diff --git a/GaudiPython/src/Services/PythonScriptingSvc.cpp b/GaudiPython/src/Services/PythonScriptingSvc.cpp
index a97357976c0266b1a3385485319d59d1974cf024..504e84b2763237427595489f905630aeda55bf13 100644
--- a/GaudiPython/src/Services/PythonScriptingSvc.cpp
+++ b/GaudiPython/src/Services/PythonScriptingSvc.cpp
@@ -9,17 +9,7 @@
 * or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                             *
 #include "Python.h"
-// Python 3 compatibility
-#  define PySys_SetArgv_Char_t wchar_t
-#  define PySys_SetArgv_Char_t char
+#include <cpython/initconfig.h>
 // Include Files
 #include "GaudiKernel/ISvcLocator.h"
@@ -75,17 +65,19 @@ StatusCode PythonScriptingSvc::initialize()
-  // Python 3 compatibility
   wchar_t* progName[] = { const_cast<wchar_t*>( L"GaudiPython" ) };
-  char* progName[] = { const_cast<char*>( "GaudiPython" ) };
-  // Initialize the Python interpreter.  Required.
-  Py_Initialize();
+  PyStatus status;
+  PyConfig config;
+  PyConfig_InitPythonConfig( &config );
+  status = PyConfig_SetString( &config, &config.program_name, progName[0] );
   // Set argv for Tkinter (needs program name)
-  PySys_SetArgv( 1, progName );
+  status = PyConfig_SetArgv( &config, 1, progName );
+  status = Py_InitializeFromConfig( &config );
+  PyConfig_Clear( &config );
   // Get the Python version
   std::string fullversion = Py_GetVersion();
   std::string version( fullversion, 0, fullversion.find_first_of( ' ' ) );