WIP: Powheg+Pythia8 reweightings
Reweigthings for the Powheg+Pythia8 samples.
This MR is to follow the same procedure used by the TTHbbLeptonic analysis described in Table 1 (p.22) of HIGG-2017-03-022.pdf.
Useful links:
- TTbarModelling2016 providing an overview of the original studies
- Twiki pages by @mcasolin describing the HF classification variables used as input to the reweigthings HFclassificationForRun2, and some description of the reweigthings TtbbNLORw
- package maintained by @nasbah to apply the most recent reweigthings TTHbbTtbarCorrections
- example showing how these reweigthings are called within the TTHbbLeptonic code: TTbarReweightingTool.cxx
- list of samples used by TTHbbLeptonic: spreadsheet (refer to Table 1 for correspondence of systs)
: nominal -
: Sherpa5F, plus b-filtered samples41028{123}
: PS & hadronization, plus b-filtered samples410528
: ISR/FSR, plus b-filtered samples41051{78}
: tt+1b Sherpa4F
- example from @lvalery showing how a similar treatment was implemented for P+P6 in
MainAnalysis.cxx within
: follow the variabledm_HFsyst
Edited by Nicola Orlando