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Changes for making plots for the thesis and some other things...

Mei-Li Holmberg requested to merge thesis_plotting into master

One VERY important change for creating correct root files from the postproc, is to undo one of the changes that the script used to do (or you'll end up with lots of copied events from the golden json pre-selection). I.e. in, replace (unless you start from a new repo after this has merged):

tree._ttreereader = ROOT.TTreeReader(tree)     ——>    tree._ttreereader = ROOT.TTreeReader(tree, tree._entrylist)

_ttreereader = ROOT.TTreeReader(tree)     ——>      _ttreereader = ROOT.TTreeReader(tree, getattr(tree, '_entrylist', None))
Edited by Mei-Li Holmberg

Merge request reports