diff --git a/macros/macros_stats/LaunchTRExFitterOnBatch.py b/macros/macros_stats/LaunchTRExFitterOnBatch.py
index dbf1cf51dbded43652fa76df0ecfa5ce38689833..4d77a8d02d8f5f60be6d2873fcc650e2dff148f5 100644
--- a/macros/macros_stats/LaunchTRExFitterOnBatch.py
+++ b/macros/macros_stats/LaunchTRExFitterOnBatch.py
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 import os
 import glob
 import sys
+import socket
 sys.path.append( os.getenv("ROOTCOREBIN") + "/python/IFAETopFramework/" )
 from BatchTools import *
@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ def writeScriptsAndLaunchJobs( scriptTempName, configFile, instructions, LaunchJ
     counter = 0
     script.write("./myFit.exe h configFile.txt >& logFileRunning_h \n")
     for inst in instructions:
+        script.write("echo \"==> Now executing the instruction: " + inst + "\"\n")
         script.write("./myFit.exe " + inst.replace("_CONFIGFILE_","configFile.txt") + " >& logFileRunning_" + `counter` + " \n")
         counter += 1
@@ -101,8 +103,13 @@ def writeScriptsAndLaunchJobs( scriptTempName, configFile, instructions, LaunchJ
     if LaunchJobs:
-        print "You're lucky !!!"
-        os.system("qsub -q " + m_batch_queue + " " + scriptName + " -o " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/ -e " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/")
+        if socket.gethostname().find("cca")>-1:
+            #You are working at CCIN2P3 ... you must be Loic !!
+            os.system("mkdir -p " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory)
+            os.system("qsub -l sps=1 -P P_atlas -o " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/ -e " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/ " + scriptName)
+        else:
+            os.system("mkdir " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory)
+            os.system("qsub -q " + m_batch_queue + " " + scriptName + " -o " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/ -e " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/")
 ## Checking the arguments
@@ -193,15 +200,17 @@ for config in configFileList:
             if len(commands)==m_rankingNPMerging:
                 writeScriptsAndLaunchJobs( m_outputDir + "/scripts_RANKING"+`iJob`, config, commands )
                 commands = []
-        writeScriptsAndLaunchJobs( m_outputDir + "/scripts_RANKING_ttbbNorm", config, ["wfr _CONFIGFILE_ 'Ranking=ttbbNorm'",] )
+        writeScriptsAndLaunchJobs( m_outputDir + "/scripts_RANKING_ttbbNorm", config, ["wfr _CONFIGFILE_ 'Ranking=HTX_BKGNORM_TTBARBB'",] )
         com = "w"
         if m_action.find("FIT")>-1:
             com += "f"
             if m_action.find("POSTPLOTS")>-1:
                 com += "p"
-        if m_action.find("LIMIT")>-1: com += "ls"
-        if m_action.find("PREPLOTS")>-1: com += "d"
+        if m_action.find("LIMIT")>-1: 
+            com += "ls"
+        if m_action.find("PREPLOTS")>-1: 
+            com += "d"
         writeScriptsAndLaunchJobs( m_outputDir + "/scripts_", config, [com + " _CONFIGFILE_",], m_mergeJobs==False )
 if m_mergeJobs:
diff --git a/macros/macros_stats/launch_all_jobs.py b/macros/macros_stats/launch_all_jobs.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..412b956e91cf97b05198ae8d0452966ff17f2c07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/macros_stats/launch_all_jobs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+import optparse
+import os
+parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+parser.add_option('-i', '--input_files_folder', default="")
+parser.add_option('-I', '--input_config_file', default="/sps/atlas/l/lvalery/VLQ/AnalysisCode/VLQAnalysis/macros/macros_stats/templates/TEMPLATE_configFile__SIGNAL_.txt")
+parser.add_option('-o', '--output_folder', default="")
+parser.add_option('-f', '--fits', default="BONLY_Asimov1lep,BONLY_Asimov0lep,BONLY_Asimov0lep1lep,BONLY_BlindData1lep,BONLY_BlindData0lep,BONLY_BlindData0lep1lep")
+parser.add_option('-l', '--limits', default="BONLY_Asimov1lep,BONLY_Asimov0lep,BONLY_Asimov0lep1lep")
+parser.add_option('-t', '--tarball', default="/sps/atlas/l/lvalery/VLQ/TtHFitter.tgz")
+(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
+input_files_folder = opts.input_files_folder
+input_CF = opts.input_config_file
+output_folder = opts.output_folder
+fits = opts.fits.split(",")
+limits = opts.limits.split(",")
+tarball = opts.tarball
+for fit in fits:
+    print fit
+    com = "python PrepareConfigFilesFromTemplate.py inputTemplate=" + input_CF
+    com += " outputFolder=" + output_folder + "/ConfigFiles_" + fit + "/"
+    com += " inputDir=" + input_files_folder
+    com += " addition=\"" + fit + "\""
+    com += " FITBLIND="
+    if(fit.upper().find("ASIMOV")>-1):
+        com += "TRUE"
+    else:
+        com += "FALSE"
+    com += " LIMITBLIND="
+    if(fit.upper().find("ASIMOV")>-1):
+        com += "TRUE"
+    else:
+        com += "FALSE"
+    com += " signal=ONE"
+    com += " FITTYPE="
+    if(fit.upper().find("BONLY")>-1):
+        com += "BONLY"
+    else:
+        com += "SPLUSB"
+    com += " NORMFACTOR="
+    if(fit.upper().find("RANKING")>-1):
+        com += "1,-20,20"
+    else:
+        com += "1,0,100"
+    com += " USEDATA="
+    if(fit.upper().find("DATA")>-1):
+        com += "TRUE"
+    else:
+        com += "FALSE"
+    com += " DOONELEP="
+    if(fit.upper().find("1LEP")>-1):
+        com += "TRUE"
+    else:
+        com += "FALSE"
+    com += " DOZEROLEP="
+    if(fit.upper().find("0LEP")>-1):
+        com += "TRUE"
+    else:
+        com += "FALSE"
+    com += " DOVR="
+    if(fit.upper().find("DATA")>-1):
+        com += "TRUE"
+    else:
+        com += "FALSE"
+    com += " useBlindingCuts="
+    if(fit.upper().find("BLIND")>-1):
+        com += "TRUE"
+    else:
+        com += "FALSE"
+    com += " USE4TOPS=TRUE LUMIVALUE=36074.6"
+    os.system(com)
+    com = "python LaunchTRExFitterOnBatch.py tarball=" + tarball
+    com += " outputDir=" + output_folder + "/Results_" + fit + "/"
+    if(fit.upper().find("RANKING")>-1):
+        com += " action=ranking"
+    else:
+        com += " action=fitpreplotspostplots"
+        if( fit in limits ):
+            com += "limits"
+    if(fit.upper().find("BLIND")>-1 and fit.upper().find("DATA")>-1):
+        com += " queue=at3_xxl"
+    com += " inputDir=" + output_folder + "/ConfigFiles_" + fit + "/configFile_"
+    ref_com = com
+    final_coms = []
+    if(fit.upper().find("RANKING")==-1):
+        temp_com = ref_com
+        if(fit.upper().find("0LEP")>-1):
+            temp_com += "VLQ_TT"
+        if(fit.upper().find("BLIND")>-1 and fit.upper().find("DATA")>-1):
+            temp_com += "*1000_TDoublet*"
+        final_coms += [temp_com]
+    else:
+        for sig in ["VLQ_TT_1000_TDoublet*","UEDRPP_1400*"]:
+            temp_com = ref_com
+            temp_com += sig
+            final_coms += [temp_com]
+    for command in final_coms:
+        os.system(com)
+        os.system("sleep 10")