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Data object handle demangle name in error

Small improvement to DataObjectHandle to use System::typeinfoName to extract the type when issuing a mis-match error message. Results in the type being de-mangled from something like

ERROR The type provided for /Event/Rec/Track/BestRichDown is 14AnyDataWrapperIN5Gaudi6Range_ISt6vectorIPKN4LHCb5TrackESaIS6_EEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPKS6_S8_EEEEE and is different form the one of the object in the store.


ERROR The type provided for /Event/Rec/Track/BestRichDown is AnyDataWrapper<Gaudi::Range_<std::vector<LHCb::Track const*,std::allocator<LHCb::Track const*> >,__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<LHCb::Track const* const*,std::vector<LHCb::Track const*,std::allocator<LHCb::Track const*> > > > > and is different from the one of the object in the store.


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