Platform specific ref files do not work if of form `X.ref.x86_64_v3`
I was just looking to fix an issue with an LHCb project test in
in the x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc11+dd4hep-dbg
builds where the TestSimilarityAccurac test was not picking the correct reference log file.
The test already has a x86_64_v3
log file, but it is named specifically for the opt
platform, i.e.
I figured, I would just remove the opt part, so make it match any x86_64_v3
However, with this for some reason none of the x86_64_v3
builds pick up the platform specific log file.
This seems like a bug to me, indeed suggests it should work I think, no ?
@clemenci Am I missing something here, in why what I tried above is not expected to work ?