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Add multimaster mode

Rafal Mucha requested to merge rmucha/ccdb-local:add_test into master

Add new mode "multimaster" aware. To run in this mode add parameter -Dmultimaster=true. Modifications:

  • change SQLObject into abstract class, methods which handle parameters path, metadata, and conttenttype, constructors and method "save" is adjusted for cacheless mode.
  • added tests. To run test, it is best to use IntelliJ (it could add JUnit and correctly interpret project structure). Steps to prepare env:
    • create clear database
    • adjust parameters in (it would compile sql.jar and initialise database for multimaster mode)
    • later open tests in IntelliJ. It should suggest adding JUnit to class path - accept it
    • run tests in SQLObjectTest and SQLObjectCachelessImplTest


  • performance tests, how much it would fall down
  • add correct JavaDocs
Edited by Rafal Mucha

Merge request reports
