StaticProfileHistogram<1> producing invalid TProfile histograms
I found an error in the output of VP/VPCheckers/src/VPClusterEffSimDQ.cpp
where the 1D profile histograms were invalid. I checked and this is also visible in the Gaudi Test suite, GaudiTestSuite/src/Histograms/CounterHistos.cpp line 288 makes a buffered 1D profile histogram:
// "default" case, dedicated to testing buffers
mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_prof_gauss_buf{
this, "ProfGaussBuf", "Profile, Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, buffered", { 100, -5, 5 } };
which is not usable in root:
root [3] ProfGaussBuf->Draw()
Error in <TGaxis::PaintAxis>: wmin (0.000000) == wmax (0.000000)
The unbuffered versions of a TProfile and the 2D and 3D versions are OK in the same file. I know this bug is in v38r3p1 and also master, it used to work so it must have been a regression at some point.