VersionUsedToProducev11TTreesFinalaed90baa · ·
Final v11 version (small updates made to support more samples)
VersionUsedToProducev09TTreesc2369ff6 · ·
Version used to produce v09 nominal ans systematic TTrees. NOTE: Some TTrees had the following in ../../../data/CommonDefs.py: ZHFSel_RecoZmass_min = 71. # -1 would apply no cut ZHFSel_RecoZmass_max = 111. # -1 would apply no cut instead of: ZHFSel_RecoZmass_min = 50. # -1 would apply no cut ZHFSel_RecoZmass_max = 140. # -1 would apply no cut
BeforeMergingChannela0112a64 · ·
This version was used for creating TTrees using DL1(r) for the first time. This is the last version before moving to single configs for ee+mumu+emu channel.