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Mitaka release of OpenStack Magnum

1504350 Introduce keystone trust for k8s bay
1521237 Gate occasionally failed with nova libvirt error
1418719 replication controller created pods don't show up in pod-list output
1448332 Pod status not synced from kubernetes to magnum
1446198 node can't be list by magnumclient
1506670 Solve token expiration issue
1521146 bay-show command always return "0" in bay_create_timeout
1472355 Exception is catched and printed in python-magnum client if bay-delete get failed but exception is not catched when create gets failed.
1506541 In the dev-quickstart redis example, pod-create never leaves "pending" state
1514681 Rename heat-kubernetes to kubernetes, heat-mesos to mesos
1515567 need a global var to maintain swarm version
1516858 multiple swarm masters can not work
1518147 Revert oslo.versionedobjects when new release ready
1519714 DEFAULT_DOCKER_TIMEOUT =10 is too short
1520072 Dev guide for mesos need fix one typo place
1520308 Heat stack error - when creating a new swarmbay
1521840 Can not import magnum.api.validation
1522060 Code refactor for OpenStack resources validation in Baymodel
1522620 Remove Python 2.6 classifier
1549667 magnum baymodel-list should support limit/sort_dir/sort_key
1549754 move roles into oslo_context
1552279 Error on creating CoreOS bay