diff --git a/data/groups/hbsm/.gitignore b/data/groups/hbsm/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..72e8ffc0db8aad71a934dd11e5968bd5109e54b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/groups/hbsm/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/data/hbsm/batch/templates/cern/one_lep_nom.sh b/data/hbsm/batch/templates/cern/one_lep_nom.sh
index 2faa81567bb37ff7b602509330b0829d6386a4df..bff9eec050e764648c3b92334487f9fbbfadb9e1 100644
--- a/data/hbsm/batch/templates/cern/one_lep_nom.sh
+++ b/data/hbsm/batch/templates/cern/one_lep_nom.sh
@@ -1,10 +1,22 @@
-#BSUB -o test.%J
 # template to submit VLQ jobs on the lxbatch cluster
-# note to self:
+# Note to self:
+# if you want to use curly braces to highlight bash variables, you
+# need to escape them with double curly (otherwise they're picked up
+# by the python string.format
+# Variable replacement strategy:
+# - replace variables are early as possible, to make commands in
+#   resulting scritps explicit (--> more easily 'joinable')
+# - when there is a value repeated several times, declare a local
+#   variable within the function
+# - assume mininal env vars (i.e. only LSB_JOBID)
+# Log file strategy:
+# - keep separate log files for compilation and processing, since we
+#   might want to join samples
+# - keep explicit logfile names within each function (easier joining)
 # if you want to use curly braces to highlight bash variables, you
 # need to escape them with double curly (otherwise they're picked up
 # by the python string.format
@@ -12,65 +24,33 @@
 export ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE=/cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/ATLASLocalRootBase
 source ${{ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE}}/user/atlasLocalSetup.sh
-function abortJob {{
-  touch "{absolute_output_base_dir:s}/{relative_output_dir:s}/fail_{job_label:s}.${{LSB_JOBID}}"
-  exit 1
-function main() {{
-    local tar_file="{tar_file:s}"
-    local relative_output_dir="{relative_output_dir:s}"
-    local absolute_output_base_dir="{absolute_output_base_dir:s}"
-    local exe="VLQAnalysis"
-    local subtask_log_file=""
-    local tmp_dir=${{TMPDIR}}/LSF_${{LSB_JOBID}}
-    mkdir -vp ${{tmp_dir}}
-    cd ${{tmp_dir}}
-    echo "Start `date`"
-    echo "working from `pwd`"
-    echo "current contents:"
+function prepare() {{
+    local absolute_base_dir="{absolute_base_dir:s}"
+    echo "Current directory: `pwd`"
+    echo "Current contents:"
     ls -ltrh
-    echo "using tar file ${{tar_file}}"
-    ls ${{tar_file}}
-    cp -p ${{tar_file}} ./tarball.tgz
+    cp -p {tar_file:s} ./tarball.tgz
     echo "untar tarball.tgz"
-    ls tarball.tgz
+    ls -lh tarball.tgz
     tar xzf tarball.tgz
-    # echo "contents of tarball (./all_links/):"
-    # ls -ltrh ./all_links/
-    mkdir -p ${{relative_output_dir}}
-    echo "Processing ${{sample}} `date`"
-    subtask_log_file=${{relative_output_dir}}/compile_{job_label:s}.log
-    echo "Starting 'compilation' step `date`"   >> ${{subtask_log_file}} 2>&1
-    # rcSetup Base,2.3.50                         >> ${{subtask_log_file}} 2>&1
-    lsetup 'rcSetup -u'                         >> ${{subtask_log_file}} 2>&1
-    lsetup 'rcsetup Base,2.3.50'                >> ${{subtask_log_file}} 2>&1
-    rc find_packages                            >> ${{subtask_log_file}} 2>&1
-    rc clean                                    >> ${{subtask_log_file}} 2>&1
-    rc compile                                  >> ${{subtask_log_file}} 2>&1
-    echo "Finishing 'compile' step `date`"      >> ${{subtask_log_file}} 2>&1
+    echo "Starting 'compilation' step `date`"
+    rc find_packages
+    rc clean
+    rc compile
+    echo "Completed 'compile' step `date`"
-# can lead to large logfiles:
- # --msgLevel=DEBUG \
-# for test
- # --nEvents=10 \
-    subtask_log_file=${{relative_output_dir}}/run_{job_label:s}.log
-    echo "Starting 'run' step `date`"  >> ${{subtask_log_file}} 2>&1
-    ${{exe}} \
- --outputFile={relative_output_dir:}/{output_file:s} \
+function run() {{
+    echo "Processing {sample_name:s} `date`"
+    mkdir -p {relative_log_dir:s}
+    mkdir -p {relative_output_dir:s}
+    subtask_log_file={relative_log_dir:s}/run_{job_label:s}.log
+    VLQAnalysis \
+ --outputFile={relative_output_dir:s}/{output_file:s} \
  --inputFile={filelist_name:s} \
  --textFileList=true \
- --sampleName=hbsm \
+ --sampleName={sample_name:s} \
  --weightConfigs=${{ROOTCOREBIN}}/data/VLQAnalysis/list_weights.list \
  --doOneLeptonAna=true \
  --useLeptonsSF=true \
@@ -92,24 +72,46 @@ function main() {{
  --isData=false \
  --computeWeightSys={compute_weight_sys:s} \
  --onlyDumpSystHistograms=true \
- >> ${{subtask_log_file}} 2>&1
+ {other_options:s} \
+ >> ${{subtask_log_file}} 2>&1 || true
+    echo "Completed 'run' step `date`"  >> ${{subtask_log_file}} 2>&1
+# These options are only for tests
+# --msgLevel=DEBUG \  # can lead to large logfiles
+# --nEvents=10 \      # for test
-    echo "Finishing 'run' step `date`" >> ${{subtask_log_file}} 2>&1
-    if test -e {relative_output_dir:}/{output_file:s}.root
+    if test -e {relative_output_dir:s}/{output_file:s}
-        touch ${{relative_output_dir}}/done_{job_label:s}.${{LSB_JOBID}}
+        echo "files being copied: [begin]"
+        ls -ltrh {relative_output_dir:s}/*
+        echo "files being copied: [end]"
+        rsync -az {relative_log_dir:s}/* {absolute_base_dir:s}/{relative_log_dir:s}
+        rsync -az {relative_output_dir:s}/* {absolute_base_dir:s}/{relative_output_dir:s}
+        touch "{absolute_base_dir:s}/{relative_status_dir:s}/{job_label:s}.done.${{LSB_JOBID}}"
+        else
+        touch "{absolute_base_dir:s}/{relative_status_dir:s}/{job_label:s}.fail.${{LSB_JOBID}}"
-    echo "files being copied: [begin]"
-    ls -ltrh ${{relative_output_dir}}/*
-    echo "files being copied: [begin]"
-    rsync -az ${{relative_output_dir}}/* ${{absolute_output_base_dir}}/${{relative_output_dir}}
-    echo "Processed ${{sample}} `date`"
+    echo "Processed {sample_name:s} `date`"
-    # echo "Cleaning up"
+function main() {{
+    local relative_output_dir="{relative_output_dir:s}"
+    local absolute_base_dir="{absolute_base_dir:s}"
+    echo "Start `date`"
+    local tmp_dir=${{TMPDIR}}/LSF_${{LSB_JOBID}}
+    mkdir -vp ${{tmp_dir}}
+    cd ${{tmp_dir}}
+    echo "working from `pwd`"
+    lsetup 'rcSetup -u'
+    lsetup 'rcsetup {rc_release_version:s}'
+    prepare
+    run
+    # echo "Cleaning up" # done automatically on lxbatch
     # cd ..
     # rm -rf $TMPDIR
-    test -f "${{absolute_output_base_dir}}/${{relative_output_dir}}/done_{job_label:s}.${{LSB_JOBID}}" || abortJob
diff --git a/data/hbsm/batch/templates/ifae/one_lep_nom.sh b/data/hbsm/batch/templates/ifae/one_lep_nom.sh
index ecd7ce3db78a2fafb9cd02e25c217126c8cc61d9..8ffe8d594a0492aabc0c0da73fb4fff901e661e3 100644
--- a/data/hbsm/batch/templates/ifae/one_lep_nom.sh
+++ b/data/hbsm/batch/templates/ifae/one_lep_nom.sh
@@ -2,68 +2,52 @@
 # template to submit VLQ jobs on the at3 cluster
-# note to self:
+# Note to self:
 # if you want to use curly braces to highlight bash variables, you
 # need to escape them with double curly (otherwise they're picked up
 # by the python string.format
+# Variable replacement strategy:
+# - replace variables are early as possible, to make commands in
+#   resulting scritps explicit (--> more easily 'joinable')
+# - when there is a value repeated several times, declare a local
+#   variable within the function
+# - assume mininal env vars (i.e. only LSB_JOBID)
+# Log file strategy:
+# - keep separate log files for compilation and processing, since we
+#   might want to join samples
+# - keep explicit logfile names within each function (easier joining)
 echo "setting up root "
-    # source ${{trex_dir}}/setup.sh # this doesn't work on batch
 export ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE=/cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/ATLASLocalRootBase
 source ${{ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE}}/user/atlasLocalSetup.sh
-function abortJob {{
-  touch "{absolute_output_base_dir:s}/{relative_output_dir:s}/fail_{job_label:s}.${{LSB_JOBID}}"
-  exit 1
-function main() {{
-    local tar_file="{tar_file:s}"
-    local relative_output_dir="{relative_output_dir:s}"
-    local absolute_output_base_dir="{absolute_output_base_dir:s}"
-    local exe="VLQAnalysis"
-    local subtask_log_file=""
-    cd ${{TMPDIR}}
-    echo "Start `date`"
-    echo "working from `pwd`"
-    echo "current contents:"
+function prepare() {{
+    local absolute_base_dir="{absolute_base_dir:s}"
+    echo "Current directory: `pwd`"
+    echo "Current contents:"
     ls -ltrh
-    cp -p ${{tar_file}} ./tarball.tgz
+    cp -p {tar_file:s} ./tarball.tgz
     echo "untar tarball.tgz"
-    ls tarball.tgz
+    ls -lh tarball.tgz
     tar xzf tarball.tgz
-    # echo "contents of tarball (./all_links/):"
-    # ls -ltrh ./all_links/
-    mkdir -p ${{relative_output_dir}}
-    echo "Processing ${{sample}} `date`"
+    echo "Starting 'compilation' step `date`"
+    rc find_packages
+    rc clean
+    rc compile
+    echo "Completed 'compile' step `date`"
-    subtask_log_file=${{relative_output_dir}}/compile_{job_label:s}.log
-    echo "Starting 'compilation' step `date`"   >> ${{subtask_log_file}} 2>&1
-    # rcSetup Base,2.3.50                         >> ${{subtask_log_file}} 2>&1
-    lsetup 'rcSetup -u'                         >> ${{subtask_log_file}} 2>&1
-    lsetup 'rcsetup Base,2.3.50'                >> ${{subtask_log_file}} 2>&1
-    rc find_packages                            >> ${{subtask_log_file}} 2>&1
-    rc clean                                    >> ${{subtask_log_file}} 2>&1
-    rc compile                                  >> ${{subtask_log_file}} 2>&1
-    echo "Finishing 'compile' step `date`"      >> ${{subtask_log_file}} 2>&1
-# can lead to large logfiles:
- # --msgLevel=DEBUG \
-# for test
- # --nEvents=10 \
-    subtask_log_file=${{relative_output_dir}}/run_{job_label:s}.log
-    echo "Starting 'run' step `date`"  >> ${{subtask_log_file}} 2>&1
-    ${{exe}} \
- --outputFile={relative_output_dir:}/{output_file:s} \
+function run() {{
+    echo "Processing {sample_name:s} `date`"
+    mkdir -p {relative_log_dir:s}
+    mkdir -p {relative_output_dir:s}
+    local subtask_log_file={relative_log_dir:s}/run_{job_label:s}.log
+    VLQAnalysis \
+ --outputFile={relative_output_dir:s}/{output_file:s} \
  --inputFile={filelist_name:s} \
  --textFileList=true \
- --sampleName=hbsm \
+ --sampleName={sample_name:s} \
  --weightConfigs=${{ROOTCOREBIN}}/data/VLQAnalysis/list_weights.list \
  --doOneLeptonAna=true \
  --useLeptonsSF=true \
@@ -85,24 +69,39 @@ function main() {{
  --isData=false \
  --computeWeightSys={compute_weight_sys:s} \
  --onlyDumpSystHistograms=true \
- >> ${{subtask_log_file}} 2>&1
+ {other_options:s} \
+ >> ${{subtask_log_file}} 2>&1 || true
+# These options are only for tests
+# --msgLevel=DEBUG \  # can lead to large logfiles
+# --nEvents=10 \      # for test
-    echo "Finishing 'run' step `date`" >> ${{subtask_log_file}} 2>&1
-    if test -e {relative_output_dir:}/{output_file:s}
+    if test -e {relative_output_dir:s}/{output_file:s}
-        touch ${{relative_output_dir}}/done_{job_label:s}.${{LSB_JOBID}}
+        echo "files being copied: [begin]"
+        ls -ltrh {relative_output_dir:s}/*
+        echo "files being copied: [end]"
+        rsync -az {relative_log_dir:s}/* {absolute_base_dir:s}/{relative_log_dir:s}
+        rsync -az {relative_output_dir:s}/* {absolute_base_dir:s}/{relative_output_dir:s}
+        touch "{absolute_base_dir:s}/{relative_status_dir:s}/{job_label:s}.done.${{LSB_JOBID}}"
+        else
+        touch "{absolute_base_dir:s}/{relative_status_dir:s}/{job_label:s}.fail.${{LSB_JOBID}}"
-    echo "files being copied: [begin]"
-    ls -ltrh ${{relative_output_dir}}/*
-    echo "files being copied: [begin]"
-    rsync -az ${{relative_output_dir}}/* ${{absolute_output_base_dir}}/${{relative_output_dir}}
+    echo "Processed {sample_name:s} `date`"
-    echo "Processed ${{sample}} `date`"
+function main() {{
+    echo "Start `date`"
+    cd ${{TMPDIR}}
+    echo "working from `pwd`"
+    echo "Setting up release:"
+    lsetup 'rcSetup -u'
+    lsetup 'rcsetup {rc_release_version:s}'
+    prepare
+    run
     echo "Cleaning up"
     rm -rf $TMPDIR/*
-    test -f "${{absolute_output_base_dir}}/${{relative_output_dir}}/done_{job_label:s}.${{LSB_JOBID}}" || abortJob
diff --git a/data/hbsm/groups/.gitignore b/data/hbsm/groups/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 2211df63dd2831aa0cfc38ba1ebc95e3c4620894..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/data/hbsm/groups/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/data/samples_HtX4TopsNtuple-00-00-11.txt b/data/samples_HtX4TopsNtuple-00-00-11.txt
index 7c72588b7c54aed202a76205eda166d2ec5d66a0..48afabd68590b0afcca28b2754300b50173446d6 100644
--- a/data/samples_HtX4TopsNtuple-00-00-11.txt
+++ b/data/samples_HtX4TopsNtuple-00-00-11.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
@@ -51,6 +50,7 @@ user.prose.363457.Sherpa.DAOD_TOPQ1.e4715_s2726_r7725_r7676_p2669.HtX4Tops_00-00
@@ -617,3 +617,17 @@ user.prose.341551.aMcAtNloPythia8EvtGen.DAOD_TOPQ1.e4336_a766_a821_r7676_p2669.H
diff --git a/data/samples_HtX4TopsNtuple-00-00-12.txt b/data/samples_HtX4TopsNtuple-00-00-12.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8a255b0fcaf8a7f574dc183a196fa734fb7d237b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/samples_HtX4TopsNtuple-00-00-12.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
diff --git a/python/batch_utils.py b/python/batch_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f57e950df2e2d931d9534b6deaad774d1bd51c3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/batch_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,786 @@
+This module provides utilities to interact with batch systems (lxplus or at3)
+Overall design:
+JobManager creates Jobs and JobSets
+Jobs    can be generated/submitted/checked/resubmitted
+JobSets can be generated/submitted/checked/resubmitted
+Each group of jobs has a label; all relevant files go in the directories below:
+`--- <label>/
+     |--- input/
+     |--- log/
+     |--- output/
+     `--- status/
+Each sample will produce a status file sample.[done,fail] and a root file.
+TODO: to avoid having too many files in one place, think about having
+      subdirectories under output (for example by group + merged)
+Jul 2016
+# import copy
+import glob
+import os
+# import re
+import collections
+from VLQAnalysis import utils
+from VLQAnalysis.sample_catalogues import HbsmSampleCatalogue, SampleCatalogue, LocalDiskInterface, RucioEosCernInterface
+def base_directory():
+    """The base directory is the one above VLQAnalysis and RootCoreBin
+    All relatives paths are relative to base_directory or to the
+    working directory on the batch node.
+    """
+    python_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+    up_two = (os.pardir, os.pardir)
+    return os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(python_dir, *up_two)))
+def vlq_directory():
+    return base_directory()+'/VLQAnalysis'
+class Job(object):
+    """A job with a script file and an expected ouput.
+    """
+    keyword_output_file = 'outputFile='
+    keyword_input_line = 'inputFile='
+    keyword_run_function = 'function run() {'
+    keyword_main_function = 'function main() {'
+    keyword_exe_line = 'VLQAnalysis'
+    def __init__(self, script_path, nickname=None):
+        self.script_path = script_path
+        self._expected_output_file = None
+        self._number_input_files = None
+        self._nickname = nickname # to get reasonable names for split jobs; otherwise = basename(script_path)
+    @property
+    def nickname(self):
+        "use to name the status and log files"
+        return (self._nickname if self._nickname else
+                utils.filename_without_extension(self.script_path)) # w/out ext, =sample name
+    @classmethod
+    def parse_expected_output_file(cls, file_path):
+        cmd = "grep %s %s" % (Job.keyword_output_file, file_path)
+        out = utils.get_command_output(cmd)
+        tokens = out['stdout'].strip().replace('=', ' ').split()
+        output_file = file_path = next((t for t in tokens if '.root' in t), '')
+        output_file = output_file.strip()
+        return output_file
+    @classmethod
+    def parse_input_file(cls, file_path):
+        cmd = "grep %s %s" % (Job.keyword_input_line, file_path)
+        out = utils.get_command_output(cmd)
+        input_file = out['stdout'].split('=')[1].strip().split()[0]
+        return input_file
+    @classmethod
+    def parse_run_cmd_line(cls, file_path):
+        run_function = JobSet.extract_function(file_path, Job.keyword_run_function)
+        run_line     = ' '.join(l for l in utils.drop_continuation_lines(run_function.split('\n'))
+                                # if Job.keyword_run_function in l # TODO I think should be needed, but it works without ?????
+                                )
+        return run_line
+    @classmethod
+    def has_multiple_configuration_lines(cls, input_filelist):
+        number_of_config_blocks = 0
+        in_config_block = False
+        keyword = SampleCatalogue.keyword_job_option
+        for line in SampleCatalogue.read_lines_from_txt(input_filelist,
+                                                        keywords_useful_comment_line=[keyword]):
+            if in_config_block and keyword in line:
+                continue
+            elif keyword in line:
+                in_config_block = True
+                number_of_config_blocks += 1
+            else:
+                in_config_block = False
+        return number_of_config_blocks>1
+    @property
+    def expected_output_file(self):
+        if not self._expected_output_file:
+            self._expected_output_file = self.parse_expected_output_file(file_path=self.script_path)
+            if not self._expected_output_file:
+                raise RuntimeError("cannot extract output file from %s" % self.script_path)
+        return self._expected_output_file
+    @property
+    def expected_output_files(self):
+        "Just to provide the same interface as JobSet"
+        return [self.expected_output_file]
+    @property
+    def number_input_files(self):
+        if not self._number_input_files:
+            cmd = 'grep "inputFile=" '+self.script_path
+            out = utils.get_command_output(cmd)
+            filelist_path = next((t for t in out['stdout'].split() if 'inputFile' in t), None) # find inputFile keyword
+            filelist_path = filelist_path.split('=')[1].strip() # take what follows =
+            filelist_path = filelist_path.split()[0].strip() # and drop any subsequent words
+            self._number_input_files = sum(1 for l in open(filelist_path).readlines() if not l.strip().startswith('#'))
+        return self._number_input_files
+    @classmethod
+    def is_completed(cls, job):
+        "make it a classmethod so that we can use it also for JobSet"
+        out_filenames = job.expected_output_files
+        expect = len(out_filenames)
+        done = sum(1 for f in out_filenames if os.path.exists(f))
+        return expect==done
+class JobSet(object):
+    """A job with a script file and multiple expected ouputs.
+    A jobset can be built either merging several jobs or from a merged script.
+    """
+    def __init__(self,script_path=None, jobs=[], verbose=False):
+        self.script_path = None
+        self._expected_output_files = []
+        if not script_path:
+            raise NotImplementedError("JobSet requires a script path")
+        from_merged_script = os.path.exists(script_path) and not jobs
+        from_jobs_to_merge = jobs and len(jobs)>0
+        if from_merged_script==from_jobs_to_merge:
+            raise NotImplementedError("Invalid arguments: script_path %s, %d jobs"%(script_path,
+                                                                                    len(jobs)))
+        if from_merged_script:
+            self.script_path = script_path
+            self._expected_output_files = JobSet.parse_expected_output_files(script_path)
+        else:
+            pre_merge_script_paths = [j.script_path for j in jobs]
+            self.script_path = JobSet.merge_scripts(orig_job_script_paths=pre_merge_script_paths,
+                                                    dest_script_path=script_path)
+            os.chmod(self.script_path, 0755)
+            JobSet.delete_pre_merge_scripts(file_paths=pre_merge_script_paths)
+            self._expected_output_files = JobSet.parse_expected_output_files(script_path)
+            if verbose:
+                print "merged into\n > %s\nfrom%s" % (script_path, '\n< '.join(['']+pre_merge_script_paths))
+    @property
+    def expected_output_files(self):
+        "No need to cache here: the constructor should extract from the script file (which is always there)"
+        if not self._expected_output_files:
+            raise RuntimeError("something went wrong when parsing %s?" % self.script_path)
+        return self._expected_output_files
+    @classmethod
+    def parse_expected_output_files(cls, file_path, expected_keyword='outputFile='):
+        "same as Job.parse_expected_output_file, but with multiple output files"
+        cmd = "grep %s %s" % (expected_keyword, file_path)
+        out = utils.get_command_output(cmd)
+        lines = out['stdout'].split('\n')
+        filenames = []
+        for line in lines:
+            tokens = line.strip().replace('=', ' ').split()
+            output_file = file_path = next((t for t in tokens if '.root' in t), '')
+            if output_file and output_file.strip():
+                filenames.append(output_file.strip())
+        return filenames
+    @classmethod
+    def merge_scripts(cls, orig_job_script_paths=[], dest_script_path=None):
+        """merge the batch job scripts.
+        Modify the first script and plug in the 'run' functions from
+        all the subsequent ones. The subsequent scripts are deleted
+        after the merge.
+        """
+        template_path = orig_job_script_paths[0]
+        template_contents = open(template_path).read()
+        run_fuction   = JobSet.extract_function(template_path, Job.keyword_run_function)
+        main_function = JobSet.extract_function(template_path, Job.keyword_main_function)
+        run_fuctions = [JobSet.extract_function(j, Job.keyword_run_function) for j in orig_job_script_paths]
+        run_fuctions = [f.replace(Job.keyword_run_function,
+                                  Job.keyword_run_function.replace('run', "run%02d"%i))
+                        for i, f in enumerate(run_fuctions)]
+        main_function_new = '\n'.join(l if not l.strip()=='run' else
+                                      '\n'.join(l.replace('run', "run%02d"%i)
+                                                for i in range(len(run_fuctions)))
+                                      for l in main_function.split('\n'))
+        script_contents = (template_contents
+                           .replace(main_function, main_function_new)
+                           .replace(run_fuction,
+                                    '\n'.join(run_fuctions)))
+        with open(dest_script_path, 'w') as output_script:
+            output_script.write(script_contents)
+        return dest_script_path
+    @classmethod
+    def delete_pre_merge_scripts(cls, file_paths=[]):
+        for f in file_paths:
+            os.remove(f)
+    @classmethod
+    def extract_function(cls, script_path, starting_token):
+        """extract the 'run' bash function from the script
+        Note to self: cannot use regex because they cannot parse nested structures.
+        """
+        if not ('function' in starting_token and '{' in starting_token):
+            raise NotImplementedError("invalid starting_token, must contain 'function and ''{': \n''%s'"%starting_token)
+        function_lines = []
+        with open(script_path) as input_file:
+            contents = input_file.read()
+            if starting_token in contents:
+                begin_pos = contents.find(starting_token)
+                contents = contents[begin_pos:]
+                scope_counter = 0
+                for line in contents.split('\n'):
+                    if line.strip().startswith('#'):
+                        function_lines.append(line)
+                        continue
+                    open_curly_counter = line.count('{')
+                    close_curly_counter = line.count('}')
+                    scope_counter += (open_curly_counter - close_curly_counter)
+                    function_lines.append(line)
+                    if scope_counter==0:
+                        break
+        return '\n'.join(function_lines)
+    @property
+    def nickname(self):
+        "use to name the status and log files"
+        return utils.filename_without_extension(self.script_path) # w/out ext
+class JobSplit(object):
+    """A job split in several subjobs.
+    A jobset can be built either splitting an existing job or from several splitted script.
+    The input/log/output/status files will be stored in the
+    'split/nnn/mmm' subdirectories of each directory used by
+    JobManager, where nnn is a counter of the JobSplit for this
+    session (i.e. JobManager lable) and mmm is the index of the
+    children job.
+    """
+    existing_jobsplit_counter = 0 # used to keep track of NN
+    def __init__(self, base_job=None, children_jobs=[], job_manager=None, max_n_input_files=10, verbose=False):
+        need_to_write_children_scripts = len(children_jobs)==0
+        self._expected_output_file = None
+        self.requires_merging = True
+        if not need_to_write_children_scripts:
+            self.parent_job = base_job
+            self.children_jobs = children_jobs
+        else:
+            self.parent_job = base_job
+            self.children_jobs = []
+            nnn = "%03d" % JobSplit.existing_jobsplit_counter
+            input_filelist = Job.parse_input_file(file_path=base_job.script_path)
+            filelist_dir = os.path.dirname(input_filelist)
+            dirs_to_modify = [job_manager.relative_input_directory,
+                              job_manager.relative_log_directory,
+                              job_manager.relative_output_directory,
+                              job_manager.relative_status_directory]
+            script_dir = os.path.dirname(base_job.script_path)
+            script_content = open(base_job.script_path).read()
+            run_function = JobSet.extract_function(base_job.script_path, Job.keyword_run_function)
+            sub_filelists = JobSplit.split_filelist(orig_filelist=input_filelist,
+                                                    dest_subdir=os.path.join(filelist_dir, nnn),
+                                                    max_n_input_files=max_n_input_files)
+            for iJob, sub_filelist in enumerate(sub_filelists):
+                mmm = "%03d" % iJob
+                job_manager.create_directories(subdir=nnn+'/'+mmm, verbose=False)
+                script_dest = utils.mkdir_if_needed(script_dir+'/'+nnn)+'/'+mmm+'.sh'
+                new_run_function = run_function.replace(input_filelist, sub_filelist)
+                for dtm in dirs_to_modify:
+                    new_run_function = new_run_function.replace(dtm, dtm+'/'+nnn+'/'+mmm)
+                with open(script_dest, 'w') as of:
+                    of.write(script_content.replace(run_function, new_run_function))
+                os.chmod(script_dest, 0755)
+                self.children_jobs.append(Job(script_dest, nickname=nnn+'_'+mmm))
+            if verbose:
+                print "split job in %d subjobs (subdir '%s') %s" % (len(self.children_jobs), nnn, self.parent_job.script_path)
+            JobSplit.existing_jobsplit_counter += 1
+    @classmethod
+    def split_filelist(cls, orig_filelist=None, dest_subdir=None, max_n_input_files=10):
+        "take a filelist, split it and return a list of smaller ones that have at most N input files"
+        if not os.path.exists(orig_filelist) and orig_filelist.endswith('.txt'):
+            raise NotImplementedError("This does not look like a txt filelist: %s" % orig_filelist)
+        input_lines = []
+        with open(orig_filelist) as input_file:
+            input_lines = [l.strip() for l in input_file.readlines()]
+            if Job.has_multiple_configuration_lines(orig_filelist):
+                raise NotImplementedError("Cannot split a filelists containing multiple '# config:' blocks:"
+                                          "\n %s; split it." % orig_filelist)
+        utils.mkdir_if_needed(dest_subdir)
+        sub_job_counter = 0
+        sub_job_lines = []
+        comment_lines = [l for l in input_lines if l.startswith('#')] # these are propagated to each subfile
+        other_lines = [l for l in input_lines if not l.startswith('#')]
+        sub_filelists = []
+        for line in other_lines:
+            sub_job_lines.append(line)
+            if len(sub_job_lines) >= max_n_input_files:
+                sub_job_filelist = "%s/%03d.txt" % (dest_subdir, sub_job_counter)
+                with open(sub_job_filelist, 'w') as of:
+                        of.write('\n'.join(comment_lines + sub_job_lines + ['']))
+                sub_job_counter += 1
+                sub_job_lines = []
+                sub_filelists.append(sub_job_filelist)
+        if len(sub_job_lines):
+            sub_job_filelist = "%s/%03d.txt" % (dest_subdir, sub_job_counter)
+            with open(sub_job_filelist, 'w') as of:
+                of.write('\n'.join(comment_lines + sub_job_lines + ['']))
+            sub_job_counter += 1
+            sub_filelists.append(sub_job_filelist)
+        return sub_filelists
+    @property
+    def expected_output_file(self):
+        "TODO remove duplication with Job "
+        if not self._expected_output_file:
+            self._expected_output_file = self.parse_expected_output_file(file_path=self.script_path)
+            if not self._expected_output_file:
+                raise RuntimeError("cannot extract output file from %s" % self.script_path)
+        return self._expected_output_file
+    @property
+    def expected_output_files(self):
+        if self.requires_merging:
+            return [j.expected_output_file for j in self.children_jobs]
+        else:
+            return [self.expected_output_file]
+    # TODO
+    # @property
+    # def expected_output_files(self):
+    #     "No need to cache here: the constructor should extract from the script file (which is always there)"
+    #     if not self._expected_output_files:
+    #         raise RuntimeError("something went wrong when parsing %s?" % self.script_path)
+    #     return self._expected_output_files
+class SplitMap(object):
+    """Used to keep track of how jobs are split
+    Just a list of lines, where in each line the first word is the
+    master script_path, and the following ones are the children script
+    paths. Mainly useful for __str__.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, splitjobs=[]):
+        self.splitjobs = splitjobs
+    def __str__(self):
+        return '\n'.join(' '.join([jm.parent_job.script_path]+
+                                  [jc.script_path for jc in jm.children_jobs])
+                         for jm in self.splitjobs)
+class JobManager(object):
+    """Manage a set of jobs; all inputs/outputs will be under batch/<jobset_label>
+    A split_map is used to keep track of what job goes into which subjobs.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, jobset_label, verbose=False, debug=False, overwrite_batch_scripts=False):
+        self.jobset = jobset_label
+        self.queues = []
+        self._queue = None
+        self.absolute_base_dir = base_directory()
+        self.dry_run = True
+        self.jobs = []
+        self._tar_file = None
+        self.template_path = None
+        self._template_contents = None # cached
+        self.verbose = verbose
+        self.debug = debug
+        self.overwrite_tar = False
+        self.overwrite_batch_scripts = overwrite_batch_scripts
+        self.rc_release_version = guess_rc_release_version()
+        self.create_directories()
+        existing_scripts = glob.glob(self.relative_input_directory+'/*.sh')
+        if existing_scripts and not overwrite_batch_scripts:
+            using_sample_scripts = all('jobset' not in f for f in existing_scripts)
+            using_merged_scripts = all('jobset' in f for f in existing_scripts)
+            using_split_scripts = os.path.exists(self.split_map_file_path)
+            if using_merged_scripts==using_sample_scripts:
+                raise NotImplementedError("Cannot handle a mix of merged/unmerged scripts from %s" % self.relative_input_directory)
+            self.jobs = [JobSet(script_path=f, verbose=self.verbose) if using_merged_scripts else
+                         Job(script_path=f)
+                         for f in sorted(existing_scripts)]
+            if using_split_scripts:
+                self.read_split_map()
+        elif verbose:
+            print "JobManager: you now need to loop over samples/variations and create the jobs"
+    def __del__(self):
+        self.save_split_map()
+    @property
+    def split_map_file_path(self):
+        return self.relative_status_directory+'/split_map.txt'
+    def save_split_map(self):
+        splitjobs = self.get_split_jobs()
+        if splitjobs:
+            split_map = SplitMap(splitjobs=splitjobs)
+            with open(self.relative_status_directory+'/split_map.txt', 'w') as of:
+                of.write(str(split_map))
+            if self.debug:
+                print "saved split map in %s" % self.relative_status_directory
+    def read_split_map(self):
+        "Read the txt file, and replace the master Job with its corresponding JobSplit"
+        split_lines = []
+        map_path = self.split_map_file_path
+        with open(map_path, 'r') as input_file:
+            split_lines = [l.strip() for l in input_file.readlines() if l.strip()]
+        if not split_lines:
+            return
+        master_counts = collections.Counter([l.split()[0] for l in split_lines])
+        most_common = master_counts.most_common()
+        max_label, max_occurrences = most_common[0]
+        min_label, min_occurrences = most_common[-1]
+        if max_occurrences!=1 or min_occurrences!=1:
+            raise NotImplementedError("The split map %s is invalid; %d duplicates '%s'" % (map_path, max_occurrences, max_label))
+        nnn = 0
+        for line in split_lines:
+            tokens = line.split()
+            if len(tokens)<len(['master', 'child0', 'child1']):
+                raise NotImplementedError("Cannot parse split map line: too few elements.\n > %s"%line)
+            master_script = tokens[0]
+            children_scripts = tokens[1:]
+            iJob = next(i for i, job in enumerate(self.jobs) if type(job)==Job and job.script_path==master_script)
+            self.jobs[iJob] = JobSplit(base_job=self.jobs[iJob],
+                                       children_jobs=[Job(script_path=cs, nickname="%03d_%03d"%(nnn, mmm))
+                                                      for mmm, cs in enumerate(children_scripts)],
+                                       verbose=False)
+            nnn += 1
+        if self.debug:
+            print "read %d split jobs from %s" % self.relative_status_directory
+    def get_split_jobs(self): # just because 'split_jobs' is already a member function
+        return [j for j in self.jobs if type(j) is JobSplit]
+    @property
+    def needs_to_generate_scripts(self):
+        return self.overwrite_batch_scripts or not self.jobs
+    def create_job(self, sample, systematic, variation, template_path=None):
+        "This will need access to several specialised attributes (template, dirs, etc.)"
+        raise NotImplementedError("create_job should be implemented in each specialised JobManager class")
+    def generic_create_job(self, sample, systematic, variation, template_path=None):
+        """create the script and append Job to self.jobs template_path
+        should be used only for special samples using non-default
+        template; for all other cases go through the
+        implementation-specific 'create_job'.
+        """
+        template_path = template_path if template_path else self.template_path
+        template_contents = (self.template_contents if template_path==self.template_path # use cache if default
+                             else open(self.template_path).read()) # otherwise read it
+        sample_name = sample.full_name.strip('/')
+        # sample_name = sample.short_name # maybe this should be configurable? does the plotting/fitting code depend on it?
+        is_nominal = systematic.is_nominal
+        job_label = self.job_label(sample_name=sample_name, variation_name=variation.name)
+        parameters = {'sample_name' : sample_name,
+                      'tar_file' : self.tar_file,
+                      'absolute_base_dir' : self.absolute_base_dir,
+                      'relative_input_dir' : self.relative_input_directory,
+                      'relative_log_dir' : self.relative_log_directory,
+                      'relative_output_dir' : self.relative_output_directory,
+                      'relative_status_dir' : self.relative_status_directory,
+                      'filelist_name' : variation.filelist,
+                      'input_tree' : variation.input_tree,
+                      'output_file' : (sample_name+'.root' if is_nominal else
+                                       "%s_%s.root" % (sample_name, variation.name)),
+                      'dsid' : sample.dsid,
+                      'compute_weight_sys' : ('true' if is_nominal else 'false'),
+                      'job_label' : job_label,
+                      'other_options' : '',
+                      'rc_release_version' : self.rc_release_version
+                      }
+        batch_filename = self.relative_input_directory+'/'+sample_name+'_'+variation.name+'.sh'
+        if os.path.exists(batch_filename) and not self.overwrite_batch_scripts:
+            if self.debug:
+                print "using existing %s" % batch_filename
+        else:
+            if self.debug:
+                print "generating %s" % (batch_filename)
+            batch_file = open(batch_filename, 'w')
+            batch_file.write(template_contents.format(**parameters))
+            batch_file.close()
+            os.chmod(batch_filename, 0755)
+            if self.verbose:
+                print "created batch file %s" % batch_filename
+        self.jobs.append(Job(batch_filename))
+    def split_jobs(self, split_every_n=10):
+        "replace large jobs with jobsplits"
+        for iJob, job in enumerate(self.jobs):
+            if job.number_input_files>split_every_n:
+                self.jobs[iJob] = JobSplit(base_job=job, job_manager=self, max_n_input_files=split_every_n, verbose=self.verbose)
+    def merge_jobs(self, min_n_input_files=10):
+        "replace jobs with merged jobsets"
+        jobs = []
+        jobsets = []
+        number_of_input_files = 0
+        for job in self.jobs:
+            number_of_input_files += job.number_input_files
+            jobs.append(job)
+            if number_of_input_files > min_n_input_files:
+                jobsets.append(JobSet(script_path="%s/jobset%03d.sh"% (self.relative_input_directory, len(jobsets)),
+                                      jobs=jobs,
+                                      verbose=self.verbose))
+                jobs = []
+                number_of_input_files = 0
+        if number_of_input_files:
+            jobsets.append(JobSet("%s/jobset%03d.sh"% (self.relative_input_directory, len(jobsets)),
+                                  jobs=jobs,
+                                  verbose=self.verbose))
+        self.jobs = jobsets
+    def submit_jobs(self):
+        submission_commands = []
+        for job in self.jobs:
+            if type(job) is JobSplit:
+                for subjob in job.children_jobs:
+                    cmd = self.job_submission_command(queue=self.queue, verbose=self.verbose,
+                                                      base_dir=self.absolute_base_dir, job=subjob)
+                    submission_commands.append(cmd)
+            else:
+                cmd = self.job_submission_command(queue=self.queue, verbose=self.verbose,
+                                                  base_dir=self.absolute_base_dir, job=job)
+                submission_commands.append(cmd)
+        for cmd in submission_commands:
+            if self.verbose:
+                print cmd
+            if not self.dry_run:
+                out = utils.get_command_output(cmd)
+                # status_path = os.path.join(self.relative_status_directory, job.nickname+'.submitted')
+                # with open(status_path, 'w') as status_file:
+                #     status_file.write('stdout:\n'+out['stdout']+
+                #                       'stderr:\n'+ out['stderr'])
+        if self.dry_run:
+            print "This was a dry run. To actually submit the jobs run with '--submit'"
+    def check_outputs(self):
+        counter_job_any = 0
+        counter_job_done = 0
+        counter_job_miss = 0
+        files_done = []
+        files_miss = []
+        for job in self.jobs:
+            out_filenames = job.expected_output_files
+            done = [f for f in out_filenames if os.path.exists(f)]
+            miss = [f for f in out_filenames if f not in done]
+            files_miss.extend(miss)
+            files_done.extend(done)
+            all_done = len(done)==len(miss)
+            counter_job_any += 1
+            counter_job_done += (1 if all_done else 0)
+            counter_job_miss += (0 if all_done else 1)
+        print "Checked %d jobs: %d done, %d missing" % (counter_job_any, counter_job_done, counter_job_miss)
+        print "\t  (%d/%d output files)" % (len(files_done), len(files_done)+len(files_miss))
+        if self.verbose:
+            print 'Missing files:\n'+'\n'.join(files_miss)
+    def resubmit_failed_jobs(self):
+        """For merged jobs, now resubmitting the whole script (even when partially done)
+        TODO implement a smarter JobSet resubmit where only the
+        required 'runN' functions are called, and the others are
+        commented out.
+        """
+        self.check_outputs()
+        unfinished_jobs = []
+        for job in self.jobs:
+            if type(job) is JobSplit:
+                unfinished_subjobs = [cj for cj in job.children_jobs if not Job.is_completed(cj)]
+                unfinished_jobs.extend(unfinished_jobs)
+            elif not Job.is_completed(job):
+                unfinished_jobs.append(job)
+        self.jobs = unfinished_jobs
+        # note to self: this will not leave any partial JobSplit in the SplitMap, avoiding that it gets corrupted
+        if self.verbose:
+            print "about to resubmit %d failed jobs" % len(self.jobs)
+        self.submit_jobs()
+    @property
+    def relative_input_directory(self):
+        "where the job script files will be generated"
+        return 'batch/'+self.jobset+'/input'
+    @property
+    def relative_log_directory(self):
+        return 'batch/'+self.jobset+'/log'
+    @property
+    def relative_output_directory(self):
+        return 'batch/'+self.jobset+'/output'
+    @property
+    def relative_status_directory(self):
+        return 'batch/'+self.jobset+'/status'
+    def create_directories(self, subdir='', verbose=False):
+        for d in [self.relative_input_directory, self.relative_log_directory,
+                  self.relative_output_directory, self.relative_status_directory]:
+            dir_path = utils.mkdir_if_needed(d+(('/'+subdir) if subdir else ''), verbose=verbose)
+    def job_label(self, sample_name=None, variation_name=None):
+        "The label used to distinguish one job from another."
+        job_label = sample_name+'_'+variation_name
+        return job_label
+    def default_tar_file(self):
+        return base_directory()+'/'+self.relative_input_directory+'/packages.tgz'
+    def check_tar_file(self, path):
+        if not os.path.exists(path) or self.overwrite_tar:
+            self.prepare_tar_file(tar_file_name=path)
+        elif self.verbose:
+            print "Using existing tar file: %s"%path
+    def prepare_tar_file(self, tar_file_name=None):
+        "create tar; behaves as GNU 'tar', i.e. by default it overwrites existing files"
+        cmd  = "tar czf  %s " % tar_file_name
+        cmd += " BtaggingTRFandRW IFAEReweightingTools IFAETopFramework VLQAnalysis"
+        cmd += " --exclude='.svn' --exclude='.git' --exclude='*.o' --exclude='*.so'"
+        out = utils.get_command_output(cmd)
+        if out['returncode']!=0:
+            print "Failed to create tar file %s" % tar_file_name
+            print out['stderr']
+            print out['stdout']
+        elif self.verbose:
+            print out['stderr']
+            print out['stdout']
+            print "Created tar file %s" % tar_file_name
+    @property
+    def tar_file(self):
+        if not self._tar_file: # set value on first call (and check existence if necessary)
+            self._tar_file = self.default_tar_file()
+            self.check_tar_file(self._tar_file)
+        return self._tar_file
+    @tar_file.setter
+    def tar_file(self, value):
+        value = os.path.abspath(value)
+        self.check_tar_file(value)
+        self._tar_file = value
+    def default_queue(self):
+        return self.queues[0]
+    @property
+    def queue(self):
+        if not self._queue: # set value on first call (and check existence if necessary)
+            self._queue = self.default_queue()
+        return self._queue
+    @queue.setter
+    def queue(self, value):
+        if value not in self.queues:
+            raise ValueError("invalid queue '%s', must be from %s" % (value, str(self.queues)))
+        self._queue = value
+    @property
+    def template_contents(self):
+        if not self._template_contents:
+            self._template_contents = open(self.template_path).read()
+        return self._template_contents
+class LxbJobManager(JobManager):
+    "Job manager for lxbatch queues at cern"
+    def __init__(self, jobset_label, **kwargs):
+        super(LxbJobManager, self).__init__(jobset_label, **kwargs)
+        self.queues = ['8nm', '1nh', '8nh', '1nd', '2nd', '1nw', '2nw', 'test'] # bqueues -u ${USER}
+        self.template_path = 'VLQAnalysis/data/hbsm/batch/templates/cern/one_lep_nom.sh'
+    def job_submission_command(self, queue=None, verbose=None, base_dir=None, job=None):
+        cmd = (" bsub "
+               +" -L /bin/bash " # reset shell
+               +" -q %s " % queue
+               # not sure this is working
+               # +" -o %s/tthf-trex-utils/batch/log/%s_%s.oe" % (base_dir, opts.label, nickname)
+               +" -J %s " % job.nickname
+               +" -o %s.oe " % (self.relative_log_directory+'/'+job.nickname)
+               +" %s" % os.path.join(base_dir, job.script_path)
+               )
+        return cmd
+    def create_job(self, sample, systematic, variation, template_path=None):
+        self.generic_create_job(sample, systematic, variation, template_path)
+class At3JobManager(JobManager):
+    "Job manager for at3 queues at pic"
+    def __init__(self, jobset, **kwargs):
+        super(LxbJobManager, self).__init__(jobset_label, **kwargs)
+        self.queues = ['at3_short', 'at3', 'at3_8h', 'at3_xxl']
+        self.template_path = 'VLQAnalysis/data/hbsm/batch/templates/ifae/one_lep_nom.sh'
+    def create_job(self, sample, systematic, variation, template_path=None):
+        self.generic_create_job(sample, systematic, variation, template_path)
+    def job_submission_command(self, queue=None, verbose=None, base_dir=None, job=None):
+        cmd = (" qsub "
+               +" -j oe " # join stdout and stderr
+               +" -o %s.oe " % (self.relative_log_directory+'/'+job.nickname)
+               +" -q %s " % queue
+               +" %s" % os.path.join(base_dir, job.script_path)
+               )
+        return cmd
+def guess_batch_platform():
+    out = utils.get_command_output('hostname --domain')
+    domain = out['stdout'].strip()
+    if domain=='cern.ch':
+        return 'lxbatch'
+    elif domain=='pic.es':
+        return 'at3'
+    else:
+        raise NotImplementedError("unknown domain '%s'; only pic.es and cern.ch are currently supported" % domain)
+def guess_rc_release_version():
+    # out = utils.get_command_output("lsetup 'rcSetup --printMyRelease'")
+    # out = utils.get_command_output("rcSetup --printMyRelease", with_current_environment=True)
+    # print 'release: out >>>>>>>>>>> ',out['stdout'].strip()
+    # print 'release: err >>>>>>>>>>> ',out['stderr'].strip()
+    # rc_release_version = out['stdout'].strip()
+    # TODO the solution above does not work; for now hardcode it here (at least it is in one single place)
+    rc_release_version = 'Base 2.4.14'
+    return rc_release_version
+if __name__=='__main__':
+    print "Testing job manager"
+    # sc_hbsm = HbsmSampleCatalogue()
+    # # sc_hbsm.add_samples_from_group_files(glob.glob('VLQAnalysis/data/groups/hbsm/*.txt'))
+    # sc_hbsm.add_samples_from_group_files(glob.glob('VLQAnalysis/data/groups/hbsm/hbsm.txt'))
+    # sc_hbsm.samples = sc_hbsm.add_systematic_variations(sc_hbsm.samples)
+    # input_from_dir = LocalDiskInterface(filelist_dir='VLQAnalysis/data/filelist',
+    #                                     base_input_dir='/tmp/gerbaudo/rucio')
+    # input_from_eos = RucioEosCernInterface()
+    # sc_hbsm.add_filelists(samples=sc_hbsm.samples, input_interface=input_from_eos)
+    # # sc_hbsm.add_filelists(samples=sc_hbsm.samples, input_interface=input_from_dir)
+    # job_manager = LxbJobManager('test_2016-10-19')
+    # job_manager.queue = '8nh'
+    # job_manager.verbose = True
+    # job_manager.dry_run = True # False
+    # for sample in sc_hbsm.samples:
+    #     for systematic in sample.systematic_uncertainties:
+    #         for variation in [v for v in systematic.variations if v.name=='nominal']:
+    #             job_manager.create_job(sample, systematic, variation)
+    # job_manager.submit_jobs()
+    print 'testing JobSet.extract_function'
+    print JobSet.extract_function(script_path='batch/test_2016-10-24/input/user.mcasolin.341543.aMcAtNloPythia8EvtGen.DAOD_TOPQ1.e4336_a766_a821_r7676_p2669.HtX4Tops_00-00-12_out.root_nominal.sh',
+                            starting_token=Job.keyword_run_function)
+    print 'testing Job.parse_run_cmd_line'
+    print Job.parse_run_cmd_line('batch/test_2016-10-26b/input/user.mcasolin.341541.aMcAtNloPythia8EvtGen.DAOD_TOPQ1.e4336_a766_a821_r7676_p2669.HtX4Tops_00-00-12_out.root_nominal.sh')
diff --git a/python/hbsm_submit.py b/python/hbsm_submit.py
index dda8876a1f2dada13c7f165a4cb34d7921b09647..8490e545346e50031f74b3505d939a35428899bb 100755
--- a/python/hbsm_submit.py
+++ b/python/hbsm_submit.py
@@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
 #!/bin/env python
-# TODO add Job class with status
 # davide.gerbaudo@gmail.com
 # Jun 2016
+import glob
 import optparse
 import os
-from samples import hbsm as hbsm_samples
-from samples import systematics as hbsm_systematics
-from samples.sample import base_dir_lxplus as base_dir_lxplus
-from samples.sample import base_dir_at3pnfs as base_dir_at3pnfs
+import batch_utils
+import sample_catalogues
+import systematics
 import utils
 description = """
@@ -20,8 +17,19 @@ Submit to batch the jobs to run VLQAnalysis/util/VLQAnalysis.cxx
 usage = """
-%prog -l bkgonly_2016-05-25
-%prog -l test_2016-07-12 --lxbatch -v -syst nominal --sample-include bbH_m1000
+First time from a new area:
+%prog -l bkgonly_2016-05-25 --generate-groupfiles
+# prepare scripts
+%prog -l test_2016-10-19
+# just nominal, only hbsm samples, specify queue
+%prog -l test_2016-10-19 --groupfile VLQAnalysis/data/groups/hbsm/hbsm.txt  --syst nominal --queue 8nh --verbose
+# command to test the code locally on one sample
+%prog -l test_2016-10-27  --groupfile VLQAnalysis/data/groups/hbsm/hbsm.txt --sample-include 341541 --print-local
+# check the output root files
+%prog -l test_2016-10-19 --groupfile VLQAnalysis/data/groups/hbsm/hbsm.txt  --syst nominal --queue 8nh --check
 (run with -h to get all options)
@@ -42,31 +50,38 @@ The rules to go from the templates to the job-specific files are:
   Example: 'E_{T}{something}' -> 'E_{{T}}{{something}}'
   This can be done either in the template or in this script.
+TODO split large jobs
+TODO merge split outputs
 def main():
-    default_at3_queue='at3'
-    default_lx_queue='8nh'
-    default_at3_batch_template='VLQAnalysis/data/hbsm/batch/templates/ifae/one_lep_nom.sh'
-    default_lx_batch_template='VLQAnalysis/data/hbsm/batch/templates/cern/one_lep_nom.sh'
-    lxbatch_queues = ['8nm', '1nh', '8nh', '1nd', '2nd', '1nw', '2nw', 'test'] # bqueues -u ${USER}
-    at3_queues = ['at3_short', 'at3', 'at3_8h', 'at3_xxl']
     parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=description, usage=usage)
     parser.add_option('-l', '--label', default=None, help='job label; used to make input/output subdirectories')
-    parser.add_option('-q', '--queue', help='queue, defaults %s on at3, %s on lxbatch'%(default_at3_queue, default_lx_queue))
-    parser.add_option('-s', '--syst', default='all', help="variations to process (default %default). Give a comma-sep list or say 'weight', 'object'")
-    parser.add_option('--syst-include', default='.*', help='include only the systematics matching the regexp')
-    parser.add_option('--syst-exclude', default=None, help='exclude the systematics matching the regexp')
+    parser.add_option('-q', '--queue', default=None)
+    # TODO fix syst option
+    parser.add_option('-s', '--syst', default='nominal', help="variations to process ('weight', 'object', default %default).")
     parser.add_option('--list-systematics', action='store_true', help='list the systematics available in the catalogue')
-    parser.add_option('--sample-include', default='.*', help='include only the samples matching the regexp (short name)')
-    parser.add_option('--sample-exclude', default=None, help='exclude the samples matching the regexp (short name)')
+    # parser.add_option('--syst-include', default='.*', help='include only the systematics matching the regexp')
+    # parser.add_option('--syst-exclude', default=None, help='exclude the systematics matching the regexp')
+    parser.add_option('--check', action='store_true', help='check the root output files')
+    parser.add_option('--resubmit', action='store_true', help='resubmit failed jobs')
+    # TODO the sample filtering works only with the --overwrite-scripts option?
+    parser.add_option('--sample-include', default='.*', help='include only the samples matching the regexp (short name if available, else full_name)')
+    parser.add_option('--sample-exclude', default=None, help='include only the samples matching the regexp (short name if available, else full_name)')
     parser.add_option('-S', '--submit', action='store_true', help='actually submit the jobs')
-    parser.add_option('--lxbatch', action='store_true', help='lxbatch rather than at3')
-    parser.add_option('--batch-template', help='batch template, default %s or %s'%(default_at3_batch_template, default_lx_batch_template))
+    parser.add_option('--batch-template', help='batch template; otherwise use default one from JobManager')
     parser.add_option('--tarfile', default=None, help='the tar file will contain the code')
-    parser.add_option('--output-dir', default='batch/output/', help='output base directory (will contain job subdirectories), default %default')
+    parser.add_option('--overwrite-tar', action='store_true', help='re-create tar even when it exists')
+    parser.add_option('--overwrite-scripts', action='store_true', help='re-create the batch scripts even when they exist')
+    parser.add_option('--generate-groupfiles', action='store_true', help='generate group files')
+    parser.add_option('--generate-filelists', action='store_true', help='generate input file lists')
+    parser.add_option('--groupfile', default=None, help='if you just want to run on one group file, eg. data/groups/hbsm/hbsm.txt')
+    parser.add_option('--input-from', default='rucioeos',
+                      help='Where the ntuples are stored; see sample_catalogues.InputDataInterface')
+    parser.add_option('--merge-fewer', default=1, type=int, help='merge jobs if less than N input files')
+    parser.add_option('--split-larger', default=500, type=int, help='split jobs if more than N input files (default %default)')
+    parser.add_option('--print-local', action='store_true', help='print the command to run locally')
     parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='print what it is doing')
     parser.add_option('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='print even more debugging information')
@@ -75,162 +90,91 @@ def main():
         parser.error('You must provide a label option')
     if opts.label and opts.label[0].isdigit():
         parser.error('Label cannot start with a digit')
+    if not is_valid_input(opts):
+        parser.error('Invalid --input-from')
+    if opts.resubmit and opts.overwrite_scripts:
+        parser.error('These two options are not compatible: --resubmit --overwrite-scripts')
     if opts.list_systematics:
-        hbsm_systematics.SystematicCatalogue().print_all()
+        systematics.SystematicCatalogue().print_all()
-    opts.queue = (opts.queue if opts.queue else
-                  default_lx_queue if opts.lxbatch else
-                  default_at3_queue)
-    template_batch = (opts.batch_template if opts.batch_template else
-                      default_at3_batch_template if opts.queue in at3_queues else
-                      default_lx_batch_template if opts.queue in lxbatch_queues else
-                      None)
-    if not template_batch:
-        parser.error('Invalid batch configuration, check queue or template')
+    batch_platform = batch_utils.guess_batch_platform()
+    job_manager = (batch_utils.At3JobManager if batch_platform=='at3' else
+                   batch_utils.LxbJobManager)
+    job_manager = job_manager(jobset_label=opts.label, verbose=opts.verbose, debug=opts.debug,
+                              overwrite_batch_scripts=opts.overwrite_scripts)
+    job_manager.dry_run = not opts.submit
+    if opts.queue: job_manager.queue = opts.queue
+    if opts.batch_template: job_manager.template_path = opts.batch_template
+    if opts.overwrite_tar: job_manager.overwrite_tar = True
     if opts.verbose:
         utils.print_running_conditions(parser, opts)
-        print "Preparing jobs using the following template:"
-        print "batch: %s" % template_batch
-    lxbatch = opts.queue in lxbatch_queues
-    at3 = opts.queue in at3_queues
-    samples_to_process = hbsm_samples.build_samples_list(base_dir_lxplus if lxbatch else base_dir_at3pnfs)
-    samples_to_process = (utils.filter_with_regexp(samples_to_process, opts.sample_include, func=lambda x: x.short_name)
-                          if opts.sample_include else samples_to_process)
-    samples_to_process = (utils.exclude_with_regexp(samples_to_process, opts.sample_exclude, func=lambda x: x.short_name)
-                          if opts.sample_exclude else samples_to_process)
-    batch_files = prepare_batch_files(opts=opts, template_filename=template_batch, samples=samples_to_process)
-    rel_out_dir = utils.mkdir_if_needed(relative_output_directory(opts))
-    for batch_file in batch_files:
-        submit_job(batch_file, opts, lxbatch=lxbatch, at3=at3)
-    if not opts.submit:
-        msg = ("This was a dry run, no jobs submitted" if not opts.verbose and not opts.debug else
-               "This was a dry run. Check your files in \n%s\n and then re-run with --submit"
-               % (relative_batch_directory(opts)))
-        print msg
-def relative_batch_directory(opts=None):
-    "where the job script files will be generated"
-    return 'batch/input/'+opts.label
-def relative_output_directory(opts=None):
-    "where the job script files will be generated"
-    return 'batch/output/'+opts.label
-def base_directory():
-    "The base directory is the one above TtHFitter and tthf-trex-utils"
-    python_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-    up_two = (os.pardir, os.pardir)
-    return os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(python_dir, *up_two)))
-def vlq_directory():
-    return base_directory()+'/VLQAnalysis'
-def vlq_job_label(sample_name=None, variation_name=None):
-    "The label used to distinguish one job from another."
-    job_label = sample_name+'_'+variation_name
-    return job_label
-def prepare_batch_files(opts=None, template_filename=None, samples=[]):
-    batch_dir = utils.mkdir_if_needed(relative_batch_directory(opts))
-    verbose = opts.verbose
-    absolute_output_base_dir = base_directory()
-    tar_file = opts.tarfile if opts.tarfile else "%s/%s/packages.tgz" % (base_directory(), batch_dir)
-    tar_file = os.path.abspath(tar_file)
-    if not os.path.exists(tar_file):
-        prepare_tar_file(tar_file_name=tar_file, verbose=opts.verbose)
-    # TODO : overwrite option
-    # TODO : for lxbatch might need additional job option parameters
-    batch_filenames = []
     if opts.debug:
-        print "filling template %s" % (template_filename)
-    template_contents = open(template_filename).read()
-    for sample in samples:
-        sample_name = sample.short_name
-        # sample_name = 'hbsm'
-        print('fixme hack around sample_name')
-        if opts.syst=='all':
-            sample.use_all_uncertainties()
-        elif opts.syst=='object':
-            sample.use_object_uncertainties()
-        elif opts.syst=='weight':
-            sample.use_weight_uncertainties()
-        else:
-            sample.use_nominal_uncertainty()
-        systematics = sample.systematic_uncertainties
-        systematics = (utils.filter_with_regexp(systematics, opts.syst_include, func=lambda x: x.name) if opts.syst_include else
-                       systematics)
-        systematics = (utils.exclude_with_regexp(systematics, opts.syst_exclude, func=lambda x: x.name) if opts.syst_exclude else
-                       systematics)
-        # should we also filter with the same regex on variation.input_tree? it might be a useful feature
-        for systematic in systematics:
-            is_nominal = systematic.is_nominal
-            for variation in systematic.variations:
-                job_label = vlq_job_label(sample_name, variation.name)
-                parameters = {'sample_name' : sample_name,
-                              'tar_file' : tar_file,
-                              'relative_output_dir' : relative_output_directory(opts),
-                              'absolute_output_base_dir' : absolute_output_base_dir,
-                              'filelist_name' : sample.filelist_file,
-                              'input_tree' : variation.input_tree,
-                              'output_file' : (sample_name+'.root' if is_nominal else
-                                               "%s_%s.root" % (sample_name, variation.name)),
-                              'dsid' : sample.dsid,
-                              'compute_weight_sys' : ('true' if is_nominal else 'false'),
-                              'job_label' : job_label,
-                              }
-                batch_filename = batch_dir+'/'+sample_name+'_'+variation.name+'.sh'
-                if opts.debug:
-                    print "generating %s" % (batch_filename)
-                batch_file = open(batch_filename, 'w')
-                batch_file.write(template_contents.format(**parameters))
-                batch_file.close()
-                os.chmod(batch_filename, 0755)
-                if verbose:
-                    print "created batch file %s" % batch_filename
-                batch_filenames.append(batch_filename)
-    return batch_filenames
-def submit_job(batch_file=None, opts=None, lxbatch=False, at3=False):
-    queue = opts.queue
-    verbose = opts.verbose
-    base_dir = base_directory()
-    short_batch_file = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(batch_file))[0] # w/out ext, =sample name
-    cmd = ''
-    if opts.lxbatch:
-        cmd = (" bsub "
-               +" -L /bin/bash " # reset shell
-               +" -q %s " % queue
-               # not sure this is working
-               # +" -o %s/tthf-trex-utils/batch/log/%s_%s.oe" % (base_dir, opts.label, short_batch_file)
-               +" -J %s " % short_batch_file
-               +" -o %s.oe " % (relative_output_directory(opts=opts)+'/'+short_batch_file)
-               +" %s" % os.path.join(base_dir, batch_file)
-               )
+        utils.print_parsed_options(parser, opts)
+    if opts.generate_groupfiles:
+        sample_catalogue = sample_catalogues.HbsmSampleCatalogue() # TODO or VlqSampleCatalogue
+        # TODO prompt: ask about sample list from new production
+        sample_catalogue.add_samples_from_file(path='VLQAnalysis/data/samples_HtX4TopsNtuple-00-00-12.txt')
+        sample_catalogue.categorise_samples(sample_catalogue.samples)
+        sample_catalogue.write_group_files()
+        return
+    if job_manager.needs_to_generate_scripts:
+        if opts.verbose:
+            print "Need to generate scripts: gathering samples and filelists"
+        sample_catalogue = sample_catalogues.HbsmSampleCatalogue() # TODO or VlqSampleCatalogue
+        sample_catalogue.add_samples_from_group_files(glob.glob(opts.groupfile) if opts.groupfile else
+                                                      glob.glob(sample_catalogue.groupfiles_directory+'/*.txt'))
+        sample_catalogue.prune_samples(regex_include=opts.sample_include,
+                                       regex_exclude=opts.sample_exclude)
+        samples_to_process = (sample_catalogue.samples if opts.syst=='nominal' else
+                              sample_catalogue.add_systematic_variations(samples=sample_catalogue.samples,
+                                                                         verbose=opts.verbose,
+                                                                         syst_option=opts.syst))
+        if opts.generate_filelists:
+            pass
+        input_interface = (sample_catalogues.RucioEosCernInterface() if opts.input_from=='rucioeos' else
+                           sample_catalogues.EosUserInterface() if opts.input_from=='eosuser' else
+                           sample_catalogues.RucioPnfsIfaeInterface() if opts.input_from=='ruciopnfs' else
+                           sample_catalogues.At3ScratchDiskInterface() if opts.input_from=='at3disk' else
+                           sample_catalogues.LocalDiskInterface('VLQAnalysis/data/filelist/', base_input_dir=opts.input_from))
+        input_interface.attach_filelists(samples=samples_to_process, verbose=opts.verbose)
+        # samples_to_process = sample_catalogue.add_filelists(samples=samples_to_process, input_interface=input_interface)
+        for sample in samples_to_process:
+            for systematic in sample.systematic_uncertainties:
+                for variation in systematic.variations:
+                    job_manager.create_job(sample, systematic, variation)
+        if opts.split_larger>2:
+            job_manager.split_jobs(split_every_n=opts.split_larger)
+        if opts.merge_fewer>1:
+            job_manager.merge_jobs(min_n_input_files=opts.merge_fewer)
-        cmd = (" qsub "
-               +" -j oe " # join stdout and stderr
-               +" -o %s/%s/%s.oe" % (base_dir, relative_output_directory(opts), short_batch_file)
-               +" -q %s " % queue
-               +" %s" % batch_file
-               )
-    if verbose:
-        print cmd
-    if opts.submit:
-        out = utils.get_command_output(cmd)
-        if verbose:
-            print out['stdout']
-            print out['stderr']
-def prepare_tar_file(tar_file_name=None, verbose=None):
-    cmd = "tar czf  %s BtaggingTRFandRW IFAEReweightingTools IFAETopFramework VLQAnalysis" % tar_file_name
-    cmd = cmd+" --exclude='.svn' --exclude='*.o' --exclude='*.so'"
-    if not os.path.exists(tar_file_name):
-        raise RuntimeError("Missing tar file; please create it with:\n\n"+cmd)
+        if opts.verbose:
+            print "JobManager: using existing scripts from %s" % job_manager.relative_input_directory
+        # TODO (perhaps: need to think about expected behaviour) filter samples?
+        # Q: how would you filter on merged samples? on the jobset name or on the sample name
+    if opts.print_local:
+        if not all(type(j) is batch_utils.Job for j in job_manager.jobs):
+            raise NotImplementedError("This feature is available only for non-merged jobs; drop the --merge-fewer option")
+        print 'Commands to test the code locally:'
+        print '\n'.join(batch_utils.Job.parse_run_cmd_line(j.script_path) for j in job_manager.jobs)
+        return
+    if opts.check:
+        job_manager.check_outputs()
+    elif opts.resubmit:
+        job_manager.resubmit_failed_jobs()
+    else:
+        job_manager.submit_jobs()
+def is_valid_input(opts):
+    "either you specified a predifined input interface, or a directory"
+    return (opts.input_from in ['at3disk', 'eosuser', 'rucioeos', 'ruciopnfs'] or
+            os.path.isdir(opts.input_from))
 if __name__=='__main__':
diff --git a/python/sample_catalogues.py b/python/sample_catalogues.py
index 9b4045cc92dfed4da500973beb45cac725ad8af5..97a25bfb13e74fb156e9caa149ca8696d963d1c5 100644
--- a/python/sample_catalogues.py
+++ b/python/sample_catalogues.py
@@ -5,52 +5,114 @@ All samples are initially provided in a txt file corresponding to one
 production (the file `datasets_to_download.txt` provided by Peyton).
 SampleCatalogue is the main class here. It takes care of:
-- organizing the samples in categories: data, ttbar, signal, etc.
-- TODO attaching systematic uncertainties to the samples
-- TODO attaching ChainProvider(s) to the samples
+- organizing the samples in categories: data, ttbar, signal,
+  etc. Categories are flexible (just list of files) and they should be
+  implemented following the `categorise_samples` example.
+- attaching systematic uncertainties to the samples
+- attaching ChainProvider(s) to the Variation
 - TODO building the VLQAnalysis/data/samples_info.dat file
+Overall design:
+A Sample has a list of SystematicUncertainty; the 'nominal' case is
+just a SystematicUncertainty.is_nominal.
+Each uncertainty has one or two Variation.
+Each Variation has access to the input chain through a filelist
+generated by InputDataInterface
 Different analyses might need to access different samples, or to
 organize them in different ways (e.g. special treatment of signal
 samples, systematic samples, etc.). This is implemented by
 specializing SampleCatalogue.
-wTODO : systematic sample might need to attach chain_provider to each systematic uncertainty
+Example usage:
+# Step 0
+# If you start from a 'production sample list' --> build group files
+#  > sc = VlqSampleCatalogue() # or HbsmSampleCatalogue
+#  > sc.verbose = True
+#  > sc.add_samples_from_file(path='VLQAnalysis/data/samples_HtX4TopsNtuple-00-00-12.txt')
+#  > sc.categorise_samples(sc.samples)
+#  > sc.write_group_files()
+# Step 1
+# Otherwise start from existing group files
+#  > sc.add_samples_from_group_files(sc.groupfiles_directory+'/*.txt'))
+# Step 2
+# Write filelists; the input can be either a local dir or a storage interface (eos, pnfs, ...)
+#  > input_from_dir = LocalDiskInterface(filelist_dir='VLQAnalysis/data/filelist',
+#  >                                     base_input_dir='/tmp/gerbaudo/rucio')
+#  > input_from_eos = RucioEosCernInterface()
+#  > sc.add_filelists(samples=sc.samples, input_interface=input_from_eos)
+# Note1: the filelists are attached to each 'Variation' (not to each 'Sample').
+# Note2: sample-specific job options can be inserted in the txt files
+#        (as in MultibjetsAnalysis, with the '# config:' comment)
+# Now you can start processing the samples.
+# See instructions in hbsm_submit.py
+TODO : implement special treatment of systematic samples.
+TODO : speedup the generation of filelists? (rucio can take hrs w/out
+       multiprocessing, local disk is fine)
 Jul 2016
+import copy
 import glob
 import os
+import re
 import collections
 from VLQAnalysis import utils
-# import systematics # TODO
-# catalogue = systematics.SystematicCatalogue()
+import systematics # perhaps the catalogue should be instantiated elsewhere (e.g. if it will become a specialised catalogue?)
+catalogue = systematics.SystematicCatalogue()
 class Sample(object):
-    "Holds info about a sample and its attributes."
-    def __init__(self, short_name=None, full_name=None, group=None, filelist_dir=None, filelist_file=None, ds_input=None):
+    """Holds info about a sample and its attributes.
+    'full_name' is always there; the other attributes are filled as needed.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, short_name=None, full_name=None, group=None,
+                 job_options=None,
+                 filelist_dir=None, filelist_file=None,
+                 ds_input=None):
         self.short_name = short_name
         self.full_name = full_name
-        self.group = group
+        self._group = group
+        self.job_options = job_options
         self.ds_input = ds_input
-        self.chain_provider = None
-        # self.systematic_uncertainties = [catalogue.nominal]
+        self.systematic_uncertainties = [catalogue.nominal()]
         if not full_name:
             raise ValueError("Sample must have full_name")
     def __str__(self):
         plain_attrs = ['short_name', 'full_name', 'group', 'ds_input']
+        # TODO how do you want to print the uncertainties (and the chainprovider)
         return "Sample :"+ ', '.join("%s : '%s'" % (a, va) for a, va in [(pa, getattr(self, pa)) for pa in plain_attrs] if va)
-    def dsid(self):
-        return utils.guess_id_from_name(samplename=self.full_name)
+    def dsid(self, verbose=False):
+        "No need to input this by hand, just extract it from full_name"
+        return utils.guess_id_from_name(samplename=self.full_name, verbose=verbose)
+    @property
+    def group(self):
+        return self._group
+    @group.setter
+    def group(self, value):
+        "this attribute is set by SampleCatalogue so we need to check it and cache it"
+        if not self._group or self._group==value:
+            self._group = value
+        else:
+            print "overwriting sample group from %s to %s" % (self._group, value)
+            self._group = value
     def use_all_uncertainties(self):
         self.systematic_uncertainties = catalogue.all_uncertainties()
@@ -64,19 +126,7 @@ class Sample(object):
     def use_nominal_uncertainty(self):
         "nothing to do, this is the default"
-class ChainProvider(object):
-    "Provides access to a chain built out of files on disk/eos/pnfs"
-    def __init__(self, filelist_dir=None, filelist_file=None):
-        if filelist_file and not os.path.exists(self.filelist_file):
-            print "missing filelist %s" %self.filelist_file
-            self.commands_to_build_list()
-    def commands_to_build_list(self, rse='CERN-PROD_SCRATCHDISK'):
-        cmd = "rucio list-file-replicas --rse %s %s | grep %s | awk '{print $12}'" % (rse, self.full_name, rse)
-        print "# open a shell with rucio, then"
-        print cmd
-        print "# now replace the stuff before 'eos' with 'root://eosatlas/'"
 class SampleCatalogue(object):
     """Keep track of a collection of samples.
@@ -84,76 +134,103 @@ class SampleCatalogue(object):
     Samples can be added to the catalogue in two ways:
     - either from a single file, in which case they will not have a
-      'group' until `categorise_all()` is called. This is typically
+      'group' until `categorise_samples()` is called. This is typically
       used when we move to a new production and all the files are just
       listed in a file.
     - or from several files group files, in which case the filename is
       used as the group
+    In general one builds the catalogue from the group files.
     TODO attach syst uncertainties to samples
-    TODO attach
+    keyword_job_option = 'config:' # same convention as in MultibjetsAnalysis
     def __init__(self):
         self.samples = []
         self.verbose = False
-    def add_samples_from_file(self, path, line_parser = lambda l: Sample(full_name=l.strip())):
-        self.samples += [line_parser(l) for l in SampleCatalogue.read_lines_from_txt(path)]
+        self.groupfiles_directory = 'VLQAnalysis/data/groups' # should be overwritten by specific catalogue
     def add_samples_from_group_files(self, paths=[]):
-        """A wrapper so that we can read samples that have already been categorised.
+        """This is the usual method to populate the catalogue, from
+        samples that have altready been organised in groups.
+        The name of each group is determined from the filename
         > catalogue.add_samples_categorised(glob.glob('path/to/files/*.txt')
-        The name of each group is determined from the filename
         for path in paths:
             group = utils.filename_without_extension(path)
-            self.add_samples_from_file(path, line_parser=lambda l: Sample(full_name=l.strip(), group=group))
+            self.add_samples_from_file(path, group=group)
-    def write_group_files(self, output_directory=None):
-        if self.has_uncategorised_samples:
-            print "There are samples that do not belong to any group. The group files will not be complete."
-        if not os.path.isdir(output_directory):
-            raise IOError("'%s' is not a valid directory" % output_directory)
+    def add_samples_from_file(self, path, group=None):
+        """This should be used to populate the catalogue when you have a
+        new production. path should be the file 'datasets_to_download.txt'
+        generated from HtX4TopsNtuple.
+        """
+        job_options = None
+        keyword_job_option = SampleCatalogue.keyword_job_option
+        for line in SampleCatalogue.read_lines_from_txt(path, keywords_useful_comment_line=[keyword_job_option]):
+            if keyword_job_option in line:
+                job_options = line[line.find(keyword_job_option)+len(keyword_job_option):].strip()
+                continue # will affect all upcoming samples
+            self.samples.append(Sample(full_name=line, group=group, job_options=job_options))
+    def write_group_files(self, allow_uncategorised_samples=True):
+        """After having called 'categorise_samples', you can write the samples organised in group files.
+        Alternatively, you can also just write your group files by hand.
+        """
+        num_uncategorised_samples = len(self.uncategorised_samples)
+        if num_uncategorised_samples:
+            print ("Warning: there are %d samples that do not belong to any group." % num_uncategorised_samples
+                   +" Please check 'uncategorised.txt'")
+            if not allow_uncategorised_samples:
+                uncategorised = [s for s in self.samples if not s.group]
+                raise NotImplementedError("Do not know how to handle uncategorised samples:\n"+
+                                          '\n'.join(s.full_name for s in uncategorised))
+        utils.mkdir_if_needed(self.groupfiles_directory)
         samples_per_group = collections.defaultdict(list)
+        samples_per_group['uncategorised'] = []
         for s in self.samples:
             if not s.group:
-                continue
-            samples_per_group[s.group].append(s)
+                samples_per_group['uncategorised'].append(s)
+            else:
+                samples_per_group[s.group].append(s)
+        if not samples_per_group['uncategorised']:
+            samples_per_group.pop('uncategorised', None)
         for group, samples in samples_per_group.items():
-            filename = os.path.join(output_directory, group+'.txt')
+            filename = os.path.join(self.groupfiles_directory, group+'.txt')
             with open(filename, 'w') as output_file:
                 output_file.write('\n'.join(s.full_name for s in samples))
             if self.verbose:
                 print "written %s" % filename
+    @classmethod
+    def categorise_samples(cls, samples):
+        raise NotImplementedError("This operation depends on the analysis,"
+                                  " and it is implemented only in the specialised catalogues")
+    @classmethod
+    def add_systematic_variations(cls, samples):
+        raise NotImplementedError("This operation depends on the analysis,"
+                                  " and it is implemented only in the specialised catalogues")
+    @property
+    def uncategorised_samples(self):
+        return [s for s in self.samples if not s.group]
-    def has_uncategorised_samples(self):
-        return any(not s.group for s in self.samples)
+    def groups(self):
+        return sorted(list(set(s.group for s in self.samples if s.group)))
-    @classmethod
-    def categorise_all_samples(cls, samples, overwrite_group=False, verbose=False):
-        "try to determine the group using 'determine_group_from_name'"
-        for sample in samples:
-            group = cls.determine_group_from_name(sample)
-            if not sample.group or sample.group==group:
-                sample.group = group
-            elif overwrite_group:
-                if verbose:
-                    print "overwriting group '%s' with '%s' for %s" % (sample.group, group, sample.full_name)
-                sample.group = group
-            else:
-                pass
+    def samples_from_group(self, group=''):
+        return [s for s in self.samples if s.group==group]
     def determine_group_from_name(cls, sample=None):
-        """Determine the group of this sample from its.
+        """Determine the group of this sample from its name.
         This is where the analysis-specific catalogues can implement their categorisation.
-        return ('data' if 'physics_Main' in sample.full_name else
+        group = ('data' if cls.is_data(sample) else
                 'ttbar' if cls.is_ttbar(sample) else
                 'wjets' if cls.is_wjets(sample) else
                 'zjets' if cls.is_zjets(sample) else
@@ -162,11 +239,12 @@ class SampleCatalogue(object):
                 'topewk' if cls.is_topewk(sample) else
                 'tth' if cls.is_tth(sample) else
                 'fourtop' if cls.is_fourtop(sample) else
-                'vlq' if cls.is_vlq(sample) else
-                'uerdpp' if cls.is_uerdpp(sample) else
-                'fourtopci' if cls.is_fourtopci(sample) else
-                'hbsm' if cls. is_hbsm(sample) else
+        return group
+    @staticmethod
+    def is_data(sample):
+        return 'physics_Main' in sample.full_name
     def is_ttbar(sample):
@@ -206,45 +284,27 @@ class SampleCatalogue(object):
     def is_fourtop(sample):
         return any(str(dsid) in sample.full_name for dsid in [410080])
-    # perhaps the is_* below should go to VlqSampleCatalogue? DG-2016-07-14
-    @staticmethod
-    def is_vlq(sample):
-        return any(str(dsid) in sample.full_name for dsid in range(302468, 302519+1))
-    @staticmethod
-    def is_uerdpp(sample):
-        return any(str(dsid) in sample.full_name for dsid in range(302055, 302059+1))
-    @staticmethod
-    def is_fourtopci(sample):
-        return any(str(dsid) in sample.full_name for dsid in [302777])
-    @staticmethod
-    def is_hbsm(sample):
-        return any(str(dsid) in sample.full_name
-                   for dsid in range(304777, 304780+1) + range(341541, 341555+1) + [343434, 343432])
-    def read_lines_from_txt(txt_filename):
+    def read_lines_from_txt(txt_filename, keywords_useful_comment_line=[]):
         "parse a file dropping comment and empty lines"
         def is_comment_or_empty(l):
             l = l.strip()
             return not l or l.startswith('#')
         lines = []
         with open(txt_filename) as f:
-            lines = [l.strip() for l in f.readlines() if not is_comment_or_empty(l)]
+            lines = [l.strip() for l in f.readlines()
+                     if not is_comment_or_empty(l)
+                     or any(k in l for k in keywords_useful_comment_line)]
         return lines
     def write_script_to_generate_rucio_eos_lists(self, script_filename='generate_eos_filelists.sh',
                                                  output_directory='./', rse='CERN-PROD_SCRATCHDISK'):
-        """TODO this should probably go in EosInputChain.
+        """Obsolete, please use SampleCatalogue.add_filelists
         I cannot execute the rucio commands in the same shell where I
         run python, so I have to write them out to a file.
+        raise NotImplementedError("Obsolete, please use SampleCatalogue.add_filelists")
         tmp_samplelist = '/tmp/samples.txt'
         with open(script_filename, 'w') as of:
@@ -265,26 +325,447 @@ class SampleCatalogue(object):
             of.write('done \n')
             of.write('cd - \n')
         print "To generate the file lists, open a new shell with rucio, then execute 'source %s'" % script_filename
+    def prune_samples(self, regex_include=None, regex_exclude=None):
+        """filter samples with two input regex that are applied to the
+        short name (if available) or to the full_name"""
+        self.samples = (utils.filter_with_regexp(self.samples, regex_include,
+                                                 func=lambda x: x.short_name if x.short_name else x.full_name)
+                        if regex_include else self.samples)
+        self.samples = (utils.exclude_with_regexp(self.samples, regex_exclude,
+                                                  func=lambda x: x.short_name if x.short_name else x.full_name)
+                        if regex_exclude else self.samples)
-# class VlqSampleCatalogue(SampleCatalogue):
-#     @classmethod
-#     def categorise(cls, sample):
-#         data_dir = config['data_dir']
-#         for name in os.listdir(data_dir):
-#         yield cls(os.path.join(data_dir, name)) # up to concrete subclass to interpret inputs
+class VlqSampleCatalogue(SampleCatalogue):
+    "Catalogue with features that are specific to the VLQ analysis"
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(VlqSampleCatalogue, self).__init__()
+        self.groupfiles_directory = 'VLQAnalysis/data/groups/vlq'
+    @classmethod
+    def determine_group_from_name(cls, sample=None):
+        """Determine the group of this sample from its.
+        This is where the analysis-specific catalogues can implement their categorisation.
+        """
+        group = ('vlq' if cls.is_vlq(sample) else
+                 'uerdpp' if cls.is_uerdpp(sample) else
+                 'fourtopci' if cls.is_fourtopci(sample) else
+                 SampleCatalogue.determine_group_from_name(sample))
+        return group
+    @classmethod
+    def categorise_samples(cls, samples, overwrite_group=False, verbose=False):
+        """This is where the samples are organised in groups.
+        For some groups we might need to perform extra steps; for
+        example we need to assign the 'short_name' (this was called
+        'name' in VLQ_Samples.py)
+        """
+        for sample in samples:
+            sample.group = cls.determine_group_from_name(sample)
+            if sample.group == 'vlq':
+                sample.short_name = cls.vlq_short_name(sample)
+            elif sample.group == 'uerdpp':
+                sample.short_name = cls.uerdpp_short_name(sample)
+            elif sample.group == 'fourtopci':
+                sample.short_name = '4tops_CI'
+    @staticmethod
+    def is_vlq(sample):
+        return any(str(dsid) in sample.full_name for dsid in range(302468, 302519+1))
+    @staticmethod
+    def is_uerdpp(sample):
+        return any(str(dsid) in sample.full_name for dsid in range(302055, 302059+1))
+    @staticmethod
+    def is_fourtopci(sample):
+        return any(str(dsid) in sample.full_name for dsid in [302777])
+    @classmethod
+    def vlq_short_name(cls, sample=None):
+        dsid = int(sample.dsid)
+        return ('VLQ_TT_600'  if dsid==302469 else
+                'VLQ_TT_700'  if dsid==302470 else
+                'VLQ_TT_750'  if dsid==302471 else
+                'VLQ_TT_800'  if dsid==302472 else
+                'VLQ_TT_850'  if dsid==302473 else
+                'VLQ_TT_900'  if dsid==302474 else
+                'VLQ_TT_950'  if dsid==302475 else
+                'VLQ_TT_1000' if dsid==302476 else
+                'VLQ_TT_1050' if dsid==302477 else
+                'VLQ_TT_1100' if dsid==302478 else
+                'VLQ_TT_1150' if dsid==302479 else
+                'VLQ_TT_1200' if dsid==302480 else
+                'VLQ_TT_1300' if dsid==302481 else
+                'VLQ_TT_1400' if dsid==302482 else
+                None)
+    @classmethod
+    def uerdpp_short_name(cls, sample=None):
+        dsid = int(sample.dsid)
+        return ('UEDRPP_1000' if dsid==302055 else
+                'UEDRPP_1200' if dsid==302056 else
+                'UEDRPP_1400' if dsid==302057 else
+                'UEDRPP_1600' if dsid==302058 else
+                'UEDRPP_1800' if dsid==302059 else
+                None)
+class HbsmSampleCatalogue(SampleCatalogue):
+    "Catalogue with features that are specific to the HBSM analysis"
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(HbsmSampleCatalogue, self).__init__()
+        self.groupfiles_directory = 'VLQAnalysis/data/groups/hbsm'
+    @classmethod
+    def determine_group_from_name(cls, sample=None):
+        """Determine the group of this sample from its.
+        This is where the analysis-specific catalogues can implement their categorisation.
+        """
+        group = ('hbsm' if cls.is_hbsm(sample) else
+                 SampleCatalogue.determine_group_from_name(sample))
+        return group
+    @classmethod
+    def categorise_samples(cls, samples, overwrite_group=False, verbose=False):
+        """This is where the samples are organised in groups.
+        For some groups we might need to perform extra steps; for
+        example we need to assign the 'short_name' (this was called
+        'name' in VLQ_Samples.py)
+        """
+        for sample in samples:
+            sample.group = cls.determine_group_from_name(sample)
+            if sample.group == 'hbsm':
+                sample.short_name = cls.hbsm_short_name(sample)
+    @staticmethod
+    def is_hbsm(sample):
+        return any(str(dsid) in sample.full_name
+                   for dsid in range(304777, 304780+1) + range(341541, 341555+1) + [343434, 343432])
+    @classmethod
+    def hbsm_short_name(cls, sample=None):
+        dsid = int(sample.dsid)
+        return ('VLQ_TT_600'  if dsid==302469 else
+                'VLQ_TT_700'  if dsid==302470 else
+                'VLQ_TT_750'  if dsid==302471 else
+                'VLQ_TT_800'  if dsid==302472 else
+                'VLQ_TT_850'  if dsid==302473 else
+                'VLQ_TT_900'  if dsid==302474 else
+                'VLQ_TT_950'  if dsid==302475 else
+                'VLQ_TT_1000' if dsid==302476 else
+                'VLQ_TT_1050' if dsid==302477 else
+                'VLQ_TT_1100' if dsid==302478 else
+                'VLQ_TT_1150' if dsid==302479 else
+                'VLQ_TT_1200' if dsid==302480 else
+                'VLQ_TT_1300' if dsid==302481 else
+                'VLQ_TT_1400' if dsid==302482 else
+                None)
+    @classmethod
+    def add_systematic_variations(cls, samples=None, verbose=False, syst_option=False):
+        """Here we might need to add/drop samples, so we will just
+        re-build the list dealing with the groups one at the time
+        """
+        weight_only = syst_option and syst_option=='weight'
+        object_only = syst_option and syst_option=='object'
+        if syst_option and syst_option not in ['weight', 'object', 'all']:
+            raise NotImplementedError("for now can only accept either weight|object|all, not '%s'" % syst_option)
+        updated_samples = []
+        samples_per_group = collections.defaultdict(list)
+        for sample in samples:
+            samples_per_group[sample.group].append(sample)
+        for group, samples in samples_per_group.iteritems():
+            if group=='data':
+                updated_samples += samples
+            elif group=='ttbar':
+                if verbose:
+                    print 'adding ttbar systematics'
+                updated_samples += cls.add_ttbar_systematics(samples)
+            else:
+                if verbose:
+                    print 'adding other systematics'
+                updated_samples += cls.add_generic_systematics(samples,
+                                                               weight_only=weight_only,
+                                                               object_only=object_only)
+            # do we need to do anything special for the signals?
+            # TODO filter systematics with comma-sep list from syst_option
+            # TODO filter systematics with refex
+        return updated_samples
+    @staticmethod
+    def add_ttbar_systematics(ttbar_samples, weight_only=False, object_only=False):
+        """Take a list of samples and provide a new list containing
+        samples with syst uncertainties (and additional samples if
+        needed when splitting in hf).
+        """
+        print "add_ttbar_systematics: weight_only, object_only not implemented yet"
+        updated_samples = []
+        hf_splitted = True # should it be configurable?  in this case we need to process n times the samples
+        use_ht_slices = True # should it be configurable? in this case we need to process more samples
+        ht_sliced_dsids = [410000, 407009, 407010, 407011, 407012] # low, 1, 2, 3, met
+        ht_sliced_samples = [s for s in ttbar_samples if int(s.dsid) in ht_sliced_dsids]
+        ht_inclusive_samples = [s for s in ht_sliced_samples if int(s.dsid)==41000]
+        if hf_splitted: # this only implements the 'simple' splitting of VLQ_Samples.py
+            samples_to_split_in_hf = ht_sliced_samples if use_ht_slices else ht_inclusive_samples
+            hf_slices = ['light', 'bb', 'cc']
+            for hf_slice in hf_slices: # need to make a copy of the samples b/c they will be processed 3 times
+                samples_this_slice = [copy.deepcopy(s) for s in samples_to_split_in_hf]
+                for s in samples_this_slice:
+                    s.short_name = 'ttbar'+hf_slice
+                updated_samples += samples_this_slice
+        elif use_ht_slices:
+            updated_samples += ht_sliced_samples
+        else:
+            raise NotImplementedError("add_ttbar_systematics not implemented w/out slices, see VLQ_Samples.py")
+        for s in updated_samples: # TODO check with Loic+Mirko that this is always needed
+            s.use_all_uncertainties()
+        return updated_samples
+    @staticmethod
+    def add_generic_systematics(samples, weight_only=False, object_only=False):
+        "Toggle on the weight and object systematic variations"
+        if weight_only:
+            for s in samples:
+                s.use_weight_uncertainties()
+        elif object_only:
+            for s in samples:
+                s.use_object_uncertainties()
+        else:
+            for s in samples:
+                s.use_all_uncertainties()
+        return samples
+class InputDataInterface(object):
+    """Base class defining how we access input data (through filelists).
+    In general one should just call 'filelist()'; some interfaces
+    (e.g. disk) will automatically generate it if it's not there;
+    others (e.g. eos, rse) will tell you how to generate it. The
+    second behaviour is motivated by the fact that the generation
+    might take time (e.g. eos) or special setup (e.g. rucio), so it
+    might be better to do this asynchronously, once for all samples in
+    a separate shell.
+    For an example of the second case, see
+    'SampleCatalogue.add_filelists'.
+    For tests, one can also call
+    'InputDataInterface.generate_filelist' for a single sample (rather
+    than trough the catalogue).
+    """
+    def __init__(self, filelist_dir):
+        self.filelist_dir = utils.mkdir_if_needed(filelist_dir)
+    def generate_filelist(self, container):
+        raise NotImplementedError("Should be implemented in specialised classes")
+    def filelist(self, container):
+        raise NotImplementedError("Should be implemented in specialised classes")
+    def attach_filelists(self, samples=[], verbose=False):
+        "Attach a filelist to each one of the input samples x variations"
+        if verbose:
+            print "About to check/create filelists for %d samples; this might take some time." % len(samples)
+        for sa in samples:
+            for su in sa.systematic_uncertainties:
+                for v in su.variations:
+                    v.filelist = str(self.generate_filelist(sa.full_name))
+                    if verbose:
+                        n_files = sum(1 for l in open(v.filelist).readlines() if not l.strip().startswith('#'))
+                        print "%s added filelist (%d files) %s %s" % (self.filelist_dir,
+                                                                      n_files,
+                                                                      sa.full_name,
+                                                                      '', #sys not needed for now
+                                                                      )
+                    # note to self: here sample knows about the
+                    # container name, and variation knows about the
+                    # treename. It assumes that the object variation
+                    # trees are in the same file as the nominal one.
+                    # I might need to revise this when we start using
+                    # systematic samples?
+        # return samples
+class LocalDiskInterface(InputDataInterface):
+    """Data on disk that can be accessed through simple os.path.
+    If there is no filelist just generate it.
+    It assumes that there is one sub-directory for each container.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, filelist_dir=None, base_input_dir=None):
+        super(LocalDiskInterface, self).__init__(filelist_dir)
+        self.base_input_dir = base_input_dir
+    def generate_filelist(self, container):
+        container = container.strip('/')
+        filelist_path = os.path.join(self.filelist_dir, container+'.txt')
+        if not os.path.exists(filelist_path):
+            with open(filelist_path, 'w') as filelist_file:
+                filenames = [f for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.base_input_dir, container))
+                             if '.root' in f]
+                filenames = sorted(filenames)
+                filenames = [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.base_input_dir, container, f))
+                             for f in filenames]
+                filelist_file.write('\n'.join(filenames)+'\n')
+        return filelist_path
+    def filelist(self, container):
+        filelist_path = os.path.join(self.filelist_dir, container.strip('/')+'.txt')
+        if not os.path.exists(filelist_path):
+            self.generate_filelist(container)
+        return filelist_path
+class At3ScratchDiskInterface(LocalDiskInterface):
+    """Data downloaded to the scratch2 disk on at3.
+    Currently 00-10 production.
+    """
+    def __init__(self,
+                 filelist_dir='VLQAnalysis/data/hbsm/filelist/at3pnfs',
+                 base_input_dir='/nfs/at3/scratch2/lvalery/VLQFiles/AT-00-00-10/'):
+        super(At3ScratchDiskInterface, self).__init__(filelist_dir, base_input_dir)
+class EosUserInterface(InputDataInterface):
+    """Data on eos accessed through 'eos ls' (not via rucio).
+    When the filelist if missing, raise IOError.
+    Prefer not to generate them under the hood (can take time, better
+    if user does it explicitly).
+    """
+    def __init__(self, filelist_dir, base_input_dir):
+        super(EosUserInterface, self).__init__(filelist_dir)
+        self.base_input_dir = base_input_dir
+    def filelist(self, container):
+        container = container.strip('/')
+        filelist_path = os.path.join(self.filelist_dir, container+'.txt')
+        if not os.path.exists(filelist_path):
+            raise IOError("Missing filelist from EosUserInterface(%s) for %s" % (self.filelist_dir, container)
+                          +"Probably need to call SampleCatalogue.add_filelists()")
+        return filelist_path
+    def generate_filelist(self, container):
+        raise NotImplementedError("Need some cleanup of the output? and perhaps pre-pend 'root://eosatlas//eo'")
+        # todo include lines below
+        container = container.strip('/')
+        cmd = "eos ls %s/%s" % (self.base_input_dir, container)
+        utils.get_command_output(cmd)
+        filelist_path = os.path.join(self.filelist_dir, container+'.txt')
+        with open(filelist_path, 'w') as filelist_file:
+            filenames = [f for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.base_input_dir, container)) if '.root' in f]
+            filelist_file.write('\n'.join(filenames))
+        return filelist_path
+class RseInterface(InputDataInterface):
+    """Interface to a remote storage element accessed through rucio.
+    When the filelist if missing, raise IOError.
+    Prefer not to generate them under the hood (can take time, better
+    if user does it explicitly).
+    Users should usually instantiate objects of site-specific classes
+    (see RucioEosCernInterface and RucioPnfsIfaeInterface)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, filelist_dir, rse, root_prefix, root_prefix_placeholder):
+        """
+        Example arguments:
+        - rse : CERN-PROD_SCRATCHDISK
+        - root_prefix : root://eosatlas//eos
+        - root_prefix_placeholder : eos
+        See generate_filelist.clean_line for details
+        """
+        super(RseInterface, self).__init__(filelist_dir)
+        self.rse = rse
+        self.root_prefix = root_prefix
+        self.root_prefix_placeholder = root_prefix_placeholder
+    def filelist(self, container):
+        filelist_path = os.path.join(self.filelist_dir, container.strip('/')+'.txt')
+        if not os.path.exists(filelist_path):
+            raise IOError("Missing filelist from RseUserInterface(%s) for %s" % (self.filelist_dir, container)
+                          +"Probably need to call SampleCatalogue.add_filelists()")
+        return filelist_path
+    def generate_filelist(self, container, overwrite_filelist=False):
+        container = container.strip('/')
+        filelist_path = os.path.join(self.filelist_dir, container+'.txt')
+        if os.path.exists(filelist_path):
+            if not overwrite_filelist:
+                return filelist_path
+        has_rucio = any('RUCIO' in k for k in os.environ.keys())
+        has_voms = any('VOMS' in k for k in os.environ.keys()) # does not take into account expired token
+        filelist_path = os.path.join(self.filelist_dir, container+'.txt')
+        if not has_rucio or not has_voms:
+            raise EnvironmentError("Invalid environment: please 'lsetup rucio' and 'voms-proxy-init -voms atlas'")
+        cmd = "rucio list-file-replicas --rse {rse:s} {container:s} | grep {rse:s}".format(**{'rse':self.rse,
+                                                                                              'container':container })
+        def clean_line(line, rse, prefix_from, prefix_to):
+            """
+            Convert output line that looks like:
+            | user.prose | user.prose.8949257._000001.out.root | 3.4 GB     | 22acf9ae  | CERN-PROD_SCRATCHDISK: gsiftp://eosatlassftp.cern.ch:2811/eos/atlas/atlasscratchdisk/rucio/user/prose/6d/a7/user.prose.8949257._000001.out.root |
+            into a line that looks like:
+            root://eosatlas//eos/atlas/atlasscratchdisk/rucio/user/prose/6d/a7/user.prose.8949257._000001.out.root
+            """
+            fields = [f.strip() for f in line.split('|')]
+            file_column = next((f for f in fields if rse in f), None)
+            file_path = next((f.strip() for f in file_column.split() if prefix_from in f), None)
+            return re.sub(r'.*'+prefix_from, prefix_to, file_path, 1)
+        out = utils.get_command_output(cmd)
+        if out['returncode']:
+            raise IOError("Command failed: '%s'\nstdout:\n%s\nstderr:\n%s" %
+                          (cmd, out['stdout'], out['stderr']))
+        else:
+            lines = [l for l in out['stdout'].split('\n') if self.rse in l]
+            filenames = [clean_line(l, self.rse, self.root_prefix_placeholder, self.root_prefix)
+                         for l in lines]
+            with open(filelist_path, 'w') as filelist_file:
+                filelist_file.write('\n'.join(filenames))
+        return filelist_path
+class RucioEosCernInterface(RseInterface):
+    "Access files on CERN-PROD_SCRATCHDISK through eos"
+    def __init__(self, filelist_dir='VLQAnalysis/data/filelist/eos',
+                 rse='CERN-PROD_SCRATCHDISK',
+                 root_prefix='root://eosatlas//eos/atlas',
+                 root_prefix_placeholder='/eos/atlas'):
+        super(RucioEosCernInterface, self).__init__(filelist_dir, rse, root_prefix, root_prefix_placeholder)
+class RucioPnfsIfaeInterface(RseInterface):
+    "Access files on IFAE_SCRATCHDISK through pnfs"
+    def __init__(self, filelist_dir='VLQAnalysis/data/filelist/pnfs',
+                 rse='IFAE_SCRATCHDISK',
+                 root_prefix='root://xrootd.pic.es//pnfs/pic.es',
+                 root_prefix_placeholder='/pnfs/pic.es'):
+        super(RucioPnfsIfaeInterface, self).__init__(filelist_dir, rse, root_prefix, root_prefix_placeholder)
 if __name__=='__main__':
     print "Testing sample catalogues"
-    print "build catalogue from Peyton's file:"
-    sc = SampleCatalogue()
-    sc.verbose = True
-    sc.add_samples_from_file(path='VLQAnalysis/data/samples_HtX4TopsNtuple-00-00-11.txt')
-    print "collected %d samples" % len(sc.samples)
-    sc.categorise_all_samples(sc.samples)
+    # print "build catalogue from Peyton's file:"
+    # sc = SampleCatalogue()
+    # sc.verbose = True
+    # sc.add_samples_from_file(path='VLQAnalysis/data/samples_HtX4TopsNtuple-00-00-11.txt')
+    # print "collected %d samples" % len(sc.samples)
+    # sc.categorise_samples(sc.samples) # only for specialised catalogues
     # -- tested: ok
     # print 'samples:'
@@ -302,8 +783,43 @@ if __name__=='__main__':
     #     print '\n'.join(s.full_name for s in uncategorised_samples)
     # -- tested: ok (go from one list to group files and back)
-    groupfiles_directory = 'VLQAnalysis/data/hbsm/groups'
-    sc.write_group_files(output_directory=groupfiles_directory)
-    sc2 = SampleCatalogue()    
-    sc2.add_samples_from_group_files(glob.glob(groupfiles_directory+'/*.txt'))
+    sc = HbsmSampleCatalogue()
+    # sc = VlqSampleCatalogue()
+    sc.verbose = True
+    sc.add_samples_from_file(path='VLQAnalysis/data/samples_HtX4TopsNtuple-00-00-12.txt')
+    sc.categorise_samples(sc.samples) # only for specialised catalogues
+    sc.write_group_files()
+    sc2 = SampleCatalogue()
+    sc2.add_samples_from_group_files(glob.glob(sc.groupfiles_directory+'/*.txt'))
     print "%d samples from production file, and %d samples from group files" % (len(sc.samples), len(sc2.samples))
+    # -- tested: ok (also the ttbar ht + hf splitting)
+    # groupfiles_directory = 'VLQAnalysis/data/groups/hbsm'
+    # sc_hbsm = HbsmSampleCatalogue()
+    # sc_hbsm.add_samples_from_group_files(glob.glob('VLQAnalysis/data/groups/hbsm/*.txt'))
+    # print "%d samples from group files" % (len(sc_hbsm.samples))
+    # sc_hbsm.samples = sc_hbsm.add_systematic_variations(sc_hbsm.samples)
+    # print "%d samples after syst variations" % (len(sc_hbsm.samples))
+    # ttbar_samples = sc_hbsm.samples_from_group('ttbar')
+    # for s in ttbar_samples:
+    #     print s.short_name,' ',s.full_name
+    # -- tested: ok for both eos and disk
+    sc_hbsm = HbsmSampleCatalogue()
+    # sc_hbsm.add_samples_from_group_files(glob.glob('VLQAnalysis/data/groups/hbsm/*.txt'))
+    sc_hbsm.add_samples_from_group_files(glob.glob(sc_hbsm.groupfiles_directory+'/hbsm.txt'))
+    sc_hbsm.samples = sc_hbsm.add_systematic_variations(sc_hbsm.samples)
+    input_from_dir = LocalDiskInterface(filelist_dir='VLQAnalysis/data/filelist',
+                                        base_input_dir='/tmp/gerbaudo/rucio')
+    input_from_eos = RucioEosCernInterface()
+    def print_filelists(samples):
+        for sample in samples:
+            for systematic in sample.systematic_uncertainties:
+                for variation in [v for v in systematic.variations if v.name=='nominal']:
+                    print "%s %s : %s" % (variation.name, sample.full_name, variation.filelist)
+    try:
+        print_filelists(sc_hbsm.samples)
+    except IOError:
+        print "Missing filelists, generating them"
+        sc_hbsm.add_filelists(samples=sc_hbsm.samples, input_interface=input_from_eos)
+    print_filelists(sc_hbsm.samples)
diff --git a/python/samples/systematics.py b/python/systematics.py
similarity index 88%
rename from python/samples/systematics.py
rename to python/systematics.py
index fd18a96e974c0480fcf34a04190384df795b28eb..3d6f894932dd4c95cf0259c1294999dae4598547 100644
--- a/python/samples/systematics.py
+++ b/python/systematics.py
@@ -9,18 +9,30 @@ davide.gerbaudo@gmail.com
 Jul 2016
+import copy
 class Variation(object):
     treename_suffix = '_Loose' # this is the suffix that should be removed from the output filenames
     def __init__(self, input_tree):
         self.input_tree = input_tree
         self.is_weight_variation = False
         self.is_object_variation = False
+        self._filelist = None
     def name(self):
         if self.input_tree.endswith(Variation.treename_suffix):
             return self.input_tree[:-len(Variation.treename_suffix)]
             raise ValueError("Variation: cannot interpred treename '%s' as a variation name" % self.input_tree)
+    @property
+    def filelist(self):
+        if not self._filelist:
+            raise IOError("missing input data for '%s'\nPlease call SampleCatalogue.add_filelists" % self.name)
+        else:
+            return self._filelist
+    @filelist.setter
+    def filelist(self, value):
+        self._filelist = value
 class WeightVariation(Variation):
     "A variation that only changes the event weight, but not the event selection"
@@ -52,8 +64,18 @@ class SystematicUncertainty(object):
         return self.name=='nominal'
 class SystematicCatalogue(object):
+    """A catalogue of uncertainties
+    Note: when a used asks for the uncertainties (and their
+    variations), we always provide a copy. The reason for this is that
+    they will be attached to samples, so we want to have different
+    copies of the same Variation objects for each sample.
+    Note to self: perhaps I should also hide '._' all the remaining
+    attributes (such as electron_object_uncertainties etc.).
+    """
     def __init__(self):
-        self.nominal = SystematicUncertainty(name='nominal', variations=[Variation(input_tree='nominal_Loose')])
+        self._nominal = SystematicUncertainty(name='nominal', variations=[Variation(input_tree='nominal_Loose')])
         self.electron_object_uncertainties = [
@@ -142,16 +164,19 @@ class SystematicCatalogue(object):
     def object_uncertainties(self):
-        return (self.electron_object_uncertainties +
-                self.jet_object_uncertainties +
-                self.met_object_uncertainties +
-                self.muon_object_uncertainties)
+        return copy.deepcopy([self.electron_object_uncertainties +
+                              self.jet_object_uncertainties +
+                              self.met_object_uncertainties +
+                              self.muon_object_uncertainties])
+    def nominal(self):
+        return copy.deepcopy(self._nominal)
     def weight_uncertainties(self):
         raise NotImplementedError("SystematicCatalogue: weight_uncertainties not there yet")
     def all_uncertainties(self):
-        return [self.nominal] + self.object_uncertainties() # + self.weight_uncertainties()
+        return [self.nominal()] + self.object_uncertainties() # + self.weight_uncertainties()
     def print_all(self):
         print "SystematicCatalogue:\n"+'\n'.join([s.name for s in self.all_uncertainties()])
diff --git a/python/utils.py b/python/utils.py
index 62fdfe95bc9140ec59abcc8c2e99cdc4998728c9..e4a33b03ae8e812580a15c874c0651e1e35c614c 100644
--- a/python/utils.py
+++ b/python/utils.py
@@ -16,9 +16,10 @@ import sys
 import subprocess
 import unittest
-def get_command_output(command):
+def get_command_output(command, with_current_environment=False):
     "lifted from supy (https://github.com/elaird/supy/blob/master/utils/io.py)"
-    p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell = True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
+    env = None if not with_current_environment else os.environ.copy()
+    p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell = True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, env=env)
     stdout,stderr = p.communicate()
     return {"stdout":stdout, "stderr":stderr, "returncode":p.returncode}
@@ -79,12 +80,13 @@ def json_read(fname) :
 def rm_if_exists(filename) :
     if os.path.exists(filename) : os.remove(filename)
-def mkdir_if_needed(dirname) :
+def mkdir_if_needed(dirname, verbose=False) :
     dest_dir = None
     if os.path.exists(dirname) and os.path.isdir(dirname) :
         dest_dir = dirname
     elif not os.path.exists(dirname) :
+        if verbose: print "created %s" % dirname
         dest_dir = dirname
     return dest_dir
@@ -120,6 +122,8 @@ def remove_duplicates(seq=[]) :
 def print_running_conditions(parser, opts):
     print "working from {0}".format(os.getcwd())
     print "being called as : {0}".format(' '.join(os.sys.argv))
+def print_parsed_options(parser, opts):
     all_options = [x.dest for x in parser._get_all_options()[1:]]
     print "options parsed:\n"+'\n'.join("%s : %s"%(o, str(getattr(opts, o))) for o in all_options)
@@ -138,6 +142,22 @@ def filename_without_extension(filename):
         raise IOError("'%s' is not a file" % filename)
     return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
+def drop_continuation_lines(split_lines=[]):
+    """remove continuation characters '\' from split lines
+    Adapted from
+    http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16480495/read-a-file-with-line-continuation-characters-in-python
+    """
+    out_lines = []
+    current_line = ''
+    for line in split_lines:
+        line = line.rstrip('\n')
+        if line.endswith('\\'):
+            current_line += line[:-1]
+        else:
+            out_lines.append(current_line)
+            current_line = ''
+    return out_lines
 # testing