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RAW → DIGI → RECO script

Izaak Neutelings requested to merge calib into master

RAW → DIGI → RECO script

Adding, First attempt at rebuilding RAW → DIGI → RECO chain using as examples

You can find the algorithms in the CMS-HGCAL:dev/hackathon_base_CMSSW_14_1_0_pre0_backup branch (commits), which should work in CMSSW_14_1_0_pre2.

Still needs some work to get running. I need some help to correctly set up the RAW → DIGI part for the input files we're using for testing or from last year's test beams. Would it work with the new unpacker if I simply recycled the setup in and ran something like the following command?

cmsRun -j FrameworkJobReport_Run1695762407_Link2_File0000000001_RECO.xml EventFilter/HGCalRawToDigi/test/ mode=slinkfromraw slinkBOE=0x55 cbHeaderMarker=0x7f econdHeaderMarker=0x154 applyFWworkaround=False inputFiles=/eos/cms/store/group/dpg_hgcal/tb_hgcal/2023/BeamTestSep/HgcalBeamtestSep2023/Relay1695762407/Run1695762407_Link1_File0000000001.bin,/eos/cms/store/group/dpg_hgcal/tb_hgcal/2023/BeamTestSep/HgcalBeamtestSep2023/Relay1695762407/Run1695762407_Link2_File0000000001.bin fedId=1,2 inputTrigFiles=/eos/cms/store/group/dpg_hgcal/tb_hgcal/2023/BeamTestSep/HgcalBeamtestSep2023/Relay1695762407/Run1695762407_Link0_File0000000001.bin output=Run1695762407_Link2_File0000000001 conditions=default dqmOnly=False runNumber=1695762407 maxEvents=1000000000

txt2json conversion script

Also added some stuff to

Edited by Izaak Neutelings

Merge request reports
