- Dec 03, 2022
Fix some const correctness for IPC/MP tools
scott snyder authored
Extend AuxTypeVectorFactory to handle non-default allocators.
scott snyder authored
Mostly for testing --- should not normally be used.
- Dec 01, 2022
PerfMonComps: Update the handling of the end of the event loop in PerfMonMTSvc Closes ATEAM-872 See merge request atlas/athena!58889 (cherry picked from commit a7d6699b) b3347696 Use EndEvtLoop incident instead of AthMasterSeq:Stop to signal the end of the...
AthContainers: Extending AuxTypeVector for custom allocators. Extend AuxTypeVector / AuxTypeVectorHolder to handle non-default memory allocators.
Make useMuonTopoClusters depend only on ProductionStep enum. Users can no longer set this.
Alaettin Serhan Mete authored
Use EndEvtLoop incident instead of AthMasterSeq:Stop to signal the end of the event loop if it's ever fired
- Nov 29, 2022
Frank Winklmeier authored
Replace the `class K` template parameter in all auto-declaring HandleKey property constructors with plain `std::string`. We don't ever use anything else as SG key and this resolves ambiguities in case other constructor types are defined (see !58618 for discussion).
CxxUtils: Implement stall() for aarch64. On aarch64, stall() should emit a YIELD instruction.
DataModelTestDataCommon: Testing alternate allocators. Test the use of alternate vector allocators for static variables.
- Nov 28, 2022
Frank Winklmeier authored
Add test for Read/WriteDecorHandleKey.
Frank Winklmeier authored
When reading/writing decorations from/on a container one requires a VarHandleKey for the container and a DecorHandleKey for the decoration, which usually leads to duplication of the container name: ``` SG::WriteHandleKey<MyCont> m_key{this, "Key", "MyCont"}; SG::WriteDecorHandleKey<MyCont> m_decorKey{this, "DecorKey", "MyCont.MyDecor"}; ``` This can now be avoided by passing the "parent container" in the constructor: ``` SG::WriteDecorHandleKey<MyCont> m_decorKey{this, "DecorKey", m_key, "MyDecor"}; ```
Frank Winklmeier authored
Implement unit testing for RegionSelector to ensure self-contained CA config
Frank Winklmeier authored
- Nov 27, 2022
Use EventID::event_number_t rather than EventID::number_type for event numbers This is to allow event numbers larger than INT_MAX to be treated correctly by the EventLoopMgr classes. There may still be other places where inconsistent types are used for event numbers, but this is at least a start.
- Nov 25, 2022
Frank Winklmeier authored
Thread-delivery has been the default since athenaMT. Also replace `boost` with `std`.
- Nov 24, 2022
AthContainers: Extending to allow for custom allocators. Extend AuxDataTraits to allow for containers with custom allocators.
HGTD_DigitizationTool should use the m_vetoThisBarcode property rather than crazyParticleBarcode directly
RootUtils: Fix a deadlock. In DsoRootLock, don't try to take the root core mutex for the Xrd libraries; otherwise, we can get a deadlock. Need to get a real fix for this... See ATEAM-849.
- Nov 23, 2022
Trigger jet monitoring: for express jobs monitor only if chain caused event to enter the express stream. Rebase: master->22.0 Control/AthenaMonitoring/src/AthMonitorAlgorithm.cxx If the express stream job flag is set, if trigger chains are being monitored, check that the chain caused the event to enter the express stream Reconstruction/Jet/JetMonitoring/python/JetMonitoringConfig.py Add the express stream job flag to the JetMonAlgSpec dictionary. The value defaults to False Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigJetMonitoring/python/TrigJetMonitorAlgorithm.py Set the value of the express stream job flag in the JetMonAlgSpec dictionary according to the value of inputFlags.Common.doExpressProcessing.
Methods to drop components from a ComponentAccumulator instance
AthContainers: Testing alternate allocators. Test the use of alternate vector allocators for static variables. Add dictionaries for vectors using polymorphic_allocator.
AthOnnxruntimeUtils: Fix clang warning. Check return value from onnx function.
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
Code cleanup
- Nov 22, 2022
Frank Winklmeier authored
Cleanup comments
- Nov 21, 2022
scott snyder authored
Needed to change ExpressionEvaluation to use TSMethodCall.
- Nov 20, 2022
Andrii Verbytskyi authored
- Nov 18, 2022
scott snyder authored
AthExAlgWithFPE is supposed to generate a FPE by division by zero. But for this to work reliably, we must be sure the compiler cannot see the division by zero at compile time. Move the actual division to a separate compilation unit. Fixes test failure in AthenaConfiguration in the clang build.
scott snyder authored
Add methods to ClassName to retrieve parsed template arguments.
Tadej Novak authored
Debottam Bakshi Gupta authored
- Nov 17, 2022
Alaettin Serhan Mete authored
Frank Winklmeier authored
Allow the usage of `path==None` also for online monitoring. This check was only ever meant for the HLT to ensure developers specify an explicit path (e.g. EXPERT). But for other online monitoring (e.g. GlobalMonitoring) no such restriction should exist. Rather than complicating the logic even further, remove this check. If someone were to forget to specify the `path` in the HLT, the histogram would simply not appear in the output. Fixes ATR-26666 and ATLLONECAL-436.
- Nov 16, 2022
Support event augmentation in CA-based jobs
- Nov 15, 2022
Frank Winklmeier authored
In case of a `ConstDataVector` set the type to the underlying `DataVector` to make this accessible via the `THolder`.
AthMonitorAlgorithm - add a flag to be set if Alg is running in an the express stream This is a preliminary commit. The express stream is added, but not yet used. Adding an attribute to AthMonitorAlgorithm, bit not rebuilding the derived Algorithms (which occur in many packages) causes a run time failure. Once the new version of the AthMonitorAlgorithm is built, adding the use of the attribute (and testing the new code) can be submiited in a future merge request.
- Nov 12, 2022
AthContainers: Supporting custom allocators. Update to allow for custom allocators on the vectors holding auxiliary data. Mostly just adding an additional template parameter for the allocator.
- Nov 11, 2022
Delete internal data of ComponentAccumulator before launching the c++ application Merge branch 'cleanCA' into 'master' Delete internal data of ComponentAccumulator before launching the c++ application See merge request atlas/athena!58198 (cherry picked from commit 7f3a16ef) 18069918 Delete internal data of ComponentAccumulator before launching the c++ application a2c7c7c1 EventInfoCnv_test.py, BeamEffectsAlgConfig.py: Don't use ComponentAccumulator after running it d9d991ad ISF_FastCaloSimServicesTestHelpers.py: Don't use ComponentAccumulator after running it