diff --git a/Root/VLQ_AnalysisTools.cxx b/Root/VLQ_AnalysisTools.cxx
index 34aaa8bad57fe24269e98c483df438ef9b4ba9fe..28229469a1aa2708ac652515b1f6cdf44e278145 100644
--- a/Root/VLQ_AnalysisTools.cxx
+++ b/Root/VLQ_AnalysisTools.cxx
@@ -188,115 +188,115 @@ bool VLQ_AnalysisTools::GetObjectVectors(){
     for ( unsigned int iTJet = 0; iTJet < m_ntupData -> d_trkjet_pt -> size(); ++iTJet ) {
       if(m_opt -> MsgLevel() == Debug::DEBUG){
-  std::cout << "==> In the Track Jet builder:  pt " << m_ntupData -> d_trkjet_pt -> at(iTJet);
-  std::cout << "    eta " <<  TMath::Abs(m_ntupData -> d_trkjet_eta -> at(iTJet))  << std::endl;
+	std::cout << "==> In the Track Jet builder:  pt " << m_ntupData -> d_trkjet_pt -> at(iTJet);
+	std::cout << "    eta " <<  TMath::Abs(m_ntupData -> d_trkjet_eta -> at(iTJet))  << std::endl;
       bool isSignalJet = m_ntupData -> d_trkjet_pt -> at(iTJet)  >= m_opt->TrkJetsPtCut();
       isSignalJet = isSignalJet && TMath::Abs( m_ntupData -> d_trkjet_eta -> at(iTJet) ) < 2.5;
       if( isSignalJet ){
-  AnalysisObject *obj = new AnalysisObject();
-  obj -> SetPtEtaPhiM( m_ntupData -> d_trkjet_pt -> at(iTJet), m_ntupData -> d_trkjet_eta -> at(iTJet), m_ntupData -> d_trkjet_phi -> at(iTJet), 0. );
-  int isB = m_ntupData -> d_trkjet_isb -> at(iTJet);
-  obj -> SetMoment("isb", isB );
-  obj -> SetMoment("btagw", m_ntupData -> d_trkjet_btag_weight -> at(iTJet) );
-  if ( !(m_opt -> IsData() || (m_opt -> StrSampleName().find("QCD") != std::string::npos)) ) {
-    obj -> SetMoment("truthLabel", m_ntupData -> d_trkjet_truthLabel -> at(iTJet) );
-  }
-  obj->SetMoment("calomatch",0); //initial default
-  obj -> SetMoment("bjet",isB);
-  double reff = max(0.02,min(0.4,30./obj->Pt()));
-  obj->SetMoment("reff",reff);
-  if( isB == 1 ){
-    m_outData -> o_trkbjets -> push_back(obj);
-    if( !m_opt->IsData() ){
-      if( abs(obj->GetMoment("truthLabel")) == 5 ){
-        m_outData -> o_trkbjets_truth_b -> push_back(obj);
-      }
-      else if( abs(obj->GetMoment("truthLabel")) == 4 ){
-        m_outData -> o_trkbjets_truth_c -> push_back(obj);
-      }
-      else if( abs(obj->GetMoment("truthLabel")) == 15 ){
-        m_outData -> o_trkbjets_truth_tau -> push_back(obj);
+	AnalysisObject *obj = new AnalysisObject();
+	obj -> SetPtEtaPhiM( m_ntupData -> d_trkjet_pt -> at(iTJet), m_ntupData -> d_trkjet_eta -> at(iTJet), m_ntupData -> d_trkjet_phi -> at(iTJet), 0. );
+	int isB = m_ntupData -> d_trkjet_isb -> at(iTJet);
+	obj -> SetMoment("isb", isB );
+	obj -> SetMoment("btagw", m_ntupData -> d_trkjet_btag_weight -> at(iTJet) );
+	if ( !(m_opt -> IsData() || (m_opt -> StrSampleName().find("QCD") != std::string::npos)) ) {
+	  obj -> SetMoment("truthLabel", m_ntupData -> d_trkjet_truthLabel -> at(iTJet) );
+	}
+	obj->SetMoment("calomatch",0); //initial default
+	obj -> SetMoment("bjet",isB);
+	double reff = max(0.02,min(0.4,30./obj->Pt()));
+	obj->SetMoment("reff",reff);
+	if( isB == 1 ){
+	  m_outData -> o_trkbjets -> push_back(obj);
+	  if( !m_opt->IsData() ){
+	    if( abs(obj->GetMoment("truthLabel")) == 5 ){
+	      m_outData -> o_trkbjets_truth_b -> push_back(obj);
+	    }
+	    else if( abs(obj->GetMoment("truthLabel")) == 4 ){
+	      m_outData -> o_trkbjets_truth_c -> push_back(obj);
+	    }
+	    else if( abs(obj->GetMoment("truthLabel")) == 15 ){
+	      m_outData -> o_trkbjets_truth_tau -> push_back(obj);
+	    }
+	    else{
+	      m_outData -> o_trkbjets_truth_lqg -> push_back(obj);
+	    }
+	  }//MC
+	} else {
+	  m_outData -> o_trkljets -> push_back(obj);
+	}
+	m_outData -> o_trkjets -> push_back(obj);
+	if( !m_opt->IsData() ){
+	  if( abs(obj->GetMoment("truthLabel")) == 5 ){
+	    m_outData -> o_trkjets_truth_b -> push_back(obj);
+	  }
+	  else if( abs(obj->GetMoment("truthLabel")) == 4 ){
+	    m_outData -> o_trkjets_truth_c -> push_back(obj);
+	  }
+	  else if( abs(obj->GetMoment("truthLabel")) == 15 ){
+	    m_outData -> o_trkjets_truth_tau -> push_back(obj);
+	  }
+	  else{
+	    m_outData -> o_trkjets_truth_lqg -> push_back(obj);
+	  }
+	}//MC
-      else{
-        m_outData -> o_trkbjets_truth_lqg -> push_back(obj);
-      }
-    }//MC
-  } else {
-    m_outData -> o_trkljets -> push_back(obj);
-  }
-  m_outData -> o_trkjets -> push_back(obj);
-  if( !m_opt->IsData() ){
-    if( abs(obj->GetMoment("truthLabel")) == 5 ){
-      m_outData -> o_trkjets_truth_b -> push_back(obj);
-    }
-    else if( abs(obj->GetMoment("truthLabel")) == 4 ){
-      m_outData -> o_trkjets_truth_c -> push_back(obj);
-    }
-    else if( abs(obj->GetMoment("truthLabel")) == 15 ){
-      m_outData -> o_trkjets_truth_tau -> push_back(obj);
-    }
-    else{
-      m_outData -> o_trkjets_truth_lqg -> push_back(obj);
-    }
-  }//MC
-      }
     }//loop over all track jets
     //=============== Re-run loop to clean concentric track jets ===========
     for( std::vector<AnalysisObject*>::iterator tj_i = m_outData->o_trkjets->begin();
-   tj_i < (m_outData -> o_trkjets)->end(); ){
+	 tj_i < (m_outData -> o_trkjets)->end(); ){
       double reff_i = (*tj_i)->GetMoment("reff");
       bool is_concentric = false;
       for( std::vector<AnalysisObject*>::iterator tj_j = tj_i+1;
-     tj_j < (m_outData -> o_trkjets)->end(); ){
-  double reff_j = (*tj_j)->GetMoment("reff");
-  double dr = (*tj_i)->DeltaR(*(*tj_j));
-  if(dr < min(reff_i,reff_j) ){
-    is_concentric = true;
-    tj_j = (m_outData -> o_trkjets)->erase(tj_j);
-    m_outData -> o_trkjets_nconcentric++;
-  }
-  else{
-    tj_j++;
-  }
+	   tj_j < (m_outData -> o_trkjets)->end(); ){
+	double reff_j = (*tj_j)->GetMoment("reff");
+	double dr = (*tj_i)->DeltaR(*(*tj_j));
+	if(dr < min(reff_i,reff_j) ){
+	  is_concentric = true;
+	  tj_j = (m_outData -> o_trkjets)->erase(tj_j);
+	  m_outData -> o_trkjets_nconcentric++;
+	}
+	else{
+	  tj_j++;
+	}
       }//inner loop
-  tj_i = (m_outData -> o_trkjets)->erase(tj_i);
+	tj_i = (m_outData -> o_trkjets)->erase(tj_i);
-  tj_i++;
+	tj_i++;
     m_outData -> o_trkjets_n      = m_outData -> o_trkjets -> size();
     m_outData -> o_trkbjets_n      = m_outData -> o_trkbjets -> size();
     m_outData -> o_trkljets_n      = m_outData -> o_trkljets -> size();
     if( !m_opt->IsData() ){
       m_outData -> o_trkjets_truth_b_n = m_outData -> o_trkjets_truth_b -> size();
       m_outData -> o_trkjets_truth_c_n = m_outData -> o_trkjets_truth_c -> size();
@@ -312,8 +312,8 @@ bool VLQ_AnalysisTools::GetObjectVectors(){
   } // if track jets are to be used
   // Small-radius jets
@@ -343,68 +343,68 @@ bool VLQ_AnalysisTools::GetObjectVectors(){
       int isB = 0;
       if(m_opt->BtagCollection()== VLQ_Options::CALO){
-  if(TMath::Abs(obj->Eta())<2.5){
+	if(TMath::Abs(obj->Eta())<2.5){
           isB = obj -> GetMoment("isb");
-  }
+	}
-  //Match to track b-jets
-  for(AnalysisObject* trkbjet : *(m_outData->o_trkbjets)){
-    if(trkbjet->GetMoment("calomatch")>0) continue;
-    if(trkbjet->DeltaR(*obj) < 0.4){
-      isB = 1; trkbjet->SetMoment("calomatch",1);
-      break;
-    }
-  }
+	//Match to track b-jets
+	for(AnalysisObject* trkbjet : *(m_outData->o_trkbjets)){
+	  if(trkbjet->GetMoment("calomatch")>0) continue;
+	  if(trkbjet->DeltaR(*obj) < 0.4){
+	    isB = 1; trkbjet->SetMoment("calomatch",1);
+	    break;
+	  }
+	}
       obj -> SetMoment("bjet",isB);
       if( isB == 1 ){
-  m_outData -> o_bjets -> push_back(obj);
-  if( !m_opt->IsData() ){
-    if( abs(obj->GetMoment("truthLabel")) == 5 ){
-      m_outData -> o_bjets_truth_b -> push_back(obj);
-    }
-    else if( abs(obj->GetMoment("truthLabel")) == 4 ){
-      m_outData -> o_bjets_truth_c -> push_back(obj);
-    }
-    else if( abs(obj->GetMoment("truthLabel")) == 15 ){
-      m_outData -> o_bjets_truth_tau -> push_back(obj);
-    }
-    else{
-      m_outData -> o_bjets_truth_lqg -> push_back(obj);
-    }
-  }//MC
+	m_outData -> o_bjets -> push_back(obj);
+	if( !m_opt->IsData() ){
+	  if( abs(obj->GetMoment("truthLabel")) == 5 ){
+	    m_outData -> o_bjets_truth_b -> push_back(obj);
+	  }
+	  else if( abs(obj->GetMoment("truthLabel")) == 4 ){
+	    m_outData -> o_bjets_truth_c -> push_back(obj);
+	  }
+	  else if( abs(obj->GetMoment("truthLabel")) == 15 ){
+	    m_outData -> o_bjets_truth_tau -> push_back(obj);
+	  }
+	  else{
+	    m_outData -> o_bjets_truth_lqg -> push_back(obj);
+	  }
+	}//MC
       } else {
-  m_outData -> o_ljets -> push_back(obj);
+	m_outData -> o_ljets -> push_back(obj);
       m_outData -> o_jets -> push_back(obj);
       if( !m_opt->IsData() ){
-  if( abs(obj->GetMoment("truthLabel")) == 5 ){
-    m_outData -> o_jets_truth_b -> push_back(obj);
-  }
-  else if( abs(obj->GetMoment("truthLabel")) == 4 ){
-    m_outData -> o_jets_truth_c -> push_back(obj);
-  }
-  else if( abs(obj->GetMoment("truthLabel")) == 15 ){
-    m_outData -> o_jets_truth_tau -> push_back(obj);
-  }
-  else{
-    m_outData -> o_jets_truth_lqg -> push_back(obj);
-  }
+	if( abs(obj->GetMoment("truthLabel")) == 5 ){
+	  m_outData -> o_jets_truth_b -> push_back(obj);
+	}
+	else if( abs(obj->GetMoment("truthLabel")) == 4 ){
+	  m_outData -> o_jets_truth_c -> push_back(obj);
+	}
+	else if( abs(obj->GetMoment("truthLabel")) == 15 ){
+	  m_outData -> o_jets_truth_tau -> push_back(obj);
+	}
+	else{
+	  m_outData -> o_jets_truth_lqg -> push_back(obj);
+	}
   }//loop over all jets
@@ -420,8 +420,7 @@ bool VLQ_AnalysisTools::GetObjectVectors(){
     // Forward jets
     bool isFwdJet = m_ntupData -> d_fwdjet_pt -> at(iFwdjet)  >= m_opt->FwdJetsPtCut();
     isFwdJet = isFwdJet && TMath::Abs( m_ntupData -> d_fwdjet_eta -> at(iFwdjet) ) < m_opt->FwdJetsEtaCut() && TMath::Abs( m_ntupData -> d_fwdjet_eta -> at(iFwdjet) ) >= m_opt->JetsEtaCut();
-    // isFwdJet = isFwdJet && m_ntupData -> d_fwdjet_isSignal -> at(iFwdjet);
-    // isFwdJet = isFwdJet && m_ntupData -> d_fwdjet_passOR -> at(iFwdjet);
+    isFwdJet = isFwdJet && ( (m_ntupData -> d_fwdjet_fJvt -> at(iFwdjet) < 0.5) || (m_ntupData -> d_fwdjet_pt -> at(iFwdjet) > 120.) ); 
     if( isFwdJet ){
       AnalysisObject *obj = new AnalysisObject();
@@ -434,7 +433,7 @@ bool VLQ_AnalysisTools::GetObjectVectors(){
   }//loop over all fwd jets
   if(m_opt -> MsgLevel() == Debug::DEBUG) std::cout << "==> After filling fwd jets  " << std::endl;
   //If doing low-b regions, fill the low-b fake b's
   if( m_opt->DoLowBRegions() ){
@@ -451,7 +450,7 @@ bool VLQ_AnalysisTools::GetObjectVectors(){
   m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta40_45_n    = m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta40_45  -> size();
   m_outData -> o_bjets_n      = m_outData -> o_bjets -> size();
   m_outData -> o_ljets_n      = m_outData -> o_ljets -> size();
   if( !m_opt->IsData() ){
     m_outData -> o_jets_truth_b_n = m_outData -> o_jets_truth_b -> size();
     m_outData -> o_jets_truth_c_n = m_outData -> o_jets_truth_c -> size();
@@ -496,17 +495,17 @@ bool VLQ_AnalysisTools::GetObjectVectors(){
       //Find number of b-tagged jets matched to this jet (//do this inside BTagVariables)
       AOVector* source_bjets = (m_opt->BtagCollection() == VLQ_Options::TRACK) ? m_outData -> o_trkbjets : m_outData -> o_bjets ;
       for(AnalysisObject* sbjet : *(source_bjets)){
-  if( obj->DeltaR(*sbjet) < 1.0 ) nb_match++;
+	if( obj->DeltaR(*sbjet) < 1.0 ) nb_match++;
       obj -> SetMoment("nbconsts",   nb_match);
       // Truth matching
       obj -> SetMoment( "pdgId_truth", 0 );
       obj -> SetMoment( "nmatch_truth", 0 );
       // Tagging by different algorithms
@@ -515,36 +514,42 @@ bool VLQ_AnalysisTools::GetObjectVectors(){
       obj -> SetMoment("isRCTTMass", isHOT);
       // Exclusive top-tagging
       bool isTop = obj -> Pt() > 400 && obj->M() > 140;
-      /* // STANDARD CUTS:
-      isTop = isTop && ( obj -> Pt() < 800 ? m_ntupData -> d_rcjets_nconsts -> at(iRCJet) >= 2 : m_ntupData -> d_rcjets_nconsts -> at(iRCJet) >= 1);
-      */
-      isTop = isTop && ( m_ntupData -> d_rcjets_nconsts -> at(iRCJet) == 1 ? obj -> Pt() > 700 :
-        m_ntupData -> d_rcjets_nconsts -> at(iRCJet) == 2 ? obj -> Pt() > 500 :
-        m_ntupData -> d_rcjets_nconsts -> at(iRCJet) == 3 ? obj -> Pt() > 450 :
-        m_ntupData -> d_rcjets_nconsts -> at(iRCJet) >= 4 && obj -> Pt() > 400 );
+      if(m_opt -> DoOldBoost()){
+	isTop = isTop && ( obj -> Pt() < 800 ? m_ntupData -> d_rcjets_nconsts -> at(iRCJet) >= 2 : m_ntupData -> d_rcjets_nconsts -> at(iRCJet) >= 1);
+      }
+      else{
+	isTop = isTop && ( m_ntupData -> d_rcjets_nconsts -> at(iRCJet) == 1 ? obj -> Pt() > 700 :
+			   m_ntupData -> d_rcjets_nconsts -> at(iRCJet) == 2 ? obj -> Pt() > 500 :
+			   m_ntupData -> d_rcjets_nconsts -> at(iRCJet) == 3 ? obj -> Pt() > 450 :
+			   m_ntupData -> d_rcjets_nconsts -> at(iRCJet) >= 4 && obj -> Pt() > 400 );
+      }
       obj -> SetMoment("isRCMTop", isTop);
       // Exclusive Higgs tagging
       bool isHiggs = obj -> Pt() > 350 && obj->M() > 105 && obj->M() < 140;
-      /* // STANDARD CUTS:
-      isHiggs = isHiggs && ( obj -> Pt() < 500 ? m_ntupData -> d_rcjets_nconsts -> at(iRCJet) == 2 : m_ntupData -> d_rcjets_nconsts -> at(iRCJet) <= 2);
-      */
-      isHiggs = isHiggs && ( m_ntupData -> d_rcjets_nconsts -> at(iRCJet) == 2 ? obj -> Pt() > 350 : 
-        m_ntupData -> d_rcjets_nconsts -> at(iRCJet) == 1 && obj -> Pt() > 600 );
+      if(m_opt->DoOldBoost()){
+	 isHiggs = isHiggs && ( obj -> Pt() < 500 ? m_ntupData -> d_rcjets_nconsts -> at(iRCJet) == 2 : m_ntupData -> d_rcjets_nconsts -> at(iRCJet) <= 2);
+      }
+      else{
+	isHiggs = isHiggs && ( m_ntupData -> d_rcjets_nconsts -> at(iRCJet) == 2 ? obj -> Pt() > 350 : 
+			       m_ntupData -> d_rcjets_nconsts -> at(iRCJet) == 1 && obj -> Pt() > 600 );
+      }
       obj -> SetMoment("isRCMHiggs", isHiggs);
       //Exclusive V(W/Z)-tagging
       bool isV = obj -> Pt() > 350 && obj->M() > 70 && obj->M() < 105;
-      /* // STANDARD CUTS:
-      isV = isV && ( obj -> Pt() < 400 ? m_ntupData -> d_rcjets_nconsts -> at(iRCJet) == 2 : m_ntupData -> d_rcjets_nconsts -> at(iRCJet) <= 2);
-      */
-      isV = isV && ( m_ntupData -> d_rcjets_nconsts -> at(iRCJet) == 2 ? obj -> Pt() > 350 :
-        m_ntupData -> d_rcjets_nconsts -> at(iRCJet) == 1 && obj -> Pt() > 450 );
+      if(m_opt->DoOldBoost()){
+	 isV = isV && ( obj -> Pt() < 400 ? m_ntupData -> d_rcjets_nconsts -> at(iRCJet) == 2 : m_ntupData -> d_rcjets_nconsts -> at(iRCJet) <= 2);
+      }
+      else{
+	isV = isV && ( m_ntupData -> d_rcjets_nconsts -> at(iRCJet) == 2 ? obj -> Pt() > 350 :
+		       m_ntupData -> d_rcjets_nconsts -> at(iRCJet) == 1 && obj -> Pt() > 450 );
+      }
       obj -> SetMoment("isRCMV", isV);
       // Very loose HOT jets
       const bool isLooseHOT = obj->M() > 50 && m_ntupData -> d_rcjets_nconsts -> at(iRCJet) >= 1 && obj -> Pt() > 300;
       obj -> SetMoment("isLooseRCTTMass", isLooseHOT);
       obj -> SetMoment("isRCMTopHiggs", (isTop || isHiggs) );
       if( isHOT ){
         m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at("RCTTMass") -> push_back(obj);
@@ -553,46 +558,40 @@ bool VLQ_AnalysisTools::GetObjectVectors(){
       if( isTop ){
         m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at("RCMTop") -> push_back(obj);
-  if(nb_match == 0) m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at("RCMTop0b") -> push_back(obj);
-  else if(nb_match == 1) m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at("RCMTop1b") -> push_back(obj);
-  else if(nb_match >= 2) m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at("RCMTop2bin") -> push_back(obj);
+	if(nb_match == 0) m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at("RCMTop0b") -> push_back(obj);
+	else if(nb_match == 1) m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at("RCMTop1b") -> push_back(obj);
+	else if(nb_match >= 2) m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at("RCMTop2bin") -> push_back(obj);
       if( isHiggs ){
         m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at("RCMHiggs") -> push_back(obj);
-  if(nb_match == 0) m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at("RCMHiggs0b") -> push_back(obj);
-  else if(nb_match == 1) m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at("RCMHiggs1b") -> push_back(obj);
-  else if(nb_match >= 2) m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at("RCMHiggs2bin") -> push_back(obj);
+	if(nb_match == 0) m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at("RCMHiggs0b") -> push_back(obj);
+	else if(nb_match == 1) m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at("RCMHiggs1b") -> push_back(obj);
+	else if(nb_match >= 2) m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at("RCMHiggs2bin") -> push_back(obj);
       if( isV ){
         m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at("RCMV") -> push_back(obj);
-  if(nb_match == 0) m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at("RCMV0b") -> push_back(obj);
-  else if(nb_match >= 1) m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at("RCMV1bin") -> push_back(obj);
+	if(nb_match == 0) m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at("RCMV0b") -> push_back(obj);
+	else if(nb_match >= 1) m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at("RCMV1bin") -> push_back(obj);
       if( isLooseHOT ){
-  m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at("LooseRCTTMass") -> push_back(obj);
+	m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at("LooseRCTTMass") -> push_back(obj);
       //===== Loop over small-R jet container and set a flag if it is matched to one of the tagged jets ====
       if( isTop || isHiggs || isV ){
-  for( AnalysisObject* jet : *(m_outData -> o_jets) ){
-    if(obj -> DeltaR(*jet) < 1.0) jet->UpdateMoment("RCtag_match", 1);
-  }
+	for( AnalysisObject* jet : *(m_outData -> o_jets) ){
+	  if(obj -> DeltaR(*jet) < 1.0) jet->UpdateMoment("RCtag_match", 1);
+	}
       if(m_outData -> o_selLep){
-  obj -> SetMoment ("dPhi_lep", fabs(obj->DeltaPhi( *(m_outData -> o_selLep) )) );
-  obj -> SetMoment ("dR_lep", fabs(obj->DeltaR( *(m_outData -> o_selLep) )) );
+	obj -> SetMoment ("dPhi_lep", fabs(obj->DeltaPhi( *(m_outData -> o_selLep) )) );
+	obj -> SetMoment ("dR_lep", fabs(obj->DeltaR( *(m_outData -> o_selLep) )) );
-      /*
-      // TO BE REMOVED
-      else{
-  obj -> SetMoment ("dPhi_lep", -100. );
-  obj -> SetMoment ("dR_lep", -100. );
-      }
-      */
-      obj -> SetMoment ("dPhi_met", fabs(obj->DeltaPhi( *(m_outData -> o_AO_met) )) );
+      obj -> SetMoment ("dPhi_met", fabs(obj->DeltaPhi( *(m_outData -> o_AO_met) )) );
       m_outData -> o_rcjets -> push_back(obj);
@@ -842,6 +841,13 @@ bool VLQ_AnalysisTools::ComputeAllVariables(){
   if(m_opt -> MsgLevel() == Debug::DEBUG) std::cout << "    -> After m_outData -> o_mtwl (" << m_outData -> o_mtwl << ")"  << std::endl;
   m_outData -> o_ptwl         = m_varComputer -> GetPTw( *(m_outData->o_el), *(m_outData->o_mu), m_outData->o_AO_met );
   if(m_opt -> MsgLevel() == Debug::DEBUG) std::cout << "    -> After m_outData -> o_ptwl (" << m_outData -> o_ptwl << ")"  << std::endl;
+  AOVector v_lep;
+  v_lep.insert( v_lep.end(), m_outData -> o_el->begin(), m_outData -> o_el->end()); 
+  v_lep.insert( v_lep.end(), m_outData -> o_mu->begin(), m_outData -> o_mu->end()); 
+  m_outData -> o_mll          = m_varComputer -> GetMjjLeadingJets( v_lep ); 
+  if(m_opt -> MsgLevel() == Debug::DEBUG) std::cout << "    -> After m_outData -> o_mll (" << m_outData -> o_mll << ")"  << std::endl;
   m_outData -> o_hthad        = m_varComputer -> GetHtHad( *(m_outData->o_jets) );
   if(m_opt -> MsgLevel() == Debug::DEBUG) std::cout << "    -> After m_outData -> o_hthad (" << m_outData -> o_hthad << ")"  << std::endl;
   m_outData -> o_hthadRC      = m_varComputer -> GetHtHad( *(m_outData->o_rcjets) );
diff --git a/Root/VLQ_Analysis_Data2015.cxx b/Root/VLQ_Analysis_Data2015.cxx
index d77e1f52dab351aaa913108d6132947cec1f187b..cbec1bae82b4bf55e82ccd2595e32404f200d985 100644
--- a/Root/VLQ_Analysis_Data2015.cxx
+++ b/Root/VLQ_Analysis_Data2015.cxx
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::Begin(){
-    if(!m_opt->DoOneLeptonAna() && !m_opt->DoZeroLeptonAna()) {
+    if(!m_opt->DoOneLeptonAna() && !m_opt->DoZeroLeptonAna() && !m_opt->DoTwoLeptonAna()) {
       throw std::invalid_argument("Must choose a lepton channel");
@@ -465,6 +465,7 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::Begin(){
       m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "mtw",         25, 0, 1000,    ";m_{T}(W) [GeV]", otherVariables, &(m_outData -> o_mtwl) );
       //m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "mtw_zoom",    25, 0, 300,     ";m_{T}(W) [GeV]", false, &(m_outData -> o_mtwl) );
       m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "ptw",         25, 0, 1000,    ";p_{T}(W) [GeV]", false, &(m_outData -> o_ptwl) );
+      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "mll",         5, 0, 500,    ";m_{ll} [GeV]", false, &(m_outData -> o_mll) );
       //m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "ptw_zoom",    25, 0, 300,     ";p_{T}(W) [GeV]", false, &(m_outData -> o_ptwl) );
       m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "hthad",       25, 0, 3000,    ";H_{T}^{had} [GeV]", false, &(m_outData -> o_hthad) );
       m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "hthadRC",     50, 0, 5000,    ";H_{T}^{had} (RC jets) [GeV]", false, &(m_outData -> o_hthadRC) );
@@ -513,16 +514,16 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::Begin(){
       //Semi-boosted hadronic top
       for ( int iJet=-1; iJet<=2; ++iJet ) {
-  std::string str_id = "";
-  str_id += std::to_string(iJet);
-  if(iJet==-1) str_id = "s";
-  const bool DrawSyst = (iJet <= 0) && otherVariables;
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "bW_hadtop"+str_id+"_pt",    25, 0, 500,     ";bW Hadtop"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",   DrawSyst,   &(m_outData -> o_bW_hadtop), iJet, "Pt");
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "bW_hadtop"+str_id+"_eta",   0.2, -3, 3,     ";bW Hadtop"+str_id+" #eta",          DrawSyst,   &(m_outData -> o_bW_hadtop), iJet, "Eta");
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "bW_hadtop"+str_id+"_m",     10, 100, 300,     ";bW Hadtop"+str_id+" mass [GeV]",    false,      &(m_outData -> o_bW_hadtop), iJet, "M");
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "bW_hadtop"+str_id+"_dR_bW", 0.1,0,6,   ";bW Hadtop"+str_id+" MV2c10",        false,      &(m_outData -> o_bW_hadtop), iJet, "dR_bW");
+	std::string str_id = "";
+	str_id += std::to_string(iJet);
+	if(iJet==-1) str_id = "s";
+	const bool DrawSyst = (iJet <= 0) && otherVariables;
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "bW_hadtop"+str_id+"_pt",    25, 0, 500,     ";bW Hadtop"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",   DrawSyst,   &(m_outData -> o_bW_hadtop), iJet, "Pt");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "bW_hadtop"+str_id+"_eta",   0.2, -3, 3,     ";bW Hadtop"+str_id+" #eta",          DrawSyst,   &(m_outData -> o_bW_hadtop), iJet, "Eta");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "bW_hadtop"+str_id+"_m",     10, 100, 300,     ";bW Hadtop"+str_id+" mass [GeV]",    false,      &(m_outData -> o_bW_hadtop), iJet, "M");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "bW_hadtop"+str_id+"_dR_bW", 0.1,0,6,   ";bW Hadtop"+str_id+" MV2c10",        false,      &(m_outData -> o_bW_hadtop), iJet, "dR_bW");
       //Jet variables
       m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "jets_n",      1, -2.5, 15.5,";Number of jets", otherVariables, &(m_outData -> o_jets_n) );
       m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkjets_n",      1, -2.5, 15.5,";Number of track-jets", otherVariables, &(m_outData -> o_trkjets_n) );
@@ -541,7 +542,7 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::Begin(){
       m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkbjets_n",     1, -0.5, 8.5, ";Number of track b-jets", otherVariables, &(m_outData -> o_trkbjets_n) );
       m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkljets_n",     1, -0.5, 8.5, ";Number of track light-jets", otherVariables, &(m_outData -> o_trkljets_n) );
       m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkjets_nconcentric",      1, -2.5, 15.5,";Number of concentric track-jets", 
-               otherVariables, &(m_outData -> o_trkjets_nconcentric) );
+				       otherVariables, &(m_outData -> o_trkjets_nconcentric) );
       m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "jets_n_truth_b",  1, -2.5, 15.5,";Number of truth b-jets", 
                otherVariables, &(m_outData -> o_jets_truth_b_n) );
@@ -581,221 +582,221 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::Begin(){
       //================ CALO JETS ======================================
       for ( int iJet=-1; iJet<=5; ++iJet ) {
-  std::string str_id = "";
-  str_id += std::to_string(iJet);
-  if(iJet==-1) str_id = "s";
-  const bool DrawSyst = (iJet <= 0) && otherVariables;
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "jet"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";Jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  DrawSyst,   
-           &(m_outData -> o_jets), iJet, "Pt");
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "jet"+str_id+"_eta",   0.2, -3, 3,     ";Jet"+str_id+" #eta",          DrawSyst,   
-           &(m_outData -> o_jets), iJet, "Eta");
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "jet"+str_id+"_phi",   0.2, -3.5, 3.5, ";Jet"+str_id+" #varphi",       false,      
-           &(m_outData -> o_jets), iJet, "Phi");
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "jet"+str_id+"_m",     10, 0, 200,     ";Jet"+str_id+" mass [GeV]",    false,      
-           &(m_outData -> o_jets), iJet, "M");
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "jet"+str_id+"_btagw", 0.1,-1.1,1.1,   ";Jet"+str_id+" MV2c10",        false,      
-           &(m_outData -> o_jets), iJet, "btagw");
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "jet"+str_id+"_jvt",   0.1,-1.1,1.1,   ";Jet"+str_id+" JVT",           false,      
-           &(m_outData -> o_jets), iJet, "jvt");
-  //for MC
-  if(!m_opt->IsData() && (iJet <= 0) ){
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "jet_truth_b"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";Truth B-Jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  DrawSyst,   
-             &(m_outData -> o_jets_truth_b), iJet, "Pt");
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "jet_truth_c"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";Truth C-Jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  DrawSyst,   
-             &(m_outData -> o_jets_truth_c), iJet, "Pt");
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "jet_truth_tau"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";Truth #tau-Jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  DrawSyst,   
-             &(m_outData -> o_jets_truth_tau), iJet, "Pt");
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "jet_truth_lqg"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";Truth Light-Jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  DrawSyst,   
-               &(m_outData -> o_jets_truth_lqg), iJet, "Pt");
-  }
+	std::string str_id = "";
+	str_id += std::to_string(iJet);
+	if(iJet==-1) str_id = "s";
+	const bool DrawSyst = (iJet <= 0) && otherVariables;
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "jet"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";Jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  DrawSyst,   
+					 &(m_outData -> o_jets), iJet, "Pt");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "jet"+str_id+"_eta",   0.2, -3, 3,     ";Jet"+str_id+" #eta",          DrawSyst,   
+					 &(m_outData -> o_jets), iJet, "Eta");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "jet"+str_id+"_phi",   0.2, -3.5, 3.5, ";Jet"+str_id+" #varphi",       false,      
+					 &(m_outData -> o_jets), iJet, "Phi");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "jet"+str_id+"_m",     10, 0, 200,     ";Jet"+str_id+" mass [GeV]",    false,      
+					 &(m_outData -> o_jets), iJet, "M");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "jet"+str_id+"_btagw", 0.1,-1.1,1.1,   ";Jet"+str_id+" MV2c10",        false,      
+					 &(m_outData -> o_jets), iJet, "btagw");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "jet"+str_id+"_jvt",   0.1,-1.1,1.1,   ";Jet"+str_id+" JVT",           false,      
+					 &(m_outData -> o_jets), iJet, "jvt");
+	//for MC
+	if(!m_opt->IsData() && (iJet <= 0) ){
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "jet_truth_b"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";Truth B-Jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  DrawSyst,   
+					   &(m_outData -> o_jets_truth_b), iJet, "Pt");
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "jet_truth_c"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";Truth C-Jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  DrawSyst,   
+					   &(m_outData -> o_jets_truth_c), iJet, "Pt");
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "jet_truth_tau"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";Truth #tau-Jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  DrawSyst,   
+					   &(m_outData -> o_jets_truth_tau), iJet, "Pt");
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "jet_truth_lqg"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";Truth Light-Jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  DrawSyst,   
+					   &(m_outData -> o_jets_truth_lqg), iJet, "Pt");
+	}
-    for ( int iFwdJet=-1; iFwdJet<=5; ++iFwdJet ) {
-      std::string str_id = "";
-      str_id += std::to_string(iFwdJet);
-      if(iFwdJet==-1) str_id = "s";
-      const bool DrawSyst = (iFwdJet <= 0) && otherVariables;
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet"+str_id+"_pt",    5, 0, 500,      ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",   
-               DrawSyst,   &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets), iFwdJet, "Pt");
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet"+str_id+"_eta",   0.2, -5, 5,     ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" #eta",          
-               DrawSyst,   &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets), iFwdJet, "Eta");
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet"+str_id+"_phi",   0.2, -3.5, 3.5, ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" #varphi",       
-               false,      &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets), iFwdJet, "Phi");
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet"+str_id+"_m",     4, 0, 100,       ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" mass [GeV]",    
-				       false,      &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets), iFwdJet, "M");
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta25_30"+str_id+"_pt",    5, 0, 500,      ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 2.5<|#eta|<3.0 p_{T} [GeV]",   
-				       DrawSyst,   &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta25_30), iFwdJet, "Pt");
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta25_30"+str_id+"_eta",   0.2, -5, 5,     ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 2.5<|#eta|<3.0 #eta",          
-				       DrawSyst,   &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta25_30), iFwdJet, "Eta");
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta25_30"+str_id+"_phi",   0.2, -3.5, 3.5, ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 2.5<|#eta|<3.0 #varphi",       
-				       false,      &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta25_30), iFwdJet, "Phi");
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta25_30"+str_id+"_m",     4, 0, 100,       ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 2.5<|#eta|<3.0 mass [GeV]",    
-				       false,      &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta25_30), iFwdJet, "M");
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta30_35"+str_id+"_pt",    5, 0, 500,      ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 3.0<|#eta|<3.5 p_{T} [GeV]",   
-				       DrawSyst,   &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta30_35), iFwdJet, "Pt");
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta30_35"+str_id+"_eta",   0.2, -5, 5,     ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 3.0<|#eta|<3.5 #eta",          
-				       DrawSyst,   &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta30_35), iFwdJet, "Eta");
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta30_35"+str_id+"_phi",   0.2, -3.5, 3.5, ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 3.0<|#eta|<3.5 #varphi",       
-				       false,      &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta30_35), iFwdJet, "Phi");
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta30_35"+str_id+"_m",     4, 0, 100,       ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 3.0<|#eta|<3.5 mass [GeV]",    
-				       false,      &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta30_35), iFwdJet, "M");
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta35_40"+str_id+"_pt",    5, 0, 500,      ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 3.5<|#eta|<4.0 p_{T} [GeV]",   
-				       DrawSyst,   &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta35_40), iFwdJet, "Pt");
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta35_40"+str_id+"_eta",   0.2, -5, 5,     ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 3.5<|#eta|<4.0 #eta",          
-				       DrawSyst,   &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta35_40), iFwdJet, "Eta");
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta35_40"+str_id+"_phi",   0.2, -3.5, 3.5, ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 3.5<|#eta|<4.0 #varphi",       
-				       false,      &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta35_40), iFwdJet, "Phi");
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta35_40"+str_id+"_m",     4, 0, 100,       ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 3.5<|#eta|<4.0 mass [GeV]",    
-				       false,      &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta35_40), iFwdJet, "M");
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta40_45"+str_id+"_pt",    5, 0, 500,      ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 4.0<|#eta|<4.5 p_{T} [GeV]",   
-				       DrawSyst,   &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta40_45), iFwdJet, "Pt");
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta40_45"+str_id+"_eta",   0.2, -5, 5,     ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 4.0<|#eta|<4.5 #eta",          
-				       DrawSyst,   &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta40_45), iFwdJet, "Eta");
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta40_45"+str_id+"_phi",   0.2, -3.5, 3.5, ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 4.0<|#eta|<4.5 #varphi",       
-				       false,      &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta40_45), iFwdJet, "Phi");
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta40_45"+str_id+"_m",     4, 0, 100,       ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 4.0<|#eta|<4.5 mass [GeV]",    
-				       false,      &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta40_45), iFwdJet, "M");
-    }
-    for ( int iBJet=-1; iBJet<=3; ++iBJet ) {
-  std::string str_id = "";
-  str_id += std::to_string(iBJet);
-  if(iBJet==-1) str_id = "s";
-  const bool DrawSyst = (iBJet <= 0) && otherVariables;
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "bjet"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,    ";b-jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",   
-           false, &(m_outData -> o_bjets),  iBJet, "Pt" );
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "bjet"+str_id+"_eta",   0.2, -3, 3,    ";b-jet"+str_id+" #eta",           
-           false, &(m_outData -> o_bjets),  iBJet, "Eta" );
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "bjet"+str_id+"_btagw", 0.1,-1.1,1.1,  ";b-jet"+str_id+" MV2c10",         
-           false, &(m_outData -> o_bjets),  iBJet, "btagw" );
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "bjet"+str_id+"_jvt",   0.1,-1.1,1.1,  ";b-jet"+str_id+" JVT",            
-           false, &(m_outData -> o_bjets),  iBJet, "jvt" );
-  //for MC
-  if(!m_opt->IsData() && (iBJet <= 0) ){
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "bjet_truth_b"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";b-tagged Truth B-Jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  DrawSyst,   
-             &(m_outData -> o_bjets_truth_b), iBJet, "Pt");
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "bjet_truth_c"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";b-tagged Truth C-Jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  DrawSyst,   
-             &(m_outData -> o_bjets_truth_c), iBJet, "Pt");
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "bjet_truth_tau"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";b-tagged Truth #tau-Jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  
-             DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_jets_truth_tau), iBJet, "Pt");
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "bjet_truth_lqg"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";b-tagged Truth Light-Jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  
-             DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_bjets_truth_lqg), iBJet, "Pt");
-  }
+      for ( int iFwdJet=-1; iFwdJet<=5; ++iFwdJet ) {
+	std::string str_id = "";
+	str_id += std::to_string(iFwdJet);
+	if(iFwdJet==-1) str_id = "s";
+	const bool DrawSyst = (iFwdJet <= 0) && otherVariables;
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet"+str_id+"_pt",    5, 0, 500,      ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",   
+					 DrawSyst,   &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets), iFwdJet, "Pt");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet"+str_id+"_eta",   0.2, -5, 5,     ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" #eta",          
+					 DrawSyst,   &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets), iFwdJet, "Eta");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet"+str_id+"_phi",   0.2, -3.5, 3.5, ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" #varphi",       
+					 false,      &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets), iFwdJet, "Phi");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet"+str_id+"_m",     4, 0, 100,       ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" mass [GeV]",    
+					 false,      &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets), iFwdJet, "M");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta25_30"+str_id+"_pt",    5, 0, 500,      ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 2.5<|#eta|<3.0 p_{T} [GeV]",   
+					 DrawSyst,   &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta25_30), iFwdJet, "Pt");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta25_30"+str_id+"_eta",   0.2, -5, 5,     ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 2.5<|#eta|<3.0 #eta",          
+					 DrawSyst,   &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta25_30), iFwdJet, "Eta");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta25_30"+str_id+"_phi",   0.2, -3.5, 3.5, ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 2.5<|#eta|<3.0 #varphi",       
+					 false,      &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta25_30), iFwdJet, "Phi");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta25_30"+str_id+"_m",     4, 0, 100,       ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 2.5<|#eta|<3.0 mass [GeV]",    
+					 false,      &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta25_30), iFwdJet, "M");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta30_35"+str_id+"_pt",    5, 0, 500,      ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 3.0<|#eta|<3.5 p_{T} [GeV]",   
+					 DrawSyst,   &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta30_35), iFwdJet, "Pt");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta30_35"+str_id+"_eta",   0.2, -5, 5,     ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 3.0<|#eta|<3.5 #eta",          
+					 DrawSyst,   &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta30_35), iFwdJet, "Eta");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta30_35"+str_id+"_phi",   0.2, -3.5, 3.5, ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 3.0<|#eta|<3.5 #varphi",       
+					 false,      &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta30_35), iFwdJet, "Phi");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta30_35"+str_id+"_m",     4, 0, 100,       ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 3.0<|#eta|<3.5 mass [GeV]",    
+					 false,      &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta30_35), iFwdJet, "M");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta35_40"+str_id+"_pt",    5, 0, 500,      ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 3.5<|#eta|<4.0 p_{T} [GeV]",   
+					 DrawSyst,   &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta35_40), iFwdJet, "Pt");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta35_40"+str_id+"_eta",   0.2, -5, 5,     ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 3.5<|#eta|<4.0 #eta",          
+					 DrawSyst,   &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta35_40), iFwdJet, "Eta");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta35_40"+str_id+"_phi",   0.2, -3.5, 3.5, ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 3.5<|#eta|<4.0 #varphi",       
+					 false,      &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta35_40), iFwdJet, "Phi");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta35_40"+str_id+"_m",     4, 0, 100,       ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 3.5<|#eta|<4.0 mass [GeV]",    
+					 false,      &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta35_40), iFwdJet, "M");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta40_45"+str_id+"_pt",    5, 0, 500,      ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 4.0<|#eta|<4.5 p_{T} [GeV]",   
+					 DrawSyst,   &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta40_45), iFwdJet, "Pt");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta40_45"+str_id+"_eta",   0.2, -5, 5,     ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 4.0<|#eta|<4.5 #eta",          
+					 DrawSyst,   &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta40_45), iFwdJet, "Eta");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta40_45"+str_id+"_phi",   0.2, -3.5, 3.5, ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 4.0<|#eta|<4.5 #varphi",       
+					 false,      &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta40_45), iFwdJet, "Phi");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "fwdjet_eta40_45"+str_id+"_m",     4, 0, 100,       ";Fwd-jet"+str_id+" 4.0<|#eta|<4.5 mass [GeV]",    
+					 false,      &(m_outData -> o_fwdjets_eta40_45), iFwdJet, "M");
+      }
+      for ( int iBJet=-1; iBJet<=3; ++iBJet ) {
+	std::string str_id = "";
+	str_id += std::to_string(iBJet);
+	if(iBJet==-1) str_id = "s";
+	const bool DrawSyst = (iBJet <= 0) && otherVariables;
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "bjet"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,    ";b-jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",   
+					 false, &(m_outData -> o_bjets),  iBJet, "Pt" );
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "bjet"+str_id+"_eta",   0.2, -3, 3,    ";b-jet"+str_id+" #eta",           
+					 false, &(m_outData -> o_bjets),  iBJet, "Eta" );
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "bjet"+str_id+"_btagw", 0.1,-1.1,1.1,  ";b-jet"+str_id+" MV2c10",         
+					 false, &(m_outData -> o_bjets),  iBJet, "btagw" );
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "bjet"+str_id+"_jvt",   0.1,-1.1,1.1,  ";b-jet"+str_id+" JVT",            
+					 false, &(m_outData -> o_bjets),  iBJet, "jvt" );
+	//for MC
+	if(!m_opt->IsData() && (iBJet <= 0) ){
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "bjet_truth_b"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";b-tagged Truth B-Jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  DrawSyst,   
+					   &(m_outData -> o_bjets_truth_b), iBJet, "Pt");
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "bjet_truth_c"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";b-tagged Truth C-Jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  DrawSyst,   
+					   &(m_outData -> o_bjets_truth_c), iBJet, "Pt");
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "bjet_truth_tau"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";b-tagged Truth #tau-Jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  
+					   DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_jets_truth_tau), iBJet, "Pt");
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "bjet_truth_lqg"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";b-tagged Truth Light-Jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  
+					   DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_bjets_truth_lqg), iBJet, "Pt");
+	}
       for ( int iLJet=-1; iLJet<=4; ++iLJet  ) {
-  std::string str_id = "";
-  str_id += std::to_string(iLJet);
-  if(iLJet==-1) str_id = "s";
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "ljet"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 500,   ";light-jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  
-           false, &(m_outData -> o_ljets), iLJet, "Pt" );
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "ljet"+str_id+"_eta",   0.2, -3, 3,   ";light-jet"+str_id+" #eta",         
-           false, &(m_outData -> o_ljets), iLJet, "Eta" );
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "ljet"+str_id+"_btagw", 0.1,-1.1,1.1, ";light-jet"+str_id+" MV2c10", 
-           false, &(m_outData -> o_ljets), iLJet, "btagw" );
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "ljet"+str_id+"_jvt",   0.1,-1.1,1.1, ";light-jet"+str_id+" JVT",    
-           false, &(m_outData -> o_ljets), iLJet, "jvt" );
+	std::string str_id = "";
+	str_id += std::to_string(iLJet);
+	if(iLJet==-1) str_id = "s";
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "ljet"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 500,   ";light-jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  
+					 false, &(m_outData -> o_ljets), iLJet, "Pt" );
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "ljet"+str_id+"_eta",   0.2, -3, 3,   ";light-jet"+str_id+" #eta",         
+					 false, &(m_outData -> o_ljets), iLJet, "Eta" );
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "ljet"+str_id+"_btagw", 0.1,-1.1,1.1, ";light-jet"+str_id+" MV2c10", 
+					 false, &(m_outData -> o_ljets), iLJet, "btagw" );
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "ljet"+str_id+"_jvt",   0.1,-1.1,1.1, ";light-jet"+str_id+" JVT",    
+					 false, &(m_outData -> o_ljets), iLJet, "jvt" );
       //================ TRACK JETS ======================================
       if(m_opt->BtagCollection() == VLQ_Options::TRACK){
-  for ( int iTrkjet=-1; iTrkjet<=5; ++iTrkjet ) {
-    std::string str_id = "";
-    str_id += std::to_string(iTrkjet);
-    if(iTrkjet==-1) str_id = "s";
-    const bool DrawSyst = (iTrkjet <= 0) && otherVariables;
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkjet"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";Trkjet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  DrawSyst,   
-             &(m_outData -> o_trkjets), iTrkjet, "Pt");
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkjet"+str_id+"_eta",   0.2, -3, 3,     ";Trkjet"+str_id+" #eta",          DrawSyst,   
-             &(m_outData -> o_trkjets), iTrkjet, "Eta");
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkjet"+str_id+"_phi",   0.2, -3.5, 3.5, ";Trkjet"+str_id+" #varphi",       false,      
-             &(m_outData -> o_trkjets), iTrkjet, "Phi");
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkjet"+str_id+"_btagw", 0.1,-1.1,1.1,   ";Trkjet"+str_id+" MV2c10",        false,      
-             &(m_outData -> o_trkjets), iTrkjet, "btagw");
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkjet"+str_id+"_reff", 0.05,0.,1.0,   ";Trkjet"+str_id+" R_{eff}",        false,      
-             &(m_outData -> o_trkjets), iTrkjet, "reff");
-    //for MC
-    if(!m_opt->IsData() && (iTrkjet <= 0) ){
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkjet_truth_b"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";Truth B-Trkjet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  DrawSyst,   
-               &(m_outData -> o_trkjets_truth_b), iTrkjet, "Pt");
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkjet_truth_c"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";Truth C-Trkjet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  DrawSyst,   
-               &(m_outData -> o_trkjets_truth_c), iTrkjet, "Pt");
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkjet_truth_tau"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";b-tagged Truth #tau-Trket"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  
-             DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_trkjets_truth_tau), iTrkjet, "Pt");
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkjet_truth_lqg"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";Truth Light-Trkjet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  DrawSyst,   
-               &(m_outData -> o_trkjets_truth_lqg), iTrkjet, "Pt");
-    }
-  }
-  for ( int iBTrkjet=-1; iBTrkjet<=3; ++iBTrkjet ) {
-    std::string str_id = "";
-    str_id += std::to_string(iBTrkjet);
-    if(iBTrkjet==-1) str_id = "s";
-    const bool DrawSyst = (iBTrkjet <= 0) && otherVariables;
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkbjet"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,    ";b-trkjet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",   
-             false, &(m_outData -> o_trkbjets),  iBTrkjet, "Pt" );
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkbjet"+str_id+"_eta",   0.2, -3, 3,    ";b-trkjet"+str_id+" #eta",           
-             false, &(m_outData -> o_trkbjets),  iBTrkjet, "Eta" );
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkbjet"+str_id+"_btagw", 0.1,-1.1,1.1,  ";b-trkjet"+str_id+" MV2c10",         
-             false, &(m_outData -> o_trkbjets),  iBTrkjet, "btagw" );
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkbjet"+str_id+"_reff", 0.05,0.,0.4,   ";b-trkjet"+str_id+" R_{eff}",        false,      
-             &(m_outData -> o_trkjets), iBTrkjet, "reff");
-    //for MC
-    if(!m_opt->IsData() && (iBTrkjet <= 0) ){
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkbjet_truth_b"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";b-tagged Truth B-Trkjet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]", 
-               DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_trkbjets_truth_b), iBTrkjet, "Pt");
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkbjet_truth_c"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";b-tagged Truth C-Trkjet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]", 
-               DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_trkbjets_truth_c), iBTrkjet, "Pt");
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkbjet_truth_tau"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";b-tagged Truth #tau-Trket"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  
-               DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_trkbjets_truth_tau), iBTrkjet, "Pt");
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkbjet_truth_lqg"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";b-tagged Truth Light-Trkjet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  
-               DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_trkbjets_truth_lqg), iBTrkjet, "Pt");
-    }
-  }
-  for ( int iLTrkjet=-1; iLTrkjet<=4; ++iLTrkjet  ) {
-    std::string str_id = "";
-    str_id += std::to_string(iLTrkjet);
-    if(iLTrkjet==-1) str_id = "s";
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkljet"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 500,   ";light-trkjet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  
-             false, &(m_outData -> o_trkljets), iLTrkjet, "Pt" );
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkljet"+str_id+"_eta",   0.2, -3, 3,   ";light-trkjet"+str_id+" #eta",         
-             false, &(m_outData -> o_trkljets), iLTrkjet, "Eta" );
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkljet"+str_id+"_btagw", 0.1,-1.1,1.1, ";light-trkjet"+str_id+" MV2c10", 
-             false, &(m_outData -> o_trkljets), iLTrkjet, "btagw" );
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkljet"+str_id+"_reff", 0.05,0.,0.4,   ";light-trkjet"+str_id+" R_{eff}",        false,      
-             &(m_outData -> o_trkljets), iLTrkjet, "reff");
-  }
+	for ( int iTrkjet=-1; iTrkjet<=5; ++iTrkjet ) {
+	  std::string str_id = "";
+	  str_id += std::to_string(iTrkjet);
+	  if(iTrkjet==-1) str_id = "s";
+	  const bool DrawSyst = (iTrkjet <= 0) && otherVariables;
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkjet"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";Trkjet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  DrawSyst,   
+					   &(m_outData -> o_trkjets), iTrkjet, "Pt");
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkjet"+str_id+"_eta",   0.2, -3, 3,     ";Trkjet"+str_id+" #eta",          DrawSyst,   
+					   &(m_outData -> o_trkjets), iTrkjet, "Eta");
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkjet"+str_id+"_phi",   0.2, -3.5, 3.5, ";Trkjet"+str_id+" #varphi",       false,      
+					   &(m_outData -> o_trkjets), iTrkjet, "Phi");
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkjet"+str_id+"_btagw", 0.1,-1.1,1.1,   ";Trkjet"+str_id+" MV2c10",        false,      
+					   &(m_outData -> o_trkjets), iTrkjet, "btagw");
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkjet"+str_id+"_reff", 0.05,0.,1.0,   ";Trkjet"+str_id+" R_{eff}",        false,      
+					   &(m_outData -> o_trkjets), iTrkjet, "reff");
+	  //for MC
+	  if(!m_opt->IsData() && (iTrkjet <= 0) ){
+	    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkjet_truth_b"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";Truth B-Trkjet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  DrawSyst,   
+					     &(m_outData -> o_trkjets_truth_b), iTrkjet, "Pt");
+	    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkjet_truth_c"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";Truth C-Trkjet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  DrawSyst,   
+					     &(m_outData -> o_trkjets_truth_c), iTrkjet, "Pt");
+	    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkjet_truth_tau"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";b-tagged Truth #tau-Trket"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  
+					     DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_trkjets_truth_tau), iTrkjet, "Pt");
+	    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkjet_truth_lqg"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";Truth Light-Trkjet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  DrawSyst,   
+					     &(m_outData -> o_trkjets_truth_lqg), iTrkjet, "Pt");
+	  }
+	}
+	for ( int iBTrkjet=-1; iBTrkjet<=3; ++iBTrkjet ) {
+	  std::string str_id = "";
+	  str_id += std::to_string(iBTrkjet);
+	  if(iBTrkjet==-1) str_id = "s";
+	  const bool DrawSyst = (iBTrkjet <= 0) && otherVariables;
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkbjet"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,    ";b-trkjet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",   
+					   false, &(m_outData -> o_trkbjets),  iBTrkjet, "Pt" );
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkbjet"+str_id+"_eta",   0.2, -3, 3,    ";b-trkjet"+str_id+" #eta",           
+					   false, &(m_outData -> o_trkbjets),  iBTrkjet, "Eta" );
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkbjet"+str_id+"_btagw", 0.1,-1.1,1.1,  ";b-trkjet"+str_id+" MV2c10",         
+					   false, &(m_outData -> o_trkbjets),  iBTrkjet, "btagw" );
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkbjet"+str_id+"_reff", 0.05,0.,0.4,   ";b-trkjet"+str_id+" R_{eff}",        false,      
+					   &(m_outData -> o_trkjets), iBTrkjet, "reff");
+	  //for MC
+	  if(!m_opt->IsData() && (iBTrkjet <= 0) ){
+	    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkbjet_truth_b"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";b-tagged Truth B-Trkjet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]", 
+					     DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_trkbjets_truth_b), iBTrkjet, "Pt");
+	    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkbjet_truth_c"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";b-tagged Truth C-Trkjet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]", 
+					     DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_trkbjets_truth_c), iBTrkjet, "Pt");
+	    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkbjet_truth_tau"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";b-tagged Truth #tau-Trket"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  
+					     DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_trkbjets_truth_tau), iBTrkjet, "Pt");
+	    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkbjet_truth_lqg"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 1000,     ";b-tagged Truth Light-Trkjet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  
+					     DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_trkbjets_truth_lqg), iBTrkjet, "Pt");
+	  }
+	}
+	for ( int iLTrkjet=-1; iLTrkjet<=4; ++iLTrkjet  ) {
+	  std::string str_id = "";
+	  str_id += std::to_string(iLTrkjet);
+	  if(iLTrkjet==-1) str_id = "s";
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkljet"+str_id+"_pt",    10, 0, 500,   ";light-trkjet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]",  
+					   false, &(m_outData -> o_trkljets), iLTrkjet, "Pt" );
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkljet"+str_id+"_eta",   0.2, -3, 3,   ";light-trkjet"+str_id+" #eta",         
+					   false, &(m_outData -> o_trkljets), iLTrkjet, "Eta" );
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkljet"+str_id+"_btagw", 0.1,-1.1,1.1, ";light-trkjet"+str_id+" MV2c10", 
+					   false, &(m_outData -> o_trkljets), iLTrkjet, "btagw" );
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "trkljet"+str_id+"_reff", 0.05,0.,0.4,   ";light-trkjet"+str_id+" R_{eff}",        false,      
+					   &(m_outData -> o_trkljets), iLTrkjet, "reff");
+	}
       }//TRACK JETS
       //Large-R jets
       if( m_opt -> UseLargeRJets() ){
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "FatJets_n", 1, -0.5, 5.5,     ";Number of large-R jets",  false, &(m_outData -> o_fjets_n) );
-  for ( int iLRJet=-1; iLRJet<=0; ++iLRJet ) {
-    std::string str_id = "";
-    str_id += std::to_string(iLRJet);
-    if(iLRJet==-1) str_id = "s";
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "FatJet"+str_id+"_pt",  50, 0, 1000, ";Fat jet"+str_id+"  p_{T} [GeV]"      ,  false, &(m_outData -> o_fjets), iLRJet, "Pt");
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "FatJet"+str_id+"_eta", 0.2, -3, 3,  ";Fat jet"+str_id+"  #eta"             ,  false, &(m_outData -> o_fjets), iLRJet, "Eta");
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "FatJet"+str_id+"_m",   10, 0, 400,  ";Fat jet"+str_id+"  mass [GeV]"       ,  false, &(m_outData -> o_fjets), iLRJet, "M");
-  }
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "FatJets_n", 1, -0.5, 5.5,     ";Number of large-R jets",  false, &(m_outData -> o_fjets_n) );
+	for ( int iLRJet=-1; iLRJet<=0; ++iLRJet ) {
+	  std::string str_id = "";
+	  str_id += std::to_string(iLRJet);
+	  if(iLRJet==-1) str_id = "s";
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "FatJet"+str_id+"_pt",  50, 0, 1000, ";Fat jet"+str_id+"  p_{T} [GeV]"      ,  false, &(m_outData -> o_fjets), iLRJet, "Pt");
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "FatJet"+str_id+"_eta", 0.2, -3, 3,  ";Fat jet"+str_id+"  #eta"             ,  false, &(m_outData -> o_fjets), iLRJet, "Eta");
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "FatJet"+str_id+"_m",   10, 0, 400,  ";Fat jet"+str_id+"  mass [GeV]"       ,  false, &(m_outData -> o_fjets), iLRJet, "M");
+	}
     }// DrawReco
     //Reclustered jet"+str_id+"  variables
     m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "RCjets_n", 1, -0.5, 5.5,     ";Number of signal RC jets", otherVariables, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets_n) );
     for ( int iRCJet=-1; iRCJet<=0; ++iRCJet  ) {
@@ -805,55 +806,55 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::Begin(){
       const bool DrawSyst = (iRCJet == 0) && otherVariables;
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "RCjet"+str_id+"_pt",         50, 0, 1000, ";RC jet"+str_id+"  p_{T} [GeV]"      ,  false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, "Pt");
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "RCjet"+str_id+"_eta",        0.2, -3, 3,  ";RC jet"+str_id+"  #eta"             ,  false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, "Eta");
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "RCjet"+str_id+"_m",          10, 0, 500,  ";RC jet"+str_id+"  mass [GeV]"       ,  false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, "M");
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "RCjet"+str_id+"_nconsts",    1, -0.5,5.5, ";Number of RC jet"+str_id+"  consts" ,  false,    &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, "nconsts");
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "RCjet"+str_id+"_nbconsts",    1, -0.5,5.5, ";Number of RC jet"+str_id+" b-tagged consts" ,  false,    &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, "nbconsts");
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "RCjet"+str_id+"_isRCTTMass", 1, -.5, 1.5, ";Mass Tag"          ,  false,    &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, "isRCTTMass");
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH2( "RCjet"+str_id+"_pt", "RCjet"+str_id+"_m", 50, 0, 1200, 10, 0, 500
-           , "RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; RC jet"+str_id+" mass [GeV]", "RC jet"+str_id+" mass [GeV]"
-           , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, iRCJet, false, "Pt", "M" );
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH2( "RCjet"+str_id+"_pt", "RCjet"+str_id+"_nconsts", 50, 0, 1200, 1, -0.5, 5.5
-           , "RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; Number of RC jet"+str_id+" consts", "Number of RC jet"+str_id+" consts"
-           , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, iRCJet, false, "Pt", "nconsts" );
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH2( "RCjet"+str_id+"_pt", "RCjet"+str_id+"_nbconsts", 50, 0, 1200, 1, -0.5, 5.5
-           , "RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; Number of RC jet"+str_id+" b-tagged consts", "Number of RC jet"+str_id+" b-tagged consts"
-           , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, iRCJet, false, "Pt", "nbconsts" );
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "RCjet"+str_id+"_pt",         50, 0, 1000, ";RC jet"+str_id+"  p_{T} [GeV]"      ,  false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, "Pt");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "RCjet"+str_id+"_eta",        0.2, -3, 3,  ";RC jet"+str_id+"  #eta"             ,  false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, "Eta");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "RCjet"+str_id+"_m",          10, 0, 500,  ";RC jet"+str_id+"  mass [GeV]"       ,  false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, "M");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "RCjet"+str_id+"_nconsts",    1, -0.5,5.5, ";Number of RC jet"+str_id+"  consts" ,  false,    &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, "nconsts");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "RCjet"+str_id+"_nbconsts",    1, -0.5,5.5, ";Number of RC jet"+str_id+" b-tagged consts" ,  false,    &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, "nbconsts");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "RCjet"+str_id+"_isRCTTMass", 1, -.5, 1.5, ";Mass Tag"          ,  false,    &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, "isRCTTMass");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH2( "RCjet"+str_id+"_pt", "RCjet"+str_id+"_m", 50, 0, 1200, 10, 0, 500
+					 , "RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; RC jet"+str_id+" mass [GeV]", "RC jet"+str_id+" mass [GeV]"
+					 , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, iRCJet, false, "Pt", "M" );
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH2( "RCjet"+str_id+"_pt", "RCjet"+str_id+"_nconsts", 50, 0, 1200, 1, -0.5, 5.5
+					 , "RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; Number of RC jet"+str_id+" consts", "Number of RC jet"+str_id+" consts"
+					 , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, iRCJet, false, "Pt", "nconsts" );
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH2( "RCjet"+str_id+"_pt", "RCjet"+str_id+"_nbconsts", 50, 0, 1200, 1, -0.5, 5.5
+					 , "RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; Number of RC jet"+str_id+" b-tagged consts", "Number of RC jet"+str_id+" b-tagged consts"
+					 , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, iRCJet, false, "Pt", "nbconsts" );
       // For truth-match studies
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "RCjet"+str_id + "_pT_truth", 50.,0.,3000., ";RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T}^{truth}"
-           , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, "pT_truth");
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "RCjet"+str_id + "_fpT_truth", 0.1,0.,2., ";RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T}^{reco} / p_{T}^{truth}"
-           , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, "fpT_reco");
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "RCjet"+str_id + "_dR_truth", 0.1,0.,6., ";RC jet"+str_id+" #DeltaR^{truth}"
-           , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, "dR_truth");
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "RCjet"+str_id + "_nmatch_truth", 1.,0.,3., ";RC jet"+str_id+" N_{match}^{truth}"
-           , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, "nmatch_truth");
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "RCjet"+str_id + "_pdgId_truth", 1.,0.,30., ";RC jet"+str_id+" PDGID^{truth}"
-           , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, "pdgId_truth");
-  // m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH2( "RCjet"+str_id+"_pt", "RCjet"+str_id+"_pdgId_truth", 50, 0, 1000, 1, 0., 26.
-  //          , "RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; RC jet"+str_id+" PDGID^{truth}", "RC jet"+str_id+" PDGID^{truth}"
-  //          , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, iRCJet, false, "Pt", "pdgId_truth" );
-  // m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH2( "RCjet"+str_id+"_m", "RCjet"+str_id+"_pdgId_truth", 10, 0, 500, 1, 0., 26.
-  //          , "RC jet"+str_id+" mass [GeV]; RC jet"+str_id+" mass [GeV]; RC jet"+str_id+" PDGID^{truth}", "RC jet"+str_id+" PDGID^{truth}"
-  //          , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, iRCJet, false, "M", "pdgId_truth" );
-  // m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH2( "RCjet"+str_id+"_nconsts", "RCjet"+str_id+"_pdgId_truth", 1, -0.5, 5.5, 1, 0., 26.
-  //          , "Number of RC jet"+str_id+" consts; Number of RC jet"+str_id+" consts; RC jet"+str_id+" PDGID^{truth}", "RC jet"+str_id+" PDGID^{truth}"
-  //          , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, iRCJet, false, "nconsts", "pdgId_truth" );
-  // m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH2( "RCjet"+str_id+"_nbconsts", "RCjet"+str_id+"_pdgId_truth", 1, -0.5, 5.5, 1, 0., 26.
-  //          , "Number of RC jet"+str_id+" b-tagged consts; Number of RC jet"+str_id+" b-tagged consts; RC jet"+str_id+" PDGID^{truth}", "RC jet"+str_id+" PDGID^{truth}"
-  //          , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, iRCJet, false, "nbconsts", "pdgId_truth" );
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "RCjet"+str_id + "_pT_truth", 50.,0.,3000., ";RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T}^{truth}"
+					 , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, "pT_truth");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "RCjet"+str_id + "_fpT_truth", 0.1,0.,2., ";RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T}^{reco} / p_{T}^{truth}"
+					 , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, "fpT_reco");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "RCjet"+str_id + "_dR_truth", 0.1,0.,6., ";RC jet"+str_id+" #DeltaR^{truth}"
+					 , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, "dR_truth");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "RCjet"+str_id + "_nmatch_truth", 1.,0.,3., ";RC jet"+str_id+" N_{match}^{truth}"
+					 , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, "nmatch_truth");
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "RCjet"+str_id + "_pdgId_truth", 1.,0.,30., ";RC jet"+str_id+" PDGID^{truth}"
+					 , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, "pdgId_truth");
+	// m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH2( "RCjet"+str_id+"_pt", "RCjet"+str_id+"_pdgId_truth", 50, 0, 1000, 1, 0., 26.
+	//          , "RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; RC jet"+str_id+" PDGID^{truth}", "RC jet"+str_id+" PDGID^{truth}"
+	//          , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, iRCJet, false, "Pt", "pdgId_truth" );
+	// m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH2( "RCjet"+str_id+"_m", "RCjet"+str_id+"_pdgId_truth", 10, 0, 500, 1, 0., 26.
+	//          , "RC jet"+str_id+" mass [GeV]; RC jet"+str_id+" mass [GeV]; RC jet"+str_id+" PDGID^{truth}", "RC jet"+str_id+" PDGID^{truth}"
+	//          , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, iRCJet, false, "M", "pdgId_truth" );
+	// m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH2( "RCjet"+str_id+"_nconsts", "RCjet"+str_id+"_pdgId_truth", 1, -0.5, 5.5, 1, 0., 26.
+	//          , "Number of RC jet"+str_id+" consts; Number of RC jet"+str_id+" consts; RC jet"+str_id+" PDGID^{truth}", "RC jet"+str_id+" PDGID^{truth}"
+	//          , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, iRCJet, false, "nconsts", "pdgId_truth" );
+	// m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH2( "RCjet"+str_id+"_nbconsts", "RCjet"+str_id+"_pdgId_truth", 1, -0.5, 5.5, 1, 0., 26.
+	//          , "Number of RC jet"+str_id+" b-tagged consts; Number of RC jet"+str_id+" b-tagged consts; RC jet"+str_id+" PDGID^{truth}", "RC jet"+str_id+" PDGID^{truth}"
+	//          , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), &(m_outData -> o_rcjets), iRCJet, iRCJet, false, "nbconsts", "pdgId_truth" );
     for ( const std::string type : m_truthRCTypes ){
       std::string tagstring = "";
@@ -874,19 +875,25 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::Begin(){
         if(iRCJet==-1) str_id = "s";    
         m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH2( type+"_RCjet"+str_id+"_pt", type+"_RCjet"+str_id+"_m", 50, 0, 1200, 10, 0, 500
-           , "truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" mass [GeV]", "truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" mass [GeV]"
-           , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at(type)), &(m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at(type)), iRCJet, iRCJet, false, "Pt", "M" );
+					 , "truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" mass [GeV]", 
+					 "truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" mass [GeV]"
+					 , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at(type)), &(m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at(type)), iRCJet, iRCJet, false, "Pt", "M" );
         m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH2( type+"_RCjet"+str_id+"_pt", type+"_RCjet"+str_id+"_nconsts", 50, 0, 1200, 1, -0.5, 5.5
-           , "truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; Number of truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" consts", "Number of truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" consts"
-           , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at(type)), &(m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at(type)), iRCJet, iRCJet, false, "Pt", "nconsts" );
+					 , "truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; Number of truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" consts"
+					 , "Number of truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" consts"
+					 , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at(type)), &(m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at(type)), iRCJet, iRCJet, false, "Pt", "nconsts" );
         m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH2( type+"_RCjet"+str_id+"_pt", type+"_RCjet"+str_id+"_nbconsts", 50, 0, 1200, 1, -0.5, 5.5
-           , "truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; Number of truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" b-tagged consts", "Number of truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" b-tagged consts"
-           , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at(type)), &(m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at(type)), iRCJet, iRCJet, false, "Pt", "nbconsts" );
-        m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type+"_RCjet"+str_id+"_pt", 50, 0, 1200, ";truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]", false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at(type)), iRCJet, "Pt");
+					 , "truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; Number of truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id
+					 +" b-tagged consts", "Number of truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" b-tagged consts"
+					 , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at(type)), &(m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at(type)), iRCJet, iRCJet, false, "Pt", "nbconsts" );
+        m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type+"_RCjet"+str_id+"_pt", 50, 0, 1200, ";truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]", false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at(type))
+					 , iRCJet, "Pt");
         m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type+"_RCjet"+str_id+"_m", 10, 0, 500, ";truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" mass [GeV]", false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at(type)), iRCJet, "M");
-        m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type+"_RCjet"+str_id+"_nconsts", 1, -0.5, 5.5, ";Number of truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" consts", false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at(type)), iRCJet, "nconsts");
-        m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type+"_RCjet"+str_id+"_nbconsts", 1, -0.5, 5.5, ";Number of truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" b-tagged consts", false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at(type)), iRCJet, "nbconsts");
+        m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type+"_RCjet"+str_id+"_nconsts", 1, -0.5, 5.5, ";Number of truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" consts", false
+					 , &(m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at(type)), iRCJet, "nconsts");
+        m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type+"_RCjet"+str_id+"_nbconsts", 1, -0.5, 5.5, ";Number of truth "+tagstring+" RC jet"+str_id+" b-tagged consts"
+					 , false, &(m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at(type)), iRCJet, "nbconsts");
       m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type+"_RCjets_n", 1, -0.5, 4.5, ";Number of truth "+tagstring+" RC jets"
@@ -900,41 +907,41 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::Begin(){
         str_id += std::to_string(iTT);
         if(iTT==-1) str_id = "s";
         const bool DrawSyst = (iTT == 0) && otherVariables;
-  if(DrawReco){
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( decayType + "_recoVLQ" + str_id + "_pt", 50, 0, 5000, ";"+decayType+" reco VLQ"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]" ,  
-             DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType)), iTT, "Pt" );
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( decayType + "_recoVLQ" + str_id + "_eta", 0.2, -3, 3, ";"+decayType+" reco VLQ"+str_id+" #eta"        ,  
-             DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType)), iTT, "Eta" );
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( decayType + "_recoVLQ" + str_id + "_m", 25, 0, 5000, ";"+decayType+" reco VLQ"+str_id+" mass [GeV]"    ,  
-             true, &(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType)), iTT, "M" );
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( decayType + "_recoVLQ" + str_id + "_m1", 10, 0, 500, ";"+decayType+" reco VLQ"+str_id+" m_{1} [GeV]"    ,  
-             DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType)), iTT, "m1" );
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( decayType + "_recoVLQ" + str_id + "_m2", 10, 0, 500, ";"+decayType+" reco VLQ"+str_id+" m_{2} [GeV]"    ,  
-             DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType)), iTT, "m2" );
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( decayType + "_recoVLQ" + str_id + "_redm", 25, 0, 4000, ";"+decayType+" reco VLQ"+str_id+" reduced mass [GeV]"    ,  
-             true, &(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType)), iTT, "redM" );
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( decayType + "_recoVLQ" + str_id + "_dR12", 0.1, 0, 6, ";"+decayType+" reco VLQ"+str_id+" #DeltaR(1,2)"    ,  
-             DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType)), iTT, "dR12" );
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( decayType + "_recoVLQ" + str_id + "_dPhi12", 0.1, 0, 4, ";"+decayType+" reco VLQ"+str_id+" #Delta#phi(1,2)"    ,  
-             DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType)), iTT, "dPhi12" );
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( decayType + "_recoVLQ" + str_id + "_dEta12", 0.1, 0, 6, ";"+decayType+" reco VLQ"+str_id+" #Delta#eta(1,2)"    ,  
-             DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType)), iTT, "dEta12" );
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( decayType + "_recoVLQ" + str_id + "_fpT12", 0.1, 0., 10., ";"+decayType+" reco VLQ"+str_id+" fpT(1,2)"    ,  
-             DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType)), iTT, "fpT12" );
-  }
-  if(DrawTruth){
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( decayType + "_recoVLQ"+str_id + "_pT_truth", 50.,0.,3000., "; "+decayType+" reco VLQ"+str_id+" p_{T}^{truth}"
-             , false, &(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType)), iTT, "pT_truth");
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( decayType + "_recoVLQ"+str_id + "_fpT_truth", 0.1,0.,2., "; "+decayType+" reco VLQ"+str_id+" p_{T}^{reco} / p_{T}^{truth}"
-             , false, &(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType)), iTT, "fpT_reco");
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( decayType + "_recoVLQ"+str_id + "_dR_truth", 0.1,0.,6., "; "+decayType+" reco VLQ"+str_id+" #DeltaR^{truth}"
-             , false, &(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType)), iTT, "dR_truth");
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( decayType + "_recoVLQ"+str_id + "_nmatch_truth", 1.,0.,3., "; "+decayType+" reco VLQ"+str_id+" N_{match}^{truth}"
-             , false, &(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType)), iTT, "nmatch_truth");
-  }
+	if(DrawReco){
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( decayType + "_recoVLQ" + str_id + "_pt", 50, 0, 5000, ";"+decayType+" reco VLQ"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]" ,  
+					   DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType)), iTT, "Pt" );
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( decayType + "_recoVLQ" + str_id + "_eta", 0.2, -3, 3, ";"+decayType+" reco VLQ"+str_id+" #eta"        ,  
+					   DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType)), iTT, "Eta" );
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( decayType + "_recoVLQ" + str_id + "_m", 25, 0, 5000, ";"+decayType+" reco VLQ"+str_id+" mass [GeV]"    ,  
+					   true, &(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType)), iTT, "M" );
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( decayType + "_recoVLQ" + str_id + "_m1", 10, 0, 500, ";"+decayType+" reco VLQ"+str_id+" m_{1} [GeV]"    ,  
+					   DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType)), iTT, "m1" );
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( decayType + "_recoVLQ" + str_id + "_m2", 10, 0, 500, ";"+decayType+" reco VLQ"+str_id+" m_{2} [GeV]"    ,  
+					   DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType)), iTT, "m2" );
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( decayType + "_recoVLQ" + str_id + "_redm", 25, 0, 4000, ";"+decayType+" reco VLQ"+str_id+" reduced mass [GeV]"    ,  
+					   true, &(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType)), iTT, "redM" );
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( decayType + "_recoVLQ" + str_id + "_dR12", 0.1, 0, 6, ";"+decayType+" reco VLQ"+str_id+" #DeltaR(1,2)"    ,  
+					   DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType)), iTT, "dR12" );
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( decayType + "_recoVLQ" + str_id + "_dPhi12", 0.1, 0, 4, ";"+decayType+" reco VLQ"+str_id+" #Delta#phi(1,2)"    ,  
+					   DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType)), iTT, "dPhi12" );
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( decayType + "_recoVLQ" + str_id + "_dEta12", 0.1, 0, 6, ";"+decayType+" reco VLQ"+str_id+" #Delta#eta(1,2)"    ,  
+					   DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType)), iTT, "dEta12" );
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( decayType + "_recoVLQ" + str_id + "_fpT12", 0.1, 0., 10., ";"+decayType+" reco VLQ"+str_id+" fpT(1,2)"    ,  
+					   DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType)), iTT, "fpT12" );
+	}
+	if(DrawTruth){
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( decayType + "_recoVLQ"+str_id + "_pT_truth", 50.,0.,3000., "; "+decayType+" reco VLQ"+str_id+" p_{T}^{truth}"
+					   , false, &(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType)), iTT, "pT_truth");
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( decayType + "_recoVLQ"+str_id + "_fpT_truth", 0.1,0.,2., "; "+decayType+" reco VLQ"+str_id+" p_{T}^{reco} / p_{T}^{truth}"
+					   , false, &(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType)), iTT, "fpT_reco");
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( decayType + "_recoVLQ"+str_id + "_dR_truth", 0.1,0.,6., "; "+decayType+" reco VLQ"+str_id+" #DeltaR^{truth}"
+					   , false, &(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType)), iTT, "dR_truth");
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( decayType + "_recoVLQ"+str_id + "_nmatch_truth", 1.,0.,3., "; "+decayType+" reco VLQ"+str_id+" N_{match}^{truth}"
+					   , false, &(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType)), iTT, "nmatch_truth");
+	}
       }//index loop
     }//decay types
@@ -1005,70 +1012,73 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::Begin(){
       else if(type=="RCMV1bin"){ tagstring = "W/Z-tagged (#geq1b)"; }
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jets_n", 1, -0.5, 5.5, ";Number of "+tagstring+" jets",  otherVariables, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets_n.at(type)) );
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_leptop_dRmin",0.1, 0, 6.,";#DeltaR_{min}(Leptonic top, RC-tagged jet)", 
-           false, &(m_outData -> o_leptop), -1, "dRmin_"+type, hopt_nouflow);
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_leptop_b_dRmin",0.1, 0, 6.,";#DeltaR_{min}(Leptonic top-b, RC-tagged jet)", 
-           false, &(m_outData -> o_leptop), -1, "dRmin_b_"+type, hopt_nouflow);
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jets_n", 1, -0.5, 5.5, ";Number of "+tagstring+" jets",  otherVariables, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets_n.at(type)) );
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_leptop_dRmin",0.1, 0, 6.,";#DeltaR_{min}(Leptonic top, RC-tagged jet)", 
+					 false, &(m_outData -> o_leptop), -1, "dRmin_"+type, hopt_nouflow);
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_leptop_b_dRmin",0.1, 0, 6.,";#DeltaR_{min}(Leptonic top-b, RC-tagged jet)", 
+					 false, &(m_outData -> o_leptop), -1, "dRmin_b_"+type, hopt_nouflow);
       for ( int iTT =-1; iTT <=0; ++iTT ) {
         std::string str_id = "";
         str_id += std::to_string(iTT);
         if(iTT==-1) str_id = "s";
         const bool DrawSyst = (iTT == 0) && otherVariables;
-  if(DrawReco){
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet" + str_id + "_pt", 50, 0, 1000, ";"+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]" ,  
-             DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "Pt" );
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet" + str_id + "_eta", 0.2, -3, 3, ";"+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" #eta"        ,  
-             DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "Eta" );
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet" + str_id + "_m", 10, 0, 500, ";"+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" mass [GeV]"    ,  
-             DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "M" );
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet" +str_id+ "_bconsts_n", 1, -0.5, 5.5, ";"+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" N_{subjets}^{b-tagged}",  
-             DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "nbconsts" );
-    if(type=="RCTTMass" || type=="LooseRCTTMass"){
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet" +str_id+ "_consts_n", 1, -0.5, 5.5, ";"+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" N_{subjets}",  
-               DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "nconsts" );
-    }
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet" + str_id + "_dR_lep", 0.1, 0., 6., "; #DeltaR("+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+", lep)" ,  
-             DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "dR_lep", hopt_nouflow );
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet" + str_id + "_dPhi_lep", 0.1, 0., 3., "; #Delta#Phi("+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+", lep)" ,  
-             DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "dPhi_lep", hopt_nouflow );
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet" + str_id + "_dPhi_met", 0.1, 0., 3., "; #Delta#Phi("+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+", met)" ,  
-             DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "dPhi_met", hopt_nouflow );
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet" + str_id + "_dPhi_leptop", 0.1, 0., 3., "; #Delta#Phi("+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+", leptop)" ,  
-             DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "dPhi_leptop", hopt_nouflow );
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet" + str_id + "_dR_leptop", 0.1, 0., 6., "; #DeltaR("+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+", leptop)" ,  
-             DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "dR_leptop", hopt_nouflow );
-    // 2D variables for boosted object tagging optimization studies
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH2( type + "_jet" + str_id + "_pt", type + "_jet" + str_id + "_m", 50, 0, 1200, 10, 0, 500
-           , tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; "+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; "+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" mass [GeV]", tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" mass [GeV]"
-           , false, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, iTT, false, "Pt", "M" );
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH2( type + "_jet" + str_id + "_pt", type + "_jet" + str_id + "_nconsts", 50, 0, 1200, 1, -0.5, 5.5
-           , tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; "+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; Number of "+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" consts", "Number of "+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" consts"
-           , false, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, iTT, false, "Pt", "nconsts" );
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH2( type + "_jet" + str_id + "_pt", type + "_jet" + str_id + "_nbconsts", 50, 0, 1200, 1, -0.5, 5.5
-           , tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; "+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; Number of "+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" b-tagged consts", "Number of "+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" b-tagged consts"
-           , false, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, iTT, false, "Pt", "nbconsts" );
-  }//DrawReco
-  //
-  // For truth-match studies
-  //
-  if(DrawTruth){
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet"+str_id + "_pT_truth", 50.,0.,3000., "; "+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" p_{T}^{truth}"
-             , false, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "pT_truth");
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet"+str_id + "_fpT_truth", 0.1,0.,2., "; "+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" p_{T}^{reco} / p_{T}^{truth}"
-             , false, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "fpT_truth");
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet"+str_id + "_dR_truth", 0.1,0.,6., "; "+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" #DeltaR^{truth}"
-             , false, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "dR_truth");
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet"+str_id + "_nmatch_truth", 1.,0.,3., "; "+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" N_{match}^{truth}"
-             , false, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "nmatch_truth");
-    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet"+str_id + "_pdgId_truth", 1.,0.,26., "; "+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" PDGID^{truth}"
-             , false, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "pdgId_truth");
-    }
+	if(DrawReco){
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet" + str_id + "_pt", 50, 0, 1000, ";"+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]" ,  
+					   DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "Pt" );
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet" + str_id + "_eta", 0.2, -3, 3, ";"+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" #eta"        ,  
+					   DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "Eta" );
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet" + str_id + "_m", 10, 0, 500, ";"+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" mass [GeV]"    ,  
+					   DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "M" );
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet" +str_id+ "_bconsts_n", 1, -0.5, 5.5, ";"+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" N_{subjets}^{b-tagged}",  
+					   DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "nbconsts" );
+	  if(type=="RCTTMass" || type=="LooseRCTTMass"){
+	    m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet" +str_id+ "_consts_n", 1, -0.5, 5.5, ";"+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" N_{subjets}",  
+					     DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "nconsts" );
+	  }
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet" + str_id + "_dR_lep", 0.1, 0., 6., "; #DeltaR("+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+", lep)" ,  
+					   DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "dR_lep", hopt_nouflow );
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet" + str_id + "_dPhi_lep", 0.1, 0., 3., "; #Delta#Phi("+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+", lep)" ,  
+					   DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "dPhi_lep", hopt_nouflow );
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet" + str_id + "_dPhi_met", 0.1, 0., 3., "; #Delta#Phi("+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+", met)" ,  
+					   DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "dPhi_met", hopt_nouflow );
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet" + str_id + "_dPhi_leptop", 0.1, 0., 3., "; #Delta#Phi("+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+", leptop)" ,  
+					   DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "dPhi_leptop", hopt_nouflow );
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet" + str_id + "_dR_leptop", 0.1, 0., 6., "; #DeltaR("+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+", leptop)" ,  
+					   DrawSyst, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "dR_leptop", hopt_nouflow );
+	  // 2D variables for boosted object tagging optimization studies
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH2( type + "_jet" + str_id + "_pt", type + "_jet" + str_id + "_m", 50, 0, 1200, 10, 0, 500
+					   , tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; "+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; "+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" mass [GeV]", 
+					   tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" mass [GeV]"
+					   , false, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, iTT, false, "Pt", "M" );
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH2( type + "_jet" + str_id + "_pt", type + "_jet" + str_id + "_nconsts", 50, 0, 1200, 1, -0.5, 5.5
+					   , tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; "+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; Number of "+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" consts"
+					   , "Number of "+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" consts"
+					   , false, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, iTT, false, "Pt", "nconsts" );
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH2( type + "_jet" + str_id + "_pt", type + "_jet" + str_id + "_nbconsts", 50, 0, 1200, 1, -0.5, 5.5
+					   , tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; "+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" p_{T} [GeV]; Number of "+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" b-tagged consts"
+					   , "Number of "+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" b-tagged consts"
+					   , false, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, iTT, false, "Pt", "nbconsts" );
+	}//DrawReco
+	//
+	// For truth-match studies
+	//
+	if(DrawTruth){
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet"+str_id + "_pT_truth", 50.,0.,3000., "; "+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" p_{T}^{truth}"
+					   , false, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "pT_truth");
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet"+str_id + "_fpT_truth", 0.1,0.,2., "; "+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" p_{T}^{reco} / p_{T}^{truth}"
+					   , false, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "fpT_truth");
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet"+str_id + "_dR_truth", 0.1,0.,6., "; "+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" #DeltaR^{truth}"
+					   , false, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "dR_truth");
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet"+str_id + "_nmatch_truth", 1.,0.,3., "; "+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" N_{match}^{truth}"
+					   , false, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "nmatch_truth");
+	  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( type + "_jet"+str_id + "_pdgId_truth", 1.,0.,26., "; "+tagstring+" jet"+str_id+" PDGID^{truth}"
+					   , false, &(m_outData -> o_taggedjets.at(type)), iTT, "pdgId_truth");
+	}
       }//index loop
@@ -1083,7 +1093,7 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::Begin(){
     m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH2( "meff", "tageff_TTT",   25, 0, 3000, 0.05, 0., 1.5, "m_{eff} [GeV]", "Tagging efficiency",   false, &(m_outData -> o_meff), &(m_outData -> o_tageff_TTT) );
-    /*
     //Electron variables
     m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "el_n", 1, -0.5, 5.5, ";Number of signal electrons", false, &(m_outData -> o_el_n) );
     for ( int iEl=-1; iEl<=0; ++iEl ) {
@@ -1094,10 +1104,10 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::Begin(){
       m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "el"+str_id+"_pt_zoom",  10, 0, 500,       ";Electron p_{T} [GeV]"        ,  false, &(m_outData -> o_el), iEl, "Pt" );
       m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "el"+str_id+"_eta",  0.2, -3, 3,           ";Electron #eta"               ,  false, &(m_outData -> o_el), iEl, "Eta" );
       m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "el"+str_id+"_phi",  0.2, -4, 4,           ";Electron #phi"               ,  false, &(m_outData -> o_el), iEl, "Phi" );
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "el"+str_id+"_d0sig",  0.1, 0, 5,          ";Electron d_{0}^{sig}"        ,  false, &(m_outData -> o_el), iEl, "d0sig" );
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "el"+str_id+"_z0",  0.025, -0.5, 0.5,      ";Electron z_{0} [mm]"         ,  false, &(m_outData -> o_el), iEl, "z0" );
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "el"+str_id+"_ptvarcone20",  0.01, 0, 0.1, ";Electron ptvarcone20/p_{T}"  ,  false, &(m_outData -> o_el), iEl, "ptvarcone20" );
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "el"+str_id+"_topoetcone20",  0.01, 0, 0.1,";Electron topoetcone20/p_{T}" ,  false, &(m_outData -> o_el), iEl, "topoetcone20" );
+      //m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "el"+str_id+"_d0sig",  0.1, 0, 5,          ";Electron d_{0}^{sig}"        ,  false, &(m_outData -> o_el), iEl, "d0sig" );
+      //m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "el"+str_id+"_z0",  0.025, -0.5, 0.5,      ";Electron z_{0} [mm]"         ,  false, &(m_outData -> o_el), iEl, "z0" );
+      //m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "el"+str_id+"_ptvarcone20",  0.01, 0, 0.1, ";Electron ptvarcone20/p_{T}"  ,  false, &(m_outData -> o_el), iEl, "ptvarcone20" );
+      //m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "el"+str_id+"_topoetcone20",  0.01, 0, 0.1,";Electron topoetcone20/p_{T}" ,  false, &(m_outData -> o_el), iEl, "topoetcone20" );
     //Muon variables
@@ -1110,26 +1120,26 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::Begin(){
       m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "mu"+str_id+"_pt_zoom",  10, 0, 500,       ";Muon p_{T} [GeV]"         , false,  &(m_outData -> o_mu), iMu, "Pt" );
       m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "mu"+str_id+"_eta",  0.2, -3, 3,           ";Muon #eta"                , false,  &(m_outData -> o_mu), iMu, "Eta" );
       m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "mu"+str_id+"_phi",  0.2, -4, 4,           ";Muon #phi"                , false,  &(m_outData -> o_mu), iMu, "Phi" );
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "mu"+str_id+"_d0sig",  0.1, 0, 5,          ";Muon d_{0}^{sig}"         , false,  &(m_outData -> o_mu), iMu, "d0sig" );
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "mu"+str_id+"_z0",  0.025, -0.5, 0.5,      ";Muon z_{0}"               , false,  &(m_outData -> o_mu), iMu, "z0" );
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "mu"+str_id+"_ptvarcone30",  0.01, 0, 0.2, ";Muon ptvarcone30/p_{T}"   ,  false, &(m_outData -> o_mu), iMu, "ptvarcone30" );
-      m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "mu"+str_id+"_topoetcone20",  0.01, 0, 0.2,";Muon topoetcone20/p_{T}"  ,  false, &(m_outData -> o_mu), iMu, "topoetcone20" );
+      //m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "mu"+str_id+"_d0sig",  0.1, 0, 5,          ";Muon d_{0}^{sig}"         , false,  &(m_outData -> o_mu), iMu, "d0sig" );
+      //m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "mu"+str_id+"_z0",  0.025, -0.5, 0.5,      ";Muon z_{0}"               , false,  &(m_outData -> o_mu), iMu, "z0" );
+      //m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "mu"+str_id+"_ptvarcone30",  0.01, 0, 0.2, ";Muon ptvarcone30/p_{T}"   ,  false, &(m_outData -> o_mu), iMu, "ptvarcone30" );
+      //m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "mu"+str_id+"_topoetcone20",  0.01, 0, 0.2,";Muon topoetcone20/p_{T}"  ,  false, &(m_outData -> o_mu), iMu, "topoetcone20" );
-    */
     //Lepton variables
       m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "lep_n", 1, -0.5, 5.5, ";Number of signal leptons", false, &(m_outData -> o_lep_n) );
       for ( int iLep=-1; iLep<=0; ++iLep ) {
-  std::string str_id = "";
-  str_id += std::to_string(iLep);
-  if(iLep==-1) str_id = "s";
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "lep"+str_id+"_pt",  50, 0, 800,            ";Lepton p_{T} [GeV]"     ,  otherVariables,           &(m_outData -> o_lep), iLep, "Pt" );
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "lep"+str_id+"_pt_zoom",  20, 10, 500,       ";Lepton p_{T} [GeV]"     ,  otherVariables,  &(m_outData -> o_lep), iLep, "Pt" );
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "lep"+str_id+"_eta",  0.2, -3, 3,           ";Lepton #eta"            ,  otherVariables,  &(m_outData -> o_lep), iLep, "Eta" );
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "lep"+str_id+"_phi",  0.2, -4, 4,           ";Lepton #phi"            ,  false,           &(m_outData -> o_lep), iLep, "Phi" );
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "lep"+str_id+"_d0sig",  0.1, 0, 5,          ";Lepton d_{0}^{sig}"     ,  false,           &(m_outData -> o_lep), iLep, "d0sig" );
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "lep"+str_id+"_z0",  0.025, -0.5, 0.5,      ";Lepton z_{0} [mm]"      ,  false,           &(m_outData -> o_lep), iLep, "z0" );
+	std::string str_id = "";
+	str_id += std::to_string(iLep);
+	if(iLep==-1) str_id = "s";
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "lep"+str_id+"_pt",  50, 0, 800,            ";Lepton p_{T} [GeV]"     ,  otherVariables,           &(m_outData -> o_lep), iLep, "Pt" );
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "lep"+str_id+"_pt_zoom",  20, 10, 500,       ";Lepton p_{T} [GeV]"     ,  otherVariables,  &(m_outData -> o_lep), iLep, "Pt" );
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "lep"+str_id+"_eta",  0.2, -3, 3,           ";Lepton #eta"            ,  otherVariables,  &(m_outData -> o_lep), iLep, "Eta" );
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "lep"+str_id+"_phi",  0.2, -4, 4,           ";Lepton #phi"            ,  false,           &(m_outData -> o_lep), iLep, "Phi" );
+	//m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "lep"+str_id+"_d0sig",  0.1, 0, 5,          ";Lepton d_{0}^{sig}"     ,  false,           &(m_outData -> o_lep), iLep, "d0sig" );
+	//m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "lep"+str_id+"_z0",  0.025, -0.5, 0.5,      ";Lepton z_{0} [mm]"      ,  false,           &(m_outData -> o_lep), iLep, "z0" );
       //Kinematic variables
@@ -1166,17 +1176,17 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::Begin(){
       m_outMngrHist->AddStandardTH1("dRaverage_jetjet",         0.25,0,5   ,";#DeltaR_{ave.}(jet,jet)", false, &(m_outData -> o_dRaverage_jetjet)  );
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "mtbmin_lowb_3b",      50, 0, 500,    ";m_{T}^{min}(b,MET) (LowB_3b)", false, &(m_outData->o_mTbmin_lowb_3b) );
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "mtbmin_lowb_3b_zoom", 25, 0, 250,    ";m_{T}^{min}(b,MET) (LowB_3b)", otherVariables, &(m_outData->o_mTbmin_lowb_3b) );
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "mbb_mindR_lowb_3b",  10,0,300,  ";m_{bb}^{#DeltaR min} (LowB_3b) [GeV]", otherVariables, &(m_outData -> o_mbb_mindR_lowb_3b) );
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "dR_bjetbjet_lowb_3b", 0.25,0,5,  ";#DeltaR_{min}(b-jet,b-jet) (LowB_3b)", false, &(m_outData -> o_dRmin_bjetbjet_lowb_3b) );
-  //---
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "mtbmin_lowb_4b",      50, 0, 500,    ";m_{T}^{min}(b,MET) (LowB_4b)", false, &(m_outData->o_mTbmin_lowb_4b) );
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "mtbmin_lowb_4b_zoom", 25, 0, 250,    ";m_{T}^{min}(b,MET) (LowB_4b)", otherVariables, &(m_outData->o_mTbmin_lowb_4b) );
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "mbb_mindR_lowb_4b",  10,0,300,  ";m_{bb}^{#DeltaR min} (LowB_4b) [GeV]", otherVariables, &(m_outData -> o_mbb_mindR_lowb_4b) );
-  m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "dR_bjetbjet_lowb_4b", 0.25,0,5,  ";#DeltaR_{min}(b-jet,b-jet) (LowB_4b)", false, &(m_outData -> o_dRmin_bjetbjet_lowb_4b) );
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "mtbmin_lowb_3b",      50, 0, 500,    ";m_{T}^{min}(b,MET) (LowB_3b)", false, &(m_outData->o_mTbmin_lowb_3b) );
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "mtbmin_lowb_3b_zoom", 25, 0, 250,    ";m_{T}^{min}(b,MET) (LowB_3b)", otherVariables, &(m_outData->o_mTbmin_lowb_3b) );
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "mbb_mindR_lowb_3b",  10,0,300,  ";m_{bb}^{#DeltaR min} (LowB_3b) [GeV]", otherVariables, &(m_outData -> o_mbb_mindR_lowb_3b) );
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "dR_bjetbjet_lowb_3b", 0.25,0,5,  ";#DeltaR_{min}(b-jet,b-jet) (LowB_3b)", false, &(m_outData -> o_dRmin_bjetbjet_lowb_3b) );
+	//---
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "mtbmin_lowb_4b",      50, 0, 500,    ";m_{T}^{min}(b,MET) (LowB_4b)", false, &(m_outData->o_mTbmin_lowb_4b) );
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "mtbmin_lowb_4b_zoom", 25, 0, 250,    ";m_{T}^{min}(b,MET) (LowB_4b)", otherVariables, &(m_outData->o_mTbmin_lowb_4b) );
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "mbb_mindR_lowb_4b",  10,0,300,  ";m_{bb}^{#DeltaR min} (LowB_4b) [GeV]", otherVariables, &(m_outData -> o_mbb_mindR_lowb_4b) );
+	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "dR_bjetbjet_lowb_4b", 0.25,0,5,  ";#DeltaR_{min}(b-jet,b-jet) (LowB_4b)", false, &(m_outData -> o_dRmin_bjetbjet_lowb_4b) );
     //Truth variables
@@ -1184,28 +1194,28 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::Begin(){
       std::vector<std::string> truthTypes = {};
       if(m_opt -> SampleName() == SampleName::VLQ ){
-  truthTypes = {    
-    "VLQ", "VLQ_Ht", "VLQ_Zt", "VLQ_Wb",
-    "VLQ_Hbdect", "VLQ_Wlepb", "VLQ_Whadb", "VLQ_Zhadt",
-    "b1", "b2",
-    "H", "Hbb", "H_b1", "H_b2",
-    "hadtop", "hadtop_b", "hadtop_W", "hadtop_q1", "hadtop_q2",
-    "leptop", "leptop_b", "leptop_W", "leptop_lep", "leptop_nu",
-    "hadZ", "hadZ_q1", "hadZ_q2",
-    "lepZ", "lepZ_lep1", "lepZ_lep2",
-    "invZ",
-    "hadW", "hadW_q1", "hadW_q2",
-    "lepW", "lepW_lep", "lepW_nu"
-  };
+	truthTypes = {    
+	  "VLQ", "VLQ_Ht", "VLQ_Zt", "VLQ_Wb",
+	  "VLQ_Hbdect", "VLQ_Wlepb", "VLQ_Whadb", "VLQ_Zhadt",
+	  "b1", "b2",
+	  "H", "Hbb", "H_b1", "H_b2",
+	  "hadtop", "hadtop_b", "hadtop_W", "hadtop_q1", "hadtop_q2",
+	  "leptop", "leptop_b", "leptop_W", "leptop_lep", "leptop_nu",
+	  "hadZ", "hadZ_q1", "hadZ_q2",
+	  "lepZ", "lepZ_lep1", "lepZ_lep2",
+	  "invZ",
+	  "hadW", "hadW_q1", "hadW_q2",
+	  "lepW", "lepW_lep", "lepW_nu"
+	};
       else if( m_outData -> o_is_ttbar ){
-  truthTypes = {    
-    "hadtop", "hadtop_b", "hadtop_W", "hadtop_q1", "hadtop_q2",
-    "leptop", "leptop_b", "leptop_W", "leptop_lep", "leptop_nu"
-  };
+	truthTypes = {    
+	  "hadtop", "hadtop_b", "hadtop_W", "hadtop_q1", "hadtop_q2",
+	  "leptop", "leptop_b", "leptop_W", "leptop_lep", "leptop_nu"
+	};
       for ( const std::string type : truthTypes ){
 	m_outMngrHist -> AddStandardTH1( "truth_"+type + "_n", 1, -0.5, 5.5, ";Number of truth "+type,  false, &(m_outData -> o_truth_partons_n.at(type)) );
@@ -1569,15 +1579,15 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::Process(Long64_t entry)
     if( m_opt -> FilterType() == VLQ_Options::APPLYFILTER ){
       if( m_opt -> StrSampleID().find("410470.") != std::string::npos ){
-  if( ht_truth > 600 ) return false;
+	if( ht_truth > 600 ) return false;
       } else if( m_opt -> StrSampleID().find("407344.") != std::string::npos ){
-  if( ht_truth < 600 || ht_truth > 1000 ) return false;
+	if( ht_truth < 600 || ht_truth > 1000 ) return false;
       } else if( m_opt -> StrSampleID().find("407343.") != std::string::npos  ){
-  if( ht_truth < 1000 || ht_truth > 1500 ) return false;
+	if( ht_truth < 1000 || ht_truth > 1500 ) return false;
       } else if( m_opt -> StrSampleID().find("407342.") != std::string::npos ){
-  if( ht_truth < 1500 ) return false;
+	if( ht_truth < 1500 ) return false;
@@ -1670,9 +1680,30 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::Process(Long64_t entry)
     m_outData -> o_selLep = lepton;
-  } else if ( (m_outData -> o_mu_n + m_outData -> o_el_n) == 0 ) {
+  }//1-lepton 
+  else if ( (m_outData -> o_mu_n + m_outData -> o_el_n) == 0 ) {
     m_outData-> o_channel_type = VLQ_Enums::FULLHAD;
-  } else {
+  }//0-lepton 
+  else if ( (m_outData -> o_mu_n + m_outData -> o_el_n) == 2 ) {
+    if( m_outData -> o_el_n == 2){
+      m_outData-> o_channel_type = VLQ_Enums::ELEL;
+      lepton = m_outData -> o_el -> at(0);
+    }//ee
+    else if( m_outData -> o_mu_n == 2){
+      m_outData-> o_channel_type = VLQ_Enums::MUMU;
+      lepton = m_outData -> o_mu -> at(0);
+    }//mumu
+    else {
+      m_outData-> o_channel_type = VLQ_Enums::ELMU;
+      if(m_outData -> o_mu -> at(0)->Pt() > m_outData -> o_el -> at(0)->Pt()){
+	lepton = m_outData -> o_mu -> at(0);
+      }
+      else{
+	lepton = m_outData -> o_el -> at(0);
+      }
+    }//emu
+  }//2-lepton
+  else {
     m_outData -> o_rejectEvent |= 1 << VLQ_Enums::LEPTON_REJECTED;
   if(m_opt -> MsgLevel() == Debug::DEBUG) std::cout << "==> After lepton selection" << std::endl;
@@ -1683,15 +1714,23 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::Process(Long64_t entry)
   //                                                          #
   bool isTriggerMatched = false;
-  if( m_outData-> o_channel_type == VLQ_Enums::ELECTRON || m_outData-> o_channel_type == VLQ_Enums::MUON ){
+  if( !(m_outData-> o_channel_type == VLQ_Enums::UNDEFINED || m_outData-> o_channel_type == VLQ_Enums::FULLHAD) ){
     bool checkTriggerMatching = true;
     if( !m_opt -> UseLeptonTrigger()) checkTriggerMatching = false;
     if( m_opt -> UseMETTriggerOneLep() && trigMETPass && m_outData -> o_AO_met -> Pt() > 200 ) checkTriggerMatching = false;
     if( checkTriggerMatching ){
+      bool ele_ch = (m_outData-> o_channel_type == VLQ_Enums::ELECTRON) || (m_outData-> o_channel_type == VLQ_Enums::ELEL); 
+      bool mu_ch = (m_outData-> o_channel_type == VLQ_Enums::MUON) || (m_outData-> o_channel_type == VLQ_Enums::MUMU); 
+      if(m_outData-> o_channel_type == VLQ_Enums::ELMU){
+	ele_ch = m_outData -> o_el -> at(0)->Pt() > m_outData -> o_mu -> at(0)->Pt();
+	mu_ch = !ele_ch;
+      }
       for(TriggerInfo* trig : m_outData -> o_trigger_list){
         if( !(trig->Period() & m_outData->o_period) ) continue;
-        if( (trig->Type()==VLQ_Enums::TRIGELEC && m_outData-> o_channel_type==VLQ_Enums::ELECTRON)
-            || (trig->Type()==VLQ_Enums::TRIGMUON && m_outData-> o_channel_type==VLQ_Enums::MUON) ){
+        if( (trig->Type()==VLQ_Enums::TRIGELEC && ele_ch) || (trig->Type()==VLQ_Enums::TRIGMUON && mu_ch) ){
           if( (int)lepton->GetMoment(trig->Name()) ){
             isTriggerMatched = true;
@@ -1709,27 +1748,55 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::Process(Long64_t entry)
   // Refining channel definition                              #
   //                                                          #
   bool isElectronChannel  = false;
   bool isMuonChannel      = false;
+  bool isElElChannel  = false;
+  bool isMuMuChannel      = false;
+  bool isElMuChannel      = false;
   bool isElectronChannelHMET  = false;
   bool isMuonChannelHMET      = false;
+  bool isElElChannelHMET  = false;
+  bool isMuMuChannelHMET      = false;
+  bool isElMuChannelHMET      = false;
     isElectronChannel = ( m_outData-> o_channel_type == VLQ_Enums::ELECTRON ) && trigElecPass && isTriggerMatched;
     isMuonChannel     = ( m_outData-> o_channel_type == VLQ_Enums::MUON )     && trigMuonPass && isTriggerMatched;
+    isElElChannel = ( m_outData-> o_channel_type == VLQ_Enums::ELEL ) && trigElecPass && isTriggerMatched;
+    isMuMuChannel     = ( m_outData-> o_channel_type == VLQ_Enums::MUMU )     && trigMuonPass && isTriggerMatched;
+    isElMuChannel     = ( m_outData-> o_channel_type == VLQ_Enums::ELMU )     && (trigElecPass || trigMuonPass) && isTriggerMatched;
     isElectronChannelHMET = ( m_outData-> o_channel_type == VLQ_Enums::ELECTRON ) && ( trigMETPass && m_outData -> o_AO_met -> Pt() > 200 );
     isMuonChannelHMET     = ( m_outData-> o_channel_type == VLQ_Enums::MUON )     && ( trigMETPass && m_outData -> o_AO_met -> Pt() > 200 );
+    isElElChannelHMET = ( m_outData-> o_channel_type == VLQ_Enums::ELEL ) && ( trigMETPass && m_outData -> o_AO_met -> Pt() > 200 );
+    isMuMuChannelHMET     = ( m_outData-> o_channel_type == VLQ_Enums::MUMU )     && ( trigMETPass && m_outData -> o_AO_met -> Pt() > 200 );
+    isElMuChannelHMET     = ( m_outData-> o_channel_type == VLQ_Enums::ELMU )     && ( trigMETPass && m_outData -> o_AO_met -> Pt() > 200 );
   bool is0LeptonChannel   = ( m_outData-> o_channel_type == VLQ_Enums::FULLHAD )  && ( trigMETPass && m_outData -> o_AO_met -> Pt() > 200 );
   if( isElectronChannel || isElectronChannelHMET ){
     m_outData-> o_channel_type = VLQ_Enums::ELECTRON;
-  } else if( isMuonChannel || isMuonChannelHMET ){
+  } 
+  else if( isMuonChannel || isMuonChannelHMET ){
     m_outData-> o_channel_type = VLQ_Enums::MUON;
-  } else if( is0LeptonChannel ){
+  } 
+  else if( isElElChannel || isElElChannelHMET ){
+    m_outData-> o_channel_type = VLQ_Enums::ELEL;
+  } 
+  else if( isMuMuChannel || isMuMuChannelHMET ){
+    m_outData-> o_channel_type = VLQ_Enums::MUMU;
+  } 
+  else if( isElMuChannel || isElMuChannelHMET ){
+    m_outData-> o_channel_type = VLQ_Enums::ELMU;
+  } 
+  else if( is0LeptonChannel ){
     m_outData-> o_channel_type = VLQ_Enums::FULLHAD;
-  } else {
+  } 
+  else {
     m_outData-> o_channel_type = VLQ_Enums::UNDEFINED;
@@ -1875,116 +1942,118 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::Process(Long64_t entry)
       if( m_outData -> o_is_ttbar ){ heavy_list = {"leptop", "hadtop", "hadtop_W"}; }
       for( const std::string & restype : heavy_list ){
-  AOVector* rescol = (m_outData -> o_truth_partons).at(restype);
-  if(!rescol){
-    std::cerr << " WARNING => VLQ_Analysis_Data2015 : could not find parton collection " << restype << std::endl;
-    continue;
-  }
-  for( AnalysisObject* parton : *rescol ){
-    m_truthMngr -> MatchPartonToFatJets(*(m_outData -> o_rcjets), parton, 0.75 /*maxDR*/, true /*rcCollection*/, false /*tagCollection*/, true /*containment*/, 1.0 /*drcontained*/, true /*checkPt*/); 
-    //===== Fill truth matched RC jets map =====
-    for( AnalysisObject* rcjet : *(m_outData -> o_rcjets) ){
-      bool isTop = rcjet->M() > 140;
-      bool isHiggs = rcjet->M() > 105 && rcjet->M() < 140;
-      bool isV = rcjet->M() > 70 && rcjet->M() < 105;
-      if( rcjet -> GetMoment("pdgId_truth") == 6 ){
-        m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthTop") -> push_back(rcjet);
-        if( isTop ){
-          m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthTop_inMassWindow") -> push_back(rcjet);
-        }
-      }
-      if( rcjet -> GetMoment("pdgId_truth") == 23 ){
-        m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthZ") -> push_back(rcjet);
-        if( isV ){
-          m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthZ_inMassWindow") -> push_back(rcjet);
-        }
-      }
-      if( rcjet -> GetMoment("pdgId_truth") == 24 ){
-        m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthW") -> push_back(rcjet);
-        if( isV ){
-          m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthW_inMassWindow") -> push_back(rcjet);
-        }
-      }
-      if( rcjet -> GetMoment("pdgId_truth") == 25 ){
-        m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthHiggs") -> push_back(rcjet);
-        if( isHiggs ){
-          m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthHiggs_inMassWindow") -> push_back(rcjet);
-        }
-      }
-      if( rcjet -> GetMoment("pdgId_truth") == 0 ){
-        m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthOther") -> push_back(rcjet);
-      }
-    }
-    m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched_n.at("truthTop")   = m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthTop")   -> size();
-    m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched_n.at("truthZ")     = m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthZ")     -> size();
-    m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched_n.at("truthW")     = m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthW")     -> size();
-    m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched_n.at("truthHiggs") = m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthHiggs") -> size();
-    m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched_n.at("truthOther") = m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthOther") -> size();
-    m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched_n.at("truthTop_inMassWindow")   = m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthTop_inMassWindow")   -> size();
-    m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched_n.at("truthZ_inMassWindow")     = m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthZ_inMassWindow")     -> size();
-    m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched_n.at("truthW_inMassWindow")     = m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthW_inMassWindow")     -> size();
-    m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched_n.at("truthHiggs_inMassWindow") = m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthHiggs_inMassWindow") -> size();
-  }//each parton in collection
+	AOVector* rescol = (m_outData -> o_truth_partons).at(restype);
+	if(!rescol){
+	  std::cerr << " WARNING => VLQ_Analysis_Data2015 : could not find parton collection " << restype << std::endl;
+	  continue;
+	}
+	for( AnalysisObject* parton : *rescol ){
+	  m_truthMngr -> MatchPartonToFatJets(*(m_outData -> o_rcjets), parton, 0.75 /*maxDR*/, true /*rcCollection*/, false /*tagCollection*/, 
+					      true /*containment*/, 1.0 /*drcontained*/, true /*checkPt*/); 
+	  //===== Fill truth matched RC jets map =====
+	  for( AnalysisObject* rcjet : *(m_outData -> o_rcjets) ){
+	    bool isTop = rcjet->M() > 140;
+	    bool isHiggs = rcjet->M() > 105 && rcjet->M() < 140;
+	    bool isV = rcjet->M() > 70 && rcjet->M() < 105;
+	    if( rcjet -> GetMoment("pdgId_truth") == 6 ){
+	      m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthTop") -> push_back(rcjet);
+	      if( isTop ){
+		m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthTop_inMassWindow") -> push_back(rcjet);
+	      }
+	    }
+	    if( rcjet -> GetMoment("pdgId_truth") == 23 ){
+	      m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthZ") -> push_back(rcjet);
+	      if( isV ){
+		m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthZ_inMassWindow") -> push_back(rcjet);
+	      }
+	    }
+	    if( rcjet -> GetMoment("pdgId_truth") == 24 ){
+	      m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthW") -> push_back(rcjet);
+	      if( isV ){
+		m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthW_inMassWindow") -> push_back(rcjet);
+	      }
+	    }
+	    if( rcjet -> GetMoment("pdgId_truth") == 25 ){
+	      m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthHiggs") -> push_back(rcjet);
+	      if( isHiggs ){
+		m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthHiggs_inMassWindow") -> push_back(rcjet);
+	      }
+	    }
+	    if( rcjet -> GetMoment("pdgId_truth") == 0 ){
+	      m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthOther") -> push_back(rcjet);
+	    }
+	  }
+	  m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched_n.at("truthTop")   = m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthTop")   -> size();
+	  m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched_n.at("truthZ")     = m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthZ")     -> size();
+	  m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched_n.at("truthW")     = m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthW")     -> size();
+	  m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched_n.at("truthHiggs") = m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthHiggs") -> size();
+	  m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched_n.at("truthOther") = m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthOther") -> size();
+	  m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched_n.at("truthTop_inMassWindow")   = m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthTop_inMassWindow")   -> size();
+	  m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched_n.at("truthZ_inMassWindow")     = m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthZ_inMassWindow")     -> size();
+	  m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched_n.at("truthW_inMassWindow")     = m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthW_inMassWindow")     -> size();
+	  m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched_n.at("truthHiggs_inMassWindow") = m_outData -> o_rcjets_truthmatched.at("truthHiggs_inMassWindow") -> size();
+	}//each parton in collection
       }//each collection of heavy resonance
       if( m_opt -> SampleName() == SampleName::VLQ ){
-  for ( const std::string decayType : {"Ht", "Zt", "Wb"} ){
-    AOVector& recoVLQCollection = *(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType));
-    for( AnalysisObject* partonVLQ : *(m_outData -> o_truth_partons.at("VLQ_"+decayType)) ){
-      m_truthMngr -> MatchPartonToFatJets( recoVLQCollection, partonVLQ, 1. /*maxDR*/, false /*rcCollection*/, false /*tagCollection*/, false /*containment*/, 1.0 /*drcontained*/, true /*checkPt*/ );
-    }
-  }
+	for ( const std::string decayType : {"Ht", "Zt", "Wb"} ){
+	  AOVector& recoVLQCollection = *(m_outData -> o_recoVLQ.at(decayType));
+	  for( AnalysisObject* partonVLQ : *(m_outData -> o_truth_partons.at("VLQ_"+decayType)) ){
+	    m_truthMngr -> MatchPartonToFatJets( recoVLQCollection, partonVLQ, 1. /*maxDR*/, false /*rcCollection*/, false /*tagCollection*/, 
+						 false /*containment*/, 1.0 /*drcontained*/, true /*checkPt*/ );
+	  }
+	}
       }// VLQ samples
       // Match leptonic W parton to reconstructed leptonic W
       AOVector truth_lepW = {};
       truth_lepW.insert( truth_lepW.end(), m_outData -> o_truth_partons.at("leptop_W")->begin(), m_outData -> o_truth_partons.at("leptop_W")->end());
       if( m_opt -> SampleName() == SampleName::VLQ ){
-  truth_lepW.insert( truth_lepW.end(), m_outData -> o_truth_partons.at("lepW")->begin(), m_outData -> o_truth_partons.at("lepW")->end());
+	truth_lepW.insert( truth_lepW.end(), m_outData -> o_truth_partons.at("lepW")->begin(), m_outData -> o_truth_partons.at("lepW")->end());
       for( AnalysisObject* obj : truth_lepW ){ obj -> SetMoment("nmatch_reco", 0); }
       if( m_outData -> o_lepW ){
-  double drmatch_truth_lepW = 100.; //Take all lepW
-  AnalysisObject* truth_lepW_match = m_varComputer -> GetClosestAO( m_outData->o_lepW, truth_lepW, drmatch_truth_lepW );
-  if(truth_lepW_match){
-    double dr_truthreco_lepW = truth_lepW_match->DeltaR( *(m_outData->o_lepW) ); 
-    if(dr_truthreco_lepW < 0.75){
-      truth_lepW_match->SetMoment("nmatch_reco",1);
-      m_outData->o_lepW->SetMoment("nmatch_truth",1);
-    }
-    else{
-      truth_lepW_match->SetMoment("nmatch_reco",0);
-      m_outData->o_lepW->SetMoment("nmatch_truth",0);
-    }
-    truth_lepW_match->SetMoment("pT_reco", (m_outData->o_lepW)->Pt());
-    truth_lepW_match->SetMoment("fpT_reco", (m_outData->o_lepW)->Pt()/truth_lepW_match->Pt());
-    truth_lepW_match->SetMoment("m_reco", (m_outData->o_lepW)->M());
-    truth_lepW_match->SetMoment("dR_reco", dr_truthreco_lepW);
-    m_outData->o_lepW->SetMoment("pT_truth", truth_lepW_match->Pt());
-    m_outData->o_lepW->SetMoment("fpT_truth", (m_outData->o_lepW)->Pt()/truth_lepW_match->Pt());
-    m_outData->o_lepW->SetMoment("dR_truth", dr_truthreco_lepW);
-  }
-  else{
-    m_outData->o_lepW->SetMoment("nmatch_truth",0);
-  }
+	double drmatch_truth_lepW = 100.; //Take all lepW
+	AnalysisObject* truth_lepW_match = m_varComputer -> GetClosestAO( m_outData->o_lepW, truth_lepW, drmatch_truth_lepW );
+	if(truth_lepW_match){
+	  double dr_truthreco_lepW = truth_lepW_match->DeltaR( *(m_outData->o_lepW) ); 
+	  if(dr_truthreco_lepW < 0.75){
+	    truth_lepW_match->SetMoment("nmatch_reco",1);
+	    m_outData->o_lepW->SetMoment("nmatch_truth",1);
+	  }
+	  else{
+	    truth_lepW_match->SetMoment("nmatch_reco",0);
+	    m_outData->o_lepW->SetMoment("nmatch_truth",0);
+	  }
+	  truth_lepW_match->SetMoment("pT_reco", (m_outData->o_lepW)->Pt());
+	  truth_lepW_match->SetMoment("fpT_reco", (m_outData->o_lepW)->Pt()/truth_lepW_match->Pt());
+	  truth_lepW_match->SetMoment("m_reco", (m_outData->o_lepW)->M());
+	  truth_lepW_match->SetMoment("dR_reco", dr_truthreco_lepW);
+	  m_outData->o_lepW->SetMoment("pT_truth", truth_lepW_match->Pt());
+	  m_outData->o_lepW->SetMoment("fpT_truth", (m_outData->o_lepW)->Pt()/truth_lepW_match->Pt());
+	  m_outData->o_lepW->SetMoment("dR_truth", dr_truthreco_lepW);
+	}
+	else{
+	  m_outData->o_lepW->SetMoment("nmatch_truth",0);
+	}
       // Match leptonic top parton to reconstructed leptonic top
@@ -1993,37 +2062,37 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::Process(Long64_t entry)
 	obj -> SetMoment("nmatch_reco_leptop", 0);
       if( m_outData -> o_leptop ){
-  double drmatch_truth_leptop = 100.; //Take all leptop
-  AnalysisObject* truth_leptop_match = m_varComputer -> 
-    GetClosestAO( m_outData->o_leptop, *(m_outData -> o_truth_partons.at("leptop")), drmatch_truth_leptop );
-  if(truth_leptop_match){
-    double dr_truthreco_leptop = truth_leptop_match->DeltaR( *(m_outData->o_leptop) ); 
-    if(dr_truthreco_leptop < 0.75){
-      truth_leptop_match->SetMoment("nmatch_reco_leptop",1);
-      m_outData->o_leptop->SetMoment("nmatch_truth",1);
-    }
-    else{
-      truth_leptop_match->SetMoment("nmatch_reco_leptop",0);
-      m_outData->o_leptop->SetMoment("nmatch_truth",0);
-    }
-    //truth_leptop_match->SetMoment("nmatch_reco_leptop",1);
-    truth_leptop_match->SetMoment("pT_reco_leptop", (m_outData->o_leptop)->Pt());
-    truth_leptop_match->SetMoment("fpT_reco_leptop", (m_outData->o_leptop)->Pt()/truth_leptop_match->Pt());
-    truth_leptop_match->SetMoment("m_reco_leptop", (m_outData->o_leptop)->M());
-    truth_leptop_match->SetMoment("dR_reco_leptop", dr_truthreco_leptop);
-    //m_outData->o_leptop->SetMoment("nmatch_truth",1);
-    m_outData->o_leptop->SetMoment("pT_truth", truth_leptop_match->Pt());
-    m_outData->o_leptop->SetMoment("fpT_truth", (m_outData->o_leptop)->Pt()/truth_leptop_match->Pt());
-    m_outData->o_leptop->SetMoment("dR_truth", dr_truthreco_leptop);
-  }
-  else{
-    m_outData->o_leptop->SetMoment("nmatch_truth",0);
-  }
+	double drmatch_truth_leptop = 100.; //Take all leptop
+	AnalysisObject* truth_leptop_match = m_varComputer -> 
+	  GetClosestAO( m_outData->o_leptop, *(m_outData -> o_truth_partons.at("leptop")), drmatch_truth_leptop );
+	if(truth_leptop_match){
+	  double dr_truthreco_leptop = truth_leptop_match->DeltaR( *(m_outData->o_leptop) ); 
+	  if(dr_truthreco_leptop < 0.75){
+	    truth_leptop_match->SetMoment("nmatch_reco_leptop",1);
+	    m_outData->o_leptop->SetMoment("nmatch_truth",1);
+	  }
+	  else{
+	    truth_leptop_match->SetMoment("nmatch_reco_leptop",0);
+	    m_outData->o_leptop->SetMoment("nmatch_truth",0);
+	  }
+	  //truth_leptop_match->SetMoment("nmatch_reco_leptop",1);
+	  truth_leptop_match->SetMoment("pT_reco_leptop", (m_outData->o_leptop)->Pt());
+	  truth_leptop_match->SetMoment("fpT_reco_leptop", (m_outData->o_leptop)->Pt()/truth_leptop_match->Pt());
+	  truth_leptop_match->SetMoment("m_reco_leptop", (m_outData->o_leptop)->M());
+	  truth_leptop_match->SetMoment("dR_reco_leptop", dr_truthreco_leptop);
+	  //m_outData->o_leptop->SetMoment("nmatch_truth",1);
+	  m_outData->o_leptop->SetMoment("pT_truth", truth_leptop_match->Pt());
+	  m_outData->o_leptop->SetMoment("fpT_truth", (m_outData->o_leptop)->Pt()/truth_leptop_match->Pt());
+	  m_outData->o_leptop->SetMoment("dR_truth", dr_truthreco_leptop);
+	}
+	else{
+	  m_outData->o_leptop->SetMoment("nmatch_truth",0);
+	}
       // Match small-R jets to b-quarks
@@ -2034,7 +2103,7 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::Process(Long64_t entry)
     }// if doing truth analysis
-  }
+  }//if MC
   if(m_opt -> MsgLevel() == Debug::DEBUG) std::cout << "==> After truth handling" << std::endl;
@@ -2045,7 +2114,7 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::Process(Long64_t entry)
   if ( !(m_opt -> IsData() || (m_opt -> StrSampleName().find("QCD") != std::string::npos)) ) {
     m_weightMngr -> SetCrossSectionWeight();
-    const bool use_met_trigger = isElectronChannelHMET || isMuonChannelHMET;
+    const bool use_met_trigger = isElectronChannelHMET || isMuonChannelHMET || isElElChannelHMET || isMuMuChannelHMET || isElMuChannelHMET;
     m_weightMngr -> SetLeptonSFWeights( !use_met_trigger );
     if( m_opt ->ReweightKinematics() ){
@@ -2231,11 +2300,11 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::Terminate()
       for( const std::pair<int, Selection*> &sel : *(m_selector->GetSelectionTree()) ){
-  if(sel.second->PassFlagAtBit(VLQ_Selector::PRESEL)){
-    m_outMngrHist -> SaveStandardTH1(nameHist, false, AnalysisUtils::ReplaceString(sel.second->Name(),"-",""));
-  }
+	if(sel.second->PassFlagAtBit(VLQ_Selector::PRESEL)){
+	  m_outMngrHist -> SaveStandardTH1(nameHist, false, AnalysisUtils::ReplaceString(sel.second->Name(),"-",""));
+	}
       m_outMngrHist -> SaveStandardTH1(nameHist);
@@ -2270,9 +2339,9 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::SumAnalysisRegions(const bool newFile){
     void operator()(TH1D* hist, TH1D** target, const std::string& name, double scale = 1.){
       if(*target != NULL){ (*target)->Add(hist, scale); }
-  *target = (TH1D*)(hist->Clone(name.c_str()));
-  (*target)->SetDirectory(0);
-  (*target)->Scale(scale);
+	*target = (TH1D*)(hist->Clone(name.c_str()));
+	(*target)->SetDirectory(0);
+	(*target)->Scale(scale);
@@ -2284,49 +2353,49 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::SumAnalysisRegions(const bool newFile){
   std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > targetPrintList{};
   if( m_opt->DoOneLeptonAna() ){
     if( m_opt->DoFitRegions() ){
       std::vector<std::string> regList_1L_fit = {
-  "c1lep0Tex0Hex6jin2bex",
-  "c1lep0Tex0Hex6jin3bex",
-  "c1lep0Tex0Hex6jin4bin",
-  "c1lep0Tex1Hex6jin2bex",
-  "c1lep0Tex1Hex6jin3bex",
-  "c1lep0Tex1Hex6jin4bin",
-  "c1lep1Tex0Hex6jin2bex",
-  "c1lep1Tex0Hex6jin3bex",
-  "c1lep1Tex0Hex6jin4bin",
-  "c1lep1Tex1Hex6jin2bex",
-  "c1lep1Tex1Hex6jin3bex",
-  "c1lep1Tex1Hex6jin4bin",
-  "c1lep2Tin0_1Hwin6jin2bex",
-  "c1lep2Tin0_1Hwin6jin3bex",
-  "c1lep2Tin0_1Hwin6jin4bin",
-  "c1lep0Tin2Hin6jin2bex",
-  "c1lep0Tin2Hin6jin3bex",
-  "c1lep0Tin2Hin6jin4bin"
+	"c1lep0Tex0Hex6jin2bex",
+	"c1lep0Tex0Hex6jin3bex",
+	"c1lep0Tex0Hex6jin4bin",
+	"c1lep0Tex1Hex6jin2bex",
+	"c1lep0Tex1Hex6jin3bex",
+	"c1lep0Tex1Hex6jin4bin",
+	"c1lep1Tex0Hex6jin2bex",
+	"c1lep1Tex0Hex6jin3bex",
+	"c1lep1Tex0Hex6jin4bin",
+	"c1lep1Tex1Hex6jin2bex",
+	"c1lep1Tex1Hex6jin3bex",
+	"c1lep1Tex1Hex6jin4bin",
+	"c1lep2Tin0_1Hwin6jin2bex",
+	"c1lep2Tin0_1Hwin6jin3bex",
+	"c1lep2Tin0_1Hwin6jin4bin",
+	"c1lep0Tin2Hin6jin2bex",
+	"c1lep0Tin2Hin6jin3bex",
+	"c1lep0Tin2Hin6jin4bin"
       regList.insert(regList.end(), regList_1L_fit.begin(), regList_1L_fit.end());
     if( m_opt->DoValidnRegions() ){
       std::vector<std::string> regList_1L_valid = {
-  "c1lep0Tex0Hex5jex2bex",
-  "c1lep0Tex0Hex5jex3bex",
-  "c1lep0Tex0Hex5jex4bin",
-  "c1lep0Tex1Hex5jex2bex",
-  "c1lep0Tex1Hex5jex3bex",
-  "c1lep0Tex1Hex5jex4bin",
-  "c1lep1Tex0Hex5jex2bex",
-  "c1lep1Tex0Hex5jex3bex",
-  "c1lep1Tex0Hex5jex4bin",
-  "c1lep1Tex1Hex5jex2bex",
-  "c1lep1Tex1Hex5jex3bex",
-  "c1lep2Tin0_1Hwin5jex2bex",
-  "c1lep2Tin0_1Hwin5jex3bex",
-  "c1lep0Tin2Hin5jex2bex",
-  "c1lep0Tin2Hin5jex3bex",
-  "c1lep2THin5jex4bin"
+	"c1lep0Tex0Hex5jex2bex",
+	"c1lep0Tex0Hex5jex3bex",
+	"c1lep0Tex0Hex5jex4bin",
+	"c1lep0Tex1Hex5jex2bex",
+	"c1lep0Tex1Hex5jex3bex",
+	"c1lep0Tex1Hex5jex4bin",
+	"c1lep1Tex0Hex5jex2bex",
+	"c1lep1Tex0Hex5jex3bex",
+	"c1lep1Tex0Hex5jex4bin",
+	"c1lep1Tex1Hex5jex2bex",
+	"c1lep1Tex1Hex5jex3bex",
+	"c1lep2Tin0_1Hwin5jex2bex",
+	"c1lep2Tin0_1Hwin5jex3bex",
+	"c1lep0Tin2Hin5jex2bex",
+	"c1lep0Tin2Hin5jex3bex",
+	"c1lep2THin5jex4bin"
       regList.insert(regList.end(), regList_1L_valid.begin(), regList_1L_valid.end());
@@ -2349,58 +2418,58 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::SumAnalysisRegions(const bool newFile){
     if( m_opt->DoFitRegions() ){
       std::vector<std::string> regList_0L_fit = {
-  "c0lep0Tex0Hex7jin2bexLowMtbmin",
-  "c0lep0Tex0Hex7jin2bexHighMtbmin",
-  "c0lep0Tex1Hex7jin2bexLowMtbmin",
-  "c0lep0Tex1Hex7jin2bexHighMtbmin",
-  "c0lep1Tex0Hex7jin2bexLowMtbmin",
-  "c0lep1Tex0Hex7jin2bexHighMtbmin",
-  "c0lep2THin7jin2bexLowMtbmin",
-  "c0lep2THin7jin2bexHighMtbmin",
-  "c0lep0Tex0Hex7jin3bexLowMtbmin",
-  "c0lep0Tex0Hex7jin3bexHighMtbmin",
-  "c0lep0Tex1Hex7jin3bexLowMtbmin",
-  "c0lep0Tex1Hex7jin3bexHighMtbmin",
-  "c0lep1Tex0Hex7jin3bexLowMtbmin",
-  "c0lep1Tex0Hex7jin3bexHighMtbmin",
-  "c0lep1Tex1Hex7jin3bexLowMtbmin",
-  "c0lep1Tex1Hex7jin3bexHighMtbmin",
-  "c0lep2Tin0_1Hwin7jin3bexLowMtbmin",
-  "c0lep2Tin0_1Hwin7jin3bexHighMtbmin",
-  "c0lep0Tin2Hin7jin3bex",
-  "c0lep0Tex0Hex7jin4binLowMtbmin",
-  "c0lep0Tex0Hex7jin4binHighMtbmin",
-  "c0lep0Tex1Hex7jin4binLowMtbmin",
-  "c0lep0Tex1Hex7jin4binHighMtbmin",
-  "c0lep1Tex0Hex7jin4binLowMtbmin",
-  "c0lep1Tex0Hex7jin4binHighMtbmin",
-  "c0lep2THin7jin4bin"
+	"c0lep0Tex0Hex7jin2bexLowMtbmin",
+	"c0lep0Tex0Hex7jin2bexHighMtbmin",
+	"c0lep0Tex1Hex7jin2bexLowMtbmin",
+	"c0lep0Tex1Hex7jin2bexHighMtbmin",
+	"c0lep1Tex0Hex7jin2bexLowMtbmin",
+	"c0lep1Tex0Hex7jin2bexHighMtbmin",
+	"c0lep2THin7jin2bexLowMtbmin",
+	"c0lep2THin7jin2bexHighMtbmin",
+	"c0lep0Tex0Hex7jin3bexLowMtbmin",
+	"c0lep0Tex0Hex7jin3bexHighMtbmin",
+	"c0lep0Tex1Hex7jin3bexLowMtbmin",
+	"c0lep0Tex1Hex7jin3bexHighMtbmin",
+	"c0lep1Tex0Hex7jin3bexLowMtbmin",
+	"c0lep1Tex0Hex7jin3bexHighMtbmin",
+	"c0lep1Tex1Hex7jin3bexLowMtbmin",
+	"c0lep1Tex1Hex7jin3bexHighMtbmin",
+	"c0lep2Tin0_1Hwin7jin3bexLowMtbmin",
+	"c0lep2Tin0_1Hwin7jin3bexHighMtbmin",
+	"c0lep0Tin2Hin7jin3bex",
+	"c0lep0Tex0Hex7jin4binLowMtbmin",
+	"c0lep0Tex0Hex7jin4binHighMtbmin",
+	"c0lep0Tex1Hex7jin4binLowMtbmin",
+	"c0lep0Tex1Hex7jin4binHighMtbmin",
+	"c0lep1Tex0Hex7jin4binLowMtbmin",
+	"c0lep1Tex0Hex7jin4binHighMtbmin",
+	"c0lep2THin7jin4bin"
       regList.insert(regList.end(), regList_0L_fit.begin(), regList_0L_fit.end());
     if( m_opt->DoValidnRegions() ){
       std::vector<std::string> regList_0L_valid = {
-  "c0lep0Tex0Hex6jex2bexLowMtbmin",
-  "c0lep0Tex0Hex6jex2bexHighMtbmin",
-  "c0lep0Tex1Hex6jex2bexLowMtbmin",
-  "c0lep0Tex1Hex6jex2bexHighMtbmin",
-  "c0lep1Tex0Hex6jex2bexLowMtbmin",
-  "c0lep1Tex0Hex6jex2bexHighMtbmin",
-  "c0lep2THin6jex2bexLowMtbmin",
-  "c0lep2THin6jex2bexHighMtbmin",
-  "c0lep0Tex0Hex6jex3bexLowMtbmin",
-  "c0lep0Tex0Hex6jex3bexHighMtbmin",
-  "c0lep0Tex1Hex6jex3bexLowMtbmin",
-  "c0lep0Tex1Hex6jex3bexHighMtbmin",
-  "c0lep1Tex0Hex6jex3bexLowMtbmin",
-  "c0lep1Tex0Hex6jex3bexHighMtbmin",
-  "c0lep2THin6jex3bex",
-  "c0lep0Tex0Hex6jex4binLowMtbmin",
-  "c0lep0Tex0Hex6jex4binHighMtbmin",
-  "c0lep0Tex1Hex6jex4bin",
-  "c0lep1Tex0Hex6jex4bin",
-  "c0lep2THin6jex4bin"
+	"c0lep0Tex0Hex6jex2bexLowMtbmin",
+	"c0lep0Tex0Hex6jex2bexHighMtbmin",
+	"c0lep0Tex1Hex6jex2bexLowMtbmin",
+	"c0lep0Tex1Hex6jex2bexHighMtbmin",
+	"c0lep1Tex0Hex6jex2bexLowMtbmin",
+	"c0lep1Tex0Hex6jex2bexHighMtbmin",
+	"c0lep2THin6jex2bexLowMtbmin",
+	"c0lep2THin6jex2bexHighMtbmin",
+	"c0lep0Tex0Hex6jex3bexLowMtbmin",
+	"c0lep0Tex0Hex6jex3bexHighMtbmin",
+	"c0lep0Tex1Hex6jex3bexLowMtbmin",
+	"c0lep0Tex1Hex6jex3bexHighMtbmin",
+	"c0lep1Tex0Hex6jex3bexLowMtbmin",
+	"c0lep1Tex0Hex6jex3bexHighMtbmin",
+	"c0lep2THin6jex3bex",
+	"c0lep0Tex0Hex6jex4binLowMtbmin",
+	"c0lep0Tex0Hex6jex4binHighMtbmin",
+	"c0lep0Tex1Hex6jex4bin",
+	"c0lep1Tex0Hex6jex4bin",
+	"c0lep2THin6jex4bin"
       regList.insert(regList.end(), regList_0L_valid.begin(), regList_0L_valid.end());
@@ -2488,14 +2557,14 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::SumAnalysisRegions(const bool newFile){
     if(region.find("0Tex0Hex") != std::string::npos){ boostcat = "0Tex0Hex"; }
     else if( (region.find("1Tex0Hex") != std::string::npos) || (region.find("0Tex1Hex") != std::string::npos) ){ boostcat = "1THex"; }
     else if( (region.find("2THin") != std::string::npos) || (region.find("2Tin0_1Hwin") != std::string::npos) 
-           || (region.find("1Tex1Hex") != std::string::npos) || (region.find("0Tin2Hin") != std::string::npos) ){ boostcat = "2THin"; }
+	     || (region.find("1Tex1Hex") != std::string::npos) || (region.find("0Tin2Hin") != std::string::npos) ){ boostcat = "2THin"; }
-    if( (region.find("1Tex0Hex") != std::string::npos) || (region.find("0Tex1Hex") != std::string::npos)
-       || (region.find("2THin") != std::string::npos) || (region.find("2Tin0_1Hwin") != std::string::npos) 
-           || (region.find("1Tex1Hex") != std::string::npos) || (region.find("0Tin2Hin") != std::string::npos) )
+      if( (region.find("1Tex0Hex") != std::string::npos) || (region.find("0Tex1Hex") != std::string::npos)
+      || (region.find("2THin") != std::string::npos) || (region.find("2Tin0_1Hwin") != std::string::npos) 
+      || (region.find("1Tex1Hex") != std::string::npos) || (region.find("0Tin2Hin") != std::string::npos) )
       { boostcat = "1THin"; }
@@ -2517,50 +2586,50 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::SumAnalysisRegions(const bool newFile){
       //=========================== Preselections ==============================================
       if(region.find("7jin") != std::string::npos){
-  targetPrintList.at("sum0lep7jin2bin").push_back(region);
+	targetPrintList.at("sum0lep7jin2bin").push_back(region);
       if( (region.find("3bex") != std::string::npos) || (region.find("4bin") != std::string::npos) ){
-  targetPrintList.at("sum0lep6jin3bin").push_back(region);
-  if(region.find("7jin") != std::string::npos){
-    targetPrintList.at("sum0lep7jin3bin").push_back(region);
-  }//7jin3bin
+	targetPrintList.at("sum0lep6jin3bin").push_back(region);
+	if(region.find("7jin") != std::string::npos){
+	  targetPrintList.at("sum0lep7jin3bin").push_back(region);
+	}//7jin3bin
       if(region.find("7jin") != std::string::npos){
-  if( !boostcat.empty() && (boostcat.find("0Tex0Hex") == std::string::npos) ){
-    targetPrintList.at("sum0lep1THin7jin2bin").push_back(region);
-  }
+	if( !boostcat.empty() && (boostcat.find("0Tex0Hex") == std::string::npos) ){
+	  targetPrintList.at("sum0lep1THin7jin2bin").push_back(region);
+	}
     }//0L regions
     //===================== 1L REGIONS ========================================
     else if(region.find("1lep") != std::string::npos){
       if(region.find("6jin") != std::string::npos){
-  targetPrintList.at("sum1lep6jin2bin").push_back(region);
+	targetPrintList.at("sum1lep6jin2bin").push_back(region);
       if( (region.find("3bex") != std::string::npos) || (region.find("4bin") != std::string::npos) ){
-  targetPrintList.at("sum1lep5jin3bin").push_back(region);
-  if(region.find("6jin") != std::string::npos){
-    targetPrintList.at("sum1lep6jin3bin").push_back(region);
-    if( !boostcat.empty() && (boostcat.find("0Tex0Hex") == std::string::npos) ){
-      targetPrintList.at("sum1lep1THin6jin3bin").push_back(region);
-    }
-    //targetPrintList.at("sum1lep"+boostcat+"6jin3bin").push_back(region);
-  }//6jin3bin
-  //targetPrintList.at("sum1lep"+boostcat+jetcat+bcat).push_back(region);
+	targetPrintList.at("sum1lep5jin3bin").push_back(region);
+	if(region.find("6jin") != std::string::npos){
+	  targetPrintList.at("sum1lep6jin3bin").push_back(region);
+	  if( !boostcat.empty() && (boostcat.find("0Tex0Hex") == std::string::npos) ){
+	    targetPrintList.at("sum1lep1THin6jin3bin").push_back(region);
+	  }
+	  //targetPrintList.at("sum1lep"+boostcat+"6jin3bin").push_back(region);
+	}//6jin3bin
+	//targetPrintList.at("sum1lep"+boostcat+jetcat+bcat).push_back(region);
     }//1L regions
@@ -2570,7 +2639,7 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::SumAnalysisRegions(const bool newFile){
     for(std::pair<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > targetPair : targetPrintList){
       std::cout << " TARGET REGION : " <<  targetPair.first << " built from :: " <<std::endl;
       for(std::string source_reg : targetPair.second){
-  std::cout<<source_reg<<std::endl;
+	std::cout<<source_reg<<std::endl;
@@ -2622,331 +2691,331 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::SumAnalysisRegions(const bool newFile){
     for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i <= ( ( m_opt -> SampleName() == SampleName::VLQ  && m_opt -> SplitVLQDecays() /* && split*/ ) ? 6 : 0 ) ; ++i) {
       std::string variable = "";
       if( i > 0 ){
-  variable += "vlq";
-  variable += std::to_string(i);
-  variable += "_";
+	variable += "vlq";
+	variable += std::to_string(i);
+	variable += "_";
       variable +=  variable_base;
       for(std::pair<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > targetPair : targetPrintList){
-  if(is_QCD && targetPair.first.find("0lep") != std::string::npos){continue;}
-  if(is_QCD0L && targetPair.first.find("1lep") != std::string::npos){continue;}
+	if(is_QCD && targetPair.first.find("0lep") != std::string::npos){continue;}
+	if(is_QCD0L && targetPair.first.find("1lep") != std::string::npos){continue;}
-  for(const std::string& channel : lepchannels){
+	for(const std::string& channel : lepchannels){
-    if(!channel.empty() && targetPair.first.find("1lep") == std::string::npos){ continue; }   
+	  if(!channel.empty() && targetPair.first.find("1lep") == std::string::npos){ continue; }   
-    //Regular weight systematics
-    for(std::string sys : wgtList){
-      //std::cout<<"============================ TARGET : "<<targetPair.first<<" ========================="<<std::endl;   
-      TH1D* targethist = NULL;
-      double sumint = 0.;
-      for(std::string source_reg : targetPair.second){
-        TH1D* sourcehist = m_outMngrHist->HistMngr()->GetTH1D( (source_reg + channel + "_" + variable + sys).c_str() );
-        AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + sys);
-        sumint += sourcehist->GetEntries();
-      }//source regions
-      outfile->cd();
-      if(targethist){
-        HistManager::FinaliseTH1Bins(targethist);
-        targethist->Write();
-        delete targethist;
-      }
-      //std::cout<<"======================================================================================"<<std::endl;
-    }//systematics + nominal
-    //Region dependent weight systematics, including proxies for normalisation uncertainties 
-    for(std::pair<std::string, std::string> boostcat : boostcat_systs){
-      //============================ V+jets samples ===========================================================================
-      if(is_Vjets){
-        //only XS uncertainty
-        TH1D* targethist_Vjets_XS_up = NULL;
-        TH1D* targethist_Vjets_XS_down = NULL;
-        for(std::string source_reg : targetPair.second){
-    TH1D* sourcehist = m_outMngrHist->HistMngr()->GetTH1D( (source_reg + channel + "_" + variable).c_str() );
-    //If source region is in the  boost category of the systematic, then scale it up and down
-    double sc_up = (source_reg.find(boostcat.second) != std::string::npos) ? 1.3 : 1.;
-    double sc_down = (source_reg.find(boostcat.second) != std::string::npos) ? 0.7 : 1.;
-    AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_Vjets_XS_up, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_Vjets_XS_"+boostcat.first+"_up", sc_up);
-    AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_Vjets_XS_down, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_Vjets_XS_"+boostcat.first+"_down", sc_down);
-        }//source regions
-        if(is_VjetsHF){
-    //only XS uncertainty
-    TH1D* targethist_VjetsHF_XS_up = NULL;
-    TH1D* targethist_VjetsHF_XS_down = NULL;
-    for(std::string source_reg : targetPair.second){
-      TH1D* sourcehist = m_outMngrHist->HistMngr()->GetTH1D( (source_reg + channel + "_" + variable).c_str() );
-      //If source region is in the  boost category of the systematic, then scale it up and down
-      double sc_up = (source_reg.find(boostcat.second) != std::string::npos) ? 1.3 : 1.;
-      double sc_down = (source_reg.find(boostcat.second) != std::string::npos) ? 0.7 : 1.;
-      AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_VjetsHF_XS_up, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_VjetsHF_XS_"+boostcat.first+"_up", sc_up);
-      AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_VjetsHF_XS_down, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_VjetsHF_XS_"+boostcat.first+"_down", sc_down);
-    }//source regions
-    outfile->cd();
-    if(targethist_VjetsHF_XS_up){
-      HistManager::FinaliseTH1Bins(targethist_VjetsHF_XS_up);
-      targethist_VjetsHF_XS_up->Write();
-      delete targethist_VjetsHF_XS_up;
-    }
-    if(targethist_VjetsHF_XS_down){
-      HistManager::FinaliseTH1Bins(targethist_VjetsHF_XS_down);
-      targethist_VjetsHF_XS_down->Write();
-      delete targethist_VjetsHF_XS_down;
-    }
-        }//Vjets+HF sample
-        outfile->cd();
-        if(targethist_Vjets_XS_up){
-    HistManager::FinaliseTH1Bins(targethist_Vjets_XS_up);
-    targethist_Vjets_XS_up->Write();
-    delete targethist_Vjets_XS_up;
-        }
-        if(targethist_Vjets_XS_down){
-    HistManager::FinaliseTH1Bins(targethist_Vjets_XS_down);
-    targethist_Vjets_XS_down->Write();
-    delete targethist_Vjets_XS_down;
-        }
-      }//Vjets sample
-      //================================================= V+jets samples ===========================================================
-      //============================ Diboson samples ===========================================================================
-      if(is_Diboson){
-        //only XS uncertainty
-        TH1D* targethist_Diboson_XS_up = NULL;
-        TH1D* targethist_Diboson_XS_down = NULL;
-        for(std::string source_reg : targetPair.second){
-    TH1D* sourcehist = m_outMngrHist->HistMngr()->GetTH1D( (source_reg + channel + "_" + variable).c_str() );
-    //If source region is in the  boost category of the systematic, then scale it up and down
-    double sc_up = (source_reg.find(boostcat.second) != std::string::npos) ? 1.48 : 1.;
-    double sc_down = (source_reg.find(boostcat.second) != std::string::npos) ? 0.52 : 1.;
-    AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_Diboson_XS_up, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_Dibosons_XS_"+boostcat.first+"_up", sc_up);
-    AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_Diboson_XS_down, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_Dibosons_XS_"+boostcat.first+"_down", sc_down);
-        }//source regions
-        outfile->cd();
-        if(targethist_Diboson_XS_up){
-    HistManager::FinaliseTH1Bins(targethist_Diboson_XS_up);
-    targethist_Diboson_XS_up->Write();
-    delete targethist_Diboson_XS_up;
-        }
-        if(targethist_Diboson_XS_down){
-    HistManager::FinaliseTH1Bins(targethist_Diboson_XS_down);
-    targethist_Diboson_XS_down->Write();
-    delete targethist_Diboson_XS_down;
-        }
+	  //Regular weight systematics
+	  for(std::string sys : wgtList){
-      }//Diboson sample
-      //================================================= Diboson samples ===========================================================
-      //============================ Single top samples ===========================================================================
-      if(is_singletop){
-        std::vector<std::string> mtblist{};
-        if(targetPair.first.find("0lep") != std::string::npos){ 
-    mtblist =  {"","LowMtbmin","HighMtbmin"};
-        } 
-        else{ 
-    mtblist = {""}; 
-        }
-        for(const std::string& mtbcat : mtblist){
-    std::string mtbsuffix = (mtbcat.empty()) ? mtbcat : "_"+mtbcat;
-    double sc_const = (mtbcat == "HighMtbmin") ? 0.25 : 0.20;
-    //XS uncertainty
-    TH1D* targethist_Singletop_XS_up = NULL;
-    TH1D* targethist_Singletop_DRDS_up = NULL;
-    TH1D* targethist_Singletop_XS_down = NULL;
-    //std::cout << std::endl <<" STARTING Target region: " << targetPair.first << " BOOSTCAT : " << boostcat.second << std::endl;
-    for(std::string source_reg : targetPair.second){
-      TH1D* sourcehist = m_outMngrHist->HistMngr()->GetTH1D( (source_reg + channel + "_" + variable).c_str() );
-      bool is_regmatch = ( (source_reg.find(boostcat.second) != std::string::npos) 
-               && ( (mtbcat.empty() && (source_reg.find("Mtbmin") == std::string::npos)) 
-              || (!mtbcat.empty() && (source_reg.find(mtbcat) != std::string::npos)) ) ); 
-      //If source region is in the  boost category of the systematic, then scale it up and down
-      //also add DRDS variation
-      double sc_up = 1.;
-      double sc_down = 1.;
-      if(is_regmatch){
-        sc_up = 1.+sc_const;
-        sc_down = 1.-sc_const;
-        TH1D* sourcehist_DRDS = m_outMngrHist->HistMngr()->GetTH1D( (source_reg + channel + "_" + variable + "_SingletopDRDS").c_str() );
-        if(sourcehist_DRDS){
-          //std::cout<<" DRDS Source region : "<<source_reg<<" --> "<<sourcehist_DRDS->Integral() << std::endl;
-          AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist_DRDS, &targethist_Singletop_DRDS_up
-             , targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_SingletopDRDS_"+boostcat.first+mtbsuffix);
-        }
-      }
-      else{
-        //std::cout<<" Source region : "<<source_reg<<" --> "<<sourcehist->Integral() << std::endl;
-        AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_Singletop_DRDS_up
-           , targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_SingletopDRDS_"+boostcat.first+mtbsuffix);
-      }
-      AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_Singletop_XS_up, 
-               targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_Singletop_XS_"+boostcat.first+mtbsuffix+"_up", sc_up);
-      AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_Singletop_XS_down, 
-               targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_Singletop_XS_"+boostcat.first+mtbsuffix+"_down", sc_down);
-    }//source regions
-    outfile->cd();
-    if(targethist_Singletop_XS_up){
-      HistManager::FinaliseTH1Bins(targethist_Singletop_XS_up);
-      targethist_Singletop_XS_up->Write();
-      delete targethist_Singletop_XS_up;
-    }
-    if(targethist_Singletop_XS_down){
-      HistManager::FinaliseTH1Bins(targethist_Singletop_XS_down);
-      targethist_Singletop_XS_down->Write();
-      delete targethist_Singletop_XS_down;
-    }
-    if(targethist_Singletop_DRDS_up){
-      //std::cout<<" Target region: " << targetPair.first << " --> " << targethist_Singletop_DRDS_up->Integral() << std::endl;
-      HistManager::FinaliseTH1Bins(targethist_Singletop_DRDS_up);
-      targethist_Singletop_DRDS_up->Write();
-      delete targethist_Singletop_DRDS_up;
-    }
-        }//mtbmin categories
-      }//single top samples
-      //================================================= Single top samples ===========================================================
-      //============================ QCD samples ===========================================================================
-      if(is_QCD0L){
-        std::vector<std::string> mtblist =  {"","LowMtbmin","HighMtbmin"};
+	    //std::cout<<"============================ TARGET : "<<targetPair.first<<" ========================="<<std::endl;   
+	    TH1D* targethist = NULL;
+	    double sumint = 0.;
+	    for(std::string source_reg : targetPair.second){
+	      TH1D* sourcehist = m_outMngrHist->HistMngr()->GetTH1D( (source_reg + channel + "_" + variable + sys).c_str() );
+	      AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + sys);
+	      sumint += sourcehist->GetEntries();
+	    }//source regions
+	    outfile->cd();
+	    if(targethist){
+	      HistManager::FinaliseTH1Bins(targethist);
+	      targethist->Write();
+	      delete targethist;
+	    }
+	    //std::cout<<"======================================================================================"<<std::endl;
+	  }//systematics + nominal
-        for(const std::string& mtbcat : mtblist){
+	  //Region dependent weight systematics, including proxies for normalisation uncertainties 
+	  for(std::pair<std::string, std::string> boostcat : boostcat_systs){
-    //XS uncertainty
-    TH1D* targethist_QCD0L_XS_up = NULL;
-    TH1D* targethist_QCD0L_XS_down = NULL;
-    for(std::string source_reg : targetPair.second){
-      TH1D* sourcehist = m_outMngrHist->HistMngr()->GetTH1D( (source_reg + channel + "_" + variable).c_str() );
+	    //============================ V+jets samples ===========================================================================
+	    if(is_Vjets){
-      bool is_regmatch = ( (source_reg.find(boostcat.second) != std::string::npos) 
-               && ( (mtbcat.empty() && (source_reg.find("Mtbmin") == std::string::npos)) 
-              || (!mtbcat.empty() && (source_reg.find(mtbcat) != std::string::npos)) ) ); 
-      //If source region is in the  boost category of the systematic, then scale it up and down
-      double sc_up = is_regmatch ? 2. : 1.;
-      double sc_down = is_regmatch ? 0. : 1.;
-      /*
-        if(is_regmatch){
-        std::cout << " is_regmatch = " << is_regmatch << " source_reg = "<<source_reg 
-        << " mtbcat = " << mtbcat << " boostcat = " << boostcat.second 
-        << " sc_up " << sc_up << std::endl;
-        }
-      */
-      std::string mtbsuffix = (mtbcat.empty()) ? mtbcat : "_"+mtbcat;
-      AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_QCD0L_XS_up, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_QCD0L_XS_"+boostcat.first+mtbsuffix+"_up", sc_up);
-      AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_QCD0L_XS_down, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_QCD0L_XS_"+boostcat.first+mtbsuffix+"_down", sc_down);
-    }//source regions
-    //DR/DS uncertainty (TO DO)
-    outfile->cd();
-    if(targethist_QCD0L_XS_up){
-      HistManager::FinaliseTH1Bins(targethist_QCD0L_XS_up);
-      targethist_QCD0L_XS_up->Write();
-      delete targethist_QCD0L_XS_up;
-    }
-    if(targethist_QCD0L_XS_down){
-      HistManager::FinaliseTH1Bins(targethist_QCD0L_XS_down);
-      targethist_QCD0L_XS_down->Write();
-      delete targethist_QCD0L_XS_down;
-    }
+	      //only XS uncertainty
+	      TH1D* targethist_Vjets_XS_up = NULL;
+	      TH1D* targethist_Vjets_XS_down = NULL;
+	      for(std::string source_reg : targetPair.second){
+		TH1D* sourcehist = m_outMngrHist->HistMngr()->GetTH1D( (source_reg + channel + "_" + variable).c_str() );
+		//If source region is in the  boost category of the systematic, then scale it up and down
+		double sc_up = (source_reg.find(boostcat.second) != std::string::npos) ? 1.3 : 1.;
+		double sc_down = (source_reg.find(boostcat.second) != std::string::npos) ? 0.7 : 1.;
+		AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_Vjets_XS_up, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_Vjets_XS_"+boostcat.first+"_up", sc_up);
+		AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_Vjets_XS_down, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_Vjets_XS_"+boostcat.first+"_down", sc_down);
+	      }//source regions
+	      if(is_VjetsHF){
+		//only XS uncertainty
+		TH1D* targethist_VjetsHF_XS_up = NULL;
+		TH1D* targethist_VjetsHF_XS_down = NULL;
+		for(std::string source_reg : targetPair.second){
+		  TH1D* sourcehist = m_outMngrHist->HistMngr()->GetTH1D( (source_reg + channel + "_" + variable).c_str() );
+		  //If source region is in the  boost category of the systematic, then scale it up and down
+		  double sc_up = (source_reg.find(boostcat.second) != std::string::npos) ? 1.3 : 1.;
+		  double sc_down = (source_reg.find(boostcat.second) != std::string::npos) ? 0.7 : 1.;
+		  AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_VjetsHF_XS_up, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_VjetsHF_XS_"+boostcat.first+"_up", sc_up);
+		  AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_VjetsHF_XS_down, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_VjetsHF_XS_"+boostcat.first+"_down", sc_down);
+		}//source regions
+		outfile->cd();
+		if(targethist_VjetsHF_XS_up){
+		  HistManager::FinaliseTH1Bins(targethist_VjetsHF_XS_up);
+		  targethist_VjetsHF_XS_up->Write();
+		  delete targethist_VjetsHF_XS_up;
+		}
+		if(targethist_VjetsHF_XS_down){
+		  HistManager::FinaliseTH1Bins(targethist_VjetsHF_XS_down);
+		  targethist_VjetsHF_XS_down->Write();
+		  delete targethist_VjetsHF_XS_down;
+		}
+	      }//Vjets+HF sample
+	      outfile->cd();
+	      if(targethist_Vjets_XS_up){
+		HistManager::FinaliseTH1Bins(targethist_Vjets_XS_up);
+		targethist_Vjets_XS_up->Write();
+		delete targethist_Vjets_XS_up;
+	      }
+	      if(targethist_Vjets_XS_down){
+		HistManager::FinaliseTH1Bins(targethist_Vjets_XS_down);
+		targethist_Vjets_XS_down->Write();
+		delete targethist_Vjets_XS_down;
+	      }
+	    }//Vjets sample
+	    //================================================= V+jets samples ===========================================================
+	    //============================ Diboson samples ===========================================================================
+	    if(is_Diboson){
+	      //only XS uncertainty
+	      TH1D* targethist_Diboson_XS_up = NULL;
+	      TH1D* targethist_Diboson_XS_down = NULL;
+	      for(std::string source_reg : targetPair.second){
+		TH1D* sourcehist = m_outMngrHist->HistMngr()->GetTH1D( (source_reg + channel + "_" + variable).c_str() );
+		//If source region is in the  boost category of the systematic, then scale it up and down
+		double sc_up = (source_reg.find(boostcat.second) != std::string::npos) ? 1.48 : 1.;
+		double sc_down = (source_reg.find(boostcat.second) != std::string::npos) ? 0.52 : 1.;
+		AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_Diboson_XS_up, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_Dibosons_XS_"+boostcat.first+"_up", sc_up);
+		AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_Diboson_XS_down, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_Dibosons_XS_"+boostcat.first+"_down", sc_down);
+	      }//source regions
+	      outfile->cd();
+	      if(targethist_Diboson_XS_up){
+		HistManager::FinaliseTH1Bins(targethist_Diboson_XS_up);
+		targethist_Diboson_XS_up->Write();
+		delete targethist_Diboson_XS_up;
+	      }
+	      if(targethist_Diboson_XS_down){
+		HistManager::FinaliseTH1Bins(targethist_Diboson_XS_down);
+		targethist_Diboson_XS_down->Write();
+		delete targethist_Diboson_XS_down;
+	      }
+	    }//Diboson sample
+	    //================================================= Diboson samples ===========================================================
+	    //============================ Single top samples ===========================================================================
+	    if(is_singletop){
+	      std::vector<std::string> mtblist{};
+	      if(targetPair.first.find("0lep") != std::string::npos){ 
+		mtblist =  {"","LowMtbmin","HighMtbmin"};
+	      } 
+	      else{ 
+		mtblist = {""}; 
+	      }
+	      for(const std::string& mtbcat : mtblist){
+		std::string mtbsuffix = (mtbcat.empty()) ? mtbcat : "_"+mtbcat;
+		double sc_const = (mtbcat == "HighMtbmin") ? 0.25 : 0.20;
+		//XS uncertainty
+		TH1D* targethist_Singletop_XS_up = NULL;
+		TH1D* targethist_Singletop_DRDS_up = NULL;
+		TH1D* targethist_Singletop_XS_down = NULL;
+		//std::cout << std::endl <<" STARTING Target region: " << targetPair.first << " BOOSTCAT : " << boostcat.second << std::endl;
+		for(std::string source_reg : targetPair.second){
+		  TH1D* sourcehist = m_outMngrHist->HistMngr()->GetTH1D( (source_reg + channel + "_" + variable).c_str() );
+		  bool is_regmatch = ( (source_reg.find(boostcat.second) != std::string::npos) 
+				       && ( (mtbcat.empty() && (source_reg.find("Mtbmin") == std::string::npos)) 
+					    || (!mtbcat.empty() && (source_reg.find(mtbcat) != std::string::npos)) ) ); 
+		  //If source region is in the  boost category of the systematic, then scale it up and down
+		  //also add DRDS variation
+		  double sc_up = 1.;
+		  double sc_down = 1.;
+		  if(is_regmatch){
+		    sc_up = 1.+sc_const;
+		    sc_down = 1.-sc_const;
+		    TH1D* sourcehist_DRDS = m_outMngrHist->HistMngr()->GetTH1D( (source_reg + channel + "_" + variable + "_SingletopDRDS").c_str() );
+		    if(sourcehist_DRDS){
+		      //std::cout<<" DRDS Source region : "<<source_reg<<" --> "<<sourcehist_DRDS->Integral() << std::endl;
+		      AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist_DRDS, &targethist_Singletop_DRDS_up
+					   , targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_SingletopDRDS_"+boostcat.first+mtbsuffix);
+		    }
+		  }
+		  else{
+		    //std::cout<<" Source region : "<<source_reg<<" --> "<<sourcehist->Integral() << std::endl;
+		    AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_Singletop_DRDS_up
+					 , targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_SingletopDRDS_"+boostcat.first+mtbsuffix);
+		  }
+		  AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_Singletop_XS_up, 
+				       targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_Singletop_XS_"+boostcat.first+mtbsuffix+"_up", sc_up);
+		  AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_Singletop_XS_down, 
+				       targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_Singletop_XS_"+boostcat.first+mtbsuffix+"_down", sc_down);
+		}//source regions
+		outfile->cd();
+		if(targethist_Singletop_XS_up){
+		  HistManager::FinaliseTH1Bins(targethist_Singletop_XS_up);
+		  targethist_Singletop_XS_up->Write();
+		  delete targethist_Singletop_XS_up;
+		}
+		if(targethist_Singletop_XS_down){
+		  HistManager::FinaliseTH1Bins(targethist_Singletop_XS_down);
+		  targethist_Singletop_XS_down->Write();
+		  delete targethist_Singletop_XS_down;
+		}
+		if(targethist_Singletop_DRDS_up){
+		  //std::cout<<" Target region: " << targetPair.first << " --> " << targethist_Singletop_DRDS_up->Integral() << std::endl;
+		  HistManager::FinaliseTH1Bins(targethist_Singletop_DRDS_up);
+		  targethist_Singletop_DRDS_up->Write();
+		  delete targethist_Singletop_DRDS_up;
+		}
+	      }//mtbmin categories
-        }//mtbmin categories
+	    }//single top samples
-      }//QCD0L samples 
+	    //================================================= Single top samples ===========================================================
-      if(is_QCD){
+	    //============================ QCD samples ===========================================================================
+	    if(is_QCD0L){
+	      std::vector<std::string> mtblist =  {"","LowMtbmin","HighMtbmin"};
-        //weight uncertainty
-        TH1D* targethist_QCD_el_up = NULL;
-        TH1D* targethist_QCD_mu_up = NULL;
+	      for(const std::string& mtbcat : mtblist){
+		//XS uncertainty
+		TH1D* targethist_QCD0L_XS_up = NULL;
+		TH1D* targethist_QCD0L_XS_down = NULL;
+		for(std::string source_reg : targetPair.second){
+		  TH1D* sourcehist = m_outMngrHist->HistMngr()->GetTH1D( (source_reg + channel + "_" + variable).c_str() );
+		  bool is_regmatch = ( (source_reg.find(boostcat.second) != std::string::npos) 
+				       && ( (mtbcat.empty() && (source_reg.find("Mtbmin") == std::string::npos)) 
+					    || (!mtbcat.empty() && (source_reg.find(mtbcat) != std::string::npos)) ) ); 
+		  //If source region is in the  boost category of the systematic, then scale it up and down
+		  double sc_up = is_regmatch ? 2. : 1.;
+		  double sc_down = is_regmatch ? 0. : 1.;
+		  /*
+		    if(is_regmatch){
+		    std::cout << " is_regmatch = " << is_regmatch << " source_reg = "<<source_reg 
+		    << " mtbcat = " << mtbcat << " boostcat = " << boostcat.second 
+		    << " sc_up " << sc_up << std::endl;
+		    }
+		  */
+		  std::string mtbsuffix = (mtbcat.empty()) ? mtbcat : "_"+mtbcat;
+		  AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_QCD0L_XS_up, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_QCD0L_XS_"+boostcat.first+mtbsuffix+"_up", sc_up);
+		  AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_QCD0L_XS_down, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_QCD0L_XS_"+boostcat.first+mtbsuffix+"_down", sc_down);
+		}//source regions
+		//DR/DS uncertainty (TO DO)
+		outfile->cd();
+		if(targethist_QCD0L_XS_up){
+		  HistManager::FinaliseTH1Bins(targethist_QCD0L_XS_up);
+		  targethist_QCD0L_XS_up->Write();
+		  delete targethist_QCD0L_XS_up;
+		}
+		if(targethist_QCD0L_XS_down){
+		  HistManager::FinaliseTH1Bins(targethist_QCD0L_XS_down);
+		  targethist_QCD0L_XS_down->Write();
+		  delete targethist_QCD0L_XS_down;
+		}
+	      }//mtbmin categories
+	    }//QCD0L samples 
-        for(std::string source_reg : targetPair.second){
-    if(source_reg.find(boostcat.second) != std::string::npos){
-      //If source region is in the  boost category of the systematic, add the systematically varied histograms
-      TH1D* sourcehist_el_up = m_outMngrHist->HistMngr()->GetTH1D( (source_reg + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_qcd_el_up").c_str() );
-      //TH1D* sourcehist_el_down = m_outMngrHist->HistMngr()->GetTH1D( (source_reg + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_qcd_el_down").c_str() );
-      TH1D* sourcehist_mu_up = m_outMngrHist->HistMngr()->GetTH1D( (source_reg + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_qcd_mu_up").c_str() );
-      //TH1D* sourcehist_mu_down = m_outMngrHist->HistMngr()->GetTH1D( (source_reg + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_qcd_mu_down").c_str() );
+	    if(is_QCD){
-      AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist_el_up, &targethist_QCD_el_up, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_qcd_el_"+boostcat.first+"_up");
-      //AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist_el_down, &targethist_QCD_el_down, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_qcd_el_"+boostcat.first+"_down");
-      AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist_mu_up, &targethist_QCD_mu_up, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_qcd_mu_"+boostcat.first+"_up");
-      //AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist_mu_down, &targethist_QCD_mu_down, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_qcd_mu_"+boostcat.first+"_down");
-    }
-    else{
-      TH1D* sourcehist = m_outMngrHist->HistMngr()->GetTH1D( (source_reg + channel + "_" + variable).c_str() );
-      AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_QCD_el_up, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_qcd_el_"+boostcat.first+"_up");
-      //AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_QCD_el_down, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_qcd_el_"+boostcat.first+"_down");
-      AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_QCD_mu_up, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_qcd_mu_"+boostcat.first+"_up");
-      //AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_QCD_mu_down, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_qcd_mu_"+boostcat.first+"_down");
-    }
-        }//source regions
+	      //weight uncertainty
+	      TH1D* targethist_QCD_el_up = NULL;
+	      TH1D* targethist_QCD_mu_up = NULL;
-        outfile->cd();
-        if(targethist_QCD_el_up){
-    HistManager::FinaliseTH1Bins(targethist_QCD_el_up);
-    targethist_QCD_el_up->Write();
-    delete targethist_QCD_el_up;
-        }
-        /*      if(targethist_QCD_el_down){
-          targethist_QCD_el_down->Write();
-          delete targethist_QCD_el_down;
-          }*/
-        if(targethist_QCD_mu_up){
-    HistManager::FinaliseTH1Bins(targethist_QCD_mu_up);
-    targethist_QCD_mu_up->Write();
-    delete targethist_QCD_mu_up;
-        }
-        /*if(targethist_QCD_mu_down){
-    targethist_QCD_mu_down->Write();
-    delete targethist_QCD_mu_down;
-    }*/
-      }//QCD samples
-      //================================================= QCD samples ===========================================================
+	      for(std::string source_reg : targetPair.second){
+		if(source_reg.find(boostcat.second) != std::string::npos){
+		  //If source region is in the  boost category of the systematic, add the systematically varied histograms
+		  TH1D* sourcehist_el_up = m_outMngrHist->HistMngr()->GetTH1D( (source_reg + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_qcd_el_up").c_str() );
+		  //TH1D* sourcehist_el_down = m_outMngrHist->HistMngr()->GetTH1D( (source_reg + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_qcd_el_down").c_str() );
+		  TH1D* sourcehist_mu_up = m_outMngrHist->HistMngr()->GetTH1D( (source_reg + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_qcd_mu_up").c_str() );
+		  //TH1D* sourcehist_mu_down = m_outMngrHist->HistMngr()->GetTH1D( (source_reg + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_qcd_mu_down").c_str() );
+		  AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist_el_up, &targethist_QCD_el_up, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_qcd_el_"+boostcat.first+"_up");
+		  //AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist_el_down, &targethist_QCD_el_down, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_qcd_el_"+boostcat.first+"_down");
+		  AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist_mu_up, &targethist_QCD_mu_up, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_qcd_mu_"+boostcat.first+"_up");
+		  //AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist_mu_down, &targethist_QCD_mu_down, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_qcd_mu_"+boostcat.first+"_down");
+		}
+		else{
+		  TH1D* sourcehist = m_outMngrHist->HistMngr()->GetTH1D( (source_reg + channel + "_" + variable).c_str() );
+		  AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_QCD_el_up, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_qcd_el_"+boostcat.first+"_up");
+		  //AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_QCD_el_down, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_qcd_el_"+boostcat.first+"_down");
+		  AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_QCD_mu_up, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_qcd_mu_"+boostcat.first+"_up");
+		  //AddHistogramToTarget(sourcehist, &targethist_QCD_mu_down, targetPair.first + channel + "_" + variable + "_weight_qcd_mu_"+boostcat.first+"_down");
+		}
+	      }//source regions
+	      outfile->cd();
+	      if(targethist_QCD_el_up){
+		HistManager::FinaliseTH1Bins(targethist_QCD_el_up);
+		targethist_QCD_el_up->Write();
+		delete targethist_QCD_el_up;
+	      }
+	      /*      if(targethist_QCD_el_down){
+		      targethist_QCD_el_down->Write();
+		      delete targethist_QCD_el_down;
+		      }*/
+	      if(targethist_QCD_mu_up){
+		HistManager::FinaliseTH1Bins(targethist_QCD_mu_up);
+		targethist_QCD_mu_up->Write();
+		delete targethist_QCD_mu_up;
+	      }
+	      /*if(targethist_QCD_mu_down){
+		targethist_QCD_mu_down->Write();
+		delete targethist_QCD_mu_down;
+		}*/
+	    }//QCD samples
+	    //================================================= QCD samples ===========================================================
+	  }//Boosted categories
-    }//Boosted categories
-  }//lepton channels
+	}//lepton channels
       }//target regions
     }//vlq decays
   //==== Normalisation ===
   //Vjets_XS -- split by lepton channel and boosted category 30% (additional histograms for charm and beauty)
   //Dibosons_XS -- split by lepton channel and boosted category (48%)
@@ -2961,7 +3030,7 @@ bool VLQ_Analysis_Data2015::SumAnalysisRegions(const bool newFile){
   return true;
diff --git a/Root/VLQ_NtupleData.cxx b/Root/VLQ_NtupleData.cxx
index d720faf24354e870e8b50bfb878583cb3ab213c1..b7c44a7857713ae75002dcd8b1ff865e1d9c1ee2 100644
--- a/Root/VLQ_NtupleData.cxx
+++ b/Root/VLQ_NtupleData.cxx
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ d_fwdjet_phi(0),
diff --git a/Root/VLQ_NtupleReader.cxx b/Root/VLQ_NtupleReader.cxx
index 295d7711b91073c97ed6deae417f9ee0c35a2430..2581494904c27672b6a0cecb72dda7eda665cc70 100644
--- a/Root/VLQ_NtupleReader.cxx
+++ b/Root/VLQ_NtupleReader.cxx
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ int VLQ_NtupleReader::SetJetBranchAddresses(const string &/*sj*/){
   stat =  SetVariableToChain("fwjets_e", &(m_VLQ_ntupData->d_fwdjet_E) ); if(stat != 0){ return stat; }
   // stat =  SetVariableToChain("fwjets_btag_weight", &(m_VLQ_ntupData->d_fwdjet_btag_weight) ); if(stat != 0){ return stat; }
   stat =  SetVariableToChain("fwjets_jvt", &(m_VLQ_ntupData->d_fwdjet_jvt) ); if(stat != 0){ return stat; }
+  stat =  SetVariableToChain("fwjets_fJvt", &(m_VLQ_ntupData->d_fwdjet_fJvt) ); if(stat != 0){ return stat; }
   // stat =  SetVariableToChain("jets_isSignal", &(m_VLQ_ntupData->d_fwdjet_isSignal) ); if(stat != 0){ return stat; }
   // stat =  SetVariableToChain("jets_passOR", &(m_VLQ_ntupData->d_fwdjet_passOR) ); if(stat != 0){ return stat; }
   if(!(m_opt->IsData() || m_opt -> StrSampleName().find("QCD") != std::string::npos)){
diff --git a/Root/VLQ_Options.cxx b/Root/VLQ_Options.cxx
index 302d890f65f046283c4eb74ddd9d20f34378e857..9f07b9f7b3b36a1dfea071775c9c61b1e7e6a93e 100644
--- a/Root/VLQ_Options.cxx
+++ b/Root/VLQ_Options.cxx
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ m_useLeptonTrigger(false),
 // m_doPreselRegions(true),
@@ -130,6 +131,7 @@ OptionsBase(q)
     m_useLargeRJets       = q.m_useLargeRJets;
     m_doCutFlow           = q.m_doCutFlow;
     m_doOneLeptonAna      = q.m_doOneLeptonAna;
+    m_doTwoLeptonAna      = q.m_doTwoLeptonAna;
     m_doZeroLeptonAna     = q.m_doZeroLeptonAna;
     // m_doPreselRegions     = q.m_doPreselRegions;
     m_doSingleVLQPreselection  = q.m_doSingleVLQPreselection;
@@ -263,6 +265,8 @@ bool VLQ_Options::IdentifyOption ( const std::string &argument, const std::strin
             m_doCutFlow     = AnalysisUtils::BoolValue(temp_val, temp_arg);
         } else if( temp_arg.find("--DOONELEPTONANA") != std::string::npos ){
             m_doOneLeptonAna  = AnalysisUtils::BoolValue(temp_val, temp_arg);
+        } else if( temp_arg.find("--DOTWOLEPTONANA") != std::string::npos ){
+            m_doTwoLeptonAna  = AnalysisUtils::BoolValue(temp_val, temp_arg);
         } else if( temp_arg.find("--DOZEROLEPTONANA") != std::string::npos ){
             m_doZeroLeptonAna = AnalysisUtils::BoolValue(temp_val, temp_arg);
         // } else if( temp_arg.find("--DOPRESELREGIONS") != std::string::npos ){
@@ -483,6 +487,7 @@ void VLQ_Options::PrintOptions(){
     std::cout << " m_useMETTriggerOneLep     = " << m_useMETTriggerOneLep<< std::endl;
     std::cout << " m_doCutFlow               = " << m_doCutFlow         << std::endl;
     std::cout << " m_doOneLeptonAna          = " << m_doOneLeptonAna    << std::endl;
+    std::cout << " m_doTwoLeptonAna          = " << m_doTwoLeptonAna    << std::endl;
     std::cout << " m_doZeroLeptonAna         = " << m_doZeroLeptonAna   << std::endl;
     // std::cout << " m_doPreselRegions         = " << m_doPreselRegions   << std::endl;
     std::cout << " m_doSingleVLQPreselection = " << m_doSingleVLQPreselection<< std::endl;
@@ -537,10 +542,17 @@ void VLQ_Options::checkConcistency() const
                       +" useMETTrigger "+bool2string(m_useMETTrigger)+","
                       +" useLeptonTrigger "+bool2string(m_useLeptonTrigger)+","
                       +" useMETTriggerOneLep "+bool2string(m_useMETTriggerOneLep));
-  if(m_doOneLeptonAna==false and m_doZeroLeptonAna==false)
+  if(m_doOneLeptonAna==false and m_doZeroLeptonAna==false and m_doTwoLeptonAna==false)
     throw logic_error(string(__FILE__)+"\n"
-                      +" choose at least one of the two analyses:"
+                      +" choose at least one of the three analyses:"
                       +" doOneLeptonAna "+bool2string(m_doOneLeptonAna)+","
-                      +" doZeroLeptonAna "+bool2string(m_doZeroLeptonAna));
+                      +" doZeroLeptonAna "+bool2string(m_doZeroLeptonAna)
+                      +" doTwoLeptonAna "+bool2string(m_doTwoLeptonAna));
+  if( (m_doOneLeptonAna==true or m_doZeroLeptonAna==true) and m_doTwoLeptonAna==true)
+    throw logic_error(string(__FILE__)+"\n"
+                      +" Cannot run dilepton channel together with 0-lep or 1-lep channels:"
+                      +" doOneLeptonAna "+bool2string(m_doOneLeptonAna)+","
+                      +" doZeroLeptonAna "+bool2string(m_doZeroLeptonAna)
+                      +" doTwoLeptonAna "+bool2string(m_doTwoLeptonAna));
   // TODO implement other checks
diff --git a/Root/VLQ_OutputData.cxx b/Root/VLQ_OutputData.cxx
index d2ddb7ddb5ce55fda1124bb626ea7a756f9f713b..52a4e8a15be021dcfc274de07080c3eaf7c7fdf2 100644
--- a/Root/VLQ_OutputData.cxx
+++ b/Root/VLQ_OutputData.cxx
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ VLQ_OutputData::VLQ_OutputData( VLQ_Options* opt ):
 //Event variables
-o_channel_type(0),o_period(0),o_run_number(0),o_pileup_mu(0),o_npv(0), o_meff(0), o_met(0), o_mtwl(0), o_ptwl(0), 
+o_channel_type(0),o_period(0),o_run_number(0),o_pileup_mu(0),o_npv(0), o_meff(0), o_met(0), o_mtwl(0), o_ptwl(0), o_mll(0), 
 o_hthad(0), o_hthadRC(0), o_hthadRCtag(0), o_hthadRCM(0), o_mJsum(0), o_metsig_ev(0), o_metsig_obj(0),
 //Jet type numbers
@@ -442,6 +442,7 @@ void VLQ_OutputData::ClearOutputData()
   o_met = 0;
   o_mtwl = 0;
   o_ptwl = 0;
+  o_mll = 0;
   o_hthad = 0;
   o_metsig_ev = 0;
   o_metsig_obj = 0;
diff --git a/Root/VLQ_Selector.cxx b/Root/VLQ_Selector.cxx
index cba4804c1b1eaa3bf4c6c584b08f3c0983276a05..073b41bcf3173d77cca28b726b9f4bd9a2d6495b 100644
--- a/Root/VLQ_Selector.cxx
+++ b/Root/VLQ_Selector.cxx
@@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ VLQ_Selector::VLQ_Selector( VLQ_Options *opt, const VLQ_NtupleData *ntupData,
-  m_sel_MetSig_prop(NULL)
+  m_sel_MetSig_prop(NULL),
+  m_sel_MLL_prop(NULL)
@@ -56,31 +57,32 @@ VLQ_Selector::VLQ_Selector( VLQ_Options *opt, const VLQ_NtupleData *ntupData,
 VLQ_Selector::VLQ_Selector( const VLQ_Selector &q ):
-    m_opt                  = q.m_opt;
-    m_ntupData             = q.m_ntupData;
-    m_outData              = q.m_outData;
-    m_anaTools             = q.m_anaTools;
-    m_outMngrHist          = q.m_outMngrHist;
-    m_sel_indices          = new std::map<std::string, int>(*(q.m_sel_indices));
-    m_sel_names            = new std::map<int, std::string>(*(q.m_sel_names));
-    m_sel_lep_prop         = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_lep_prop));
-    m_sel_lepflav_prop     = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_lepflav_prop));
-    m_sel_jet_prop         = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_jet_prop));
-    m_sel_fwdjet_prop      = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_fwdjet_prop));
-    m_sel_bjet_prop        = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_bjet_prop));
-    m_sel_J_prop           = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_J_prop));
-    m_sel_M_prop           = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_M_prop));
-    m_sel_T_prop           = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_T_prop));
+    m_opt                 = q.m_opt;
+    m_ntupData            = q.m_ntupData;
+    m_outData             = q.m_outData;
+    m_anaTools            = q.m_anaTools;
+    m_outMngrHist         = q.m_outMngrHist;
+    m_sel_indices         = new std::map<std::string, int>(*(q.m_sel_indices));
+    m_sel_names           = new std::map<int, std::string>(*(q.m_sel_names));
+    m_sel_lep_prop        = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_lep_prop));
+    m_sel_lepflav_prop    = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_lepflav_prop));
+    m_sel_jet_prop        = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_jet_prop));
+    m_sel_fwdjet_prop     = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_fwdjet_prop));
+    m_sel_bjet_prop       = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_bjet_prop));
+    m_sel_J_prop          = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_J_prop));
+    m_sel_M_prop          = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_M_prop));
+    m_sel_T_prop          = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_T_prop));
     m_sel_L_prop          = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_L_prop));
-    m_sel_H_prop           = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_H_prop));
-    m_sel_V_prop           = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_V_prop));
-    m_sel_TH_prop          = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_TH_prop));
+    m_sel_H_prop          = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_H_prop));
+    m_sel_V_prop          = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_V_prop));
+    m_sel_TH_prop         = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_TH_prop));
     m_sel_LT_prop         = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_LT_prop));
-    m_sel_VT_prop          = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_VT_prop));
+    m_sel_VT_prop         = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_VT_prop));
     m_sel_VLT_prop        = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_VLT_prop));
-    m_sel_Mbb_prop         = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_Mbb_prop));
-    m_sel_Mtb_prop         = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_Mtb_prop));
-    m_sel_MetSig_prop      = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_MetSig_prop));
+    m_sel_Mbb_prop        = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_Mbb_prop));
+    m_sel_Mtb_prop        = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_Mtb_prop));
+    m_sel_MetSig_prop     = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_MetSig_prop));
+    m_sel_MLL_prop        = new std::vector<SelProp>(*(q.m_sel_MLL_prop));
@@ -102,10 +104,12 @@ bool VLQ_Selector::Init(){
   m_sel_names = new std::map<int, std::string>();
   m_sel_lep_prop = new std::vector<SelProp>({
-      MakeSelProp("all", c_all), MakeSelProp("1lep", c_1l_chan) , MakeSelProp("0lep", c_0l_chan) });
+      MakeSelProp("all", c_all), 
+	MakeSelProp("1lep", c_1l_chan) , MakeSelProp("0lep", c_0l_chan), MakeSelProp("2lep", c_2l_chan) });
   m_sel_lepflav_prop = new std::vector<SelProp>({
-      MakeSelProp("1el", c_1el_chan) , MakeSelProp("1mu", c_1mu_chan) });
+      MakeSelProp("1el", c_1el_chan) , MakeSelProp("1mu", c_1mu_chan)
+	, MakeSelProp("ee", c_ee_chan), MakeSelProp("mumu", c_mumu_chan), MakeSelProp("emu", c_emu_chan) });
   m_sel_jet_prop = new std::vector<SelProp>({
     MakeSelProp("2jin", c_2jin, ""),MakeSelProp("3jin", c_3jin, "2jin"),
@@ -120,8 +124,8 @@ bool VLQ_Selector::Init(){
   m_sel_fwdjet_prop = new std::vector<SelProp>({
       MakeSelProp("0fjex",c_0fjex), MakeSelProp("0fjin",c_0fjin), MakeSelProp("1fjex", c_1fjex), 
-  MakeSelProp("1fjin", c_1fjin), MakeSelProp("2fjin", c_2fjin) });
+	MakeSelProp("1fjin", c_1fjin), MakeSelProp("2fjin", c_2fjin) });
   m_sel_bjet_prop = new std::vector<SelProp>({
     MakeSelProp("0bex", c_0bex, ""), MakeSelProp("0bin", c_0bin, ""), MakeSelProp("1bin", c_1bin, "")
     ,MakeSelProp("1bex", c_1bex, "1bin"), MakeSelProp("2bin", c_2bin, "1bin")
@@ -170,6 +174,8 @@ bool VLQ_Selector::Init(){
   m_sel_MetSig_prop = new std::vector<SelProp>({
       MakeSelProp("LowMetSig",c_LowMetSig), MakeSelProp("HighMetSig", c_HighMetSig) });
+  m_sel_MLL_prop = new std::vector<SelProp>({
+      MakeSelProp("HighMLL",c_HighMLL), MakeSelProp("ZwinMLL", c_ZwinMLL) });
   for(auto selprop : *m_sel_lep_prop){ AddSelectionIndex(selprop.name, selprop.index); }
@@ -190,6 +196,7 @@ bool VLQ_Selector::Init(){
   for(auto selprop : *m_sel_Mbb_prop){ AddSelectionIndex(selprop.name, selprop.index); }
   for(auto selprop : *m_sel_Mtb_prop){ AddSelectionIndex(selprop.name, selprop.index); }
   for(auto selprop : *m_sel_MetSig_prop){ AddSelectionIndex(selprop.name, selprop.index); }
+  for(auto selprop : *m_sel_MLL_prop){ AddSelectionIndex(selprop.name, selprop.index); }
   if(m_opt->MsgLevel() == Debug::DEBUG){ std::cout<<"Added all top selections "<<std::endl; }
   //========================== Add desired regions ================================================
@@ -197,9 +204,24 @@ bool VLQ_Selector::Init(){
   bool do_runop = true;
   std::vector<std::string> ch_lep; ch_lep.clear();
-  if(m_opt->DoSplitEMu()) ch_lep = {"", "_el", "_mu"};
+  if(m_opt->DoSplitEMu()){
+    if(m_opt->DoOneLeptonAna()) ch_lep = {"", "_el", "_mu"};
+    else if(m_opt->DoTwoLeptonAna()) ch_lep = {"", "_ee", "_mumu", "_emu"};
+  }
   else ch_lep = {""};
+  std::string lep_prefix = "";
+  if(m_opt->DoOneLeptonAna()) lep_prefix = "c-1lep-";
+  else if(m_opt->DoTwoLeptonAna()) lep_prefix = "c-2lep-";
+  std::string nolep_prefix = "c-0lep-";
+  std::vector<std::string> ch_mll; ch_mll.clear();
+  if(m_opt->DoTwoLeptonAna()) ch_mll = {"", "-HighMLL", "-ZwinMLL"};
+  else ch_mll = {""};
 //======== PRESELECTION=========
@@ -208,39 +230,40 @@ bool VLQ_Selector::Init(){
     AddVLQSelection("c-all",do_runop, do_syst, PRESEL);
     std::vector<std::string> v_bjet_presel_slvq = {"1bin", "2bin", "3bin"};
     std::vector<std::string> v_jet_presel_svlq = {"3jin", "3_5jwin", "5jin", "6jin"};
+      v_bjet_presel_slvq.push_back("0bin");
     for(const std::string& jet : v_jet_presel_svlq){
       for(const std::string& bjet : v_bjet_presel_slvq){
-        if(!(jet=="6jin" && bjet=="1bin") && !(jet=="3_5jwin" && bjet=="2bin") && !(jet=="3jin" && bjet=="2bin")){
-          AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-"+jet+"-"+bjet, do_runop, do_syst, PRESEL);
-          if(m_opt->DoSplitEMu()){
-            AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-"+jet+"-"+bjet+"_el", do_runop, do_syst, PRESEL);
-            AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-"+jet+"-"+bjet+"_mu", do_runop, do_syst, PRESEL);
-          }//split el/mu
-        }
+        //if(!(jet=="6jin" && bjet=="1bin") && !(jet=="3_5jwin" && bjet=="2bin") && !(jet=="3jin" && bjet=="2bin")){
+	for(const std::string& lepsuf : ch_lep){
+	  for(const std::string& mllsuf : ch_mll){
+	    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+jet+"-"+bjet+mllsuf+lepsuf, do_runop, do_syst, PRESEL);
+	  }//mll channels
+	}//lep channels
+	//}
       std::vector<std::string> v_supr_svlq = {"0fjex", "1fjin", "1fjin-0Hex-0Vex"};
       for(const std::string& supr : v_supr_svlq){
-        AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-3_5jwin-1bin-"+supr, do_runop, do_syst, PRESEL);
-        AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-2bin-"+supr, do_runop, do_syst, PRESEL);
-        if(m_opt->DoSplitEMu()){
-          AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-3_5jwin-1bin-"+supr+"_el", do_runop, do_syst, PRESEL);
-          AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-2bin-"+supr+"_el", do_runop, do_syst, PRESEL);
-          AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-3_5jwin-1bin-"+supr+"_mu", do_runop, do_syst, PRESEL);
-          AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-2bin-"+supr+"_mu", do_runop, do_syst, PRESEL);
-        }//split el/mu
+	for(const std::string& lepsuf : ch_lep){
+	  AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"3_5jwin-1bin-"+supr+lepsuf, do_runop, do_syst, PRESEL);
+	  AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-2bin-"+supr+lepsuf, do_runop, do_syst, PRESEL);
+	}
       }//signal suppressing
     }//Extended preselection
   }//Single VLQ preselection
   if (m_opt->DoPairVLQPreselection()){
     bool do_syst = true;
@@ -258,10 +281,10 @@ bool VLQ_Selector::Init(){
       for(const std::string& jet : v_jet_presel_pair){
         for(const std::string& bjet : v_bjet_presel_pair){
-          AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-"+jet+"-"+bjet, do_runop, do_syst, PRESEL);
+          AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+jet+"-"+bjet, do_runop, do_syst, PRESEL);
-            AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-"+jet+"-"+bjet+"_el", do_runop, do_syst, PRESEL);
-            AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-"+jet+"-"+bjet+"_mu", do_runop, do_syst, PRESEL);
+            AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+jet+"-"+bjet+"_el", do_runop, do_syst, PRESEL);
+            AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+jet+"-"+bjet+"_mu", do_runop, do_syst, PRESEL);
           }//split el/mu
@@ -275,9 +298,9 @@ bool VLQ_Selector::Init(){
       for(const std::string& jet : v_jet_presel_pair){
         for(const std::string& bjet : v_bjet_presel_pair){
-          AddVLQSelection("c-0lep-"+jet+"-"+bjet, do_runop, do_syst, PRESEL);
-          // AddVLQSelection("c-0lep-"+jet+"-"+bjet+"-HighMtbmin", do_runop, do_syst, PRESEL);
-          // AddVLQSelection("c-0lep-"+jet+"-"+bjet+"-LowMtbmin", do_runop, do_syst, PRESEL);
+          AddVLQSelection(nolep_prefix+jet+"-"+bjet, do_runop, do_syst, PRESEL);
+          // AddVLQSelection(nolep_prefix+jet+"-"+bjet+"-HighMtbmin", do_runop, do_syst, PRESEL);
+          // AddVLQSelection(nolep_prefix+jet+"-"+bjet+"-LowMtbmin", do_runop, do_syst, PRESEL);
@@ -304,107 +327,106 @@ bool VLQ_Selector::Init(){
     // Signal regions
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"3_5jwin-1_2bwin-1fjin-0Tex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR1
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"3_5jwin-1_2bwin-1fjin-0LTex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR1-a
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"3_5jwin-1_2bwin-1fjin-0Tex-1Lin-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ); //SR1-b ORIG
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-3_5jwin-1_2bwin-1fjin-0Tex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR1
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-3_5jwin-1_2bwin-1fjin-0LTex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR1-a
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-3_5jwin-1_2bwin-1fjin-0Tex-1Lin-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ); //SR1-b ORIG
-    //AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-3_5jwin-1bex-1fjin-0Tex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR1
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-3_5jwin-1bex-1fjin-0LTex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR1-a
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-3_5jwin-1bex-1fjin-0Tex-1Lin-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ); //SR1-b ORIG
+    //AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"3_5jwin-1bex-1fjin-0Tex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR1
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"3_5jwin-1bex-1fjin-0LTex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR1-a
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"3_5jwin-1bex-1fjin-0Tex-1Lin-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ); //SR1-b ORIG
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-3_5jwin-2bex-1fjin-0Tex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR1
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-3_5jwin-2bex-1fjin-0LTex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR1-a
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-3_5jwin-2bex-1fjin-0Tex-1Lin-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ); //SR1-b ORIG
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"3_5jwin-2bex-1fjin-0Tex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR1
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"3_5jwin-2bex-1fjin-0LTex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR1-a
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"3_5jwin-2bex-1fjin-0Tex-1Lin-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ); //SR1-b ORIG
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-3_5jwin-3bin-1fjin-0Tex-1Hin-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);          //SR2
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-3_5jwin-3bin-1fjin-0LTex-1Hin-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);    //SR2-a
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-3_5jwin-3bin-1fjin-0Tex-1Lin-1Hin-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);    //SR2-b ORIG
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"3_5jwin-3bin-1fjin-0Tex-1Hin-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);          //SR2
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"3_5jwin-3bin-1fjin-0LTex-1Hin-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);    //SR2-a
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"3_5jwin-3bin-1fjin-0Tex-1Lin-1Hin-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);    //SR2-b ORIG
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-3_5jwin-3bex-1fjin-0Tex-1Hin-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);          //SR2
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-3_5jwin-3bex-1fjin-0LTex-1Hin-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);    //SR2-a
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-3_5jwin-3bex-1fjin-0Tex-1Lin-1Hin-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);    //SR2-b ORIG
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"3_5jwin-3bex-1fjin-0Tex-1Hin-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);          //SR2
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"3_5jwin-3bex-1fjin-0LTex-1Hin-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);    //SR2-a
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"3_5jwin-3bex-1fjin-0Tex-1Lin-1Hin-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);    //SR2-b ORIG
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-3_5jwin-4bin-1fjin-0Tex-1Hin-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);          //SR2
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-3_5jwin-4bin-1fjin-0LTex-1Hin-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);    //SR2-a
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-3_5jwin-4bin-1fjin-0Tex-1Lin-1Hin-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);    //SR2-b ORIG 
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"3_5jwin-4bin-1fjin-0Tex-1Hin-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);          //SR2
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"3_5jwin-4bin-1fjin-0LTex-1Hin-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);    //SR2-a
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"3_5jwin-4bin-1fjin-0Tex-1Lin-1Hin-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);    //SR2-b ORIG
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-1bex-1fjin-1LTin-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);           //SR3 ORIG
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-1bex-1fjin-1Lex-0Tex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR3-a 
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-1bex-1fjin-0Lex-1Tex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR3-b 
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-1bex-1fjin-2LTin-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR3-c
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-1bex-1fjin-1LTin-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);           //SR3 ORIG
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-1bex-1fjin-1Lex-0Tex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR3-a 
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-1bex-1fjin-0Lex-1Tex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR3-b 
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-1bex-1fjin-2LTin-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR3-c
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-2bex-1fjin-1LTin-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);           //SR3 ORIG
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-2bex-1fjin-1Lex-0Tex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR3-a 
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-2bex-1fjin-0Lex-1Tex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR3-b 
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-2bex-1fjin-2LTin-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR3-c
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-2bex-1fjin-1LTin-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);           //SR3 ORIG
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-2bex-1fjin-1Lex-0Tex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR3-a 
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-2bex-1fjin-0Lex-1Tex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR3-b 
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-2bex-1fjin-2LTin-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR3-c
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-1_2bwin-1fjin-1LTin-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);           //SR3 ORIG
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-1_2bwin-1fjin-1Lex-0Tex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR3-a 
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-1_2bwin-1fjin-0Lex-1Tex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR3-b 
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-1_2bwin-1fjin-2LTin-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR3-c
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-1_2bwin-1fjin-1LTin-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);           //SR3 ORIG
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-1_2bwin-1fjin-1Lex-0Tex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR3-a 
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-1_2bwin-1fjin-0Lex-1Tex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR3-b 
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-1_2bwin-1fjin-2LTin-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR3-c
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-3bin-1fjin-1VTin-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);              //SR4-0 ORIG
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-3bin-1fjin-1VTin-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);              //SR4-0 ORIG
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-3bin-1fjin-1Lex-0VTex-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);        //SR4-a
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-3bin-1fjin-0Lex-1VTex-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);        //SR4-b
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-3bin-1fjin-2VLTin-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);        //SR4-c
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-3bin-1fjin-1Lex-0VTex-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);        //SR4-a
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-3bin-1fjin-0Lex-1VTex-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);        //SR4-b
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-3bin-1fjin-2VLTin-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);        //SR4-c
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-3bex-1fjin-1VTin-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);              //SR4-0 ORIG
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-3bex-1fjin-1VTin-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);              //SR4-0 ORIG
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-3bex-1fjin-1Lex-0VTex-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);        //SR4-a
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-3bex-1fjin-0Lex-1VTex-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);        //SR4-b
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-3bex-1fjin-2VLTin-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);        //SR4-c
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-3bex-1fjin-1Lex-0VTex-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);        //SR4-a
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-3bex-1fjin-0Lex-1VTex-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);        //SR4-b
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-3bex-1fjin-2VLTin-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);        //SR4-c
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-4bin-1fjin-1VTin-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);              //SR4-0 ORIG
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-4bin-1fjin-1VTin-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);              //SR4-0 ORIG
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-4bin-1fjin-1Lex-0VTex-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);        //SR4-a
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-4bin-1fjin-0Lex-1VTex-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);        //SR4-b
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-4bin-1fjin-2VLTin-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);        //SR4-c
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-4bin-1fjin-1Lex-0VTex-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);        //SR4-a
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-4bin-1fjin-0Lex-1VTex-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);        //SR4-b
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-4bin-1fjin-2VLTin-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);        //SR4-c
-    //AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-3bin-1fjin-0Tex-1Lin-1Hin-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR4-b
-    //AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-3bin-1fjin-1VLTin-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);               //SR4-c
+    //AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-3bin-1fjin-0Tex-1Lin-1Hin-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR4-b
+    //AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-3bin-1fjin-1VLTin-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);               //SR4-c
-    // AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-2bex-1fjin-0Tex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);             //SR5
-    // AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-3bin-1fjin-0Tex-1Lin-1Hin-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR6
+    // AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-2bex-1fjin-0Tex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);             //SR5
+    // AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-3bin-1fjin-0Tex-1Lin-1Hin-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);       //SR6
     // Validation regions
     // SR1-a
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-3_5jwin-1_2bwin-0fjex-0Tex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-3_5jwin-1_2bwin-1fjin-1Tin-0Hex-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"3_5jwin-1_2bwin-0fjex-0Tex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"3_5jwin-1_2bwin-1fjin-1Tin-0Hex-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-3_5jwin-1_2bwin-0fjex-0Tex-1Lin-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-3_5jwin-1_2bwin-1fjin-1Tin-0Lex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"3_5jwin-1_2bwin-0fjex-0Tex-1Lin-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"3_5jwin-1_2bwin-1fjin-1Tin-0Lex-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
     // SR2-a
-    // AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-3_5jwin-3bin-0fjex-0Tex-1Hin-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
-    // AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-3_5jwin-3bin-1fjin-1Tin-0Hex-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
+    // AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"3_5jwin-3bin-0fjex-0Tex-1Hin-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
+    // AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"3_5jwin-3bin-1fjin-1Tin-0Hex-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
     // SR2-b
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-3_5jwin-3bin-0fjex-0Tex-1Lin-1Hin-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-3_5jwin-3bin-1fjin-1Tin-0Lex-0Hex-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"3_5jwin-3bin-0fjex-0Tex-1Lin-1Hin-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"3_5jwin-3bin-1fjin-1Tin-0Lex-0Hex-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
     // SR3-a
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-2bex-0fjex-2VTin-0Hex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-2bex-1fjin-1Tex-0Hex-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-2bex-0fjex-2VTin-0Hex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-2bex-1fjin-1Tex-0Hex-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
     // SR3-b
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-2bex-0fjex-1LTin-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-2bex-1fjin-1LTin-0Hex-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-2bex-0fjex-1LTin-0Hex-1Vin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-2bex-1fjin-1LTin-0Hex-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
     // SR4-a
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-3bin-0fjex-1VTin-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-3bin-1fjin-1VTin-0Hex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-3bin-0fjex-1VTin-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-3bin-1fjin-1VTin-0Hex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
     // SR4-b
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-3bin-0fjex-0Tex-1Lin-1Hin-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-3bin-1fjin-0Tex-1Lin-0Hex-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-3bin-0fjex-0Tex-1Lin-1Hin-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-3bin-1fjin-0Tex-1Lin-0Hex-0Vex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
     // SR4-c
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-3bin-0fjex-1VLTin-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
-    AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-3bin-1fjin-1VLTin-0Hex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-3bin-0fjex-1VLTin-1Hin", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
+    AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-3bin-1fjin-1VLTin-0Hex", do_runop, do_syst, SINGLEVLQ);
   }//Single VLQ regions
@@ -433,19 +455,6 @@ bool VLQ_Selector::Init(){
     std::vector<std::string> boostlist_0L_lowb{};
     std::vector<std::string> boostlist_0L_highb{};
-    if(m_opt->DoOldBoost()){
-      std::vector<std::string> boostlist_old = {"2Min", "1Min", "1Mex", "0Mex", "3Jin", "2Jin", "2Jex", "1Jex", "0Jex"};
-      if(m_opt->DoOneLeptonAna()){
-        boostlist_1L_default.insert(boostlist_1L_default.end(), boostlist_old.begin(), boostlist_old.end());
-        boostlist_1L_valid_4b.insert(boostlist_1L_valid_4b.end(), boostlist_old.begin(), boostlist_old.end());
-      }
-      if(m_opt->DoZeroLeptonAna()){
-        boostlist_0L_lowb.insert(boostlist_0L_lowb.end(), boostlist_old.begin(), boostlist_old.end());
-        boostlist_0L_highb.insert(boostlist_0L_highb.end(), boostlist_old.begin(), boostlist_old.end());
-      }
-    }//OldBoost
       std::vector<std::string> boostlist_new = {
         "2Tin-2Hin", "2Tin-1Hex", "2Tin-0Hex",
@@ -466,9 +475,9 @@ bool VLQ_Selector::Init(){
       std::vector<std::string> boostlist_supermerge = {
-  "0Tex-0Hex", "1THex", "2THin"//, "3THin"
+	"0Tex-0Hex", "1THex", "2THin"//, "3THin"
         boostlist_0L_valid_lowb.insert(boostlist_0L_valid_lowb.end(), boostlist_supermerge.begin(), boostlist_supermerge.end());
         boostlist_0L_lowb.insert(boostlist_0L_lowb.end(), boostlist_supermerge.begin(), boostlist_supermerge.end());
@@ -483,46 +492,46 @@ bool VLQ_Selector::Init(){
       std::vector<std::string> boostlist_highstat = {
-  "2Tin-0_1Hwin",
-  "1Tex-1Hex", "1Tex-0Hex",
-  "0Tex-1Hex", "0Tex-0Hex",
-  "0Tin-2Hin"
+	"2Tin-0_1Hwin",
+	"1Tex-1Hex", "1Tex-0Hex",
+	"0Tex-1Hex", "0Tex-0Hex",
+	"0Tin-2Hin"
       std::vector<std::string> boostlist_lowstat = {
-  "2THin", "1Tex-0Hex",
-  "0Tex-1Hex", "0Tex-0Hex"
+	"2THin", "1Tex-0Hex",
+	"0Tex-1Hex", "0Tex-0Hex"
-  /*
-        std::vector<std::string> boostlist_super_merge = {
+	/*
+	  std::vector<std::string> boostlist_super_merge = {
           "3THin", "2THex", "1THex", "0THex"
-        };
-        boostlist_0L_lowb.insert(boostlist_0L_lowb.end(), boostlist_super_merge.begin(), boostlist_super_merge.end());
-        boostlist_0L_highb.insert(boostlist_0L_highb.end(), boostlist_super_merge.begin(), boostlist_super_merge.end());
-  */
+	  };
+	  boostlist_0L_lowb.insert(boostlist_0L_lowb.end(), boostlist_super_merge.begin(), boostlist_super_merge.end());
+	  boostlist_0L_highb.insert(boostlist_0L_highb.end(), boostlist_super_merge.begin(), boostlist_super_merge.end());
+	*/
         boostlist_0L_lowb.insert(boostlist_0L_lowb.end(), boostlist_highstat.begin(), boostlist_highstat.end());
         boostlist_0L_valid_lowb.insert(boostlist_0L_valid_lowb.end(), boostlist_highstat.begin(), boostlist_highstat.end());
-  boostlist_0L_valid_lowb.push_back("2THin");
+	boostlist_0L_valid_lowb.push_back("2THin");
         boostlist_0L_highb.insert(boostlist_0L_highb.end(), boostlist_lowstat.begin(), boostlist_lowstat.end());
-  /*
-  std::vector<std::string> boostlist_1L_merge = {
-    "2Tin-0_1Hwin",
-    "1Tex-1Hex", "1Tex-0Hex",
-    "0Tex-1Hex", "0Tex-0Hex",
-    "0Tin-2Hin"
-  };
-        std::vector<std::string> boostlist_1L_merge_valid_4b = {
+	/*
+	  std::vector<std::string> boostlist_1L_merge = {
+	  "2Tin-0_1Hwin",
+	  "1Tex-1Hex", "1Tex-0Hex",
+	  "0Tex-1Hex", "0Tex-0Hex",
+	  "0Tin-2Hin"
+	  };
+	  std::vector<std::string> boostlist_1L_merge_valid_4b = {
           "2THin", "1Tex-0Hex",
           "0Tex-1Hex", "0Tex-0Hex"
-        };
-  */
+	  };
+	*/
         boostlist_1L_default.insert(boostlist_1L_default.end(), boostlist_highstat.begin(), boostlist_highstat.end());
         boostlist_1L_valid_4b.insert(boostlist_1L_valid_4b.end(), boostlist_lowstat.begin(), boostlist_lowstat.end());
@@ -535,7 +544,7 @@ bool VLQ_Selector::Init(){
     std::set<std::string> boostset_0L_lowb(boostlist_0L_lowb.begin(), boostlist_0L_lowb.end());
     std::set<std::string> boostset_0L_valid_lowb(boostlist_0L_valid_lowb.begin(), boostlist_0L_valid_lowb.end());
     std::set<std::string> boostset_0L_highb(boostlist_0L_highb.begin(), boostlist_0L_highb.end());
     //0-lepton analysis regions
       std::vector<std::string> jet_analist_0L{};
@@ -561,27 +570,27 @@ bool VLQ_Selector::Init(){
         for( const std::string& bjet : bjet_analist ){
           const std::set<std::string>* boostset_0L = NULL;
-    /*
-          if( (bjet == "2bex") || (reg_type == FIT && bjet == "3bex") ){ boostset_0L = &boostset_0L_lowb; }
-          else if( (reg_type == VALIDATION && bjet == "3bex") || (bjet == "4bin") )  { boostset_0L = &boostset_0L_highb; }
-    */
-    if(bjet=="2bex"){ boostset_0L = &boostset_0L_valid_lowb; }
-    else if( (bjet=="3bex") && (reg_type == FIT) ){ boostset_0L = &boostset_0L_lowb; }
-    else if( (bjet=="4bin") || ((reg_type == VALIDATION) && (bjet == "3bex")) ){ boostset_0L = &boostset_0L_highb; }
-    /*
-          if( (reg_type == FIT) && (bjet=="2bex" || bjet == "3bex") ){ boostset_0L = &boostset_0L_lowb; }
-          else if( (reg_type == VALIDATION) && (bjet == "2bex") )  { boostset_0L = &boostset_0L_valid_lowb; }
-    else if( ( (reg_type == VALIDATION) && (bjet == "3bex") ) || (bjet == "4bin") )  { boostset_0L = &boostset_0L_highb; }
-          else{ continue; } //FIXME: No low-b analysis regions right now
-    */
-          AddVLQSelection("c-0lep-"+jet+"-"+bjet, false/*do_runop*/, false/*do_syst*/, PRESEL);
+	  /*
+	    if( (bjet == "2bex") || (reg_type == FIT && bjet == "3bex") ){ boostset_0L = &boostset_0L_lowb; }
+	    else if( (reg_type == VALIDATION && bjet == "3bex") || (bjet == "4bin") )  { boostset_0L = &boostset_0L_highb; }
+	  */
+	  if(bjet=="2bex"){ boostset_0L = &boostset_0L_valid_lowb; }
+	  else if( (bjet=="3bex") && (reg_type == FIT) ){ boostset_0L = &boostset_0L_lowb; }
+	  else if( (bjet=="4bin") || ((reg_type == VALIDATION) && (bjet == "3bex")) ){ boostset_0L = &boostset_0L_highb; }
+	  /*
+	    if( (reg_type == FIT) && (bjet=="2bex" || bjet == "3bex") ){ boostset_0L = &boostset_0L_lowb; }
+	    else if( (reg_type == VALIDATION) && (bjet == "2bex") )  { boostset_0L = &boostset_0L_valid_lowb; }
+	    else if( ( (reg_type == VALIDATION) && (bjet == "3bex") ) || (bjet == "4bin") )  { boostset_0L = &boostset_0L_highb; }
+	    else{ continue; } //FIXME: No low-b analysis regions right now
+	  */
+          AddVLQSelection(nolep_prefix+jet+"-"+bjet, false/*do_runop*/, false/*do_syst*/, PRESEL);
           for( const std::string& boost : *boostset_0L ){
             for(const std::string& mtb : ch_mtb ){
-              AddVLQSelection("c-0lep-"+boost+"-"+jet+"-"+bjet+mtb, do_runop, do_syst, reg_type);
-        if(m_opt->ApplyMetSignificanceCut() && (bjet=="2bex") ){
-    AddVLQSelection("c-0lep-"+boost+"-"+jet+"-"+bjet+mtb+"-HighMetSig", do_runop, do_syst, reg_type);
-        }//metsig
+              AddVLQSelection(nolep_prefix+boost+"-"+jet+"-"+bjet+mtb, do_runop, do_syst, reg_type);
+	      if(m_opt->ApplyMetSignificanceCut() && (bjet=="2bex") ){
+		AddVLQSelection(nolep_prefix+boost+"-"+jet+"-"+bjet+mtb+"-HighMetSig", do_runop, do_syst, reg_type);
+	      }//metsig
             }//mtb split
           }//boost list
@@ -591,41 +600,29 @@ bool VLQ_Selector::Init(){
     //One-lepton analysis regions
       for( const std::string& bjet : bjet_analist ){
-        AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-6jin-"+bjet, false/*do_runop*/, false/*do_syst*/, PRESEL);
-        AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-5jex-"+bjet, false/*do_runop*/, false/*do_syst*/, PRESEL);
+        AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"6jin-"+bjet, false/*do_runop*/, false/*do_syst*/, PRESEL);
+        AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+"5jex-"+bjet, false/*do_runop*/, false/*do_syst*/, PRESEL);
         for(const std::string& channel : ch_lep){
           for( const std::string& boost : boostset_1L_default){
             //Fit regions
-            AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-"+boost+"-6jin-"+bjet+channel, true, true, FIT);
+            AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+boost+"-6jin-"+bjet+channel, true, true, FIT);
             if(bjet != "4bin"){
               //Validation regions
-              AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-"+boost+"-5jex-"+bjet+channel, true, true, VALIDATION);
+              AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+boost+"-5jex-"+bjet+channel, true, true, VALIDATION);
           }//Default boost merging
           if(bjet == "4bin"){
             //Validation regions
             for( const std::string& boost : boostset_1L_valid_4b){
-              AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-"+boost+"-5jex-"+bjet+channel, true, true, VALIDATION);
+              AddVLQSelection(lep_prefix+boost+"-5jex-"+bjet+channel, true, true, VALIDATION);
           }//Special merging for 4b validation regions
-          if(m_opt->DoSplitMbb() && m_opt->DoOldBoost()){
-            for( const std::string& boost : {"0Mex", "1Mex", "2Min"}){
-              for(const std::string& jet : {"5jex", "6jin"}){
-                const int reg_type = (jet=="5jex") ? VALIDATION : FIT;
-                AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-"+boost+"-"+jet+"-"+bjet+"-"+"LowMbb"+channel, true, true, reg_type);
-                AddVLQSelection("c-1lep-"+boost+"-"+jet+"-"+bjet+"-"+"HighMbb"+channel, true, true, reg_type);
-              }
-            }
-          }//Splitting by Mbb for older boost categories
         }//ana bjet channels
       }//lepton channel
@@ -709,7 +706,7 @@ Selection* VLQ_Selector::MakeSelection(const int index, const std::string& name)
   SelProp* sprop_Mbb = NULL;
   SelProp* sprop_Mtb = NULL;
   SelProp* sprop_MetSig = NULL;
+  SelProp* sprop_MLL = NULL;
   do{     pos = AnalysisUtils::ParseString(_name_, _parts_, "-");
     bool found = false;
@@ -717,8 +714,8 @@ Selection* VLQ_Selector::MakeSelection(const int index, const std::string& name)
     //=============== Lepton part =====================
     for(SelProp& lepprop : *m_sel_lep_prop){
       if(lepprop.name == _parts_){
-  sprop_lep = &lepprop;
-  found = true; n_nodes++; break;
+	sprop_lep = &lepprop;
+	found = true; n_nodes++; break;
     if(found) continue;
@@ -726,8 +723,8 @@ Selection* VLQ_Selector::MakeSelection(const int index, const std::string& name)
     //=============== Jet part ========================
     for(SelProp& jetprop : *m_sel_jet_prop){
       if(jetprop.name == _parts_){
-  sprop_jet = &jetprop;
-  found = true; n_nodes++; break;
+	sprop_jet = &jetprop;
+	found = true; n_nodes++; break;
     if(found) continue;
@@ -735,8 +732,8 @@ Selection* VLQ_Selector::MakeSelection(const int index, const std::string& name)
     //=============== Fwd-jet part ========================
     for(SelProp& fwdjetprop : *m_sel_fwdjet_prop){
       if(fwdjetprop.name == _parts_){
-  sprop_fwdjet = &fwdjetprop;
-  found = true; n_nodes++; break;
+	sprop_fwdjet = &fwdjetprop;
+	found = true; n_nodes++; break;
     if(found) continue;
@@ -744,8 +741,8 @@ Selection* VLQ_Selector::MakeSelection(const int index, const std::string& name)
     //=============== B-jet part ========================
     for(SelProp& bjetprop : *m_sel_bjet_prop){
       if(bjetprop.name == _parts_){
-  sprop_bjet = &bjetprop;
-  found = true; n_nodes++; break;
+	sprop_bjet = &bjetprop;
+	found = true; n_nodes++; break;
     if(found) continue;
@@ -753,8 +750,8 @@ Selection* VLQ_Selector::MakeSelection(const int index, const std::string& name)
     //=============== J-tag part ========================
     for(SelProp& Jprop : *m_sel_J_prop){
       if(Jprop.name == _parts_){
-  sprop_J = &Jprop;
-  found = true; n_nodes++; break;
+	sprop_J = &Jprop;
+	found = true; n_nodes++; break;
     if(found) continue;
@@ -762,8 +759,8 @@ Selection* VLQ_Selector::MakeSelection(const int index, const std::string& name)
     //=============== M-tag part ========================
     for(SelProp& Mprop : *m_sel_M_prop){
       if(Mprop.name == _parts_){
-  sprop_M = &Mprop;
-  found = true; n_nodes++; break;
+	sprop_M = &Mprop;
+	found = true; n_nodes++; break;
     if(found) continue;
@@ -771,8 +768,8 @@ Selection* VLQ_Selector::MakeSelection(const int index, const std::string& name)
     //=============== T-tag part ========================
     for(SelProp& Tprop : *m_sel_T_prop){
       if(Tprop.name == _parts_){
-  sprop_T = &Tprop;
-  found = true; n_nodes++; break;
+	sprop_T = &Tprop;
+	found = true; n_nodes++; break;
     if(found) continue;
@@ -780,8 +777,8 @@ Selection* VLQ_Selector::MakeSelection(const int index, const std::string& name)
     //=============== Leptonic T-tag part ===============
     for(SelProp& Lprop : *m_sel_L_prop){
       if(Lprop.name == _parts_){
-  sprop_L = &Lprop;
-  found = true; n_nodes++; break;
+	sprop_L = &Lprop;
+	found = true; n_nodes++; break;
     if(found) continue;
@@ -789,8 +786,8 @@ Selection* VLQ_Selector::MakeSelection(const int index, const std::string& name)
     //=============== H-tag part ========================
     for(SelProp& Hprop : *m_sel_H_prop){
       if(Hprop.name == _parts_){
-  sprop_H = &Hprop;
-  found = true; n_nodes++; break;
+	sprop_H = &Hprop;
+	found = true; n_nodes++; break;
     if(found) continue;
@@ -798,8 +795,8 @@ Selection* VLQ_Selector::MakeSelection(const int index, const std::string& name)
     //=============== V-tag part ========================
     for(SelProp& Vprop : *m_sel_V_prop){
       if(Vprop.name == _parts_){
-  sprop_V = &Vprop;
-  found = true; n_nodes++; break;
+	sprop_V = &Vprop;
+	found = true; n_nodes++; break;
     if(found) continue;
@@ -807,8 +804,8 @@ Selection* VLQ_Selector::MakeSelection(const int index, const std::string& name)
    //=============== TH-tag part ========================
     for(SelProp& THprop : *m_sel_TH_prop){
       if(THprop.name == _parts_){
-  sprop_TH = &THprop;
-  found = true; n_nodes++; break;
+	sprop_TH = &THprop;
+	found = true; n_nodes++; break;
     if(found) continue;
@@ -817,8 +814,8 @@ Selection* VLQ_Selector::MakeSelection(const int index, const std::string& name)
    //=============== LT-tag part ========================
     for(SelProp& LTprop : *m_sel_LT_prop){
       if(LTprop.name == _parts_){
-  sprop_LT = &LTprop;
-  found = true; n_nodes++; break;
+	sprop_LT = &LTprop;
+	found = true; n_nodes++; break;
     if(found) continue;
@@ -826,8 +823,8 @@ Selection* VLQ_Selector::MakeSelection(const int index, const std::string& name)
     //=============== VT-tag part ========================
     for(SelProp& VTprop : *m_sel_VT_prop){
       if(VTprop.name == _parts_){
-  sprop_VT = &VTprop;
-  found = true; n_nodes++; break;
+	sprop_VT = &VTprop;
+	found = true; n_nodes++; break;
     if(found) continue;
@@ -835,8 +832,8 @@ Selection* VLQ_Selector::MakeSelection(const int index, const std::string& name)
     //=============== VLT-tag part ========================
     for(SelProp& VLTprop : *m_sel_VLT_prop){
       if(VLTprop.name == _parts_){
-  sprop_VLT = &VLTprop;
-  found = true; n_nodes++; break;
+	sprop_VLT = &VLTprop;
+	found = true; n_nodes++; break;
     if(found) continue;
@@ -844,8 +841,8 @@ Selection* VLQ_Selector::MakeSelection(const int index, const std::string& name)
     //=============== Mbb-split part ========================
     for(SelProp& Mbbprop : *m_sel_Mbb_prop){
       if(Mbbprop.name == _parts_){
-  sprop_Mbb = &Mbbprop;
-  found = true; n_nodes++; break;
+	sprop_Mbb = &Mbbprop;
+	found = true; n_nodes++; break;
     if(found) continue;
@@ -853,15 +850,22 @@ Selection* VLQ_Selector::MakeSelection(const int index, const std::string& name)
     //=============== Mtb-split part ========================
     for(SelProp& Mtbprop : *m_sel_Mtb_prop){
       if(Mtbprop.name == _parts_){
-  sprop_Mtb = &Mtbprop;
-  found = true; n_nodes++; break;
+	sprop_Mtb = &Mtbprop;
+	found = true; n_nodes++; break;
     //=============== Metsig-split part ========================
     for(SelProp& MetSigprop : *m_sel_MetSig_prop){
       if(MetSigprop.name == _parts_){
-  sprop_MetSig = &MetSigprop;
-  found = true; n_nodes++; break;
+	sprop_MetSig = &MetSigprop;
+	found = true; n_nodes++; break;
+      }
+    }
+    //=============== MLL selection part ========================
+    for(SelProp& MLLprop : *m_sel_MLL_prop){
+      if(MLLprop.name == _parts_){
+	sprop_MLL = &MLLprop;
+	found = true; n_nodes++; break;
     if(found) continue;
@@ -895,6 +899,7 @@ Selection* VLQ_Selector::MakeSelection(const int index, const std::string& name)
   if(n_nodes <= 1){
     ;//no ancestors added for a top selection
   else if( (sel_name.find("_el") == sel_name.size()-3) || (sel_name.find("_mu") == sel_name.size()-3) ){
     if(sel_name.find("_el") != std::string::npos){
       AddAncestor(*sel, sel_name.substr(0, sel_name.find("_el")), true);
@@ -904,10 +909,28 @@ Selection* VLQ_Selector::MakeSelection(const int index, const std::string& name)
       AddAncestor(*sel, sel_name.substr(0, sel_name.find("_mu")), true);
       SelectorBase::AddAncestor(*sel, c_1mu_chan);
+  }
+  else if( (sel_name.find("_ee") == sel_name.size()-3) || (sel_name.find("_mumu") == sel_name.size()-5)
+	   || (sel_name.find("_emu") == sel_name.size()-4) ){
+    if(sel_name.find("_ee") != std::string::npos){
+      AddAncestor(*sel, sel_name.substr(0, sel_name.find("_ee")), true);
+      SelectorBase::AddAncestor(*sel, c_ee_chan);
+    }
+    else if(sel_name.find("_mumu") != std::string::npos){
+      AddAncestor(*sel, sel_name.substr(0, sel_name.find("_mumu")), true);
+      SelectorBase::AddAncestor(*sel, c_mumu_chan);
+    }
+    else if(sel_name.find("_emu") != std::string::npos){
+      AddAncestor(*sel, sel_name.substr(0, sel_name.find("_emu")), true);
+      SelectorBase::AddAncestor(*sel, c_emu_chan);
+    }
   }//el/mu channel splitting is done last
-    if( !(sprop_fwdjet || sprop_bjet || sprop_J || sprop_M || sprop_T || sprop_L || sprop_H || sprop_V  
-    || sprop_TH || sprop_LT || sprop_VT || sprop_VLT ||sprop_Mbb || sprop_Mtb || sprop_MetSig)  ){
+    if( !(sprop_fwdjet || sprop_bjet || sprop_J || sprop_M || sprop_T || sprop_L || sprop_H || sprop_V 
+	  || sprop_TH || sprop_LT || sprop_VT || sprop_VLT
+	  ||sprop_Mbb || sprop_Mtb || sprop_MetSig || sprop_MLL)  ){
         SelectorBase::AddAncestors(*sel, {sprop_lep->index, sprop_jet->index}, sprop_lep->index);
@@ -919,18 +942,19 @@ Selection* VLQ_Selector::MakeSelection(const int index, const std::string& name)
     }//Lep + jet
     else if( !(sprop_fwdjet || sprop_J || sprop_M || sprop_T || sprop_L || sprop_H || sprop_V 
-         || sprop_TH || sprop_LT || sprop_VT || sprop_VLT || sprop_Mbb || sprop_Mtb || sprop_MetSig) ){
+	       || sprop_TH || sprop_LT || sprop_VT || sprop_VLT
+	       || sprop_Mbb || sprop_Mtb || sprop_MetSig || sprop_MLL) ){
         AddAncestor(*sel, "c-"+sprop_lep->name+"-"+sprop_jet->name, true);
-  SelectorBase::AddAncestor(*sel, sprop_bjet->index);
+	SelectorBase::AddAncestor(*sel, sprop_bjet->index);
         AddPrimary(*sel, "c-"+sprop_lep->name+"-"+sprop_jet->name+"-"+sprop_bjet->primanc_name);
         SelectorBase::AddAncestors(*sel, {sprop_lep->index, sprop_jet->index, sprop_bjet->index});
     } //Lep + jet + bjet
-    else if( !(sprop_Mbb || sprop_Mtb || sprop_MetSig) ){
+    else if( !(sprop_Mbb || sprop_Mtb || sprop_MetSig || sprop_MLL) ){
       AddAncestor(*sel, "c-"+sprop_lep->name+"-"+sprop_jet->name+"-"+sprop_bjet->name, true);
       if(sprop_J){ SelectorBase::AddAncestor(*sel, sprop_J->index); }
@@ -954,65 +978,67 @@ Selection* VLQ_Selector::MakeSelection(const int index, const std::string& name)
       if(sprop_TH){s_boost = sprop_TH->name; }
-  if(sprop_T){
-    if(!s_boost.empty()){ s_boost += "-"; }
-    s_boost += sprop_T->name;
-  }
-  if(sprop_L){
-    if(!s_boost.empty()){ s_boost += "-"; }
-    s_boost += sprop_T->name;
-  }
-  if(sprop_H){
-    if(!s_boost.empty()){ s_boost += "-"; }
-    s_boost += sprop_H->name;
-  }
-  if(sprop_V){
-    if(!s_boost.empty()){ s_boost += "-"; }
-    s_boost += sprop_V->name;
-  }
-  if(sprop_LT){
-    if(!s_boost.empty()){ s_boost += "-"; }
-    s_boost += sprop_LT->name;
-  }
-  if(sprop_VT){
-    if(!s_boost.empty()){ s_boost += "-"; }
-    s_boost += sprop_VT->name;
-  }
-  if(sprop_VLT){
-    if(!s_boost.empty()){ s_boost += "-"; }
-    s_boost += sprop_VLT->name;
-  }
+	if(sprop_T){
+	  if(!s_boost.empty()){ s_boost += "-"; }
+	  s_boost += sprop_T->name;
+	}
+	if(sprop_L){
+	  if(!s_boost.empty()){ s_boost += "-"; }
+	  s_boost += sprop_T->name;
+	}
+	if(sprop_H){
+	  if(!s_boost.empty()){ s_boost += "-"; }
+	  s_boost += sprop_H->name;
+	}
+	if(sprop_V){
+	  if(!s_boost.empty()){ s_boost += "-"; }
+	  s_boost += sprop_V->name;
+	}
+	if(sprop_LT){
+	  if(!s_boost.empty()){ s_boost += "-"; }
+	  s_boost += sprop_LT->name;
+	}
+	if(sprop_VT){
+	  if(!s_boost.empty()){ s_boost += "-"; }
+	  s_boost += sprop_VT->name;
+	}
+	if(sprop_VLT){
+	  if(!s_boost.empty()){ s_boost += "-"; }
+	  s_boost += sprop_VLT->name;
+	}
-      if(!sprop_MetSig){
-  if(sprop_Mbb){
-    AddAncestor(*sel, "c-" + sprop_lep->name + "-" + s_boost + "-" + sprop_jet->name + "-" + sprop_bjet->name, true);
-    SelectorBase::AddAncestor(*sel, sprop_Mbb->index);
-  }
-  else if(sprop_Mtb){
-    AddAncestor(*sel, "c-" + sprop_lep->name + "-" + s_boost + "-" + sprop_jet->name + "-" + sprop_bjet->name, true);
-    SelectorBase::AddAncestor(*sel, sprop_Mtb->index);
-    //if( m_opt->ApplyMetSignificanceCut() && (sprop_bjet->name == "2bex") && (sprop_Mtb->name == "LowMtbmin") ){ sel->AddCut("met_sig_cut",&(m_outData->o_met_sig), 10.); }
-  }
+      if(!(sprop_MetSig || sprop_MLL) ){
+	AddAncestor(*sel, "c-" + sprop_lep->name + "-" + s_boost + "-" + sprop_jet->name + "-" + sprop_bjet->name, true);
+	if(sprop_Mbb){
+	  SelectorBase::AddAncestor(*sel, sprop_Mbb->index);
+	}
+	else if(sprop_Mtb){
+	  SelectorBase::AddAncestor(*sel, sprop_Mtb->index);
+	}
-  std::string msplit = "";
-  if(sprop_Mbb){ msplit = sprop_Mbb->name; }
-  else if(sprop_Mtb){ msplit = sprop_Mtb->name; }
-  AddAncestor(*sel, "c-" + sprop_lep->name + "-" + s_boost + "-" + sprop_jet->name + "-" + sprop_bjet->name + "-" + msplit, true);
-  SelectorBase::AddAncestor(*sel, sprop_MetSig->index);
-      }//Lep-jet-bjet-boost-mt[b]b-metsig
+	std::string msplit = "";
+	if(sprop_Mbb){ msplit = "-"+sprop_Mbb->name; }
+	else if(sprop_Mtb){ msplit = "-"+sprop_Mtb->name; }
+	AddAncestor(*sel, "c-" + sprop_lep->name + "-" + s_boost + "-" + sprop_jet->name + "-" + sprop_bjet->name + msplit, true);
+	if(sprop_MetSig){
+	  SelectorBase::AddAncestor(*sel, sprop_MetSig->index);
+	}
+	if(sprop_MLL){
+	  SelectorBase::AddAncestor(*sel, sprop_MLL->index);
+	}
+      }//Lep-jet-bjet-boost-mt[b]b-metsig-mll
     if(m_opt->MsgLevel() == Debug::DEBUG){ std::cout<<" Selection "<<sel_name<<" successfully added"<<std::endl; }
   }//if not el or mu channel
   return sel;
@@ -1038,6 +1064,21 @@ bool VLQ_Selector::PassSelection(const int index){
   else if(index == c_1mu_chan){
     pass = (m_outData->o_channel_type == VLQ_Enums::MUON);
+  else if(index == c_2l_chan){
+    pass = (m_outData->o_channel_type == VLQ_Enums::ELEL) || (m_outData->o_channel_type == VLQ_Enums::MUMU) 
+      || (m_outData->o_channel_type == VLQ_Enums::ELMU) ;
+  }
+  else if(index == c_ee_chan){
+    pass = (m_outData->o_channel_type == VLQ_Enums::ELEL);
+  }
+  else if(index == c_mumu_chan){
+    pass = (m_outData->o_channel_type == VLQ_Enums::MUMU);
+  }
+  else if(index == c_emu_chan){
+    pass = (m_outData->o_channel_type == VLQ_Enums::ELMU);
+  }
   else if(index == c_0l_chan){
     pass = (m_outData->o_channel_type == VLQ_Enums::FULLHAD);
@@ -1066,6 +1107,13 @@ bool VLQ_Selector::PassSelection(const int index){
     pass = (m_outData->o_metsig_ev > 10.);
+  //==== MLL ======
+  else if(index == c_HighMLL){
+    pass = (m_outData->o_mll > 15.);
+  }
+  else if(index == c_ZwinMLL){
+    pass = (fabs(m_outData->o_mll-91.) < 10.);
+  }
   //=========== Jet multiplicities ====================
   else if(index == c_3jex){ pass = (m_outData->o_jets_n == 3); }
diff --git a/Root/VLQ_TRFManager.cxx b/Root/VLQ_TRFManager.cxx
index ebf09801c9344424d418e5c9f4efcc4a8350b2fc..7176bf27d232ffb9fe932543df8133ac1aefb820 100644
--- a/Root/VLQ_TRFManager.cxx
+++ b/Root/VLQ_TRFManager.cxx
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ void VLQ_TRFManager::Init(){
   if(m_opt -> MsgLevel() == Debug::DEBUG){
     std::cout << "In VLQ_TRFManager constructor: Creating TRF Object" << std::endl;
-  m_trfint = new TRFinterface("FixedCutBEff_"+m_opt->BtagOP(),//b-tag OP
+  m_trfint = new TRFinterface(m_opt->BtagOP(),//b-tag OP
     "AntiKt4EMTopoJets",//jet collection
     m_opt->TRFCDIPath(),//CDI file
     false, //ignore SF
diff --git a/VLQAnalysis/VLQ_Enums.h b/VLQAnalysis/VLQ_Enums.h
index 8cf0bb8a5eb9fff3385b11fe3f50c0a38bae3914..170d4818642492866206b89c9d5b71fef11b915d 100644
--- a/VLQAnalysis/VLQ_Enums.h
+++ b/VLQAnalysis/VLQ_Enums.h
@@ -27,7 +27,10 @@ namespace VLQ_Enums {
         UNDEFINED = 0,
         ELECTRON = 1,
         MUON = 2,
-        FULLHAD = 3
+	ELEL = 3,
+	MUMU = 4,
+	ELMU = 5,
+        FULLHAD = 6
     enum TriggerType {
diff --git a/VLQAnalysis/VLQ_NtupleData.h b/VLQAnalysis/VLQ_NtupleData.h
index 70662ef2f3f3dc9e91e8ed98f5da2247dd82a2b2..db48bd719cdf2f2df8a54e1f0b04a9e780094af4 100644
--- a/VLQAnalysis/VLQ_NtupleData.h
+++ b/VLQAnalysis/VLQ_NtupleData.h
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ public:
     std::vector<float> *d_fwdjet_E;
     std::vector<double> *d_fwdjet_btag_weight;
     std::vector<float> *d_fwdjet_jvt;
+    std::vector<float> *d_fwdjet_fJvt;
     std::vector<int>   *d_fwdjet_truthLabel;
     std::vector<int>   *d_fwdjet_isSignal;
     std::vector<int>   *d_fwdjet_passOR;
diff --git a/VLQAnalysis/VLQ_Options.h b/VLQAnalysis/VLQ_Options.h
index bdd4b88e5976972183843d43f06de51fe8aca94b..68c8a1fbc6b5e5ec77c1f67d661d4f8cbb646dbc 100644
--- a/VLQAnalysis/VLQ_Options.h
+++ b/VLQAnalysis/VLQ_Options.h
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ public:
   inline bool UseLargeRJets() const { return m_useLargeRJets; }
   inline bool DoCutFlow() const { return m_doCutFlow; }
   inline bool DoOneLeptonAna() const { return m_doOneLeptonAna; }
+  inline bool DoTwoLeptonAna() const { return m_doTwoLeptonAna; }
   inline bool DoZeroLeptonAna() const { return m_doZeroLeptonAna; }
   // inline bool DoPreselRegions() const { return m_doPreselRegions; }
   inline bool DoSingleVLQPreselection() const { return m_doSingleVLQPreselection; }
@@ -153,6 +154,7 @@ private:
   bool m_useLargeRJets;
   bool m_doCutFlow;
   bool m_doOneLeptonAna;
+  bool m_doTwoLeptonAna;
   bool m_doZeroLeptonAna;
   bool /*m_doPreselRegions,*/ m_doSingleVLQPreselection, m_doPairVLQPreselection, 
diff --git a/VLQAnalysis/VLQ_OutputData.h b/VLQAnalysis/VLQ_OutputData.h
index eed0149656d32b4a306427ec70cb8c9a7ac3a083..a0df88cbfa86c0b549ed3cb34404dda23ed484eb 100644
--- a/VLQAnalysis/VLQ_OutputData.h
+++ b/VLQAnalysis/VLQ_OutputData.h
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ public:
     double o_met;
     double o_mtwl;
     double o_ptwl;
+    double o_mll;
     double o_hthad;
     double o_hthadRC;
     double o_hthadRCtag;
diff --git a/VLQAnalysis/VLQ_Selector.h b/VLQAnalysis/VLQ_Selector.h
index 654e8a603f9470120cc8b36d8d3be55ef2a64ec4..053b373dc3e470731949abe5b271b84e9f6ca8ca 100644
--- a/VLQAnalysis/VLQ_Selector.h
+++ b/VLQAnalysis/VLQ_Selector.h
@@ -28,8 +28,10 @@ public:
     //=========== Top selections =========================
-  enum VLQTopSels{ c_1l_chan=1, c_1el_chan, c_1mu_chan, c_0l_chan,
-		   c_all,
+  enum VLQTopSels{ c_all=1,
+		   c_1l_chan, c_1el_chan, c_1mu_chan, 
+		   c_2l_chan, c_ee_chan, c_mumu_chan, c_emu_chan,
+		   c_0l_chan,
 		   /*jet multiplicities*/
 		   c_2jin, c_3jin, c_3jex, c_3_5jwin,
 		   c_4jex, c_5jex, c_6jex, c_7jex, c_8jex, c_6_8jwin,
@@ -60,7 +62,7 @@ public:
            /*V+L+T multiplicities*/
            c_0VLTex, c_1VLTex, c_1VLTin, c_2VLTin,
 		   /*Kinematic cuts*/
-		   c_LowMtbmin, c_HighMtbmin, c_LowMbb, c_HighMbb, c_HighMetSig, c_LowMetSig, TOPSEL_MAX
+		   c_LowMtbmin, c_HighMtbmin, c_LowMbb, c_HighMbb, c_HighMetSig, c_LowMetSig, c_HighMLL, c_ZwinMLL, TOPSEL_MAX
@@ -122,6 +124,7 @@ public:
     std::vector<SelProp>* m_sel_Mbb_prop;
     std::vector<SelProp>* m_sel_Mtb_prop;
     std::vector<SelProp>* m_sel_MetSig_prop;
+    std::vector<SelProp>* m_sel_MLL_prop;
     std::ifstream m_blinding_config;
     //int m_nsel;
diff --git a/data/samples_info_tag-21.2.67-0-fJvt-DL1.mc16a.dat b/data/samples_info_tag-21.2.67-0-fJvt-DL1.mc16a.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..873de49f7c6cdfe9c5c788f4b26f8d75b527ecb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/samples_info_tag-21.2.67-0-fJvt-DL1.mc16a.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# Path to files: /nfs/at3/scratch2/farooque/MBJOutputs/tag-21.2.67-0-fJvt/DL1/
+# Date: 2019_09_24_0944
+# Histogram used to normalize: cut_flow
+410470.mc16a 86329600711.37488 452.3464774336864
+407342.mc16a 1424639338.3170166 0.5095361759984895
+407343.mc16a 5756317742.167603 2.95832079199123
+407344.mc16a 7246379659.205994 21.32715815993678
+364170.mc16a 16788422.983433984 15324.216355601999
+364171.mc16a 5679456.922066647 2428.4862755999998
+364172.mc16a 10553785.923033781 832.2037582319999
+364173.mc16a 5415989.611952713 618.6973679686799
+364174.mc16a 3760767.332419059 224.00317771524
+364175.mc16a 8029891.544809276 94.88757384414
+364176.mc16a 6234702.265768298 197.307201861
+364177.mc16a 9528510.595714519 94.962584178
+364178.mc16a 18433491.262349915 35.910950977439995
+364179.mc16a 4378414.323111284 38.34053260883999
+364180.mc16a 2812495.500159416 22.364320275989996
+364181.mc16a 2873526.187812444 9.586344844692
+364182.mc16a 6085450.809471808 14.598599399999998
+364183.mc16a 4129139.921382189 1.1976148800000002
+364156.mc16a 16783367.71521499 15317.8576551
+364157.mc16a 5726997.700749142 2435.729944032
+364158.mc16a 10559843.078788698 828.8801421516
+364159.mc16a 5482207.91320644 618.5647247472
+364160.mc16a 3739738.716532326 223.35841325951998
+364161.mc16a 8101688.300630657 77.479415244
+364162.mc16a 6228867.748728445 197.79329214413997
+364163.mc16a 9512303.278907686 96.4494137376
+364164.mc16a 18531580.76314757 36.345256660943996
+364165.mc16a 4376833.834797125 38.299835163744
+364166.mc16a 2813148.816152606 22.395646627199998
+364167.mc16a 2816636.726889219 8.768196432072
+364168.mc16a 6029336.825471029 14.558821199999999
+364169.mc16a 4108152.1357874125 1.19800296
+364184.mc16a 16819156.769012704 15324.88733622
+364186.mc16a 10626861.126148202 837.6280998624
+364187.mc16a 5496494.3806171445 619.44787491048
+364188.mc16a 3772484.908089432 222.59530293461998
+364189.mc16a 4026450.5208074925 95.34031806222
+364190.mc16a 12393699.045994757 197.35804480392
+364191.mc16a 8011502.004224883 93.89560207103999
+364192.mc16a 18537130.78417476 34.82262388836
+364193.mc16a 6569745.474769918 39.281122066032
+364194.mc16a 4214680.481690008 22.25461612374
+364195.mc16a 2872290.1204565056 9.490847272829999
+364196.mc16a 5998107.731048442 14.603450399999998
+364197.mc16a 4113124.759367764 1.1973238199999998
+364114.mc16a 5374833.0167511655 1587.0215945528
+364115.mc16a 2872880.276419831 219.99581160900001
+364116.mc16a 4110178.060184562 127.08321503919997
+364117.mc16a 2175375.4170209 74.90028453263999
+364118.mc16a 724681.6999146859 20.3159891025
+364119.mc16a 2083822.2855407787 12.738808005420001
+364120.mc16a 2996565.6191174244 24.419835672925
+364121.mc16a 2001395.9013305015 9.236812813011
+364122.mc16a 8626709.418257698 6.081007354100001
+364123.mc16a 1723396.1057260092 4.7969474232267
+364124.mc16a 918309.6249333983 2.249655316216
+364125.mc16a 1875662.6901882673 1.4944508339145
+364126.mc16a 2968474.179291472 1.7641509199999998
+364127.mc16a 1016520.8332891464 0.14504612500000003
+364100.mc16a 5372476.06854472 1588.4963084899998
+364101.mc16a 2871991.426143632 219.474347631
+364102.mc16a 4120985.3373376993 127.3100652285
+364103.mc16a 2166490.4418362915 73.42295186688
+364104.mc16a 732465.502557937 20.897287166699996
+364105.mc16a 2082263.9685920272 12.44678183959
+364106.mc16a 2974012.067161903 23.303793402540002
+364107.mc16a 1991088.3307372543 9.143665195889
+364108.mc16a 8646674.040882234 6.05591861616
+364109.mc16a 1427630.2489854293 4.657367095488799
+364110.mc16a 918652.6238898593 2.2148275320268995
+364111.mc16a 1880442.9321024213 1.4697257097894
+364112.mc16a 2980513.214440966 1.7425036999999999
+364113.mc16a 1017049.2935065031 0.14392476
+364128.mc16a 5376034.859370685 1612.6789640079999
+364129.mc16a 2869441.986585051 219.63438591850002
+364130.mc16a 4114442.115225237 127.10315612673
+364131.mc16a 2190964.0132290125 74.73901859424001
+364132.mc16a 731614.1690864876 20.5294394676
+364133.mc16a 2090757.1902140307 11.966186954862
+364135.mc16a 2001155.3521046278 9.303012849312
+364136.mc16a 3472626.201425271 6.171084868872
+364137.mc16a 1678900.3320766045 4.764891832735999
+364138.mc16a 918259.6501284568 2.2360613145023995
+364139.mc16a 1860875.9646869525 1.491237143214
+364140.mc16a 2978478.47471847 1.76278578
+364141.mc16a 1018271.2946459055 0.144568326
+410658.mc16a 177371127.73414174 44.154726000000004
+410659.mc16a 105687644.47309086 26.275157500000002
+410646.mc16a 189644620.31536865 35.84952
+410647.mc16a 189607897.91196442 35.8467585
+410644.mc16a 4056368.955808401 2.061459
+410645.mc16a 2537965.303387642 1.2885655799999998
+410155.mc16a 4110680.752181828 0.60084912
+410156.mc16a 232491.18038365245 0.1721166
+410157.mc16a 1425550.927701354 0.5863131
+410218.mc16a 52012.904244579375 0.04128880000000001
+410219.mc16a 52021.83777882159 0.04129216
+410220.mc16a 34220.875033184886 0.0409416
+410276.mc16a 6385.081647302955 0.0204176
+410277.mc16a 6380.906849391758 0.020410880000000003
+410278.mc16a 579.8894139712211 0.00219184
+345874.mc16a 1551390.035546273 0.22957963770000003
+345875.mc16a 474057.62611168064 0.055139999999999995
+363356.mc16a 3493297.569607314 2.20355112
+363357.mc16a 559370.3905766859 6.7951
+363358.mc16a 254404.24982877885 3.4328000000000003
+363359.mc16a 1076338.1368878877 24.708000000000002
+363360.mc16a 1080428.4093693169 24.724
+363489.mc16a 1124496.0669597378 11.42
+310778.mc16a 6908.508334308863 0.1
+311376.mc16a 1626.3709105551243 0.1
+311377.mc16a 4378.577824681997 0.1
+310777.mc16a 1669.7026533074677 0.1
+310776.mc16a 5320.767490193248 0.1
+306997.mc16a 199000.0 0.1
+310779.mc16a 1106.4673364162445 0.1
+307054.mc16a 200000.0 0.1
+311365.mc16a 200000.0 0.1
+307059.mc16a 200000.0 0.1
+307061.mc16a 100000.0 0.1
+307042.mc16a 197000.0 0.1
+307047.mc16a 189000.0 0.1
diff --git a/data/samples_info_tag-21.2.67-0-fJvt-DL1.mc16d.dat b/data/samples_info_tag-21.2.67-0-fJvt-DL1.mc16d.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8cff1741825debcefdd8a646027a7d108891c747
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/samples_info_tag-21.2.67-0-fJvt-DL1.mc16d.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# Path to files: /nfs/at3/scratch2/farooque/MBJOutputs/tag-21.2.67-0-fJvt/DL1/
+# Date: 2019_09_17_0950
+# Histogram used to normalize: cut_flow
+410470.mc16d 100217957761.60278 452.3464774336864
+407342.mc16d 1747888273.2282104 0.5095361759984895
+407343.mc16d 7150336293.13562 2.95832079199123
+407344.mc16d 8906858971.933777 21.32715815993678
+364170.mc16d 20732831.654968683 15324.216355601999
+364171.mc16d 7152174.965797247 2428.4862755999998
+364172.mc16d 13185528.958004251 832.2037582319999
+364173.mc16d 6779036.612022326 618.6973679686799
+364174.mc16d 4686194.973897405 224.00317771524
+364175.mc16d 10054148.181599164 94.88757384414
+364176.mc16d 7733763.4854888655 197.307201861
+364177.mc16d 11975483.782908736 94.962584178
+364178.mc16d 23622685.385285657 35.910950977439995
+364179.mc16d 5259053.309356796 38.34053260883999
+364180.mc16d 3507553.8031311557 22.364320275989996
+364181.mc16d 3538269.9484084705 9.586344844692
+364182.mc16d 7522018.711002981 14.598599399999998
+364183.mc16d 9181308.679551005 1.1976148800000002
+364156.mc16d 20980416.12652493 15317.8576551
+364157.mc16d 7032248.816644446 2435.729944032
+364158.mc16d 13107422.277371798 828.8801421516
+364159.mc16d 6809091.182864059 618.5647247472
+364160.mc16d 4736031.708851198 223.35841325951998
+364161.mc16d 10251557.926743405 77.479415244
+364162.mc16d 7671069.993160637 197.79329214413997
+364163.mc16d 11965922.578568932 96.4494137376
+364164.mc16d 19595421.329191618 36.345256660943996
+364165.mc16d 5457432.74563455 38.299835163744
+364166.mc16d 3511511.9970141947 22.395646627199998
+364167.mc16d 3594065.7825383255 8.768196432072
+364168.mc16d 7537726.06146276 14.558821199999999
+364169.mc16d 5139781.52323699 1.19800296
+364184.mc16d 20991167.73853296 15324.88733622
+364185.mc16d 7153489.514357489 2446.723619802
+364186.mc16d 13264431.697058592 837.6280998624
+364187.mc16d 6799003.576742884 619.44787491048
+364188.mc16d 4704295.7505325135 222.59530293461998
+364189.mc16d 5038960.269808608 95.34031806222
+364190.mc16d 15569130.535491113 197.35804480392
+364191.mc16d 9985726.794827893 93.89560207103999
+364192.mc16d 23645222.953472972 34.82262388836
+364193.mc16d 8180294.068472981 39.281122066032
+364194.mc16d 5274270.253322026 22.25461612374
+364195.mc16d 3586555.9285339043 9.490847272829999
+364196.mc16d 7546298.144787088 14.603450399999998
+364197.mc16d 5121805.794290066 1.1973238199999998
+364114.mc16d 6719012.35031461 1587.0215945528
+364115.mc16d 3583695.6724392697 219.99581160900001
+364116.mc16d 5139202.169442051 127.08321503919997
+364117.mc16d 2702655.20994666 74.90028453263999
+364118.mc16d 907295.3193301978 20.3159891025
+364119.mc16d 2628718.293705561 12.738808005420001
+364120.mc16d 3744160.0568083622 24.419835672925
+364121.mc16d 2499776.7955379463 9.236812813011
+364122.mc16d 10889156.868336618 6.081007354100001
+364123.mc16d 2152620.70413427 4.7969474232267
+364124.mc16d 1147074.0964410082 2.249655316216
+364125.mc16d 2343737.9946358767 1.4944508339145
+364126.mc16d 3677712.001134162 1.7641509199999998
+364127.mc16d 1270333.509212494 0.14504612500000003
+364100.mc16d 6693737.228810846 1588.4963084899998
+364101.mc16d 3576209.472664592 219.474347631
+364102.mc16d 4717877.141645549 127.3100652285
+364103.mc16d 2717596.446847317 73.42295186688
+364104.mc16d 902414.3690206725 20.897287166699996
+364105.mc16d 2606755.7377836 12.44678183959
+364106.mc16d 3716021.1706106565 23.303793402540002
+364107.mc16d 2491777.660066071 9.143665195889
+364108.mc16d 10833133.075693833 6.05591861616
+364109.mc16d 2116546.384079381 4.657367095488799
+364110.mc16d 1145984.9755594395 2.2148275320268995
+364111.mc16d 2344779.0434629517 1.4697257097894
+364112.mc16d 3725326.760743403 1.7425036999999999
+364113.mc16d 1274067.2296616435 0.14392476
+364128.mc16d 6726281.149512045 1612.6789640079999
+364129.mc16d 3532960.237735696 219.63438591850002
+364130.mc16d 5137387.928968945 127.10315612673
+364131.mc16d 2755702.5985126654 74.73901859424001
+364132.mc16d 903049.705499231 20.5294394676
+364133.mc16d 1338312.7365541663 11.966186954862
+364134.mc16d 3734850.5381259616 24.59183946128
+364135.mc16d 2500529.8938449174 9.303012849312
+364136.mc16d 4324785.165015286 6.171084868872
+364137.mc16d 2155327.639876549 4.764891832735999
+364138.mc16d 1133852.6804158948 2.2360613145023995
+364139.mc16d 2343161.4162654895 1.491237143214
+364140.mc16d 3723236.2297408693 1.76278578
+364141.mc16d 1272900.203109026 0.144568326
+410658.mc16d 230476260.4708776 44.154726000000004
+410659.mc16d 132472573.49418662 26.275157500000002
+410646.mc16d 118052970.02194977 35.84952
+410647.mc16d 236691706.79514313 35.8467585
+410644.mc16d 5065597.106669903 2.061459
+410645.mc16d 3171824.083278179 1.2885655799999998
+410155.mc16d 4111925.0083904862 0.60084912
+410156.mc16d 232220.94164696336 0.1721166
+410157.mc16d 1585437.047315836 0.5863131
+410219.mc16d 49331.13402491063 0.04129216
+410220.mc16d 32785.08994945139 0.0409416
+410276.mc16d 6378.69163717702 0.0204176
+410277.mc16d 6385.645516723394 0.020410880000000003
+410278.mc16d 565.5066210089717 0.00219184
+345874.mc16d 2758683.1446843743 0.22957963770000003
+345875.mc16d 293429.8373513846 0.055139999999999995
+363355.mc16d 3490355.38164979 4.3079415999999995
+363356.mc16d 3493067.334427736 2.20355112
+363357.mc16d 555940.2063387907 6.7951
+363358.mc16d 1267165.2709668311 3.4328000000000003
+363359.mc16d 5370566.941446427 24.708000000000002
+363360.mc16d 2149924.584562771 24.724
+363489.mc16d 5628089.087317359 11.42
diff --git a/data/samples_info_tag-21.2.67-0-fJvt-DL1.mc16e.dat b/data/samples_info_tag-21.2.67-0-fJvt-DL1.mc16e.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7ed3749c12e25fb86f68f627112f3bbc98a81726
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/samples_info_tag-21.2.67-0-fJvt-DL1.mc16e.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# Path to files: /nfs/at3/scratch2/farooque/MBJOutputs/tag-21.2.67-0-fJvt/DL1/
+# Date: 2019_09_17_0953
+# Histogram used to normalize: cut_flow
+410470.mc16e 133858077028.69019 452.3464774336864
+407342.mc16e 6138434567.3671875 0.5095361759984895
+407343.mc16e 7493853712.184937 2.95832079199123
+407344.mc16e 11953651623.202637 21.32715815993678
+364170.mc16e 27911952.372652557 15324.216355601999
+364171.mc16e 9510771.69890468 2428.4862755999998
+364172.mc16e 17769161.503225513 832.2037582319999
+364173.mc16e 9012384.3730582 618.6973679686799
+364174.mc16e 6278065.924517471 224.00317771524
+364175.mc16e 12491350.22966859 94.88757384414
+364176.mc16e 10421583.2661119 197.307201861
+364177.mc16e 15871433.723524138 94.962584178
+364178.mc16e 30839939.301806636 35.910950977439995
+364179.mc16e 7262765.666412178 38.34053260883999
+364180.mc16e 4669541.174297653 22.364320275989996
+364181.mc16e 4774962.662233636 9.586344844692
+364182.mc16e 9989635.619478885 14.598599399999998
+364183.mc16e 6857553.787731737 1.1976148800000002
+364156.mc16e 27891406.310241155 15317.8576551
+364157.mc16e 9507825.300200135 2435.729944032
+364158.mc16e 17513474.888650086 828.8801421516
+364159.mc16e 9077204.489510672 618.5647247472
+364160.mc16e 6028051.801757201 223.35841325951998
+364161.mc16e 13434928.073148537 77.479415244
+364162.mc16e 10439801.157056244 197.79329214413997
+364163.mc16e 15918364.7860627 96.4494137376
+364164.mc16e 30795290.64888697 36.345256660943996
+364165.mc16e 7277819.755885538 38.299835163744
+364166.mc16e 4674171.1153828595 22.395646627199998
+364167.mc16e 4780092.0348148 8.768196432072
+364168.mc16e 9991646.084691226 14.558821199999999
+364169.mc16e 6828577.429056138 1.19800296
+364184.mc16e 27945045.927947737 15324.88733622
+364185.mc16e 9527616.104189437 2446.723619802
+364186.mc16e 17644560.75967602 837.6280998624
+364187.mc16e 9111352.668959629 619.44787491048
+364188.mc16e 6248831.814641442 222.59530293461998
+364189.mc16e 10099506.171325658 95.34031806222
+364190.mc16e 20668245.913758177 197.35804480392
+364191.mc16e 13223272.61839131 93.89560207103999
+364192.mc16e 30910708.375011448 34.82262388836
+364193.mc16e 10921667.928664856 39.281122066032
+364194.mc16e 7017716.721964937 22.25461612374
+364195.mc16e 4773563.571976438 9.490847272829999
+364196.mc16e 10027886.219541289 14.603450399999998
+364197.mc16e 6818924.821220279 1.1973238199999998
+364114.mc16e 8917788.640627537 1587.0215945528
+364115.mc16e 4772097.831127533 219.99581160900001
+364116.mc16e 6830130.162783679 127.08321503919997
+364117.mc16e 3638099.621086968 74.90028453263999
+364118.mc16e 1208443.7459066021 20.3159891025
+364119.mc16e 3471145.110198727 12.738808005420001
+364120.mc16e 5011356.113882409 24.419835672925
+364121.mc16e 3323981.519727367 9.236812813011
+364122.mc16e 14437641.448529854 6.081007354100001
+364123.mc16e 2951583.7821916887 4.7969474232267
+364124.mc16e 1593508.8808104508 2.249655316216
+364125.mc16e 3083921.571990045 1.4944508339145
+364126.mc16e 4930255.9358734265 1.7641509199999998
+364127.mc16e 1697923.5854374766 0.14504612500000003
+364100.mc16e 8936223.69749164 1588.4963084899998
+364101.mc16e 4779260.689438459 219.474347631
+364103.mc16e 3615557.0648046397 73.42295186688
+364104.mc16e 1192954.520856347 20.897287166699996
+364106.mc16e 4929117.991469355 23.303793402540002
+364107.mc16e 3324229.03917229 9.143665195889
+364108.mc16e 14367137.174127037 6.05591861616
+364109.mc16e 2555087.624004475 4.657367095488799
+364110.mc16e 1531850.9662022581 2.2148275320268995
+364111.mc16e 3121481.584973544 1.4697257097894
+364112.mc16e 5078116.864055352 1.7425036999999999
+364113.mc16e 1622696.6512544751 0.14392476
+364128.mc16e 8932067.905398387 1612.6789640079999
+364129.mc16e 4771039.621597946 219.63438591850002
+364130.mc16e 6843571.442215623 127.10315612673
+364131.mc16e 3656688.450165033 74.73901859424001
+364132.mc16e 1209846.3939533927 20.5294394676
+364133.mc16e 3476879.5616393015 11.966186954862
+364134.mc16e 4966303.561057217 24.59183946128
+364135.mc16e 3329676.0495885755 9.303012849312
+364136.mc16e 5756186.477358049 6.171084868872
+364137.mc16e 2858152.852915926 4.764891832735999
+364138.mc16e 1532853.8918604166 2.2360613145023995
+364140.mc16e 4922786.759697786 1.76278578
+364141.mc16e 1697854.8654967546 0.144568326
+410658.mc16e 306995965.1772995 44.154726000000004
+410659.mc16e 184202839.55086434 26.275157500000002
+410646.mc16e 315046579.55454636 35.84952
+410647.mc16e 313730034.05451584 35.8467585
+410644.mc16e 6699455.012125969 2.061459
+410645.mc16e 4207585.823101759 1.2885655799999998
+410155.mc16e 6415852.652219474 0.60084912
+410156.mc16e 310260.3004670441 0.1721166
+410157.mc16e 1895730.984977007 0.5863131
+410218.mc16e 79922.39313930273 0.04128880000000001
+410219.mc16e 80098.10679871589 0.04129216
+410220.mc16e 35092.02892035991 0.0409416
+410276.mc16e 8518.29944318533 0.0204176
+410277.mc16e 8509.097548354417 0.020410880000000003
+410278.mc16e 398.2432826582808 0.00219184
+363355.mc16e 5795084.355500013 4.3079415999999995
+363356.mc16e 5798104.492057383 2.20355112
+363357.mc16e 928257.3438840844 6.7951
+363358.mc16e 421818.6744698011 3.4328000000000003
+363359.mc16e 1784626.7644427395 24.708000000000002
+363360.mc16e 1787130.816855038 24.724
+363489.mc16e 1873760.204523365 11.42
diff --git a/data/samples_info_tag-21.2.67-0-fJvt-MV2.mc16a.dat b/data/samples_info_tag-21.2.67-0-fJvt-MV2.mc16a.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2830e616ec0713c91f46746ed7a80df775114ca3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/samples_info_tag-21.2.67-0-fJvt-MV2.mc16a.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+# Path to files: /nfs/at3/scratch2/farooque/MBJOutputs/tag-21.2.67-0-fJvt/MV2/
+# Date: 2019_09_24_0954
+# Histogram used to normalize: cut_flow
+410470.mc16a 87205814506.85889 452.3464774336864
+407342.mc16a 1424639338.3170166 0.5095361759984895
+407343.mc16a 5756317742.167603 2.95832079199123
+407344.mc16a 7246379659.205994 21.32715815993678
+364170.mc16a 16788422.98343398 15324.216355601999
+364171.mc16a 5679456.922066648 2428.4862755999998
+364172.mc16a 10553785.923033783 832.2037582319999
+364173.mc16a 5415989.611952713 618.6973679686799
+364174.mc16a 3760767.332419059 224.00317771524
+364175.mc16a 8029891.544809277 94.88757384414
+364176.mc16a 6234702.265768298 197.307201861
+364177.mc16a 9528510.595714517 94.962584178
+364178.mc16a 18433491.262349915 35.910950977439995
+364179.mc16a 4378414.323111284 38.34053260883999
+364180.mc16a 2812495.500159416 22.364320275989996
+364181.mc16a 2873526.187812444 9.586344844692
+364182.mc16a 6085450.809471808 14.598599399999998
+364183.mc16a 4129139.921382189 1.1976148800000002
+364156.mc16a 16783367.71521499 15317.8576551
+364157.mc16a 5726997.700749142 2435.729944032
+364158.mc16a 10559843.078788698 828.8801421516
+364159.mc16a 5482207.913206439 618.5647247472
+364160.mc16a 3739738.716532326 223.35841325951998
+364161.mc16a 8101688.300630657 77.479415244
+364162.mc16a 6228867.748728445 197.79329214413997
+364163.mc16a 9512303.278907686 96.4494137376
+364164.mc16a 18531580.763147574 36.345256660943996
+364165.mc16a 4376833.834797125 38.299835163744
+364166.mc16a 2813148.816152606 22.395646627199998
+364167.mc16a 2816636.726889219 8.768196432072
+364168.mc16a 6029336.825471029 14.558821199999999
+364169.mc16a 4108152.1357874125 1.19800296
+364184.mc16a 16819156.769012704 15324.88733622
+364186.mc16a 10626861.126148202 837.6280998624
+364187.mc16a 5496494.3806171445 619.44787491048
+364188.mc16a 3772484.908089432 222.59530293461998
+364189.mc16a 4026450.520807493 95.34031806222
+364190.mc16a 12393699.045994757 197.35804480392
+364191.mc16a 8011502.004224883 93.89560207103999
+364192.mc16a 18537130.78417476 34.82262388836
+364193.mc16a 6569745.474769918 39.281122066032
+364194.mc16a 4214680.481690008 22.25461612374
+364195.mc16a 2872290.1204565056 9.490847272829999
+364196.mc16a 5998107.731048442 14.603450399999998
+364197.mc16a 4113124.759367764 1.1973238199999998
+364114.mc16a 5374833.0167511655 1587.0215945528
+364115.mc16a 2872880.276419831 219.99581160900001
+364116.mc16a 4110178.0601845616 127.08321503919997
+364117.mc16a 2175375.4170209006 74.90028453263999
+364118.mc16a 724681.6999146859 20.3159891025
+364119.mc16a 2083822.285540779 12.738808005420001
+364120.mc16a 2996565.6191174244 24.419835672925
+364121.mc16a 2001395.9013305015 9.236812813011
+364122.mc16a 8626709.418257697 6.081007354100001
+364123.mc16a 1723396.1057260092 4.7969474232267
+364124.mc16a 918309.6249333983 2.249655316216
+364125.mc16a 1875662.6901882673 1.4944508339145
+364126.mc16a 2968474.179291472 1.7641509199999998
+364127.mc16a 1016520.8332891464 0.14504612500000003
+364100.mc16a 5372476.06854472 1588.4963084899998
+364101.mc16a 2871991.426143632 219.474347631
+364102.mc16a 4120985.3373376993 127.3100652285
+364103.mc16a 2166490.4418362915 73.42295186688
+364104.mc16a 732465.502557937 20.897287166699996
+364105.mc16a 2082263.9685920272 12.44678183959
+364106.mc16a 2974012.067161903 23.303793402540002
+364107.mc16a 1991088.3307372543 9.143665195889
+364108.mc16a 8646674.040882234 6.05591861616
+364109.mc16a 1728411.3116012672 4.657367095488799
+364110.mc16a 918652.6238898593 2.2148275320268995
+364111.mc16a 1880442.9321024213 1.4697257097894
+364112.mc16a 2980513.214440966 1.7425036999999999
+364113.mc16a 1017049.2935065031 0.14392476
+364128.mc16a 5376034.859370685 1612.6789640079999
+364129.mc16a 2869441.986585051 219.63438591850002
+364130.mc16a 4114442.115225237 127.10315612673
+364131.mc16a 2190964.0132290125 74.73901859424001
+364132.mc16a 731614.1690864876 20.5294394676
+364133.mc16a 2090757.1902140307 11.966186954862
+364134.mc16a 2959723.056789671 24.59183946128
+364135.mc16a 2001155.3521046278 9.303012849312
+364136.mc16a 3472626.201425271 6.171084868872
+364137.mc16a 1678900.3320766045 4.764891832735999
+364138.mc16a 918259.6501284568 2.2360613145023995
+364139.mc16a 1860875.9646869525 1.491237143214
+364140.mc16a 2183993.96640135 1.76278578
+364141.mc16a 1018271.2946459055 0.144568326
+410658.mc16a 177371127.73414174 44.154726000000004
+410659.mc16a 105687644.47309086 26.275157500000002
+410646.mc16a 189644620.31536865 35.84952
+410647.mc16a 189607897.91196442 35.8467585
+410644.mc16a 4056368.955808401 2.061459
+410645.mc16a 2537965.303387642 1.2885655799999998
+410155.mc16a 4110680.752181828 0.60084912
+410156.mc16a 232491.18038365245 0.1721166
+410157.mc16a 1583158.6200356483 0.5863131
+410218.mc16a 52012.904244579375 0.04128880000000001
+410219.mc16a 52021.83777882159 0.04129216
+410220.mc16a 34220.875033184886 0.0409416
+410276.mc16a 6385.081647302955 0.0204176
+410277.mc16a 6380.906849391758 0.020410880000000003
+410278.mc16a 579.8894139712211 0.00219184
+345874.mc16a 3190303.2606038153 0.22957963770000003
+345875.mc16a 474057.62611168064 0.055139999999999995
+363356.mc16a 3493297.5696073147 2.20355112
+363357.mc16a 559370.3905766859 6.7951
+363358.mc16a 254404.24982877885 3.4328000000000003
+363359.mc16a 1076338.136887888 24.708000000000002
+363360.mc16a 1080428.4093693169 24.724
+363489.mc16a 1124496.0669597378 11.42
+310778.mc16a 6908.508334308863 0.1
+311376.mc16a 1626.3709105551243 0.1
+311377.mc16a 4378.577824681997 0.1
+310777.mc16a 1669.7026533074677 0.1
+310776.mc16a 5320.767490193248 0.1
+306997.mc16a 199000.0 0.1
+310779.mc16a 1106.4673364162445 0.1
+307054.mc16a 200000.0 0.1
+311365.mc16a 200000.0 0.1
+307059.mc16a 200000.0 0.1
+307061.mc16a 100000.0 0.1
+307042.mc16a 197000.0 0.1
+307047.mc16a 189000.0 0.1
diff --git a/data/samples_info_tag-21.2.67-0-fJvt-MV2.mc16d.dat b/data/samples_info_tag-21.2.67-0-fJvt-MV2.mc16d.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8f1a7cdbc2a5119f6e51cc2390e3ba476c0d7af0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/samples_info_tag-21.2.67-0-fJvt-MV2.mc16d.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# Path to files: /nfs/at3/scratch2/farooque/MBJOutputs/tag-21.2.67-0-fJvt/MV2/
+# Date: 2019_09_17_0947
+# Histogram used to normalize: cut_flow
+410470.mc16d 109034065946.99658 452.3464774336864
+407342.mc16d 1747888273.2282104 0.5095361759984895
+407343.mc16d 7150336293.13562 2.95832079199123
+407344.mc16d 8906858971.933777 21.32715815993678
+364170.mc16d 20732831.65496868 15324.216355601999
+364171.mc16d 7152174.965797249 2428.4862755999998
+364172.mc16d 13185528.958004255 832.2037582319999
+364173.mc16d 6779036.612022325 618.6973679686799
+364174.mc16d 4686194.973897405 224.00317771524
+364175.mc16d 10054148.181599164 94.88757384414
+364176.mc16d 7733763.4854888655 197.307201861
+364177.mc16d 11975483.782908736 94.962584178
+364178.mc16d 23622685.385285653 35.910950977439995
+364179.mc16d 5259053.309356796 38.34053260883999
+364180.mc16d 3507553.8031311557 22.364320275989996
+364181.mc16d 3538269.9484084705 9.586344844692
+364182.mc16d 7522018.711002981 14.598599399999998
+364183.mc16d 9181308.679551005 1.1976148800000002
+364156.mc16d 20980416.12652493 15317.8576551
+364157.mc16d 7032248.816644445 2435.729944032
+364158.mc16d 13107422.277371796 828.8801421516
+364159.mc16d 6809091.182864059 618.5647247472
+364160.mc16d 4736031.708851198 223.35841325951998
+364161.mc16d 10251557.926743405 77.479415244
+364162.mc16d 7671069.993160637 197.79329214413997
+364163.mc16d 11965922.578568932 96.4494137376
+364164.mc16d 19595421.329191618 36.345256660943996
+364165.mc16d 5457432.74563455 38.299835163744
+364166.mc16d 3511511.9970141947 22.395646627199998
+364167.mc16d 3594065.7825383255 8.768196432072
+364168.mc16d 7537726.06146276 14.558821199999999
+364169.mc16d 5139781.52323699 1.19800296
+364184.mc16d 20991167.73853296 15324.88733622
+364185.mc16d 7153489.514357489 2446.723619802
+364186.mc16d 13264431.697058592 837.6280998624
+364187.mc16d 6799003.576742884 619.44787491048
+364188.mc16d 4704295.7505325135 222.59530293461998
+364189.mc16d 5038960.269808608 95.34031806222
+364190.mc16d 15569130.535491113 197.35804480392
+364191.mc16d 9985726.794827893 93.89560207103999
+364192.mc16d 23645222.953472972 34.82262388836
+364193.mc16d 8180294.068472981 39.281122066032
+364194.mc16d 5274270.253322026 22.25461612374
+364195.mc16d 3586555.9285339043 9.490847272829999
+364196.mc16d 7546298.144787088 14.603450399999998
+364197.mc16d 5121805.794290066 1.1973238199999998
+364114.mc16d 6719012.350314611 1587.0215945528
+364115.mc16d 3583695.6724392697 219.99581160900001
+364116.mc16d 5139202.16944205 127.08321503919997
+364117.mc16d 2702655.20994666 74.90028453263999
+364118.mc16d 907295.3193301978 20.3159891025
+364119.mc16d 2628718.2937055607 12.738808005420001
+364120.mc16d 3744160.0568083622 24.419835672925
+364121.mc16d 2499776.7955379463 9.236812813011
+364122.mc16d 10889156.86833662 6.081007354100001
+364123.mc16d 2152620.70413427 4.7969474232267
+364124.mc16d 1147074.0964410082 2.249655316216
+364125.mc16d 2343737.9946358767 1.4944508339145
+364126.mc16d 3677712.001134162 1.7641509199999998
+364127.mc16d 1270333.509212494 0.14504612500000003
+364100.mc16d 6693737.228810846 1588.4963084899998
+364101.mc16d 3576209.472664592 219.474347631
+364102.mc16d 4966492.606712536 127.3100652285
+364103.mc16d 2717596.4468473163 73.42295186688
+364104.mc16d 902414.3690206725 20.897287166699996
+364105.mc16d 2606755.7377836 12.44678183959
+364106.mc16d 3716021.1706106565 23.303793402540002
+364107.mc16d 2491777.660066071 9.143665195889
+364108.mc16d 10833133.07569383 6.05591861616
+364109.mc16d 2116546.384079381 4.657367095488799
+364110.mc16d 1145984.9755594395 2.2148275320268995
+364111.mc16d 2344779.0434629517 1.4697257097894
+364112.mc16d 3725326.760743403 1.7425036999999999
+364113.mc16d 1274067.2296616435 0.14392476
+364128.mc16d 6726281.149512045 1612.6789640079999
+364129.mc16d 3532960.237735696 219.63438591850002
+364130.mc16d 5137387.928968945 127.10315612673
+364131.mc16d 2755702.5985126654 74.73901859424001
+364132.mc16d 903049.705499231 20.5294394676
+364133.mc16d 2628966.31477965 11.966186954862
+364134.mc16d 3734850.5381259616 24.59183946128
+364135.mc16d 2500529.8938449174 9.303012849312
+364136.mc16d 4324785.165015286 6.171084868872
+364137.mc16d 2155327.639876549 4.764891832735999
+364138.mc16d 1133852.6804158948 2.2360613145023995
+364139.mc16d 2343161.4162654895 1.491237143214
+364140.mc16d 3723236.2297408693 1.76278578
+364141.mc16d 1272900.203109026 0.144568326
+410658.mc16d 230476260.47087762 44.154726000000004
+410659.mc16d 132472573.49418662 26.275157500000002
+410646.mc16d 227499085.63306046 35.84952
+410647.mc16d 236691706.79514313 35.8467585
+410644.mc16d 5065597.106669903 2.061459
+410645.mc16d 3171824.083278179 1.2885655799999998
+410155.mc16d 4111925.0083904862 0.60084912
+410156.mc16d 232220.94164696336 0.1721166
+410157.mc16d 1585437.047315836 0.5863131
+410218.mc16d 43754.805960044265 0.04128880000000001
+410219.mc16d 49331.13402491063 0.04129216
+410220.mc16d 21859.75870911032 0.0409416
+410276.mc16d 6378.69163717702 0.0204176
+410277.mc16d 6385.645516723394 0.020410880000000003
+410278.mc16d 565.5066210089717 0.00219184
+345874.mc16d 2758683.1446843743 0.22957963770000003
+345875.mc16d 293429.8373513846 0.055139999999999995
+363355.mc16d 3490355.38164979 4.3079415999999995
+363356.mc16d 3493067.3344277362 2.20355112
+363357.mc16d 555940.2063387907 6.7951
+363358.mc16d 1267165.2709668314 3.4328000000000003
+363359.mc16d 5370566.941446427 24.708000000000002
+363360.mc16d 2149924.584562771 24.724
+363489.mc16d 5628089.087317359 11.42
diff --git a/data/samples_info_tag-21.2.67-0-fJvt-MV2.mc16e.dat b/data/samples_info_tag-21.2.67-0-fJvt-MV2.mc16e.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6b5d8bebdcc14ce5ce6f87204814308d04678f48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/samples_info_tag-21.2.67-0-fJvt-MV2.mc16e.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# Path to files: /nfs/at3/scratch2/farooque/MBJOutputs/tag-21.2.67-0-fJvt/MV2/
+# Date: 2019_09_24_0959
+# Histogram used to normalize: cut_flow
+410470.mc16e 140141457277.88916 452.3464774336864
+407342.mc16e 6343772119.003662 0.5095361759984895
+407343.mc16e 9450622306.472534 2.95832079199123
+407344.mc16e 11953651623.202637 21.32715815993678
+364170.mc16e 27911952.372652557 15324.216355601999
+364171.mc16e 9510771.698904678 2428.4862755999998
+364172.mc16e 17769161.503225517 832.2037582319999
+364173.mc16e 9012384.3730582 618.6973679686799
+364174.mc16e 6278065.924517471 224.00317771524
+364175.mc16e 12491350.229668591 94.88757384414
+364176.mc16e 10421583.266111897 197.307201861
+364177.mc16e 15871433.723524138 94.962584178
+364178.mc16e 30839939.30180663 35.910950977439995
+364179.mc16e 7262765.666412178 38.34053260883999
+364180.mc16e 4669541.174297653 22.364320275989996
+364181.mc16e 4774962.662233636 9.586344844692
+364182.mc16e 9989635.619478885 14.598599399999998
+364183.mc16e 6857553.787731737 1.1976148800000002
+364156.mc16e 27891406.310241155 15317.8576551
+364157.mc16e 9507825.300200135 2435.729944032
+364158.mc16e 17513474.888650086 828.8801421516
+364159.mc16e 9077204.48951067 618.5647247472
+364160.mc16e 6028051.801757202 223.35841325951998
+364161.mc16e 13434928.073148541 77.479415244
+364162.mc16e 10439801.157056242 197.79329214413997
+364163.mc16e 15918364.7860627 96.4494137376
+364164.mc16e 30795290.648886967 36.345256660943996
+364165.mc16e 7277819.755885538 38.299835163744
+364166.mc16e 4674171.1153828595 22.395646627199998
+364167.mc16e 4780092.0348148 8.768196432072
+364168.mc16e 9991646.084691226 14.558821199999999
+364169.mc16e 6828577.429056138 1.19800296
+364184.mc16e 27945045.927947737 15324.88733622
+364185.mc16e 9527616.104189437 2446.723619802
+364186.mc16e 17644560.75967602 837.6280998624
+364187.mc16e 9111352.668959629 619.44787491048
+364188.mc16e 6248831.814641442 222.59530293461998
+364189.mc16e 10099506.171325658 95.34031806222
+364190.mc16e 20668245.913758177 197.35804480392
+364191.mc16e 13223272.618391313 93.89560207103999
+364192.mc16e 30910708.375011448 34.82262388836
+364193.mc16e 10921667.928664854 39.281122066032
+364194.mc16e 7017716.721964937 22.25461612374
+364195.mc16e 4773563.571976438 9.490847272829999
+364196.mc16e 10027886.219541289 14.603450399999998
+364197.mc16e 6818924.821220279 1.1973238199999998
+364114.mc16e 8917788.640627537 1587.0215945528
+364115.mc16e 4772097.831127534 219.99581160900001
+364116.mc16e 6830130.162783679 127.08321503919997
+364117.mc16e 3638099.621086968 74.90028453263999
+364118.mc16e 1208443.7459066021 20.3159891025
+364119.mc16e 3471145.110198727 12.738808005420001
+364120.mc16e 5011356.113882409 24.419835672925
+364121.mc16e 3323981.5197273665 9.236812813011
+364122.mc16e 14437641.448529854 6.081007354100001
+364123.mc16e 2951583.7821916887 4.7969474232267
+364124.mc16e 1593508.8808104508 2.249655316216
+364125.mc16e 3083921.571990045 1.4944508339145
+364126.mc16e 4930255.9358734265 1.7641509199999998
+364127.mc16e 1697923.5854374766 0.14504612500000003
+364100.mc16e 8936223.697491638 1588.4963084899998
+364101.mc16e 4779260.68943846 219.474347631
+364103.mc16e 3615557.0648046397 73.42295186688
+364104.mc16e 1192954.520856347 20.897287166699996
+364106.mc16e 4929117.991469354 23.303793402540002
+364107.mc16e 3324229.03917229 9.143665195889
+364108.mc16e 14367137.174127039 6.05591861616
+364109.mc16e 2261304.1601487063 4.657367095488799
+364110.mc16e 1531850.9662022581 2.2148275320268995
+364111.mc16e 3121481.584973544 1.4697257097894
+364112.mc16e 5078116.864055352 1.7425036999999999
+364113.mc16e 1622696.6512544751 0.14392476
+364128.mc16e 8932067.905398387 1612.6789640079999
+364129.mc16e 4771039.621597946 219.63438591850002
+364130.mc16e 6843571.442215623 127.10315612673
+364131.mc16e 3656688.450165033 74.73901859424001
+364132.mc16e 1209846.3939533927 20.5294394676
+364133.mc16e 3476879.5616393015 11.966186954862
+364134.mc16e 4966303.561057217 24.59183946128
+364135.mc16e 3329676.0495885755 9.303012849312
+364136.mc16e 5756186.477358048 6.171084868872
+364137.mc16e 2858152.852915926 4.764891832735999
+364138.mc16e 1532853.8918604166 2.2360613145023995
+364139.mc16e 3119964.18503478 1.491237143214
+364140.mc16e 4922786.759697786 1.76278578
+364141.mc16e 1697854.8654967546 0.144568326
+410658.mc16e 306995965.1772995 44.154726000000004
+410659.mc16e 184202839.55086437 26.275157500000002
+410646.mc16e 315046579.55454636 35.84952
+410647.mc16e 313730034.05451584 35.8467585
+410644.mc16e 6699455.012125969 2.061459
+410645.mc16e 4207585.823101759 1.2885655799999998
+410155.mc16e 6601725.5496377945 0.60084912
+410156.mc16e 310260.3004670441 0.1721166
+410157.mc16e 1895730.984977007 0.5863131
+410218.mc16e 79922.39313930273 0.04128880000000001
+410219.mc16e 80098.10679871589 0.04129216
+410220.mc16e 35092.02892035991 0.0409416
+410276.mc16e 8518.29944318533 0.0204176
+410277.mc16e 8509.097548354417 0.020410880000000003
+410278.mc16e 339.7433944423683 0.00219184
+363355.mc16e 5795084.355500013 4.3079415999999995
+363356.mc16e 5798104.492057384 2.20355112
+363357.mc16e 928257.3438840844 6.7951
+363358.mc16e 421818.6744698011 3.4328000000000003
+363359.mc16e 1784626.7644427395 24.708000000000002
+363360.mc16e 1787130.816855038 24.724
+363489.mc16e 1873760.204523365 11.42
diff --git a/macros/macros_stats/LaunchTRExFitterOnBatch_newTRexF.py b/macros/macros_stats/LaunchTRExFitterOnBatch_newTRexF.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4f25d6c24f911ccb40a0636ce68e9e08ac123f13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/macros_stats/LaunchTRExFitterOnBatch_newTRexF.py
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+import os
+import glob
+import sys
+import socket
+sys.path.append( os.getenv("ROOTCOREBIN") + "/python/IFAETopFramework/" )
+from BatchTools import *
+## Write scripts and launch jobs
+def writeScriptsAndLaunchJobs( scriptTempName, configFile, instructions, LaunchJobs = True ):
+    pathToCreate = ""
+    scriptName = scriptTempName
+    for level in scriptName.split("/"):
+        if(level==scriptName.split("/")[len(scriptName.split("/"))-1]): continue
+        pathToCreate += level
+        pathToCreate += "/"
+    os.system("mkdir -p " + pathToCreate)
+    scriptName += configFile.split("/")[len(configFile.split("/"))-1].replace(" ","")
+    script = open(scriptName,'w')
+    script.write("#!/bin/bash \n")
+    script.write("cd $TMPDIR \n\n")
+    script.write("echo \"==> About to copy the TRexFitter tarball !\"\n")
+    script.write("cp -r " + m_tarballPath + " tarball.tgz \n")
+    script.write("echo \"==> After the copy ! (doing an ls just in case)\"\n")
+    script.write("ls -lrth \n")
+    script.write("\n\n")
+    script.write("echo \"==> Now untarring the tarball to have the code !\"\n")
+    script.write("tar xf tarball.tgz \n")
+    script.write("echo \"==> After the copy ! (doing an ls just in case)\"\n")
+    script.write("ls -lrth \n")
+    script.write("\n\n")
+    script.write("echo \"==> Now getting the CONFIG file\"\n")
+    script.write("cp " + configFile + " configFile.txt \n")
+    script.write("echo \"==> Done\"\n")
+    script.write("\n\n")
+    script.write("source setup.sh \n")
+    script.write("rm -rf build \n")
+    script.write("mkdir -p build && cd build/ && cmake ../ && cmake --build ./ && cd ../")
+    script.write("\n\n")
+    tRexFitterOutDirectory = ""
+    f_config_file = open(configFile,'r')
+    for config_line in f_config_file:
+        if config_line.find("Job:")>-1:
+            config_line_splitted = config_line.split(" ")
+            if len(config_line_splitted)>1:
+                tRexFitterOutDirectory = config_line_splitted[1].replace("\"","").replace("\n","")
+                break
+    script.write("mkdir -p " + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/Histograms/\n")
+    script.write("echo \"==> Now running the code with the following instructions:\"\n")
+    for inst in instructions:
+        script.write("echo \"    " + inst + "\"\n")
+    counter = 0
+    script.write("trex-fitter h configFile.txt >& logFileRunning_h \n")
+    for inst in instructions:
+        script.write("echo \"==> Now executing the instruction: " + inst + "\"\n")
+        script.write("trex-fitter " + inst.replace("_CONFIGFILE_","configFile.txt") + " >& logFileRunning_" + `counter` + " \n")
+        counter += 1
+    script.write("\n\n")
+    script.write("echo \"==> The code ran ! Doing an ls so that you can check !\"\n")
+    script.write("ls -lrth . " + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/ \n")
+    script.write("\n\n")
+    #Creating the output repositories
+    script.write("mkdir -p " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/Histograms\n")
+    script.write("mkdir -p " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/Systematics\n")
+    script.write("mkdir -p " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/Fits\n")
+    script.write("mkdir -p " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/RooStats\n")
+    script.write("mkdir -p " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/Plots\n")
+    script.write("mkdir -p " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/Significance\n")
+    script.write("mkdir -p " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/Tables\n")
+    script.write("mkdir -p " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/Limits\n")
+    #Copying outputs in the final repository
+    script.write("mv " + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/Systematics/* " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/Systematics \n")
+    script.write("mv " + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/*.{png,eps,pdf} " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/ \n")
+    script.write("mv " + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/Fits/* " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/Fits/ \n")
+    script.write("mv " + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/RooStats/* " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/RooStats/ \n")
+    script.write("mv " + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/Plots/* " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/Plots/ \n")
+    script.write("mv " + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/Significance/* " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/Significance/ \n")
+    script.write("mv " + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/Tables/* " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/Tables/ \n")
+    script.write("mv " + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/Limits/* " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/Limits/ \n")
+    script.write("mv logFileRunning* " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/ \n")
+    script.write("\n\n")
+    script.write("echo \"==> Finished transfering the output files !\"\n")
+    script.write("\n\n")
+    script.write("rm -rf $TMPDIR/*")
+    script.close()
+    if LaunchJobs:
+        if socket.gethostname().find("cca")>-1:
+            #You are working at CCIN2P3 ... you must be Loic !!
+            os.system("mkdir -p " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory)
+            os.system("qsub -l sps=1 -P P_atlas -o " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/ -e " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/ " + scriptName)
+        else:
+            os.system("mkdir " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory)
+            os.system("qsub -q " + m_batch_queue + " " + scriptName + " -o " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/ -e " + m_outputDir + "/" + tRexFitterOutDirectory + "/")
+## Checking the arguments
+    printWarning("Arguments checker ==> Wrong input arguments")
+    print ""
+    print "    python "+sys.argv[0]+" [arg]"
+    print ""
+    print "Arguments"
+    print "========="
+    print "    tarball=<path to the tarball containing TRExFitter>"
+    print "    outputDir=<place where to store all the results>"
+    print "    action=<action to perform with this job> chosen between RANKING/HISTOS/FIT/POSTPLOTS/PREPLOTS/LIMIT"
+    print "    inputDir=<ABSOLUTE path to the config files>"
+    print "    n_NP=<number of NP to be run for each job when performing the ranking> "
+    print "    queue=<name of the batch queue to launch the jobs. delfault in at3> "
+    print ""
+    sys.exit()
+## Selects the arguments
+m_tarballPath = "tarball.tgz"
+m_outputDir = ""
+m_action = ""
+m_inputConfigFiles = ""
+m_rankingNPMerging = 10
+m_mergeJobs = False
+m_batch_queue = "at3"
+for iArg in range(1,len(sys.argv)):
+    splitted=sys.argv[iArg].split("=")
+    argument = splitted[0].upper()
+    if(argument=="TARBALL"): m_tarballPath = splitted[1]
+    elif(argument=="OUTPUTDIR"): m_outputDir = splitted[1]
+    elif(argument=="ACTION"): m_action = splitted[1].upper()
+    elif(argument=="INPUTDIR"): m_inputConfigFiles = splitted[1]
+    elif(argument=="N_NP"): m_rankingNPMerging = int(splitted[1])
+    elif(argument=="QUEUE"): m_batch_queue = splitted[1]
+    elif(argument=="MERGEJOBS"): m_mergeJobs = True
+    else:
+        printWarning("/!\ Unrecognized argument ("+splitted[0]+") ! Please check !")
+    printError("<!> Please provide an input config file to use !")
+    sys.exit()
+## Creating the output folder
+os.system("mkdir -p " + m_outputDir)
+## Getting the file list
+configFileList = glob.glob(m_inputConfigFiles+"*.txt")
+nMerge = 1
+if len(configFileList)>100 and not m_mergeJobs:
+    printWarning("=> You are about to submit A LOT of jobs ("+`len(configFileList)`+") ... Are you sure you want to do that ?")
+    go_ahead=""
+    while go_ahead!="y" and go_ahead!="n":
+        go_ahead = raw_input("   Type 'y' to continue or 'n' to merge jobs: ")
+    if go_ahead=="n":
+        m_mergeJobs = True
+        nMerge = int(raw_input("   Type the number of jobs to merge: "))
+## Looping on the configfiles and launch a job (or more for each)
+for config in configFileList:
+    print "=> Taking care of config file: ", config
+    if m_action == "RANKING":
+        #Determining the number of systematics to consider
+        f_config = open(config,'r')
+        syst_list = []
+        for config_line in f_config:
+            if config_line.find("Systematic: ")>-1:
+                temp_line = config_line
+                temp_line = temp_line.replace("Systematic: ","").replace("\"","")
+                syst_list += temp_line.split(";")
+        f_config.close()
+        #Splits into subjobs to maximize efficiency ...
+        commands = []
+        for systematic in syst_list:
+            syst = systematic.replace("\"","").replace(" ","").replace("\n","")
+            if commands == []:
+                commands += ["wfr _CONFIGFILE_ 'Ranking=" + syst + "'"]
+            else:
+                commands += ["r _CONFIGFILE_ 'Ranking=" + syst + "'"]
+            if len(commands)==m_rankingNPMerging:
+                writeScriptsAndLaunchJobs( m_outputDir + "/scripts_RANKING"+syst, config, commands )
+                commands = []
+        writeScriptsAndLaunchJobs( m_outputDir + "/scripts_RANKING_ttbbNorm", config, ["wfr _CONFIGFILE_ 'Ranking=HTX_BKGNORM_TTBARBB'",] )
+    else:
+        com = "w"
+        if m_action.find("FIT")>-1:
+            com += "f"
+            if m_action.find("POSTPLOTS")>-1:
+                com += "p"
+        if m_action.find("LIMIT")>-1: 
+            com += "ls"
+        if m_action.find("PREPLOTS")>-1: 
+            com += "d"
+        writeScriptsAndLaunchJobs( m_outputDir + "/scripts_", config, [com + " _CONFIGFILE_",], m_mergeJobs==False )
+if m_mergeJobs:
+    list_scripts = glob.glob(m_outputDir + "/scripts_*")
+    counter = 0
+    counter_scripts = 0
+    for script in list_scripts:
+        if counter == 0:
+            counter_scripts += 1
+            counter += 1
+            os.system("cat " + script + " > " + m_outputDir + "/mergedScripts_"+`counter_scripts`)
+        else:
+            counter += 1
+            os.system("echo '\n\n\n\n' >> " + m_outputDir + "/mergedScripts_"+`counter_scripts`)
+            os.system("cat " + script + " >> " + m_outputDir + "/mergedScripts_"+`counter_scripts`)
+        if counter==nMerge:
+            counter = 0
+            com = "qsub -q at3 " + m_outputDir + "/mergedScripts_"+`counter_scripts` + " -o " + m_outputDir + "/LOG_mergedScripts_"+`counter_scripts` + "/ -e " + m_outputDir + "/LOG_mergedScripts_"+`counter_scripts` + "/"
+            os.system(com)
+    printGoodNews("=> You effectively submitted \"only\" " + `counter_scripts` + " jobs instead of "+`len(configFileList)`+" !!")
diff --git a/macros/macros_stats/PrepareConfigFilesFromTemplate.py b/macros/macros_stats/PrepareConfigFilesFromTemplate.py
index 40c9cf7ea1c415a90eeb6d052ce1948fff141342..69109fd3b7ed1aa771c1be9ed5040efe71875218 100644
--- a/macros/macros_stats/PrepareConfigFilesFromTemplate.py
+++ b/macros/macros_stats/PrepareConfigFilesFromTemplate.py
@@ -291,8 +291,8 @@ for counter,sample in enumerate(Signals):
                             corrected_line += "HistoName: " + reg['name'].replace("HTX_","") + channel + "_" + reg_discriminant + "\n"
                             corrected_line += "VariableTitle: " + discriminant_title +"\n"
                             corrected_line += "Binning: " + reg[binning_key] + "\n"
-                            corrected_line += "Label: " + reg['legend'] + "\n"
-                            corrected_line += "ShortLabel: " + reg['legend'] + "\n"
+                            corrected_line += "Label: " + "\"" + reg['legend'] + "\"\n"
+                            corrected_line += "ShortLabel: " + "\"" + reg['legend'] + "\"\n"
                             #if(reg['name'].find("c1lep")>-1 and inputDir.find("/1lep")==-1):
                              #   corrected_line += "HistoPathSuff: 1lep/ \n"
                             #elif(reg['name'].find("c0lep")>-1 and inputDir.find("/0lep")==-1):
@@ -341,12 +341,12 @@ for counter,sample in enumerate(Signals):
     f_adapted.write("Sample: \""+SType+"\"\n")
     f_adapted.write("  Title: \""+TypeTemp+"\"\n")
-    f_adapted.write("  Type: \"signal\"\n")
+    f_adapted.write("  Type: signal\n")
     f_adapted.write("  NormFactor: \"mu_signal\","+SignalNormFactor+"\n")
     f_adapted.write("  FillColor: 2\n")
     f_adapted.write("  LineColor: 2\n")
     f_adapted.write("  HistoFile: "+cleaned_sampleType+"\n")
+    f_adapted.write("  LumiScale: 139020.02\n")
     f_adapted.write(" \n")
diff --git a/macros/macros_stats/templates/TEMPLATE_Systematics_DUMMY.txt b/macros/macros_stats/templates/TEMPLATE_Systematics_DUMMY.txt
index 44779d7b60a5ccb893df0b9e8fd05bb82e42fa4b..051c668fca4bf0644afb7cdb331ed01960402f53 100644
--- a/macros/macros_stats/templates/TEMPLATE_Systematics_DUMMY.txt
+++ b/macros/macros_stats/templates/TEMPLATE_Systematics_DUMMY.txt
@@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ Systematic: "Dummy"
   Category: Others
   OverallUp: 1.e-5
   OverallDown: -1.e-5
-  Exclude: QCD,QCD0L
+%  Exclude: QCD,QCD0L
diff --git a/macros/macros_stats/templates/TEMPLATE_configFile_newTRexF_sVLQ__SIGNAL_.txt b/macros/macros_stats/templates/TEMPLATE_configFile_newTRexF_sVLQ__SIGNAL_.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3bee769359028febcd7e71218f25c57e9e8cb93e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/macros_stats/templates/TEMPLATE_configFile_newTRexF_sVLQ__SIGNAL_.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+% -------------------------- %
+% -------    JOB     ------- %
+% -------------------------- %
+Label: "Ht+X analysis"
+CmeLabel: "13 TeV"
+LumiLabel: "139.02 fb^{-1}"
+Lumi: 1.
+POI: "mu_signal"
+ReadFrom: HIST
+HistoPath: "__HISTOPATH__"
+DebugLevel: 0
+SystControlPlots: FALSE
+SystPruningShape: 0.01
+SystPruningNorm: 0.01
+CorrelationThreshold: 0.20
+HistoChecks: NOCRASH
+SplitHistoFiles: TRUE
+MCstatThreshold: 0.05
+StatOnly: __STATONLY__
+SystLarge: 10.
+%GetChi2: FALSE
+PlotOptions: YIELDS
+%PlotOptions: CHI2
+% -------------------------- %
+% -------    FIT     ------- %
+% -------------------------- %
+Fit: "__FITTYPE__"
+FitType: __FITTYPE__
+FitRegion: __FITREGION__
+FitBlind: __FITBLIND__
+% --------------------------- %
+% ---------- LIMIT ---------- %
+% --------------------------- %
+Limit: "limit"
+LimitBlind: __LIMITBLIND__
+% -------------------------- %
+% --------- REGIONS -------- %
+% -------------------------- %
+% --------------------------- %
+% --------  SAMPLES  -------- %
+% --------------------------- %
+Sample: "ttbarlight"
+Title: "t#bar{t}+light"
+Type: background
+FillColor: 0
+LineColor: 1
+HistoFiles: ttbarlight.mc16a,ttbarlight.mc16d,ttbarlight.mc16e
+LumiScales: 36207.66,44307.4,58450.1
+Sample: "ttbarcc"
+Title: "t#bar{t}+cc"
+Type: background
+FillColor: 590
+LineColor: 1
+HistoFiles: ttbarcc.mc16a,ttbarcc.mc16d,ttbarcc.mc16e
+LumiScales: 36207.66,44307.4,58450.1
+%HistoFile: ttbarcc
+Sample: "ttbarbb"
+Title: "t#bar{t}+bb"
+Type: background
+FillColor: 594
+LineColor: 1
+HistoFiles: ttbarbb.mc16a,ttbarbb.mc16d,ttbarbb.mc16e
+LumiScales: 36207.66,44307.4,58450.1
+%HistoFile: ttbarbb
+Sample: "topEW"
+Title: "topEW"
+Type: background
+FillColor: 410
+LineColor: 1
+HistoFiles: topEW.mc16a,topEW.mc16d,topEW.mc16e
+LumiScales: 36207.66,44307.4,58450.1
+%HistoFile: topEW
+Group: Non-t#bar{t}
+Sample: "ttH"
+Title: "ttH"
+Type: background
+FillColor: 410
+LineColor: 1
+HistoFile: ttH.mc16a
+LumiScale: 139020.02
+LumiScales: 36207.66,44307.4,58450.1
+%HistoFiles: ttH.mc16a,ttH.mc16d,ttH.mc16e
+%LumiScales: 36207.66,44307.4,58450.1
+%HistoFile: ttH
+Group: Non-t#bar{t}
+Sample: "Wjets"
+Title: "W+jets"
+Type: background
+FillColor: 410
+LineColor: 1
+HistoFiles: Wjets.mc16a,Wjets.mc16d,Wjets.mc16e
+LumiScales: 36207.66,44307.4,58450.1
+%HistoFile: Wjets
+Group: Non-t#bar{t}
+#Sample: Wjetslight
+#Title: W+jetslight
+#Type: background
+#FillColor: 410
+#LineColor: 1
+#HistoFile: Wjets22light
+#Group: Non-t#bar{t}
+#Sample: Wjetscharm
+#Title: W+jetscharm
+#Type: background
+#FillColor: 410
+#LineColor: 1
+#HistoFile: Wjets22charm
+#Group: Non-t#bar{t}
+#Sample: Wjetsbeauty
+#Title: W+jetsbeauty
+#Type: background
+#FillColor: 410
+#LineColor: 1
+#HistoFile: Wjets22beauty
+#Group: Non-t#bar{t}
+Sample: "Zjets"
+Title: "Z+jets"
+Type: background
+FillColor: 410
+LineColor: 1
+HistoFiles: Zjets.mc16a,Zjets.mc16d,Zjets.mc16e
+LumiScales: 36207.66,44307.4,58450.1
+%HistoFile: Zjets
+Group: Non-t#bar{t}
+#Sample: Zjetslight
+#Title: Z+jetslight
+#Type: background
+#FillColor: 410
+#LineColor: 1
+#HistoFile: Zjets22light
+#Group: Non-t#bar{t}
+#Sample: Zjetscharm
+#Title: Z+jetscharm
+#Type: background
+#FillColor: 410
+#LineColor: 1
+#HistoFile: Zjets22charm
+#Group: Non-t#bar{t}
+#Sample: Zjetsbeauty
+#Title: Z+jetsbeauty
+#Type: background
+#FillColor: 410
+#LineColor: 1
+#HistoFile: Zjets22beauty
+#Group: Non-t#bar{t}
+Sample: "Singletop"
+Title: "Single-top"
+Type: background
+FillColor: 410
+LineColor: 1
+HistoFiles: Singletop.mc16a,Singletop.mc16d,Singletop.mc16e
+LumiScales: 36207.66,44307.4,58450.1
+%HistoFile: Singletop
+Group: Non-t#bar{t}
+Sample: "Dibosons"
+Title: "Dibosons"
+Type: background
+FillColor: 410
+LineColor: 1
+HistoFiles: Dibosons.mc16a,Dibosons.mc16d,Dibosons.mc16e
+LumiScales: 36207.66,44307.4,58450.1
+%HistoFile: Dibosons
+Group: Non-t#bar{t}
+#Sample: QCD
+#Title: QCD
+#Type: background
+#FillColor: 410
+#LineColor: 1
+#HistoFile: QCD
+#Group: Non-t#bar{t}
+#NormalizedByTheory: FALSE
+#Regions: HTX_c1lep*
+#Sample: QCD0L
+#Title: QCD0L
+#Type: background
+#FillColor: 410
+#LineColor: 1
+#HistoFile: QCD0L
+#Group: Non-t#bar{t}
+#NormalizedByTheory: FALSE
+#Regions: HTX_c0lep*
+#Title: t#bar{t}+#geq1b normalisation
+#Nominal: 1
+#Min: -10
+#Max: 10
+#Samples: ttbarbb
diff --git a/python/VLQ_Samples_mc.py b/python/VLQ_Samples_mc.py
index 0efe3c1b9eaaf07f84b092cfc460b31d11ddf144..94ddbc98abd84e69172189c457d6921f5bc8b3d7 100644
--- a/python/VLQ_Samples_mc.py
+++ b/python/VLQ_Samples_mc.py
@@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ def GetZSamplesSherpa221( useWeightSyst=False, useObjectSyst=False, campaign="",
     Samples     =  []
     ######## Z+jets ########### 
+    #ee
     Samples     += [getSampleUncertainties(name,"364114."+campaign, ObjectSystematics , WeightSystematics)]
     Samples     += [getSampleUncertainties(name,"364115."+campaign, ObjectSystematics , WeightSystematics)]
     Samples     += [getSampleUncertainties(name,"364116."+campaign, ObjectSystematics , WeightSystematics)]
@@ -199,6 +200,7 @@ def GetZSamplesSherpa221( useWeightSyst=False, useObjectSyst=False, campaign="",
     Samples     += [getSampleUncertainties(name,"364125."+campaign, ObjectSystematics , WeightSystematics)]
     Samples     += [getSampleUncertainties(name,"364126."+campaign, ObjectSystematics , WeightSystematics)]
     Samples     += [getSampleUncertainties(name,"364127."+campaign, ObjectSystematics , WeightSystematics)]
+    #mumu
     Samples     += [getSampleUncertainties(name,"364100."+campaign, ObjectSystematics , WeightSystematics)]
     Samples     += [getSampleUncertainties(name,"364101."+campaign, ObjectSystematics , WeightSystematics)]
     Samples     += [getSampleUncertainties(name,"364102."+campaign, ObjectSystematics , WeightSystematics)]
@@ -213,6 +215,7 @@ def GetZSamplesSherpa221( useWeightSyst=False, useObjectSyst=False, campaign="",
     Samples     += [getSampleUncertainties(name,"364111."+campaign, ObjectSystematics , WeightSystematics)]
     Samples     += [getSampleUncertainties(name,"364112."+campaign, ObjectSystematics , WeightSystematics)]
     Samples     += [getSampleUncertainties(name,"364113."+campaign, ObjectSystematics , WeightSystematics)]
+    #tautau
     Samples     += [getSampleUncertainties(name,"364128."+campaign, ObjectSystematics , WeightSystematics)]
     Samples     += [getSampleUncertainties(name,"364129."+campaign, ObjectSystematics , WeightSystematics)]
     Samples     += [getSampleUncertainties(name,"364130."+campaign, ObjectSystematics , WeightSystematics)]