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Implement EventIDBase ordering in a generic way by specifying projections

Merged Gerhard Raven requested to merge graven/Gaudi:generic_comparison into master
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@@ -18,6 +18,37 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <tuple>
#include "GaudiKernel/compose.h"
namespace details
template <typename lambda>
struct arg_helper : public arg_helper<decltype( &lambda::operator() )> {
template <typename T, typename Ret, typename Arg>
struct arg_helper<Ret ( T::* )( Arg ) const> {
using type = Arg;
// given a unary lambda whose argument is of type Arg_t,
// argument_t<lambda> will be equal to Arg_t
template <typename lambda>
using argument_t = typename arg_helper<lambda>::type;
template <typename Fun>
auto add_deref( Fun f )
return compose( f, [=]( auto*... p ) { return f( *p... ); } );
template <typename Proj, typename Cmp = std::greater<>>
auto make_cmp( Proj p, Cmp cmp = {} )
static_assert( std::is_reference<argument_t<Proj>>::value, "must be a reference" );
static_assert( std::is_const<std::remove_reference_t<argument_t<Proj>>>::value, "must be const" );
return [=]( argument_t<Proj> lhs, argument_t<Proj> rhs ) { return cmp( p( lhs ), p( rhs ) ); };
* @class EventIDBase
@@ -118,60 +149,28 @@ public:
/// Extraction operators
friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const EventIDBase& rhs );
class SortByTimeStamp
static auto SortByTimeStamp()
bool operator()( const EventIDBase& t1, const EventIDBase& t2 ) const
if ( t1.time_stamp() == t2.time_stamp() ) {
return t1.time_stamp_ns_offset() > t2.time_stamp_ns_offset();
} else {
return t1.time_stamp() > t2.time_stamp();
bool operator()( const EventIDBase* t1, const EventIDBase* t2 ) const { return ( SortByTimeStamp()( *t1, *t2 ) ); }
return details::add_deref( details::make_cmp(
[]( const EventIDBase& e ) { return std::tie( e.m_time_stamp, e.m_time_stamp_ns_offset ); } ) );
class SortByRunEvent
static auto SortByRunEvent()
bool operator()( const EventIDBase& t1, const EventIDBase& t2 ) const
if ( t1.run_number() == t2.run_number() ) {
return t1.event_number() > t2.event_number();
} else {
return t1.run_number() > t2.run_number();
bool operator()( const EventIDBase* t1, const EventIDBase* t2 ) const { return ( SortByRunEvent()( *t1, *t2 ) ); }
return details::add_deref(
details::make_cmp( []( const EventIDBase& e ) { return std::tie( e.m_run_number, e.m_event_number ); } ) );
class SortByLumiEvent
static auto SortByLumiEvent()
bool operator()( const EventIDBase& t1, const EventIDBase& t2 ) const
if ( t1.lumi_block() == t2.lumi_block() ) {
return t1.event_number() > t2.event_number();
} else {
return t1.lumi_block() > t2.lumi_block();
bool operator()( const EventIDBase* t1, const EventIDBase* t2 ) const { return ( SortByLumiEvent()( *t1, *t2 ) ); }
return details::add_deref(
details::make_cmp( []( const EventIDBase& e ) { return std::tie( e.m_lumi_block, e.m_event_number ); } ) );
class SortByRunLumi
static auto SortByRunLumi()
bool operator()( const EventIDBase& t1, const EventIDBase& t2 ) const
if ( t1.run_number() == t2.run_number() ) {
return t1.lumi_block() > t2.lumi_block();
} else {
return t1.run_number() > t2.run_number();
bool operator()( const EventIDBase* t1, const EventIDBase* t2 ) const { return ( SortByRunLumi()( *t1, *t2 ) ); }
return details::add_deref(
details::make_cmp( []( const EventIDBase& e ) { return std::tie( e.m_run_number, e.m_lumi_block ); } ) );
@@ -211,24 +210,10 @@ inline bool operator<( const EventIDBase& lhs, const EventIDBase& rhs )
// this assumes that both EventIDBase have the same set of values defined.
if ( lhs.isTimeStamp() && rhs.isTimeStamp() ) {
return ( lhs.m_time_stamp < rhs.m_time_stamp );
return lhs.m_time_stamp < rhs.m_time_stamp;
} else {
return ( std::tie( lhs.m_run_number, lhs.m_lumi_block, lhs.m_event_number ) <
std::tie( rhs.m_run_number, rhs.m_lumi_block, rhs.m_event_number ) );
inline bool operator>( const EventIDBase& lhs, const EventIDBase& rhs )
// first try ordering by timestamp if both are non-zero
// then try ordering by run/lumi/event
// this assumes that both EventIDBase have the same set of values defined.
if ( lhs.isTimeStamp() && rhs.isTimeStamp() ) {
return ( lhs.m_time_stamp > rhs.m_time_stamp );
} else {
return ( std::tie( lhs.m_run_number, lhs.m_lumi_block, lhs.m_event_number ) >
std::tie( rhs.m_run_number, rhs.m_lumi_block, rhs.m_event_number ) );
return std::tie( lhs.m_run_number, lhs.m_lumi_block, lhs.m_event_number ) <
std::tie( rhs.m_run_number, rhs.m_lumi_block, rhs.m_event_number );
@@ -238,22 +223,18 @@ inline bool operator==( const EventIDBase& lhs, const EventIDBase& rhs )
return ( lhs.m_run_number == rhs.m_run_number && lhs.m_event_number == rhs.m_event_number &&
lhs.m_lumi_block == rhs.m_lumi_block );
inline bool operator>( const EventIDBase& lhs, const EventIDBase& rhs ) { return rhs < lhs; }
inline bool operator!=( const EventIDBase& lhs, const EventIDBase& rhs ) { return !( lhs == rhs ); }
inline bool operator<=( const EventIDBase& lhs, const EventIDBase& rhs ) { return !( lhs > rhs ); }
inline bool operator>=( const EventIDBase& lhs, const EventIDBase& rhs ) { return !( lhs < rhs ); }
inline std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const EventIDBase& rhs )
if ( rhs.m_type == EventIDBase::Invalid ) {
os << "[INVALID]";
return os;
if ( rhs.m_type == EventIDBase::Invalid ) return os << "[INVALID]";
os << "[" << rhs.m_run_number;
if ( rhs.m_event_number != EventIDBase::UNDEFEVT ) {
os << "," << rhs.m_event_number;
if ( rhs.m_event_number != EventIDBase::UNDEFEVT ) os << "," << rhs.m_event_number;
if ( rhs.isTimeStamp() ) {
os << ",t:" << rhs.m_time_stamp;
@@ -262,13 +243,9 @@ inline std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const EventIDBase& rhs )
if ( rhs.isLumiEvent() || rhs.isRunLumi() ) {
os << ",l:" << rhs.m_lumi_block;
if ( rhs.isLumiEvent() || rhs.isRunLumi() ) os << ",l:" << rhs.m_lumi_block;
if ( rhs.m_bunch_crossing_id != 0 ) {
os << ",b:" << rhs.m_bunch_crossing_id;
if ( rhs.m_bunch_crossing_id != 0 ) os << ",b:" << rhs.m_bunch_crossing_id;
os << "]";
return os;