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Split MassEventSelection Module

Mei-Li Holmberg requested to merge add_b-tag-selection-module into master


  • Move the b-tag selection to a separate module to clean up a bit
  • Renamed variables to match the paper (TR, VR, CR etc.) as I was very confused (even though I wrote it lol)
  • Moved the massgrid definition to a separate class so one can use it later too
  • Removed the HT bin options, as I thought that might be better to do outside the analysisNMSSM chain, or one might end up with cuts/bins that you later realise you want to change...
  • Added noEventSelection flag to the condor submit script
  • Remove massSelectROC flag as the ROC module can be run during a normal run as MassEventSelection doesn't do any real cuts on the events
  • Moved yield calculation to TestAnalysis module to declutter the MassEventSelection module
  • An attempt at calculating the statistical errors for a test calculation of the yields?
Edited by Mei-Li Holmberg

Merge request reports