From 89cbd614f54ca6f85eb44c592966bb3678b169cb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Beacham <>
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2017 21:19:44 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Revert "Merge branch 'FCS_StepInfoSDs_ATLASSIM-3443_21.0'
 into '21.0'"

This reverts commit ae10fb168d7791e0e193676c57cfc2e636e9b4ca [formerly c946c5c2d7fa22229e1fc820834b5009ddf819f3], reversing
changes made to 1000a1cfbad79703c734143c20e1375279e92a3c [formerly d57d58cd9ec70419f96e1a5459267738957d1b30].

Former-commit-id: 1acee8606e12a4a94717e5a701df3c1875435769
 .../G4Atlas/G4AtlasApps/python/    |   8 -
 .../G4AtlasTools/python/ |   3 -
 .../ISF/ISF_Example/python/      |   2 +- |  20 -- |   8 - |  20 +- |   6 +
 .../ISF_FastCaloSimSD/CMakeLists.txt          |  41 ---
 .../python/         |  31 --
 .../python/       |   5 -
 .../ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/FCS_StepInfoSD.cxx  | 227 --------------
 .../ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/FCS_StepInfoSD.h    | 143 ---------
 .../src/FCS_StepInfoSDTool.cxx                | 290 ------------------
 .../src/FCS_StepInfoSDTool.h                  | 123 --------
 .../src/LArFCS_StepInfoSD.cxx                 | 274 -----------------
 .../ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/LArFCS_StepInfoSD.h |  51 ---
 .../ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/SDWrapper.cxx       | 101 ------
 .../ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/SDWrapper.h         |  94 ------
 .../src/TileFCS_StepInfoSD.cxx                | 100 ------
 .../src/TileFCS_StepInfoSD.h                  |  48 ---
 .../components/ISF_FastCaloSimSD_entries.cxx  |   5 -
 21 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 1574 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/share/
 create mode 100644 Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/share/
 delete mode 100644 Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/CMakeLists.txt
 delete mode 100644 Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/python/
 delete mode 100644 Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/python/
 delete mode 100644 Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/FCS_StepInfoSD.cxx
 delete mode 100644 Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/FCS_StepInfoSD.h
 delete mode 100644 Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/FCS_StepInfoSDTool.cxx
 delete mode 100644 Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/FCS_StepInfoSDTool.h
 delete mode 100644 Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/LArFCS_StepInfoSD.cxx
 delete mode 100644 Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/LArFCS_StepInfoSD.h
 delete mode 100644 Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/SDWrapper.cxx
 delete mode 100644 Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/SDWrapper.h
 delete mode 100644 Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/TileFCS_StepInfoSD.cxx
 delete mode 100644 Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/TileFCS_StepInfoSD.h
 delete mode 100644 Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/components/ISF_FastCaloSimSD_entries.cxx

diff --git a/Simulation/G4Atlas/G4AtlasApps/python/ b/Simulation/G4Atlas/G4AtlasApps/python/
index 46d7a160d2e..f5f64f01e04 100644
--- a/Simulation/G4Atlas/G4AtlasApps/python/
+++ b/Simulation/G4Atlas/G4AtlasApps/python/
@@ -639,14 +639,6 @@ class ParticleID(JobProperty):
     allowedTypes = ['bool']
     StoredValue = False
-class RecordStepInfo(JobProperty):
-    """
-    Should FCS_StepInfoCollections be recorded
-    """
-    statusOn = True
-    allowedTypes = ['bool']
-    StoredValue = False
 class RecordFlux(JobProperty):
     Record flux through the entirety of the detector
diff --git a/Simulation/G4Atlas/G4AtlasTools/python/ b/Simulation/G4Atlas/G4AtlasTools/python/
index 337d297ff19..5d5439468b7 100644
--- a/Simulation/G4Atlas/G4AtlasTools/python/
+++ b/Simulation/G4Atlas/G4AtlasTools/python/
@@ -112,9 +112,6 @@ def generateCaloSensitiveDetectorList():
             SensitiveDetectorList += [ 'TileGeoG4CalibSD' ] # mode 1 : With CaloCalibrationHits
             SensitiveDetectorList += [ 'TileGeoG4SD' ]      # mode 0 : No CaloCalibrationHits
-    from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import simFlags
-    if simFlags.RecordStepInfo.get_Value():
-        SensitiveDetectorList += [ 'FCS_StepInfoSensitiveDetector' ]
     return SensitiveDetectorList
 def generateMuonSensitiveDetectorList():
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Example/python/ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Example/python/
index 74c397b07b3..fcb2bc11861 100644
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Example/python/
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_Example/python/
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ def getHITSStreamItemList():
     ## TimingAlg
     hitsItemList +=["RecoTimingObj#EVNTtoHITS_timings"]
-    if simFlags.RecordStepInfo.get_Value():
+    if 'G4UA::FastCaloSimParamActionTool' in simFlags.OptionalUserActionList.get_Value()['Step']:
         hitsItemList +=["ISF_FCS_Parametrization::FCS_StepInfoCollection#MergedEventSteps"]
     ## add xAOD::TrackParticles output collection Parametric Simulation
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/share/ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/share/
index a59ee537a7a..67017a344bb 100644
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/share/
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/share/
@@ -1,23 +1,3 @@
 from ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization.ISF_FastCaloSimParametrizationConf import FastCaloSimParamAlg
 topSeq += FastCaloSimParamAlg()
 ISF_HITSStream.stream1.ItemList += ["ISF_FCS_Parametrization::FCS_StepInfoCollection#MergedEventSteps"]
-from AthenaCommon.CfgGetter import getPublicTool
-stepInfoSDTool = getPublicTool("SensitiveDetectorMasterTool").SensitiveDetectors['FCS_StepInfoSensitiveDetector']
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/share/ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/share/
deleted file mode 100644
index b42cd82a47b..00000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/share/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-from ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization.ISF_FastCaloSimParametrizationConf import FastCaloSimParamAlg
-topSeq += FastCaloSimParamAlg()
-ISF_HITSStream.stream1.ItemList += ["ISF_FCS_Parametrization::FCS_StepInfoCollection#MergedEventSteps"]
-from AthenaCommon.CfgGetter import getPublicTool
-stepInfoSDTool = getPublicTool("SensitiveDetectorMasterTool").SensitiveDetectors['FCS_StepInfoSensitiveDetector']
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/share/ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/share/
index ed3a162c17b..b10f924dd25 100644
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/share/
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/share/
@@ -1,2 +1,20 @@
 from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import simFlags
+# optimised merging scheme parameters
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/share/ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/share/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d4c0a586f46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/share/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import simFlags
+# optimised merging scheme parameters are not required for 1mm merging
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/CMakeLists.txt b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c03c106111..00000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# Package: ISF_FastCaloSimSD
-# Declare the package name:
-atlas_subdir( ISF_FastCaloSimSD )
-# Declare the package's dependencies:
-atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC
-                          Control/StoreGate
-                          GaudiKernel
-                          Simulation/G4Atlas/G4AtlasInterfaces
-                          Simulation/G4Atlas/G4AtlasTools
-                          TileCalorimeter/TileG4/TileG4Interfaces
-                          PRIVATE
-                          Calorimeter/CaloDetDescr
-                          Calorimeter/CaloIdentifier
-                          Control/CxxUtils
-                          Control/AthenaBaseComps
-                          Generators/GeneratorObjects
-                          LArCalorimeter/LArG4/LArG4Code
-                          Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimEvent
-                          DetectorDescription/Identifier )
-# External dependencies:
-find_package( CLHEP )
-find_package( Geant4 )
-find_package( ROOT COMPONENTS Core Tree MathCore Hist RIO pthread )
-find_package( XercesC )
-# Component(s) in the package:
-atlas_add_component( ISF_FastCaloSimSD
-                     src/*.cxx
-                     src/components/*.cxx
-                     LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} ${XERCESC_LIBRARIES} ${GEANT4_LIBRARIES} ${CLHEP_LIBRARIES} StoreGateLib SGtests GaudiKernel G4AtlasInterfaces G4AtlasToolsLib CaloDetDescrLib CaloIdentifier CxxUtils GeneratorObjects LArG4Code ISF_FastCaloSimEvent Identifier )
-# Install files from the package:
-atlas_install_headers( ISF_FastCaloSimSD )
-atlas_install_python_modules( python/*.py )
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/python/ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index a8dc3f98ead..00000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-from AthenaCommon import CfgMgr
-def getFCS_StepInfoSensitiveDetector(name="FCS_StepInfoSensitiveDetector", **kwargs):
-    ## Main configuration
-    kwargs.setdefault("StacVolumes",["LArMgr::LAr::EMB::STAC"])
-    kwargs.setdefault("PresamplerVolumes",["LArMgr::LAr::Barrel::Presampler::Module"])
-    kwargs.setdefault("NegIWVolumes",["LArMgr::LAr::EMEC::Neg::InnerWheel"])
-    kwargs.setdefault("NegOWVolumes",["LArMgr::LAr::EMEC::Neg::OuterWheel"])
-    kwargs.setdefault("BOBarretteVolumes",["LArMgr::LAr::EMEC::BackOuterBarrette::Module::Phidiv"])
-    kwargs.setdefault("MiniVolumes",["LArMgr::MiniFCAL::Wafer"])
-    kwargs.setdefault("PosIWVolumes",["LArMgr::LAr::EMEC::Pos::InnerWheel"])
-    kwargs.setdefault("PosOWVolumes",["LArMgr::LAr::EMEC::Pos::OuterWheel"])
-    kwargs.setdefault("PresVolumes", ["LArMgr::LAr::Endcap::Presampler::LiquidArgon"])
-    kwargs.setdefault("SliceVolumes",["LArMgr::LAr::HEC::Module::Depth::Slice"])
-    kwargs.setdefault("FCAL1Volumes",["LArMgr::LAr::FCAL::Module1::Gap"])
-    kwargs.setdefault("FCAL2Volumes",["LArMgr::LAr::FCAL::Module2::Gap"])
-    kwargs.setdefault("FCAL3Volumes",["LArMgr::LAr::FCAL::Module3::Gap"])
-    kwargs.setdefault("TileVolumes",["Tile::Scintillator"])
-    kwargs.setdefault("OutputCollectionNames", ["EventSteps"])
-    # TODO Add extra configuration here!!
-    return CfgMgr.FCS_Param__FCS_StepInfoSDTool(name, **kwargs)
-##def getFastCaloSimParamActionTool(name='G4UA::FastCaloSimParamActionTool', **kwargs):
-##    from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import simFlags
-##    # example custom configuration
-##    if name in simFlags.UserActionConfig.get_Value().keys():
-##        for prop,value in simFlags.UserActionConfig.get_Value()[name].iteritems():
-##            kwargs.setdefault(prop,value)
-##    return CfgMgr.G4UA__FastCaloSimParamActionTool(name,**kwargs)
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/python/ b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c205253ba0..00000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-from AthenaCommon.CfgGetter import addTool
-addTool("ISF_FastCaloSimSD.ISF_FastCaloSimSDConfig.getFCS_StepInfoSensitiveDetector", "FCS_StepInfoSensitiveDetector")
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/FCS_StepInfoSD.cxx b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/FCS_StepInfoSD.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e46bd508c0..00000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/FCS_StepInfoSD.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "FCS_StepInfoSD.h"
-#include "CaloIdentifier/CaloIdManager.h"
-#include "CaloIdentifier/LArID_Exception.h"
-#include "CaloIdentifier/LArEM_ID.h"
-#include "CaloIdentifier/LArFCAL_ID.h"
-#include "CaloIdentifier/LArHEC_ID.h"
-#include "CaloIdentifier/LArMiniFCAL_ID.h"
-#include "CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescrManager.h"
-#include "CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescrElement.h"
-#include "G4Step.hh"
-#include "G4ThreeVector.hh"
-FCS_StepInfoSD::FCS_StepInfoSD(G4String a_name, const FCS_Param::Config& config)
-  : G4VSensitiveDetector(a_name)
-  , m_config(config)
-  , m_larEmID(nullptr)
-  , m_larFcalID(nullptr)
-  , m_larHecID(nullptr)
-  , m_larMiniFcalID(nullptr)
-  , m_calo_dd_man(nullptr)
-  m_calo_dd_man  = CaloDetDescrManager::instance(); //FIXME Move somewhere else!!
-G4bool FCS_StepInfoSD::ProcessHits(G4Step*,G4TouchableHistory*)
-  G4ExceptionDescription description;
-  description << "ProcessHits: Base class method should not be called!!!";
-  G4Exception("FCS_StepInfoSD", "FCSBadCall", FatalException, description);
-  abort();
-  return false;
-inline double FCS_StepInfoSD::getMaxTime(const CaloCell_ID::CaloSample& layer) const
-  /// NB The result of this function should actually be constant for each SD
-  if (layer >= CaloCell_ID::PreSamplerB && layer <= CaloCell_ID::EME3) {
-    return m_config.m_maxTimeLAr;
-  }
-  if (layer >= CaloCell_ID::HEC0  && layer <= CaloCell_ID::HEC3) {
-    return m_config.m_maxTimeHEC;
-  }
-  if (layer >=CaloCell_ID::FCAL0 && layer <= CaloCell_ID::FCAL2) {
-    return m_config.m_maxTimeFCAL;
-  }
-  return m_config.m_maxTime;
-inline double FCS_StepInfoSD::getMaxRadius(const CaloCell_ID::CaloSample& layer) const
-  /// NB The result of this function should actually be constant for each SD
-  if (layer >= CaloCell_ID::PreSamplerB && layer <= CaloCell_ID::EME3) {
-    return m_config.m_maxRadiusLAr;
-  }
-  if (layer >= CaloCell_ID::HEC0  && layer <= CaloCell_ID::HEC3) {
-    return m_config.m_maxRadiusHEC;
-  }
-  if (layer >=CaloCell_ID::FCAL0 && layer <= CaloCell_ID::FCAL2) {
-        return m_config.m_maxRadiusFCAL;
-  }
-  return m_config.m_maxRadius;
-inline double FCS_StepInfoSD::getMaxDeltaR(const CaloCell_ID::CaloSample& layer) const
-  /// NB The result of this function should actually be constant for each SD
-  if(m_config.m_maxRadiusLAr != 25) return 999.;
-  if (layer >= CaloCell_ID::PreSamplerB && layer <= CaloCell_ID::EME3) {
-    if (layer==CaloCell_ID::PreSamplerB || layer==CaloCell_ID::PreSamplerE) {
-      // PS default is 1mm in eta, 5mm in phi, no cut in r
-      return m_config.m_maxrPS;
-    }
-    else if (layer==CaloCell_ID::EMB1 || layer==CaloCell_ID::EME1) {
-      // EM1 default is 1mm in eta, 5mm in phi, 15mm in r
-      return m_config.m_maxrEM1;
-    }
-    else if (layer==CaloCell_ID::EMB2 || layer==CaloCell_ID::EME2) {
-      // EM2 default is 1mm in eta, 5mm in phi, 60mm in r
-      return m_config.m_maxrEM2;
-    }
-    else if (layer==CaloCell_ID::EMB3 || layer==CaloCell_ID::EME3) {
-      // EM3 default is 1mm in eta, 5mm in phi, 8mm in r
-      return m_config.m_maxrEM3;
-    }
-  }
-  return 999.;
-inline double FCS_StepInfoSD::getMaxDeltaEta(const CaloCell_ID::CaloSample& layer) const
-  /// NB The result of this function should actually be constant for each SD
-  if(m_config.m_maxRadiusLAr != 25) return 999.;
-  if (layer >= CaloCell_ID::PreSamplerB && layer <= CaloCell_ID::EME3) {
-    if (layer==CaloCell_ID::PreSamplerB || layer==CaloCell_ID::PreSamplerE) {
-      // PS default is 1mm in eta, 5mm in phi, no cut in r
-      return m_config.m_maxEtaPS;
-    }
-    else if (layer==CaloCell_ID::EMB1 || layer==CaloCell_ID::EME1) {
-      // EM1 default is 1mm in eta, 5mm in phi, 15mm in r
-      return m_config.m_maxEtaEM1;
-    }
-    else if (layer==CaloCell_ID::EMB2 || layer==CaloCell_ID::EME2) {
-      // EM2 default is 1mm in eta, 5mm in phi, 60mm in r
-      return m_config.m_maxEtaEM2;
-    }
-    else if (layer==CaloCell_ID::EMB3 || layer==CaloCell_ID::EME3) {
-      // EM3 default is 1mm in eta, 5mm in phi, 8mm in r
-      return m_config.m_maxEtaEM3;
-    }
-  }
-  return 999.;
-inline double FCS_StepInfoSD::getMaxDeltaPhi(const CaloCell_ID::CaloSample& layer) const
-  /// NB The result of this function should actually be constant for each SD
-  if(m_config.m_maxRadiusLAr != 25) return 999.;
-  if (layer >= CaloCell_ID::PreSamplerB && layer <= CaloCell_ID::EME3) {
-    if (layer==CaloCell_ID::PreSamplerB || layer==CaloCell_ID::PreSamplerE) {
-      // PS default is 1mm in eta, 5mm in phi, no cut in r
-      return m_config.m_maxPhiPS;
-    }
-    else if (layer==CaloCell_ID::EMB1 || layer==CaloCell_ID::EME1) {
-      // EM1 default is 1mm in eta, 5mm in phi, 15mm in r
-      return m_config.m_maxPhiEM1;
-    }
-    else if (layer==CaloCell_ID::EMB2 || layer==CaloCell_ID::EME2) {
-      // EM2 default is 1mm in eta, 5mm in phi, 60mm in r
-      return m_config.m_maxPhiEM2;
-    }
-    else if (layer==CaloCell_ID::EMB3 || layer==CaloCell_ID::EME3) {
-      // EM3 default is 1mm in eta, 5mm in phi, 8mm in r
-       return m_config.m_maxPhiEM3;
-    }
-  }
-  return 999.;
-void FCS_StepInfoSD::update_map(const CLHEP::Hep3Vector & l_vec, const Identifier & l_cell, double l_energy, double l_time, bool l_valid, int l_detector)
-  // Drop any hits that don't have a good identifier attached
-  if (!m_calo_dd_man->get_element(l_cell)) { return; }
-  auto map_item = m_hit_map.find( l_cell );
-  if (map_item==m_hit_map.end()) {
-    m_hit_map[l_cell] = new std::vector< ISF_FCS_Parametrization::FCS_StepInfo* >;
-    m_hit_map[l_cell]->reserve(200);
-    m_hit_map[l_cell]->push_back( new ISF_FCS_Parametrization::FCS_StepInfo( l_vec , l_cell , l_energy , l_time , l_valid , l_detector ) );
-  }
-  else {
-    // Get the appropriate merging limits
-    const CaloCell_ID::CaloSample& layer = m_calo_dd_man->get_element(l_cell)->getSampling();
-    const double tsame(this->getMaxTime(layer));
-    const double maxRadius(this->getMaxRadius(layer));
-    const double maxDeltaR(this->getMaxDeltaR(layer));
-    const double maxDeltaEta(this->getMaxDeltaEta(layer));
-    const double maxDeltaPhi(this->getMaxDeltaPhi(layer));
-    bool match = false;
-    for (auto map_it : * map_item->second) {
-      // Time check is straightforward
-      const double delta_t = std::fabs(map_it->time()-l_time);
-      if ( delta_t >= tsame ) { continue; }
-      // Distance check is less straightforward
-      const CLHEP::Hep3Vector & currentPosition = map_it->position();
-      const double hit_diff2 = currentPosition.diff2( l_vec );
-      // Overall merging scheme
-      if (layer >= CaloCell_ID::PreSamplerB && layer <= CaloCell_ID::EME3) {
-        // Customized merging scheme for LAr barrel and endcap, use only if we're not changing maxRadiusLAr value
-        if(m_config.m_maxRadiusLAr == 25) {
-          const CLHEP::Hep3Vector a_diff = l_vec - currentPosition;
-          const double a_diffmag(a_diff.mag());
-          const double a_inv_length = 1./a_diffmag;
-          const double delta_r = std::fabs( l_vec ) * a_inv_length);
-          if (delta_r >= maxDeltaR) { continue; }
-          const double delta_eta = std::fabs(std::sin(l_vec.theta()-currentPosition.theta())*a_diffmag);
-          if (delta_eta >= maxDeltaEta) { continue; }
-          const double delta_phi = std::fabs(std::sin(l_vec.phi()-currentPosition.phi())*a_diffmag);
-          if (delta_phi >= maxDeltaPhi) { continue; }
-        }
-        else {
-          if ( hit_diff2 >= maxRadius ) { continue; }
-        }
-      }
-      else if ( hit_diff2 >= maxRadius ) { continue; }
-      // Found a match.  Make a temporary that will be deleted!
-      const ISF_FCS_Parametrization::FCS_StepInfo my_info( l_vec , l_cell , l_energy , l_time , l_valid , l_detector );
-      *map_it += my_info;
-      match = true;
-      break;
-    } // End of search for match in time and space
-    if (!match) {
-      map_item->second->push_back( new ISF_FCS_Parametrization::FCS_StepInfo( l_vec , l_cell , l_energy , l_time , l_valid , l_detector ) );
-    } // Didn't match
-  } // ID already in the map
-  return;
-} // That's it for updating the map!
-void FCS_StepInfoSD::EndOfAthenaEvent( ISF_FCS_Parametrization::FCS_StepInfoCollection* hitContainer )
-  // Unpack map into vector
-  for (auto it : m_hit_map) {
-    for (auto a_s : * it.second) {
-      // Giving away ownership of the objects!
-      hitContainer->push_back( a_s );
-    }
-    it.second->clear();
-    delete it.second;
-  } // Vector of IDs in the map
-  m_hit_map.clear();
-  if (m_config.verboseLevel > 4) {
-    G4cout <<this->GetName()<< " DEBUG EndOfAthenaEvent: After initial cleanup, N=" << hitContainer->size() << G4endl;
-  }
-  return;
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/FCS_StepInfoSD.h b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/FCS_StepInfoSD.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a4c3410976..00000000000
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-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "G4VSensitiveDetector.hh"
-#include "CaloIdentifier/CaloCell_ID.h" // For CaloCell_ID::CaloSample
-#include "LArG4Code/LArG4Identifier.h"
-#include "LArSimEvent/LArHit.h"
-#include "CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits.h"
-#include "ISF_FastCaloSimEvent/FCS_StepInfoCollection.h"
-#include <map>
-#include <vector>
-// Forward declarations
-class G4Step;
-class G4TouchableHistory;
-class LArEM_ID;
-class LArFCAL_ID;
-class LArHEC_ID;
-class LArMiniFCAL_ID;
-class CaloDetDescrManager;
-class ILArCalculatorSvc;
-class ITileCalculator;
-class LArHitContainer;
-class StoreGateSvc;
-namespace FCS_Param {
-  struct Config
-  {
-    /** Helper to keep the same verbosity everywhere */
-    int verboseLevel=0;
-    bool shift_lar_subhit=true;
-    bool shorten_lar_step=false;
-    // Merging properties
-    double            m_maxRadius=25.;                //!< property, see @link LArG4GenShowerLib::LArG4GenShowerLib @endlink
-    double            m_maxRadiusLAr=25.;             //!< property, see @link LArG4GenShowerLib::LArG4GenShowerLib @endlink
-    double            m_maxRadiusHEC=100.;             //!< property, see @link LArG4GenShowerLib::LArG4GenShowerLib @endlink
-    double            m_maxRadiusFCAL=100.;            //!< property, see @link LArG4GenShowerLib::LArG4GenShowerLib @endlink
-    double            m_maxRadiusTile=100.;            //!< property, see @link LArG4GenShowerLib::LArG4GenShowerLib @endlink
-    double            m_maxTime=25.;
-    double            m_maxTimeLAr=25.;
-    double            m_maxTimeHEC=25.;
-    double            m_maxTimeFCAL=25.;
-    double            m_maxTimeTile=25.;
-    // Optimised merging scheme
-    double            m_maxEtaPS=1.;
-    double            m_maxPhiPS=5.;
-    double            m_maxrPS=0.;
-    double            m_maxEtaEM1=1.;
-    double            m_maxPhiEM1=5.;
-    double            m_maxrEM1=15.;
-    double            m_maxEtaEM2=1.;
-    double            m_maxPhiEM2=5.;
-    double            m_maxrEM2=60.;
-    double            m_maxEtaEM3=1.;
-    double            m_maxPhiEM3=5.;
-    double            m_maxrEM3=8.;
-    ILArCalculatorSvc *m_LArCalculator=nullptr;
-    ITileCalculator *m_TileCalculator=nullptr;
-  };
-/// @class FCS_StepInfoSD
-/// @brief Common sensitive detector class for LAr systems.
-/// This SD implementation saves the standard LArHits.
-/// See LArG4CalibSD for an SD that handles calibration hits.
-class FCS_StepInfoSD : public G4VSensitiveDetector
-  /// Constructor
-  FCS_StepInfoSD(G4String a_name, const FCS_Param::Config& config);
-  /// Destructor
-  virtual ~FCS_StepInfoSD();
-  /// Main processing method
-  G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step* a_step, G4TouchableHistory*) override;
-  /// End of athena event processing
-  void EndOfAthenaEvent( ISF_FCS_Parametrization::FCS_StepInfoCollection* hitContnainer );
-  /// Sets the ID helper pointers
-  void setupHelpers( const LArEM_ID* EM ,
-                     const LArFCAL_ID* FCAL ,
-                     const LArHEC_ID* HEC ,
-                     const LArMiniFCAL_ID* mini ) {
-    m_larEmID = EM;
-    m_larFcalID = FCAL;
-    m_larHecID = HEC;
-    m_larMiniFcalID = mini;
-  }
-  /// Keep a map instead of trying to keep the full vector.
-  /// At the end of the event we'll push the map back into the
-  /// FCS_StepInfoCollection in StoreGate.
-  virtual void update_map(const CLHEP::Hep3Vector & l_vec, const Identifier & l_cell, double l_energy, double l_time, bool l_valid, int l_detector);
-  FCS_Param::Config m_config;
-  /// Pointers to the identifier helpers
-  const LArEM_ID*       m_larEmID;
-  const LArFCAL_ID*     m_larFcalID;
-  const LArHEC_ID*      m_larHecID;
-  const LArMiniFCAL_ID* m_larMiniFcalID;
-  const CaloDetDescrManager *m_calo_dd_man;
-  std::map< Identifier , std::vector< ISF_FCS_Parametrization::FCS_StepInfo* >* > m_hit_map;
-  ///
-  double getMaxTime(const CaloCell_ID::CaloSample& layer) const;
-  ///
-  double getMaxRadius(const CaloCell_ID::CaloSample& layer) const;
-  ///
-  double getMaxDeltaR(const CaloCell_ID::CaloSample& layer) const;
-  ///
-  double getMaxDeltaEta(const CaloCell_ID::CaloSample& layer) const;
-  ///
-  double getMaxDeltaPhi(const CaloCell_ID::CaloSample& layer) const;
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/FCS_StepInfoSDTool.cxx b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/FCS_StepInfoSDTool.cxx
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index a4e4660568e..00000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/FCS_StepInfoSDTool.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "FCS_StepInfoSDTool.h"
-#include <memory>
-// External includes
-#include "CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits.h"
-// Athena includes
-#include "CaloIdentifier/CaloIdManager.h"
-#include "CaloIdentifier/LArEM_ID.h"
-#include "CaloIdentifier/LArFCAL_ID.h"
-#include "CaloIdentifier/LArHEC_ID.h"
-#include "CaloIdentifier/LArMiniFCAL_ID.h"
-#include "LArG4Code/ILArCalculatorSvc.h"
-#include "LArG4Code/VolumeUtils.h"
-#include "TileG4Interfaces/ITileCalculator.h"
-// Local includes
-#include "LArFCS_StepInfoSD.h"
-#include "TileFCS_StepInfoSD.h"
-#include "SDWrapper.h"
-/// Template instantiation for FCS_StepInfoSD
-using FCS_StepInfoSDWrapper = FCS_Param::detail::SDWrapper<FCS_StepInfoSD, ISF_FCS_Parametrization::FCS_StepInfoCollection>;
-namespace FCS_Param
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Tool constructor
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  FCS_StepInfoSDTool::FCS_StepInfoSDTool(const std::string& type, const std::string& name,
-                             const IInterface* parent)
-    : SensitiveDetectorBase(type, name, parent)
-    , m_hitCollName("EventSteps")
-    , m_bpsmodcalc("EMBPresamplerCalculator", name)
-    , m_embcalc("EMBCalculator", name)
-    , m_emepiwcalc("EMECPosInnerWheelCalculator", name)
-    , m_emeniwcalc("EMECNegInnerWheelCalculator", name)
-    , m_emepowcalc("EMECPosOuterWheelCalculator", name)
-    , m_emenowcalc("EMECNegOuterWheelCalculator", name)
-    , m_emepscalc("EMECPresamplerCalculator", name)
-    , m_emeobarcalc("EMECBackOuterBarretteCalculator", name)
-    , m_heccalc("HECWheelCalculator", name)
-    , m_fcal1calc("FCAL1Calculator", name)
-    , m_fcal2calc("FCAL2Calculator", name)
-    , m_fcal3calc("FCAL3Calculator", name)
-    , m_minfcalcalc("MiniFCALCalculator", name)
-    , m_tileCalculator("TileGeoG4SDCalc", name)
-    , m_larEmID(nullptr)
-    , m_larFcalID(nullptr)
-    , m_larHecID(nullptr)
-    , m_larMiniFcalID(nullptr)
-    , m_config()
-  {
-    declareProperty("HitCollectionName", m_hitCollName);
-    declareProperty("StacVolumes", m_stacVolumes);
-    declareProperty("PresamplerVolumes", m_presBarVolumes);
-    declareProperty("PosIWVolumes", m_posIWVolumes);
-    declareProperty("NegIWVolumes", m_negIWVolumes);
-    declareProperty("PosOWVolumes", m_posOWVolumes);
-    declareProperty("NegOWVolumes", m_negOWVolumes);
-    declareProperty("PresVolumes", m_presECVolumes);
-    declareProperty("BOBarretteVolumes", m_bobVolumes);
-    declareProperty("FCAL1Volumes", m_fcal1Volumes);
-    declareProperty("FCAL2Volumes", m_fcal2Volumes);
-    declareProperty("FCAL3Volumes", m_fcal3Volumes);
-    declareProperty("SliceVolumes", m_sliceVolumes);
-    declareProperty("MiniVolumes", m_miniVolumes);
-    declareProperty("TileVolumes", m_tileVolumes);
-    declareProperty("EMBPSCalibrationCalculator",m_bpsmodcalc);
-    declareProperty("EMBCalibrationCalculator",m_embcalc);
-    declareProperty("EMECPosIWCalibrationCalculator",m_emepiwcalc);
-    declareProperty("EMECNegIWCalibrationCalculator",m_emeniwcalc);
-    declareProperty("EMECPosOWCalibrationCalculator",m_emepowcalc);
-    declareProperty("EMECNegOWCalibrationCalculator",m_emenowcalc);
-    declareProperty("EMECPSCalibrationCalculator",m_emepscalc);
-    declareProperty("EMECBOBCalibrationCalculator",m_emeobarcalc);
-    declareProperty("HECWActiveCalculator",m_heccalc);
-    declareProperty("FCAL1CalibCalculator",m_fcal1calc);
-    declareProperty("FCAL2CalibCalculator",m_fcal2calc);
-    declareProperty("FCAL3CalibCalculator",m_fcal3calc);
-    declareProperty("MiniFCALActiveCalibrationCalculator",m_minfcalcalc);
-    declareProperty("TileCalculator", m_tileCalculator);
-    declareProperty("shift_lar_subhit",m_config.shift_lar_subhit, "");
-    declareProperty("shorten_lar_step",m_config.shorten_lar_step, "");
-    declareProperty("maxRadius",m_config.m_maxRadius, "");
-    declareProperty("maxRadiusLAr",m_config.m_maxRadiusLAr, "");
-    declareProperty("maxRadiusHEC",m_config.m_maxRadiusHEC, "");
-    declareProperty("maxRadiusFCAL",m_config.m_maxRadiusFCAL, "");
-    declareProperty("maxRadiusTile",m_config.m_maxRadiusTile, "");
-    declareProperty("maxTime",m_config.m_maxTime, "");
-    declareProperty("maxTimeLAr",m_config.m_maxTimeLAr, "");
-    declareProperty("maxTimeHEC",m_config.m_maxTimeHEC, "");
-    declareProperty("maxTimeFCAL",m_config.m_maxTimeFCAL, "");
-    declareProperty("maxTimeTile",m_config.m_maxTimeTile, "");
-    declareProperty("maxEtaPS", m_config.m_maxEtaPS, "");
-    declareProperty("maxPhiPS", m_config.m_maxPhiPS, "");
-    declareProperty("maxrPS", m_config.m_maxrPS, "");
-    declareProperty("maxEtaEM1", m_config.m_maxEtaEM1, "");
-    declareProperty("maxPhiEM1", m_config.m_maxPhiEM1, "");
-    declareProperty("maxrEM1", m_config.m_maxrEM1, "");
-    declareProperty("maxEtaEM2", m_config.m_maxEtaEM2, "");
-    declareProperty("maxPhiEM2", m_config.m_maxPhiEM2, "");
-    declareProperty("maxrEM2", m_config.m_maxrEM2, "");
-    declareProperty("maxEtaEM3", m_config.m_maxEtaEM3, "");
-    declareProperty("maxPhiEM3", m_config.m_maxPhiEM3, "");
-    declareProperty("maxrEM3", m_config.m_maxrEM3, "");
-  }
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Initialize the tool
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  StatusCode FCS_StepInfoSDTool::initialize()
-  {
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Initializing " << name() );
-    const CaloIdManager* idMgr = nullptr;
-    CHECK( detStore()->retrieve(idMgr) );
-    if( (m_larEmID = idMgr->getEM_ID()) == nullptr) {
-      ATH_MSG_ERROR("Invalid LAr EM ID helper");
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    if( (m_larFcalID = idMgr->getFCAL_ID()) == nullptr) {
-      ATH_MSG_ERROR("Invalid LAr FCAL ID helper");
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    if( (m_larHecID = idMgr->getHEC_ID()) == nullptr) {
-      ATH_MSG_ERROR("Invalid LAr HEC ID helper");
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    if( (m_larMiniFcalID = idMgr->getMiniFCAL_ID()) == nullptr) {
-      ATH_MSG_ERROR("Invalid LAr Mini FCAL ID helper");
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    // No general volume list for SensitiveDetectorBase
-    m_noVolumes = true;
-    ATH_CHECK(this->initializeCalculators());
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  }
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Initialization of Athena-components
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  StatusCode FCS_StepInfoSDTool::initializeCalculators()
-  {
-    // Lots of calculators !!!
-    ATH_CHECK(m_bpsmodcalc.retrieve());
-    ATH_CHECK(m_embcalc.retrieve());
-    ATH_CHECK(m_emepiwcalc.retrieve());
-    ATH_CHECK(m_emeniwcalc.retrieve());
-    ATH_CHECK(m_emepowcalc.retrieve());
-    ATH_CHECK(m_emenowcalc.retrieve());
-    ATH_CHECK(m_emepscalc.retrieve());
-    ATH_CHECK(m_emeobarcalc.retrieve());
-    ATH_CHECK(m_heccalc.retrieve());
-    ATH_CHECK(m_fcal1calc.retrieve());
-    ATH_CHECK(m_fcal2calc.retrieve());
-    ATH_CHECK(m_fcal3calc.retrieve());
-    ATH_CHECK(m_minfcalcalc.retrieve());
-    ATH_CHECK(m_tileCalculator.retrieve());
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  }
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Collect hits for this event
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  StatusCode FCS_StepInfoSDTool::Gather()
-  {
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Gathering hits to write out in " << name());
-    auto sdWrapper = dynamic_cast<FCS_StepInfoSDWrapper*>( getSD() );
-    if(!sdWrapper) {
-      ATH_MSG_ERROR("Failed to cast SD to FCS_StepInfoSDWrapper");
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    sdWrapper->EndOfAthenaEvent();
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  }
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Create SD wrapper for current thread
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  G4VSensitiveDetector* FCS_StepInfoSDTool::makeSD()
-  {
-    // Create the wrapper
-    auto sdWrapper = new FCS_StepInfoSDWrapper("FCS_StepInfoSDWrapper", m_hitCollName);
-    // Create the SDs.
-    sdWrapper->addSD( makeOneLArSD( "Barrel::Presampler::Module::StepInfo", &*m_bpsmodcalc, m_presBarVolumes ) );
-    sdWrapper->addSD( makeOneLArSD( "EMB::STAC::StepInfo", &*m_embcalc, m_stacVolumes ) );
-    sdWrapper->addSD( makeOneLArSD( "EMEC::Pos::InnerWheel::StepInfo", &*m_emepiwcalc, m_posIWVolumes ) );
-    sdWrapper->addSD( makeOneLArSD( "EMEC::Neg::InnerWheel::StepInfo", &*m_emeniwcalc, m_negIWVolumes ) );
-    sdWrapper->addSD( makeOneLArSD( "EMEC::Pos::OuterWheel::StepInfo", &*m_emepowcalc, m_posOWVolumes ) );
-    sdWrapper->addSD( makeOneLArSD( "EMEC::Neg::OuterWheel::StepInfo", &*m_emenowcalc, m_negOWVolumes ) );
-    sdWrapper->addSD( makeOneLArSD( "Endcap::Presampler::LiquidArgon::StepInfo", &*m_emepscalc, m_presECVolumes ) );
-    sdWrapper->addSD( makeOneLArSD( "EMEC::BackOuterBarrette::StepInfo", &*m_emeobarcalc, m_bobVolumes ) );
-    sdWrapper->addSD( makeOneLArSD( "FCAL::Module1::Gap::StepInfo", &*m_fcal1calc, m_fcal1Volumes ) );
-    sdWrapper->addSD( makeOneLArSD( "FCAL::Module2::Gap::StepInfo", &*m_fcal2calc, m_fcal2Volumes ) );
-    sdWrapper->addSD( makeOneLArSD( "FCAL::Module3::Gap::StepInfo", &*m_fcal3calc, m_fcal3Volumes ) );
-    sdWrapper->addSD( makeOneLArSD( "HEC::Module::Depth::Slice::Wheel::StepInfo", &*m_heccalc, m_sliceVolumes ) );
-    sdWrapper->addSD( makeOneLArSD( "MiniFCAL::Wafer::StepInfo", &*m_minfcalcalc, m_miniVolumes ) );
-    sdWrapper->addSD( makeOneTileSD( "Tile::Scintillator::StepInfo", &*m_tileCalculator, m_tileVolumes ) );
-    return sdWrapper;
-  }
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Create one LAr SD
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  std::unique_ptr<FCS_StepInfoSD>
-  FCS_StepInfoSDTool::makeOneLArSD(const std::string& sdName, ILArCalculatorSvc* calc,
-                          const std::vector<std::string>& volumes) const
-  {
-    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( name() << " makeOneSD" );
-    // Parse the wildcard patterns for existing volume names
-    auto parsedVolumes = LArG4::findLogicalVolumes(volumes, msg()); // from LArG4Code/VolumeUtils.h
-    // Inject the Calculator into m_config
-    FCS_Param::Config config(m_config);
-    config.m_LArCalculator = calc;
-    if(!calc) {
-      throw GaudiException("nullptr for ILArCalculatorSvc provided to constructor for: " + sdName,
-                           name(), StatusCode::FAILURE);
-    }
-    if(msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE))    { config.verboseLevel = 10; }
-    else if(msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) { config.verboseLevel = 5;  }
-    // Create the simple SD
-   std::unique_ptr<FCS_StepInfoSD> sd =
-      std::make_unique<LArFCS_StepInfoSD>(sdName, config);
-    sd->setupHelpers(m_larEmID, m_larFcalID, m_larHecID, m_larMiniFcalID);
-    // Assign the volumes to the SD
-    if( this->assignSD( sd.get(), parsedVolumes ).isFailure() ) {
-      // TODO: can I just return NULL here?
-      throw GaudiException("Failed to assign sd: " + sdName,
-                           name(), StatusCode::FAILURE);
-    }
-    return std::move(sd);
-  }
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Create one Tile SD
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  std::unique_ptr<FCS_StepInfoSD>
-  FCS_StepInfoSDTool::makeOneTileSD(const std::string& sdName, ITileCalculator* calc,
-                          const std::vector<std::string>& volumes) const
-  {
-    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( name() << " makeOneSD" );
-    // Inject the Calculator into m_config
-    FCS_Param::Config config(m_config);
-    config.m_TileCalculator = calc;
-    if(!calc) {
-      throw GaudiException("nullptr for ITileCalculator provided to constructor for: " + sdName,
-                           name(), StatusCode::FAILURE);
-    }
-    if(msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE))    { config.verboseLevel = 10; }
-    else if(msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) { config.verboseLevel = 5;  }
-     // Create the simple SD
-    std::unique_ptr<FCS_StepInfoSD> sd =
-      std::make_unique<TileFCS_StepInfoSD>(sdName, config);
-    sd->setupHelpers(m_larEmID, m_larFcalID, m_larHecID, m_larMiniFcalID);
-    // Assign the volumes to the SD
-    if( this->assignSD( sd.get(), volumes ).isFailure() ) {
-      // TODO: can I just return NULL here?
-      throw GaudiException("Failed to assign sd: " + sdName,
-                           name(), StatusCode::FAILURE);
-    }
-    return std::move(sd);
-  }
-} // namespace FCS_Param
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1bd88ab1e4b..00000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/FCS_StepInfoSDTool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-/// @file FCS_StepInfoSDTool.h
-/// @brief Defines the FCS_StepInfoSDTool class
-/// @author Steve Farrell <>
-/// @date 2016-03-26
-// System includes
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-// G4Atlas includes
-#include "G4AtlasTools/SensitiveDetectorBase.h"
-// Local includes
-#include "FCS_StepInfoSD.h"
-// Forward declarations
-class ILArCalculatorSvc;
-class LArEM_ID;
-class LArFCAL_ID;
-class LArHEC_ID;
-class LArMiniFCAL_ID;
-class ITileCalculator;
-namespace FCS_Param
-  /// @class FCS_StepInfoSDTool
-  /// @brief A base class for tools that manage FCS_StepInfoSDs.
-  ///
-  /// @todo Add more details.
-  ///
-  /// @author Steve Farrell <>
-  ///
-  class FCS_StepInfoSDTool : public SensitiveDetectorBase
-  {
-  public:
-    /// Constructor
-    FCS_StepInfoSDTool(const std::string& type, const std::string& name,
-                       const IInterface* parent);
-    /// Initialize the tool
-    StatusCode initialize() override final;
-    /// Calls down to all the SDs to pack their hits into one collection
-    StatusCode Gather() override final;
-  private:
-    /// Create the SD wrapper for current worker thread
-    G4VSensitiveDetector* makeSD() override final;
-    /// Initialize Calculator Services
-    virtual StatusCode initializeCalculators();
-    /// Helper method to create one SD
-    std::unique_ptr<FCS_StepInfoSD>
-    makeOneLArSD(const std::string& name, ILArCalculatorSvc* calc,
-              const std::vector<std::string>& volumes) const;
-    /// Helper method to create one SD
-    std::unique_ptr<FCS_StepInfoSD>
-    makeOneTileSD(const std::string& name, ITileCalculator* calc,
-                  const std::vector<std::string>& volumes) const;
-    /// Hit collection name
-    std::string m_hitCollName;
-    /// @name SD volumes
-    /// @{
-    std::vector<std::string> m_stacVolumes;
-    std::vector<std::string> m_presBarVolumes;
-    std::vector<std::string> m_posIWVolumes;
-    std::vector<std::string> m_negIWVolumes;
-    std::vector<std::string> m_posOWVolumes;
-    std::vector<std::string> m_negOWVolumes;
-    std::vector<std::string> m_presECVolumes;
-    std::vector<std::string> m_bobVolumes;
-    std::vector<std::string> m_fcal1Volumes;
-    std::vector<std::string> m_fcal2Volumes;
-    std::vector<std::string> m_fcal3Volumes;
-    std::vector<std::string> m_sliceVolumes;
-    std::vector<std::string> m_miniVolumes;
-    std::vector<std::string> m_tileVolumes;
-    /// @}
-    ServiceHandle<ILArCalculatorSvc> m_bpsmodcalc; //LArG4::BarrelPresampler::CalibrationCalculator
-    ServiceHandle<ILArCalculatorSvc> m_embcalc;    //LArG4::Barrel::CalibrationCalculator
-    ServiceHandle<ILArCalculatorSvc> m_emepiwcalc; //LArG4::EC::CalibrationCalculator(LArWheelCalculator::InnerAbsorberWheel, 1)
-    ServiceHandle<ILArCalculatorSvc> m_emeniwcalc; //LArG4::EC::CalibrationCalculator(LArWheelCalculator::InnerAbsorberWheel, -1)
-    ServiceHandle<ILArCalculatorSvc> m_emepowcalc; //LArG4::EC::CalibrationCalculator(LArWheelCalculator::OuterAbsorberWheel, 1)
-    ServiceHandle<ILArCalculatorSvc> m_emenowcalc; //LArG4::EC::CalibrationCalculator(LArWheelCalculator::OuterAbsorberWheel, -1)
-    ServiceHandle<ILArCalculatorSvc> m_emepscalc; //LArG4::EC::PresamplerCalibrationCalculator
-    ServiceHandle<ILArCalculatorSvc> m_emeobarcalc; //LArG4::EC::CalibrationCalculator(LArWheelCalculator::BackOuterBarretteWheelCalib, 1)
-    ServiceHandle<ILArCalculatorSvc> m_heccalc;   //LArG4::HEC::LArHECCalibrationWheelCalculator(LArG4::HEC::kWheelActive)
-    ServiceHandle<ILArCalculatorSvc> m_fcal1calc;
-    ServiceHandle<ILArCalculatorSvc> m_fcal2calc;
-    ServiceHandle<ILArCalculatorSvc> m_fcal3calc;
-    ServiceHandle<ILArCalculatorSvc> m_minfcalcalc;  //LArG4::MiniFCAL::MiniFCALCalibrationCalculator(LArG4::MiniFCAL::kActive)
-    ServiceHandle<ITileCalculator> m_tileCalculator;
-    /// @name Calo identifier helpers
-    /// @{
-    const LArEM_ID*       m_larEmID;
-    const LArFCAL_ID*     m_larFcalID;
-    const LArHEC_ID*      m_larHecID;
-    const LArMiniFCAL_ID* m_larMiniFcalID;
-    /// @}
-    FCS_Param::Config m_config;
-  }; // class FCS_StepInfoSDTool
-} // namespace FCS_Param
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/LArFCS_StepInfoSD.cxx b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/LArFCS_StepInfoSD.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index db100722682..00000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/LArFCS_StepInfoSD.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// class header
-#include "LArFCS_StepInfoSD.h"
-/// Geant4 headers
-#include "G4Step.hh"
-#include "G4ThreeVector.hh"
-#include "G4TouchableHistory.hh"
-/// Athena headers
-#include "CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescrManager.h"
-#include "CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescrElement.h"
-#include "LArG4Code/ILArCalculatorSvc.h"
-LArFCS_StepInfoSD::LArFCS_StepInfoSD(G4String a_name, const FCS_Param::Config& config)
-  : FCS_StepInfoSD(a_name, config)
-  , m_calculator(m_config.m_LArCalculator)
-G4bool LArFCS_StepInfoSD::ProcessHits(G4Step* a_step,G4TouchableHistory*)
-  G4bool result(false);
-  // If there's no energy, there's no hit.  (Aside: Isn't this energy
-  // the same as the energy from the calculator?  Not necessarily.
-  // The calculator may include detector effects such as
-  // charge-collection which are not modeled by Geant4.)
-  if(a_step->GetTotalEnergyDeposit() <= 0.) { return result; }
-  if (m_calculator) {
-    const double StepLength = a_step->GetStepLength()/ CLHEP::mm;
-    const G4ThreeVector preStepPosition = a_step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition(); //pre step is the position we're interested in
-    const G4ThreeVector postStepPosition = a_step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition();
-    double et(0.); // Total collected charge
-    std::vector<const G4Step*> steps;
-    bool madeSubSteps(false);
-    if (m_config.shorten_lar_step && StepLength>0.2) {
-      //create smaller substeps instead
-      G4int nsub_step=(int) (StepLength/0.2) + 1;
-      G4double delta=1./((double) nsub_step);
-      //G4cout <<"Orig prestep: "<<preStepPosition<<std::endl;
-      for (G4int i=0;i<nsub_step;i++) {
-        G4double fraction1 = ((G4double) i)*delta;
-        G4double fraction2 = (((G4double) i) + 1.)*delta;
-        G4ThreeVector subpoint1=preStepPosition*(1-fraction1) + postStepPosition*fraction1;
-        G4ThreeVector subpoint2=preStepPosition*(1-fraction2) + postStepPosition*fraction2;
-        G4StepPoint *startpoint = new G4StepPoint(*(a_step->GetPreStepPoint()));
-        G4StepPoint *endpoint = new G4StepPoint(*(a_step->GetPostStepPoint()));
-        startpoint->SetPosition(subpoint1);
-        endpoint->SetPosition(subpoint2);
-        G4Step* newstep = new G4Step(*a_step);
-        newstep->SetPreStepPoint(startpoint);
-        newstep->SetPostStepPoint(endpoint);
-        newstep->SetStepLength( (subpoint1-subpoint2).mag());
-        newstep->SetTotalEnergyDeposit(a_step->GetTotalEnergyDeposit()/nsub_step);
-        steps.push_back(newstep);
-        madeSubSteps=true;
-      }
-    }
-    else {
-      steps.push_back(a_step);
-    }
-    for (const G4Step* substep : steps) {
-      G4ThreeVector stepPosition = 0.5*(substep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition()+substep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition());
-      std::vector<LArHitData> processedHits;
-      if (m_calculator->Process(substep, processedHits)) {
-        for (const auto& larhit: processedHits) {
-          et +=;
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if (m_config.verboseLevel > 4) {
-          //Maybe 0 hits or something like that...
-          G4cout << this->GetName()<<" WARNING ProcessHits: Call to ILArCalculatorSvc::Process failed! Details:" << G4endl
-                 << "          " << "Volume: "<< a_step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetName()<<" "<<m_calculator<< " position: "<<stepPosition<<" SL: "<<StepLength<<G4endl
-                 << "          " << "Orig position: "<<substep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition()<<"  /  "<<substep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition()<<G4endl
-                 << "          " << "StepLength: "<<StepLength<<" step: "<<preStepPosition<<" / "<<postStepPosition<<G4endl;
-            }
-        return result;
-      }
-      // drop hits with zero deposited energy (could still happen with negative corrections from calculator)
-      //Or if total energy is <0
-      if (et <= 0.) {
-        if (m_config.verboseLevel > 4) {
-          G4cout << this->GetName()<<" WARNING ProcessHits: Total negative energy: " << et << " not processing..." << G4endl;
-        }
-        return result;
-      }
-      const size_t numberOfProcessedHits = processedHits.size();
-      const G4ThreeVector originalStepPosition = stepPosition;
-      double maxSubHitEnergy = -999.;
-      int maxSubHitEnergyindex =-1;
-      if (numberOfProcessedHits>0) {
-        maxSubHitEnergy = processedHits[0].energy;
-        maxSubHitEnergyindex = 0;
-      }
-      //Figure out the subhit with most energy
-      for (size_t i=1; i<numberOfProcessedHits; ++i) {
-        if (maxSubHitEnergy<processedHits[i].energy) {
-          maxSubHitEnergy = processedHits[i].energy;
-          maxSubHitEnergyindex = i;
-        }
-      }
-      //Identifier for the subhit with max energy
-      Identifier maxEnergyIdentifier = this->ConvertID(processedHits[maxSubHitEnergyindex].id);
-      CaloDetDescrElement *maxEnergyCell = m_calo_dd_man->get_element(maxEnergyIdentifier);
-      Identifier invalidIdentifier;
-      //for (size_t i=0; i<numberOfProcessedHits; ++i) {
-      for (const auto& larhit: processedHits) {
-        Identifier id = this->ConvertID(;
-        if (id == invalidIdentifier) {
-          G4cout << this->GetName()<<" WARNING ProcessHits: Something wrong with LArG4Identifier: "<<(std::string)<<G4endl
-                 <<"          "<<id<<G4endl
-                 <<"          "<<id.getString()<<G4endl
-                 <<"          "<< a_step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetName()<<G4endl
-                 <<"          numberOfProcessedHits: "<<numberOfProcessedHits<<G4endl;
-          G4cout <<"          "<<invalidIdentifier<<G4endl;
-        }
-        //need to get the cell information
-        if (numberOfProcessedHits>1) {
-          if (!m_larEmID->is_em_barrel(id)) {
-            //It didn't seem to happen outside em_barrel, so flag up if it does:
-            G4cout << this->GetName()<<" WARNING ProcessHits: Outside LAr barrel, but numberOfProcessedHits="<<numberOfProcessedHits
-                   <<", LArG4Identifier: "<<(std::string)<<G4endl;
-          }
-          else {
-            if (m_config.shift_lar_subhit) {
-              //find subhit with largest energy
-              if (maxSubHitEnergyindex == -1) {
-                G4cout << this->GetName()<<" WARNING ProcessHits: no subhit index with e>-999??? "<<G4endl;
-                return result;
-              }
-              if(m_config.verboseLevel > 9) {
-                G4cout << this->GetName()<<" VERBOSE ProcessHits: shifting subhits: largest energy subhit index is "<<maxSubHitEnergyindex<<" E: "<<maxSubHitEnergy<<" identifier: "<<maxEnergyIdentifier.getString()<<G4endl;
-              }
-              //from identifier
-              CaloDetDescrElement *thiscell = m_calo_dd_man->get_element(id);
-              if (!maxEnergyCell) {
-                //How often does this happen? Do not shift.
-                G4cout << this->GetName()<<" WARNING ProcessHits: maxEnergyCell failed: "<<maxEnergyIdentifier.getString()<<G4endl
-                       <<"          "<<m_calo_dd_man->get_element(id)->getSampling()<<G4endl
-                       <<"          "<<originalStepPosition.eta()<<G4endl
-                       <<"          "<< originalStepPosition.phi()<<G4endl;
-                stepPosition = originalStepPosition;
-              }
-              else if (maxEnergyCell == thiscell) {
-                //The cells match, so do not shift this hit.
-                if(m_config.verboseLevel > 9) {
-                  G4cout << this->GetName()<<" VERBOSE ProcessHits: Original step position: "<<originalStepPosition.x()<<" "<<originalStepPosition.y()<<" "<<originalStepPosition.z()<<G4endl
-                  <<"          "<<"This cell: "<<thiscell->x()<<" "<<thiscell->y()<<" "<<thiscell->z()<<G4endl
-                  <<"          "<<"No shift"<<G4endl;
-                }
-                stepPosition = originalStepPosition;
-              }
-              else {
-                //the two cells do not match => shift
-                G4ThreeVector diff(thiscell->x()-maxEnergyCell->x(), thiscell->y()-maxEnergyCell->y(), thiscell->z()-maxEnergyCell->z());
-                stepPosition = originalStepPosition+diff;
-                if(m_config.verboseLevel > 9) {
-                  CaloDetDescrElement *bestcell = m_calo_dd_man->get_element(m_calo_dd_man->get_element(id)->getSampling(),originalStepPosition.eta(), originalStepPosition.phi());
-                  G4cout << this->GetName()<<" VERBOSE ProcessHits: Original step position: "<<originalStepPosition.x()<<" "<<originalStepPosition.y()<<" "<<originalStepPosition.z()<<G4endl
-                  <<"          "<<"This cell: "<<thiscell->x()<<" "<<thiscell->y()<<" "<<thiscell->z()<<G4endl
-                  <<"          "<<"Highest E cell: "<<maxEnergyCell->x()<<" "<<maxEnergyCell->y()<<" "<<maxEnergyCell->z()<<G4endl
-                  <<"          "<<"(Best cell: "<<bestcell->x()<<" "<<bestcell->y()<<" "<<bestcell->z()<<")"<<G4endl
-                  <<"          "<<"Shifted step position: "<<stepPosition.x()<<" "<<stepPosition.y()<<" "<<stepPosition.z()<<G4endl;
-                }
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        //Finalize time for LAr hits?: NO
-        //double time = ? 0. : (double) larhit.time/;
-        double time = larhit.time;
-        double energy =;
-        this->update_map(stepPosition, id, energy, time, true, numberOfProcessedHits); //store numberOfProcessedHits as info
-      }//numberOfProcessedHits
-    } //istep
-    if (madeSubSteps) {
-      //only delete steps when doing substeps. Do not delete the original G4Step!
-      while(!steps.empty()) { delete steps.back(); steps.pop_back(); }
-    }
-  }
-  return result;
-Identifier LArFCS_StepInfoSD::ConvertID(const LArG4Identifier& a_ident) const
-  Identifier id;
-  if(a_ident[0]==4) {
-    // is LAr
-    if(a_ident[1]==1) {
-      //is LAr EM
-      try {
-        id = m_larEmID->channel_id(a_ident[2],  // barrel_ec
-                                   a_ident[3],  // sampling
-                                   a_ident[4],  // region
-                                   a_ident[5],  // eta
-                                   a_ident[6]); // phi
-      }
-      catch (LArID_Exception& e) {
-        G4ExceptionDescription description;
-        description << "ConvertID: LArEM_ID error code " << e.code() << " "
-                    << (std::string) e;
-        G4Exception("LArFCS_StepInfoSD", "ConvertIDEM", FatalException, description);
-        abort();
-      }
-    }
-    else if(a_ident[1]==2) {
-      //is EM HEC
-      try {
-        id = m_larHecID->channel_id(a_ident[2],  // zSide
-                                    a_ident[3],  // sampling
-                                    a_ident[4],  // region
-                                    a_ident[5],  // eta
-                                    a_ident[6]); // phi
-      }
-      catch(LArID_Exception& e) {
-        G4ExceptionDescription description;
-        description << "ConvertID: LArHEC_ID error code " << e.code() << " "
-                    << (std::string) e;
-        G4Exception("LArFCS_StepInfoSD", "ConvertIDHEC", FatalException, description);
-        abort();
-      }
-    }
-    else if(a_ident[1]==3) {
-      // FCAL
-      if(a_ident[3]>0) {
-        //is EM FCAL
-        try {
-          id = m_larFcalID->channel_id(a_ident[2],  // zSide
-                                       a_ident[3],  // sampling
-                                       a_ident[4],  // eta
-                                       a_ident[5]); // phi
-        }
-        catch(LArID_Exception& e) {
-          G4ExceptionDescription description;
-          description << "ConvertID: LArFCAL_ID error code " << e.code() << " "
-                      << (std::string) e;
-          G4Exception("LArFCS_StepInfoSD", "ConvertIDFCAL", FatalException, description);
-          abort();
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        //is Mini FCAL
-        try {
-          id = m_larMiniFcalID->channel_id(a_ident[2],  // zSide
-                                           a_ident[3],  // module
-                                           a_ident[4],  // depth
-                                           a_ident[5],  // eta
-                                           a_ident[6]); // phi
-        }
-        catch(LArID_Exception& e) {
-          G4ExceptionDescription description;
-          description << "ConvertID: LArMiniFCAL_ID error code " << e.code() << " "
-                      << (std::string) e;
-          G4Exception("LArFCS_StepInfoSD", "ConvertIDMiniFCAL", FatalException, description);
-          abort();
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return id;
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/LArFCS_StepInfoSD.h b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/LArFCS_StepInfoSD.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e5756d43a11..00000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/LArFCS_StepInfoSD.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// Base class header
-#include "FCS_StepInfoSD.h"
-#include "LArG4Code/LArG4Identifier.h"
-// Forward declarations
-class LArEM_ID;
-class LArFCAL_ID;
-class LArHEC_ID;
-class LArMiniFCAL_ID;
-class CaloDetDescrManager;
-class G4Step;
-class G4TouchableHistory;
-class ILArCalculatorSvc;
-/// @class FCS_StepInfoSD
-/// @brief Common sensitive detector class for LAr systems.
-/// This SD implementation saves the standard LArHits.
-/// See LArG4CalibSD for an SD that handles calibration hits.
-class LArFCS_StepInfoSD : public FCS_StepInfoSD
-  /// Constructor
-  LArFCS_StepInfoSD(G4String a_name, const FCS_Param::Config& config);
-  /// Destructor
-  virtual ~LArFCS_StepInfoSD();
-  /// Main processing method
-  G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step* a_step, G4TouchableHistory*) override;
-  /// Helper function for making "real" identifiers from LArG4Identifiers
-  Identifier ConvertID(const LArG4Identifier& a_ident) const;
-  /// Member variable - the calculator we'll use
-  ILArCalculatorSvc * m_calculator;
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/SDWrapper.cxx b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/SDWrapper.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 7df4b9c974d..00000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/SDWrapper.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "SDWrapper.h"
-// Geant4 includes
-#include "G4SDManager.hh"
-// Framework utilities
-#include "CxxUtils/make_unique.h"
-// Project includes
-#include "ISF_FastCaloSimEvent/FCS_StepInfoCollection.h"
-// Local includes
-#include "FCS_StepInfoSD.h"
-namespace FCS_Param
-  namespace detail
-  {
-    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Construct with a hit collection name
-    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    template<class SDType, class HitContainerType>
-    SDWrapper<SDType, HitContainerType>::
-    SDWrapper(const std::string& name, const std::string& hitCollectionName)
-      : G4VSensitiveDetector(name),
-        m_hitCollName(hitCollectionName),
-        m_hitColl(hitCollectionName)
-    {}
-    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Add a unique SD to the list
-    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    template<class SDType, class HitContainerType>
-    void SDWrapper<SDType, HitContainerType>::
-    addSD(std::unique_ptr<SDType> sd)
-    {
-      m_sdList.push_back( std::move(sd) );
-    }
-    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Initialize the hit collection at the beginning of the G4 event
-    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    template<class SDType, class HitContainerType>
-    void SDWrapper<SDType, HitContainerType>::
-    Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*)
-    {
-      if(!m_hitColl.isValid()) {
-        if(verboseLevel >= 5) {
-          G4cout << GetName() << " \tDEBUG\t" << "Initializing hit container: "
-                 << m_hitCollName << G4endl;
-        }
-        m_hitColl = CxxUtils::make_unique<HitContainerType>();
-      }
-    }
-    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // This should not be called
-    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    template<class SDType, class HitContainerType>
-    bool SDWrapper<SDType, HitContainerType>::
-    ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*)
-    {
-      G4ExceptionDescription description;
-      description << "ProcessHits: this SD shouldn't be assigned to volumes!";
-      G4Exception(GetName(), "SDError", FatalException, description);
-      return false;
-    }
-    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Gather the hits into the WriteHandle from all the SDs
-    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    template<class SDType, class HitContainerType>
-    void SDWrapper<SDType, HitContainerType>::
-    EndOfAthenaEvent()
-    {
-      if(!m_hitColl.isValid()) {
-        G4cerr << GetName() << " \tERROR\t" << "Hit collection WriteHandle is "
-               << "invalid!" << G4endl;
-        throw std::runtime_error("Invalid hit container WriteHandle: " +
-                       ;
-      }
-      // Loop over each SD and fill the container
-      for(auto& sd : m_sdList) {
-        sd->EndOfAthenaEvent( &*m_hitColl );
-      }
-    }
-    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Explit template instantiations
-    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    template class SDWrapper<FCS_StepInfoSD, ISF_FCS_Parametrization::FCS_StepInfoCollection>;
-  } // namespace detail
-} // namespace FCS_Param
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/SDWrapper.h b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/SDWrapper.h
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index ef3a248cf71..00000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/SDWrapper.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// System includes
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <memory>
-// External includes
-#include "G4VSensitiveDetector.hh"
-// Framework includes
-#include "StoreGate/WriteHandle.h"
-// Forward declarations
-class FCS_StepInfoSD;
-namespace ISF_FCS_Parametrization {
-  class FCS_StepInfoCollection;
-namespace FCS_Param
-  namespace detail
-  {
-    /// @class SDWrapper
-    /// @brief A template class which wraps multiple sensitive detectors.
-    ///
-    /// Allows for SD tools to manage several SDs which collaborate to fill one
-    /// hit container in a multi-threading-friendly way. The wrapper owns the
-    /// WriteHandle for the hit container and gathers hits from each SD at the
-    /// end of an event.
-    ///
-    /// The inheritance from G4VSensitiveDetector is merely a trick so the SD
-    /// tool can save this object in the SensitiveDetectorBase thread-local
-    /// container. It also allows to create the hit container at the right time
-    /// via the SD Initialize method invoked by Geant4.
-    ///
-    /// Clients shouldn't use this generic template directly, but should use
-    /// the explicitly allowed specializations given below.
-    ///
-    /// @author Steve Farrell <>
-    ///
-    template<class SDType, class HitContainerType>
-    class SDWrapper : public G4VSensitiveDetector
-    {
-      public:
-        /// Alias to the SD list type
-        using SDList_t = std::vector< std::unique_ptr<SDType> >;
-        /// Construct the wrapper from the output collection name
-        SDWrapper(const std::string& name, const std::string& hitCollectionName);
-        /// Add an SD to this wrapper
-        void addSD(std::unique_ptr<SDType> sd);
-        /// Beginning of G4 event; initialize the hit collection.
-        virtual void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*) override final;
-        /// This method should not be called. It will throw.
-        virtual bool ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*) override final;
-        /// Gather the hits into the WriteHandle from all the SDs
-        void EndOfAthenaEvent();
-      private:
-        /// The hit container name
-        std::string m_hitCollName;
-        /// The hit container handle
-        SG::WriteHandle<HitContainerType> m_hitColl;
-        /// The list of sensitive detectors that I own and manage
-        SDList_t m_sdList;
-    }; // class SDWrapper
-  } // namespace detail
-  /// Template instantiation for LArG4SimpleSD
-  using FCS_StepInfoSDWrapper = detail::SDWrapper<FCS_StepInfoSD, ISF_FCS_Parametrization::FCS_StepInfoCollection>;
-} // namespace FCS_Param
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/TileFCS_StepInfoSD.cxx b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/TileFCS_StepInfoSD.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 41ca1bd2cbc..00000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/TileFCS_StepInfoSD.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// Class TileFCS_StepInfoSD
-// Sensitive detector for TileCal G4 simulations with TileGeoModel
-// Author: Vakho Tsulaia <>
-// Major updates: July, 2013 (Sergey)
-// class header
-#include "TileFCS_StepInfoSD.h"
-/// Geant4 headers
-#include "G4Step.hh"
-#include "G4ThreeVector.hh"
-#include "G4TouchableHistory.hh"
-/// Athena headers
-#include "CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescrManager.h"
-#include "TileG4Interfaces/ITileCalculator.h"
-TileFCS_StepInfoSD::TileFCS_StepInfoSD(G4String name, const FCS_Param::Config & config)
-  : FCS_StepInfoSD(name, config)
-  , m_calculator(config.m_TileCalculator)
-TileFCS_StepInfoSD::~TileFCS_StepInfoSD() {
-G4bool TileFCS_StepInfoSD::ProcessHits(G4Step* a_step, G4TouchableHistory* /*ROhist*/) {
-  G4bool result(false);
-  // If there's no energy, there's no hit.  (Aside: Isn't this energy
-  // the same as the energy from the calculator?  Not necessarily.
-  // The calculator may include detector effects such as
-  // charge-collection which are not modeled by Geant4.)
-  if(a_step->GetTotalEnergyDeposit() <= 0.) { return result; }
-  if (m_calculator) {
-    //calculation of MicroHit with a_step
-    TileHitData hitData;
-    TileMicroHit micHit = m_calculator->GetTileMicroHit(a_step, hitData);
-    Identifier m_invalid_id;
-    //Check if MicroHit is not in scintillator
-    if ((micHit.pmt_up == m_invalid_id) && (micHit.pmt_down == m_invalid_id)) {
-      G4cout <<this->GetName()<<" WARNING ProcessHits: Invalid hit in Tile??"<<G4endl;
-      return result;
-    }
-    else {
-      // Store TileHits Information
-      if ((micHit.pmt_up == m_invalid_id) ||  (micHit.pmt_down == m_invalid_id)) {
-        G4cout <<this->GetName()<<" WARNING ProcessHits: Something wrong in identifier: One tile pmt: "<<micHit.pmt_up<<" "<<micHit.pmt_down<<std::endl;
-        G4cout <<this->GetName()<<" WARNING ProcessHits: E up: "<<micHit.e_up<<" E down: "<<micHit.e_down<<" T up: "<<micHit.time_up<<" T down: "<<micHit.time_down<<std::endl;
-      }
-      const G4ThreeVector pos = 0.5*(a_step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition()+a_step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition());
-      this->update_map(pos, micHit.pmt_up, micHit.e_up, micHit.time_up, true,1);
-      this->update_map(pos, micHit.pmt_down, micHit.e_down,micHit.time_down , true,1);
-    }
-  }
-  return true;
-void TileFCS_StepInfoSD::update_map(const CLHEP::Hep3Vector & l_vec, const Identifier & l_cell, double l_energy, double l_time, bool l_valid, int l_detector)
-  // Drop any hits that don't have a good identifier attached
-  if (!m_calo_dd_man->get_element(l_cell)) { return; }
-  auto map_item = m_hit_map.find( l_cell );
-  if (map_item==m_hit_map.end()) {
-    m_hit_map[l_cell] = new std::vector< ISF_FCS_Parametrization::FCS_StepInfo* >;
-    m_hit_map[l_cell]->push_back( new ISF_FCS_Parametrization::FCS_StepInfo( l_vec , l_cell , l_energy , l_time , l_valid , l_detector ) );
-  }
-  else {
-    bool match = false;
-    for (auto map_it : * map_item->second) {
-      // Time check
-      const double delta_t = std::fabs(map_it->time()-l_time);
-      if ( delta_t >= m_config.m_maxTimeTile ) { continue; }
-      // Distance check
-      const double hit_diff2 = map_it->position().diff2( l_vec );
-      if ( hit_diff2 >= m_config.m_maxRadiusTile ) { continue; }
-      // Found a match.  Make a temporary that will be deleted!
-      const ISF_FCS_Parametrization::FCS_StepInfo my_info( l_vec , l_cell , l_energy , l_time , l_valid , l_detector );
-      *map_it += my_info;
-      match = true;
-      break;
-    } // End of search for match in time and space
-    if (!match) {
-      map_item->second->push_back( new ISF_FCS_Parametrization::FCS_StepInfo( l_vec , l_cell , l_energy , l_time , l_valid , l_detector ) );
-    } // Didn't match
-  } // ID already in the map
-} // That's it for updating the map!
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/TileFCS_StepInfoSD.h b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/TileFCS_StepInfoSD.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7664e789390..00000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/TileFCS_StepInfoSD.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// Class TileFCS_StepInfoSD
-// Sensitive detector for TileCal G4 simulations using TileGeoModel
-// Author: Vakho Tsulaia <>
-// Major updates: July, 2013 (Sergey)
-// Base class header
-#include "FCS_StepInfoSD.h"
-class G4Step;
-class G4TouchableHistory;
-class ITileCalculator;
-class TileFCS_StepInfoSD: public FCS_StepInfoSD {
-  TileFCS_StepInfoSD(G4String name, const FCS_Param::Config& config);
-  ~TileFCS_StepInfoSD();
-  G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*) override final;
-  // Don't leave copy constructors or assignment operators around
-  TileFCS_StepInfoSD(const TileFCS_StepInfoSD&) = delete;
-  TileFCS_StepInfoSD& operator=(const TileFCS_StepInfoSD&) = delete;
-  /// Keep a map instead of trying to keep the full vector.
-  /// At the end of the event we'll push the map back into the
-  /// FCS_StepInfoCollection in StoreGate.
-  virtual void update_map(const CLHEP::Hep3Vector & l_vec, const Identifier & l_cell, double l_energy, double l_time, bool l_valid, int l_detector) override final;
- ITileCalculator* m_calculator;
diff --git a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/components/ISF_FastCaloSimSD_entries.cxx b/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/components/ISF_FastCaloSimSD_entries.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 0da3aea9972..00000000000
--- a/Simulation/ISF/ISF_FastCaloSim/ISF_FastCaloSimSD/src/components/ISF_FastCaloSimSD_entries.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-#include "GaudiKernel/DeclareFactoryEntries.h"
-#include "../FCS_StepInfoSDTool.h"