag<order_t>, member<nTupleMapItem, TupleID, &nTupleMapItem::id>>>>;
// ==========================================================================
/// the actual storage of ntuples by title
mutable TupleMapTitle m_nTupleMapTitle;
/// the actual storage of ntuples by ID
mutable TupleMapID m_nTupleMapID;
/// the actual storage of ntuples by title and ID
mutable nTupleMap m_nTupleMap;
decltype( auto ) nTupleByID() const { return m_nTupleMap.template get<id_t>(); }
decltype( auto ) nTupleByTitle() const { return m_nTupleMap.template get<title_t>(); }
decltype( auto ) nTupleOrdered() const { return m_nTupleMap.template get<order_t>(); }
// ==========================================================================
/// the actual storage of event collections by title
mutable TupleMapTitle m_evtColMapTitle;
/// the actual storage of event collections by ID
mutable TupleMapID m_evtColMapID;
/// the actual storage of event collections by title and ID
mutable nTupleMap m_evtColMap;
decltype( auto ) evtColByID() const { return m_evtColMap.template get<id_t>(); }
decltype( auto ) evtColByTitle() const { return m_evtColMap.template get<title_t>(); }
decltype( auto ) evtColOrdered() const { return m_evtColMap.template get<order_t>(); }
// ==========================================================================
// ============================================================================
......@@ -29,29 +29,6 @@
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma warning( disable : 4661 ) // incomplete explicit templates
// small helper to simplify the code...
constexpr struct releaseAndClear_t {
template <typename C>
void operator()( C& c ) const
for ( auto& i : c )
if ( i.second ) i.second->release();
} releaseAndClear{};
constexpr struct ordered_t {
template <typename C>
std::map<typename C::key_type, typename C::mapped_type> operator()( const C& c ) const
return {std::begin( c ), std::end( c )};
} ordered{};
// Initialize ntupling
......@@ -110,30 +87,20 @@ StatusCode GaudiTuples<PBASE>::
if ( !( nTupleMapTitle().empty() && nTupleMapID().empty() && evtColMapTitle().empty() && evtColMapID().empty() ) ) {
const int nNtuples = nTupleMapID().size();
const int nEvtCols = evtColMapID().size();
if ( !( m_nTupleMap.empty() && m_evtColMap.empty() ) ) {
const int nNtuples = m_nTupleMap.size();
const int nEvtCols = m_evtColMap.size();
this->always() << "Booked " << nNtuples << " N-Tuples and " << nEvtCols << " Event Tag Collections" << endmsg;
if ( produceNTuples() && tuplesPrint() ) {
if ( produceEvtCols() && evtColsPrint() ) {
// release ntuples and clear the container
releaseAndClear( m_nTupleMapTitle );
// release ntuples and clear the container
releaseAndClear( m_nTupleMapID );
if ( produceNTuples() && tuplesPrint() ) printTuples();
if ( produceEvtCols() && evtColsPrint() ) printEvtCols();
// release ntuples and clear the container
releaseAndClear( m_evtColMapTitle );
// release ntuples and clear the container
releaseAndClear( m_evtColMapID );
// finalize base class
return PBASE::finalize();
......@@ -146,10 +113,9 @@ template <class PBASE>
Tuples::Tuple GaudiTuples<PBASE>::nTuple( const std::string& title, const CLID& clid ) const
// look up in the table
auto* tuple = m_nTupleMapTitle[title];
if ( tuple ) {
return Tuple( tuple );
auto& m = nTupleByTitle();
auto tuple = m.find( title );
if ( tuple != m.end() ) return Tuple( tuple->tuple ); // RETURN
// Create the tuple ID
TupleID ID;
if ( this->useNumericAutoIDs() || title.empty() ) {
......@@ -160,7 +126,7 @@ Tuples::Tuple GaudiTuples<PBASE>::nTuple( const std::string& title, const CLID&
// propose the tuple ID
ID = TupleID( m_nTupleMapID.size() + 1 + nTupleOffSet() );
ID = TupleID( m_nTupleMap.size() + 1 + nTupleOffSet() );
// adjust the proposed ID
while ( nTupleExists( ID ) || evtColExists( ID ) ) {
ID = TupleID( ID.numeric() + 1 );
......@@ -185,10 +151,9 @@ template <class PBASE>
Tuples::Tuple GaudiTuples<PBASE>::evtCol( const std::string& title, const CLID& clid ) const
// look up in the table
Tuples::TupleObj* tuple = m_evtColMapTitle[title];
if ( tuple ) {
return Tuple( tuple );
auto& m = evtColByTitle();
auto tuple = m.find( title );
if ( tuple != m.end() ) return Tuple( tuple->tuple ); // RETURN
// Create the tuple ID
TupleID ID;
if ( this->useNumericAutoIDs() || title.empty() ) {
......@@ -199,7 +164,7 @@ Tuples::Tuple GaudiTuples<PBASE>::evtCol( const std::string& title, const CLID&
// proposed the tuple ID
ID = TupleID( m_evtColMapID.size() + 1 + evtColOffSet() );
ID = TupleID( m_evtColMap.size() + 1 + evtColOffSet() );
// adjust the proposed ID
while ( nTupleExists( ID ) || evtColExists( ID ) ) {
ID = TupleID( ID.numeric() + 1 );
......@@ -230,10 +195,9 @@ Tuples::Tuple GaudiTuples<PBASE>::nTuple( const TupleID& ID, const std::string&
// look up in the table
Tuples::TupleObj* tuple = m_nTupleMapID[ID];
if ( tuple ) {
return Tuple( tuple );
auto& m = nTupleByID();
auto tuple = m.find( ID );
if ( tuple != m.end() ) return Tuple( tuple->tuple ); // RETURN
// convert ID to the string
const std::string tID = ID.idAsString();
......@@ -242,38 +206,33 @@ Tuples::Tuple GaudiTuples<PBASE>::nTuple( const TupleID& ID, const std::string&
const std::string title = title1.empty() ? ( "NTuple #" + tID ) : title1;
// book new ntuple
if ( produceNTuples() ) {
// book NTupel
NTuple::Tuple* tup = nullptr;
if ( ID.numeric() ) {
tup = this->ntupleSvc()->book( nTuplePath(), ID.numericID(), clid, title );
} else if ( ID.literal() ) {
tup = this->ntupleSvc()->book( nTuplePath(), ID.literalID(), clid, title );
} else {
this->Error( "Undefined NTuple ID" ).ignore();
// assertion
this->Assert( tup, "Could not book the N-Tuple='" + title + "'" );
// some printout
if ( tup->registry() && this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
this->debug() << "Booked NTuple '" << title << "' ID=" << tID << "' Path='" << nTuplePath() << "' TS='"
<< tup->registry()->identifier() << "'" << endmsg;
tuple = createNTuple( title, tup, clid );
if ( !produceNTuples() ) {
auto r = m_nTupleMap.insert( nTupleMapItem{title, ID, createNTuple( title, nullptr, clid )} );
if ( !r.second ) this->Error( "Failure to createNTuple" ).ignore();
return Tuple( r.first->tuple );
// book NTupel
NTuple::Tuple* tup = nullptr;
if ( ID.numeric() ) {
tup = this->ntupleSvc()->book( nTuplePath(), ID.numericID(), clid, title );
} else if ( ID.literal() ) {
tup = this->ntupleSvc()->book( nTuplePath(), ID.literalID(), clid, title );
} else {
tuple = createNTuple( title, (NTuple::Tuple*)0, clid );
this->Error( "Undefined NTuple ID" ).ignore();
// increment the reference
m_nTupleMapID[ID] = tuple;
// assertion
this->Assert( tup, "Could not book the N-Tuple='" + title + "'" );
// some printout
if ( tup->registry() && this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
this->debug() << "Booked NTuple '" << title << "' ID=" << tID << "' Path='" << nTuplePath() << "' TS='"
<< tup->registry()->identifier() << "'" << endmsg;
auto r = m_nTupleMap.insert( nTupleMapItem{title, ID, createNTuple( title, tup, clid )} );
if ( !r.second ) this->Error( "Failure to createNTuple" ).ignore();
return Tuple( r.first->tuple );
m_nTupleMapTitle[title] = tuple;
// return
return Tuple( tuple );
// ============================================================================
template <class PBASE>
......@@ -286,10 +245,9 @@ Tuples::Tuple GaudiTuples<PBASE>::evtCol( const TupleID& ID, const std::string&
// look up in the table
Tuples::TupleObj* tuple = m_evtColMapID[ID];
if ( tuple ) {
return Tuple( tuple );
auto& tuple = evtColByID();
auto i = tuple.find( ID );
if ( i != tuple.end() ) return Tuple( i->tuple ); // RETURN
// convert ID to the string
const std::string tID = ID.idAsString();
......@@ -298,45 +256,38 @@ Tuples::Tuple GaudiTuples<PBASE>::evtCol( const TupleID& ID, const std::string&
const std::string title = title1.empty() ? ( "EvtCol #" + tID ) : title1;
// book new ntuple
if ( produceEvtCols() ) {
// book NTuple
NTuple::Tuple* tup = nullptr;
if ( ID.numeric() ) {
tup = this->evtColSvc()->book( evtColPath(), ID.numericID(), clid, title );
} else if ( ID.literal() ) {
tup = this->evtColSvc()->book( evtColPath(), ID.literalID(), clid, title );
} else {
this->Error( "Undefined NTuple ID" ).ignore();
// assertion
this->Assert( tup, "Could not book the EvtCol='" + title + "'" );
// some printout
if ( tup->registry() && this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
this->debug() << "Booked EvtCol '" << title << "' ID=" << tID << "' Path='" << evtColPath() << "' TS='"
<< tup->registry()->identifier() << "'" << endmsg;
tuple = createEvtCol( title, tup, clid );
if ( !produceEvtCols() ) {
auto r = m_evtColMap.insert( nTupleMapItem{title, ID, createEvtCol( title, nullptr, clid )} );
if ( !r.second ) this->Error( "Failure to createEvtCol" ).ignore();
return Tuple( r.first->tuple );
// book NTuple
NTuple::Tuple* tup = nullptr;
if ( ID.numeric() ) {
tup = this->evtColSvc()->book( evtColPath(), ID.numericID(), clid, title );
} else if ( ID.literal() ) {
tup = this->evtColSvc()->book( evtColPath(), ID.literalID(), clid, title );
} else {
tuple = createEvtCol( title, (NTuple::Tuple*)0, clid );
this->Error( "Undefined NTuple ID" ).ignore();
// increment the reference
m_evtColMapID[ID] = tuple;
m_evtColMapTitle[title] = tuple;
// return
return Tuple( tuple );
// assertion
this->Assert( tup, "Could not book the EvtCol='" + title + "'" );
// some printout
if ( tup->registry() && this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
this->debug() << "Booked EvtCol '" << title << "' ID=" << tID << "' Path='" << evtColPath() << "' TS='"
<< tup->registry()->identifier() << "'" << endmsg;
auto r = m_evtColMap.insert( nTupleMapItem{title, ID, createEvtCol( title, tup, clid )} );
if ( !r.second ) this->Error( "Failure to createEvtCol" ).ignore();
return Tuple( r.first->tuple );
// ============================================================================
// create TupleObj
// ============================================================================
template <class PBASE>
Tuples::TupleObj* GaudiTuples<PBASE>::createNTuple( const std::string& name, NTuple::Tuple* tuple,
const CLID& clid ) const
std::unique_ptr<Tuples::TupleObj> GaudiTuples<PBASE>::createNTuple( const std::string& name, NTuple::Tuple* tuple,
const CLID& clid ) const
return Tuples::createTupleObj( this, "Tuple '" + name + "'", tuple, clid, Tuples::NTUPLE );
......@@ -346,8 +297,8 @@ Tuples::TupleObj* GaudiTuples<PBASE>::createNTuple( const std::string& name, NTu
// create TupleObj for event tag collection
// ============================================================================
template <class PBASE>
Tuples::TupleObj* GaudiTuples<PBASE>::createEvtCol( const std::string& name, NTuple::Tuple* tuple,
const CLID& clid ) const
std::unique_ptr<Tuples::TupleObj> GaudiTuples<PBASE>::createEvtCol( const std::string& name, NTuple::Tuple* tuple,
const CLID& clid ) const
return Tuples::createTupleObj( this, "EvtCol '" + name + "'", tuple, clid, Tuples::EVTCOL );
......@@ -358,26 +309,22 @@ template <class PBASE>
long GaudiTuples<PBASE>::printTuples() const
if ( nTupleMapTitle().empty() && nTupleMapID().empty() ) {
if ( m_nTupleMap.empty() ) {
if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) this->debug() << "No N-Tuples are booked" << endmsg;
} else {
this->always() << "List of booked N-Tuples in directory "
<< "\"" << nTuplePath() << "\"" << endmsg;
for ( const auto& entry : ordered( nTupleMapID() ) ) {
if ( !entry.second ) {
const NTuple::Tuple* tuple = entry.second->tuple();
if ( !tuple ) {
for ( const auto& entry : this->nTupleOrdered() ) {
if ( !entry.tuple->tuple() ) {
this->error() << " NTuple::Tuple* points to NULL" << endmsg;
this->always() << GaudiAlg::PrintTuple::print( tuple, entry.first ) << endmsg;
this->always() << GaudiAlg::PrintTuple::print( entry.tuple->tuple(), ) << endmsg;
return this->nTupleMapID().size();
return this->m_nTupleMap.size();
// ============================================================================
// perform the actual printout of Evt Tag Collections
......@@ -385,26 +332,22 @@ long GaudiTuples<PBASE>::printTuples() const
template <class PBASE>
long GaudiTuples<PBASE>::printEvtCols() const
if ( evtColMapTitle().empty() && evtColMapID().empty() ) {
if ( m_evtColMap.empty() ) {
this->always() << "No Event Tag Collections are booked" << endmsg;
} else {
this->always() << "List of booked Event Tag Collections in directory "
<< "\"" << evtColPath() << "\"" << endmsg;
for ( const auto& entry : ordered( evtColMapID() ) ) {
if ( !entry.second ) {
const auto tuple = entry.second->tuple();
if ( !tuple ) {
for ( const auto& entry : this->evtColOrdered() ) {
if ( !entry.tuple->tuple() ) {
this->error() << " NTuple::Tuple* points to NULL" << endmsg;
this->always() << GaudiAlg::PrintTuple::print( tuple, entry.first )
<< " Items:" << Gaudi::Utils::toString( entry.second->items() ) << endmsg;
this->always() << GaudiAlg::PrintTuple::print( entry.tuple->tuple(), )
<< " Items:" << Gaudi::Utils::toString( entry.tuple->items() ) << endmsg;
return this->evtColMapID().size();
return this->m_evtColMap.size();
// ============================================================================
// check the existence AND validity of the N-Tuple with the given ID
......@@ -412,7 +355,8 @@ long GaudiTuples<PBASE>::printEvtCols() const
template <class PBASE>
bool GaudiTuples<PBASE>::nTupleExists( const TupleID& ID ) const
return m_nTupleMapID.end() != m_nTupleMapID.find( ID );
auto& m = nTupleByID();
return m.find( ID ) != m.end();
// ============================================================================
// check the existence AND validity of the Event Tag Collection with the given ID
......@@ -420,7 +364,8 @@ bool GaudiTuples<PBASE>::nTupleExists( const TupleID& ID ) const
template <class PBASE>
bool GaudiTuples<PBASE>::evtColExists( const TupleID& ID ) const
return m_evtColMapID.end() != m_evtColMapID.find( ID );
auto& m = evtColByID();
return m.find( ID ) != m.end();
// ============================================================================
// Handle method for changes in the 'NTuplePrint' property
......@@ -429,12 +374,8 @@ template <class PBASE>
void GaudiTuples<PBASE>::printNTupleHandler( Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase& )
// no action if not yet initialized
if ( this->FSMState() < Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ) {
if ( this->tuplesPrint() ) {
if ( this->FSMState() < Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ) return;
if ( this->tuplesPrint() ) this->printTuples();
// ============================================================================
// Handle method for changes in the 'EvtColsPrint' property
......@@ -443,12 +384,8 @@ template <class PBASE>
void GaudiTuples<PBASE>::printEvtColHandler( Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase& )
// no action if not yet initialized
if ( this->FSMState() < Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ) {
if ( this->evtColsPrint() ) {
if ( this->FSMState() < Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ) return;
if ( this->evtColsPrint() ) this->printEvtCols();
// ============================================================================
// get the constructed N-Tuple path
......@@ -457,7 +394,7 @@ template <class PBASE>
std::string GaudiTuples<PBASE>::nTuplePath() const
const std::string path = nTupleLUN() + "/" + nTupleTopDir() + nTupleDir();
return ( splitNTupleDir() ? dirHbookName( path ) : path );
return splitNTupleDir() ? dirHbookName( path ) : path;
// ============================================================================
// get the constructed Event Tag Collection path
......@@ -466,7 +403,7 @@ template <class PBASE>
std::string GaudiTuples<PBASE>::evtColPath() const
std::string path = evtColLUN() + "/" + evtColTopDir() + evtColDir();
return ( splitEvtColDir() ? dirHbookName( path ) : path );
return splitEvtColDir() ? dirHbookName( path ) : path;
// ============================================================================
// The END
......@@ -113,19 +113,6 @@ namespace GaudiAlg
// ==========================================================================
// ============================ NTuples =====================================
// ==========================================================================
/// the actual type for (title)->(tuple) map
typedef GaudiUtils::HashMap<std::string, // Key
Tuples::TupleObj* // Value
/// the actual type for (ID)->(tuple) map
typedef GaudiUtils::HashMap<TupleID, // Key
Tuples::TupleObj* // Value
// ==========================================================================
// ============================================================================
// The END
......@@ -86,8 +86,12 @@ namespace Gaudi
void invoke( std::index_sequence<I...>, std::index_sequence<O...> )
auto out = details::as_const( *this )( details::deref( std::get<I>( this->m_inputs ).get() )... );
#if __cplusplus < 201703L
( details::put( std::get<O>( this->m_outputs ), std::get<O>( std::move( out ) ) ), 0 )...};
( details::put( std::get<O>( this->m_outputs ), std::get<O>( std::move( out ) ) ), ... );
......@@ -116,46 +116,29 @@ namespace Tuples
class GAUDI_API Tuple
/// default constructor is deleted -- except that ROOT wants one for dictionary
/// code generation. So we make it private, and do not implement it...
// Tuple() = delete;
/** standard constructor
* @param tuple pointer to "real" tuple object
Tuple( TupleObj* );
/// copy constructor
Tuple( const Tuple& ) = default;
Tuple( std::shared_ptr<TupleObj> tuple ) : m_tuple( std::move( tuple ) ) {}
/// destructor
virtual ~Tuple() = default;
/** assignment operator
* Tuples could be assigned in a safe way
* @param tuple tuple to be assigned
Tuple& operator=( const Tuple& ) = default;
/** get the pointer to the underlying object
* @return pointer to underlying TupleObj
TupleObj* operator->() const { return tuple(); }
TupleObj* operator->() const { return m_tuple.get(); }
/// check the validity of the tuple object
bool valid() const { return tuple(); }
bool valid() const { return static_cast<bool>( m_tuple ); }
/// Return the underlying tuple object
TupleObj* tuple() const { return m_tuple.get(); }
TupleObj* tuple() { return m_tuple.get(); }
/// The tuple object
SmartIF<TupleObj> m_tuple;
/// The (shared) tuple object
std::shared_ptr<TupleObj> m_tuple;
/** @class TupleColumn
......@@ -274,7 +257,6 @@ namespace Tuples
class TupleColumn
TupleColumn() = delete;
TupleColumn( std::string name, ITEM value ) : m_name( std::move( name ) ), m_value( std::move( value ) ) {}
/// Return the column name
......@@ -293,7 +275,7 @@ namespace Tuples
template <class ITEM>
inline TupleColumn<ITEM> make_column( std::string name, const ITEM& item )
return TupleColumn<ITEM>( std::move( name ), item );
return {std::move( name ), item};
/** helper function to create 'on-the-fly' the
......@@ -302,7 +284,7 @@ namespace Tuples
template <class ITEM>
inline TupleColumn<const ITEM*> make_column( std::string name, const ITEM* item )
return TupleColumn<const ITEM*>( std::move( name ), item );
return {std::move( name ), item};
/** helper function to create 'on-the-fly' the
......@@ -311,7 +293,7 @@ namespace Tuples
template <class ITEM>
inline TupleColumn<ITEM*> make_column( std::string name, ITEM* item )
return TupleColumn<ITEM*>( std::move( name ), item );
return {std::move( name ), item};
template <class ITEM>
......@@ -340,9 +322,7 @@ namespace Tuples
template <class ITEM>
inline Tuples::Tuple& operator<<( Tuples::Tuple& tuple, const Tuples::TupleColumn<ITEM>& item )
if ( !tuple.valid() ) {
return tuple;
} // no action for invalid tuple
if ( !tuple.valid() ) return tuple; // no action for invalid tuple
tuple->column(, item.value() );
return tuple;
......@@ -139,11 +139,10 @@ namespace Tuples
* @date 2004-1-24
template <class HANDLER1, class HANDLER2>
inline TupleObj* createTupleObj( HANDLER1 handler1, HANDLER2 handler2, const std::string& name,
NTuple::Tuple* tuple, const CLID& clid = CLID_ColumnWiseTuple,
const Tuples::Type type = Tuples::NTUPLE )
auto createTupleObj( HANDLER1 handler1, HANDLER2 handler2, const std::string& name, NTuple::Tuple* tuple,
const CLID& clid = CLID_ColumnWiseTuple, const Tuples::Type type = Tuples::NTUPLE )
return new TupleObjImp<HANDLER1, HANDLER2>( handler1, handler2, name, tuple, clid, type );
return std::make_unique<TupleObjImp<HANDLER1, HANDLER2>>( handler1, handler2, name, tuple, clid, type );
/** @class ErrorHandler
......@@ -224,8 +223,8 @@ namespace Tuples
* @date 2004-1-24
template <class OWNER>
inline TupleObj* createTupleObj( const OWNER* owner, const std::string& name, NTuple::Tuple* tuple,
const CLID& clid = CLID_ColumnWiseTuple, const Tuples::Type type = Tuples::NTUPLE )
auto createTupleObj( const OWNER* owner, const std::string& name, NTuple::Tuple* tuple,
const CLID& clid = CLID_ColumnWiseTuple, const Tuples::Type type = Tuples::NTUPLE )
return detail::createTupleObj( detail::make_handler( owner, &OWNER::Error ),
detail::make_handler( owner, &OWNER::Warning ), name, tuple, clid, type );
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ namespace Tuples
/// the actual type for N-Tuple identifier (HBOOK-style)
typedef GaudiAlg::ID TupleID;
inline std::size_t hash_value( TupleID const& b ) { return b.hash(); }
// ============================================================================
......@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ namespace GaudiAlg
/// the actual type for N-Tuple identifier
typedef Tuples::TupleID TupleID;
inline std::size_t hash_value( TupleID const& b ) { return b.hash(); }
// ============================================================================
......@@ -69,8 +69,7 @@ namespace Tuples
return T( std::forward<Arg>( i ) );
constexpr struct to_<float> to_float {
constexpr to_<float> to_float{};
template <typename Iterator>
using const_ref_t = std::add_const_t<typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::reference>;
......@@ -266,13 +265,10 @@ namespace Tuples
TupleObj( std::string name, NTuple::Tuple* tuple, const CLID& clid = CLID_ColumnWiseTuple,
const Tuples::Type type = Tuples::NTUPLE );
// ========================================================================
// ========================================================================
/// destructor is protected
virtual ~TupleObj();
// ========================================================================
// ========================================================================
/** Set the value for selected tuple column.
* If column does not exist, it will be automatically created
* and appended to the tuple
......@@ -793,28 +789,18 @@ namespace Tuples
* @author Gerhard Raven
template <typename Tuple, typename Value, std::size_t... I>
StatusCode columns_helper( const Value& value, const Tuple& tup, std::index_sequence<I...> )
auto scs = std::initializer_list<StatusCode>{
this->column( std::get<I>( tup ).first, Gaudi::invoke( std::get<I>( tup ).second, value ) )...};
auto is_ok = []( const StatusCode& sc ) -> bool { return sc.isSuccess(); };
auto i = std::find_if_not( begin( scs ), end( scs ), is_ok );
if ( i != end( scs ) ) {
// avoid unchecked StatusCodes...
std::for_each( std::next( i ), end( scs ), is_ok );
return *i;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
template <typename Value, typename... Args>
StatusCode columns( Value&& value, Args&&... args )
return columns_helper( std::forward<Value>( value ), std::forward_as_tuple( std::forward<Args>( args )... ),
std::index_sequence_for<Args...>{} );
if ( sizeof...( Args ) == 0 ) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
std::initializer_list<StatusCode> scs{
this->column( std::get<0>( args ), Gaudi::invoke( std::get<1>( args ), value ) )...};
return std::accumulate( std::next( begin( scs ) ), end( scs ), *begin( scs ),
[]( StatusCode sc, const StatusCode& i ) {
i.ignore(); // make sure there are no unchecked StatusCodes...
return sc.isFailure() ? sc : i; // latch to the first non-success case
} );
// ========================================================================
......@@ -1037,7 +1023,8 @@ namespace Tuples
if ( !var ) return ErrorCodes::InvalidColumn;
// fill the array
std::transform( first, last, std::begin( *var ), std::cref( function ) );
std::transform( first, last, std::begin( *var ),
[&]( auto&& i ) { return Gaudi::invoke( function, std::forward<decltype( i )>( i ) ); } );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
......@@ -1106,7 +1093,7 @@ namespace Tuples
for ( size_t index = 0; first != last; ++first, ++index ) {
auto item = first_item;
for ( auto& var : vars ) {
( *var )[index] = ( item++ )->second( *first );
( *var )[index] = Gaudi::invoke( ( item++ )->second, *first );
......@@ -1419,7 +1406,7 @@ namespace Tuples
for ( ; first != last; ++first ) {
for ( MIndex iCol = 0; iCol < cols; ++iCol ) {
( *var )[iRow][iCol] = (float)( ( *first )[iCol] );
( *var )[iRow][iCol] = ( *first )[iCol];
......@@ -1537,7 +1524,7 @@ namespace Tuples
for ( ; first != last; ++first ) {
for ( FUN fun = funF; fun < funL; ++fun ) {
( *var )[iRow][fun - funF] = ( *fun )( *first );
( *var )[iRow][fun - funF] = Gaudi::invoke( *fun, *first );
......@@ -1871,8 +1858,8 @@ namespace Tuples
const std::string& length, const size_t maxv = 100 )
using Info = std::pair<KEY, VALUE>;
static const std::array<std::function<float( const Info& )>, 2> fns = {
{[]( const Info& i ) { return i.first; }, []( const Info& i ) { return i.second; }}};
static const std::array<float ( * )( const Info& ), 2> fns = {
{[]( const Info& i ) -> float { return i.first; }, []( const Info& i ) -> float { return i.second; }}};
return fmatrix( name, begin( fns ), end( fns ), begin( info ), end( info ), length, maxv );
// =======================================================================
......@@ -1908,22 +1895,6 @@ namespace Tuples
NTuple::Tuple* tuple() { return m_tuple; }
// =======================================================================
/** return the reference counter
* @return current reference counter
unsigned long refCount() const { return m_refCount; }
// =======================================================================
/** add the reference to TupleObj
* @return current reference counter
unsigned long addRef() { return ++m_refCount; }
// =======================================================================
/** release the reference to TupleObj
* if reference counter becomes zero,
* object will be automatically deleted
void release();
// =======================================================================
/// accessor to the N-Tuple CLID
const CLID& clid() const { return m_clid; }
// =======================================================================
......@@ -1992,57 +1963,10 @@ namespace Tuples
/// get the column
FMatrix* fMatrix( const std::string& name, const MIndex& rows, const MIndex& cols );
// =======================================================================
// =======================================================================
/// delete the default/copy constructor and assignment
TupleObj() = delete;
/// delete the copy constructor and assignment
TupleObj( const TupleObj& ) = delete;
TupleObj& operator=( const TupleObj& ) = delete;
// =======================================================================
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage type for short columns
typedef GaudiUtils::HashMap<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Bool>> Bools;
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage type for short columns
typedef GaudiUtils::HashMap<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Char>> Chars;
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage type for unsigned short columns
typedef GaudiUtils::HashMap<std::string, std::unique_ptr<UChar>> UChars;
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage type for short columns
typedef GaudiUtils::HashMap<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Short>> Shorts;
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage type for unsigned short columns
typedef GaudiUtils::HashMap<std::string, std::unique_ptr<UShort>> UShorts;
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage type for integer columns
typedef GaudiUtils::HashMap<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Int>> Ints;
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage type for unsigned integer columns
typedef GaudiUtils::HashMap<std::string, std::unique_ptr<UInt>> UInts;
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage type for longlong columns
typedef GaudiUtils::HashMap<std::string, std::unique_ptr<LongLong>> LongLongs;
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage type for ulonglong columns
typedef GaudiUtils::HashMap<std::string, std::unique_ptr<ULongLong>> ULongLongs;
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage type for float columns
typedef GaudiUtils::HashMap<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Float>> Floats;
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage type for float columns
typedef GaudiUtils::HashMap<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Double>> Doubles;
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage type for address columns
typedef GaudiUtils::HashMap<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Address>> Addresses;
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage type for array columns
typedef GaudiUtils::HashMap<std::string, std::unique_ptr<FArray>> FArrays;
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage type for matrix columns
typedef GaudiUtils::HashMap<std::string, std::unique_ptr<FMatrix>> FMatrices;
// =======================================================================
// =======================================================================
/// name
......@@ -2060,53 +1984,57 @@ namespace Tuples
/// reference counter
size_t m_refCount = 0;
// =======================================================================
// helper type to define the actual storage types
template <typename T>
using ColumnStorage = GaudiUtils::HashMap<std::string, std::unique_ptr<T>>;
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage of all 'bool' columns
mutable Bools m_bools;
mutable ColumnStorage<Bool> m_bools;
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage of all 'Int' columns
mutable Chars m_chars;
mutable ColumnStorage<Char> m_chars;
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage of all 'unsigned int' columns
mutable UChars m_uchars;
mutable ColumnStorage<UChar> m_uchars;
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage of all 'Int' columns
mutable Shorts m_shorts;
mutable ColumnStorage<Short> m_shorts;
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage of all 'unsigned int' columns
mutable UShorts m_ushorts;
mutable ColumnStorage<UShort> m_ushorts;
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage of all 'Int' columns
mutable Ints m_ints;
mutable ColumnStorage<Int> m_ints;
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage of all 'unsigned int' columns
mutable UInts m_uints;
mutable ColumnStorage<UInt> m_uints;
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage of all 'longlong' columns
mutable LongLongs m_longlongs;
mutable ColumnStorage<LongLong> m_longlongs;
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage of all 'ulonglong' columns
mutable ULongLongs m_ulonglongs;
mutable ColumnStorage<ULongLong> m_ulonglongs;
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage of all 'Float' columns
mutable Floats m_floats;
mutable ColumnStorage<Float> m_floats;
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage of all 'Double' columns
mutable Doubles m_doubles;
mutable ColumnStorage<Double> m_doubles;
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage of all 'Address' columns
mutable Addresses m_addresses;
mutable ColumnStorage<Address> m_addresses;
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage of all 'FArray' columns
mutable FArrays m_farrays;
mutable ColumnStorage<FArray> m_farrays;
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage of all 'FArray' columns (fixed)
mutable FArrays m_arraysf;
mutable ColumnStorage<FArray> m_arraysf;
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage of all 'FArray' columns
mutable FMatrices m_fmatrices;
mutable ColumnStorage<FMatrix> m_fmatrices;
// =======================================================================
/// the actual storage of all 'FMatrix' columns (fixed)
mutable FMatrices m_matricesf;
mutable ColumnStorage<FMatrix> m_matricesf;
// =======================================================================
/// all booked types:
ItemMap m_items;
......@@ -3,26 +3,6 @@
// ============================================================================
#include "GaudiAlg/Tuple.h"
#include "GaudiAlg/TupleObj.h"
// ============================================================================
// ============================================================================
/** @file Tuple.cpp
* Implementation file for class : Tuple
* @date 2002-10-30
* @author Vanya Belyaev
// ============================================================================
// ============================================================================
/** Standard constructor
* @param tuple pointer to "real" tuple object
// ============================================================================
Tuples::Tuple::Tuple( Tuples::TupleObj* tuple ) : m_tuple( tuple ) {}
// ============================================================================
// ============================================================================
// The END
// ============================================================================
......@@ -144,13 +144,9 @@ namespace
StatusCode column_( Tuples::TupleObj* parent, Container& container, const std::string& name, UT&& value,
ExtraArgs&&... ea )
if ( parent->invalid() ) {
return Tuples::ErrorCodes::InvalidTuple;
if ( parent->invalid() ) return Tuples::ErrorCodes::InvalidTuple;
auto item = find_or_create( parent, name, container, std::forward<ExtraArgs>( ea )... );
if ( !item ) {
return Tuples::ErrorCodes::InvalidColumn;
if ( !item ) return Tuples::ErrorCodes::InvalidColumn;
*item = std::forward<UT>( value );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
......@@ -246,27 +242,11 @@ Tuples::TupleObj::~TupleObj()
Tuples::Local::s_InstanceCounter.decrement( m_name );
// ============================================================================
// release the reference to TupleObj
// if reference counter becomes zero,
// object will be automatically deleted
// ============================================================================
void Tuples::TupleObj::release()
// decrease the reference counter
if ( refCount() > 0 ) {
// check references -- delete if needed
if ( 0 == refCount() ) delete this;
// ============================================================================
// write a record to NTuple
// ============================================================================
StatusCode Tuples::TupleObj::write()
if ( invalid() ) {
return ErrorCodes::InvalidTuple;
if ( invalid() ) return ErrorCodes::InvalidTuple;
return tuple()->write();
// ============================================================================
......@@ -297,9 +277,7 @@ namespace
StatusCode Tuples::TupleObj::fill( const char* format... )
// check the underlying tuple
if ( invalid() ) {
return ErrorCodes::InvalidTuple;
if ( invalid() ) return ErrorCodes::InvalidTuple;
// decode format string into tokens
auto tokens = tokenize( format, " ,;" );
/// decode arguments
......@@ -310,9 +288,7 @@ StatusCode Tuples::TupleObj::fill( const char* format... )
for ( auto token = tokens.cbegin(); tokens.cend() != token && status.isSuccess(); ++token ) {
double val = va_arg( valist, double );
status = column( *token, val );
if ( status.isFailure() ) {
Error( "fill(): Can not add column '" + *token + "' " );
if ( status.isFailure() ) Error( "fill(): Can not add column '" + *token + "' " );
// mandatory !!!
va_end( valist );
......@@ -325,12 +301,8 @@ StatusCode Tuples::TupleObj::fill( const char* format... )
// ============================================================================
StatusCode Tuples::TupleObj::column( const std::string& name, IOpaqueAddress* address )
if ( !evtColType() ) {
return ErrorCodes::InvalidOperation;
if ( !address ) {
return Error( "column('" + name + "') IOpaqueAddress* is NULL!", ErrorCodes::InvalidObject );
if ( !evtColType() ) return ErrorCodes::InvalidOperation;
if ( !address ) return Error( "column('" + name + "') IOpaqueAddress* is NULL!", ErrorCodes::InvalidObject );
return column_( this, m_addresses, name, address );
......@@ -484,9 +456,7 @@ Tuples::TupleObj::FArray* Tuples::TupleObj::fArray( const std::string& name, Tup
// existing array ?
auto found = m_farrays.find( name );
if ( m_farrays.end() != found ) {
return found->second.get();
if ( m_farrays.end() != found ) return found->second.get();
return create_( this, m_farrays, name,
[&]( const std::string& n, FArray& i ) { return this->tuple()->addIndexedItem( n, *length, i ); } );
......@@ -497,9 +467,7 @@ Tuples::TupleObj::FArray* Tuples::TupleObj::fArray( const std::string& name, con
// existing array ?
auto found = m_arraysf.find( name );
if ( m_arraysf.end() != found ) {
return found->second.get();
if ( m_arraysf.end() != found ) return found->second.get();
return create_( this, m_arraysf, name,
[&]( const std::string& n, FArray& i ) { return this->tuple()->addItem( n, rows, i ); } );
......@@ -511,9 +479,7 @@ Tuples::TupleObj::FMatrix* Tuples::TupleObj::fMatrix( const std::string& name, T
// existing array ?
auto found = m_fmatrices.find( name );
if ( m_fmatrices.end() != found ) {
return found->second.get();
if ( m_fmatrices.end() != found ) return found->second.get();
return create_( this, m_fmatrices, name, [&]( const std::string& n, FMatrix& i ) {
return this->tuple()->addIndexedItem( n, *length, cols, i );
} );
......@@ -526,9 +492,7 @@ Tuples::TupleObj::FMatrix* Tuples::TupleObj::fMatrix( const std::string& name, c
// existing array ?
auto found = m_matricesf.find( name );
if ( m_matricesf.end() != found ) {
return found->second.get();
if ( m_matricesf.end() != found ) return found->second.get();
return create_( this, m_matricesf, name,
[&]( const std::string& n, FMatrix& i ) { return this->tuple()->addItem( n, rows, cols, i ); } );
// ============================================================================
// STD & SLT
// ============================================================================
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <numeric>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
// ============================================================================
// GaudiKernel
// ============================================================================
#include "GaudiKernel/HashMap.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ICounterSvc.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ISvcLocator.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/Service.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/Stat.h"
// ============================================================================
/** @class CounterSvc
* Simple implementation of the abstract interface ICounterSvc
* @author Markus FRANK
* @author Vanya BELYAEV
* @date 2007-05-25
class CounterSvc : public extends<Service, ICounterSvc>
// inherit constructor
using extends::extends;
/// Standard destructor
~CounterSvc() override { remove().ignore(); }
/// Finalization
StatusCode finalize() override
if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) || m_print ) {
// finalize the base class
return Service::finalize(); ///< finalize the base class
// ==========================================================================
/** Access an existing counter object.
* @param group [IN] Hint for smart printing
* @param name [IN] Counter name
* @return Pointer to existing counter object (NULL if non existing).
Counter* get( const std::string& group, const std::string& name ) const override;
/// get all counters form the given group:
ICounterSvc::Counters get( const std::string& group ) const override;
/** Create a new counter object. If the counter object exists already
* the existing object is returned. In this event the return code is
* COUNTER_EXISTS. The ownership of the actual counter stays with the
* service.
* @param group [IN] Hint for smart printing
* @param name [IN] Counter name
* @param initial_value [IN] Initial counter value
* @param refpCounter [OUT] Reference to store pointer to counter.
* @return StatusCode indicating failure or success.
StatusCode create( const std::string& group, const std::string& name, longlong initial_value,
Counter*& refpCounter ) override;
/** Create a new counter object. If the counter object exists already,
* a std::runtime_error exception is thrown. The ownership of the
* actual counter stays with the service.
* @param group [IN] Hint for smart printing
* @param name [IN] Counter name
* @param initial_value [IN] Initial counter value
* @param refpCounter [OUT] Reference to store pointer to counter.
* @return Fully initialized CountObject.
CountObject create( const std::string& group, const std::string& name, longlong initial_value = 0 ) override;
/** Remove a counter object. If the counter object does not exists,
* the return code is COUNTER_NOT_PRESENT. The counter may not
* be used anymore after this call.
* @param group [IN] Hint for smart printing
* @param name [IN] Counter name
* @param initial_value [IN] Initial counter value
* @param refpCounter [OUT] Reference to store pointer to counter.
* @return StatusCode indicating failure or success.
StatusCode remove( const std::string& group, const std::string& name ) override;
/** Remove all counters of a given group. If no such counter exists
* the return code is COUNTER_NOT_PRESENT
* @param group [IN] Hint for smart printing
* @return StatusCode indicating failure or success.
StatusCode remove( const std::string& group ) override;
/// Remove all known counter objects
virtual StatusCode remove();
/** Print counter value
* @param group [IN] Hint for smart printing
* @param name [IN] Counter name
* @param printer [IN] Print actor
* @return StatusCode indicating failure or success.
StatusCode print( const std::string& group, const std::string& name, Printout& printer ) const override;
/** If no such counter exists the return code is COUNTER_NOT_PRESENT
* Note: This call is not direct access.
* @param group [IN] Hint for smart printing
* @param printer [IN] Print actor
* @return StatusCode indicating failure or success.
StatusCode print( const std::string& group, Printout& printer ) const override;
/** Print counter value
* @param pCounter [IN] Pointer to Counter object
* @param printer [IN] Print actor
* @return StatusCode indicating failure or success.
StatusCode print( const Counter* pCounter, Printout& printer ) const override;
/** Print counter value
* @param refCounter [IN] Reference to CountObject object
* @param printer [IN] Print actor
* @return StatusCode indicating failure or success.
StatusCode print( const CountObject& pCounter, Printout& printer ) const override;
/** @param printer [IN] Print actor
* @return StatusCode indicating failure or success.
StatusCode print( Printout& printer ) const override;
/// Default Printout for counters
StatusCode defaultPrintout( MsgStream& log, const Counter* pCounter ) const override;
// find group/name for the counter:
inline std::pair<std::string, std::string> _find( const Counter* c ) const
if ( c ) {
for ( const auto& i : m_counts ) {
auto j = std::find_if( i.second.begin(), i.second.end(),
[&]( const NameMap::value_type& k ) { return k.second == c; } );
if ( j != i.second.end() ) return {i.first, j->first};
return {};
// get the overall number of counters
inline size_t num() const
return std::accumulate( m_counts.begin(), m_counts.end(), size_t{0}, []( size_t r, const CountMap::value_type& i ) {
return r + std::count_if( i.second.begin(), i.second.end(),
[]( const NameMap::value_type& j ) -> bool { return j.second; } );
} );
/// "standard" printout a'la GaudiCommon
void print() const;
typedef GaudiUtils::HashMap<std::string, Counter*> NameMap;
typedef GaudiUtils::HashMap<std::string, NameMap> CountMap;
// the actual map of counters
CountMap m_counts; ///< the actual map of counters
Gaudi::Property<bool> m_print{this, "PrintStat", true, "print statistics"};
Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_header{this, "StatTableHeader",
" Counter :: Group | # | sum | "
"mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |",
"the header row for the output Stat-table"};
Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_format1{
this, "RegularRowFormat",
" %|15.15s|%|-15.15s|%|32t||%|10d| |%|11.7g| |%|#11.5g| |%|#11.5g| |%|#12.5g| |%|#12.5g| |",
"the format for the regular row in the output Stat-table"};
Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_format2{
this, "EfficiencyRowFormat",
"*%|15.15s|%|-15.15s|%|32t||%|10d| |%|11.5g| |(%|#9.7g| +- %|-#9.7g|)%%| ------- | ------- |",
"the format for the regular row in the outptu Stat-table"};
Gaudi::Property<bool> m_useEffFormat{this, "UseEfficiencyRowFormat", true,
"use the special format for printout of efficiency counters"};
// ===========================================================================
// Instantiation of a static factory class used by clients
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
// Access a counter object by name and group
// ===========================================================================
CounterSvc::Counter* CounterSvc::get( const std::string& grp, const std::string& nam ) const
auto i = m_counts.find( grp );
if ( m_counts.end() == i ) {
return nullptr;
auto j = i->second.find( nam );
if ( i->second.end() == j ) {
return nullptr;
return j->second; // RETURN
// ===========================================================================
// get all counters form the given group:
// ===========================================================================
ICounterSvc::Counters CounterSvc::get( const std::string& group ) const
ICounterSvc::Counters result;
auto i = m_counts.find( group );
if ( i != m_counts.end() ) {
std::transform( i->second.begin(), i->second.end(), std::back_inserter( result ),
[&]( const NameMap::value_type& j ) {
return CountObject{j.second, i->first, j.first};
} );
return result;
// ===========================================================================
// Create/get a counter object.
// ===========================================================================
#ifdef __ICC
// disable icc remark #2259: non-pointer conversion from "longlong={long long}" to "double" may lose significant bits
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable : 2259 )
StatusCode CounterSvc::create( const std::string& grp, const std::string& nam, longlong initial_value,
Counter*& refpCounter )
// try to find existing counter:
refpCounter = get( grp, nam );
if ( refpCounter ) {
return StatusCode( Status::COUNTER_EXISTS );
// create the new counter
auto newc = new Counter();
refpCounter = newc;
if ( 0 != initial_value ) {
refpCounter->addFlag( static_cast<double>( initial_value ) ); // icc remark #2259
// find a proper group
auto i = m_counts.find( grp );
// (create a group if needed)
if ( m_counts.end() == i ) {
i = m_counts.emplace( grp, NameMap() ).first;
// insert new counter with proper name into proper group:
i->second.emplace( nam, newc );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS; // RETURN
#ifdef __ICC
// re-enable icc remark #2259
#pragma warning( pop )
// ===========================================================================
// Create a new counter object. If the counter object exists already,
// ===========================================================================
CounterSvc::CountObject CounterSvc::create( const std::string& group, const std::string& name, longlong initial_value )
Counter* p = nullptr;
StatusCode sc = create( group, name, initial_value, p );
if ( sc.isSuccess() && p ) {
return CountObject( p, group, name );
throw std::runtime_error( "CounterSvc::Counter('" + group + "::" + name + "') exists already!" );
// ===========================================================================
// Remove a counter object. The tuple (group,name) identifies the counter uniquely
// ===========================================================================
StatusCode CounterSvc::remove( const std::string& grp, const std::string& nam )
auto i = m_counts.find( grp );
if ( m_counts.end() == i ) {
return StatusCode( Status::COUNTER_NOT_PRESENT );
auto j = i->second.find( nam );
if ( i->second.end() == j ) {
return StatusCode( Status::COUNTER_NOT_PRESENT );
delete j->second;
i->second.erase( j );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// ===========================================================================
// Remove a group of counter objects.
// ===========================================================================
StatusCode CounterSvc::remove( const std::string& grp )
auto i = m_counts.find( grp );
if ( m_counts.end() == i ) {
return StatusCode( Status::COUNTER_NOT_PRESENT );
for ( auto& j : i->second ) delete j.second;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// ===========================================================================
// Remove all known counter objects
// ===========================================================================
StatusCode CounterSvc::remove()
// remove group by group
for ( auto& i : m_counts ) remove( i.first ).ignore();
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// ===========================================================================
// Print counter value
// ===========================================================================
StatusCode CounterSvc::print( const std::string& grp, const std::string& nam, Printout& printer ) const
const Counter* c = get( grp, nam );
if ( !c ) {
return StatusCode( Status::COUNTER_NOT_PRESENT );
// create the stream and use it!
return printer( msgStream(), c );
/// Small helper class to add a check on the counter to the Printout class.
class conditionalPrint
CounterSvc::Printout* printer;
MsgStream* log;
conditionalPrint( CounterSvc::Printout& _p, MsgStream& _l ) : printer( &_p ), log( &_l ) {}
template <class Pair>
void operator()( const Pair& p )
if ( p.second ) {
( *printer )( *log, p.second ).ignore();
// ===========================================================================
// Print the counter value for the whole group of counters
// ===========================================================================
StatusCode CounterSvc::print( const std::string& grp, Printout& printer ) const
auto i = m_counts.find( grp );
if ( m_counts.end() == i ) {
return StatusCode( Status::COUNTER_NOT_PRESENT );
// Force printing in alphabetical order
std::map<std::string, Counter*> sorted_map( i->second.begin(), i->second.end() );
std::for_each( sorted_map.begin(), sorted_map.end(), conditionalPrint( printer, msgStream() ) );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS; // RETURN
// ===========================================================================
// Print counter value
// ===========================================================================
StatusCode CounterSvc::print( const Counter* pCounter, Printout& printer ) const
return printer( msgStream(), pCounter );
// ===========================================================================
// Print counter value
// ===========================================================================
StatusCode CounterSvc::print( const CountObject& refCounter, Printout& printer ) const
return print( refCounter.counter(), printer );
// ===========================================================================
// Print all known counters
// ===========================================================================
StatusCode CounterSvc::print( Printout& printer ) const
// Force printing in alphabetical order
std::map<std::pair<std::string, std::string>, Counter*> sorted_map;
for ( const auto& i : m_counts )
for ( const auto& j : i.second ) sorted_map[{i.first, j.first}] = j.second;
std::for_each( sorted_map.begin(), sorted_map.end(), conditionalPrint( printer, msgStream() ) );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// ===========================================================================
// Print counter value
// ===========================================================================
StatusCode CounterSvc::defaultPrintout( MsgStream& log, const Counter* c ) const
if ( !c ) {
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
auto p = _find( c );
log << MSG::ALWAYS << CountObject( const_cast<Counter*>( c ), p.first, p.second ) << endmsg;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// ===========================================================================
// "standard" printout a'la GaudiCommon
// ===========================================================================
void CounterSvc::print() const
// number of counters
const auto _num = num();
if ( 0 != _num ) {
always() << "Number of counters : " << _num << endmsg << m_header.value() << endmsg;
// Force printing in alphabetical order
std::map<std::pair<std::string, std::string>, Counter*> sorted_map;
for ( const auto& i : m_counts ) {
for ( const auto& j : i.second ) {
if ( j.second ) sorted_map[{i.first, j.first}] = j.second;
for ( const auto& i : sorted_map ) {
always() << Gaudi::Utils::formatAsTableRow( i.first.second, i.first.first, *i.second, m_useEffFormat, m_format1,
m_format2 )
<< endmsg;
// ============================================================================
// ============================================================================
// The END
// ============================================================================
......@@ -5,9 +5,7 @@
#include "GaudiKernel/IHiveWhiteBoard.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ThreadLocalContext.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/SvcFactory.h"
......@@ -11,12 +11,11 @@
/** @class AlgExecStateSvc
* @brief A service that keeps track of the execution state of Algorithm
* *
class AlgExecStateSvc : public extends<Service, IAlgExecStateSvc>
/// Constructor
using extends::extends;
typedef IAlgExecStateSvc::AlgStateMap_t AlgStateMap_t;
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ StatusCode PythonConfig::evaluateConfig( const std::string& filename, const std:
// Now fire off the translation
handle<> ignored( ( PyRun_String( command.c_str(), Py_file_input, main_namespace.ptr(), main_namespace.ptr() ) ) );
} catch ( error_already_set ) {
} catch ( const error_already_set& ) {
std::cout << "Error in python script:" << std::endl;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
// Include files
// From Gaudi
#include "GaudiKernel/SvcFactory.h"
// local
#include "InertMessageSvc.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -10,7 +7,7 @@
// 12/02/2013: Danilo Piparo
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Include files
// From Gaudi
#include "GaudiKernel/SvcFactory.h"
// local
#include "TBBMessageSvc.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -10,7 +5,7 @@
// 22/06/2012: Marco Clemencic
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TBBMessageSvc::reportMessage( const Message& msg, int outputLevel )