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WIP: Update hepscore to use config dict, argparse. Permit setting config vars via call

David Southwick requested to merge refactor into qa-v1.0

This MR updates the bash-style getopts with python argparse. In addition, the HEPscore constructor has been updated to accept a configuration dict object. This permits calling the class and passing configuration overrides/adjustments (as required by hep-benchmark-suite`), and eliminates the need to r/w disk.

The class methods have been updated to interface with the config object, and properly scoped where appropriate.

I'm opening this as WIP so that people can contribute changes, comments, findings etc. Test coverage is not complete, and still in progress. Most test have been re-written to leverage mock objects, speeding up testing by orders of magnitude.\

Recent changes to qa-v1.0 have intentionally not been merged; I'd like to put off rebasing until a decision on YAML parsing is taken (BMK-436)

This update continues to support Python2, Python3.

Merge request reports