Set minimal requirements to gcc13 and LCG 104
As discussed at the Gaudi Developers meeting, we (basically LHCb and ATLAS) do not require anymore support for gcc11 and LCG 103, so they can be removed from the gitlab-ci.
As discussed at the Gaudi Developers meeting, we (basically LHCb and ATLAS) do not require anymore support for gcc11 and LCG 103, so they can be removed from the gitlab-ci.
When this merge request is accepted, this issue will be closed automatically.
changed milestone to %v39r0
From Gaudi Developers' meeting: we can upgrade CMake to 3.29
to address this issue created branch 289-update-minimal-requirements
to address this issue
mentioned in merge request !1606 (merged)
It turned out that the minimum version of CMake used in the gitlab-ci jobs is 3.19, but I'll create a new issue to upgrade CMake minimum required.
mentioned in issue #321
mentioned in commit cf669aa7
closed with merge request !1606 (merged)