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  • Brinick Simmons's avatar
    Various improvements and clean-up. · d4836ff4
    Brinick Simmons authored
    Three main changes:
    1. Add four new ART headers for updating/deleting/adding options/flags to
    the pathena command run for a job. The four headers are:
    where options take a value and flags do not.
    2. Refactor ArtGrid methods to focus either on single or batch jobs instead of given methods
    doing both, and thus being quite long.
    3. Fix art-include code so that non-globbed values match exactly. That is:
    "art-include: master/Athena" will now only match master and not match other
    branches that have master as a prefix.
    Minor stuff:
    1. Remove all __author__ references and move to a single file.
    2. Update all copyright headers to 2023.
    3. Moved all __version__ references in scripts to ART/, so that
    a single variable only has to be updated when a new tag is made.