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Search Region Bin Plot

Mei-Li Holmberg requested to merge meholmbe/nmssm:search_region_bin_hist into master

Main feature added is a plotting script that reads in the output friend trees and plots a stacked histogram of the search region bin number.

Other changes:

  1. Added search region bin plot to CI.
  2. overwrote the first friend tree if we were processing both btagHbb and particleNet.
  3. General cleaning up, e.g. finally changed the particleNet branch name to particleNet and not particleNet_btag which has annoyed me for ages, import plotting constants from plotUtils to avoid duplication, all directories in argument single-letter shortcuts are now capital case for consistency and to avoid confusion hopefully...
  4. Added a requirements file.
  5. Updated README
  6. Added missing labels/axes names on plots
    1. particlenet is now default
Edited by Mei-Li Holmberg

Merge request reports