From 8594bb6a7fe177c9eaaf385b430ade4e0cfc26f6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastien Ponce <>
Date: Thu, 2 May 2024 11:09:26 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/8] Reworked histogram code to allow heterogeneous axis types

So far all axis of a given histogram had to have the same type
This restriction is now removed

Note a slight backward incompatibility for code implementing their own Axis Type of Input Types.
Tests have been adapted and their is no known other cases.
 .../include/Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h    | 544 +++++++++++-------
 .../Gaudi/Accumulators/HistogramArray.h       |  38 +-
 .../Gaudi/Accumulators/RootHistogram.h        | 123 ++--
 .../include/Gaudi/Histograming/Sink/Utils.h   |  74 +--
 .../tests/src/CounterHistosUnitTest.cpp       |  72 ++-
 GaudiKernel/tests/src/LogHistogram.h          |  56 +-
 GaudiTestSuite/src/Histograms/HistoProps.cpp  |   5 +-
 .../src/testing/HistogramsTests.cpp           |  48 +-
 8 files changed, 604 insertions(+), 356 deletions(-)

diff --git a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h
index 3bdc9d0c00..56fc584f18 100644
--- a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h
+++ b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* (c) Copyright 1998-2022 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
+* (c) Copyright 1998-2024 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
 *                                                                                   *
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     *
 * copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            *
@@ -23,26 +23,47 @@
 #include <utility>
 #include <vector>
+namespace {
+  // Helper class creating a "subtuple" type from a tuple type by keeping only
+  // the first N items.
+  template <typename Tuple, typename Seq>
+  struct SubTuple;
+  template <typename Tuple, size_t... I>
+  struct SubTuple<Tuple, std::index_sequence<I...>> {
+    using type = decltype( std::make_tuple( std::get<I>( std::declval<Tuple>() )... ) );
+  };
+  template <typename Tuple, unsigned int N>
+  using SubTuple_t = typename SubTuple<Tuple, std::make_index_sequence<N>>::type;
+  /// helper class to create a tuple of N identical types
+  template <typename T, unsigned int ND, typename = std::make_integer_sequence<unsigned int, ND>>
+  struct make_tuple;
+  template <typename T, unsigned int ND, unsigned int... S>
+  struct make_tuple<T, ND, std::integer_sequence<unsigned int, S...>> {
+    template <unsigned int>
+    using typeMap = T;
+    using type    = std::tuple<typeMap<S>...>;
+  };
+  template <typename T, unsigned int ND>
+  using make_tuple_t = typename make_tuple<T, ND>::type;
+  /// template magic converting a tuple of Axis into the tuple of corresponding Arithmetic types
+  template <typename AxisTupleType>
+  struct AxisToArithmetic;
+  template <typename... Axis>
+  struct AxisToArithmetic<std::tuple<Axis...>> {
+    using type = std::tuple<typename Axis::ArithmeticType...>;
+  };
+  template <typename AxisTupleType>
+  using AxisToArithmetic_t = typename AxisToArithmetic<AxisTupleType>::type;
+  template <typename ProfArithmetic, typename AxisTupleType>
+  using ProfileAxisToArithmetic_t = decltype( std::tuple_cat( std::declval<AxisToArithmetic_t<AxisTupleType>>(),
+                                                              std::declval<std::tuple<ProfArithmetic>>() ) );
+} // namespace
 namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
   namespace details {
-    template <std::size_t, typename T>
-    using alwaysT = T;
-    // get a tuple of n types the given Type, or directly the type for n = 1
-    template <typename Type, unsigned int ND>
-    struct GetTuple;
-    template <typename Type, unsigned int ND>
-    using GetTuple_t = typename GetTuple<Type, ND>::type;
-    template <typename Type, unsigned int ND>
-    struct GetTuple {
-      using type =
-          decltype( std::tuple_cat( std::declval<std::tuple<Type>>(), std::declval<GetTuple_t<Type, ND - 1>>() ) );
-    };
-    template <typename Type>
-    struct GetTuple<Type, 1> {
-      using type = std::tuple<Type>;
-    };
     inline void requireValidTitle( std::string_view sv ) {
       if ( !sv.empty() && ( std::isspace( sv.back() ) || std::isspace( sv.front() ) ) ) {
         throw GaudiException(
@@ -188,36 +209,28 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
       SigmaAccumulatorBase<Atomicity, Arithmetic, WeightedAveragingAccumulator, WeightedSquareAccumulator>;
-   * Definition of an Histogram Axis
+   * Definition of a default type of Histogram Axis
+   * It contains number of bins, min and max value plus a title
+   * and defines the basic type of Axis (non log)
+   * It may also contain labels for the bins
   template <typename Arithmetic>
-  struct Axis {
-    Axis( unsigned int _nBins, Arithmetic _minValue, Arithmetic _maxValue, std::string _title = {},
-          std::vector<std::string> _labels = {} )
-        : nBins( _nBins )
-        , minValue( _minValue )
-        , maxValue( _maxValue )
-        , title( std::move( _title ) )
-        , labels( std::move( _labels ) )
-        , ratio( _nBins / ( _maxValue - _minValue ) ) {
-      details::requireValidTitle( title );
-      for ( const auto& s : labels ) details::requireValidTitle( s );
+  class Axis {
+  public:
+    using ArithmeticType = Arithmetic;
+    Axis( unsigned int nBins = 0, Arithmetic minValue = Arithmetic{}, Arithmetic maxValue = Arithmetic{},
+          std::string title = {}, std::vector<std::string> labels = {} )
+        : m_title( std::move( title ) )
+        , nBins( nBins )
+        , m_minValue( minValue )
+        , m_maxValue( maxValue )
+        , m_labels( std::move( labels ) ) {
+      details::requireValidTitle( m_title );
+      recomputeRatio();
+      for ( const auto& s : m_labels ) details::requireValidTitle( s );
     explicit Axis( Gaudi::Histo1DDef const& def )
         : Axis( (unsigned int)def.bins(), def.lowEdge(), def.highEdge(), def.title() ){};
-    /// number of bins for this Axis
-    unsigned int nBins;
-    /// min and max values on this axis
-    Arithmetic minValue, maxValue;
-    /// title of this axis
-    std::string title;
-    /// labels for the bins
-    std::vector<std::string> labels;
-    /**
-     * precomputed ratio to convert a value into bin number
-     * equal to nBins/(maxValue-minValue). Only used for floating Arithmetic
-     */
-    Arithmetic ratio;
     /// returns the bin number for a given value, ranging from 0 (underflow) to nBins+1 (overflow)
     unsigned int index( Arithmetic value ) const {
@@ -225,133 +238,225 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
       // as ratios < 1.0 will simply be 0, so we have to pay the division in such a case
       int idx;
       if constexpr ( std::is_integral_v<Arithmetic> ) {
-        idx = ( ( value - minValue ) * nBins / ( maxValue - minValue ) ) + 1;
+        idx = ( ( value - m_minValue ) * nBins / ( m_maxValue - m_minValue ) ) + 1;
       } else {
-        idx = std::floor( ( value - minValue ) * ratio ) + 1;
+        idx = std::floor( ( value - m_minValue ) * m_ratio ) + 1;
-      return idx < 0 ? 0 : ( (unsigned int)idx > nBins ? nBins + 1 : (unsigned int)idx );
+      return idx < 0 ? 0 : ( (unsigned int)idx > numBins() ? numBins() + 1 : (unsigned int)idx );
+    friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& o, Axis const& axis ) {
+      return o << axis.numBins() << " " << axis.minValue() << " " << axis.maxValue();
+    }
     /// says whether the given value is within the range of the axis
-    bool inAcceptance( Arithmetic value ) const { return value >= minValue && value <= maxValue; }
+    bool inAcceptance( Arithmetic value ) const { return value >= m_minValue && value <= m_maxValue; }
+    // accessors
+    unsigned int numBins() const { return nBins; };
+    void         setNumBins( unsigned int n ) {
+      nBins = n;
+      recomputeRatio();
+    }
+    Arithmetic minValue() const { return m_minValue; };
+    void       setMinValue( Arithmetic v ) {
+      m_minValue = v;
+      recomputeRatio();
+    }
+    Arithmetic maxValue() const { return m_maxValue; };
+    void       setMaxValue( Arithmetic v ) {
+      m_maxValue = v;
+      recomputeRatio();
+    }
+    std::string const&             title() const { return m_title; }
+    void                           setTitle( std::string const& t ) { m_title = t; };
+    std::vector<std::string> const labels() const { return m_labels; }
+  private:
+    /// title of this axis
+    std::string m_title;
+  public:
+    /// number of bins for this Axis
+    /// FIXME : should be private and called m_nBins but will break backward compatibility with previous implementation.
+    unsigned int nBins;
+  private:
+    /// min and max values on this axis
+    Arithmetic m_minValue, m_maxValue;
+    /**
+     * precomputed ratio to convert a value into bin number
+     * equal to nBins/(maxValue-minValue). Only used for floating Arithmetic
+     */
+    Arithmetic m_ratio;
+    /// labels for the bins
+    std::vector<std::string> m_labels;
+    void recomputeRatio() {
+      m_ratio = ( m_maxValue == m_minValue ) ? Arithmetic{} : nBins / ( m_maxValue - m_minValue );
+    }
   /// automatic conversion of the Axis type to json
   template <typename Arithmetic>
   void to_json( nlohmann::json& j, const Axis<Arithmetic>& axis ) {
-    j = nlohmann::json{ { "nBins", axis.nBins },
-                        { "minValue", axis.minValue },
-                        { "maxValue", axis.maxValue },
-                        { "title", axis.title } };
-    if ( !axis.labels.empty() ) { j["labels"] = axis.labels; }
+    j = nlohmann::json{ { "nBins", axis.numBins() },
+                        { "minValue", axis.minValue() },
+                        { "maxValue", axis.maxValue() },
+                        { "title", axis.title() } };
+    if ( !axis.labels().empty() ) { j["labels"] = axis.labels(); }
-  /// small class used as InputType for regular Histograms
-  template <typename Arithmetic, unsigned int ND, unsigned int NIndex = ND>
-  struct HistoInputType : std::array<Arithmetic, ND> {
-    // allow construction from set of values
-    template <class... ARGS, typename = typename std::enable_if_t<( sizeof...( ARGS ) == NIndex )>>
-    HistoInputType( ARGS... args ) : std::array<Arithmetic, ND>{ static_cast<Arithmetic>( args )... } {}
-    // The change on NIndex == 1 allow to have simpler syntax in that case, that is no tuple of one item
-    using ValueType          = HistoInputType<Arithmetic, NIndex == 1 ? 1 : ND, NIndex>;
-    using AxisArithmeticType = Arithmetic;
-    using InternalType       = std::array<Arithmetic, ND>;
-    unsigned int computeIndex( const std::array<Axis<Arithmetic>, NIndex>& axis ) const {
-      unsigned int index = 0;
-      for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < NIndex; j++ ) {
-        unsigned int dim = NIndex - j - 1;
-        // compute local index for a given dimension
-        int localIndex = axis[dim].index( ( *this )[dim] );
-        // compute global index. Bins are stored in a column first manner
-        index *= ( axis[dim].nBins + 2 );
-        index += localIndex;
-      }
-      return index;
-    }
-    bool inAcceptance( const std::array<Axis<Arithmetic>, NIndex>& axis ) const {
-      for ( unsigned int dim = 0; dim < NIndex; dim++ ) {
-        if ( !axis[dim].inAcceptance( ( *this )[dim] ) ) return false;
-      }
-      return true;
+  /**
+   * small class used as InputType for regular Histograms
+   * basically a tuple of the given values, specialized in case of a single
+   * entry so that the syntax is more natural.
+   * NIndex should be lower than number of Arithmetic types and denotes the
+   * number of items used as index. There can typically be one more type in
+   * the list for profile histograms, not use as index on an axis
+   * ValueType is the actual type used to fill the histogram, that is
+   * the ArithmeticTuple reduced to NIndex items
+   *
+   * Note : the specialization is only needed to ensure backward compatibility
+   * with previous implementation where there was only one Arithmetic type common
+   * to all axis. It should in principal be the one and only implementation
+   * FIXME : remove specialization when client code was adapted
+   */
+  template <typename Arithmetic, unsigned int NIndex>
+  struct HistoInputType : HistoInputType<make_tuple_t<Arithmetic, NIndex>, NIndex> {
+    using HistoInputType<make_tuple_t<Arithmetic, NIndex>, NIndex>::HistoInputType;
+  };
+  template <unsigned int NIndex, typename... Elements>
+  struct HistoInputType<std::tuple<Elements...>, NIndex> : std::tuple<Elements...> {
+    using InternalType = std::tuple<Elements...>;
+    using ValueType    = HistoInputType<SubTuple_t<InternalType, NIndex>, NIndex>;
+    using std::tuple<Elements...>::tuple;
+    template <class... AxisType, typename = typename std::enable_if_t<( sizeof...( AxisType ) == NIndex )>>
+    unsigned int computeIndex( std::tuple<AxisType...> const& axis ) const {
+      return computeIndexInternal<0, std::tuple<AxisType...>>( axis );
-    auto forInternalCounter() { return 1ul; }
-    template <typename AxisType, long unsigned NAxis>
-    static unsigned int computeTotNBins( std::array<AxisType, NAxis> axis ) {
-      unsigned int nTotBins = 1;
-      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < NAxis; i++ ) { nTotBins *= ( axis[i].nBins + 2 ); }
-      return nTotBins;
+    template <class... AxisType, typename = typename std::enable_if_t<( sizeof...( AxisType ) == NIndex )>>
+    static unsigned int computeTotNBins( std::tuple<AxisType...> const& axis ) {
+      return computeTotNBinsInternal<0, std::tuple<AxisType...>>( axis );
-  };
-  /// specialization of HistoInputType for ND == 1 in order to have simpler syntax
-  /// that is, no tuple of one item
-  template <typename Arithmetic>
-  class HistoInputType<Arithmetic, 1> {
-  public:
-    using ValueType          = HistoInputType;
-    using AxisArithmeticType = Arithmetic;
-    using InternalType       = Arithmetic;
-    HistoInputType( Arithmetic a ) : value( a ) {}
-    unsigned int computeIndex( const std::array<Axis<Arithmetic>, 1>& axis ) const { return axis[0].index( value ); }
-    bool inAcceptance( const std::array<Axis<Arithmetic>, 1>& axis ) const { return axis[0].inAcceptance( value ); }
-    Arithmetic& operator[]( int ) { return value; }
-    operator Arithmetic() const { return value; }
-    auto forInternalCounter() { return 1ul; }
-    template <typename AxisType>
-    static unsigned int computeTotNBins( std::array<AxisType, 1> axis ) {
-      return axis[0].nBins + 2;
+    auto forInternalCounter() const { return 1ul; }
+    template <class... AxisType, typename = typename std::enable_if_t<( sizeof...( AxisType ) == NIndex )>>
+    bool inAcceptance( std::tuple<AxisType...> const& axis ) const {
+      return inAcceptanceInternal<0, std::tuple<AxisType...>>( axis );
-    Arithmetic value;
+    template <int N, class Tuple>
+    unsigned int computeIndexInternal( Tuple const& allAxis ) const {
+      // compute global index. Bins are stored in a column first manner
+      auto const&  axis       = std::get<N>( allAxis );
+      unsigned int localIndex = axis.index( std::get<N>( *this ) );
+      if constexpr ( N + 1 == NIndex )
+        return localIndex;
+      else
+        return localIndex + ( axis.numBins() + 2 ) * computeIndexInternal<N + 1, Tuple>( allAxis );
+    }
+    template <int N, class Tuple>
+    static unsigned int computeTotNBinsInternal( Tuple const& allAxis ) {
+      auto const&  axis       = std::get<N>( allAxis );
+      unsigned int localNBins = axis.numBins() + 2;
+      if constexpr ( N + 1 == NIndex )
+        return localNBins;
+      else
+        return localNBins * computeTotNBinsInternal<N + 1, Tuple>( allAxis );
+    }
+    template <int N, class Tuple>
+    bool inAcceptanceInternal( Tuple const& allAxis ) const {
+      auto const& axis        = std::get<N>( allAxis );
+      bool        localAnswer = axis.inAcceptance( std::get<N>( *this ) );
+      if constexpr ( N + 1 == NIndex )
+        return localAnswer;
+      else
+        return localAnswer || inAcceptanceInternal<N + 1, Tuple>( allAxis );
+    }
-  /// small class used as InputType for weighted Histograms
-  template <typename Arithmetic, unsigned int ND, unsigned int NIndex = ND>
-  struct WeightedHistoInputType : std::pair<HistoInputType<Arithmetic, ND, NIndex>, Arithmetic> {
-    // The change on NIndex == 1 allow to have simpler syntax in that case, that is no tuple of one item
-    using ValueType          = HistoInputType<Arithmetic, NIndex == 1 ? 1 : ND, NIndex>;
-    using AxisArithmeticType = Arithmetic;
-    using std::pair<HistoInputType<Arithmetic, ND, NIndex>, Arithmetic>::pair;
-    unsigned int computeIndex( const std::array<Axis<Arithmetic>, NIndex>& axis ) const {
+  /**
+   * small class used as InputType for weighted Histograms
+   * only a pair of the InnerType and the weight.
+   * See description of HistoInputType for more details
+   */
+  template <typename ArithmeticTuple, unsigned int NIndex, typename WArithmetic>
+  struct WeightedHistoInputType : std::pair<HistoInputType<ArithmeticTuple, NIndex>, WArithmetic> {
+    using ValueType = typename HistoInputType<ArithmeticTuple, NIndex>::ValueType;
+    using std::pair<HistoInputType<ArithmeticTuple, NIndex>, WArithmetic>::pair;
+    template <class... AxisType, typename = typename std::enable_if_t<( sizeof...( AxisType ) == NIndex )>>
+    unsigned int computeIndex( std::tuple<AxisType...> const& axis ) const {
       return this->first.computeIndex( axis );
-    unsigned int inAcceptance( const std::array<Axis<Arithmetic>, NIndex>& axis ) const {
-      return this->first.inAcceptance( axis );
+    template <class... AxisType, typename = typename std::enable_if_t<( sizeof...( AxisType ) == NIndex )>>
+    static unsigned int computeTotNBins( std::tuple<AxisType...> const& axis ) {
+      return HistoInputType<ArithmeticTuple, NIndex>::computeTotNBins( axis );
-    auto forInternalCounter() { return std::pair( this->first.forInternalCounter(), this->second ); }
-    template <typename AxisType, long unsigned NAxis>
-    static unsigned int computeTotNBins( std::array<AxisType, NAxis> axis ) {
-      return HistoInputType<Arithmetic, ND, NIndex>::computeTotNBins( axis );
+    auto forInternalCounter() const { return std::pair( this->first.forInternalCounter(), this->second ); }
+    template <class... AxisType, typename = typename std::enable_if_t<( sizeof...( AxisType ) == NIndex )>>
+    bool inAcceptance( std::tuple<AxisType...> const& axis ) const {
+      return this->first.inAcceptance( axis );
    * Internal Accumulator class dealing with Histograming. Templates parameters are :
    *  - Atomicity : none or full
-   *  - Arithmetic : the arithmetic type used for values filled into the histogram
-   *  - ND : the number of dimensions of the histogram.
-   *    Note that ND is given as an integral_constant as it needs to be a type for the internal template
-   *    business of the Counter (more precisely the Buffer class)
-   *  - InputType : the type given as input of the Histogram. Typically (Weighted)HistoInputType
+   *  - InputType : a class holding a value given as input of the Histogram,
+   *    and able to answer questions on this value given a number of axis matching
+   *    the type of value.
+   *    e.g. it would hold a pair of double for a non weighted 2D histogram or
+   *    a pair of triplet of doubles and double for the weighted 3D histogram.
+   *    Example implementations are (Weighted)HistoInputType.
+   *    This class must define :
+   *      + a constructor taking a set of value to build the InputType
+   *      + a static method `unsigned int computeTotNBins( std::tuple<AxisType...> const& )`
+   *        able to compute the total number of bins needed with this input type and
+   *        these axis. It will typically be the product of the number of bins for each
+   *        dimension, potentially increased by 2 for each if underflow and overflow
+   *        is supported
+   *      + a type ValueType alias defining the type of the input values to give to InputType
+   *        This type needs to implement :
+   *        * a method
+   *          `unsigned int computeIndex( std::tuple<AxisType...> const& ) const`
+   *          able to compute the bin corresponding to a given value
+   *        * a method `auto forInternalCounter() const` returning the value to be used to
+   *          inscrease the accumulator dealing with the bin associated with the current value.
+   *          In most simple cases, it return `Arithmetic{}` or even `1` but for weighted
+   *          histograms, it returns a pair with the weight as second item
+   *        * in case of usage within a RootHistogram, it should also define a method
+   *          `bool inAcceptance( std::tuple<AxisType...> const& )` checking whether a given
+   *          value in within the range of the accumulator
+   *  - Arithmetic : the arithmetic type used for values stored inside the histogram
+   *    e.g. unsigned int for regular histogram as we only count entries, or float/double
+   *    for weighted histograms, as we store actual sums of original values
    *  - BaseAccumulator : the underlying accumulator used in each bin
-   *
-   * This accumulator is simply an array of BaseAccumulator, one per bin. The number of bins is
-   * the product of the number of bins for each dimension, each of them increased by 2 for storing
-   * the values under min and above max
+   *  - AxisTupleType : the types of the axis as a tuple. Its length defines the dimension
+   *    of the Histogram this accumulator handles.
+   *    The constraints on the AxisType are : FIXME use concepts when available
+   *      + that they can be copied
+   *      + that they have a ArithmeticType type alias
+   *      + that they have a `unsigned int numBins() const` method
+   *      + that they have a friend operator<< using std::ostream for printing
+   *      + that they have a friend to_json method using nlohmann library
+   *      + that they implement whatever is needed by the computeIndex and computeTotNBins methods
+   *         of the InputType used. Plus the inAcceptance one if Roothistograms are used
+   *    A default Axis class is provided for most cases
+   * This accumulator is simply an array of BaseAccumulator, one per bin.
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename InputType, typename Arithmetic, typename ND,
-            template <atomicity Ato, typename Arith> typename BaseAccumulatorT>
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename InputType, typename Arithmetic,
+            template <atomicity Ato, typename Arith> typename BaseAccumulatorT, typename AxisTupleType>
   class HistogramingAccumulatorInternal {
-    template <atomicity, typename, typename, typename, template <atomicity, typename> typename>
+    template <atomicity, typename, typename, template <atomicity, typename> typename, typename>
     friend class HistogramingAccumulatorInternal;
-    using BaseAccumulator    = BaseAccumulatorT<Atomicity, Arithmetic>;
-    using AxisArithmeticType = typename InputType::AxisArithmeticType;
-    using AxisType           = Axis<AxisArithmeticType>;
-    template <std::size_t... Is>
-    HistogramingAccumulatorInternal( details::GetTuple_t<AxisType, ND::value> axis, std::index_sequence<Is...> )
-        : m_axis{ std::get<Is>( axis )... }
+    using ND                      = std::integral_constant<unsigned int, std::tuple_size_v<AxisTupleType>>;
+    using BaseAccumulator         = BaseAccumulatorT<Atomicity, Arithmetic>;
+    using AxisTupleArithmeticType = typename InputType::ValueType;
+    HistogramingAccumulatorInternal( AxisTupleType axis )
+        : m_axis{ axis }
         , m_totNBins{ InputType::computeTotNBins( m_axis ) }
         , m_value( new BaseAccumulator[m_totNBins] ) {
@@ -359,10 +464,8 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
     template <atomicity ato>
-        const HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<ato, InputType, Arithmetic, ND, BaseAccumulatorT>& other )
-        : m_axis( other.m_axis )
-        , m_totNBins{ InputType::computeTotNBins( m_axis ) }
-        , m_value( new BaseAccumulator[m_totNBins] ) {
+        const HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<ato, InputType, Arithmetic, BaseAccumulatorT, AxisTupleType>& other )
+        : m_axis( other.m_axis ), m_totNBins{ other.m_totNBins }, m_value( new BaseAccumulator[m_totNBins] ) {
     [[deprecated( "Use `++h1[x]`, `++h2[{x,y}]`, etc. instead." )]] HistogramingAccumulatorInternal&
@@ -374,7 +477,8 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
       for ( unsigned int index = 0; index < m_totNBins; index++ ) accumulator( index ).reset();
     template <atomicity ato>
-    void mergeAndReset( HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<ato, InputType, Arithmetic, ND, BaseAccumulatorT>& other ) {
+    void mergeAndReset(
+        HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<ato, InputType, Arithmetic, BaseAccumulatorT, AxisTupleType>& other ) {
       assert( m_totNBins == other.m_totNBins );
       for ( unsigned int index = 0; index < m_totNBins; index++ ) {
         accumulator( index ).mergeAndReset( other.accumulator( index ) );
@@ -384,21 +488,43 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
       return Buffer<BaseAccumulatorT, Atomicity, Arithmetic>{ accumulator( v.computeIndex( m_axis ) ) };
+    template <unsigned int N>
+    auto& axis() const {
+      return std::get<N>( m_axis );
+    }
     auto& axis() const { return m_axis; }
-    auto  nBins( unsigned int i ) const { return m_axis[i].nBins; }
-    auto  minValue( unsigned int i ) const { return m_axis[i].minValue; }
-    auto  maxValue( unsigned int i ) const { return m_axis[i].maxValue; }
     auto  binValue( unsigned int i ) const { return accumulator( i ).value(); }
     auto  nEntries( unsigned int i ) const { return accumulator( i ).nEntries(); }
     auto  totNBins() const { return m_totNBins; }
+    // FIXME These methods are there for backwrad compatibility with previous implementation
+    // where all Axis had to be of type Axis<...> and were stored in an array
+    // Newer code should call axis<N>().foo for whatever foo is defined in that axis type
+    auto nBins( unsigned int i ) const { return _getAxis( i, std::integral_constant<size_t, 0>() ).numBins(); }
+    auto minValue( unsigned int i ) const { return _getAxis( i, std::integral_constant<size_t, 0>() ).minValue(); }
+    auto maxValue( unsigned int i ) const { return _getAxis( i, std::integral_constant<size_t, 0>() ).maxValue(); }
     BaseAccumulator& accumulator( unsigned int index ) const {
       assert( index < m_totNBins );
       return m_value[index];
+    // FIXME Only used for backward compatibility. should be dropped at some stage
+    // Can only work if all axis have same type, which is no more the case
+    std::tuple_element_t<0, AxisTupleType> const& _getAxis( size_t i,
+                                                            typename std::tuple_size<AxisTupleType>::type ) const {
+      throw std::logic_error(
+          fmt::format( "Retrieving axis {} in Histogram of dimension {}", i, std::tuple_size_v<AxisTupleType> ) );
+    }
+    template <size_t N, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::tuple_size_v<AxisTupleType> != N>>
+    auto& _getAxis( size_t i, std::integral_constant<size_t, N> ) const {
+      if ( i == N ) return std::get<N>( m_axis );
+      return _getAxis( i, std::integral_constant<size_t, N + 1>() );
+    }
     /// set of Axis of this Histogram
-    std::array<AxisType, ND::value> m_axis;
+    AxisTupleType m_axis;
     /// total number of bins in this histogram, under and overflow included
     unsigned int m_totNBins;
     /// Histogram content
@@ -410,54 +536,58 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
    * Actually only an alias to HistogramingAccumulatorInternal with proper template parameters
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename ND>
-  using HistogramingAccumulator = HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, HistoInputType<Arithmetic, ND::value>,
-                                                                  unsigned long, ND, IntegralAccumulator>;
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename ND, typename AxisTupleType>
+  using HistogramingAccumulator =
+      HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, HistoInputType<AxisToArithmetic_t<AxisTupleType>, ND::value>,
+                                      unsigned long, IntegralAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
    * Class implementing a weighted histogram accumulator
    * Actually only an alias to HistogramingAccumulatorInternal with proper template parameters
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename ND>
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename ND, typename AxisTupleType>
   using WeightedHistogramingAccumulator =
-      HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, WeightedHistoInputType<Arithmetic, ND::value>, Arithmetic, ND,
-                                      WeightedCountAccumulator>;
+      HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity,
+                                      WeightedHistoInputType<AxisToArithmetic_t<AxisTupleType>, ND::value, Arithmetic>,
+                                      Arithmetic, WeightedCountAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
    * Class implementing a profile histogram accumulator
    * Actually only an alias to HistogramingAccumulatorInternal with proper template parameters
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename ND>
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename ND, typename AxisTupleType>
   using ProfileHistogramingAccumulator =
-      HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, HistoInputType<Arithmetic, ND::value + 1, ND::value>, Arithmetic, ND,
-                                      SigmaAccumulator>;
+      HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity,
+                                      HistoInputType<ProfileAxisToArithmetic_t<Arithmetic, AxisTupleType>, ND::value>,
+                                      Arithmetic, SigmaAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
    * Class implementing a weighted profile histogram accumulator
    * Actually only an alias to HistogramingAccumulatorInternal with proper template parameters
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename ND>
-  using WeightedProfileHistogramingAccumulator =
-      HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, WeightedHistoInputType<Arithmetic, ND::value + 1, ND::value>,
-                                      Arithmetic, ND, WeightedSigmaAccumulator>;
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename ND, typename AxisTupleType>
+  using WeightedProfileHistogramingAccumulator = HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<
+      Atomicity, WeightedHistoInputType<ProfileAxisToArithmetic_t<Arithmetic, AxisTupleType>, ND::value, Arithmetic>,
+      Arithmetic, WeightedSigmaAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
    * A base counter dealing with Histograms
    * Main features of that Counter :
    *  - can be any number of dimensions. The dimension is its first template parameter
-   *  - for each dimension, a triplet of values have to be given at
-   *    construction : nbins, minValue, maxValue. These triplets have to be
-   *    embedded into braces, as the constructor takes an array of them
+   *  - for each dimension, an Axis is associated. Axis can be of any type depending
+   *    on the underlying accumulator
+   *  - the constructor expects one extra argument per axis, typically a tuple
+   *    of values allowing to create the Axis objects in the back
    *  - the operator+= takes either an array of values (one per dimension)
    *    or a tuple<array of values, weight>. The value inside the bin
    *    corresponding to the given values is then increased by 1 or weight
    *  - the prefered syntax is to avoid operator+= and use operator[] to get a
    *    buffer on the bin you're updating. Syntax becomes :
-   *        ++counter[{x,y}]   or   wcounter[{x,y]] += w
+   *        ++counter[{x,y}]   or   wcounter[{x,y}] += w
    *  - the Counter is templated by the types of the values given to
    *    operator+ and also by the type stored into the bins
    *  - the counter can be atomic or not and supports buffering. Note that
@@ -468,20 +598,22 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
    *    value in the array of values in that case
    * This base class is then aliases for the 4 standard cases of Histogram,
-   * WeightedHistogram, ProfileHistogram and WeightedProfileHistogram
+   * WeightedHistogram, ProfileHistogram and WeightedProfileHistogram.
+   * For all predefined Histogram types, the axis type is a simple triplet
+   * of values nbins, minValue, maxValue plus a title.
    * Typical usage :
    * \code
    * Histogram<2, double, atomicity::full>
-   *   counter{owner, "CounterName", "HistoTitle", {{nBins1, minVal1, maxVal1}, {nBins2, minVal2, maxVal2}}};
+   *   counter{owner, "CounterName", "HistoTitle", {{nBins1, minVal1, maxVal1}, {nBins2, minVal2, maxVal2,
+   * "AxisTitle"}}};
    * ++counter[{val1, val2}];    // prefered syntax
    * counter += {val1, val2};    // original syntax inherited from counters
    * WeightedHistogram<2, double, atomicity::full>
-   *   wcounter{owner, "CounterName", "HistoTitle", {{nBins1, minVal1, maxVal1}, {nBins2, minVal2, maxVal2}}};
-   * wcounter[{val1, val2}] += w;    // prefered syntax
-   * wcounter += {{val1, val2}, w};  // original syntax inherited from counters
-   * \endcode
+   *   wcounter{owner, "CounterName", "HistoTitle", {{nBins1, minVal1, maxVal1}, {nBins2, minVal2, maxVal2,
+   * "AxisTitle"}}}; wcounter[{val1, val2}] += w;    // prefered syntax wcounter += {{val1, val2}, w};  // original
+   * syntax inherited from counters \endcode
    * When serialized to json, this counter uses new types histogram:Histogram:<prec>, histogram:ProfileHistogram:<prec>,
    * histogram:WeightedHistogram:<prec> and histrogram:WeightedProfileHistogram:<prec>
@@ -490,7 +622,7 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
    *   dimension(integer), title(string), empty(bool), nEntries(integer), axis(array), bins(array)
    * where :
    *     + axis is an array of tuples, one per dimension, with content (nBins(integer), minValue(number),
-   * maxValue(number), title(string))
+   * maxValue(number), title(string)) for the default type of Axis
    *     + bins is an array of values
    *       - The length of the array is the product of (nBins+2) for all axis
    *       - the +2 is because the bin 0 is the one for values below minValue and bin nBins+1 is the one for values
@@ -500,45 +632,46 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
    *         Note the pair with a pair as first entry
   template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, const char* Type,
-            template <atomicity, typename, typename> typename Accumulator, typename Seq>
-  class HistogramingCounterBaseInternal;
+            template <atomicity, typename, typename, typename> typename Accumulator, typename AxisTupleType>
+  class HistogramingCounterBase;
   template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, const char* Type,
-            template <atomicity, typename, typename> typename Accumulator, std::size_t... NDs>
-  class HistogramingCounterBaseInternal<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, Accumulator, std::index_sequence<NDs...>>
-      : public BufferableCounter<Atomicity, Accumulator, Arithmetic, std::integral_constant<int, ND>> {
+            template <atomicity, typename, typename, typename> typename Accumulator, typename... AxisTypes>
+  class HistogramingCounterBase<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, Accumulator, std::tuple<AxisTypes...>>
+      : public BufferableCounter<Atomicity, Accumulator, Arithmetic, std::integral_constant<unsigned int, ND>,
+                                 std::tuple<AxisTypes...>> {
-    using Parent           = BufferableCounter<Atomicity, Accumulator, Arithmetic, std::integral_constant<int, ND>>;
-    using AccumulatorType  = Accumulator<Atomicity, Arithmetic, std::integral_constant<int, ND>>;
+    using AxisTupleType    = std::tuple<AxisTypes...>;
     using NumberDimensions = std::integral_constant<unsigned int, ND>;
+    using Parent           = BufferableCounter<Atomicity, Accumulator, Arithmetic, NumberDimensions, AxisTupleType>;
+    using AccumulatorType  = Accumulator<Atomicity, Arithmetic, NumberDimensions, AxisTupleType>;
+    using AxisTupleArithmeticType = typename AccumulatorType::AxisTupleArithmeticType;
+    /// for backward compatibility with previous implementation, should not be used FIXME
+    using AxisArithmeticType = typename std::tuple_element<0, AxisTupleType>::type::ArithmeticType;
     inline static const std::string typeString{ std::string{ Type } + ':' + typeid( Arithmetic ).name() };
+    /// This constructor takes the axis as a tuple
     template <typename OWNER>
-    HistogramingCounterBaseInternal( OWNER* owner, std::string const& name, std::string const& title,
-                                     details::GetTuple_t<typename AccumulatorType::AxisType, ND> axis )
-        : Parent( owner, name, *this, axis, std::make_index_sequence<ND>{} ), m_title( title ) {
+    HistogramingCounterBase( OWNER* owner, std::string const& name, std::string const& title, AxisTupleType axis )
+        : Parent( owner, name, *this, axis ), m_title( title ) {
       details::requireValidTitle( m_title );
+    /// This constructor takes the axis one by one, when ND >= 2. If ND = 1, the other one can be used
     template <typename OWNER>
-    HistogramingCounterBaseInternal( OWNER* owner, std::string const& name, std::string const& title,
-                                     details::alwaysT<NDs, typename AccumulatorType::AxisType>... allAxis )
-        : HistogramingCounterBaseInternal( owner, name, title, std::make_tuple( allAxis... ) ) {}
+    HistogramingCounterBase( OWNER* owner, std::string const& name, std::string const& title, AxisTypes... allAxis )
+        : HistogramingCounterBase( owner, name, title, std::make_tuple( allAxis... ) ) {}
     using Parent::print;
     template <typename stream>
     stream& printImpl( stream& o, bool /*tableFormat*/ ) const {
       o << ND << "D Histogram with config ";
-      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < ND; i++ ) {
-        o << this->nBins( i ) << " " << this->minValue( i ) << " " << this->maxValue( i ) << " ";
-      }
+      std::apply( [&o]( auto&&... args ) { ( ( o << args << "\n" ), ... ); }, this->axis() );
       return o;
     std::ostream& print( std::ostream& o, bool tableFormat = false ) const override {
       return printImpl( o, tableFormat );
-    MsgStream&  print( MsgStream& o, bool tableFormat = false ) const override { return printImpl( o, tableFormat ); }
-    friend void reset( HistogramingCounterBaseInternal& c ) { c.reset(); }
-    friend void mergeAndReset( HistogramingCounterBaseInternal& h, HistogramingCounterBaseInternal& o ) {
-      h.mergeAndReset( o );
-    }
-    friend void  to_json( nlohmann::json& j, HistogramingCounterBaseInternal const& h ) { h.to_json( j ); }
+    MsgStream&   print( MsgStream& o, bool tableFormat = false ) const override { return printImpl( o, tableFormat ); }
+    friend void  reset( HistogramingCounterBase& c ) { c.reset(); }
+    friend void  mergeAndReset( HistogramingCounterBase& h, HistogramingCounterBase& o ) { h.mergeAndReset( o ); }
+    friend void  to_json( nlohmann::json& j, HistogramingCounterBase const& h ) { h.to_json( j ); }
     virtual void to_json( nlohmann::json& j ) const {
       // get all bin values and compute total nbEntries
       std::vector<typename AccumulatorType::BaseAccumulator::OutputType> bins;
@@ -562,10 +695,6 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
     std::string const m_title;
-  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, const char* Type,
-            template <atomicity, typename, typename> typename Accumulator>
-  using HistogramingCounterBase =
-      HistogramingCounterBaseInternal<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, Accumulator, std::make_index_sequence<ND>>;
   namespace naming {
     inline constexpr char histogramString[]                = "histogram:Histogram";
@@ -573,25 +702,30 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
     inline constexpr char profilehistogramString[]         = "histogram:ProfileHistogram";
     inline constexpr char weightedProfilehistogramString[] = "histogram:WeightedProfileHistogram";
   } // namespace naming
   /// standard histograming counter. See HistogramingCounterBase for details
-  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double>
-  using Histogram =
-      HistogramingCounterBase<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, naming::histogramString, HistogramingAccumulator>;
+  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double,
+            typename AxisTupleType = make_tuple_t<Axis<Arithmetic>, ND>>
+  using Histogram = HistogramingCounterBase<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, naming::histogramString, HistogramingAccumulator,
+                                            AxisTupleType>;
   /// standard histograming counter with weight. See HistogramingCounterBase for details
-  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double>
+  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double,
+            typename AxisTupleType = make_tuple_t<Axis<Arithmetic>, ND>>
   using WeightedHistogram = HistogramingCounterBase<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, naming::weightedHistogramString,
-                                                    WeightedHistogramingAccumulator>;
+                                                    WeightedHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
   /// profile histograming counter. See HistogramingCounterBase for details
-  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double>
+  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double,
+            typename AxisTupleType = make_tuple_t<Axis<Arithmetic>, ND>>
   using ProfileHistogram = HistogramingCounterBase<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, naming::profilehistogramString,
-                                                   ProfileHistogramingAccumulator>;
+                                                   ProfileHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
   /// weighted profile histograming counter. See HistogramingCounterBase for details
-  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double>
+  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double,
+            typename AxisTupleType = make_tuple_t<Axis<Arithmetic>, ND>>
   using WeightedProfileHistogram =
       HistogramingCounterBase<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, naming::weightedProfilehistogramString,
-                              WeightedProfileHistogramingAccumulator>;
+                              WeightedProfileHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
 } // namespace Gaudi::Accumulators
diff --git a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/HistogramArray.h b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/HistogramArray.h
index 5b06a78dd7..e05b1d35aa 100644
--- a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/HistogramArray.h
+++ b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/HistogramArray.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* (c) Copyright 1998-2022 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
+* (c) Copyright 1998-2024 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
 *                                                                                   *
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     *
 * copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            *
@@ -37,21 +37,21 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
     template <typename Histo, std::size_t N>
     struct HistogramArrayInternal : std::array<Histo, N> {
       /// constructor with callables for FormatName and FormatTitle
-      template <typename OWNER, typename FormatName, typename FormatTitle, std::size_t... Ns, typename... Axis,
+      template <typename OWNER, typename FormatName, typename FormatTitle, std::size_t... Ns,
                 typename = typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_invocable_v<FormatName, int>>,
                 typename = typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_invocable_v<FormatTitle, int>>>
       HistogramArrayInternal( OWNER* owner, FormatName&& fname, FormatTitle&& ftitle,
-                              std::integer_sequence<std::size_t, Ns...>, Axis&&... allAxis )
-          : std::array<Histo, N>{ Histo{ owner, fname( Ns ), ftitle( Ns ), allAxis... }... } {
+                              std::integer_sequence<std::size_t, Ns...>, typename Histo::AxisTupleType&& allAxis )
+          : std::array<Histo, N>{ Histo{ owner, fname( Ns ), ftitle( Ns ), allAxis }... } {
         static_assert( sizeof...( Ns ) < 1000, "Using HistogramArray with 1000 arrays or more is prohibited. This "
                                                "would lead to very long compilation times" );
       /// constructor for strings, FormatHistDefault is used as the default callable
-      template <typename OWNER, std::size_t... Ns, typename... Axis>
+      template <typename OWNER, std::size_t... Ns>
       HistogramArrayInternal( OWNER* owner, std::string_view name, std::string_view title,
-                              std::integer_sequence<std::size_t, Ns...>, Axis&&... allAxis )
+                              std::integer_sequence<std::size_t, Ns...>, typename Histo::AxisTupleType&& allAxis )
           : std::array<Histo, N>{
-                Histo{ owner, FormatHistDefault{ name }( Ns ), FormatHistDefault{ title }( Ns ), allAxis... }... } {
+                Histo{ owner, FormatHistDefault{ name }( Ns ), FormatHistDefault{ title }( Ns ), allAxis }... } {
         static_assert( sizeof...( Ns ) < 1000, "Using HistogramArray with 1000 arrays or more is prohibited. This "
                                                "would lead to very long compilation times" );
@@ -93,17 +93,23 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
    *     { 21, -10.5, 10.5, "X" } };
    *   ++histoCustom[2][-10.0];
-  template <typename Histo, std::size_t N, typename Seq>
-  struct HistogramArrayBase;
-  template <typename Histo, std::size_t N, std::size_t... NDs>
-  struct HistogramArrayBase<Histo, N, std::index_sequence<NDs...>> : details::HistogramArrayInternal<Histo, N> {
+  template <typename Histo, std::size_t N,
+            typename Seq = std::make_integer_sequence<unsigned int, std::tuple_size_v<typename Histo::AxisTupleType>>>
+  struct HistogramArray;
+  template <typename Histo, std::size_t N, unsigned int... ND>
+  struct HistogramArray<Histo, N, std::integer_sequence<unsigned int, ND...>>
+      : details::HistogramArrayInternal<Histo, N> {
     template <typename OWNER, typename FormatName, typename FormatTitle>
-    HistogramArrayBase( OWNER* owner, FormatName&& fname, FormatTitle&& ftitle,
-                        details::alwaysT<NDs, typename Histo::AxisType>&&... allAxis )
+    HistogramArray( OWNER* owner, FormatName&& fname, FormatTitle&& ftitle, typename Histo::AxisTupleType&& allAxis )
         : details::HistogramArrayInternal<Histo, N>( owner, fname, ftitle, std::make_integer_sequence<std::size_t, N>{},
-                                                     allAxis... ) {}
+                                                     std::forward<typename Histo::AxisTupleType>( allAxis ) ) {}
+    template <unsigned int I>
+    using AxisType = std::tuple_element_t<I, typename Histo::AxisTupleType>;
+    template <typename OWNER, typename FormatName, typename FormatTitle>
+    HistogramArray( OWNER* owner, FormatName&& fname, FormatTitle&& ftitle, AxisType<ND>... allAxis )
+        : HistogramArray( owner, fname, ftitle, std::make_tuple( allAxis... ) ) {}
-  template <typename Histo, std::size_t N>
-  using HistogramArray = HistogramArrayBase<Histo, N, std::make_index_sequence<Histo::NumberDimensions::value>>;
 } // namespace Gaudi::Accumulators
diff --git a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/RootHistogram.h b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/RootHistogram.h
index 3d754e1bed..1a28ccb751 100644
--- a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/RootHistogram.h
+++ b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/RootHistogram.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* (c) Copyright 1998-2022 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
+* (c) Copyright 1998-2024 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
 *                                                                                   *
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     *
 * copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            *
@@ -14,6 +14,14 @@
 #include <type_traits>
+namespace {
+  template <typename tuple_t>
+  constexpr auto get_array_from_tuple( tuple_t&& tuple ) {
+    constexpr auto get_array = []( auto&&... x ) { return std::array{ std::forward<decltype( x )>( x )... }; };
+    return std::apply( get_array, std::forward<tuple_t>( tuple ) );
+  }
+} // namespace
 namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
   /// number of items in sums for a given dimension
@@ -111,16 +119,16 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
    * Actually a simple extention on top of RootHistograming with an
    * extra SigmaCounter embeded
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, unsigned int ND>
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, unsigned int ND, typename AxisTupleType>
   class RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal
-      : public HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, HistoInputType<Arithmetic, ND>, unsigned long,
-                                               std::integral_constant<int, ND>, IntegralAccumulator> {
+      : public HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, HistoInputType<AxisToArithmetic_t<AxisTupleType>, ND>,
+                                               unsigned long, IntegralAccumulator, AxisTupleType> {
-    using InputType = HistoInputType<Arithmetic, ND>;
-    using Parent = HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, InputType, unsigned long, std::integral_constant<int, ND>,
-                                                   IntegralAccumulator>;
+    using InputType = HistoInputType<AxisToArithmetic_t<AxisTupleType>, ND>;
+    using Parent =
+        HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, InputType, unsigned long, IntegralAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
-    template <atomicity, typename, unsigned int>
+    template <atomicity, typename, unsigned int, typename>
     friend class RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal;
     static_assert( ND <= 3, "Root on supports histogrmas with dimension <= 3" );
@@ -142,7 +150,7 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
     friend struct Proxy;
     [[deprecated( "Use `++h1[x]`, `++h2[{x,y}]`, etc. instead." )]] RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal&
-    operator+=( InputType v ) {
+    operator+=( typename InputType::ValueType v ) {
       update( v );
       return *this;
@@ -151,14 +159,14 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
     template <atomicity ato>
-    void mergeAndReset( RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<ato, Arithmetic, ND>& other ) {
+    void mergeAndReset( RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<ato, Arithmetic, ND, AxisTupleType>& other ) {
       m_accumulator.mergeAndReset( other.m_accumulator );
       Parent::mergeAndReset( other );
     [[nodiscard]] auto operator[]( typename InputType::ValueType v ) { return Proxy( *this, v ); }
     /// returns the nbentries, sums and "squared sums" of the inputs
-    /// Practically we have first th enumber of entries, then the simple sums of each
+    /// Practically we have first the number of entries, then the simple sums of each
     /// input dimension followed by all combinasions of product of 2 inputs, in "alphabetical" order,
     /// e.g. for ND=3 we have sums of n, x, y, z, x^2, xy, xz, y^2, yz, z^2
     auto sums2() const { return m_accumulator.sums(); }
@@ -167,7 +175,13 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
     void update( typename InputType::ValueType v ) {
       // Do not accumulate in m_accumulator if we are outside the histo range
       // We mimic here the behavior of ROOT
-      if ( v.inAcceptance( this->axis() ) ) { m_accumulator += static_cast<typename InputType::InternalType>( v ); }
+      if ( v.inAcceptance( this->axis() ) ) {
+        if constexpr ( ND == 1 ) {
+          m_accumulator += std::get<0>( v );
+        } else {
+          m_accumulator += get_array_from_tuple( static_cast<typename InputType::InternalType>( v ) );
+        }
+      }
       ++Parent::operator[]( v );
     // Accumulator for keeping squared sum of value stored in the histogram and correlation values
@@ -189,14 +203,15 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
    * Class implementing a root histogram accumulator
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename ND>
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename ND, typename AxisTupleType>
   struct RootHistogramingAccumulator;
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic>
-  struct RootHistogramingAccumulator<Atomicity, Arithmetic, std::integral_constant<int, 1>>
-      : RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 1> {
-    using RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 1>::RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal;
-    using RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 1>::nEntries;
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename AxisTupleType>
+  struct RootHistogramingAccumulator<Atomicity, Arithmetic, std::integral_constant<unsigned int, 1>, AxisTupleType>
+      : RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 1, AxisTupleType> {
+    using RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 1,
+                                              AxisTupleType>::RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal;
+    using RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 1, AxisTupleType>::nEntries;
     Arithmetic nEntries() const { return this->sums2()[0]; }
     Arithmetic sum() const { return this->sums2()[1]; }
     Arithmetic sum2() const { return this->sums2()[2]; }
@@ -204,11 +219,12 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
     Arithmetic standard_deviation() const { return stddev( nEntries(), sum(), sum2() ); }
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic>
-  struct RootHistogramingAccumulator<Atomicity, Arithmetic, std::integral_constant<int, 2>>
-      : RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 2> {
-    using RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 2>::RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal;
-    using RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 2>::nEntries;
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename AxisTupleType>
+  struct RootHistogramingAccumulator<Atomicity, Arithmetic, std::integral_constant<unsigned int, 2>, AxisTupleType>
+      : RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 2, AxisTupleType> {
+    using RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 2,
+                                              AxisTupleType>::RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal;
+    using RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 2, AxisTupleType>::nEntries;
     Arithmetic nEntries() const { return this->sums2()[0]; }
     Arithmetic sumx() const { return this->sums2()[1]; }
     Arithmetic sumy() const { return this->sums2()[2]; }
@@ -221,11 +237,12 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
     Arithmetic standard_deviationy() const { return stddev( nEntries(), sumy(), sumy2() ); }
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic>
-  struct RootHistogramingAccumulator<Atomicity, Arithmetic, std::integral_constant<int, 3>>
-      : RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 3> {
-    using RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 3>::RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal;
-    using RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 3>::nEntries;
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename AxisTupleType>
+  struct RootHistogramingAccumulator<Atomicity, Arithmetic, std::integral_constant<unsigned int, 3>, AxisTupleType>
+      : RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 3, AxisTupleType> {
+    using RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 3,
+                                              AxisTupleType>::RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal;
+    using RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 3, AxisTupleType>::nEntries;
     Arithmetic nEntries() const { return this->sums2()[0]; }
     Arithmetic sumx() const { return this->sums2()[1]; }
     Arithmetic sumy() const { return this->sums2()[2]; }
@@ -254,27 +271,26 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
    * When using pure Gaudi Histograms, and converting to ROOT, ROOT automatically
    * recomputed average and sigma form the bins, but the value is not the expected one
-   * Usage is similar to HistogramingCounterBaseInternal so see the documentation there
+   * Usage is similar to HistogramingCounterBase so see the documentation there
    * Serialization has the following extra fields :
    *   - nTotEntries, sum, sum2, mean in 1D
    *   - nTotEntries, sumx, sumy, sumx2, sumy2, sumxy, meanx, meany in 2D
    *   - nTotEntries, sumx, sumy, sumz, sumx2, sumy2, sumz2, sumxy, sumxz, sumyz, meanx, meany, meanz in 3D
-   * and uses same types as HistogramingCounterBaseInternal
+   * and uses same types as HistogramingCounterBase
-  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, const char* Type>
+  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, const char* Type, typename AxisTupleType>
   class RootHistogramingCounterBase;
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, const char* Type>
-  class RootHistogramingCounterBase<1, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type>
-      : public HistogramingCounterBaseInternal<1, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, RootHistogramingAccumulator,
-                                               std::make_index_sequence<1>> {
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, const char* Type, typename AxisTupleType>
+  class RootHistogramingCounterBase<1, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, AxisTupleType>
+      : public HistogramingCounterBase<1, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, RootHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType> {
-    using Parent = HistogramingCounterBaseInternal<1, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, RootHistogramingAccumulator,
-                                                   std::make_index_sequence<1>>;
+    using Parent = HistogramingCounterBase<1, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, RootHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
     using Parent::Parent;
-    friend void to_json( nlohmann::json& j, RootHistogramingCounterBase<1, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type> const& h ) {
+    friend void to_json( nlohmann::json&                                                                   j,
+                         RootHistogramingCounterBase<1, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, AxisTupleType> const& h ) {
       to_json( j, static_cast<Parent const&>( h ) );
       j["nTotEntries"]        = h.nEntries();
       j["sum"]                = h.sum();
@@ -284,16 +300,15 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, const char* Type>
-  class RootHistogramingCounterBase<2, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type>
-      : public HistogramingCounterBaseInternal<2, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, RootHistogramingAccumulator,
-                                               std::make_index_sequence<2>> {
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, const char* Type, typename AxisTupleType>
+  class RootHistogramingCounterBase<2, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, AxisTupleType>
+      : public HistogramingCounterBase<2, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, RootHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType> {
-    using Parent = HistogramingCounterBaseInternal<2, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, RootHistogramingAccumulator,
-                                                   std::make_index_sequence<2>>;
+    using Parent = HistogramingCounterBase<2, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, RootHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
     using Parent::Parent;
-    friend void to_json( nlohmann::json& j, RootHistogramingCounterBase<2, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type> const& h ) {
+    friend void to_json( nlohmann::json&                                                                   j,
+                         RootHistogramingCounterBase<2, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, AxisTupleType> const& h ) {
       to_json( j, static_cast<Parent const&>( h ) );
       j["nTotEntries"]         = h.nEntries();
       j["sumx"]                = h.sumx();
@@ -308,16 +323,15 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, const char* Type>
-  class RootHistogramingCounterBase<3, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type>
-      : public HistogramingCounterBaseInternal<3, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, RootHistogramingAccumulator,
-                                               std::make_index_sequence<3>> {
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, const char* Type, typename AxisTupleType>
+  class RootHistogramingCounterBase<3, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, AxisTupleType>
+      : public HistogramingCounterBase<3, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, RootHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType> {
-    using Parent = HistogramingCounterBaseInternal<3, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, RootHistogramingAccumulator,
-                                                   std::make_index_sequence<3>>;
+    using Parent = HistogramingCounterBase<3, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, RootHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
     using Parent::Parent;
-    friend void to_json( nlohmann::json& j, RootHistogramingCounterBase<3, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type> const& h ) {
+    friend void to_json( nlohmann::json&                                                                   j,
+                         RootHistogramingCounterBase<3, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, AxisTupleType> const& h ) {
       to_json( j, static_cast<Parent const&>( h ) );
       j["nTotEntries"]         = h.nEntries();
       j["sumx"]                = h.sumx();
@@ -339,7 +353,8 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
   /// Root histograming counter. See RootHistogramingCounterBase for details
-  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double>
-  using RootHistogram = RootHistogramingCounterBase<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, naming::histogramString>;
+  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double,
+            typename AxisTupleType = make_tuple_t<Axis<Arithmetic>, ND>>
+  using RootHistogram = RootHistogramingCounterBase<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, naming::histogramString, AxisTupleType>;
 } // namespace Gaudi::Accumulators
diff --git a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Histograming/Sink/Utils.h b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Histograming/Sink/Utils.h
index 3cf02ccb85..f74c3ec6e1 100644
--- a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Histograming/Sink/Utils.h
+++ b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Histograming/Sink/Utils.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* (c) Copyright 1998-2023 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
+* (c) Copyright 1998-2024 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
 *                                                                                   *
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     *
 * copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            *
@@ -411,23 +411,23 @@ namespace Gaudi::Histograming::Sink {
     saveRootHisto<Traits<isProfile, ROOTHisto, N>>( file, std::move( dir ), std::move( name ), j );
-  /// Direct conversion of 1D histograms form Gaudi to ROOT format
+  /// Direct conversion of 1D histograms from Gaudi to ROOT format
   template <Accumulators::atomicity Atomicity = Accumulators::atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double>
   details::ProfileWrapper<TProfile> profileHisto1DToRoot( std::string name, Monitoring::Hub::Entity const& ent ) {
     // get original histogram from the Entity
     auto const& gaudiHisto =
         *reinterpret_cast<Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1, Atomicity, Arithmetic>*>( );
     // convert to Root
-    auto const&                       gaudiAxis = gaudiHisto.axis()[0];
-    details::ProfileWrapper<TProfile> histo{ name.c_str(), gaudiHisto.title().c_str(), gaudiAxis.nBins,
-                                             gaudiAxis.minValue, gaudiAxis.maxValue };
+    auto const&                       gaudiAxis = gaudiHisto.template axis<0>();
+    details::ProfileWrapper<TProfile> histo{ name.c_str(), gaudiHisto.title().c_str(), gaudiAxis.numBins(),
+                                             gaudiAxis.minValue(), gaudiAxis.maxValue() };
     unsigned long totNEntries{ 0 };
     for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < gaudiHisto.totNBins(); i++ ) { totNEntries += gaudiHisto.nEntries( i ); }
-    if ( !gaudiAxis.labels.empty() ) {
+    if ( !gaudiAxis.labels().empty() ) {
       auto& axis = *histo.GetXaxis();
-      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < gaudiAxis.labels.size(); i++ ) {
-        axis.SetBinLabel( i + 1, gaudiAxis.labels[i].c_str() );
+      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < gaudiAxis.labels().size(); i++ ) {
+        axis.SetBinLabel( i + 1, gaudiAxis.labels()[i].c_str() );
     for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < gaudiHisto.totNBins(); i++ ) {
@@ -441,29 +441,29 @@ namespace Gaudi::Histograming::Sink {
     return histo;
-  /// Direct conversion of 2D histograms form Gaudi to ROOT format
+  /// Direct conversion of 2D histograms from Gaudi to ROOT format
   template <Accumulators::atomicity Atomicity = Accumulators::atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double>
   details::ProfileWrapper<TProfile2D> profileHisto2DToRoot( std::string name, Monitoring::Hub::Entity const& ent ) {
     // get original histogram from the Entity
     auto const& gaudiHisto =
         *reinterpret_cast<Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<2, Atomicity, Arithmetic>*>( );
     // convert to Root
-    auto const&                         gaudiXAxis = gaudiHisto.axis()[0];
-    auto const&                         gaudiYAxis = gaudiHisto.axis()[1];
-    details::ProfileWrapper<TProfile2D> histo{ name.c_str(),        gaudiHisto.title().c_str(), gaudiXAxis.nBins,
-                                               gaudiXAxis.minValue, gaudiXAxis.maxValue,        gaudiYAxis.nBins,
-                                               gaudiYAxis.minValue, gaudiYAxis.maxValue };
+    auto const&                         gaudiXAxis = gaudiHisto.template axis<0>();
+    auto const&                         gaudiYAxis = gaudiHisto.template axis<1>();
+    details::ProfileWrapper<TProfile2D> histo{ name.c_str(),          gaudiHisto.title().c_str(), gaudiXAxis.numBins(),
+                                               gaudiXAxis.minValue(), gaudiXAxis.maxValue(),      gaudiYAxis.numBins(),
+                                               gaudiYAxis.minValue(), gaudiYAxis.maxValue() };
-    if ( !gaudiXAxis.labels.empty() ) {
+    if ( !gaudiXAxis.labels().empty() ) {
       auto& axis = *histo.GetXaxis();
-      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < gaudiXAxis.labels.size(); i++ ) {
-        axis.SetBinLabel( i + 1, gaudiXAxis.labels[i].c_str() );
+      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < gaudiXAxis.labels().size(); i++ ) {
+        axis.SetBinLabel( i + 1, gaudiXAxis.labels()[i].c_str() );
-    if ( !gaudiYAxis.labels.empty() ) {
+    if ( !gaudiYAxis.labels().empty() ) {
       auto& axis = *histo.GetYaxis();
-      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < gaudiYAxis.labels.size(); i++ ) {
-        axis.SetBinLabel( i + 1, gaudiYAxis.labels[i].c_str() );
+      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < gaudiYAxis.labels().size(); i++ ) {
+        axis.SetBinLabel( i + 1, gaudiYAxis.labels()[i].c_str() );
     for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < gaudiHisto.totNBins(); i++ ) {
@@ -479,37 +479,37 @@ namespace Gaudi::Histograming::Sink {
     return histo;
-  /// Direct conversion of 3D histograms form Gaudi to ROOT format
+  /// Direct conversion of 3D histograms from Gaudi to ROOT format
   template <Accumulators::atomicity Atomicity = Accumulators::atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double>
   details::ProfileWrapper<TProfile3D> profileHisto3DToRoot( std::string name, Monitoring::Hub::Entity const& ent ) {
     // get original histogram from the Entity
     auto const& gaudiHisto =
         *reinterpret_cast<Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<3, Atomicity, Arithmetic>*>( );
     // convert to Root
-    auto const&                         gaudiXAxis = gaudiHisto.axis()[0];
-    auto const&                         gaudiYAxis = gaudiHisto.axis()[1];
-    auto const&                         gaudiZAxis = gaudiHisto.axis()[2];
-    details::ProfileWrapper<TProfile3D> histo{ name.c_str(),        gaudiHisto.title().c_str(), gaudiXAxis.nBins,
-                                               gaudiXAxis.minValue, gaudiXAxis.maxValue,        gaudiYAxis.nBins,
-                                               gaudiYAxis.minValue, gaudiYAxis.maxValue,        gaudiZAxis.nBins,
-                                               gaudiZAxis.minValue, gaudiZAxis.maxValue };
+    auto const&                         gaudiXAxis = gaudiHisto.template axis<0>();
+    auto const&                         gaudiYAxis = gaudiHisto.template axis<1>();
+    auto const&                         gaudiZAxis = gaudiHisto.template axis<2>();
+    details::ProfileWrapper<TProfile3D> histo{ name.c_str(),          gaudiHisto.title().c_str(), gaudiXAxis.numBins(),
+                                               gaudiXAxis.minValue(), gaudiXAxis.maxValue(),      gaudiYAxis.numBins(),
+                                               gaudiYAxis.minValue(), gaudiYAxis.maxValue(),      gaudiZAxis.numBins(),
+                                               gaudiZAxis.minValue(), gaudiZAxis.maxValue() };
-    if ( !gaudiXAxis.labels.empty() ) {
+    if ( !gaudiXAxis.labels().empty() ) {
       auto& axis = *histo.GetXaxis();
-      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < gaudiXAxis.labels.size(); i++ ) {
-        axis.SetBinLabel( i + 1, gaudiXAxis.labels[i].c_str() );
+      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < gaudiXAxis.labels().size(); i++ ) {
+        axis.SetBinLabel( i + 1, gaudiXAxis.labels()[i].c_str() );
-    if ( !gaudiYAxis.labels.empty() ) {
+    if ( !gaudiYAxis.labels().empty() ) {
       auto& axis = *histo.GetYaxis();
-      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < gaudiYAxis.labels.size(); i++ ) {
-        axis.SetBinLabel( i + 1, gaudiYAxis.labels[i].c_str() );
+      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < gaudiYAxis.labels().size(); i++ ) {
+        axis.SetBinLabel( i + 1, gaudiYAxis.labels()[i].c_str() );
-    if ( !gaudiZAxis.labels.empty() ) {
+    if ( !gaudiZAxis.labels().empty() ) {
       auto& axis = *histo.GetZaxis();
-      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < gaudiZAxis.labels.size(); i++ ) {
-        axis.SetBinLabel( i + 1, gaudiZAxis.labels[i].c_str() );
+      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < gaudiZAxis.labels().size(); i++ ) {
+        axis.SetBinLabel( i + 1, gaudiZAxis.labels()[i].c_str() );
     for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < gaudiHisto.totNBins(); i++ ) {
diff --git a/GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistosUnitTest.cpp b/GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistosUnitTest.cpp
index e7e1285275..e2cf55310f 100644
--- a/GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistosUnitTest.cpp
+++ b/GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistosUnitTest.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* (c) Copyright 1998-2021 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
+* (c) Copyright 1998-2024 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
 *                                                                                   *
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     *
 * copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            *
@@ -208,31 +208,57 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_integer_histos_small_ratio ) {
 enum class TestEnum { A, B, C, D };
+std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& o, TestEnum v ) {
+  switch ( v ) {
+  case TestEnum::A:
+    o << 'A';
+    break;
+  case TestEnum::B:
+    o << 'B';
+    break;
+  case TestEnum::C:
+    o << 'C';
+    break;
+  case TestEnum::D:
+    o << 'D';
+    break;
+  }
+  return o;
 namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
-  template <>
-  struct Axis<TestEnum> {
+  struct EnumAxis {
+    using ArithmeticType = TestEnum;
     // helper to make the code less verbose
     using storage_t = std::underlying_type_t<TestEnum>;
     // nothing to specify in the constructor as everything is fixed in the enum
-    Axis() = default;
+    EnumAxis() = default;
-    unsigned int nBins    = 4;
+    unsigned int numBins() const { return 4; }
     storage_t    minValue = static_cast<storage_t>( TestEnum::A ), maxValue = static_cast<storage_t>( TestEnum::D );
     std::string  title              = "TestEnum";
     std::vector<std::string> labels = { "A", "B", "C", "D" };
     // convert the enum value to the index in the bins, taking into account the underflow bin
-    unsigned int index( TestEnum val ) const { return static_cast<storage_t>( val ) + 1; }
+    unsigned int         index( TestEnum val ) const { return static_cast<storage_t>( val ) + 1; }
+    friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& o, EnumAxis const& axis ) {
+      return o << axis.numBins() << " " << axis.minValue << " " << axis.maxValue;
+    }
+  void to_json( nlohmann::json& j, const EnumAxis& axis ) {
+    j           = nlohmann::json{ { "nBins", axis.numBins() },
+                                  { "minValue", axis.minValue },
+                                  { "maxValue", axis.maxValue },
+                                  { "title", axis.title } };
+    j["labels"] = axis.labels;
+  }
 } // namespace Gaudi::Accumulators
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_custom_axis ) {
   using namespace Gaudi::Accumulators;
   Algo algo;
-  // note that for default constructible axis, we have to specify {{}} otherwise
-  // it is interpreted as an empty array of axes (instead of using the constructor for a single axis)
-  Histogram<1, atomicity::full, TestEnum> hist{ &algo, "TestEnumHist", "TestEnum histogram", Axis<TestEnum>{} };
+  Histogram<1, atomicity::full, TestEnum, std::tuple<EnumAxis>> hist{ &algo, "TestEnumHist", "TestEnum histogram",
+                                                                      EnumAxis{} };
   hist[TestEnum::A] += 1;
@@ -255,6 +281,34 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_custom_axis ) {
   BOOST_TEST( j["axis"][0]["labels"] == expected_labels );
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_mixed_axis ) {
+  using namespace Gaudi::Accumulators;
+  Algo algo;
+  Histogram<2, atomicity::full, float, std::tuple<EnumAxis, Axis<float>>> hist{
+      &algo, "TestEnumHist", "TestEnum histogram", EnumAxis{}, { 3, 0, 3, "Value" } };
+  hist[{ TestEnum::A, 0.5 }] += 1;
+  ++hist[{ TestEnum::B, 1.5 }];
+  hist[{ TestEnum::C, 2.5 }] += 2;
+  auto j = toJSON( hist );
+  auto bins = j["bins"];
+  BOOST_TEST( bins[6 + 1] == 1 );
+  BOOST_TEST( bins[6 * 2 + 2] == 1 );
+  BOOST_TEST( bins[6 * 3 + 3] == 2 );
+  BOOST_TEST( bins[6 * 3 + 3] == 2 );
+  BOOST_TEST( j["axis"][0]["nBins"] == 4 );
+  BOOST_TEST( j["axis"][0]["title"] == "TestEnum" );
+  BOOST_TEST( j["axis"][1]["nBins"] == 3 );
+  BOOST_TEST( j["axis"][1]["title"] == "Value" );
+  nlohmann::json expected_labels = { "A", "B", "C", "D" };
+  BOOST_TEST( j["axis"][0]["labels"] == expected_labels );
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_custom ) {
   using namespace Gaudi::Accumulators;
   Algo algo;
diff --git a/GaudiKernel/tests/src/LogHistogram.h b/GaudiKernel/tests/src/LogHistogram.h
index a6fd493ef5..e59e775a21 100644
--- a/GaudiKernel/tests/src/LogHistogram.h
+++ b/GaudiKernel/tests/src/LogHistogram.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* (c) Copyright 1998-2022 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
+* (c) Copyright 1998-2024 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
 *                                                                                   *
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     *
 * copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            *
@@ -28,38 +28,50 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
   template <typename Arithmetic, unsigned int ND>
   struct LogInputType : std::array<Arithmetic, ND> {
+    using ArithmeticType = Arithmetic;
     // allow construction from set of values
     template <class... ARGS>
     LogInputType( ARGS... args ) : std::array<Arithmetic, ND>{ static_cast<Arithmetic>( args )... } {}
-    using ValueType          = LogInputType<Arithmetic, ND>;
-    using AxisArithmeticType = Arithmetic;
-    unsigned int computeIndex( const std::array<Axis<Arithmetic>, ND>& axis ) const {
-      unsigned int index = 0;
-      for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < ND; j++ ) {
-        unsigned int dim = ND - j - 1;
-        // compute local index for a given dimension
-        int localIndex = axis[dim].index( log( ( *this )[dim] ) );
-        // compute global index. Bins are stored in a column first manner
-        index *= ( axis[dim].nBins + 2 );
-        index += localIndex;
-      }
-      return index;
+    using ValueType = LogInputType<Arithmetic, ND>;
+    template <class... AxisType, typename = typename std::enable_if_t<( sizeof...( AxisType ) == ND )>>
+    unsigned int computeIndex( std::tuple<AxisType...> const& axis ) const {
+      return computeIndexInternal<0, std::tuple<AxisType...>>( axis );
     auto forInternalCounter() { return 1ul; }
-    template <typename AxisType, long unsigned NAxis>
-    static unsigned int computeTotNBins( std::array<AxisType, NAxis> axis ) {
-      unsigned int nTotBins = 1;
-      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < NAxis; i++ ) { nTotBins *= ( axis[i].nBins + 2 ); }
-      return nTotBins;
+    template <class... AxisType, typename = typename std::enable_if_t<( sizeof...( AxisType ) == ND )>>
+    static unsigned int computeTotNBins( std::tuple<AxisType...> const& axis ) {
+      return computeTotNBinsInternal<0, std::tuple<AxisType...>>( axis );
+    }
+  private:
+    template <int N, class Tuple>
+    unsigned int computeIndexInternal( Tuple const& allAxis ) const {
+      // compute global index. Bins are stored in a column first manner
+      auto const&  axis       = std::get<N>( allAxis );
+      unsigned int localIndex = axis.index( log( std::get<N>( *this ) ) );
+      if constexpr ( N + 1 == ND )
+        return localIndex;
+      else
+        return localIndex + ( axis.numBins() + 2 ) * computeIndexInternal<N + 1, Tuple>( allAxis );
+    }
+    template <int N, class Tuple>
+    static unsigned int computeTotNBinsInternal( Tuple const& allAxis ) {
+      auto const&  axis       = std::get<N>( allAxis );
+      unsigned int localNBins = axis.numBins() + 2;
+      if constexpr ( N + 1 == ND )
+        return localNBins;
+      else
+        return localNBins * computeTotNBinsInternal<N + 1, Tuple>( allAxis );
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename ND>
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename ND, typename AxisType>
   using LogAccumulator = HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, LogInputType<Arithmetic, ND::value>, unsigned long,
-                                                         ND, CountAccumulator>;
+                                                         CountAccumulator, AxisType>;
   constexpr char logHistogramString[] = "histogram:Histogram";
   template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double>
-  using LogHistogram = HistogramingCounterBase<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, logHistogramString, LogAccumulator>;
+  using LogHistogram = HistogramingCounterBase<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, logHistogramString, LogAccumulator,
+                                               make_tuple_t<Axis<Arithmetic>, ND>>;
 } // namespace Gaudi::Accumulators
diff --git a/GaudiTestSuite/src/Histograms/HistoProps.cpp b/GaudiTestSuite/src/Histograms/HistoProps.cpp
index 318dee28af..9fd0008bdf 100644
--- a/GaudiTestSuite/src/Histograms/HistoProps.cpp
+++ b/GaudiTestSuite/src/Histograms/HistoProps.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* (c) Copyright 1998-2019 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
+* (c) Copyright 1998-2024 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
 *                                                                                   *
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     *
 * copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            *
@@ -41,9 +41,8 @@ namespace Gaudi {
       StatusCode initialize() override {
         return Algorithm::initialize().andThen( [&] {
-          ;
           using hist_t = Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>;
-          using axis_t = hist_t::AccumulatorType::AxisType;
+          using axis_t = Gaudi::Accumulators::Axis<double>;
           m_hist1      = std::make_unique<hist_t>( this, "Histo1", "Histogram 1", axis_t{ m_hist1def.value() } );
           m_hist2      = std::make_unique<hist_t>( this, "Histo2", "Histogram 2", axis_t( m_hist2def.value() ) );
         } );
diff --git a/GaudiTestSuite/src/testing/HistogramsTests.cpp b/GaudiTestSuite/src/testing/HistogramsTests.cpp
index 5da4d13756..bebf3cfeeb 100644
--- a/GaudiTestSuite/src/testing/HistogramsTests.cpp
+++ b/GaudiTestSuite/src/testing/HistogramsTests.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* (c) Copyright 2021-2023 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations S*
+* (c) Copyright 2021-2024 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
 *                                                                                   *
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     *
 * copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            *
@@ -15,16 +15,33 @@
 namespace Gaudi::Tests::Histograms::CustomAxis {
   enum class Category { Simple, Complex, Bad, Wrong };
+  std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& o, Category v ) {
+    switch ( v ) {
+    case Category::Simple:
+      o << "Simple";
+      break;
+    case Category::Complex:
+      o << "Complex";
+      break;
+    case Category::Bad:
+      o << "Bad";
+      break;
+    case Category::Wrong:
+      o << "Wrong";
+      break;
+    }
+    return o;
+  }
+} // namespace Gaudi::Tests::Histograms::CustomAxis
 namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
-  template <>
-  struct Axis<Gaudi::Tests::Histograms::CustomAxis::Category> {
-    using Category = Gaudi::Tests::Histograms::CustomAxis::Category;
+  struct CustomAxis {
+    using Category       = Gaudi::Tests::Histograms::CustomAxis::Category;
+    using ArithmeticType = Category;
-    Axis() = default;
+    CustomAxis() = default;
     /// number of bins for this Axis
-    unsigned int nBins = 4;
+    unsigned int numBins() const { return 4; }
     /// min and max values on this axis
     std::underlying_type_t<Category> minValue = 0, maxValue = 4;
     /// title of this axis
@@ -32,8 +49,18 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
     /// labels for the bins
     std::vector<std::string> labels{ "Simple", "Complex", "Bad", "Wrong" };
-    unsigned int index( Category value ) const { return static_cast<unsigned int>( value ) + 1; }
+    unsigned int         index( Category value ) const { return static_cast<unsigned int>( value ) + 1; }
+    friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& o, CustomAxis const& axis ) {
+      return o << axis.numBins() << " " << axis.minValue << " " << axis.maxValue;
+    }
+  void to_json( nlohmann::json& j, const CustomAxis& axis ) {
+    j           = nlohmann::json{ { "nBins", axis.numBins() },
+                                  { "minValue", axis.minValue },
+                                  { "maxValue", axis.maxValue },
+                                  { "title", axis.title } };
+    j["labels"] = axis.labels;
+  }
 } // namespace Gaudi::Accumulators
 namespace Gaudi::Tests::Histograms {
@@ -99,8 +126,9 @@ namespace Gaudi::Tests::Histograms {
       using Base = Gaudi::Functional::Consumer<void()>;
       using Base::Base;
-      mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, Category> m_hist{
-          this, "Categories", "", Gaudi::Accumulators::Axis<Category>{} };
+      mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, Category,
+                                             std::tuple<Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomAxis>>
+          m_hist{ this, "Categories", "", Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomAxis{} };
       void operator()() const override {

From 0864645252646e8f312e6bf7b3903163abaee6f9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastien Ponce <>
Date: Thu, 2 May 2024 15:14:44 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/8] Introduced "Custom"Histograms in Gaudi, which are
 configurable via properties

Practically, the histograms are built at initialization time, and one can customiz title and axis via properties.
E.g. for a 2D histogram declared with name "GaudiH2D", one can use properties GaudiH2D_Title, GaudiH2D_Axis0 and GaudiH2D_Axis1
and write code like :
  histo.GaudiH2D_Title = "title of my histogram"
  GaudiH2D_Axis0 = '(20, 0, 100)'
  GaudiH2D_Axis0 = '(20, 0, 100, "2nd axis")'
in python
 .../Gaudi/Accumulators/AxisAsProperty.h       |  96 +++++++
 .../Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomHistogram.h      |  40 +++
 .../Accumulators/CustomHistogramWrapper.h     | 127 +++++++++
 .../Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomRootHistogram.h  |  24 ++
 .../tests/src/CounterHistosUnitTest.cpp       | 266 +++++++++++++++++-
 GaudiTestSuite/options/          |  69 ++++-
 .../src/Histograms/CounterHistos.cpp          |  65 ++++-
 7 files changed, 673 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/AxisAsProperty.h
 create mode 100644 GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomHistogram.h
 create mode 100644 GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomHistogramWrapper.h
 create mode 100644 GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomRootHistogram.h

diff --git a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/AxisAsProperty.h b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/AxisAsProperty.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..94a7b4e2ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/AxisAsProperty.h
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+* (c) Copyright 1998-2024 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
+*                                                                                   *
+* This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     *
+* copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            *
+*                                                                                   *
+* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities       *
+* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization        *
+* or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                             *
+#pragma once
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h>
+#include <Gaudi/Parsers/Factory.h>
+#include <GaudiKernel/ToStream.h>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
+ * This file provides a Grammar for the type Gaudi::Accumulators::Axis
+ * It allows to use that type from python with a format liks :
+ *    ( nbins, min, max, title )
+ * where title can be ommited.
+ * note that for the parsing, min and max will be parsed as doubles before
+ * being converted to the actual type used as Arithmetic for Axis, so an
+ * automatic conversion between the 2 must be provided
+ */
+namespace Gaudi {
+  namespace Parsers {
+    namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
+    template <typename Iterator, typename Skipper, typename Arithmetic>
+    struct AxisGrammar : qi::grammar<Iterator, Gaudi::Accumulators::Axis<Arithmetic>(), qi::locals<char>, Skipper> {
+      using Axis = Gaudi::Accumulators::Axis<Arithmetic>;
+      struct StoreNbinsOp {
+        void operator()( Axis& res, unsigned int const& nBins ) const { res.setNumBins( nBins ); }
+      };
+      struct StoreMinValueOp {
+        void operator()( Axis& res, Arithmetic const& minValue ) const { res.setMinValue( minValue ); }
+      };
+      struct StoreMaxValueOp {
+        void operator()( Axis& res, Arithmetic const& maxValue ) const { res.setMaxValue( maxValue ); }
+      };
+      struct StoreTitleOp {
+        void operator()( Axis& res, std::string const& title ) const { res.setTitle( title ); }
+      };
+      AxisGrammar() : AxisGrammar::base_type( axis ) {
+        begin = enc::char_( '[' )[qi::_val = ']'] | enc::char_( '(' )[qi::_val = ')'];
+        end   = enc::char_( qi::_r1 );
+        core  = qi::int_[storeNbins( qi::_val, qi::_1 )] >> "," >> qi::double_[storeMinValue( qi::_val, qi::_1 )] >>
+               "," >> qi::double_[storeMaxValue( qi::_val, qi::_1 )] >>
+               -( "," >> title[storeTitle( qi::_val, qi::_1 )] );
+        axis = begin[qi::_a = qi::_1] >> core[qi::_val = qi::_1] >> end( qi::_a );
+      }
+      qi::rule<Iterator, Axis(), qi::locals<char>, Skipper> axis;
+      qi::rule<Iterator, Axis(), Skipper>                   core;
+      qi::rule<Iterator, char()>                            begin;
+      qi::rule<Iterator, void( char )>                      end;
+      StringGrammar<Iterator, Skipper>                      title;
+      ph::function<StoreNbinsOp>                            storeNbins;
+      ph::function<StoreMinValueOp>                         storeMinValue;
+      ph::function<StoreMaxValueOp>                         storeMaxValue;
+      ph::function<StoreTitleOp>                            storeTitle;
+    };
+    template <typename Iterator, typename Skipper, typename Arithmetic>
+    struct Grammar_<Iterator, Gaudi::Accumulators::Axis<Arithmetic>, Skipper> {
+      using Grammar = AxisGrammar<Iterator, Skipper, Arithmetic>;
+    };
+    // Parse function... nothing special, but it must be done explicitely.
+    template <typename Arithmetic>
+    StatusCode parse( Gaudi::Accumulators::Axis<Arithmetic>& result, const std::string& input ) {
+      return parse_( result, input );
+    }
+  } // namespace Parsers
+  // We also need to be able to print an Axis object as a string that both
+  // Python and our parser can understand,
+  namespace Utils {
+    template <typename Arithmetic>
+    std::ostream& toStream( Accumulators::Axis<Arithmetic> const& m, std::ostream& s ) {
+      s << '(';
+      toStream( m.numBins(), s ) << ", ";
+      toStream( m.minValue(), s ) << ", ";
+      toStream( m.maxValue(), s ) << ", ";
+      toStream( m.title(), s ) << ", ";
+      toStream( m.labels(), s );
+      s << ')';
+      return s;
+    }
+  } // namespace Utils
+} // namespace Gaudi
diff --git a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomHistogram.h b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomHistogram.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6aeb3b7e92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomHistogram.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+* (c) Copyright 1998-2024 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
+*                                                                                   *
+* This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     *
+* copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            *
+*                                                                                   *
+* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities       *
+* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization        *
+* or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                             *
+#pragma once
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/AxisAsProperty.h>
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomHistogramWrapper.h>
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h>
+namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
+  /// standard custom histogram
+  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double,
+            typename AxisTupleType = make_tuple_t<Axis<Arithmetic>, ND>>
+  using CustomHistogram = CustomHistogramWrapper<Histogram<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, AxisTupleType>>;
+  /// custom histogram with weight
+  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double,
+            typename AxisTupleType = make_tuple_t<Axis<Arithmetic>, ND>>
+  using CustomWeightedHistogram = CustomHistogramWrapper<WeightedHistogram<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, AxisTupleType>>;
+  /// custom profile histograming
+  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double,
+            typename AxisTupleType = make_tuple_t<Axis<Arithmetic>, ND>>
+  using CustomProfileHistogram = CustomHistogramWrapper<ProfileHistogram<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, AxisTupleType>>;
+  /// custom weighted profile histogram
+  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double,
+            typename AxisTupleType = make_tuple_t<Axis<Arithmetic>, ND>>
+  using CustomWeightedProfileHistogram =
+      CustomHistogramWrapper<WeightedProfileHistogram<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, AxisTupleType>>;
+} // namespace Gaudi::Accumulators
diff --git a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomHistogramWrapper.h b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomHistogramWrapper.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..65460a163b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomHistogramWrapper.h
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+* (c) Copyright 1998-2024 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
+*                                                                                   *
+* This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     *
+* copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            *
+*                                                                                   *
+* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities       *
+* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization        *
+* or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                             *
+#pragma once
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h>
+namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
+  /**
+   * A Wrapper of an Histogram base class using Properties to define title and axis
+   *
+   * Practically, this is an optional of the underlying Histogram with creation
+   * on demand, via the createHistogram method so one can wait that properties' values
+   * are known.
+   * By default creation will happen at initialization of the owner, but this can be
+   * disabled at construction time, in which case the user has to call createHistogram
+   * manually.
+   * Note that disabling automatic initialization requires using the plain
+   * constructor and passing title and axis. They can of course be empty and overwritten
+   * via Properties. But there was no easier way providing char* convert automagically
+   * to bool in C++ creating potential confusion between title on doNotInitialize
+   *
+   * This wrapper expects the Axis type of the Histogram to be usable in a
+   * Gaudi Property and thus to define the required Grammar, parse function and operator<<
+   * It also requires the underlying Histogram type to define :
+   *   - AxisTupleType : a tuple type of all Axis types
+   *   - AxisTupleArithmeticType : a tuple type of all Axis Arithmetic types
+   * FIXME : use concepts when available
+   */
+  template <typename HistogramType,
+            typename Seq =
+                std::make_integer_sequence<unsigned int, std::tuple_size_v<typename HistogramType::AxisTupleType>>>
+  class CustomHistogramWrapperInternal;
+  template <typename HistogramType, unsigned int... ND>
+  class CustomHistogramWrapperInternal<HistogramType, std::integer_sequence<unsigned int, ND...>> {
+  public:
+    template <unsigned int I>
+    using AxisType = std::tuple_element_t<I, typename HistogramType::AxisTupleType>;
+    /// constructor, only creates a set of Properties
+    template <typename OWNER>
+    CustomHistogramWrapperInternal( OWNER* owner, std::string const& name, std::string const& title = "",
+                                    typename HistogramType::AxisTupleType axis = {}, bool doNotInitialize = false )
+        : m_name{ name }, m_title{ title }, m_axis{ axis } {
+      // Create associated properties
+      owner->declareProperty( titlePropertyName(), m_title, fmt::format( "Title of histogram {}", name ) )
+          ->template setOwnerType<OWNER>();
+      ( owner
+            ->declareProperty( axisPropertyName<ND>(), std::get<ND>( m_axis ),
+                               fmt::format( "Axis {} of histogram {}", ND, name ) )
+            ->template setOwnerType<OWNER>(),
+        ... );
+      // register creation of the Histogram at initialization time
+      if ( !doNotInitialize ) {
+        owner->registerCallBack( StateMachine::INITIALIZE, [this, owner]() { createHistogram( *owner ); } );
+      }
+    }
+    /// constructor with more natural syntax for axis
+    template <typename OWNER>
+    CustomHistogramWrapperInternal( OWNER* owner, std::string const& name, std::string const& title,
+                                    AxisType<ND>... allAxis )
+        : CustomHistogramWrapperInternal( owner, name, title, std::make_tuple( allAxis... ) ) {}
+    /// override of operator[] with extra checking that initialization happened
+    [[nodiscard]] auto operator[]( typename HistogramType::AxisTupleArithmeticType&& v ) {
+      if ( !m_histo ) {
+        throw std::logic_error( fmt::format( "Histogram {} is used before being initialized", m_name ) );
+      }
+      return m_histo.value()[std::forward<typename HistogramType::AxisTupleArithmeticType>( v )];
+    }
+    /// creation of the internal histogram, from the properties
+    template <typename OWNER>
+    void createHistogram( OWNER& owner ) {
+      m_histo.emplace( &owner, m_name, m_title, m_axis );
+    }
+    friend void to_json( nlohmann::json& j, CustomHistogramWrapperInternal const& h ) {
+      if ( !h.m_histo ) {
+        throw std::logic_error( fmt::format( "Histogram {} is converted to json before being initialized", h.m_name ) );
+      }
+      j = h.m_histo.value();
+    }
+    // set directly some properties, only if histogram was not yet created
+    void setTitle( std::string const& title ) {
+      if ( m_histo )
+        throw std::logic_error(
+            fmt::format( "Cannot modify title of histogram {} after it has been initialized", m_name ) );
+      m_title = title;
+    }
+    template <unsigned int N>
+    void setAxis( std::tuple_element_t<N, typename HistogramType::AxisTupleType> const& axis ) {
+      if ( m_histo )
+        throw std::logic_error(
+            fmt::format( "Cannot modify axis {} of histogram {} after it has been initialized", N, m_name ) );
+      std::get<N>( m_axis ) = axis;
+    }
+    void reset() { m_histo.reset(); }
+  private:
+    std::string titlePropertyName() const { return fmt::format( "{}_Title", m_name ); }
+    template <unsigned int N>
+    std::string axisPropertyName() const {
+      return fmt::format( "{}_Axis{}", m_name, N );
+    }
+    // Members of the custom histogrem
+    std::string                           m_name{};
+    std::string                           m_title{};
+    typename HistogramType::AxisTupleType m_axis{};
+    std::optional<HistogramType>          m_histo{};
+  };
+  template <typename HistogramType>
+  using CustomHistogramWrapper = CustomHistogramWrapperInternal<HistogramType>;
+} // namespace Gaudi::Accumulators
diff --git a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomRootHistogram.h b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomRootHistogram.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..16357958ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomRootHistogram.h
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+* (c) Copyright 1998-2024 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
+*                                                                                   *
+* This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     *
+* copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            *
+*                                                                                   *
+* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities       *
+* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization        *
+* or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                             *
+#pragma once
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/AxisAsProperty.h>
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomHistogramWrapper.h>
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/RootHistogram.h>
+namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
+  /// standard custom histogram
+  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double,
+            typename AxisTupleType = make_tuple_t<Axis<Arithmetic>, ND>>
+  using CustomRootHistogram = CustomHistogramWrapper<RootHistogram<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, AxisTupleType>>;
+} // namespace Gaudi::Accumulators
diff --git a/GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistosUnitTest.cpp b/GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistosUnitTest.cpp
index e2cf55310f..cb9108e73f 100644
--- a/GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistosUnitTest.cpp
+++ b/GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistosUnitTest.cpp
@@ -10,14 +10,22 @@
 #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE test_CounterHistos
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomHistogram.h>
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomRootHistogram.h>
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h>
 #include <Gaudi/Accumulators/RootHistogram.h>
+#include <GaudiKernel/PropertyHolder.h>
+#include <GaudiKernel/StateMachine.h>
 #include "LogHistogram.h"
 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
 #include <deque>
 #include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
 namespace {
@@ -27,10 +35,20 @@ namespace {
     MonitoringHub& monitoringHub() { return m_monitHub; }
     MonitoringHub  m_monitHub{};
-  struct Algo {
+  struct BaseAlgo : INamedInterface, IProperty {
+    unsigned long            addRef() override { return 0; };
+    unsigned long            release() override { return 0; };
+    void*                    i_cast( const InterfaceID& ) const override { return nullptr; }
+    std::vector<std::string> getInterfaceNames() const override { return {}; }
+    unsigned long            refCount() const override { return 0; }
+    StatusCode               queryInterface( const InterfaceID&, void** ) override { return StatusCode::FAILURE; };
+    const std::string&       name() const override { return m_name; };
+    std::string              m_name{};
+  };
+  struct Algo : PropertyHolder<BaseAlgo> {
     ServiceLocator* serviceLocator() { return &m_serviceLocator; }
-    std::string     name() { return ""; }
     ServiceLocator  m_serviceLocator{};
+    void            registerCallBack( Gaudi::StateMachine::Transition, std::function<void()> ){};
   struct HistSink : public Gaudi::Monitoring::Hub::Sink {
     virtual void registerEntity( Gaudi::Monitoring::Hub::Entity ent ) override { m_entities.push_back( ent ); }
@@ -156,7 +174,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_counter_root_histos, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e
     Gaudi::Accumulators::RootHistogram<3> histo3d{
-        &algo, "GaudiH2D", "A Gaudi 3D histogram", { { 4, -10, 10, "X" }, { 4, -10, 10, "Y" }, { 4, -10, 10, "Z" } } };
+        &algo, "GaudiH3D", "A Gaudi 3D histogram", { { 4, -10, 10, "X" }, { 4, -10, 10, "Y" }, { 4, -10, 10, "Z" } } };
     ++histo3d[{ 1, 1, 1 }]; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin
     BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo3d ).at( "bins" )[36 * 3 + 6 * 3 + 3] == 1 );
     ++histo3d[{ 2, 3, 2 }]; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin
@@ -251,6 +269,7 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
                                   { "title", axis.title } };
     j["labels"] = axis.labels;
+  StatusCode parse( EnumAxis&, const std::string& ) { return StatusCode::SUCCESS; }
 } // namespace Gaudi::Accumulators
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_custom_axis ) {
@@ -286,7 +305,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_mixed_axis ) {
   Algo algo;
   Histogram<2, atomicity::full, float, std::tuple<EnumAxis, Axis<float>>> hist{
-      &algo, "TestEnumHist", "TestEnum histogram", EnumAxis{}, { 3, 0, 3, "Value" } };
+      &algo, "TestEnumHist", "TestEnum 2D histogram", EnumAxis{}, { 3, 0, 3, "Value" } };
   hist[{ TestEnum::A, 0.5 }] += 1;
   ++hist[{ TestEnum::B, 1.5 }];
@@ -309,7 +328,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_mixed_axis ) {
   BOOST_TEST( j["axis"][0]["labels"] == expected_labels );
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_custom ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_custom_input ) {
   using namespace Gaudi::Accumulators;
   Algo algo;
@@ -334,7 +353,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_custom ) {
   BOOST_TEST( j["axis"][0]["nBins"] == 4 );
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_custom_2d ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_custom_input_2d ) {
   using namespace Gaudi::Accumulators;
   Algo algo;
@@ -430,3 +449,238 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_2d_histos_unique_ptr, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1
   auto nEntries = "nEntries" ).get<unsigned long>();
   BOOST_TEST( nEntries == 100 );
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_custom_Histos, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e-14 ) ) {
+  Algo algo;
+  {
+    Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomHistogram<1> histo1d{ &algo, "GaudiH1D" };
+    algo.setProperty( "GaudiH1D_Title", "A Gaudi 1D histogram" ).ignore();
+    algo.setProperty( "GaudiH1D_Axis0", "( 21, -10.5, 10.5, \"X\" )" ).ignore();
+    histo1d.createHistogram( algo );
+    auto jHisto = toJSON( histo1d );
+    BOOST_TEST( "title" ) == "A Gaudi 1D histogram" );
+    auto axis = "axis" )[0];
+    std::cout << jHisto << std::endl;
+    BOOST_TEST( "nBins" ) == 21 );
+    BOOST_TEST( "minValue" ) == -10.5 );
+    BOOST_TEST( "maxValue" ) == 10.5 );
+    BOOST_TEST( "title" ) == "X" );
+    BOOST_TEST( "bins" ).get<std::vector<double>>().size() == 23 );
+    ++histo1d[-10.0]; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin
+    std::cout << toJSON( histo1d ) << std::endl;
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1d ).at( "bins" )[1] == 1 );
+    ++histo1d[-10.0]; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1d ).at( "bins" )[1] == 2 );
+  }
+  {
+    Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomHistogram<2> histo2d{ &algo, "GaudiH2D" };
+    algo.setProperty( "GaudiH2D_Title", "A Gaudi 2D histogram" ).ignore();
+    algo.setProperty( "GaudiH2D_Axis0", "( 21, -10.5, 10.5, \"X\" )" ).ignore();
+    algo.setProperty( "GaudiH2D_Axis1", "( 41, -20.5, 20.5 )" ).ignore();
+    histo2d.createHistogram( algo );
+    auto jHisto = toJSON( histo2d );
+    BOOST_TEST( "title" ) == "A Gaudi 2D histogram" );
+    auto axis0 = "axis" )[0];
+    BOOST_TEST( "nBins" ) == 21 );
+    BOOST_TEST( "minValue" ) == -10.5 );
+    BOOST_TEST( "maxValue" ) == 10.5 );
+    BOOST_TEST( "title" ) == "X" );
+    auto axis1 = "axis" )[1];
+    BOOST_TEST( "nBins" ) == 41 );
+    BOOST_TEST( "minValue" ) == -20.5 );
+    BOOST_TEST( "maxValue" ) == 20.5 );
+    BOOST_TEST( "title" ) == "" );
+    BOOST_TEST( "bins" ).get<std::vector<double>>().size() == 43 * 23 );
+    ++histo2d[{ -10.0, -20.0 }]; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo2d ).at( "bins" )[( 1 + 21 + 1 ) + 1] == 1 );
+    ++histo2d[{ -10.0, -20.0 }]; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo2d ).at( "bins" )[( 1 + 21 + 1 ) + 1] == 2 );
+  }
+  {
+    Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomWeightedHistogram<1> histo1dw{ &algo, "GaudiH1DW" };
+    algo.setProperty( "GaudiH1dw_Title", "A Gaudi 1DW histogram" ).ignore();
+    algo.setProperty( "GaudiH1dw_Axis0", "( 21, -10.5, 10.5, \"X\" )" ).ignore();
+    histo1dw.createHistogram( algo );
+    auto jHisto = toJSON( histo1dw );
+    BOOST_TEST( "title" ) == "A Gaudi 1DW histogram" );
+    auto axis0 = "axis" )[0];
+    BOOST_TEST( "nBins" ) == 21 );
+    BOOST_TEST( "minValue" ) == -10.5 );
+    BOOST_TEST( "maxValue" ) == 10.5 );
+    BOOST_TEST( "title" ) == "X" );
+    histo1dw[-10.0] += 0.25; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1dw ).at( "bins" )[1] == 0.25 );
+    histo1dw[-10.0] += 0.5; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1dw ).at( "bins" )[1] == 0.75 );
+  }
+  {
+    Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomProfileHistogram<1u> histo{ &algo, "GaudiP1D" };
+    algo.setProperty( "GaudiP1D_Title", "A Gaudi Profile histogram" ).ignore();
+    algo.setProperty( "GaudiP1D_Axis0", "( 10, 0, 100 )" ).ignore();
+    histo.createHistogram( algo );
+    histo[-0.5] += -0.5;
+    for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { histo[10.0 * double( i ) + 0.5] += double( i ); }
+    histo[120.0] += 120.0;
+    nlohmann::json j        = toJSON( histo );
+    auto           nEntries = "nEntries" ).get<unsigned long>();
+    BOOST_TEST( nEntries == 12 );
+    auto bincont = "bins" ).get<std::vector<std::tuple<std::tuple<unsigned int, double>, double>>>();
+    for ( size_t i = 0; i < bincont.size(); i++ ) {
+      auto& [tmp, sumw2] = bincont[i];
+      auto& [nent, sumw] = tmp;
+      if ( i == 0 ) {
+        BOOST_TEST( nent == 1 );
+        BOOST_TEST( sumw == -0.5 );
+        BOOST_TEST( sumw2 == 0.5 * 0.5 );
+      } else if ( i == bincont.size() - 1 ) {
+        BOOST_TEST( nent == 1 );
+        BOOST_TEST( sumw == 120.0 );
+        BOOST_TEST( sumw2 == 120.0 * 120.0 );
+      } else {
+        auto w = i - 1;
+        BOOST_TEST( nent == 1 );
+        BOOST_TEST( sumw == w );
+        BOOST_TEST( sumw2 == w * w );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_custom_root_histos, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e-14 ) ) {
+  Algo algo;
+  {
+    Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomRootHistogram<1> histo1d{ &algo, "GaudiH1D" };
+    algo.setProperty( "GaudiH1D_Title", "A Gaudi 1D histogram" ).ignore();
+    algo.setProperty( "GaudiH1D_Axis0", "( 4, -10, 10, \"X\" )" ).ignore();
+    histo1d.createHistogram( algo );
+    ++histo1d[1];
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1d ).at( "bins" )[3] == 1 );
+    ++histo1d[2];
+    ++histo1d[-100];
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1d ).at( "bins" )[3] == 2 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1d ).at( "nEntries" ) == 3 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1d ).at( "nTotEntries" ) == 2 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1d ).at( "sum" ) == 3 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1d ).at( "sum2" ) == 5 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1d ).at( "mean" ) == 1.5 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1d ).at( "standard_deviation" ) == 0.5 );
+  }
+  {
+    Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomRootHistogram<2> histo2d{ &algo, "GaudiH2D" };
+    algo.setProperty( "GaudiH2D_Title", "A Gaudi 2D histogram" ).ignore();
+    algo.setProperty( "GaudiH2D_Axis0", "( 4, -10, 10, \"X\" )" ).ignore();
+    algo.setProperty( "GaudiH2D_Axis1", "( 4, -10, 10, \"Y\" )" ).ignore();
+    histo2d.createHistogram( algo );
+    ++histo2d[{ 1, 1 }]; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo2d ).at( "bins" )[( 1 + 4 + 1 ) * 3 + 3] == 1 );
+    ++histo2d[{ 2, 3 }]; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin
+    ++histo2d[{ -100, -100 }];
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo2d ).at( "bins" )[( 1 + 4 + 1 ) * 3 + 3] == 2 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo2d ).at( "nEntries" ) == 3 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo2d ).at( "nTotEntries" ) == 2 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo2d ).at( "sumx" ) == 3 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo2d ).at( "sumy" ) == 4 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo2d ).at( "sumx2" ) == 5 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo2d ).at( "sumy2" ) == 10 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo2d ).at( "sumxy" ) == 7 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo2d ).at( "meanx" ) == 1.5 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo2d ).at( "meany" ) == 2 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo2d ).at( "standard_deviationx" ) == .5 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo2d ).at( "standard_deviationy" ) == 1 );
+  }
+  {
+    Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomRootHistogram<3> histo3d{ &algo, "GaudiH3D" };
+    algo.setProperty( "GaudiH3D_Title", "A Gaudi 3D histogram" ).ignore();
+    algo.setProperty( "GaudiH3D_Axis0", "( 4, -10, 10, \"X\" )" ).ignore();
+    algo.setProperty( "GaudiH3D_Axis1", "( 4, -10, 10, \"Y\" )" ).ignore();
+    algo.setProperty( "GaudiH3D_Axis2", "( 4, -10, 10, \"Z\" )" ).ignore();
+    histo3d.createHistogram( algo );
+    ++histo3d[{ 1, 1, 1 }]; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo3d ).at( "bins" )[36 * 3 + 6 * 3 + 3] == 1 );
+    ++histo3d[{ 2, 3, 2 }]; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin
+    ++histo3d[{ -100, -100, -100 }];
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo3d ).at( "bins" )[36 * 3 + 6 * 3 + 3] == 2 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo3d ).at( "nEntries" ) == 3 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo3d ).at( "nTotEntries" ) == 2 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo3d ).at( "sumx" ) == 3 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo3d ).at( "sumy" ) == 4 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo3d ).at( "sumz" ) == 3 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo3d ).at( "sumx2" ) == 5 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo3d ).at( "sumy2" ) == 10 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo3d ).at( "sumz2" ) == 5 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo3d ).at( "sumxy" ) == 7 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo3d ).at( "sumxz" ) == 5 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo3d ).at( "sumyz" ) == 7 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo3d ).at( "meanx" ) == 1.5 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo3d ).at( "meany" ) == 2 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo3d ).at( "meanz" ) == 1.5 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo3d ).at( "standard_deviationx" ) == .5 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo3d ).at( "standard_deviationy" ) == 1 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo3d ).at( "standard_deviationz" ) == .5 );
+  }
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_custom_integer_histos ) {
+  using namespace Gaudi::Accumulators;
+  Algo                                              algo;
+  CustomHistogram<1, atomicity::none, unsigned int> histo{ &algo, "IntH1D" };
+  algo.setProperty( "IntH1D_Title", "A 1D histogram with integer content" ).ignore();
+  algo.setProperty( "IntH1D_Axis0", "( 10, 0, 10, \"X\" )" ).ignore();
+  histo.createHistogram( algo );
+  ++histo[1]; // fill the second (non-overflow) bin
+  ++histo[3]; // fill the fourth (non-overflow) bin
+  auto j = toJSON( histo );
+  BOOST_TEST( "bins" )[0] == 0 );
+  BOOST_TEST( "bins" )[2] == 1 );
+  BOOST_TEST( "bins" )[4] == 1 );
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_custom_custom_axis ) {
+  using namespace Gaudi::Accumulators;
+  Algo                                                                algo;
+  CustomHistogram<1, atomicity::full, TestEnum, std::tuple<EnumAxis>> hist{ &algo, "TestEnumHist" };
+  algo.setProperty( "IntH1D_Title", "TestEnum histogram" ).ignore();
+  algo.setProperty( "IntH1D_Axis0", "Junk - this is ignored" ).ignore();
+  hist.createHistogram( algo );
+  hist[TestEnum::A] += 1;
+  ++hist[TestEnum::B];
+  hist[TestEnum::C] += 2;
+  auto j    = toJSON( hist );
+  auto bins = j["bins"];
+  BOOST_TEST( bins[0] == 0 );
+  BOOST_TEST( bins[1] == 1 );
+  BOOST_TEST( bins[2] == 1 );
+  BOOST_TEST( bins[3] == 2 );
+  BOOST_TEST( bins[4] == 0 );
+  BOOST_TEST( bins[5] == 0 );
+  BOOST_TEST( j["axis"][0]["nBins"] == 4 );
+  BOOST_TEST( j["axis"][0]["title"] == "TestEnum" );
+  nlohmann::json expected_labels = { "A", "B", "C", "D" };
+  BOOST_TEST( j["axis"][0]["labels"] == expected_labels );
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_custom_mixed_axis ) {
+  using namespace Gaudi::Accumulators;
+  Algo                                                                          algo;
+  CustomHistogram<2, atomicity::full, float, std::tuple<EnumAxis, Axis<float>>> hist{ &algo, "TestEnumHist" };
+  algo.setProperty( "TestEnumHist_Title", "TestEnum 2D histogram" ).ignore();
+  algo.setProperty( "TestEnumHist_Axis1", "( 3, 0, 3, \"Value\" )" ).ignore();
+  hist.createHistogram( algo );
+  hist[{ TestEnum::A, 0.5 }] += 1;
+  ++hist[{ TestEnum::B, 1.5 }];
+  hist[{ TestEnum::C, 2.5 }] += 2;
+  auto j    = toJSON( hist );
+  auto bins = j["bins"];
+  BOOST_TEST( bins[6 + 1] == 1 );
+  BOOST_TEST( bins[6 * 2 + 2] == 1 );
+  BOOST_TEST( bins[6 * 3 + 3] == 2 );
+  BOOST_TEST( bins[6 * 3 + 3] == 2 );
+  BOOST_TEST( j["axis"][0]["nBins"] == 4 );
+  BOOST_TEST( j["axis"][0]["title"] == "TestEnum" );
+  BOOST_TEST( j["axis"][1]["nBins"] == 3 );
+  BOOST_TEST( j["axis"][1]["title"] == "Value" );
+  nlohmann::json expected_labels = { "A", "B", "C", "D" };
+  BOOST_TEST( j["axis"][0]["labels"] == expected_labels );
diff --git a/GaudiTestSuite/options/ b/GaudiTestSuite/options/
index 15d75419c8..1a22ca2458 100644
--- a/GaudiTestSuite/options/
+++ b/GaudiTestSuite/options/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# (c) Copyright 1998-2019 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations #
+# (c) Copyright 1998-2024 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations #
 #                                                                                   #
 # This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     #
 # copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            #
@@ -23,15 +23,70 @@ from Configurables import (
     Gaudi__TestSuite__Counter__GaudiRootHistoAlgorithm as RootCounterHistoAlg,
-algs = [
-    CounterHistoAlg("SimpleCounterHistos", OutputLevel=DEBUG),
-    RootCounterHistoAlg("SimpleRootCounterHistos", OutputLevel=DEBUG),
+histoAlg = CounterHistoAlg(
+    "SimpleCounterHistos",
+    OutputLevel=DEBUG,
+    CustomGauss_Title="Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, atomic",
+    CustomGauss_Axis0=(100, -5, 5, "X"),
+    CustomGaussFlat_Title="Gaussian V Flat, atomic",
+    CustomGaussFlat_Axis0=(50, -5, 5, "X"),
+    CustomGaussFlat_Axis1=(50, -5, 5, "Y"),
+    CustomGaussFlatGauss_Title="Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian, atomic",
+    CustomGaussFlatGauss_Axis0=(10, -5, 5, "X"),
+    CustomGaussFlatGauss_Axis1=(10, -5, 5, "Y"),
+    CustomGaussFlatGauss_Axis2=(10, -5, 5, "Z"),
+    CustomGaussW_Title="Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, weighted",
+    CustomGaussW_Axis0=(100, -5, 5),
+    CustomGaussFlatW_Title="Gaussian V Flat, weighted",
+    CustomGaussFlatW_Axis0=(50, -5, 5),
+    CustomGaussFlatW_Axis1=(50, -5, 5),
+    CustomGaussFlatGaussW_Title="Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian, weighted",
+    CustomGaussFlatGaussW_Axis0=(10, -5, 5),
+    CustomGaussFlatGaussW_Axis1=(10, -5, 5),
+    CustomGaussFlatGaussW_Axis2=(10, -5, 5),
+    CustomProfGauss_Title="Profile, Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, atomic",
+    CustomProfGauss_Axis0=(100, -5, 5),
+    CustomProfGaussFlat_Title="Profile, Gaussian V Flat, atomic",
+    CustomProfGaussFlat_Axis0=(50, -5, 5),
+    CustomProfGaussFlat_Axis1=(50, -5, 5),
+    CustomProfGaussFlatGauss_Title="Profile, Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian, atomic",
+    CustomProfGaussFlatGauss_Axis0=(10, -5, 5),
+    CustomProfGaussFlatGauss_Axis1=(10, -5, 5),
+    CustomProfGaussFlatGauss_Axis2=(10, -5, 5),
+    CustomProfGaussW_Title="Profile, Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, weighted",
+    CustomProfGaussW_Axis0=(100, -5, 5),
+    CustomProfGaussFlatW_Title="Profile, Gaussian V Flat, weighted",
+    CustomProfGaussFlatW_Axis0=(50, -5, 5),
+    CustomProfGaussFlatW_Axis1=(50, -5, 5),
+    CustomProfGaussFlatGaussW_Title="Profile, Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian, weighted",
+    CustomProfGaussFlatGaussW_Axis0=(10, -5, 5),
+    CustomProfGaussFlatGaussW_Axis1=(10, -5, 5),
+    CustomProfGaussFlatGaussW_Axis2=(10, -5, 5),
+    CustomGaussNoInit_Title="Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, atomic",
+    CustomGaussNoInit_Axis0=(100, -5, 5, "X"),
+rootHistoAlg = RootCounterHistoAlg(
+    "SimpleRootCounterHistos",
+    OutputLevel=DEBUG,
+    CustomGauss_Title="Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, atomic",
+    CustomGauss_Axis0=(100, -5, 5, "X"),
+    CustomGaussFlat_Title="Gaussian V Flat, atomic",
+    CustomGaussFlat_Axis0=(50, -5, 5, "X"),
+    CustomGaussFlat_Axis1=(50, -5, 5, "Y"),
+    CustomGaussFlatGauss_Title="Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian, atomic",
+    CustomGaussFlatGauss_Axis0=(10, -5, 5, "X"),
+    CustomGaussFlatGauss_Axis1=(10, -5, 5, "Y"),
+    CustomGaussFlatGauss_Axis2=(10, -5, 5, "Z"),
 app = ApplicationMgr(
-    TopAlg=algs,
-    ExtSvc=[MessageSvcSink(), RootHistoSink()],
+    TopAlg=[histoAlg, rootHistoAlg],
+    ExtSvc=[
+        MessageSvcSink(TypesToSave=["counter:.*", "histogram:.*"]),
+        RootHistoSink(),
+    ],
diff --git a/GaudiTestSuite/src/Histograms/CounterHistos.cpp b/GaudiTestSuite/src/Histograms/CounterHistos.cpp
index 9cce4e1ec2..3b06e36692 100644
--- a/GaudiTestSuite/src/Histograms/CounterHistos.cpp
+++ b/GaudiTestSuite/src/Histograms/CounterHistos.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* (c) Copyright 1998-2019 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
+* (c) Copyright 1998-2024 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
 *                                                                                   *
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     *
 * copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            *
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
 * granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization        *
 * or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                             *
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomHistogram.h>
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomRootHistogram.h>
 #include <Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h>
 #include <Gaudi/Accumulators/RootHistogram.h>
 #include <Gaudi/Algorithm.h>
@@ -77,6 +79,10 @@ namespace Gaudi {
         using Gaudi::Algorithm::Algorithm;
+        StatusCode initialize() override {
+          return Algorithm::initialize().andThen( [&] { m_custom_gauss_noinit.createHistogram( *this ); } );
+        }
         StatusCode execute( const EventContext& ) const override {
           // some random number generators, just to provide numbers
           static Rndm::Numbers Gauss( randSvc(), Rndm::Gauss( 0.0, 1.0 ) );
@@ -146,6 +152,22 @@ namespace Gaudi {
           m_log_gaussVflat[{ flat, gauss }]++;
+          // using Custom histograms, with title and axis defined in python
+          ++m_custom_gauss_noprop[gauss];
+          ++m_custom_gauss[gauss];
+          ++m_custom_gaussVflat[{ flat, gauss }];
+          ++m_custom_gaussVflatVgauss[{ flat, gauss, gauss2 }];
+          m_custom_gauss_w[gauss] += .5;
+          m_custom_gaussVflat_w[{ flat, gauss }] += .5;
+          m_custom_gaussVflatVgauss_w[{ flat, gauss, gauss2 }] += .5;
+          m_custom_prof_gauss[gauss] += gauss3;
+          m_custom_prof_gaussVflat[{ flat, gauss }] += gauss3;
+          m_custom_prof_gaussVflatVgauss[{ flat, gauss, gauss2 }] += gauss3;
+          m_custom_prof_gauss_w[gauss] += { gauss3, .5 };
+          m_custom_prof_gaussVflat_w[{ flat, gauss }] += { gauss3, .5 };
+          m_custom_prof_gaussVflatVgauss_w[{ flat, gauss, gauss2 }] += { gauss3, .5 };
+          ++m_custom_gauss_noinit[gauss];
           if ( m_nCalls.nEntries() == 0 ) always() << "Filling Histograms...... Please be patient !" << endmsg;
           return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -279,6 +301,34 @@ namespace Gaudi {
         // Histogram in an absolute location
         mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_gaussAbsName{
             this, "/TopDir/SubDir/Gauss", "Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, atomic", { 100, -5, 5, "X" } };
+        // Custom histograms, specifying title and axis in python
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomHistogram<1> m_custom_gauss_noprop{
+            this, "CustomGaussNoProp", "Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, atomic", { 100, -5, 5, "X" } };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomHistogram<1> m_custom_gauss{ this, "CustomGauss" };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomHistogram<2> m_custom_gaussVflat{ this, "CustomGaussFlat" };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomHistogram<3> m_custom_gaussVflatVgauss{ this, "CustomGaussFlatGauss" };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomWeightedHistogram<1> m_custom_gauss_w{ this, "CustomGaussW" };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomWeightedHistogram<2> m_custom_gaussVflat_w{ this, "CustomGaussFlatW" };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomWeightedHistogram<3> m_custom_gaussVflatVgauss_w{ this,
+                                                                                             "CustomGaussFlatGaussW" };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomProfileHistogram<1> m_custom_prof_gauss{ this, "CustomProfGauss" };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomProfileHistogram<2> m_custom_prof_gaussVflat{ this, "CustomProfGaussFlat" };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomProfileHistogram<3> m_custom_prof_gaussVflatVgauss{
+            this, "CustomProfGaussFlatGauss" };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomWeightedProfileHistogram<1> m_custom_prof_gauss_w{ this,
+                                                                                              "CustomProfGaussW" };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomWeightedProfileHistogram<2> m_custom_prof_gaussVflat_w{
+            this, "CustomProfGaussFlatW" };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomWeightedProfileHistogram<3> m_custom_prof_gaussVflatVgauss_w{
+            this, "CustomProfGaussFlatGaussW" };
+        // Checking DoNotInitialize property of CustomHistogram
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomHistogram<1> m_custom_gauss_noinit{
+            this, "CustomGaussNoInit", "", {}, true };
       DECLARE_COMPONENT( GaudiHistoAlgorithm )
@@ -312,6 +362,11 @@ namespace Gaudi {
             ++gaussVflatVgauss_buf[{ flat, gauss, gauss2 }];
+          // custom histograms, with title and axis defined in python
+          ++m_custom_gauss[gauss];
+          ++m_custom_gaussVflat[{ flat, gauss }];
+          ++m_custom_gaussVflatVgauss[{ flat, gauss, gauss2 }];
           if ( m_nCalls.nEntries() == 0 ) always() << "Filling Histograms...... Please be patient !" << endmsg;
           return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -343,6 +398,14 @@ namespace Gaudi {
             "Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian, buffered",
             { { 10, -5, 5 }, { 10, -5, 5 }, { 10, -5, 5 } } };
+        // Custom histogram cases, specifying title and axis in python
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomRootHistogram<1> m_custom_gauss{ this, "CustomGauss",
+                                                                            "Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, atomic" };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomRootHistogram<2> m_custom_gaussVflat{ this, "CustomGaussFlat",
+                                                                                 "Gaussian V Flat, atomic" };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomRootHistogram<3> m_custom_gaussVflatVgauss{
+            this, "CustomGaussFlatGauss", "Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian, atomic" };
       DECLARE_COMPONENT( GaudiRootHistoAlgorithm )
     } // namespace Counter

From bbf20ea8441e353283862018babdd5aa52d2b301 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastien Ponce <>
Date: Fri, 17 May 2024 14:02:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 3/8] Renamed Histogram and CustomHistogram to StaticHistogram
 and Histogram

The default becomes thus the dynamic histograms with properties
 .../RootHistogramSink.cpp                     |  27 +-
 .../TinyExperiment/src/GeneratorAlg.cpp       |   2 +-
 .../Gaudi/Accumulators/AxisAsProperty.h       |  17 +-
 .../Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomHistogram.h      |  40 -
 .../Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomRootHistogram.h  |  24 -
 .../include/Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h    | 713 +-----------------
 ...mHistogramWrapper.h => HistogramWrapper.h} |  34 +-
 .../Gaudi/Accumulators/RootHistogram.h        | 346 +--------
 .../Gaudi/Accumulators/StaticHistogram.h      | 696 +++++++++++++++++
 .../Gaudi/Accumulators/StaticRootHistogram.h  | 361 +++++++++
 .../include/Gaudi/Histograming/Sink/Utils.h   |   8 +-
 .../tests/src/CounterHistoArrayUnitTest.cpp   |  86 ++-
 .../tests/src/CounterHistosUnitTest.cpp       |  68 +-
 GaudiKernel/tests/src/LogHistogram.h          |   2 +-
 .../tests/src/ProfileHistoSpeedTest.cpp       |  14 +-
 .../src/Histograms/CounterHistos.cpp          | 145 ++--
 GaudiTestSuite/src/Histograms/HistoProps.cpp  |   2 +
 .../src/testing/HistogramsTests.cpp           |  17 +-
 18 files changed, 1318 insertions(+), 1284 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomHistogram.h
 delete mode 100644 GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomRootHistogram.h
 rename GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/{CustomHistogramWrapper.h => HistogramWrapper.h} (78%)
 create mode 100644 GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/StaticHistogram.h
 create mode 100644 GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/StaticRootHistogram.h

diff --git a/GaudiCommonSvc/src/HistogramPersistencySvc/RootHistogramSink.cpp b/GaudiCommonSvc/src/HistogramPersistencySvc/RootHistogramSink.cpp
index 9667f6dca3..ff5fe3229a 100644
--- a/GaudiCommonSvc/src/HistogramPersistencySvc/RootHistogramSink.cpp
+++ b/GaudiCommonSvc/src/HistogramPersistencySvc/RootHistogramSink.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* (c) Copyright 1998-2023 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
+* (c) Copyright 1998-2024 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
 *                                                                                   *
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     *
 * copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            *
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 * or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                             *
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/StaticHistogram.h>
 #include <Gaudi/Histograming/Sink/Base.h>
 #include <Gaudi/Histograming/Sink/Utils.h>
 #include <GaudiKernel/Service.h>
@@ -24,29 +25,29 @@ namespace Gaudi::Histograming::Sink {
   namespace {
     using namespace std::string_literals;
     Base::HistoBinRegistry const binRegistry = {
-        { std::type_index( typeid( Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1u, Accumulators::atomicity::full, double> ) ),
+        { std::type_index( typeid( Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1u, Accumulators::atomicity::full, double> ) ),
           &saveProfileHisto<1, Accumulators::atomicity::full, double> },
-        { std::type_index( typeid( Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1u, Accumulators::atomicity::none, double> ) ),
+        { std::type_index( typeid( Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1u, Accumulators::atomicity::none, double> ) ),
           &saveProfileHisto<1, Accumulators::atomicity::none, double> },
-        { std::type_index( typeid( Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1u, Accumulators::atomicity::full, float> ) ),
+        { std::type_index( typeid( Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1u, Accumulators::atomicity::full, float> ) ),
           &saveProfileHisto<1, Accumulators::atomicity::full, float> },
-        { std::type_index( typeid( Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1u, Accumulators::atomicity::none, float> ) ),
+        { std::type_index( typeid( Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1u, Accumulators::atomicity::none, float> ) ),
           &saveProfileHisto<1, Accumulators::atomicity::none, float> },
-        { std::type_index( typeid( Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<2u, Accumulators::atomicity::full, double> ) ),
+        { std::type_index( typeid( Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<2u, Accumulators::atomicity::full, double> ) ),
           &saveProfileHisto<2, Accumulators::atomicity::full, double> },
-        { std::type_index( typeid( Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<2u, Accumulators::atomicity::none, double> ) ),
+        { std::type_index( typeid( Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<2u, Accumulators::atomicity::none, double> ) ),
           &saveProfileHisto<2, Accumulators::atomicity::none, double> },
-        { std::type_index( typeid( Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<2u, Accumulators::atomicity::full, float> ) ),
+        { std::type_index( typeid( Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<2u, Accumulators::atomicity::full, float> ) ),
           &saveProfileHisto<2, Accumulators::atomicity::full, float> },
-        { std::type_index( typeid( Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<2u, Accumulators::atomicity::none, float> ) ),
+        { std::type_index( typeid( Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<2u, Accumulators::atomicity::none, float> ) ),
           &saveProfileHisto<2, Accumulators::atomicity::none, float> },
-        { std::type_index( typeid( Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<3u, Accumulators::atomicity::full, double> ) ),
+        { std::type_index( typeid( Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<3u, Accumulators::atomicity::full, double> ) ),
           &saveProfileHisto<3, Accumulators::atomicity::full, double> },
-        { std::type_index( typeid( Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<3u, Accumulators::atomicity::none, double> ) ),
+        { std::type_index( typeid( Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<3u, Accumulators::atomicity::none, double> ) ),
           &saveProfileHisto<3, Accumulators::atomicity::none, double> },
-        { std::type_index( typeid( Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<3u, Accumulators::atomicity::full, float> ) ),
+        { std::type_index( typeid( Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<3u, Accumulators::atomicity::full, float> ) ),
           &saveProfileHisto<3, Accumulators::atomicity::full, float> },
-        { std::type_index( typeid( Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<3u, Accumulators::atomicity::none, float> ) ),
+        { std::type_index( typeid( Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<3u, Accumulators::atomicity::none, float> ) ),
           &saveProfileHisto<3, Accumulators::atomicity::none, float> },
     Base::HistoRegistry const registry = {
diff --git a/GaudiExamples/TinyExperiment/src/GeneratorAlg.cpp b/GaudiExamples/TinyExperiment/src/GeneratorAlg.cpp
index 7dc27d9330..11d8c9f4e4 100644
--- a/GaudiExamples/TinyExperiment/src/GeneratorAlg.cpp
+++ b/GaudiExamples/TinyExperiment/src/GeneratorAlg.cpp
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 #include "IRandomGenSvc.h"
 #include "MCTrack.h"
-#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h>
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators.h>
 #include <Gaudi/Functional/Transformer.h>
 #include <cmath>
diff --git a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/AxisAsProperty.h b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/AxisAsProperty.h
index 94a7b4e2ad..46df385862 100644
--- a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/AxisAsProperty.h
+++ b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/AxisAsProperty.h
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h>
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/StaticHistogram.h>
 #include <Gaudi/Parsers/Factory.h>
 #include <GaudiKernel/ToStream.h>
@@ -78,19 +78,4 @@ namespace Gaudi {
   } // namespace Parsers
-  // We also need to be able to print an Axis object as a string that both
-  // Python and our parser can understand,
-  namespace Utils {
-    template <typename Arithmetic>
-    std::ostream& toStream( Accumulators::Axis<Arithmetic> const& m, std::ostream& s ) {
-      s << '(';
-      toStream( m.numBins(), s ) << ", ";
-      toStream( m.minValue(), s ) << ", ";
-      toStream( m.maxValue(), s ) << ", ";
-      toStream( m.title(), s ) << ", ";
-      toStream( m.labels(), s );
-      s << ')';
-      return s;
-    }
-  } // namespace Utils
 } // namespace Gaudi
diff --git a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomHistogram.h b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomHistogram.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6aeb3b7e92..0000000000
--- a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomHistogram.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-* (c) Copyright 1998-2024 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
-*                                                                                   *
-* This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     *
-* copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            *
-*                                                                                   *
-* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities       *
-* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization        *
-* or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                             *
-#pragma once
-#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/AxisAsProperty.h>
-#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomHistogramWrapper.h>
-#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h>
-namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
-  /// standard custom histogram
-  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double,
-            typename AxisTupleType = make_tuple_t<Axis<Arithmetic>, ND>>
-  using CustomHistogram = CustomHistogramWrapper<Histogram<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, AxisTupleType>>;
-  /// custom histogram with weight
-  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double,
-            typename AxisTupleType = make_tuple_t<Axis<Arithmetic>, ND>>
-  using CustomWeightedHistogram = CustomHistogramWrapper<WeightedHistogram<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, AxisTupleType>>;
-  /// custom profile histograming
-  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double,
-            typename AxisTupleType = make_tuple_t<Axis<Arithmetic>, ND>>
-  using CustomProfileHistogram = CustomHistogramWrapper<ProfileHistogram<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, AxisTupleType>>;
-  /// custom weighted profile histogram
-  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double,
-            typename AxisTupleType = make_tuple_t<Axis<Arithmetic>, ND>>
-  using CustomWeightedProfileHistogram =
-      CustomHistogramWrapper<WeightedProfileHistogram<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, AxisTupleType>>;
-} // namespace Gaudi::Accumulators
diff --git a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomRootHistogram.h b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomRootHistogram.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 16357958ab..0000000000
--- a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomRootHistogram.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-* (c) Copyright 1998-2024 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
-*                                                                                   *
-* This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     *
-* copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            *
-*                                                                                   *
-* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities       *
-* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization        *
-* or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                             *
-#pragma once
-#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/AxisAsProperty.h>
-#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomHistogramWrapper.h>
-#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/RootHistogram.h>
-namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
-  /// standard custom histogram
-  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double,
-            typename AxisTupleType = make_tuple_t<Axis<Arithmetic>, ND>>
-  using CustomRootHistogram = CustomHistogramWrapper<RootHistogram<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, AxisTupleType>>;
-} // namespace Gaudi::Accumulators
diff --git a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h
index 56fc584f18..58b5f3974c 100644
--- a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h
+++ b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h
@@ -10,722 +10,31 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <Gaudi/Accumulators.h>
-#include <Gaudi/MonitoringHub.h>
-#include <GaudiKernel/HistoDef.h>
-#include <array>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <fmt/format.h>
-#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
-#include <string>
-#include <type_traits>
-#include <utility>
-#include <vector>
-namespace {
-  // Helper class creating a "subtuple" type from a tuple type by keeping only
-  // the first N items.
-  template <typename Tuple, typename Seq>
-  struct SubTuple;
-  template <typename Tuple, size_t... I>
-  struct SubTuple<Tuple, std::index_sequence<I...>> {
-    using type = decltype( std::make_tuple( std::get<I>( std::declval<Tuple>() )... ) );
-  };
-  template <typename Tuple, unsigned int N>
-  using SubTuple_t = typename SubTuple<Tuple, std::make_index_sequence<N>>::type;
-  /// helper class to create a tuple of N identical types
-  template <typename T, unsigned int ND, typename = std::make_integer_sequence<unsigned int, ND>>
-  struct make_tuple;
-  template <typename T, unsigned int ND, unsigned int... S>
-  struct make_tuple<T, ND, std::integer_sequence<unsigned int, S...>> {
-    template <unsigned int>
-    using typeMap = T;
-    using type    = std::tuple<typeMap<S>...>;
-  };
-  template <typename T, unsigned int ND>
-  using make_tuple_t = typename make_tuple<T, ND>::type;
-  /// template magic converting a tuple of Axis into the tuple of corresponding Arithmetic types
-  template <typename AxisTupleType>
-  struct AxisToArithmetic;
-  template <typename... Axis>
-  struct AxisToArithmetic<std::tuple<Axis...>> {
-    using type = std::tuple<typename Axis::ArithmeticType...>;
-  };
-  template <typename AxisTupleType>
-  using AxisToArithmetic_t = typename AxisToArithmetic<AxisTupleType>::type;
-  template <typename ProfArithmetic, typename AxisTupleType>
-  using ProfileAxisToArithmetic_t = decltype( std::tuple_cat( std::declval<AxisToArithmetic_t<AxisTupleType>>(),
-                                                              std::declval<std::tuple<ProfArithmetic>>() ) );
-} // namespace
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/AxisAsProperty.h>
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/HistogramWrapper.h>
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/StaticHistogram.h>
 namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
-  namespace details {
-    inline void requireValidTitle( std::string_view sv ) {
-      if ( !sv.empty() && ( std::isspace( sv.back() ) || std::isspace( sv.front() ) ) ) {
-        throw GaudiException(
-            fmt::format( "Histogram title \'{}\' has whitespace at front or back -- please remove", sv ),
-            "Gaudi::Accumulators", StatusCode::FAILURE );
-      }
-    }
-  } // namespace details
-  /**
-   * A functor to extract weight, take a pair (valueTuple, weight) as input
-   */
-  struct ExtractWeight {
-    template <typename Arithmetic>
-    constexpr decltype( auto ) operator()( const std::pair<unsigned long, Arithmetic>& v ) const noexcept {
-      return v.second;
-    }
-  };
-  /**
-   * A Product functor, take a pair (value, weight) as input
-   */
-  struct WeightedProduct {
-    template <typename Arithmetic>
-    constexpr decltype( auto ) operator()( const std::pair<Arithmetic, Arithmetic>& v ) const noexcept {
-      return v.first * v.second;
-    }
-  };
-  /**
-   * A WeightedSquare functor, take a pair (value, weight) as input
-   */
-  struct WeightedSquare {
-    template <typename Arithmetic>
-    constexpr decltype( auto ) operator()( const std::pair<Arithmetic, Arithmetic>& v ) const noexcept {
-      return v.first * v.first * v.second;
-    }
-  };
-  /**
-   * An Adder ValueHandler, taking weight into account and computing a count plus the sum of the weights
-   * In case of full atomicity, fetch_add or compare_exchange_weak are used for each element,
-   * that is we do not have full atomicity accross the two elements
-   */
-  template <typename Arithmetic, atomicity Atomicity>
-  struct WeightedAdder {
-    using RegularType              = std::pair<unsigned long, Arithmetic>;
-    using AtomicType               = std::pair<std::atomic<unsigned long>, std::atomic<Arithmetic>>;
-    using OutputType               = RegularType;
-    static constexpr bool isAtomic = Atomicity == atomicity::full;
-    using InternalType             = std::conditional_t<isAtomic, AtomicType, OutputType>;
-    static constexpr OutputType getValue( const InternalType& v ) noexcept {
-      if constexpr ( isAtomic ) {
-        return { v.first.load( std::memory_order_relaxed ), v.second.load( std::memory_order_relaxed ) };
-      } else {
-        return v;
-      }
-    };
-    static RegularType exchange( InternalType& v, RegularType newv ) noexcept {
-      if constexpr ( isAtomic ) {
-        return { newv.first ), newv.second ) };
-      } else {
-        return { std::exchange( v.first, newv.first ), std::exchange( v.second, newv.second ) };
-      }
-    }
-    static constexpr OutputType DefaultValue() { return { 0, Arithmetic{} }; }
-    static void                 merge( InternalType& a, RegularType b ) noexcept {
-      if constexpr ( isAtomic ) {
-        fetch_add( a.first, b.first );
-        fetch_add( a.second, b.second );
-      } else {
-        a.first += b.first;
-        a.second += b.second;
-      }
-    };
-  };
-  /**
-   * WeightedCountAccumulator. A WeightedCountAccumulator is an Accumulator storing the number of provided values,
-   * as well as the weighted version of it, aka. the sum of weights. It takes a pair (valueTuple, weight) as input
-   * @see Gaudi::Accumulators for detailed documentation
-   */
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic>
-  struct WeightedCountAccumulator
-      : GenericAccumulator<std::pair<Arithmetic, Arithmetic>, std::pair<unsigned long, Arithmetic>, Atomicity, Identity,
-                           ExtractWeight, WeightedAdder<Arithmetic, Atomicity>> {
-    using Base = GenericAccumulator<std::pair<Arithmetic, Arithmetic>, std::pair<unsigned long, Arithmetic>, Atomicity,
-                                    Identity, ExtractWeight, WeightedAdder<Arithmetic, Atomicity>>;
-    using Base::Base;
-    using Base::operator+=;
-    /// overload of operator+= to be able to only give weight and no value
-    WeightedCountAccumulator operator+=( const Arithmetic weight ) {
-      *this += { 1ul, weight };
-      return *this;
-    }
-    unsigned long nEntries() const { return this->rawValue().first; }
-    Arithmetic    sumOfWeights() const { return this->rawValue().second; }
-  };
-  /**
-   * WeightedSumAccumulator. A WeightedSumAccumulator is an Accumulator storing a weighted sum of values.
-   * It takes a pair (valueTuple, weight) and basically sums the product of the last item othe 2 part of its in put pair
-   * : weight and value
-   * @see Gaudi::Accumulators for detailed documentation
-   */
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic>
-  struct WeightedSumAccumulator
-      : GenericAccumulator<std::pair<Arithmetic, Arithmetic>, Arithmetic, Atomicity, WeightedProduct> {
-    using GenericAccumulator<std::pair<Arithmetic, Arithmetic>, Arithmetic, Atomicity,
-                             WeightedProduct>::GenericAccumulator;
-    Arithmetic sum() const { return this->value(); }
-  };
-  /**
-   * WeightedSquareAccumulator. A WeightedSquareAccumulator is an Accumulator storing a weighted sum of squared values.
-   * It basically takes a pair (value, weight) as input and sums weight*value*value
-   * @see Gaudi::Accumulators for detailed documentation
-   */
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic = double>
-  struct WeightedSquareAccumulator
-      : GenericAccumulator<std::pair<Arithmetic, Arithmetic>, Arithmetic, Atomicity, WeightedSquare> {
-    using GenericAccumulator<std::pair<Arithmetic, Arithmetic>, Arithmetic, Atomicity,
-                             WeightedSquare>::GenericAccumulator;
-    Arithmetic sum2() const { return this->value(); };
-  };
-  /**
-   * WeightedAveragingAccumulator. An WeightedAveragingAccumulator is an Accumulator able to compute an average
-   * This implementation takes a pair (value, weight) as input
-   * @see Gaudi::Accumulators for detailed documentation
-   */
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic>
-  using WeightedAveragingAccumulator =
-      AveragingAccumulatorBase<Atomicity, Arithmetic, WeightedCountAccumulator, WeightedSumAccumulator>;
-  /**
-   * WeightedSigmaAccumulator. A WeightedSigmaAccumulator is an Accumulator able to compute an average and variance/rms
-   * This implementation takes a pair (value, weight) as input
-   * @see Gaudi::Accumulators for detailed documentation
-   */
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic>
-  using WeightedSigmaAccumulator =
-      SigmaAccumulatorBase<Atomicity, Arithmetic, WeightedAveragingAccumulator, WeightedSquareAccumulator>;
-  /**
-   * Definition of a default type of Histogram Axis
-   * It contains number of bins, min and max value plus a title
-   * and defines the basic type of Axis (non log)
-   * It may also contain labels for the bins
-   */
-  template <typename Arithmetic>
-  class Axis {
-  public:
-    using ArithmeticType = Arithmetic;
-    Axis( unsigned int nBins = 0, Arithmetic minValue = Arithmetic{}, Arithmetic maxValue = Arithmetic{},
-          std::string title = {}, std::vector<std::string> labels = {} )
-        : m_title( std::move( title ) )
-        , nBins( nBins )
-        , m_minValue( minValue )
-        , m_maxValue( maxValue )
-        , m_labels( std::move( labels ) ) {
-      details::requireValidTitle( m_title );
-      recomputeRatio();
-      for ( const auto& s : m_labels ) details::requireValidTitle( s );
-    };
-    explicit Axis( Gaudi::Histo1DDef const& def )
-        : Axis( (unsigned int)def.bins(), def.lowEdge(), def.highEdge(), def.title() ){};
-    /// returns the bin number for a given value, ranging from 0 (underflow) to nBins+1 (overflow)
-    unsigned int index( Arithmetic value ) const {
-      // In case we use integer as Arithmetic type, we cannot use ratio for computing indices,
-      // as ratios < 1.0 will simply be 0, so we have to pay the division in such a case
-      int idx;
-      if constexpr ( std::is_integral_v<Arithmetic> ) {
-        idx = ( ( value - m_minValue ) * nBins / ( m_maxValue - m_minValue ) ) + 1;
-      } else {
-        idx = std::floor( ( value - m_minValue ) * m_ratio ) + 1;
-      }
-      return idx < 0 ? 0 : ( (unsigned int)idx > numBins() ? numBins() + 1 : (unsigned int)idx );
-    }
-    friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& o, Axis const& axis ) {
-      return o << axis.numBins() << " " << axis.minValue() << " " << axis.maxValue();
-    }
-    /// says whether the given value is within the range of the axis
-    bool inAcceptance( Arithmetic value ) const { return value >= m_minValue && value <= m_maxValue; }
-    // accessors
-    unsigned int numBins() const { return nBins; };
-    void         setNumBins( unsigned int n ) {
-      nBins = n;
-      recomputeRatio();
-    }
-    Arithmetic minValue() const { return m_minValue; };
-    void       setMinValue( Arithmetic v ) {
-      m_minValue = v;
-      recomputeRatio();
-    }
-    Arithmetic maxValue() const { return m_maxValue; };
-    void       setMaxValue( Arithmetic v ) {
-      m_maxValue = v;
-      recomputeRatio();
-    }
-    std::string const&             title() const { return m_title; }
-    void                           setTitle( std::string const& t ) { m_title = t; };
-    std::vector<std::string> const labels() const { return m_labels; }
-  private:
-    /// title of this axis
-    std::string m_title;
-  public:
-    /// number of bins for this Axis
-    /// FIXME : should be private and called m_nBins but will break backward compatibility with previous implementation.
-    unsigned int nBins;
-  private:
-    /// min and max values on this axis
-    Arithmetic m_minValue, m_maxValue;
-    /**
-     * precomputed ratio to convert a value into bin number
-     * equal to nBins/(maxValue-minValue). Only used for floating Arithmetic
-     */
-    Arithmetic m_ratio;
-    /// labels for the bins
-    std::vector<std::string> m_labels;
-    void recomputeRatio() {
-      m_ratio = ( m_maxValue == m_minValue ) ? Arithmetic{} : nBins / ( m_maxValue - m_minValue );
-    }
-  };
-  /// automatic conversion of the Axis type to json
-  template <typename Arithmetic>
-  void to_json( nlohmann::json& j, const Axis<Arithmetic>& axis ) {
-    j = nlohmann::json{ { "nBins", axis.numBins() },
-                        { "minValue", axis.minValue() },
-                        { "maxValue", axis.maxValue() },
-                        { "title", axis.title() } };
-    if ( !axis.labels().empty() ) { j["labels"] = axis.labels(); }
-  }
-  /**
-   * small class used as InputType for regular Histograms
-   * basically a tuple of the given values, specialized in case of a single
-   * entry so that the syntax is more natural.
-   * NIndex should be lower than number of Arithmetic types and denotes the
-   * number of items used as index. There can typically be one more type in
-   * the list for profile histograms, not use as index on an axis
-   * ValueType is the actual type used to fill the histogram, that is
-   * the ArithmeticTuple reduced to NIndex items
-   *
-   * Note : the specialization is only needed to ensure backward compatibility
-   * with previous implementation where there was only one Arithmetic type common
-   * to all axis. It should in principal be the one and only implementation
-   * FIXME : remove specialization when client code was adapted
-   */
-  template <typename Arithmetic, unsigned int NIndex>
-  struct HistoInputType : HistoInputType<make_tuple_t<Arithmetic, NIndex>, NIndex> {
-    using HistoInputType<make_tuple_t<Arithmetic, NIndex>, NIndex>::HistoInputType;
-  };
-  template <unsigned int NIndex, typename... Elements>
-  struct HistoInputType<std::tuple<Elements...>, NIndex> : std::tuple<Elements...> {
-    using InternalType = std::tuple<Elements...>;
-    using ValueType    = HistoInputType<SubTuple_t<InternalType, NIndex>, NIndex>;
-    using std::tuple<Elements...>::tuple;
-    template <class... AxisType, typename = typename std::enable_if_t<( sizeof...( AxisType ) == NIndex )>>
-    unsigned int computeIndex( std::tuple<AxisType...> const& axis ) const {
-      return computeIndexInternal<0, std::tuple<AxisType...>>( axis );
-    }
-    template <class... AxisType, typename = typename std::enable_if_t<( sizeof...( AxisType ) == NIndex )>>
-    static unsigned int computeTotNBins( std::tuple<AxisType...> const& axis ) {
-      return computeTotNBinsInternal<0, std::tuple<AxisType...>>( axis );
-    }
-    auto forInternalCounter() const { return 1ul; }
-    template <class... AxisType, typename = typename std::enable_if_t<( sizeof...( AxisType ) == NIndex )>>
-    bool inAcceptance( std::tuple<AxisType...> const& axis ) const {
-      return inAcceptanceInternal<0, std::tuple<AxisType...>>( axis );
-    }
-  private:
-    template <int N, class Tuple>
-    unsigned int computeIndexInternal( Tuple const& allAxis ) const {
-      // compute global index. Bins are stored in a column first manner
-      auto const&  axis       = std::get<N>( allAxis );
-      unsigned int localIndex = axis.index( std::get<N>( *this ) );
-      if constexpr ( N + 1 == NIndex )
-        return localIndex;
-      else
-        return localIndex + ( axis.numBins() + 2 ) * computeIndexInternal<N + 1, Tuple>( allAxis );
-    }
-    template <int N, class Tuple>
-    static unsigned int computeTotNBinsInternal( Tuple const& allAxis ) {
-      auto const&  axis       = std::get<N>( allAxis );
-      unsigned int localNBins = axis.numBins() + 2;
-      if constexpr ( N + 1 == NIndex )
-        return localNBins;
-      else
-        return localNBins * computeTotNBinsInternal<N + 1, Tuple>( allAxis );
-    }
-    template <int N, class Tuple>
-    bool inAcceptanceInternal( Tuple const& allAxis ) const {
-      auto const& axis        = std::get<N>( allAxis );
-      bool        localAnswer = axis.inAcceptance( std::get<N>( *this ) );
-      if constexpr ( N + 1 == NIndex )
-        return localAnswer;
-      else
-        return localAnswer || inAcceptanceInternal<N + 1, Tuple>( allAxis );
-    }
-  };
-  /**
-   * small class used as InputType for weighted Histograms
-   * only a pair of the InnerType and the weight.
-   * See description of HistoInputType for more details
-   */
-  template <typename ArithmeticTuple, unsigned int NIndex, typename WArithmetic>
-  struct WeightedHistoInputType : std::pair<HistoInputType<ArithmeticTuple, NIndex>, WArithmetic> {
-    using ValueType = typename HistoInputType<ArithmeticTuple, NIndex>::ValueType;
-    using std::pair<HistoInputType<ArithmeticTuple, NIndex>, WArithmetic>::pair;
-    template <class... AxisType, typename = typename std::enable_if_t<( sizeof...( AxisType ) == NIndex )>>
-    unsigned int computeIndex( std::tuple<AxisType...> const& axis ) const {
-      return this->first.computeIndex( axis );
-    }
-    template <class... AxisType, typename = typename std::enable_if_t<( sizeof...( AxisType ) == NIndex )>>
-    static unsigned int computeTotNBins( std::tuple<AxisType...> const& axis ) {
-      return HistoInputType<ArithmeticTuple, NIndex>::computeTotNBins( axis );
-    }
-    auto forInternalCounter() const { return std::pair( this->first.forInternalCounter(), this->second ); }
-    template <class... AxisType, typename = typename std::enable_if_t<( sizeof...( AxisType ) == NIndex )>>
-    bool inAcceptance( std::tuple<AxisType...> const& axis ) const {
-      return this->first.inAcceptance( axis );
-    }
-  };
-  /**
-   * Internal Accumulator class dealing with Histograming. Templates parameters are :
-   *  - Atomicity : none or full
-   *  - InputType : a class holding a value given as input of the Histogram,
-   *    and able to answer questions on this value given a number of axis matching
-   *    the type of value.
-   *    e.g. it would hold a pair of double for a non weighted 2D histogram or
-   *    a pair of triplet of doubles and double for the weighted 3D histogram.
-   *    Example implementations are (Weighted)HistoInputType.
-   *    This class must define :
-   *      + a constructor taking a set of value to build the InputType
-   *      + a static method `unsigned int computeTotNBins( std::tuple<AxisType...> const& )`
-   *        able to compute the total number of bins needed with this input type and
-   *        these axis. It will typically be the product of the number of bins for each
-   *        dimension, potentially increased by 2 for each if underflow and overflow
-   *        is supported
-   *      + a type ValueType alias defining the type of the input values to give to InputType
-   *        This type needs to implement :
-   *        * a method
-   *          `unsigned int computeIndex( std::tuple<AxisType...> const& ) const`
-   *          able to compute the bin corresponding to a given value
-   *        * a method `auto forInternalCounter() const` returning the value to be used to
-   *          inscrease the accumulator dealing with the bin associated with the current value.
-   *          In most simple cases, it return `Arithmetic{}` or even `1` but for weighted
-   *          histograms, it returns a pair with the weight as second item
-   *        * in case of usage within a RootHistogram, it should also define a method
-   *          `bool inAcceptance( std::tuple<AxisType...> const& )` checking whether a given
-   *          value in within the range of the accumulator
-   *  - Arithmetic : the arithmetic type used for values stored inside the histogram
-   *    e.g. unsigned int for regular histogram as we only count entries, or float/double
-   *    for weighted histograms, as we store actual sums of original values
-   *  - BaseAccumulator : the underlying accumulator used in each bin
-   *  - AxisTupleType : the types of the axis as a tuple. Its length defines the dimension
-   *    of the Histogram this accumulator handles.
-   *    The constraints on the AxisType are : FIXME use concepts when available
-   *      + that they can be copied
-   *      + that they have a ArithmeticType type alias
-   *      + that they have a `unsigned int numBins() const` method
-   *      + that they have a friend operator<< using std::ostream for printing
-   *      + that they have a friend to_json method using nlohmann library
-   *      + that they implement whatever is needed by the computeIndex and computeTotNBins methods
-   *         of the InputType used. Plus the inAcceptance one if Roothistograms are used
-   *    A default Axis class is provided for most cases
-   * This accumulator is simply an array of BaseAccumulator, one per bin.
-   */
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename InputType, typename Arithmetic,
-            template <atomicity Ato, typename Arith> typename BaseAccumulatorT, typename AxisTupleType>
-  class HistogramingAccumulatorInternal {
-    template <atomicity, typename, typename, template <atomicity, typename> typename, typename>
-    friend class HistogramingAccumulatorInternal;
-  public:
-    using ND                      = std::integral_constant<unsigned int, std::tuple_size_v<AxisTupleType>>;
-    using BaseAccumulator         = BaseAccumulatorT<Atomicity, Arithmetic>;
-    using AxisTupleArithmeticType = typename InputType::ValueType;
-    HistogramingAccumulatorInternal( AxisTupleType axis )
-        : m_axis{ axis }
-        , m_totNBins{ InputType::computeTotNBins( m_axis ) }
-        , m_value( new BaseAccumulator[m_totNBins] ) {
-      reset();
-    }
-    template <atomicity ato>
-    HistogramingAccumulatorInternal(
-        construct_empty_t,
-        const HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<ato, InputType, Arithmetic, BaseAccumulatorT, AxisTupleType>& other )
-        : m_axis( other.m_axis ), m_totNBins{ other.m_totNBins }, m_value( new BaseAccumulator[m_totNBins] ) {
-      reset();
-    }
-    [[deprecated( "Use `++h1[x]`, `++h2[{x,y}]`, etc. instead." )]] HistogramingAccumulatorInternal&
-    operator+=( InputType v ) {
-      accumulator( v.computeIndex( m_axis ) ) += v.forInternalCounter();
-      return *this;
-    }
-    void reset() {
-      for ( unsigned int index = 0; index < m_totNBins; index++ ) accumulator( index ).reset();
-    }
-    template <atomicity ato>
-    void mergeAndReset(
-        HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<ato, InputType, Arithmetic, BaseAccumulatorT, AxisTupleType>& other ) {
-      assert( m_totNBins == other.m_totNBins );
-      for ( unsigned int index = 0; index < m_totNBins; index++ ) {
-        accumulator( index ).mergeAndReset( other.accumulator( index ) );
-      }
-    }
-    [[nodiscard]] auto operator[]( typename InputType::ValueType v ) {
-      return Buffer<BaseAccumulatorT, Atomicity, Arithmetic>{ accumulator( v.computeIndex( m_axis ) ) };
-    }
-    template <unsigned int N>
-    auto& axis() const {
-      return std::get<N>( m_axis );
-    }
-    auto& axis() const { return m_axis; }
-    auto  binValue( unsigned int i ) const { return accumulator( i ).value(); }
-    auto  nEntries( unsigned int i ) const { return accumulator( i ).nEntries(); }
-    auto  totNBins() const { return m_totNBins; }
-    // FIXME These methods are there for backwrad compatibility with previous implementation
-    // where all Axis had to be of type Axis<...> and were stored in an array
-    // Newer code should call axis<N>().foo for whatever foo is defined in that axis type
-    auto nBins( unsigned int i ) const { return _getAxis( i, std::integral_constant<size_t, 0>() ).numBins(); }
-    auto minValue( unsigned int i ) const { return _getAxis( i, std::integral_constant<size_t, 0>() ).minValue(); }
-    auto maxValue( unsigned int i ) const { return _getAxis( i, std::integral_constant<size_t, 0>() ).maxValue(); }
-  private:
-    BaseAccumulator& accumulator( unsigned int index ) const {
-      assert( index < m_totNBins );
-      return m_value[index];
-    }
-    // FIXME Only used for backward compatibility. should be dropped at some stage
-    // Can only work if all axis have same type, which is no more the case
-    std::tuple_element_t<0, AxisTupleType> const& _getAxis( size_t i,
-                                                            typename std::tuple_size<AxisTupleType>::type ) const {
-      throw std::logic_error(
-          fmt::format( "Retrieving axis {} in Histogram of dimension {}", i, std::tuple_size_v<AxisTupleType> ) );
-    }
-    template <size_t N, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::tuple_size_v<AxisTupleType> != N>>
-    auto& _getAxis( size_t i, std::integral_constant<size_t, N> ) const {
-      if ( i == N ) return std::get<N>( m_axis );
-      return _getAxis( i, std::integral_constant<size_t, N + 1>() );
-    }
-    /// set of Axis of this Histogram
-    AxisTupleType m_axis;
-    /// total number of bins in this histogram, under and overflow included
-    unsigned int m_totNBins;
-    /// Histogram content
-    std::unique_ptr<BaseAccumulator[]> m_value;
-  };
-  /**
-   * Class implementing a regular histogram accumulator
-   *
-   * Actually only an alias to HistogramingAccumulatorInternal with proper template parameters
-   */
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename ND, typename AxisTupleType>
-  using HistogramingAccumulator =
-      HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, HistoInputType<AxisToArithmetic_t<AxisTupleType>, ND::value>,
-                                      unsigned long, IntegralAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
-  /**
-   * Class implementing a weighted histogram accumulator
-   *
-   * Actually only an alias to HistogramingAccumulatorInternal with proper template parameters
-   */
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename ND, typename AxisTupleType>
-  using WeightedHistogramingAccumulator =
-      HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity,
-                                      WeightedHistoInputType<AxisToArithmetic_t<AxisTupleType>, ND::value, Arithmetic>,
-                                      Arithmetic, WeightedCountAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
-  /**
-   * Class implementing a profile histogram accumulator
-   *
-   * Actually only an alias to HistogramingAccumulatorInternal with proper template parameters
-   */
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename ND, typename AxisTupleType>
-  using ProfileHistogramingAccumulator =
-      HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity,
-                                      HistoInputType<ProfileAxisToArithmetic_t<Arithmetic, AxisTupleType>, ND::value>,
-                                      Arithmetic, SigmaAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
-  /**
-   * Class implementing a weighted profile histogram accumulator
-   *
-   * Actually only an alias to HistogramingAccumulatorInternal with proper template parameters
-   */
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename ND, typename AxisTupleType>
-  using WeightedProfileHistogramingAccumulator = HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<
-      Atomicity, WeightedHistoInputType<ProfileAxisToArithmetic_t<Arithmetic, AxisTupleType>, ND::value, Arithmetic>,
-      Arithmetic, WeightedSigmaAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
-  /**
-   * A base counter dealing with Histograms
-   *
-   * Main features of that Counter :
-   *  - can be any number of dimensions. The dimension is its first template parameter
-   *  - for each dimension, an Axis is associated. Axis can be of any type depending
-   *    on the underlying accumulator
-   *  - the constructor expects one extra argument per axis, typically a tuple
-   *    of values allowing to create the Axis objects in the back
-   *  - the operator+= takes either an array of values (one per dimension)
-   *    or a tuple<array of values, weight>. The value inside the bin
-   *    corresponding to the given values is then increased by 1 or weight
-   *  - the prefered syntax is to avoid operator+= and use operator[] to get a
-   *    buffer on the bin you're updating. Syntax becomes :
-   *        ++counter[{x,y}]   or   wcounter[{x,y}] += w
-   *  - the Counter is templated by the types of the values given to
-   *    operator+ and also by the type stored into the bins
-   *  - the counter can be atomic or not and supports buffering. Note that
-   *    the atomicity is classical eventual consistency. So each bin is
-   *    atomically updated but bins are not garanted to be coherent when
-   *    reading all of them back
-   *  - profile histograms are also supported, operator+= takes one more
-   *    value in the array of values in that case
-   *
-   * This base class is then aliases for the 4 standard cases of Histogram,
-   * WeightedHistogram, ProfileHistogram and WeightedProfileHistogram.
-   * For all predefined Histogram types, the axis type is a simple triplet
-   * of values nbins, minValue, maxValue plus a title.
-   *
-   * Typical usage :
-   * \code
-   * Histogram<2, double, atomicity::full>
-   *   counter{owner, "CounterName", "HistoTitle", {{nBins1, minVal1, maxVal1}, {nBins2, minVal2, maxVal2,
-   * "AxisTitle"}}};
-   * ++counter[{val1, val2}];    // prefered syntax
-   * counter += {val1, val2};    // original syntax inherited from counters
-   *
-   * WeightedHistogram<2, double, atomicity::full>
-   *   wcounter{owner, "CounterName", "HistoTitle", {{nBins1, minVal1, maxVal1}, {nBins2, minVal2, maxVal2,
-   * "AxisTitle"}}}; wcounter[{val1, val2}] += w;    // prefered syntax wcounter += {{val1, val2}, w};  // original
-   * syntax inherited from counters \endcode
-   *
-   * When serialized to json, this counter uses new types histogram:Histogram:<prec>, histogram:ProfileHistogram:<prec>,
-   * histogram:WeightedHistogram:<prec> and histrogram:WeightedProfileHistogram:<prec>
-   * <prec> id described in Accumulators.h and decribes here the precision of the bin data.
-   * All these types have the same fields, namely :
-   *   dimension(integer), title(string), empty(bool), nEntries(integer), axis(array), bins(array)
-   * where :
-   *     + axis is an array of tuples, one per dimension, with content (nBins(integer), minValue(number),
-   * maxValue(number), title(string)) for the default type of Axis
-   *     + bins is an array of values
-   *       - The length of the array is the product of (nBins+2) for all axis
-   *       - the +2 is because the bin 0 is the one for values below minValue and bin nBins+1 is the one for values
-   * above maxValue bins are stored row first so we iterate first on highest dimension
-   *       - the value is a number for non profile histograms
-   *       - the value is of the form ( (nEntries(integer), sum(number) ), sum2(number) ) for profile histograms
-   *         Note the pair with a pair as first entry
-   */
-  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, const char* Type,
-            template <atomicity, typename, typename, typename> typename Accumulator, typename AxisTupleType>
-  class HistogramingCounterBase;
-  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, const char* Type,
-            template <atomicity, typename, typename, typename> typename Accumulator, typename... AxisTypes>
-  class HistogramingCounterBase<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, Accumulator, std::tuple<AxisTypes...>>
-      : public BufferableCounter<Atomicity, Accumulator, Arithmetic, std::integral_constant<unsigned int, ND>,
-                                 std::tuple<AxisTypes...>> {
-  public:
-    using AxisTupleType    = std::tuple<AxisTypes...>;
-    using NumberDimensions = std::integral_constant<unsigned int, ND>;
-    using Parent           = BufferableCounter<Atomicity, Accumulator, Arithmetic, NumberDimensions, AxisTupleType>;
-    using AccumulatorType  = Accumulator<Atomicity, Arithmetic, NumberDimensions, AxisTupleType>;
-    using AxisTupleArithmeticType = typename AccumulatorType::AxisTupleArithmeticType;
-    /// for backward compatibility with previous implementation, should not be used FIXME
-    using AxisArithmeticType = typename std::tuple_element<0, AxisTupleType>::type::ArithmeticType;
-    inline static const std::string typeString{ std::string{ Type } + ':' + typeid( Arithmetic ).name() };
-    /// This constructor takes the axis as a tuple
-    template <typename OWNER>
-    HistogramingCounterBase( OWNER* owner, std::string const& name, std::string const& title, AxisTupleType axis )
-        : Parent( owner, name, *this, axis ), m_title( title ) {
-      details::requireValidTitle( m_title );
-    }
-    /// This constructor takes the axis one by one, when ND >= 2. If ND = 1, the other one can be used
-    template <typename OWNER>
-    HistogramingCounterBase( OWNER* owner, std::string const& name, std::string const& title, AxisTypes... allAxis )
-        : HistogramingCounterBase( owner, name, title, std::make_tuple( allAxis... ) ) {}
-    using Parent::print;
-    template <typename stream>
-    stream& printImpl( stream& o, bool /*tableFormat*/ ) const {
-      o << ND << "D Histogram with config ";
-      std::apply( [&o]( auto&&... args ) { ( ( o << args << "\n" ), ... ); }, this->axis() );
-      return o;
-    }
-    std::ostream& print( std::ostream& o, bool tableFormat = false ) const override {
-      return printImpl( o, tableFormat );
-    }
-    MsgStream&   print( MsgStream& o, bool tableFormat = false ) const override { return printImpl( o, tableFormat ); }
-    friend void  reset( HistogramingCounterBase& c ) { c.reset(); }
-    friend void  mergeAndReset( HistogramingCounterBase& h, HistogramingCounterBase& o ) { h.mergeAndReset( o ); }
-    friend void  to_json( nlohmann::json& j, HistogramingCounterBase const& h ) { h.to_json( j ); }
-    virtual void to_json( nlohmann::json& j ) const {
-      // get all bin values and compute total nbEntries
-      std::vector<typename AccumulatorType::BaseAccumulator::OutputType> bins;
-      bins.reserve( this->totNBins() );
-      unsigned long totNEntries{ 0 };
-      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < this->totNBins(); i++ ) {
-        bins.push_back( this->binValue( i ) );
-        totNEntries += this->nEntries( i );
-      }
-      // build json
-      j = { { "type", std::string( Type ) + ":" + typeid( Arithmetic ).name() },
-            { "title", m_title },
-            { "dimension", ND },
-            { "empty", totNEntries == 0 },
-            { "nEntries", totNEntries },
-            { "axis", this->axis() },
-            { "bins", bins } };
-    }
-    std::string const& title() const { return m_title; }
-  protected:
-    std::string const m_title;
-  };
-  namespace naming {
-    inline constexpr char histogramString[]                = "histogram:Histogram";
-    inline constexpr char weightedHistogramString[]        = "histogram:WeightedHistogram";
-    inline constexpr char profilehistogramString[]         = "histogram:ProfileHistogram";
-    inline constexpr char weightedProfilehistogramString[] = "histogram:WeightedProfileHistogram";
-  } // namespace naming
-  /// standard histograming counter. See HistogramingCounterBase for details
+  /// standard custom histogram. See HistogramWrapper and StaticHistogram for details
   template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double,
             typename AxisTupleType = make_tuple_t<Axis<Arithmetic>, ND>>
-  using Histogram = HistogramingCounterBase<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, naming::histogramString, HistogramingAccumulator,
-                                            AxisTupleType>;
+  using Histogram = HistogramWrapper<StaticHistogram<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, AxisTupleType>>;
-  /// standard histograming counter with weight. See HistogramingCounterBase for details
+  /// custom histogram with weight. See HistogramWrapper and StaticWeightedHistogram for details
   template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double,
             typename AxisTupleType = make_tuple_t<Axis<Arithmetic>, ND>>
-  using WeightedHistogram = HistogramingCounterBase<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, naming::weightedHistogramString,
-                                                    WeightedHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
+  using WeightedHistogram = HistogramWrapper<StaticWeightedHistogram<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, AxisTupleType>>;
-  /// profile histograming counter. See HistogramingCounterBase for details
+  /// custom profile histograming. See HistogramWrapper and StaticProfileHistogram for details
   template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double,
             typename AxisTupleType = make_tuple_t<Axis<Arithmetic>, ND>>
-  using ProfileHistogram = HistogramingCounterBase<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, naming::profilehistogramString,
-                                                   ProfileHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
+  using ProfileHistogram = HistogramWrapper<StaticProfileHistogram<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, AxisTupleType>>;
-  /// weighted profile histograming counter. See HistogramingCounterBase for details
+  /// custom weighted profile histogram. See HistogramWrapper and StaticWeightedProfileHistogram for details
   template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double,
             typename AxisTupleType = make_tuple_t<Axis<Arithmetic>, ND>>
   using WeightedProfileHistogram =
-      HistogramingCounterBase<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, naming::weightedProfilehistogramString,
-                              WeightedProfileHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
+      HistogramWrapper<StaticWeightedProfileHistogram<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, AxisTupleType>>;
 } // namespace Gaudi::Accumulators
diff --git a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomHistogramWrapper.h b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/HistogramWrapper.h
similarity index 78%
rename from GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomHistogramWrapper.h
rename to GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/HistogramWrapper.h
index 65460a163b..001ffec4e3 100644
--- a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomHistogramWrapper.h
+++ b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/HistogramWrapper.h
@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h>
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/StaticHistogram.h>
 namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
-   * A Wrapper of an Histogram base class using Properties to define title and axis
+   * A Wrapper of a static Histogram base class using Properties to define title and axis
-   * Practically, this is an optional of the underlying Histogram with creation
+   * Practically, this is an optional of the underlying static Histogram with creation
    * on demand, via the createHistogram method so one can wait that properties' values
    * are known.
    * By default creation will happen at initialization of the owner, but this can be
@@ -38,17 +38,19 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
   template <typename HistogramType,
             typename Seq =
                 std::make_integer_sequence<unsigned int, std::tuple_size_v<typename HistogramType::AxisTupleType>>>
-  class CustomHistogramWrapperInternal;
+  class HistogramWrapperInternal;
   template <typename HistogramType, unsigned int... ND>
-  class CustomHistogramWrapperInternal<HistogramType, std::integer_sequence<unsigned int, ND...>> {
+  class HistogramWrapperInternal<HistogramType, std::integer_sequence<unsigned int, ND...>> {
+    using AxisTupleType      = typename HistogramType::AxisTupleType;
+    using AxisArithmeticType = typename HistogramType::AxisArithmeticType;
     template <unsigned int I>
-    using AxisType = std::tuple_element_t<I, typename HistogramType::AxisTupleType>;
+    using AxisType = std::tuple_element_t<I, AxisTupleType>;
     /// constructor, only creates a set of Properties
     template <typename OWNER>
-    CustomHistogramWrapperInternal( OWNER* owner, std::string const& name, std::string const& title = "",
-                                    typename HistogramType::AxisTupleType axis = {}, bool doNotInitialize = false )
+    HistogramWrapperInternal( OWNER* owner, std::string const& name, std::string const& title = "",
+                              typename HistogramType::AxisTupleType axis = {}, bool doNotInitialize = false )
         : m_name{ name }, m_title{ title }, m_axis{ axis } {
       // Create associated properties
       owner->declareProperty( titlePropertyName(), m_title, fmt::format( "Title of histogram {}", name ) )
@@ -65,9 +67,8 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
     /// constructor with more natural syntax for axis
     template <typename OWNER>
-    CustomHistogramWrapperInternal( OWNER* owner, std::string const& name, std::string const& title,
-                                    AxisType<ND>... allAxis )
-        : CustomHistogramWrapperInternal( owner, name, title, std::make_tuple( allAxis... ) ) {}
+    HistogramWrapperInternal( OWNER* owner, std::string const& name, std::string const& title, AxisType<ND>... allAxis )
+        : HistogramWrapperInternal( owner, name, title, std::make_tuple( allAxis... ) ) {}
     /// override of operator[] with extra checking that initialization happened
     [[nodiscard]] auto operator[]( typename HistogramType::AxisTupleArithmeticType&& v ) {
@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
       m_histo.emplace( &owner, m_name, m_title, m_axis );
-    friend void to_json( nlohmann::json& j, CustomHistogramWrapperInternal const& h ) {
+    friend void to_json( nlohmann::json& j, HistogramWrapperInternal const& h ) {
       if ( !h.m_histo ) {
         throw std::logic_error( fmt::format( "Histogram {} is converted to json before being initialized", h.m_name ) );
@@ -107,6 +108,13 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
     void reset() { m_histo.reset(); }
+    // wrapping some methods of the underlyoing histogram
+    auto buffer() {
+      if ( !m_histo )
+        throw std::logic_error( fmt::format( "`buffer()` called on histogram {} before being initialized", m_name ) );
+      return m_histo->buffer();
+    }
     std::string titlePropertyName() const { return fmt::format( "{}_Title", m_name ); }
     template <unsigned int N>
@@ -122,6 +130,6 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
   template <typename HistogramType>
-  using CustomHistogramWrapper = CustomHistogramWrapperInternal<HistogramType>;
+  using HistogramWrapper = HistogramWrapperInternal<HistogramType>;
 } // namespace Gaudi::Accumulators
diff --git a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/RootHistogram.h b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/RootHistogram.h
index 1a28ccb751..caffcb5c42 100644
--- a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/RootHistogram.h
+++ b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/RootHistogram.h
@@ -10,351 +10,15 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h>
-#include <type_traits>
-namespace {
-  template <typename tuple_t>
-  constexpr auto get_array_from_tuple( tuple_t&& tuple ) {
-    constexpr auto get_array = []( auto&&... x ) { return std::array{ std::forward<decltype( x )>( x )... }; };
-    return std::apply( get_array, std::forward<tuple_t>( tuple ) );
-  }
-} // namespace
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/AxisAsProperty.h>
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/HistogramWrapper.h>
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/StaticRootHistogram.h>
 namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
-  /// number of items in sums for a given dimension
-  /// = 1 (nb items) + ND (sums of each dimension) + ND*(ND+1)/2 (square sums)
-  constexpr unsigned int NSUMS( unsigned int ND ) { return 1 + ND + ND * ( ND + 1 ) / 2; }
-  template <typename Arithmetic, atomicity Atomicity, unsigned int ND>
-  struct SigmasValueHandler {
-    using InputType  = std::conditional_t<ND == 1, Arithmetic, std::array<Arithmetic, ND>>;
-    using OutputType = std::array<Arithmetic, NSUMS( ND )>;
-    struct OutputTypeTS : std::array<std::atomic<Arithmetic>, NSUMS( ND )> {
-      /// copy constructor from non thread safe type
-      using std::array<std::atomic<Arithmetic>, NSUMS( ND )>::array;
-      explicit OutputTypeTS( OutputType const& other ) {
-        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < NSUMS( ND ); i++ ) { ( *this )[i] = other[i]; }
-      }
-      // operator= from non thread safe type
-      OutputTypeTS& operator=( OutputType const& other ) {
-        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < NSUMS( ND ); i++ ) { ( *this )[i] = other[i]; }
-        return *this;
-      }
-      // automatic conversion to non thread safe type
-      operator OutputType() const {
-        OutputType out;
-        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < NSUMS( ND ); i++ ) { out[i] = ( *this )[i].load( std::memory_order_relaxed ); }
-        return out;
-      }
-    };
-    using InternalType = std::conditional_t<Atomicity == atomicity::full, OutputTypeTS, OutputType>;
-    static constexpr OutputType getValue( const InternalType& v ) noexcept {
-      // Note automatic conversion will happen
-      return v;
-    };
-    static OutputType exchange( InternalType& v, OutputType newv ) noexcept {
-      if constexpr ( Atomicity == atomicity::full ) {
-        OutputType old;
-        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < NSUMS( ND ); i++ ) { old[i] = v[i].exchange( newv[i] ); }
-        return old;
-      } else {
-        return std::exchange( v, newv );
-      }
-    }
-    static constexpr OutputType DefaultValue() { return InternalType{}; }
-    static void                 merge( InternalType& a, OutputType b ) noexcept {
-      if constexpr ( Atomicity == atomicity::full ) {
-        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < NSUMS( ND ); i++ ) { fetch_add( a[i], b[i] ); }
-      } else {
-        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < ND * ( ND + 3 ); i++ ) a[i] += b[i];
-      }
-    }
-    static void merge( InternalType& a, InputType b ) noexcept {
-      // prepare values to increment internal values
-      OutputType diff{};
-      diff[0] = 1.;
-      if constexpr ( ND == 1 ) {
-        // no operator[] for b in this case
-        diff[1] = b;
-        diff[2] = b * b;
-      } else {
-        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < ND; i++ ) diff[i + 1] += b[i];
-        unsigned int n = 1 + ND;
-        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < ND; i++ ) {
-          for ( unsigned int j = i; j < ND; j++ ) {
-            diff[n] = b[i] * b[j];
-            n++;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      // Now increase original counter
-      if constexpr ( Atomicity == atomicity::full ) {
-        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < NSUMS( ND ); i++ ) { fetch_add( a[i], diff[i] ); }
-      } else {
-        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < NSUMS( ND ); i++ ) a[i] += diff[i];
-      }
-    }
-  };
-  template <typename Arithmetic, atomicity Atomicity, unsigned int ND>
-  struct SigmaNAccumulator
-      : GenericAccumulator<std::array<Arithmetic, ND>, std::array<Arithmetic, NSUMS( ND )>, Atomicity, Identity,
-                           Identity, SigmasValueHandler<Arithmetic, Atomicity, ND>> {
-    std::array<Arithmetic, NSUMS( ND )> const sums() const { return this->value(); }
-  };
-  /// specialization for ND=1 to allow for better syntax
-  template <typename Arithmetic, atomicity Atomicity>
-  struct SigmaNAccumulator<Arithmetic, Atomicity, 1>
-      : GenericAccumulator<Arithmetic, std::array<Arithmetic, 3>, Atomicity, Identity, Identity,
-                           SigmasValueHandler<Arithmetic, Atomicity, 1>> {
-    std::array<Arithmetic, 3> const sums() const { return this->value(); }
-  };
-  /**
-   * Internal Accumulator class dealing with RootHistograming.
-   * Actually a simple extention on top of RootHistograming with an
-   * extra SigmaCounter embeded
-   */
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, unsigned int ND, typename AxisTupleType>
-  class RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal
-      : public HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, HistoInputType<AxisToArithmetic_t<AxisTupleType>, ND>,
-                                               unsigned long, IntegralAccumulator, AxisTupleType> {
-    using InputType = HistoInputType<AxisToArithmetic_t<AxisTupleType>, ND>;
-    using Parent =
-        HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, InputType, unsigned long, IntegralAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
-    template <atomicity, typename, unsigned int, typename>
-    friend class RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal;
-    static_assert( ND <= 3, "Root on supports histogrmas with dimension <= 3" );
-    /**
-     * Small procyclass allowing operator[] to work as expected on the RootHistogram
-     * that is to return something having an operator+= updating the histogram properly
-     */
-    struct Proxy {
-      Proxy( RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal& histo, typename InputType::ValueType& v )
-          : m_histo( histo ), m_v( v ) {}
-      void                                 operator++() { m_histo.update( m_v ); }
-      RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal& m_histo;
-      typename InputType::ValueType        m_v;
-    };
-  public:
-    using Parent::Parent;
-    friend struct Proxy;
-    [[deprecated( "Use `++h1[x]`, `++h2[{x,y}]`, etc. instead." )]] RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal&
-    operator+=( typename InputType::ValueType v ) {
-      update( v );
-      return *this;
-    }
-    void reset() {
-      m_accumulator.reset();
-      Parent::reset();
-    }
-    template <atomicity ato>
-    void mergeAndReset( RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<ato, Arithmetic, ND, AxisTupleType>& other ) {
-      m_accumulator.mergeAndReset( other.m_accumulator );
-      Parent::mergeAndReset( other );
-    }
-    [[nodiscard]] auto operator[]( typename InputType::ValueType v ) { return Proxy( *this, v ); }
-    /// returns the nbentries, sums and "squared sums" of the inputs
-    /// Practically we have first the number of entries, then the simple sums of each
-    /// input dimension followed by all combinasions of product of 2 inputs, in "alphabetical" order,
-    /// e.g. for ND=3 we have sums of n, x, y, z, x^2, xy, xz, y^2, yz, z^2
-    auto sums2() const { return m_accumulator.sums(); }
-  private:
-    void update( typename InputType::ValueType v ) {
-      // Do not accumulate in m_accumulator if we are outside the histo range
-      // We mimic here the behavior of ROOT
-      if ( v.inAcceptance( this->axis() ) ) {
-        if constexpr ( ND == 1 ) {
-          m_accumulator += std::get<0>( v );
-        } else {
-          m_accumulator += get_array_from_tuple( static_cast<typename InputType::InternalType>( v ) );
-        }
-      }
-      ++Parent::operator[]( v );
-    }
-    // Accumulator for keeping squared sum of value stored in the histogram and correlation values
-    // they get stored in "alphabetical" order, e.g. for ND=3 x^2, xy, xz, y^2, yz, z^2
-    SigmaNAccumulator<Arithmetic, Atomicity, ND> m_accumulator;
-  };
-  namespace {
-    /// helper function to compute standard_deviation
-    template <typename Arithmetic>
-    Arithmetic stddev( Arithmetic n, Arithmetic s, Arithmetic s2 ) {
-      using Gaudi::Accumulators::sqrt;
-      using std::sqrt;
-      auto v = ( n > 0 ) ? ( ( s2 - s * ( s / n ) ) / n ) : Arithmetic{};
-      return ( Arithmetic{ 0 } > v ) ? Arithmetic{} : sqrt( v );
-    }
-  } // namespace
-  /**
-   * Class implementing a root histogram accumulator
-   */
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename ND, typename AxisTupleType>
-  struct RootHistogramingAccumulator;
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename AxisTupleType>
-  struct RootHistogramingAccumulator<Atomicity, Arithmetic, std::integral_constant<unsigned int, 1>, AxisTupleType>
-      : RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 1, AxisTupleType> {
-    using RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 1,
-                                              AxisTupleType>::RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal;
-    using RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 1, AxisTupleType>::nEntries;
-    Arithmetic nEntries() const { return this->sums2()[0]; }
-    Arithmetic sum() const { return this->sums2()[1]; }
-    Arithmetic sum2() const { return this->sums2()[2]; }
-    Arithmetic mean() const { return sum() / nEntries(); }
-    Arithmetic standard_deviation() const { return stddev( nEntries(), sum(), sum2() ); }
-  };
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename AxisTupleType>
-  struct RootHistogramingAccumulator<Atomicity, Arithmetic, std::integral_constant<unsigned int, 2>, AxisTupleType>
-      : RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 2, AxisTupleType> {
-    using RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 2,
-                                              AxisTupleType>::RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal;
-    using RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 2, AxisTupleType>::nEntries;
-    Arithmetic nEntries() const { return this->sums2()[0]; }
-    Arithmetic sumx() const { return this->sums2()[1]; }
-    Arithmetic sumy() const { return this->sums2()[2]; }
-    Arithmetic sumx2() const { return this->sums2()[3]; }
-    Arithmetic sumy2() const { return this->sums2()[5]; }
-    Arithmetic sumxy() const { return this->sums2()[4]; }
-    Arithmetic meanx() const { return sumx() / nEntries(); }
-    Arithmetic meany() const { return sumy() / nEntries(); }
-    Arithmetic standard_deviationx() const { return stddev( nEntries(), sumx(), sumx2() ); }
-    Arithmetic standard_deviationy() const { return stddev( nEntries(), sumy(), sumy2() ); }
-  };
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename AxisTupleType>
-  struct RootHistogramingAccumulator<Atomicity, Arithmetic, std::integral_constant<unsigned int, 3>, AxisTupleType>
-      : RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 3, AxisTupleType> {
-    using RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 3,
-                                              AxisTupleType>::RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal;
-    using RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 3, AxisTupleType>::nEntries;
-    Arithmetic nEntries() const { return this->sums2()[0]; }
-    Arithmetic sumx() const { return this->sums2()[1]; }
-    Arithmetic sumy() const { return this->sums2()[2]; }
-    Arithmetic sumz() const { return this->sums2()[3]; }
-    Arithmetic sumx2() const { return this->sums2()[4]; }
-    Arithmetic sumy2() const { return this->sums2()[7]; }
-    Arithmetic sumz2() const { return this->sums2()[9]; }
-    Arithmetic sumxy() const { return this->sums2()[5]; }
-    Arithmetic sumxz() const { return this->sums2()[6]; }
-    Arithmetic sumyz() const { return this->sums2()[8]; }
-    Arithmetic meanx() const { return sumx() / nEntries(); }
-    Arithmetic meany() const { return sumy() / nEntries(); }
-    Arithmetic meanz() const { return sumz() / nEntries(); }
-    Arithmetic standard_deviationx() const { return stddev( nEntries(), sumx(), sumx2() ); }
-    Arithmetic standard_deviationy() const { return stddev( nEntries(), sumy(), sumy2() ); }
-    Arithmetic standard_deviationz() const { return stddev( nEntries(), sumz(), sumz2() ); }
-  };
-  /**
-   * Extension of the standard Gaudi histogram to provide similar functionnality as ROOT
-   *
-   * The main piece of extra functionnality is that ablity to compute a mean and sigma
-   * of the data set hold by the histogram on top of the histogram itself
-   * This will then be used when filling a real Root histogram so that one gets the
-   * same values as if working directly with Root.
-   * When using pure Gaudi Histograms, and converting to ROOT, ROOT automatically
-   * recomputed average and sigma form the bins, but the value is not the expected one
-   *
-   * Usage is similar to HistogramingCounterBase so see the documentation there
-   * Serialization has the following extra fields :
-   *   - nTotEntries, sum, sum2, mean in 1D
-   *   - nTotEntries, sumx, sumy, sumx2, sumy2, sumxy, meanx, meany in 2D
-   *   - nTotEntries, sumx, sumy, sumz, sumx2, sumy2, sumz2, sumxy, sumxz, sumyz, meanx, meany, meanz in 3D
-   * and uses same types as HistogramingCounterBase
-   *
-   */
-  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, const char* Type, typename AxisTupleType>
-  class RootHistogramingCounterBase;
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, const char* Type, typename AxisTupleType>
-  class RootHistogramingCounterBase<1, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, AxisTupleType>
-      : public HistogramingCounterBase<1, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, RootHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType> {
-  public:
-    using Parent = HistogramingCounterBase<1, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, RootHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
-    using Parent::Parent;
-    friend void to_json( nlohmann::json&                                                                   j,
-                         RootHistogramingCounterBase<1, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, AxisTupleType> const& h ) {
-      to_json( j, static_cast<Parent const&>( h ) );
-      j["nTotEntries"]        = h.nEntries();
-      j["sum"]                = h.sum();
-      j["mean"]               = h.mean();
-      j["sum2"]               = h.sum2();
-      j["standard_deviation"] = h.standard_deviation();
-    }
-  };
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, const char* Type, typename AxisTupleType>
-  class RootHistogramingCounterBase<2, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, AxisTupleType>
-      : public HistogramingCounterBase<2, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, RootHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType> {
-  public:
-    using Parent = HistogramingCounterBase<2, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, RootHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
-    using Parent::Parent;
-    friend void to_json( nlohmann::json&                                                                   j,
-                         RootHistogramingCounterBase<2, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, AxisTupleType> const& h ) {
-      to_json( j, static_cast<Parent const&>( h ) );
-      j["nTotEntries"]         = h.nEntries();
-      j["sumx"]                = h.sumx();
-      j["sumy"]                = h.sumy();
-      j["meanx"]               = h.meanx();
-      j["meany"]               = h.meany();
-      j["sumx2"]               = h.sumx2();
-      j["sumy2"]               = h.sumy2();
-      j["sumxy"]               = h.sumxy();
-      j["standard_deviationx"] = h.standard_deviationx();
-      j["standard_deviationy"] = h.standard_deviationy();
-    }
-  };
-  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, const char* Type, typename AxisTupleType>
-  class RootHistogramingCounterBase<3, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, AxisTupleType>
-      : public HistogramingCounterBase<3, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, RootHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType> {
-  public:
-    using Parent = HistogramingCounterBase<3, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, RootHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
-    using Parent::Parent;
-    friend void to_json( nlohmann::json&                                                                   j,
-                         RootHistogramingCounterBase<3, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, AxisTupleType> const& h ) {
-      to_json( j, static_cast<Parent const&>( h ) );
-      j["nTotEntries"]         = h.nEntries();
-      j["sumx"]                = h.sumx();
-      j["sumy"]                = h.sumy();
-      j["sumz"]                = h.sumz();
-      j["meanx"]               = h.meanx();
-      j["meany"]               = h.meany();
-      j["meanz"]               = h.meanz();
-      j["sumx2"]               = h.sumx2();
-      j["sumy2"]               = h.sumy2();
-      j["sumz2"]               = h.sumz2();
-      j["sumxy"]               = h.sumxy();
-      j["sumxz"]               = h.sumxz();
-      j["sumyz"]               = h.sumyz();
-      j["standard_deviationx"] = h.standard_deviationx();
-      j["standard_deviationy"] = h.standard_deviationy();
-      j["standard_deviationz"] = h.standard_deviationz();
-    }
-  };
-  /// Root histograming counter. See RootHistogramingCounterBase for details
+  /// standard custom histogram
   template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double,
             typename AxisTupleType = make_tuple_t<Axis<Arithmetic>, ND>>
-  using RootHistogram = RootHistogramingCounterBase<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, naming::histogramString, AxisTupleType>;
+  using RootHistogram = HistogramWrapper<StaticRootHistogram<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, AxisTupleType>>;
 } // namespace Gaudi::Accumulators
diff --git a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/StaticHistogram.h b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/StaticHistogram.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d9ffca2059
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/StaticHistogram.h
@@ -0,0 +1,696 @@
+* (c) Copyright 1998-2024 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
+*                                                                                   *
+* This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     *
+* copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            *
+*                                                                                   *
+* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities       *
+* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization        *
+* or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                             *
+#pragma once
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators.h>
+#include <Gaudi/MonitoringHub.h>
+#include <GaudiKernel/HistoDef.h>
+#include <array>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <fmt/format.h>
+#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
+#include <string>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+namespace {
+  // Helper class creating a "subtuple" type from a tuple type by keeping only
+  // the first N items.
+  template <typename Tuple, typename Seq>
+  struct SubTuple;
+  template <typename Tuple, size_t... I>
+  struct SubTuple<Tuple, std::index_sequence<I...>> {
+    using type = decltype( std::make_tuple( std::get<I>( std::declval<Tuple>() )... ) );
+  };
+  template <typename Tuple, unsigned int N>
+  using SubTuple_t = typename SubTuple<Tuple, std::make_index_sequence<N>>::type;
+  /// helper class to create a tuple of N identical types
+  template <typename T, unsigned int ND, typename = std::make_integer_sequence<unsigned int, ND>>
+  struct make_tuple;
+  template <typename T, unsigned int ND, unsigned int... S>
+  struct make_tuple<T, ND, std::integer_sequence<unsigned int, S...>> {
+    template <unsigned int>
+    using typeMap = T;
+    using type    = std::tuple<typeMap<S>...>;
+  };
+  template <typename T, unsigned int ND>
+  using make_tuple_t = typename make_tuple<T, ND>::type;
+  /// template magic converting a tuple of Axis into the tuple of corresponding Arithmetic types
+  template <typename AxisTupleType>
+  struct AxisToArithmetic;
+  template <typename... Axis>
+  struct AxisToArithmetic<std::tuple<Axis...>> {
+    using type = std::tuple<typename Axis::ArithmeticType...>;
+  };
+  template <typename AxisTupleType>
+  using AxisToArithmetic_t = typename AxisToArithmetic<AxisTupleType>::type;
+  template <typename ProfArithmetic, typename AxisTupleType>
+  using ProfileAxisToArithmetic_t = decltype( std::tuple_cat( std::declval<AxisToArithmetic_t<AxisTupleType>>(),
+                                                              std::declval<std::tuple<ProfArithmetic>>() ) );
+} // namespace
+namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
+  namespace details {
+    inline void requireValidTitle( std::string_view sv ) {
+      if ( !sv.empty() && ( std::isspace( sv.back() ) || std::isspace( sv.front() ) ) ) {
+        throw GaudiException(
+            fmt::format( "Histogram title \'{}\' has whitespace at front or back -- please remove", sv ),
+            "Gaudi::Accumulators", StatusCode::FAILURE );
+      }
+    }
+  } // namespace details
+  /**
+   * A functor to extract weight, take a pair (valueTuple, weight) as input
+   */
+  struct ExtractWeight {
+    template <typename Arithmetic>
+    constexpr decltype( auto ) operator()( const std::pair<Arithmetic, Arithmetic>& v ) const noexcept {
+      return v.second;
+    }
+  };
+  /**
+   * A Product functor, take a pair (value, weight) as input
+   */
+  struct WeightedProduct {
+    template <typename Arithmetic>
+    constexpr decltype( auto ) operator()( const std::pair<Arithmetic, Arithmetic>& v ) const noexcept {
+      return v.first * v.second;
+    }
+  };
+  /**
+   * A WeightedSquare functor, take a pair (value, weight) as input
+   */
+  struct WeightedSquare {
+    template <typename Arithmetic>
+    constexpr decltype( auto ) operator()( const std::pair<Arithmetic, Arithmetic>& v ) const noexcept {
+      return v.first * v.first * v.second;
+    }
+  };
+  /**
+   * WeightedCountAccumulator. A WeightedCountAccumulator is an Accumulator storing the number of provided values,
+   * weighted. It basically sums the weights and thus is similar to the SumAccumulator except that it takes
+   * a pair (valueTuple, weight) as input
+   * @see Gaudi::Accumulators for detailed documentation
+   */
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic>
+  struct WeightedCountAccumulator
+      : GenericAccumulator<std::pair<Arithmetic, Arithmetic>, Arithmetic, Atomicity, ExtractWeight> {
+    using Base = GenericAccumulator<std::pair<Arithmetic, Arithmetic>, Arithmetic, Atomicity, ExtractWeight>;
+    using Base::Base;
+    using Base::operator+=;
+    //// overload of operator+= to be able to only give weight and no value
+    WeightedCountAccumulator operator+=( const Arithmetic weight ) {
+      *this += { Arithmetic{}, weight };
+      return *this;
+    }
+    Arithmetic nEntries() const { return this->value(); }
+  };
+  /**
+   * WeightedSumAccumulator. A WeightedSumAccumulator is an Accumulator storing a weighted sum of values.
+   * It takes a pair (valueTuple, weight) and basically sums the product of the last item othe 2 part of its in put pair
+   * : weight and value
+   * @see Gaudi::Accumulators for detailed documentation
+   */
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic>
+  struct WeightedSumAccumulator
+      : GenericAccumulator<std::pair<Arithmetic, Arithmetic>, Arithmetic, Atomicity, WeightedProduct> {
+    using GenericAccumulator<std::pair<Arithmetic, Arithmetic>, Arithmetic, Atomicity,
+                             WeightedProduct>::GenericAccumulator;
+    Arithmetic sum() const { return this->value(); }
+  };
+  /**
+   * WeightedSquareAccumulator. A WeightedSquareAccumulator is an Accumulator storing a weighted sum of squared values.
+   * It basically takes a pair (value, weight) as input and sums weight*value*value
+   * @see Gaudi::Accumulators for detailed documentation
+   */
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic = double>
+  struct WeightedSquareAccumulator
+      : GenericAccumulator<std::pair<Arithmetic, Arithmetic>, Arithmetic, Atomicity, WeightedSquare> {
+    using GenericAccumulator<std::pair<Arithmetic, Arithmetic>, Arithmetic, Atomicity,
+                             WeightedSquare>::GenericAccumulator;
+    Arithmetic sum2() const { return this->value(); };
+  };
+  /**
+   * WeightedAveragingAccumulator. An AveragingAccumulator is an Accumulator able to compute an average
+   * This implementation takes a pair (value, weight) as input
+   * @see Gaudi::Accumulators for detailed documentation
+   */
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic>
+  using WeightedAveragingAccumulator =
+      AveragingAccumulatorBase<Atomicity, Arithmetic, WeightedCountAccumulator, WeightedSumAccumulator>;
+  /**
+   * WeightedSigmaAccumulator. A SigmaAccumulator is an Accumulator able to compute an average and variance/rms
+   * This implementation takes a pair (value, weight) as input
+   * @see Gaudi::Accumulators for detailed documentation
+   */
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic>
+  using WeightedSigmaAccumulator =
+      SigmaAccumulatorBase<Atomicity, Arithmetic, WeightedAveragingAccumulator, WeightedSquareAccumulator>;
+  /**
+   * Definition of a default type of Histogram Axis
+   * It contains number of bins, min and max value plus a title
+   * and defines the basic type of Axis (non log)
+   * It may also contain labels for the bins
+   */
+  template <typename Arithmetic>
+  class Axis {
+  public:
+    using ArithmeticType = Arithmetic;
+    Axis( unsigned int nBins = 0, Arithmetic minValue = Arithmetic{}, Arithmetic maxValue = Arithmetic{},
+          std::string title = {}, std::vector<std::string> labels = {} )
+        : m_title( std::move( title ) )
+        , nBins( nBins )
+        , m_minValue( minValue )
+        , m_maxValue( maxValue )
+        , m_labels( std::move( labels ) ) {
+      details::requireValidTitle( m_title );
+      recomputeRatio();
+      for ( const auto& s : m_labels ) details::requireValidTitle( s );
+    };
+    explicit Axis( Gaudi::Histo1DDef const& def )
+        : Axis( (unsigned int)def.bins(), def.lowEdge(), def.highEdge(), def.title() ){};
+    /// returns the bin number for a given value, ranging from 0 (underflow) to nBins+1 (overflow)
+    unsigned int index( Arithmetic value ) const {
+      // In case we use integer as Arithmetic type, we cannot use ratio for computing indices,
+      // as ratios < 1.0 will simply be 0, so we have to pay the division in such a case
+      int idx;
+      if constexpr ( std::is_integral_v<Arithmetic> ) {
+        idx = ( ( value - m_minValue ) * nBins / ( m_maxValue - m_minValue ) ) + 1;
+      } else {
+        idx = std::floor( ( value - m_minValue ) * m_ratio ) + 1;
+      }
+      return idx < 0 ? 0 : ( (unsigned int)idx > numBins() ? numBins() + 1 : (unsigned int)idx );
+    }
+    friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& o, Axis const& axis ) {
+      // Note that we print python code here, as the generic toStream implementation uses this
+      // operator to generate python code.
+      o << "(" << axis.numBins() << ", " << axis.minValue() << ", " << axis.maxValue() << ", "
+        << "\"" << axis.m_title << "\", (";
+      for ( auto const& label : axis.m_labels ) { o << "\"" << label << "\", "; }
+      return o << "))";
+    }
+    /// says whether the given value is within the range of the axis
+    bool inAcceptance( Arithmetic value ) const { return value >= m_minValue && value <= m_maxValue; }
+    // accessors
+    unsigned int numBins() const { return nBins; };
+    void         setNumBins( unsigned int n ) {
+      nBins = n;
+      recomputeRatio();
+    }
+    Arithmetic minValue() const { return m_minValue; };
+    void       setMinValue( Arithmetic v ) {
+      m_minValue = v;
+      recomputeRatio();
+    }
+    Arithmetic maxValue() const { return m_maxValue; };
+    void       setMaxValue( Arithmetic v ) {
+      m_maxValue = v;
+      recomputeRatio();
+    }
+    std::string const&             title() const { return m_title; }
+    void                           setTitle( std::string const& t ) { m_title = t; };
+    std::vector<std::string> const labels() const { return m_labels; }
+  private:
+    /// title of this axis
+    std::string m_title;
+  public:
+    /// number of bins for this Axis
+    /// FIXME : should be private and called m_nBins but will break backward compatibility with previous implementation.
+    unsigned int nBins;
+  private:
+    /// min and max values on this axis
+    Arithmetic m_minValue, m_maxValue;
+    /**
+     * precomputed ratio to convert a value into bin number
+     * equal to nBins/(maxValue-minValue). Only used for floating Arithmetic
+     */
+    Arithmetic m_ratio;
+    /// labels for the bins
+    std::vector<std::string> m_labels;
+    void recomputeRatio() {
+      m_ratio = ( m_maxValue == m_minValue ) ? Arithmetic{} : nBins / ( m_maxValue - m_minValue );
+    }
+  };
+  /// automatic conversion of the Axis type to json
+  template <typename Arithmetic>
+  void to_json( nlohmann::json& j, const Axis<Arithmetic>& axis ) {
+    j = nlohmann::json{ { "nBins", axis.numBins() },
+                        { "minValue", axis.minValue() },
+                        { "maxValue", axis.maxValue() },
+                        { "title", axis.title() } };
+    if ( !axis.labels().empty() ) { j["labels"] = axis.labels(); }
+  }
+  /**
+   * small class used as InputType for regular Histograms
+   * basically a tuple of the given values, specialized in case of a single
+   * entry so that the syntax is more natural.
+   * NIndex should be lower than number of Arithmetic types and denotes the
+   * number of items used as index. There can typically be one more type in
+   * the list for profile histograms, not use as index on an axis
+   * ValueType is the actual type used to fill the histogram, that is
+   * the ArithmeticTuple reduced to NIndex items
+   *
+   * Note : the specialization is only needed to ensure backward compatibility
+   * with previous implementation where there was only one Arithmetic type common
+   * to all axis. It should in principal be the one and only implementation
+   * FIXME : remove specialization when client code was adapted
+   */
+  template <typename Arithmetic, unsigned int NIndex>
+  struct HistoInputType : HistoInputType<make_tuple_t<Arithmetic, NIndex>, NIndex> {
+    using HistoInputType<make_tuple_t<Arithmetic, NIndex>, NIndex>::HistoInputType;
+  };
+  template <unsigned int NIndex, typename... Elements>
+  struct HistoInputType<std::tuple<Elements...>, NIndex> : std::tuple<Elements...> {
+    using InternalType = std::tuple<Elements...>;
+    using ValueType    = HistoInputType<SubTuple_t<InternalType, NIndex>, NIndex>;
+    using std::tuple<Elements...>::tuple;
+    template <class... AxisType, typename = typename std::enable_if_t<( sizeof...( AxisType ) == NIndex )>>
+    unsigned int computeIndex( std::tuple<AxisType...> const& axis ) const {
+      return computeIndexInternal<0, std::tuple<AxisType...>>( axis );
+    }
+    template <class... AxisType, typename = typename std::enable_if_t<( sizeof...( AxisType ) == NIndex )>>
+    static unsigned int computeTotNBins( std::tuple<AxisType...> const& axis ) {
+      return computeTotNBinsInternal<0, std::tuple<AxisType...>>( axis );
+    }
+    auto forInternalCounter() const { return 1ul; }
+    template <class... AxisType, typename = typename std::enable_if_t<( sizeof...( AxisType ) == NIndex )>>
+    bool inAcceptance( std::tuple<AxisType...> const& axis ) const {
+      return inAcceptanceInternal<0, std::tuple<AxisType...>>( axis );
+    }
+  private:
+    template <int N, class Tuple>
+    unsigned int computeIndexInternal( Tuple const& allAxis ) const {
+      // compute global index. Bins are stored in a column first manner
+      auto const&  axis       = std::get<N>( allAxis );
+      unsigned int localIndex = axis.index( std::get<N>( *this ) );
+      if constexpr ( N + 1 == NIndex )
+        return localIndex;
+      else
+        return localIndex + ( axis.numBins() + 2 ) * computeIndexInternal<N + 1, Tuple>( allAxis );
+    }
+    template <int N, class Tuple>
+    static unsigned int computeTotNBinsInternal( Tuple const& allAxis ) {
+      auto const&  axis       = std::get<N>( allAxis );
+      unsigned int localNBins = axis.numBins() + 2;
+      if constexpr ( N + 1 == NIndex )
+        return localNBins;
+      else
+        return localNBins * computeTotNBinsInternal<N + 1, Tuple>( allAxis );
+    }
+    template <int N, class Tuple>
+    bool inAcceptanceInternal( Tuple const& allAxis ) const {
+      auto const& axis        = std::get<N>( allAxis );
+      bool        localAnswer = axis.inAcceptance( std::get<N>( *this ) );
+      if constexpr ( N + 1 == NIndex )
+        return localAnswer;
+      else
+        return localAnswer || inAcceptanceInternal<N + 1, Tuple>( allAxis );
+    }
+  };
+  /**
+   * small class used as InputType for weighted Histograms
+   * only a pair of the InnerType and the weight.
+   * See description of HistoInputType for more details
+   */
+  template <typename ArithmeticTuple, unsigned int NIndex, typename WArithmetic>
+  struct WeightedHistoInputType : std::pair<HistoInputType<ArithmeticTuple, NIndex>, WArithmetic> {
+    using ValueType = typename HistoInputType<ArithmeticTuple, NIndex>::ValueType;
+    using std::pair<HistoInputType<ArithmeticTuple, NIndex>, WArithmetic>::pair;
+    template <class... AxisType, typename = typename std::enable_if_t<( sizeof...( AxisType ) == NIndex )>>
+    unsigned int computeIndex( std::tuple<AxisType...> const& axis ) const {
+      return this->first.computeIndex( axis );
+    }
+    template <class... AxisType, typename = typename std::enable_if_t<( sizeof...( AxisType ) == NIndex )>>
+    static unsigned int computeTotNBins( std::tuple<AxisType...> const& axis ) {
+      return HistoInputType<ArithmeticTuple, NIndex>::computeTotNBins( axis );
+    }
+    auto forInternalCounter() const { return std::pair( this->first.forInternalCounter(), this->second ); }
+    template <class... AxisType, typename = typename std::enable_if_t<( sizeof...( AxisType ) == NIndex )>>
+    bool inAcceptance( std::tuple<AxisType...> const& axis ) const {
+      return this->first.inAcceptance( axis );
+    }
+  };
+  /**
+   * Internal Accumulator class dealing with Histograming. Templates parameters are :
+   *  - Atomicity : none or full
+   *  - InputType : a class holding a value given as input of the Histogram,
+   *    and able to answer questions on this value given a number of axis matching
+   *    the type of value.
+   *    e.g. it would hold a pair of double for a non weighted 2D histogram or
+   *    a pair of triplet of doubles and double for the weighted 3D histogram.
+   *    Example implementations are (Weighted)HistoInputType.
+   *    This class must define :
+   *      + a constructor taking a set of value to build the InputType
+   *      + a static method `unsigned int computeTotNBins( std::tuple<AxisType...> const& )`
+   *        able to compute the total number of bins needed with this input type and
+   *        these axis. It will typically be the product of the number of bins for each
+   *        dimension, potentially increased by 2 for each if underflow and overflow
+   *        is supported
+   *      + a type ValueType alias defining the type of the input values to give to InputType
+   *        This type needs to implement :
+   *        * a method
+   *          `unsigned int computeIndex( std::tuple<AxisType...> const& ) const`
+   *          able to compute the bin corresponding to a given value
+   *        * a method `auto forInternalCounter() const` returning the value to be used to
+   *          inscrease the accumulator dealing with the bin associated with the current value.
+   *          In most simple cases, it return `Arithmetic{}` or even `1` but for weighted
+   *          histograms, it returns a pair with the weight as second item
+   *        * in case of usage within a RootHistogram, it should also define a method
+   *          `bool inAcceptance( std::tuple<AxisType...> const& )` checking whether a given
+   *          value in within the range of the accumulator
+   *  - Arithmetic : the arithmetic type used for values stored inside the histogram
+   *    e.g. unsigned int for regular histogram as we only count entries, or float/double
+   *    for weighted histograms, as we store actual sums of original values
+   *  - BaseAccumulator : the underlying accumulator used in each bin
+   *  - AxisTupleType : the types of the axis as a tuple. Its length defines the dimension
+   *    of the Histogram this accumulator handles.
+   *    The constraints on the AxisType are : FIXME use concepts when available
+   *      + that they can be copied
+   *      + that they have a ArithmeticType type alias
+   *      + that they have a `unsigned int numBins() const` method
+   *      + that they have a friend operator<< using std::ostream for printing
+   *      + that they have a friend to_json method using nlohmann library
+   *      + that they implement whatever is needed by the computeIndex and computeTotNBins methods
+   *         of the InputType used. Plus the inAcceptance one if Roothistograms are used
+   *    A default Axis class is provided for most cases
+   * This accumulator is simply an array of BaseAccumulator, one per bin.
+   */
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename InputType, typename Arithmetic,
+            template <atomicity Ato, typename Arith> typename BaseAccumulatorT, typename AxisTupleType>
+  class HistogramingAccumulatorInternal {
+    template <atomicity, typename, typename, template <atomicity, typename> typename, typename>
+    friend class HistogramingAccumulatorInternal;
+  public:
+    using ND                      = std::integral_constant<unsigned int, std::tuple_size_v<AxisTupleType>>;
+    using BaseAccumulator         = BaseAccumulatorT<Atomicity, Arithmetic>;
+    using AxisTupleArithmeticType = typename InputType::ValueType;
+    HistogramingAccumulatorInternal( AxisTupleType axis )
+        : m_axis{ axis }
+        , m_totNBins{ InputType::computeTotNBins( m_axis ) }
+        , m_value( new BaseAccumulator[m_totNBins] ) {
+      reset();
+    }
+    template <atomicity ato>
+    HistogramingAccumulatorInternal(
+        construct_empty_t,
+        const HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<ato, InputType, Arithmetic, BaseAccumulatorT, AxisTupleType>& other )
+        : m_axis( other.m_axis ), m_totNBins{ other.m_totNBins }, m_value( new BaseAccumulator[m_totNBins] ) {
+      reset();
+    }
+    [[deprecated( "Use `++h1[x]`, `++h2[{x,y}]`, etc. instead." )]] HistogramingAccumulatorInternal&
+    operator+=( InputType v ) {
+      accumulator( v.computeIndex( m_axis ) ) += v.forInternalCounter();
+      return *this;
+    }
+    void reset() {
+      for ( unsigned int index = 0; index < m_totNBins; index++ ) accumulator( index ).reset();
+    }
+    template <atomicity ato>
+    void mergeAndReset(
+        HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<ato, InputType, Arithmetic, BaseAccumulatorT, AxisTupleType>& other ) {
+      assert( m_totNBins == other.m_totNBins );
+      for ( unsigned int index = 0; index < m_totNBins; index++ ) {
+        accumulator( index ).mergeAndReset( other.accumulator( index ) );
+      }
+    }
+    [[nodiscard]] auto operator[]( typename InputType::ValueType v ) {
+      return Buffer<BaseAccumulatorT, Atomicity, Arithmetic>{ accumulator( v.computeIndex( m_axis ) ) };
+    }
+    template <unsigned int N>
+    auto& axis() const {
+      return std::get<N>( m_axis );
+    }
+    auto& axis() const { return m_axis; }
+    auto  binValue( unsigned int i ) const { return accumulator( i ).value(); }
+    auto  nEntries( unsigned int i ) const { return accumulator( i ).nEntries(); }
+    auto  totNBins() const { return m_totNBins; }
+    // FIXME These methods are there for backwrad compatibility with previous implementation
+    // where all Axis had to be of type Axis<...> and were stored in an array
+    // Newer code should call axis<N>().foo for whatever foo is defined in that axis type
+    auto nBins( unsigned int i ) const { return _getAxis( i, std::integral_constant<size_t, 0>() ).numBins(); }
+    auto minValue( unsigned int i ) const { return _getAxis( i, std::integral_constant<size_t, 0>() ).minValue(); }
+    auto maxValue( unsigned int i ) const { return _getAxis( i, std::integral_constant<size_t, 0>() ).maxValue(); }
+  private:
+    BaseAccumulator& accumulator( unsigned int index ) const {
+      assert( index < m_totNBins );
+      return m_value[index];
+    }
+    // FIXME Only used for backward compatibility. should be dropped at some stage
+    // Can only work if all axis have same type, which is no more the case
+    std::tuple_element_t<0, AxisTupleType> const& _getAxis( size_t i,
+                                                            typename std::tuple_size<AxisTupleType>::type ) const {
+      throw std::logic_error(
+          fmt::format( "Retrieving axis {} in Histogram of dimension {}", i, std::tuple_size_v<AxisTupleType> ) );
+    }
+    template <size_t N, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::tuple_size_v<AxisTupleType> != N>>
+    auto& _getAxis( size_t i, std::integral_constant<size_t, N> ) const {
+      if ( i == N ) return std::get<N>( m_axis );
+      return _getAxis( i, std::integral_constant<size_t, N + 1>() );
+    }
+    /// set of Axis of this Histogram
+    AxisTupleType m_axis;
+    /// total number of bins in this histogram, under and overflow included
+    unsigned int m_totNBins;
+    /// Histogram content
+    std::unique_ptr<BaseAccumulator[]> m_value;
+  };
+  /**
+   * Class implementing a regular histogram accumulator
+   *
+   * Actually only an alias to HistogramingAccumulatorInternal with proper template parameters
+   */
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename ND, typename AxisTupleType>
+  using HistogramingAccumulator =
+      HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, HistoInputType<AxisToArithmetic_t<AxisTupleType>, ND::value>,
+                                      unsigned long, IntegralAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
+  /**
+   * Class implementing a weighted histogram accumulator
+   *
+   * Actually only an alias to HistogramingAccumulatorInternal with proper template parameters
+   */
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename ND, typename AxisTupleType>
+  using WeightedHistogramingAccumulator =
+      HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity,
+                                      WeightedHistoInputType<AxisToArithmetic_t<AxisTupleType>, ND::value, Arithmetic>,
+                                      Arithmetic, WeightedCountAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
+  /**
+   * Class implementing a profile histogram accumulator
+   *
+   * Actually only an alias to HistogramingAccumulatorInternal with proper template parameters
+   */
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename ND, typename AxisTupleType>
+  using ProfileHistogramingAccumulator =
+      HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity,
+                                      HistoInputType<ProfileAxisToArithmetic_t<Arithmetic, AxisTupleType>, ND::value>,
+                                      Arithmetic, SigmaAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
+  /**
+   * Class implementing a weighted profile histogram accumulator
+   *
+   * Actually only an alias to HistogramingAccumulatorInternal with proper template parameters
+   */
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename ND, typename AxisTupleType>
+  using WeightedProfileHistogramingAccumulator = HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<
+      Atomicity, WeightedHistoInputType<ProfileAxisToArithmetic_t<Arithmetic, AxisTupleType>, ND::value, Arithmetic>,
+      Arithmetic, WeightedSigmaAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
+  /**
+   * A base counter dealing with Histograms
+   *
+   * Main features of that Counter :
+   *  - can be any number of dimensions. The dimension is its first template parameter
+   *  - for each dimension, an Axis is associated. Axis can be of any type depending
+   *    on the underlying accumulator
+   *  - the constructor expects one extra argument per axis, typically a tuple
+   *    of values allowing to create the Axis objects in the back
+   *  - the operator+= takes either an array of values (one per dimension)
+   *    or a tuple<array of values, weight>. The value inside the bin
+   *    corresponding to the given values is then increased by 1 or weight
+   *  - the prefered syntax is to avoid operator+= and use operator[] to get a
+   *    buffer on the bin you're updating. Syntax becomes :
+   *        ++counter[{x,y}]   or   wcounter[{x,y}] += w
+   *  - the Counter is templated by the types of the values given to
+   *    operator+ and also by the type stored into the bins
+   *  - the counter can be atomic or not and supports buffering. Note that
+   *    the atomicity is classical eventual consistency. So each bin is
+   *    atomically updated but bins are not garanted to be coherent when
+   *    reading all of them back
+   *  - profile histograms are also supported, operator+= takes one more
+   *    value in the array of values in that case
+   *
+   * This base class is then aliases for the 4 standard cases of Histogram,
+   * WeightedHistogram, ProfileHistogram and WeightedProfileHistogram.
+   * For all predefined Histogram types, the axis type is a simple triplet
+   * of values nbins, minValue, maxValue plus a title.
+   *
+   * Typical usage :
+   * \code
+   * Histogram<2, double, atomicity::full>
+   *   counter{owner, "CounterName", "HistoTitle", {{nBins1, minVal1, maxVal1}, {nBins2, minVal2, maxVal2,
+   * "AxisTitle"}}};
+   * ++counter[{val1, val2}];    // prefered syntax
+   * counter += {val1, val2};    // original syntax inherited from counters
+   *
+   * WeightedHistogram<2, double, atomicity::full>
+   *   wcounter{owner, "CounterName", "HistoTitle", {{nBins1, minVal1, maxVal1}, {nBins2, minVal2, maxVal2,
+   * "AxisTitle"}}}; wcounter[{val1, val2}] += w;    // prefered syntax wcounter += {{val1, val2}, w};  // original
+   * syntax inherited from counters \endcode
+   *
+   * When serialized to json, this counter uses new types histogram:Histogram:<prec>, histogram:ProfileHistogram:<prec>,
+   * histogram:WeightedHistogram:<prec> and histrogram:WeightedProfileHistogram:<prec>
+   * <prec> id described in Accumulators.h and decribes here the precision of the bin data.
+   * All these types have the same fields, namely :
+   *   dimension(integer), title(string), empty(bool), nEntries(integer), axis(array), bins(array)
+   * where :
+   *     + axis is an array of tuples, one per dimension, with content (nBins(integer), minValue(number),
+   * maxValue(number), title(string)) for the default type of Axis
+   *     + bins is an array of values
+   *       - The length of the array is the product of (nBins+2) for all axis
+   *       - the +2 is because the bin 0 is the one for values below minValue and bin nBins+1 is the one for values
+   * above maxValue bins are stored row first so we iterate first on highest dimension
+   *       - the value is a number for non profile histograms
+   *       - the value is of the form ( (nEntries(integer), sum(number) ), sum2(number) ) for profile histograms
+   *         Note the pair with a pair as first entry
+   */
+  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, const char* Type,
+            template <atomicity, typename, typename, typename> typename Accumulator, typename AxisTupleType>
+  class HistogramingCounterBase;
+  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, const char* Type,
+            template <atomicity, typename, typename, typename> typename Accumulator, typename... AxisTypes>
+  class HistogramingCounterBase<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, Accumulator, std::tuple<AxisTypes...>>
+      : public BufferableCounter<Atomicity, Accumulator, Arithmetic, std::integral_constant<unsigned int, ND>,
+                                 std::tuple<AxisTypes...>> {
+  public:
+    using AxisTupleType    = std::tuple<AxisTypes...>;
+    using NumberDimensions = std::integral_constant<unsigned int, ND>;
+    using Parent           = BufferableCounter<Atomicity, Accumulator, Arithmetic, NumberDimensions, AxisTupleType>;
+    using AccumulatorType  = Accumulator<Atomicity, Arithmetic, NumberDimensions, AxisTupleType>;
+    using AxisTupleArithmeticType = typename AccumulatorType::AxisTupleArithmeticType;
+    /// for backward compatibility with previous implementation, should not be used FIXME
+    using AxisArithmeticType = typename std::tuple_element<0, AxisTupleType>::type::ArithmeticType;
+    inline static const std::string typeString{ std::string{ Type } + ':' + typeid( Arithmetic ).name() };
+    /// This constructor takes the axis as a tuple
+    template <typename OWNER>
+    HistogramingCounterBase( OWNER* owner, std::string const& name, std::string const& title, AxisTupleType axis )
+        : Parent( owner, name, *this, axis ), m_title( title ) {
+      details::requireValidTitle( m_title );
+    }
+    /// This constructor takes the axis one by one, when ND >= 2. If ND = 1, the other one can be used
+    template <typename OWNER>
+    HistogramingCounterBase( OWNER* owner, std::string const& name, std::string const& title, AxisTypes... allAxis )
+        : HistogramingCounterBase( owner, name, title, std::make_tuple( allAxis... ) ) {}
+    using Parent::print;
+    template <typename stream>
+    stream& printImpl( stream& o, bool /*tableFormat*/ ) const {
+      o << ND << "D Histogram with config ";
+      std::apply( [&o]( auto&&... args ) { ( ( o << args << "\n" ), ... ); }, this->axis() );
+      return o;
+    }
+    std::ostream& print( std::ostream& o, bool tableFormat = false ) const override {
+      return printImpl( o, tableFormat );
+    }
+    MsgStream&   print( MsgStream& o, bool tableFormat = false ) const override { return printImpl( o, tableFormat ); }
+    friend void  reset( HistogramingCounterBase& c ) { c.reset(); }
+    friend void  mergeAndReset( HistogramingCounterBase& h, HistogramingCounterBase& o ) { h.mergeAndReset( o ); }
+    friend void  to_json( nlohmann::json& j, HistogramingCounterBase const& h ) { h.to_json( j ); }
+    virtual void to_json( nlohmann::json& j ) const {
+      // get all bin values and compute total nbEntries
+      std::vector<typename AccumulatorType::BaseAccumulator::OutputType> bins;
+      bins.reserve( this->totNBins() );
+      unsigned long totNEntries{ 0 };
+      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < this->totNBins(); i++ ) {
+        bins.push_back( this->binValue( i ) );
+        totNEntries += this->nEntries( i );
+      }
+      // build json
+      j = { { "type", std::string( Type ) + ":" + typeid( Arithmetic ).name() },
+            { "title", m_title },
+            { "dimension", ND },
+            { "empty", totNEntries == 0 },
+            { "nEntries", totNEntries },
+            { "axis", this->axis() },
+            { "bins", bins } };
+    }
+    std::string const& title() const { return m_title; }
+  protected:
+    std::string const m_title;
+  };
+  namespace naming {
+    inline constexpr char histogramString[]                = "histogram:Histogram";
+    inline constexpr char weightedHistogramString[]        = "histogram:WeightedHistogram";
+    inline constexpr char profilehistogramString[]         = "histogram:ProfileHistogram";
+    inline constexpr char weightedProfilehistogramString[] = "histogram:WeightedProfileHistogram";
+  } // namespace naming
+  /// standard static histograming counter. See HistogramingCounterBase for details
+  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double,
+            typename AxisTupleType = make_tuple_t<Axis<Arithmetic>, ND>>
+  using StaticHistogram = HistogramingCounterBase<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, naming::histogramString,
+                                                  HistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
+  /// standard static histograming counter with weight. See HistogramingCounterBase for details
+  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double,
+            typename AxisTupleType = make_tuple_t<Axis<Arithmetic>, ND>>
+  using StaticWeightedHistogram = HistogramingCounterBase<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, naming::weightedHistogramString,
+                                                          WeightedHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
+  /// profile static histograming counter. See HistogramingCounterBase for details
+  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double,
+            typename AxisTupleType = make_tuple_t<Axis<Arithmetic>, ND>>
+  using StaticProfileHistogram = HistogramingCounterBase<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, naming::profilehistogramString,
+                                                         ProfileHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
+  /// weighted static profile histograming counter. See HistogramingCounterBase for details
+  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double,
+            typename AxisTupleType = make_tuple_t<Axis<Arithmetic>, ND>>
+  using StaticWeightedProfileHistogram =
+      HistogramingCounterBase<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, naming::weightedProfilehistogramString,
+                              WeightedProfileHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
+} // namespace Gaudi::Accumulators
diff --git a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/StaticRootHistogram.h b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/StaticRootHistogram.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6d14050de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/StaticRootHistogram.h
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+* (c) Copyright 1998-2024 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
+*                                                                                   *
+* This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     *
+* copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            *
+*                                                                                   *
+* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities       *
+* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization        *
+* or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                             *
+#pragma once
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/StaticHistogram.h>
+#include <type_traits>
+namespace {
+  template <typename tuple_t>
+  constexpr auto get_array_from_tuple( tuple_t&& tuple ) {
+    constexpr auto get_array = []( auto&&... x ) { return std::array{ std::forward<decltype( x )>( x )... }; };
+    return std::apply( get_array, std::forward<tuple_t>( tuple ) );
+  }
+} // namespace
+namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
+  /// number of items in sums for a given dimension
+  /// = 1 (nb items) + ND (sums of each dimension) + ND*(ND+1)/2 (square sums)
+  constexpr unsigned int NSUMS( unsigned int ND ) { return 1 + ND + ND * ( ND + 1 ) / 2; }
+  template <typename Arithmetic, atomicity Atomicity, unsigned int ND>
+  struct SigmasValueHandler {
+    using InputType  = std::conditional_t<ND == 1, Arithmetic, std::array<Arithmetic, ND>>;
+    using OutputType = std::array<Arithmetic, NSUMS( ND )>;
+    struct OutputTypeTS : std::array<std::atomic<Arithmetic>, NSUMS( ND )> {
+      /// copy constructor from non thread safe type
+      using std::array<std::atomic<Arithmetic>, NSUMS( ND )>::array;
+      explicit OutputTypeTS( OutputType const& other ) {
+        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < NSUMS( ND ); i++ ) { ( *this )[i] = other[i]; }
+      }
+      // operator= from non thread safe type
+      OutputTypeTS& operator=( OutputType const& other ) {
+        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < NSUMS( ND ); i++ ) { ( *this )[i] = other[i]; }
+        return *this;
+      }
+      // automatic conversion to non thread safe type
+      operator OutputType() const {
+        OutputType out;
+        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < NSUMS( ND ); i++ ) { out[i] = ( *this )[i].load( std::memory_order_relaxed ); }
+        return out;
+      }
+    };
+    using InternalType = std::conditional_t<Atomicity == atomicity::full, OutputTypeTS, OutputType>;
+    static constexpr OutputType getValue( const InternalType& v ) noexcept {
+      // Note automatic conversion will happen
+      return v;
+    };
+    static OutputType exchange( InternalType& v, OutputType newv ) noexcept {
+      if constexpr ( Atomicity == atomicity::full ) {
+        OutputType old;
+        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < NSUMS( ND ); i++ ) { old[i] = v[i].exchange( newv[i] ); }
+        return old;
+      } else {
+        return std::exchange( v, newv );
+      }
+    }
+    static constexpr OutputType DefaultValue() { return InternalType{}; }
+    static void                 merge( InternalType& a, OutputType b ) noexcept {
+      if constexpr ( Atomicity == atomicity::full ) {
+        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < NSUMS( ND ); i++ ) { fetch_add( a[i], b[i] ); }
+      } else {
+        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < ND * ( ND + 3 ); i++ ) a[i] += b[i];
+      }
+    }
+    static void merge( InternalType& a, InputType b ) noexcept {
+      // prepare values to increment internal values
+      OutputType diff{};
+      diff[0] = 1.;
+      if constexpr ( ND == 1 ) {
+        // no operator[] for b in this case
+        diff[1] = b;
+        diff[2] = b * b;
+      } else {
+        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < ND; i++ ) diff[i + 1] += b[i];
+        unsigned int n = 1 + ND;
+        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < ND; i++ ) {
+          for ( unsigned int j = i; j < ND; j++ ) {
+            diff[n] = b[i] * b[j];
+            n++;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      // Now increase original counter
+      if constexpr ( Atomicity == atomicity::full ) {
+        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < NSUMS( ND ); i++ ) { fetch_add( a[i], diff[i] ); }
+      } else {
+        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < NSUMS( ND ); i++ ) a[i] += diff[i];
+      }
+    }
+  };
+  template <typename Arithmetic, atomicity Atomicity, unsigned int ND>
+  struct SigmaNAccumulator
+      : GenericAccumulator<std::array<Arithmetic, ND>, std::array<Arithmetic, NSUMS( ND )>, Atomicity, Identity,
+                           Identity, SigmasValueHandler<Arithmetic, Atomicity, ND>> {
+    std::array<Arithmetic, NSUMS( ND )> const sums() const { return this->value(); }
+  };
+  /// specialization for ND=1 to allow for better syntax
+  template <typename Arithmetic, atomicity Atomicity>
+  struct SigmaNAccumulator<Arithmetic, Atomicity, 1>
+      : GenericAccumulator<Arithmetic, std::array<Arithmetic, 3>, Atomicity, Identity, Identity,
+                           SigmasValueHandler<Arithmetic, Atomicity, 1>> {
+    std::array<Arithmetic, 3> const sums() const { return this->value(); }
+  };
+  /**
+   * Internal Accumulator class dealing with RootHistograming.
+   * Actually a simple extention on top of RootHistograming with an
+   * extra SigmaCounter embeded
+   */
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, unsigned int ND, typename AxisTupleType>
+  class RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal
+      : public HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, HistoInputType<AxisToArithmetic_t<AxisTupleType>, ND>,
+                                               unsigned long, IntegralAccumulator, AxisTupleType> {
+    using InputType = HistoInputType<AxisToArithmetic_t<AxisTupleType>, ND>;
+    using Parent =
+        HistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, InputType, unsigned long, IntegralAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
+    template <atomicity, typename, unsigned int, typename>
+    friend class RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal;
+    static_assert( ND <= 3, "Root on supports histogrmas with dimension <= 3" );
+    /**
+     * Small procyclass allowing operator[] to work as expected on the RootHistogram
+     * that is to return something having an operator+= updating the histogram properly
+     */
+    struct Proxy {
+      Proxy( RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal& histo, typename InputType::ValueType& v )
+          : m_histo( histo ), m_v( v ) {}
+      void                                 operator++() { m_histo.update( m_v ); }
+      RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal& m_histo;
+      typename InputType::ValueType        m_v;
+    };
+  public:
+    using Parent::Parent;
+    friend struct Proxy;
+    [[deprecated( "Use `++h1[x]`, `++h2[{x,y}]`, etc. instead." )]] RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal&
+    operator+=( typename InputType::ValueType v ) {
+      update( v );
+      return *this;
+    }
+    void reset() {
+      m_accumulator.reset();
+      Parent::reset();
+    }
+    template <atomicity ato>
+    void mergeAndReset( RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<ato, Arithmetic, ND, AxisTupleType>& other ) {
+      m_accumulator.mergeAndReset( other.m_accumulator );
+      Parent::mergeAndReset( other );
+    }
+    [[nodiscard]] auto operator[]( typename InputType::ValueType v ) { return Proxy( *this, v ); }
+    /// returns the nbentries, sums and "squared sums" of the inputs
+    /// Practically we have first the number of entries, then the simple sums of each
+    /// input dimension followed by all combinasions of product of 2 inputs, in "alphabetical" order,
+    /// e.g. for ND=3 we have sums of n, x, y, z, x^2, xy, xz, y^2, yz, z^2
+    auto sums2() const { return m_accumulator.sums(); }
+  private:
+    void update( typename InputType::ValueType v ) {
+      // Do not accumulate in m_accumulator if we are outside the histo range
+      // We mimic here the behavior of ROOT
+      if ( v.inAcceptance( this->axis() ) ) {
+        if constexpr ( ND == 1 ) {
+          m_accumulator += std::get<0>( v );
+        } else {
+          m_accumulator += get_array_from_tuple( static_cast<typename InputType::InternalType>( v ) );
+        }
+      }
+      ++Parent::operator[]( v );
+    }
+    // Accumulator for keeping squared sum of value stored in the histogram and correlation values
+    // they get stored in "alphabetical" order, e.g. for ND=3 x^2, xy, xz, y^2, yz, z^2
+    SigmaNAccumulator<Arithmetic, Atomicity, ND> m_accumulator;
+  };
+  namespace {
+    /// helper function to compute standard_deviation
+    template <typename Arithmetic>
+    Arithmetic stddev( Arithmetic n, Arithmetic s, Arithmetic s2 ) {
+      using Gaudi::Accumulators::sqrt;
+      using std::sqrt;
+      auto v = ( n > 0 ) ? ( ( s2 - s * ( s / n ) ) / n ) : Arithmetic{};
+      return ( Arithmetic{ 0 } > v ) ? Arithmetic{} : sqrt( v );
+    }
+  } // namespace
+  /**
+   * Class implementing a root histogram accumulator
+   */
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename ND, typename AxisTupleType>
+  struct RootHistogramingAccumulator;
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename AxisTupleType>
+  struct RootHistogramingAccumulator<Atomicity, Arithmetic, std::integral_constant<unsigned int, 1>, AxisTupleType>
+      : RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 1, AxisTupleType> {
+    using RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 1,
+                                              AxisTupleType>::RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal;
+    using RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 1, AxisTupleType>::nEntries;
+    Arithmetic nEntries() const { return this->sums2()[0]; }
+    Arithmetic sum() const { return this->sums2()[1]; }
+    Arithmetic sum2() const { return this->sums2()[2]; }
+    Arithmetic mean() const { return sum() / nEntries(); }
+    Arithmetic standard_deviation() const { return stddev( nEntries(), sum(), sum2() ); }
+  };
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename AxisTupleType>
+  struct RootHistogramingAccumulator<Atomicity, Arithmetic, std::integral_constant<unsigned int, 2>, AxisTupleType>
+      : RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 2, AxisTupleType> {
+    using RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 2,
+                                              AxisTupleType>::RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal;
+    using RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 2, AxisTupleType>::nEntries;
+    Arithmetic nEntries() const { return this->sums2()[0]; }
+    Arithmetic sumx() const { return this->sums2()[1]; }
+    Arithmetic sumy() const { return this->sums2()[2]; }
+    Arithmetic sumx2() const { return this->sums2()[3]; }
+    Arithmetic sumy2() const { return this->sums2()[5]; }
+    Arithmetic sumxy() const { return this->sums2()[4]; }
+    Arithmetic meanx() const { return sumx() / nEntries(); }
+    Arithmetic meany() const { return sumy() / nEntries(); }
+    Arithmetic standard_deviationx() const { return stddev( nEntries(), sumx(), sumx2() ); }
+    Arithmetic standard_deviationy() const { return stddev( nEntries(), sumy(), sumy2() ); }
+  };
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, typename AxisTupleType>
+  struct RootHistogramingAccumulator<Atomicity, Arithmetic, std::integral_constant<unsigned int, 3>, AxisTupleType>
+      : RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 3, AxisTupleType> {
+    using RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 3,
+                                              AxisTupleType>::RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal;
+    using RootHistogramingAccumulatorInternal<Atomicity, Arithmetic, 3, AxisTupleType>::nEntries;
+    Arithmetic nEntries() const { return this->sums2()[0]; }
+    Arithmetic sumx() const { return this->sums2()[1]; }
+    Arithmetic sumy() const { return this->sums2()[2]; }
+    Arithmetic sumz() const { return this->sums2()[3]; }
+    Arithmetic sumx2() const { return this->sums2()[4]; }
+    Arithmetic sumy2() const { return this->sums2()[7]; }
+    Arithmetic sumz2() const { return this->sums2()[9]; }
+    Arithmetic sumxy() const { return this->sums2()[5]; }
+    Arithmetic sumxz() const { return this->sums2()[6]; }
+    Arithmetic sumyz() const { return this->sums2()[8]; }
+    Arithmetic meanx() const { return sumx() / nEntries(); }
+    Arithmetic meany() const { return sumy() / nEntries(); }
+    Arithmetic meanz() const { return sumz() / nEntries(); }
+    Arithmetic standard_deviationx() const { return stddev( nEntries(), sumx(), sumx2() ); }
+    Arithmetic standard_deviationy() const { return stddev( nEntries(), sumy(), sumy2() ); }
+    Arithmetic standard_deviationz() const { return stddev( nEntries(), sumz(), sumz2() ); }
+  };
+  /**
+   * Extension of the standard Gaudi histogram to provide similar functionnality as ROOT
+   *
+   * The main piece of extra functionnality is that ablity to compute a mean and sigma
+   * of the data set hold by the histogram on top of the histogram itself
+   * This will then be used when filling a real Root histogram so that one gets the
+   * same values as if working directly with Root.
+   * When using pure Gaudi Histograms, and converting to ROOT, ROOT automatically
+   * recomputed average and sigma form the bins, but the value is not the expected one
+   *
+   * Usage is similar to HistogramingCounterBase so see the documentation there
+   * Serialization has the following extra fields :
+   *   - nTotEntries, sum, sum2, mean in 1D
+   *   - nTotEntries, sumx, sumy, sumx2, sumy2, sumxy, meanx, meany in 2D
+   *   - nTotEntries, sumx, sumy, sumz, sumx2, sumy2, sumz2, sumxy, sumxz, sumyz, meanx, meany, meanz in 3D
+   * and uses same types as HistogramingCounterBase
+   *
+   */
+  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, const char* Type, typename AxisTupleType>
+  class RootHistogramingCounterBase;
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, const char* Type, typename AxisTupleType>
+  class RootHistogramingCounterBase<1, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, AxisTupleType>
+      : public HistogramingCounterBase<1, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, RootHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType> {
+  public:
+    using Parent = HistogramingCounterBase<1, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, RootHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
+    using Parent::Parent;
+    friend void to_json( nlohmann::json&                                                                   j,
+                         RootHistogramingCounterBase<1, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, AxisTupleType> const& h ) {
+      to_json( j, static_cast<Parent const&>( h ) );
+      j["nTotEntries"]        = h.nEntries();
+      j["sum"]                = h.sum();
+      j["mean"]               = h.mean();
+      j["sum2"]               = h.sum2();
+      j["standard_deviation"] = h.standard_deviation();
+    }
+  };
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, const char* Type, typename AxisTupleType>
+  class RootHistogramingCounterBase<2, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, AxisTupleType>
+      : public HistogramingCounterBase<2, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, RootHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType> {
+  public:
+    using Parent = HistogramingCounterBase<2, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, RootHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
+    using Parent::Parent;
+    friend void to_json( nlohmann::json&                                                                   j,
+                         RootHistogramingCounterBase<2, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, AxisTupleType> const& h ) {
+      to_json( j, static_cast<Parent const&>( h ) );
+      j["nTotEntries"]         = h.nEntries();
+      j["sumx"]                = h.sumx();
+      j["sumy"]                = h.sumy();
+      j["meanx"]               = h.meanx();
+      j["meany"]               = h.meany();
+      j["sumx2"]               = h.sumx2();
+      j["sumy2"]               = h.sumy2();
+      j["sumxy"]               = h.sumxy();
+      j["standard_deviationx"] = h.standard_deviationx();
+      j["standard_deviationy"] = h.standard_deviationy();
+    }
+  };
+  template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic, const char* Type, typename AxisTupleType>
+  class RootHistogramingCounterBase<3, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, AxisTupleType>
+      : public HistogramingCounterBase<3, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, RootHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType> {
+  public:
+    using Parent = HistogramingCounterBase<3, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, RootHistogramingAccumulator, AxisTupleType>;
+    using Parent::Parent;
+    friend void to_json( nlohmann::json&                                                                   j,
+                         RootHistogramingCounterBase<3, Atomicity, Arithmetic, Type, AxisTupleType> const& h ) {
+      to_json( j, static_cast<Parent const&>( h ) );
+      j["nTotEntries"]         = h.nEntries();
+      j["sumx"]                = h.sumx();
+      j["sumy"]                = h.sumy();
+      j["sumz"]                = h.sumz();
+      j["meanx"]               = h.meanx();
+      j["meany"]               = h.meany();
+      j["meanz"]               = h.meanz();
+      j["sumx2"]               = h.sumx2();
+      j["sumy2"]               = h.sumy2();
+      j["sumz2"]               = h.sumz2();
+      j["sumxy"]               = h.sumxy();
+      j["sumxz"]               = h.sumxz();
+      j["sumyz"]               = h.sumyz();
+      j["standard_deviationx"] = h.standard_deviationx();
+      j["standard_deviationy"] = h.standard_deviationy();
+      j["standard_deviationz"] = h.standard_deviationz();
+    }
+  };
+  /// Root histograming counter. See RootHistogramingCounterBase for details
+  template <unsigned int ND, atomicity Atomicity = atomicity::full, typename Arithmetic = double,
+            typename AxisTupleType = make_tuple_t<Axis<Arithmetic>, ND>>
+  using StaticRootHistogram =
+      RootHistogramingCounterBase<ND, Atomicity, Arithmetic, naming::histogramString, AxisTupleType>;
+} // namespace Gaudi::Accumulators
diff --git a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Histograming/Sink/Utils.h b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Histograming/Sink/Utils.h
index f74c3ec6e1..f5d4a0d7bd 100644
--- a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Histograming/Sink/Utils.h
+++ b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Histograming/Sink/Utils.h
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h>
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/StaticHistogram.h>
 #include <Gaudi/MonitoringHub.h>
 #include <GaudiKernel/GaudiException.h>
 #include <TDirectory.h>
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ namespace Gaudi::Histograming::Sink {
   details::ProfileWrapper<TProfile> profileHisto1DToRoot( std::string name, Monitoring::Hub::Entity const& ent ) {
     // get original histogram from the Entity
     auto const& gaudiHisto =
-        *reinterpret_cast<Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1, Atomicity, Arithmetic>*>( );
+        *reinterpret_cast<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1, Atomicity, Arithmetic>*>( );
     // convert to Root
     auto const&                       gaudiAxis = gaudiHisto.template axis<0>();
     details::ProfileWrapper<TProfile> histo{ name.c_str(), gaudiHisto.title().c_str(), gaudiAxis.numBins(),
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ namespace Gaudi::Histograming::Sink {
   details::ProfileWrapper<TProfile2D> profileHisto2DToRoot( std::string name, Monitoring::Hub::Entity const& ent ) {
     // get original histogram from the Entity
     auto const& gaudiHisto =
-        *reinterpret_cast<Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<2, Atomicity, Arithmetic>*>( );
+        *reinterpret_cast<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<2, Atomicity, Arithmetic>*>( );
     // convert to Root
     auto const&                         gaudiXAxis = gaudiHisto.template axis<0>();
     auto const&                         gaudiYAxis = gaudiHisto.template axis<1>();
@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ namespace Gaudi::Histograming::Sink {
   details::ProfileWrapper<TProfile3D> profileHisto3DToRoot( std::string name, Monitoring::Hub::Entity const& ent ) {
     // get original histogram from the Entity
     auto const& gaudiHisto =
-        *reinterpret_cast<Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<3, Atomicity, Arithmetic>*>( );
+        *reinterpret_cast<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<3, Atomicity, Arithmetic>*>( );
     // convert to Root
     auto const&                         gaudiXAxis = gaudiHisto.template axis<0>();
     auto const&                         gaudiYAxis = gaudiHisto.template axis<1>();
diff --git a/GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistoArrayUnitTest.cpp b/GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistoArrayUnitTest.cpp
index 33afda6c12..9a5e8eb205 100644
--- a/GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistoArrayUnitTest.cpp
+++ b/GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistoArrayUnitTest.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* (c) Copyright 1998-2021 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
+* (c) Copyright 1998-2024 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
 *                                                                                   *
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     *
 * copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            *
@@ -10,7 +10,12 @@
 #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE test_CounterHistos
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h>
 #include <Gaudi/Accumulators/HistogramArray.h>
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/StaticHistogram.h>
+#include <GaudiKernel/PropertyHolder.h>
 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
@@ -24,10 +29,20 @@ namespace {
     MonitoringHub& monitoringHub() { return m_monitHub; }
     MonitoringHub  m_monitHub{};
-  struct Algo {
+  struct BaseAlgo : INamedInterface, IProperty {
+    unsigned long            addRef() override { return 0; };
+    unsigned long            release() override { return 0; };
+    void*                    i_cast( const InterfaceID& ) const override { return nullptr; }
+    std::vector<std::string> getInterfaceNames() const override { return {}; }
+    unsigned long            refCount() const override { return 0; }
+    StatusCode               queryInterface( const InterfaceID&, void** ) override { return StatusCode::FAILURE; };
+    const std::string&       name() const override { return m_name; };
+    std::string              m_name{};
+  };
+  struct Algo : PropertyHolder<BaseAlgo> {
     ServiceLocator* serviceLocator() { return &m_serviceLocator; }
-    std::string     name() { return ""; }
     ServiceLocator  m_serviceLocator{};
+    void            registerCallBack( Gaudi::StateMachine::Transition, std::function<void()> ){};
   // Little helper for using automatic nlohmann conversion mechanism
@@ -38,13 +53,60 @@ namespace {
 } // namespace
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_static_counter_histos, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e-14 ) ) {
+  Algo algo;
+  {
+    // testing an array of 5 1D, regular histograms, with "standard" names / titles
+    Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1>, 5> histo1d{
+        &algo, "SGaudiH1D-{}", "A Gaudi 1D histogram - number {}", { 21, -10.5, 10.5, "X" } };
+    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) ++histo1d[i][-10.0]; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin
+    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1d[i] ).at( "bins" )[1] == 1 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1d[2] ).at( "title" ) == "A Gaudi 1D histogram - number 2" );
+    ++histo1d[3][-10.0]; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1d[3] ).at( "bins" )[1] == 2 );
+  }
+  {
+    // testing an array of 7 2D, weighted histograms, with "standard" names / titles
+    Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticWeightedHistogram<2>, 7> histo2dw{
+        &algo, "SName{}", "Title {}", { 21, -10.5, 10.5, "X" }, { 21, -10.5, 10.5, "Y" } };
+    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) histo2dw[i][{ -10.0, -10.0 }] += 0.25; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin
+    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo2dw[i] ).at( "bins" )[( 1 + 21 + 1 ) + 1] == 0.25 );
+    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) histo2dw[i][{ -10.0, -10.0 }] += 0.5; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin
+    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo2dw[i] ).at( "bins" )[( 1 + 21 + 1 ) + 1] == 0.75 );
+  }
+  {
+    Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1>, 5> histo1d{
+        &algo,
+        []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "SGaudiH1D-{}-{}", n, n ^ 2 ); },
+        [nb = 5]( int n ) {
+          return fmt::format( "Title number {} of Histogram arrays of {} histograms in total", n, nb );
+        },
+        { 21, -10.5, 10.5, "X" } };
+    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) ++histo1d[i][-10.0]; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin
+    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1d[i] ).at( "bins" )[1] == 1 );
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1d[3] ).at( "title" ) == "Title number 3 of Histogram arrays of 5 histograms in total" );
+    ++histo1d[3][-10.0]; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin
+    BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1d[3] ).at( "bins" )[1] == 2 );
+  }
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_counter_histos, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e-14 ) ) {
   Algo algo;
     // testing an array of 5 1D, regular histograms, with "standard" names / titles
+    // Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>, 5> histo1d{
     Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>, 5> histo1d{
-        &algo, "GaudiH1D-{}", "A Gaudi 1D histogram - number {}", { 21, -10.5, 10.5, "X" } };
+        &algo, "GaudiH1D-{}", "WRONG TITLE !", { 1, -1, 1, "WRONG" } };
+    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {
+      algo.setProperty( fmt::format( "GaudiH1D-{}_Title", i ), fmt::format( "A Gaudi 1D histogram - number {}", i ) )
+          .ignore();
+      algo.setProperty( fmt::format( "GaudiH1D-{}_Axis0", i ), "( 21, -10.5, 10.5, \"X\" )" ).ignore();
+    }
+    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { histo1d[i].createHistogram( algo ); }
     for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) ++histo1d[i][-10.0]; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin
     for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1d[i] ).at( "bins" )[1] == 1 );
     BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1d[2] ).at( "title" ) == "A Gaudi 1D histogram - number 2" );
@@ -55,7 +117,13 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_counter_histos, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e-14 )
     // testing an array of 7 2D, weighted histograms, with "standard" names / titles
     Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::WeightedHistogram<2>, 7> histo2dw{
-        &algo, "Name{}", "Title {}", { 21, -10.5, 10.5, "X" }, { 21, -10.5, 10.5, "Y" } };
+        &algo, "Name{}", "WRONG TITLE !", { 1, -1, 1, "WRONG" }, { 1, -1, 1, "WRONG" } };
+    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) {
+      algo.setProperty( fmt::format( "Name{}_Title", i ), fmt::format( "Title {}", i ) ).ignore();
+      algo.setProperty( fmt::format( "Name{}_Axis0", i ), "( 21, -10.5, 10.5, \"X\" )" ).ignore();
+      algo.setProperty( fmt::format( "Name{}_Axis1", i ), "( 21, -10.5, 10.5, \"Y\" )" ).ignore();
+    }
+    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) { histo2dw[i].createHistogram( algo ); }
     for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) histo2dw[i][{ -10.0, -10.0 }] += 0.25; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin
     for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo2dw[i] ).at( "bins" )[( 1 + 21 + 1 ) + 1] == 0.25 );
     for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) histo2dw[i][{ -10.0, -10.0 }] += 0.5; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin
@@ -65,11 +133,15 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_counter_histos, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e-14 )
     Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>, 5> histo1d{
-        []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "GaudiH1D-{}-{}", n, n ^ 2 ); },
+        []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "GaudiH1D-{}-{}", n, n * n ); },
         [nb = 5]( int n ) {
           return fmt::format( "Title number {} of Histogram arrays of {} histograms in total", n, nb );
-        { 21, -10.5, 10.5, "X" } };
+        { 1, -1, 1, "WRONG" } };
+    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {
+      algo.setProperty( fmt::format( "GaudiH1D-{}-{}_Axis0", i, i * i ), "( 21, -10.5, 10.5, \"X\" )" ).ignore();
+    }
+    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { histo1d[i].createHistogram( algo ); }
     for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) ++histo1d[i][-10.0]; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin
     for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1d[i] ).at( "bins" )[1] == 1 );
     BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1d[3] ).at( "title" ) == "Title number 3 of Histogram arrays of 5 histograms in total" );
diff --git a/GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistosUnitTest.cpp b/GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistosUnitTest.cpp
index cb9108e73f..7f1b8478f0 100644
--- a/GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistosUnitTest.cpp
+++ b/GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistosUnitTest.cpp
@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@
 #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE test_CounterHistos
-#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomHistogram.h>
-#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomRootHistogram.h>
 #include <Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h>
 #include <Gaudi/Accumulators/RootHistogram.h>
@@ -71,7 +69,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_counter_histos, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e-14 )
   Algo algo;
-    Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> histo1d{ &algo, "GaudiH1D", "A Gaudi 1D histogram", { 21, -10.5, 10.5, "X" } };
+    Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> histo1d{
+        &algo, "GaudiH1D", "A Gaudi 1D histogram", { 21, -10.5, 10.5, "X" } };
     ++histo1d[-10.0]; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin
     BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1d ).at( "bins" )[1] == 1 );
 #pragma GCC diagnostic push
@@ -81,7 +80,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_counter_histos, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e-14 )
     BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1d ).at( "bins" )[1] == 2 );
-    Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> histo2d{
+    Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2> histo2d{
         &algo, "GaudiH2D", "A Gaudi 2D histogram", { { 21, -10.5, 10.5, "X" }, { 21, -10.5, 10.5, "Y" } } };
     ++histo2d[{ -10.0, -10.0 }]; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin
     BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo2d ).at( "bins" )[( 1 + 21 + 1 ) + 1] == 1 );
@@ -92,7 +91,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_counter_histos, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e-14 )
     BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo2d ).at( "bins" )[( 1 + 21 + 1 ) + 1] == 2 );
-    Gaudi::Accumulators::WeightedHistogram<1> histo1dw{ &algo, "", "", { 21, -10.5, 10.5, "X" } };
+    Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticWeightedHistogram<1> histo1dw{ &algo, "", "", { 21, -10.5, 10.5, "X" } };
     histo1dw[-10.0] += 0.25; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin
     BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1dw ).at( "bins" )[1] == 0.25 );
     BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1dw ).at( "nEntries" ).get<unsigned long>() == 1 );
@@ -104,7 +103,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_counter_histos, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e-14 )
 #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
-  Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1u> histo{ &algo, "GaudiP1D", "A Gaudi 1D Profile", { 10, 0, 100 } };
+  Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1u> histo{ &algo, "GaudiP1D", "A Gaudi 1D Profile", { 10, 0, 100 } };
   histo[-0.5] += -0.5;
   for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { histo[10.0 * double( i ) + 0.5] += double( i ); }
@@ -139,7 +138,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_counter_root_histos, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e
   Algo algo;
-    Gaudi::Accumulators::RootHistogram<1> histo1d{ &algo, "GaudiH1D", "A Gaudi 1D histogram", { 4, -10, 10, "X" } };
+    Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticRootHistogram<1> histo1d{
+        &algo, "GaudiH1D", "A Gaudi 1D histogram", { 4, -10, 10, "X" } };
     BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1d ).at( "bins" )[3] == 1 );
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_counter_root_histos, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e
     BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1d ).at( "standard_deviation" ) == 0.5 );
-    Gaudi::Accumulators::RootHistogram<2> histo2d{
+    Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticRootHistogram<2> histo2d{
         &algo, "GaudiH2D", "A Gaudi 2D histogram", { { 4, -10, 10, "X" }, { 4, -10, 10, "Y" } } };
     ++histo2d[{ 1, 1 }]; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin
     BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo2d ).at( "bins" )[( 1 + 4 + 1 ) * 3 + 3] == 1 );
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_counter_root_histos, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e
     BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo2d ).at( "standard_deviationy" ) == 1 );
-    Gaudi::Accumulators::RootHistogram<3> histo3d{
+    Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticRootHistogram<3> histo3d{
         &algo, "GaudiH3D", "A Gaudi 3D histogram", { { 4, -10, 10, "X" }, { 4, -10, 10, "Y" }, { 4, -10, 10, "Z" } } };
     ++histo3d[{ 1, 1, 1 }]; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin
     BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo3d ).at( "bins" )[36 * 3 + 6 * 3 + 3] == 1 );
@@ -202,8 +202,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_counter_root_histos, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_integer_histos ) {
   using namespace Gaudi::Accumulators;
-  Algo                                                             algo;
-  Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1, atomicity::none, unsigned int> histo{
+  Algo                                                                   algo;
+  Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1, atomicity::none, unsigned int> histo{
       &algo, "IntH1D", "A 1D histogram with integer content", { 10, 0, 10, "X" } };
   ++histo[1]; // fill the second (non-overflow) bin
   ++histo[3]; // fill the fourth (non-overflow) bin
@@ -215,8 +215,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_integer_histos ) {
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_integer_histos_small_ratio ) {
   using namespace Gaudi::Accumulators;
-  Algo                                                             algo;
-  Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1, atomicity::none, unsigned int> histo{
+  Algo                                                                   algo;
+  Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1, atomicity::none, unsigned int> histo{
       &algo, "IntH1D", "A 1D histogram with integer content", { 5, 0, 10, "X" } };
   ++histo[1]; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin
   ++histo[3]; // fill the second (non-overflow) bin
@@ -276,8 +276,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_custom_axis ) {
   using namespace Gaudi::Accumulators;
   Algo algo;
-  Histogram<1, atomicity::full, TestEnum, std::tuple<EnumAxis>> hist{ &algo, "TestEnumHist", "TestEnum histogram",
-                                                                      EnumAxis{} };
+  StaticHistogram<1, atomicity::full, TestEnum, std::tuple<EnumAxis>> hist{ &algo, "TestEnumHist", "TestEnum histogram",
+                                                                            EnumAxis{} };
   hist[TestEnum::A] += 1;
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_mixed_axis ) {
   using namespace Gaudi::Accumulators;
   Algo algo;
-  Histogram<2, atomicity::full, float, std::tuple<EnumAxis, Axis<float>>> hist{
+  StaticHistogram<2, atomicity::full, float, std::tuple<EnumAxis, Axis<float>>> hist{
       &algo, "TestEnumHist", "TestEnum 2D histogram", EnumAxis{}, { 3, 0, 3, "Value" } };
   hist[{ TestEnum::A, 0.5 }] += 1;
@@ -383,8 +383,10 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_histos_merge_reset, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e-
   HistSink histSink;
   algo.serviceLocator()->monitoringHub().addSink( &histSink );
-  Histogram<1, atomicity::full, float> hist1( &algo, "TestHist1", "Test histogram 1", Axis<float>{ 10, 0., 10. } );
-  Histogram<1, atomicity::full, float> hist2( &algo, "TestHist2", "Test histogram 2", Axis<float>{ 10, 0., 10. } );
+  StaticHistogram<1, atomicity::full, float> hist1( &algo, "TestHist1", "Test histogram 1",
+                                                    Axis<float>{ 10, 0., 10. } );
+  StaticHistogram<1, atomicity::full, float> hist2( &algo, "TestHist2", "Test histogram 2",
+                                                    Axis<float>{ 10, 0., 10. } );
   // test all combinations of entities made (a) as part of the Histogram's constructor and (b) separately
   auto ent1a = histSink.m_entities[0];
@@ -419,7 +421,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_2d_histos, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e-14 ) ) {
   Algo algo;
   // test filling a 2D histogram with more bins in x than y
   // Buffer will overflow if the wrong axis' nBins is used to calculate the bin index, resulting in a double free
-  Histogram<2, atomicity::full, float> hist{
+  StaticHistogram<2, atomicity::full, float> hist{
       &algo, "Test2DHist", "Test 2D histogram", { 64, 0., 64. }, { 52, 0., 52. } };
   for ( int i = 0; i < 64; ++i ) {
@@ -435,7 +437,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_2d_histos_unique_ptr, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1
   using namespace Gaudi::Accumulators;
   Algo algo;
   // test constructing a 2D histogram inside a deque via emplace_back
-  std::deque<Histogram<2, atomicity::full, float>> histos;
+  std::deque<StaticHistogram<2, atomicity::full, float>> histos;
   histos.emplace_back( &algo, "Test2DHist", "Test 2D histogram", Axis<float>{ 10, 0., 10. },
                        Axis<float>{ 10, 0., 10. } );
@@ -454,7 +456,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_custom_Histos, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e-14 )
   Algo algo;
-    Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomHistogram<1> histo1d{ &algo, "GaudiH1D" };
+    Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> histo1d{ &algo, "GaudiH1D" };
     algo.setProperty( "GaudiH1D_Title", "A Gaudi 1D histogram" ).ignore();
     algo.setProperty( "GaudiH1D_Axis0", "( 21, -10.5, 10.5, \"X\" )" ).ignore();
     histo1d.createHistogram( algo );
@@ -474,7 +476,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_custom_Histos, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e-14 )
     BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1d ).at( "bins" )[1] == 2 );
-    Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomHistogram<2> histo2d{ &algo, "GaudiH2D" };
+    Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> histo2d{ &algo, "GaudiH2D" };
     algo.setProperty( "GaudiH2D_Title", "A Gaudi 2D histogram" ).ignore();
     algo.setProperty( "GaudiH2D_Axis0", "( 21, -10.5, 10.5, \"X\" )" ).ignore();
     algo.setProperty( "GaudiH2D_Axis1", "( 41, -20.5, 20.5 )" ).ignore();
@@ -498,7 +500,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_custom_Histos, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e-14 )
     BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo2d ).at( "bins" )[( 1 + 21 + 1 ) + 1] == 2 );
-    Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomWeightedHistogram<1> histo1dw{ &algo, "GaudiH1DW" };
+    Gaudi::Accumulators::WeightedHistogram<1> histo1dw{ &algo, "GaudiH1DW" };
     algo.setProperty( "GaudiH1dw_Title", "A Gaudi 1DW histogram" ).ignore();
     algo.setProperty( "GaudiH1dw_Axis0", "( 21, -10.5, 10.5, \"X\" )" ).ignore();
     histo1dw.createHistogram( algo );
@@ -515,7 +517,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_custom_Histos, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e-14 )
     BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1dw ).at( "bins" )[1] == 0.75 );
-    Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomProfileHistogram<1u> histo{ &algo, "GaudiP1D" };
+    Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1u> histo{ &algo, "GaudiP1D" };
     algo.setProperty( "GaudiP1D_Title", "A Gaudi Profile histogram" ).ignore();
     algo.setProperty( "GaudiP1D_Axis0", "( 10, 0, 100 )" ).ignore();
     histo.createHistogram( algo );
@@ -551,7 +553,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_custom_root_histos, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e-
   Algo algo;
-    Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomRootHistogram<1> histo1d{ &algo, "GaudiH1D" };
+    Gaudi::Accumulators::RootHistogram<1> histo1d{ &algo, "GaudiH1D" };
     algo.setProperty( "GaudiH1D_Title", "A Gaudi 1D histogram" ).ignore();
     algo.setProperty( "GaudiH1D_Axis0", "( 4, -10, 10, \"X\" )" ).ignore();
     histo1d.createHistogram( algo );
@@ -568,7 +570,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_custom_root_histos, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e-
     BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo1d ).at( "standard_deviation" ) == 0.5 );
-    Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomRootHistogram<2> histo2d{ &algo, "GaudiH2D" };
+    Gaudi::Accumulators::RootHistogram<2> histo2d{ &algo, "GaudiH2D" };
     algo.setProperty( "GaudiH2D_Title", "A Gaudi 2D histogram" ).ignore();
     algo.setProperty( "GaudiH2D_Axis0", "( 4, -10, 10, \"X\" )" ).ignore();
     algo.setProperty( "GaudiH2D_Axis1", "( 4, -10, 10, \"Y\" )" ).ignore();
@@ -591,7 +593,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_custom_root_histos, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e-
     BOOST_TEST( toJSON( histo2d ).at( "standard_deviationy" ) == 1 );
-    Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomRootHistogram<3> histo3d{ &algo, "GaudiH3D" };
+    Gaudi::Accumulators::RootHistogram<3> histo3d{ &algo, "GaudiH3D" };
     algo.setProperty( "GaudiH3D_Title", "A Gaudi 3D histogram" ).ignore();
     algo.setProperty( "GaudiH3D_Axis0", "( 4, -10, 10, \"X\" )" ).ignore();
     algo.setProperty( "GaudiH3D_Axis1", "( 4, -10, 10, \"Y\" )" ).ignore();
@@ -624,8 +626,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_custom_root_histos, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e-
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_custom_integer_histos ) {
   using namespace Gaudi::Accumulators;
-  Algo                                              algo;
-  CustomHistogram<1, atomicity::none, unsigned int> histo{ &algo, "IntH1D" };
+  Algo                                        algo;
+  Histogram<1, atomicity::none, unsigned int> histo{ &algo, "IntH1D" };
   algo.setProperty( "IntH1D_Title", "A 1D histogram with integer content" ).ignore();
   algo.setProperty( "IntH1D_Axis0", "( 10, 0, 10, \"X\" )" ).ignore();
   histo.createHistogram( algo );
@@ -639,8 +641,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_custom_integer_histos ) {
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_custom_custom_axis ) {
   using namespace Gaudi::Accumulators;
-  Algo                                                                algo;
-  CustomHistogram<1, atomicity::full, TestEnum, std::tuple<EnumAxis>> hist{ &algo, "TestEnumHist" };
+  Algo                                                          algo;
+  Histogram<1, atomicity::full, TestEnum, std::tuple<EnumAxis>> hist{ &algo, "TestEnumHist" };
   algo.setProperty( "IntH1D_Title", "TestEnum histogram" ).ignore();
   algo.setProperty( "IntH1D_Axis0", "Junk - this is ignored" ).ignore();
   hist.createHistogram( algo );
@@ -663,8 +665,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_custom_custom_axis ) {
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_custom_mixed_axis ) {
   using namespace Gaudi::Accumulators;
-  Algo                                                                          algo;
-  CustomHistogram<2, atomicity::full, float, std::tuple<EnumAxis, Axis<float>>> hist{ &algo, "TestEnumHist" };
+  Algo                                                                    algo;
+  Histogram<2, atomicity::full, float, std::tuple<EnumAxis, Axis<float>>> hist{ &algo, "TestEnumHist" };
   algo.setProperty( "TestEnumHist_Title", "TestEnum 2D histogram" ).ignore();
   algo.setProperty( "TestEnumHist_Axis1", "( 3, 0, 3, \"Value\" )" ).ignore();
   hist.createHistogram( algo );
diff --git a/GaudiKernel/tests/src/LogHistogram.h b/GaudiKernel/tests/src/LogHistogram.h
index e59e775a21..68a412096f 100644
--- a/GaudiKernel/tests/src/LogHistogram.h
+++ b/GaudiKernel/tests/src/LogHistogram.h
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h>
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/StaticHistogram.h>
 namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
diff --git a/GaudiKernel/tests/src/ProfileHistoSpeedTest.cpp b/GaudiKernel/tests/src/ProfileHistoSpeedTest.cpp
index 8aec7c51f3..bc3fc0cb9f 100644
--- a/GaudiKernel/tests/src/ProfileHistoSpeedTest.cpp
+++ b/GaudiKernel/tests/src/ProfileHistoSpeedTest.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* (c) Copyright 1998-2021 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
+* (c) Copyright 1998-2024 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
 *                                                                                   *
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     *
 * copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            *
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE test_ProfileHistoSpeed
-#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h>
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/StaticHistogram.h>
 #include <Gaudi/Histograming/Sink/Utils.h>
 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_profile_histo_speed, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e
   Algo algo;
   std::cout << "Elapsed time (us) :\n";
   // create a large profile (1M bins) histogram and fill it with 10 million items
-  auto                                      startTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
-  Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1u> histo{
+  auto                                            startTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+  Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1u> histo{
       &algo, "GaudiP1D", "A Large Gaudi 1D Profile", { 1000000, 0, 1000000 } };
   for ( int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++ ) { histo[0.1 * double( i ) + 0.05] += double( i * 0.01 ); }
   auto filledTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_profile_histo_speed, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e
             << "\n";
   // test fast conversion of 2D histos
-  Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<2u> histo2d{
+  Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<2u> histo2d{
       &algo, "GaudiP3D", "A Large Gaudi 2D Profile", { 1000, 0, 1000 }, { 1000, 0, 1000 } };
   for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ ) {
     for ( int j = 0; j < 1000; j++ ) {
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_profile_histo_speed, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e
             << "\n";
   // test fast conversion of 3D histos
-  Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<3u> histo3d{ &algo,           "GaudiP3D",      "A Large Gaudi 3D Profile",
-                                                     { 100, 0, 100 }, { 100, 0, 100 }, { 100, 0, 100 } };
+  Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<3u> histo3d{ &algo,           "GaudiP3D",      "A Large Gaudi 3D Profile",
+                                                           { 100, 0, 100 }, { 100, 0, 100 }, { 100, 0, 100 } };
   for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
     for ( int j = 0; j < 100; j++ ) {
       for ( int k = 0; k < 100; k++ ) {
diff --git a/GaudiTestSuite/src/Histograms/CounterHistos.cpp b/GaudiTestSuite/src/Histograms/CounterHistos.cpp
index 3b06e36692..e69f360ca8 100644
--- a/GaudiTestSuite/src/Histograms/CounterHistos.cpp
+++ b/GaudiTestSuite/src/Histograms/CounterHistos.cpp
@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@
 * granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization        *
 * or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                             *
-#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomHistogram.h>
-#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/CustomRootHistogram.h>
 #include <Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h>
 #include <Gaudi/Accumulators/RootHistogram.h>
 #include <Gaudi/Algorithm.h>
@@ -60,7 +58,7 @@ namespace Gaudi {
         mutable Rndm::Numbers m_rand;
-        mutable std::deque<Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1, Atomicity, Arithmetic>> m_histos;
+        mutable std::deque<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1, Atomicity, Arithmetic>> m_histos;
         Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_nHistos{ this, "NumHistos", 20, "" };
         Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_nTracks{ this, "NumTracks", 30, "" };
@@ -179,55 +177,55 @@ namespace Gaudi {
         // Testing regular histograms in all dimensions and features
         // "default" case, that is bins containing doubles and atomic
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_gauss{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_gauss{
             this, "Gauss", "Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, atomic", { 100, -5, 5, "X" } };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_gaussVflat{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2> m_gaussVflat{
             this, "GaussFlat", "Gaussian V Flat, atomic", { { 50, -5, 5, "X" }, { 50, -5, 5, "Y" } } };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<3> m_gaussVflatVgauss{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<3> m_gaussVflatVgauss{
             "Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian, atomic",
             { { 10, -5, 5, "X" }, { 10, -5, 5, "Y" }, { 10, -5, 5, "Z" } } };
         // non atomic versions
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::none> m_gauss_noato{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::none> m_gauss_noato{
             this, "GaussNA", "Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, non atomic", { 100, -5, 5 } };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::none> m_gaussVflat_noato{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::none> m_gaussVflat_noato{
             this, "GaussFlatNA", "Gaussian V Flat, non atomic", { { 50, -5, 5 }, { 50, -5, 5 } } };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<3, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::none> m_gaussVflatVgauss_noato{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<3, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::none> m_gaussVflatVgauss_noato{
             "Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian, non atomic",
             { { 10, -5, 5 }, { 10, -5, 5 }, { 10, -5, 5 } } };
         // using integers
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int> m_gauss_int{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int> m_gauss_int{
             this, "GaussInt", "Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, integer values", { 10, -5, 5 } };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int> m_gaussVflat_int{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int> m_gaussVflat_int{
             this, "GaussFlatInt", "Gaussian V Flat, integer values", { { 10, -5, 5 }, { 10, -5, 5 } } };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<3, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int> m_gaussVflatVgauss_int{
-            this,
-            "GaussFlatGaussInt",
-            "Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian, interger values",
-            { { 10, -5, 5 }, { 10, -5, 5 }, { 10, -5, 5 } } };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<3, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int>
+            m_gaussVflatVgauss_int{ this,
+                                    "GaussFlatGaussInt",
+                                    "Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian, interger values",
+                                    { { 10, -5, 5 }, { 10, -5, 5 }, { 10, -5, 5 } } };
         // weighted version, "default" case
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::WeightedHistogram<1> m_gauss_w{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticWeightedHistogram<1> m_gauss_w{
             this, "GaussW", "Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, weighted", { 100, -5, 5 } };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::WeightedHistogram<2> m_gaussVflat_w{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticWeightedHistogram<2> m_gaussVflat_w{
             this, "GaussFlatW", "Gaussian V Flat, weighted", { { 50, -5, 5 }, { 50, -5, 5 } } };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::WeightedHistogram<3> m_gaussVflatVgauss_w{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticWeightedHistogram<3> m_gaussVflatVgauss_w{
             "Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian, weighted",
             { { 10, -5, 5 }, { 10, -5, 5 }, { 10, -5, 5 } } };
         // "default" case, dedicated to testing buffers
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_gauss_buf{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_gauss_buf{
             this, "GaussBuf", "Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, buffered", { 100, -5, 5 } };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_gaussVflat_buf{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2> m_gaussVflat_buf{
             this, "GaussFlatBuf", "Gaussian V Flat, buffered", { { 50, -5, 5 }, { 50, -5, 5 } } };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<3> m_gaussVflatVgauss_buf{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<3> m_gaussVflatVgauss_buf{
             "Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian, buffered",
@@ -236,58 +234,60 @@ namespace Gaudi {
         // Testing profiling histograms in all dimensions and features
         // "default" case, that is bins containing doubles and atomic
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_prof_gauss{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_prof_gauss{
             this, "ProfGauss", "Profile, Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, atomic", { 100, -5, 5 } };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<2> m_prof_gaussVflat{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<2> m_prof_gaussVflat{
             this, "ProfGaussFlat", "Profile, Gaussian V Flat, atomic", { { 50, -5, 5 }, { 50, -5, 5 } } };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<3> m_prof_gaussVflatVgauss{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<3> m_prof_gaussVflatVgauss{
             "Profile, Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian, atomic",
             { { 10, -5, 5 }, { 10, -5, 5 }, { 10, -5, 5 } } };
         // non atomic versions
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::none> m_prof_gauss_noato{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::none> m_prof_gauss_noato{
             this, "ProfGaussNA", "Profile, Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, non atomic", { 100, -5, 5 } };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<2, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::none> m_prof_gaussVflat_noato{
-            this, "ProfGaussFlatNA", "Profile, Gaussian V Flat, non atomic", { { 50, -5, 5 }, { 50, -5, 5 } } };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<3, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::none>
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<2, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::none>
+            m_prof_gaussVflat_noato{
+                this, "ProfGaussFlatNA", "Profile, Gaussian V Flat, non atomic", { { 50, -5, 5 }, { 50, -5, 5 } } };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<3, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::none>
             m_prof_gaussVflatVgauss_noato{ this,
                                            "Profile, Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian, non atomic",
                                            { { 10, -5, 5 }, { 10, -5, 5 }, { 10, -5, 5 } } };
         // using integers internally
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int> m_prof_gauss_int{
-            this, "ProfGaussInt", "Profile, Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, integer values", { 10, -5, 5 } };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<2, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int>
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int>
+            m_prof_gauss_int{
+                this, "ProfGaussInt", "Profile, Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, integer values", { 10, -5, 5 } };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<2, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int>
             m_prof_gaussVflat_int{ this,
                                    "Profile, Gaussian V Flat, integer values",
                                    { { 10, -5, 5 }, { 10, -5, 5 } } };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<3, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int>
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<3, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int>
             m_prof_gaussVflatVgauss_int{ this,
                                          "Profile, Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian, interger values",
                                          { { 10, -5, 5 }, { 10, -5, 5 }, { 10, -5, 5 } } };
         // weighted version, "default" case
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::WeightedProfileHistogram<1> m_prof_gauss_w{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticWeightedProfileHistogram<1> m_prof_gauss_w{
             this, "ProfGaussW", "Profile, Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, weighted", { 100, -5, 5 } };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::WeightedProfileHistogram<2> m_prof_gaussVflat_w{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticWeightedProfileHistogram<2> m_prof_gaussVflat_w{
             this, "ProfGaussFlatW", "Profile, Gaussian V Flat, weighted", { { 50, -5, 5 }, { 50, -5, 5 } } };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::WeightedProfileHistogram<3> m_prof_gaussVflatVgauss_w{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticWeightedProfileHistogram<3> m_prof_gaussVflatVgauss_w{
             "Profile, Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian, weighted",
             { { 10, -5, 5 }, { 10, -5, 5 }, { 10, -5, 5 } } };
         // "default" case, dedicated to testing buffers
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_prof_gauss_buf{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_prof_gauss_buf{
             this, "ProfGaussBuf", "Profile, Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, buffered", { 100, -5, 5 } };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<2> m_prof_gaussVflat_buf{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<2> m_prof_gaussVflat_buf{
             this, "ProfGaussFlatBuf", "Profile, Gaussian V Flat, buffered", { { 50, -5, 5 }, { 50, -5, 5 } } };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<3> m_prof_gaussVflatVgauss_buf{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<3> m_prof_gaussVflatVgauss_buf{
             "Profile, Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian, buffered",
@@ -299,36 +299,33 @@ namespace Gaudi {
             this, "LogGaussFlat", "LogLog, Gaussian V Flat", { { 5, 0, 2 }, { 5, 0, 2 } } };
         // Histogram in an absolute location
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_gaussAbsName{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_gaussAbsName{
             this, "/TopDir/SubDir/Gauss", "Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, atomic", { 100, -5, 5, "X" } };
         // Custom histograms, specifying title and axis in python
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomHistogram<1> m_custom_gauss_noprop{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_custom_gauss_noprop{
             this, "CustomGaussNoProp", "Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, atomic", { 100, -5, 5, "X" } };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomHistogram<1> m_custom_gauss{ this, "CustomGauss" };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomHistogram<2> m_custom_gaussVflat{ this, "CustomGaussFlat" };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomHistogram<3> m_custom_gaussVflatVgauss{ this, "CustomGaussFlatGauss" };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomWeightedHistogram<1> m_custom_gauss_w{ this, "CustomGaussW" };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomWeightedHistogram<2> m_custom_gaussVflat_w{ this, "CustomGaussFlatW" };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomWeightedHistogram<3> m_custom_gaussVflatVgauss_w{ this,
-                                                                                             "CustomGaussFlatGaussW" };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomProfileHistogram<1> m_custom_prof_gauss{ this, "CustomProfGauss" };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomProfileHistogram<2> m_custom_prof_gaussVflat{ this, "CustomProfGaussFlat" };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomProfileHistogram<3> m_custom_prof_gaussVflatVgauss{
-            this, "CustomProfGaussFlatGauss" };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomWeightedProfileHistogram<1> m_custom_prof_gauss_w{ this,
-                                                                                              "CustomProfGaussW" };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomWeightedProfileHistogram<2> m_custom_prof_gaussVflat_w{
-            this, "CustomProfGaussFlatW" };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomWeightedProfileHistogram<3> m_custom_prof_gaussVflatVgauss_w{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_custom_gauss{ this, "CustomGauss" };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_custom_gaussVflat{ this, "CustomGaussFlat" };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<3> m_custom_gaussVflatVgauss{ this, "CustomGaussFlatGauss" };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::WeightedHistogram<1> m_custom_gauss_w{ this, "CustomGaussW" };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::WeightedHistogram<2> m_custom_gaussVflat_w{ this, "CustomGaussFlatW" };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::WeightedHistogram<3> m_custom_gaussVflatVgauss_w{ this, "CustomGaussFlatGaussW" };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_custom_prof_gauss{ this, "CustomProfGauss" };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<2> m_custom_prof_gaussVflat{ this, "CustomProfGaussFlat" };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<3> m_custom_prof_gaussVflatVgauss{ this,
+                                                                                         "CustomProfGaussFlatGauss" };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::WeightedProfileHistogram<1> m_custom_prof_gauss_w{ this, "CustomProfGaussW" };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::WeightedProfileHistogram<2> m_custom_prof_gaussVflat_w{ this,
+                                                                                             "CustomProfGaussFlatW" };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::WeightedProfileHistogram<3> m_custom_prof_gaussVflatVgauss_w{
             this, "CustomProfGaussFlatGaussW" };
         // Checking DoNotInitialize property of CustomHistogram
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomHistogram<1> m_custom_gauss_noinit{
-            this, "CustomGaussNoInit", "", {}, true };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_custom_gauss_noinit{ this, "CustomGaussNoInit", "", {}, true };
       DECLARE_COMPONENT( GaudiHistoAlgorithm )
@@ -378,34 +375,34 @@ namespace Gaudi {
         // Testing Root histograms in all dimensions
         // "default" case, that is bins containing doubles and atomic
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::RootHistogram<1> m_gauss{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticRootHistogram<1> m_gauss{
             this, "Gauss", "Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, atomic", { 100, -5, 5, "X" } };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::RootHistogram<2> m_gaussVflat{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticRootHistogram<2> m_gaussVflat{
             this, "GaussFlat", "Gaussian V Flat, atomic", { { 50, -5, 5, "X" }, { 50, -5, 5, "Y" } } };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::RootHistogram<3> m_gaussVflatVgauss{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticRootHistogram<3> m_gaussVflatVgauss{
             "Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian, atomic",
             { { 10, -5, 5, "X" }, { 10, -5, 5, "Y" }, { 10, -5, 5, "Z" } } };
         // "default" case, dedicated to testing buffers
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::RootHistogram<1> m_gauss_buf{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticRootHistogram<1> m_gauss_buf{
             this, "GaussBuf", "Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, buffered", { 100, -5, 5 } };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::RootHistogram<2> m_gaussVflat_buf{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticRootHistogram<2> m_gaussVflat_buf{
             this, "GaussFlatBuf", "Gaussian V Flat, buffered", { { 50, -5, 5 }, { 50, -5, 5 } } };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::RootHistogram<3> m_gaussVflatVgauss_buf{
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticRootHistogram<3> m_gaussVflatVgauss_buf{
             "Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian, buffered",
             { { 10, -5, 5 }, { 10, -5, 5 }, { 10, -5, 5 } } };
         // Custom histogram cases, specifying title and axis in python
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomRootHistogram<1> m_custom_gauss{ this, "CustomGauss",
-                                                                            "Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, atomic" };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomRootHistogram<2> m_custom_gaussVflat{ this, "CustomGaussFlat",
-                                                                                 "Gaussian V Flat, atomic" };
-        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomRootHistogram<3> m_custom_gaussVflatVgauss{
-            this, "CustomGaussFlatGauss", "Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian, atomic" };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::RootHistogram<1> m_custom_gauss{ this, "CustomGauss",
+                                                                      "Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, atomic" };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::RootHistogram<2> m_custom_gaussVflat{ this, "CustomGaussFlat",
+                                                                           "Gaussian V Flat, atomic" };
+        mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::RootHistogram<3> m_custom_gaussVflatVgauss{ this, "CustomGaussFlatGauss",
+                                                                                 "Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian, atomic" };
       DECLARE_COMPONENT( GaudiRootHistoAlgorithm )
     } // namespace Counter
diff --git a/GaudiTestSuite/src/Histograms/HistoProps.cpp b/GaudiTestSuite/src/Histograms/HistoProps.cpp
index 9fd0008bdf..bd79443b1c 100644
--- a/GaudiTestSuite/src/Histograms/HistoProps.cpp
+++ b/GaudiTestSuite/src/Histograms/HistoProps.cpp
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ namespace Gaudi {
   namespace TestSuite {
     /** @class HistoProps
      *  simple example, which illustrates the usage of "histogram properties"
+     *  DO NOT USE. This is legacy code, Gaudi::Accumulatos::Histogram support
+     *  properties natively.
      *  @author Vanay BELYAEV
      *  @date 2007-09-18
diff --git a/GaudiTestSuite/src/testing/HistogramsTests.cpp b/GaudiTestSuite/src/testing/HistogramsTests.cpp
index bebf3cfeeb..62f1bd12c0 100644
--- a/GaudiTestSuite/src/testing/HistogramsTests.cpp
+++ b/GaudiTestSuite/src/testing/HistogramsTests.cpp
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 * granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization        *
 * or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                             *
-#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h>
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/StaticHistogram.h>
 #include <Gaudi/Functional/Consumer.h>
 #include <GaudiKernel/AlgTool.h>
 #include <type_traits>
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
 namespace Gaudi::Tests::Histograms {
   namespace Directories {
-    using MyHist_t = Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>;
+    using MyHist_t = Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1>;
     struct HistoGroupsTool : AlgTool {
       using AlgTool::AlgTool;
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ namespace Gaudi::Tests::Histograms {
   namespace AxesLabels {
     struct HistWithLabelsAlg : Gaudi::Functional::Consumer<void()> {
       using Base     = Gaudi::Functional::Consumer<void()>;
-      using MyHist_t = Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int>;
+      using MyHist_t = Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int>;
       using Base::Base;
@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ namespace Gaudi::Tests::Histograms {
       using Base = Gaudi::Functional::Consumer<void()>;
       using Base::Base;
-      mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, Category,
-                                             std::tuple<Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomAxis>>
+      mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, Category,
+                                                   std::tuple<Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomAxis>>
           m_hist{ this, "Categories", "", Gaudi::Accumulators::CustomAxis{} };
       void operator()() const override {
@@ -145,9 +145,10 @@ namespace Gaudi::Tests::Histograms {
       using Base = Gaudi::Functional::Consumer<void()>;
       using Base::Base;
-      mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_h1{ this, "h1", "", { 10, 0, 10 } };
-      mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_h2{ this, "h2", "", { 10, 0, 10 }, { 10, 0, 10 } };
-      mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<3> m_h3{ this, "h3", "", { 10, 0, 10 }, { 10, 0, 10 }, { 10, 0, 10 } };
+      mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_h1{ this, "h1", "", { 10, 0, 10 } };
+      mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2> m_h2{ this, "h2", "", { 10, 0, 10 }, { 10, 0, 10 } };
+      mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<3> m_h3{ this,          "h3",          "",
+                                                            { 10, 0, 10 }, { 10, 0, 10 }, { 10, 0, 10 } };
       void operator()() const override {
         int value = 0;

From bf201ba1fcc7471715de8c1fd593f91ed9fa6efc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Marco Clemencic <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 15:07:10 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 4/8] Correctly handle instantiation of Histogram in start or

 .../Gaudi/Accumulators/HistogramWrapper.h        | 16 +++++++++++++++-
 .../tests/src/CounterHistoArrayUnitTest.cpp      |  7 ++++---
 GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistosUnitTest.cpp  |  7 ++++---
 3 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/HistogramWrapper.h b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/HistogramWrapper.h
index 001ffec4e3..f548ce94a8 100644
--- a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/HistogramWrapper.h
+++ b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/HistogramWrapper.h
@@ -62,9 +62,23 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
         ... );
       // register creation of the Histogram at initialization time
       if ( !doNotInitialize ) {
-        owner->registerCallBack( StateMachine::INITIALIZE, [this, owner]() { createHistogram( *owner ); } );
+        if ( owner->FSMState() >= Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ) {
+          // if the owner is already initialized (e.g. the histogram is being created during `start()`)
+          // it is too late to register the callback
+          createHistogram( *owner );
+        } else {
+          owner->registerCallBack( StateMachine::INITIALIZE, [this, owner]() { createHistogram( *owner ); } );
+        }
+    /// constructor with const owner (i.e. outside of constructor or initialize), equivalent to
+    /// the StaticHistogram case (create immediately)
+    template <typename OWNER>
+    HistogramWrapperInternal( OWNER const* owner, std::string const& name, std::string const& title = "",
+                              typename HistogramType::AxisTupleType axis = {} )
+        : m_name{ name }, m_title{ title }, m_axis{ axis } {
+      createHistogram( *owner );
+    }
     /// constructor with more natural syntax for axis
     template <typename OWNER>
     HistogramWrapperInternal( OWNER* owner, std::string const& name, std::string const& title, AxisType<ND>... allAxis )
diff --git a/GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistoArrayUnitTest.cpp b/GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistoArrayUnitTest.cpp
index 9a5e8eb205..bbd44bfd54 100644
--- a/GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistoArrayUnitTest.cpp
+++ b/GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistoArrayUnitTest.cpp
@@ -40,9 +40,10 @@ namespace {
     std::string              m_name{};
   struct Algo : PropertyHolder<BaseAlgo> {
-    ServiceLocator* serviceLocator() { return &m_serviceLocator; }
-    ServiceLocator  m_serviceLocator{};
-    void            registerCallBack( Gaudi::StateMachine::Transition, std::function<void()> ){};
+    ServiceLocator*            serviceLocator() { return &m_serviceLocator; }
+    ServiceLocator             m_serviceLocator{};
+    void                       registerCallBack( Gaudi::StateMachine::Transition, std::function<void()> ) {}
+    Gaudi::StateMachine::State FSMState() const { return Gaudi::StateMachine::CONFIGURED; }
   // Little helper for using automatic nlohmann conversion mechanism
diff --git a/GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistosUnitTest.cpp b/GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistosUnitTest.cpp
index 7f1b8478f0..ed9c1e7dd3 100644
--- a/GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistosUnitTest.cpp
+++ b/GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistosUnitTest.cpp
@@ -44,9 +44,10 @@ namespace {
     std::string              m_name{};
   struct Algo : PropertyHolder<BaseAlgo> {
-    ServiceLocator* serviceLocator() { return &m_serviceLocator; }
-    ServiceLocator  m_serviceLocator{};
-    void            registerCallBack( Gaudi::StateMachine::Transition, std::function<void()> ){};
+    ServiceLocator*            serviceLocator() { return &m_serviceLocator; }
+    ServiceLocator             m_serviceLocator{};
+    void                       registerCallBack( Gaudi::StateMachine::Transition, std::function<void()> ) {}
+    Gaudi::StateMachine::State FSMState() const { return Gaudi::StateMachine::CONFIGURED; }
   struct HistSink : public Gaudi::Monitoring::Hub::Sink {
     virtual void registerEntity( Gaudi::Monitoring::Hub::Entity ent ) override { m_entities.push_back( ent ); }

From 8d83ba0b17d5e3f4b0b26db0a44b482ad3eafa1f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastien Ponce <>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:14:03 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 5/8] Ensure properties generated for CustormHistograms are
 valid python identifiers

 .../include/Gaudi/Accumulators/HistogramWrapper.h    | 12 ++++++++++--
 GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistoArrayUnitTest.cpp  |  6 +++---
 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/HistogramWrapper.h b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/HistogramWrapper.h
index f548ce94a8..caf7beff3e 100644
--- a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/HistogramWrapper.h
+++ b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/HistogramWrapper.h
@@ -130,10 +130,18 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
-    std::string titlePropertyName() const { return fmt::format( "{}_Title", m_name ); }
+    std::string basePropertyName() const {
+      // properties are used as identifiers in python and thus cannot anything alse than _, letters and numbers
+      // we thus replace anything else with '_' in the property names
+      std::string name = m_name;
+      std::replace_if(
+          begin( name ), end( name ), []( auto& c ) { return !std::isalnum( c ); }, '_' );
+      return name;
+    }
+    std::string titlePropertyName() const { return fmt::format( "{}_Title", basePropertyName() ); }
     template <unsigned int N>
     std::string axisPropertyName() const {
-      return fmt::format( "{}_Axis{}", m_name, N );
+      return fmt::format( "{}_Axis{}", basePropertyName(), N );
     // Members of the custom histogrem
diff --git a/GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistoArrayUnitTest.cpp b/GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistoArrayUnitTest.cpp
index bbd44bfd54..d82696803a 100644
--- a/GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistoArrayUnitTest.cpp
+++ b/GaudiKernel/tests/src/CounterHistoArrayUnitTest.cpp
@@ -103,9 +103,9 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_counter_histos, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e-14 )
     Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>, 5> histo1d{
         &algo, "GaudiH1D-{}", "WRONG TITLE !", { 1, -1, 1, "WRONG" } };
     for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {
-      algo.setProperty( fmt::format( "GaudiH1D-{}_Title", i ), fmt::format( "A Gaudi 1D histogram - number {}", i ) )
+      algo.setProperty( fmt::format( "GaudiH1D_{}_Title", i ), fmt::format( "A Gaudi 1D histogram - number {}", i ) )
-      algo.setProperty( fmt::format( "GaudiH1D-{}_Axis0", i ), "( 21, -10.5, 10.5, \"X\" )" ).ignore();
+      algo.setProperty( fmt::format( "GaudiH1D_{}_Axis0", i ), "( 21, -10.5, 10.5, \"X\" )" ).ignore();
     for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { histo1d[i].createHistogram( algo ); }
     for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) ++histo1d[i][-10.0]; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_counter_histos, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( 1e-14 )
         { 1, -1, 1, "WRONG" } };
     for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {
-      algo.setProperty( fmt::format( "GaudiH1D-{}-{}_Axis0", i, i * i ), "( 21, -10.5, 10.5, \"X\" )" ).ignore();
+      algo.setProperty( fmt::format( "GaudiH1D_{}_{}_Axis0", i, i * i ), "( 21, -10.5, 10.5, \"X\" )" ).ignore();
     for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { histo1d[i].createHistogram( algo ); }
     for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) ++histo1d[i][-10.0]; // fill the first (non-overflow) bin

From 70e26b789450a68b582a99c940ccf904a6c2e0ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastien Ponce <>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 16:48:03 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 6/8] Fixed nEntries for weighted static histograms (port of
 previous fix)

 .../Gaudi/Accumulators/StaticHistogram.h      | 60 +++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 50 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/StaticHistogram.h b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/StaticHistogram.h
index d9ffca2059..52894d1373 100644
--- a/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/StaticHistogram.h
+++ b/GaudiKernel/include/Gaudi/Accumulators/StaticHistogram.h
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
   struct ExtractWeight {
     template <typename Arithmetic>
-    constexpr decltype( auto ) operator()( const std::pair<Arithmetic, Arithmetic>& v ) const noexcept {
+    constexpr decltype( auto ) operator()( const std::pair<unsigned long, Arithmetic>& v ) const noexcept {
       return v.second;
@@ -103,24 +103,64 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
+  /**
+   * An Adder ValueHandler, taking weight into account and computing a count plus the sum of the weights
+   * In case of full atomicity, fetch_add or compare_exchange_weak are used for each element,
+   * that is we do not have full atomicity accross the two elements
+   */
+  template <typename Arithmetic, atomicity Atomicity>
+  struct WeightedAdder {
+    using RegularType              = std::pair<unsigned long, Arithmetic>;
+    using AtomicType               = std::pair<std::atomic<unsigned long>, std::atomic<Arithmetic>>;
+    using OutputType               = RegularType;
+    static constexpr bool isAtomic = Atomicity == atomicity::full;
+    using InternalType             = std::conditional_t<isAtomic, AtomicType, OutputType>;
+    static constexpr OutputType getValue( const InternalType& v ) noexcept {
+      if constexpr ( isAtomic ) {
+        return { v.first.load( std::memory_order_relaxed ), v.second.load( std::memory_order_relaxed ) };
+      } else {
+        return v;
+      }
+    };
+    static RegularType exchange( InternalType& v, RegularType newv ) noexcept {
+      if constexpr ( isAtomic ) {
+        return { newv.first ), newv.second ) };
+      } else {
+        return { std::exchange( v.first, newv.first ), std::exchange( v.second, newv.second ) };
+      }
+    }
+    static constexpr OutputType DefaultValue() { return { 0, Arithmetic{} }; }
+    static void                 merge( InternalType& a, RegularType b ) noexcept {
+      if constexpr ( isAtomic ) {
+        fetch_add( a.first, b.first );
+        fetch_add( a.second, b.second );
+      } else {
+        a.first += b.first;
+        a.second += b.second;
+      }
+    };
+  };
    * WeightedCountAccumulator. A WeightedCountAccumulator is an Accumulator storing the number of provided values,
-   * weighted. It basically sums the weights and thus is similar to the SumAccumulator except that it takes
-   * a pair (valueTuple, weight) as input
+   * as well as the weighted version of it, aka. the sum of weights. It takes a pair (valueTuple, weight) as input
    * @see Gaudi::Accumulators for detailed documentation
   template <atomicity Atomicity, typename Arithmetic>
   struct WeightedCountAccumulator
-      : GenericAccumulator<std::pair<Arithmetic, Arithmetic>, Arithmetic, Atomicity, ExtractWeight> {
-    using Base = GenericAccumulator<std::pair<Arithmetic, Arithmetic>, Arithmetic, Atomicity, ExtractWeight>;
+      : GenericAccumulator<std::pair<Arithmetic, Arithmetic>, std::pair<unsigned long, Arithmetic>, Atomicity, Identity,
+                           ExtractWeight, WeightedAdder<Arithmetic, Atomicity>> {
+    using Base = GenericAccumulator<std::pair<Arithmetic, Arithmetic>, std::pair<unsigned long, Arithmetic>, Atomicity,
+                                    Identity, ExtractWeight, WeightedAdder<Arithmetic, Atomicity>>;
     using Base::Base;
     using Base::operator+=;
-    //// overload of operator+= to be able to only give weight and no value
+    /// overload of operator+= to be able to only give weight and no value
     WeightedCountAccumulator operator+=( const Arithmetic weight ) {
-      *this += { Arithmetic{}, weight };
+      *this += { 1ul, weight };
       return *this;
-    Arithmetic nEntries() const { return this->value(); }
+    unsigned long nEntries() const { return this->rawValue().first; }
+    Arithmetic    sumOfWeights() const { return this->rawValue().second; }
@@ -151,7 +191,7 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
-   * WeightedAveragingAccumulator. An AveragingAccumulator is an Accumulator able to compute an average
+   * WeightedAveragingAccumulator. An WeightedAveragingAccumulator is an Accumulator able to compute an average
    * This implementation takes a pair (value, weight) as input
    * @see Gaudi::Accumulators for detailed documentation
@@ -160,7 +200,7 @@ namespace Gaudi::Accumulators {
       AveragingAccumulatorBase<Atomicity, Arithmetic, WeightedCountAccumulator, WeightedSumAccumulator>;
-   * WeightedSigmaAccumulator. A SigmaAccumulator is an Accumulator able to compute an average and variance/rms
+   * WeightedSigmaAccumulator. A WeightedSigmaAccumulator is an Accumulator able to compute an average and variance/rms
    * This implementation takes a pair (value, weight) as input
    * @see Gaudi::Accumulators for detailed documentation

From ddd89b612ca8a4734c112efb2c92900f687b5df3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastien Ponce <>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 17:42:09 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 7/8] Fixed trivial failures in legacy histo tests

 GaudiTestSuite/src/Histograms/HistoProps.cpp        | 10 +++++-----
 GaudiTestSuite/tests/pytest/refs/Histograms_py.yaml |  4 ++--
 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/GaudiTestSuite/src/Histograms/HistoProps.cpp b/GaudiTestSuite/src/Histograms/HistoProps.cpp
index bd79443b1c..0e230bfdee 100644
--- a/GaudiTestSuite/src/Histograms/HistoProps.cpp
+++ b/GaudiTestSuite/src/Histograms/HistoProps.cpp
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 // ============================================================================
 // GaudiAlg
 // ============================================================================
-#include "Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h"
+#include "Gaudi/Accumulators/StaticHistogram.h"
 #include "GaudiKernel/Algorithm.h"
 #include <fmt/format.h>
 // ============================================================================
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ namespace Gaudi {
   namespace TestSuite {
     /** @class HistoProps
      *  simple example, which illustrates the usage of "histogram properties"
-     *  DO NOT USE. This is legacy code, Gaudi::Accumulatos::Histogram support
+     *  DO NOT USE. This is legacy code, Gaudi::Accumulatos::StaticHistogram support
      *  properties natively.
      *  @author Vanay BELYAEV
      *  @date 2007-09-18
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ namespace Gaudi {
       StatusCode initialize() override {
         return Algorithm::initialize().andThen( [&] {
-          using hist_t = Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>;
+          using hist_t = Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1>;
           using axis_t = Gaudi::Accumulators::Axis<double>;
           m_hist1      = std::make_unique<hist_t>( this, "Histo1", "Histogram 1", axis_t{ m_hist1def.value() } );
           m_hist2      = std::make_unique<hist_t>( this, "Histo2", "Histogram 2", axis_t( m_hist2def.value() ) );
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ namespace Gaudi {
       Gaudi::Property<Gaudi::Histo1DDef> m_hist2def{
           this, "Histo2", { "Histogram2", -5, 5, 200 }, "The parameters for the second histogram" };
-      std::unique_ptr<Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>> m_hist1;
-      std::unique_ptr<Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>> m_hist2;
+      std::unique_ptr<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1>> m_hist1;
+      std::unique_ptr<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1>> m_hist2;
   } // namespace TestSuite
 } // end of namespace Gaudi
diff --git a/GaudiTestSuite/tests/pytest/refs/Histograms_py.yaml b/GaudiTestSuite/tests/pytest/refs/Histograms_py.yaml
index 7e30666731..460ed6c50a 100644
--- a/GaudiTestSuite/tests/pytest/refs/Histograms_py.yaml
+++ b/GaudiTestSuite/tests/pytest/refs/Histograms_py.yaml
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ stdout: |-
   RndmGenSvc           INFO Using Random engine:HepRndm::Engine<CLHEP::RanluxEngine>
   SimpleCounterHi...SUCCESS Filling Histograms...... Please be patient !
   SimpleRootCount...SUCCESS Filling Histograms...... Please be patient !
-  SimpleCounterHi...   INFO Number of counters : 1
-  SimpleRootCount...   INFO Number of counters : 1
+  SimpleCounterHi...   INFO Number of counters : 48
+  SimpleRootCount...   INFO Number of counters : 10
   ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
   EventLoopMgr         INFO Histograms converted successfully according to request.
   ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully

From 17b878fd629d3caff607f6f772df36a7e6ba56f0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastien Ponce <>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2024 10:50:02 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 8/8] adapted code to use of FSMCallbackHolder rather than
 original adhoc solution

 GaudiTestSuite/src/Histograms/CounterHistos.cpp | 13 ++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/GaudiTestSuite/src/Histograms/CounterHistos.cpp b/GaudiTestSuite/src/Histograms/CounterHistos.cpp
index e69f360ca8..47bd305dfc 100644
--- a/GaudiTestSuite/src/Histograms/CounterHistos.cpp
+++ b/GaudiTestSuite/src/Histograms/CounterHistos.cpp
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 #include <Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h>
 #include <Gaudi/Accumulators/RootHistogram.h>
 #include <Gaudi/Algorithm.h>
+#include <Gaudi/FSMCallbackHolder.h>
 #include <GaudiKernel/RndmGenerators.h>
 #include "../../../GaudiKernel/tests/src/LogHistogram.h"
@@ -73,12 +74,13 @@ namespace Gaudi {
       DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( HistoTimingAlgI, "HistoTimingAlgI" )
       /// Example of algorithm using histograms accumulators.
-      class GaudiHistoAlgorithm : public Gaudi::Algorithm {
+      class GaudiHistoAlgorithm : public FSMCallbackHolder<Gaudi::Algorithm> {
-        using Gaudi::Algorithm::Algorithm;
+        using Base = FSMCallbackHolder<Gaudi::Algorithm>;
+        using Base::Base;
         StatusCode initialize() override {
-          return Algorithm::initialize().andThen( [&] { m_custom_gauss_noinit.createHistogram( *this ); } );
+          return Base::initialize().andThen( [&] { m_custom_gauss_noinit.createHistogram( *this ); } );
         StatusCode execute( const EventContext& ) const override {
@@ -330,9 +332,10 @@ namespace Gaudi {
       DECLARE_COMPONENT( GaudiHistoAlgorithm )
       /// Example of algorithm using root histograms accumulators.
-      class GaudiRootHistoAlgorithm : public Gaudi::Algorithm {
+      class GaudiRootHistoAlgorithm : public FSMCallbackHolder<Gaudi::Algorithm> {
-        using Gaudi::Algorithm::Algorithm;
+        using Base = FSMCallbackHolder<Gaudi::Algorithm>;
+        using Base::Base;
         StatusCode execute( const EventContext& ) const override {
           // some random number generators, just to provide numbers