Select Git revision
- Branches 20
- 115-gaudiconfigdb2-fragile-handling-of-templated-components
- 2-re-visit-the-design-of-customisation-points
- 257-reproducible-write
- 268-drop-legacy-fmtlib-compatibility
- 293-drop-gaudiexamples-compat
- 339-remove-deprecated-headers
- DataObjIDSort-20170523
- GAUDI/GAUDI_v26r3b protected
- NN_addDataHandleTypeToPython
- NN_onevirtualless
- add-v21-v22-api-options
- bound-tool2
- cherry-pick-29934a5b
- cherry-pick-55141c69
- cherry-pick-a69472d5
- cherry-pick-ad01bc98
- clang12-fix
- clemenci-v28r2-patches-patch-61525
- const-correct-IUpdateManagerSvc
- crash-empty-handle-array-property
- Tags 20
- v39r3
- v39r2
- v39r1
- v38r3p1
- v38r1p1
- v39r0
- v38r3
- v38r2
- v38r1
- v38r0
- v37r2
- v37r1
- v37r0
- v36r16
- v36r15
- v36r14
- v36r13
- v36r12
- v36r11
- v36r10
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