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Commit 0fd3bebe authored by Walter Lampl's avatar Walter Lampl
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Merge branch 'AddingNewNCB1' into 'main'

Adding DAOD_NCB1 for cosmic ray studies in NCB group

See merge request atlas/athena!67330
parents 7b50e5ec f47aa72f
No related branches found
No related merge requests found
with 292 additions and 1 deletion
# art-include: main/Athena
# art-description: DAOD building NCB1 data23cos
# art-type: grid
# art-output: *.pool.root
# art-output: checkFile*.txt
# art-output: checkxAOD*.txt
# art-output: checkIndexRefs*.txt
set -e \
--CA True \
--inputAODFile /cvmfs/ \
--outputDAODFile art.pool.root \
--formats NCB1 \
--maxEvents 2000 \
echo "art-result: $? reco" > checkFile_NCB1.txt
echo "art-result: $? checkfile" > checkxAOD_NCB1.txt
echo "art-result: $? checkxAOD" > checkIndexRefs_NCB1.txt 2>&1
echo "art-result: $? checkIndexRefs"
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ mc21File = com_dir+"mc21/AOD/mc21_13p6TeV.601229.PhPy8EG_A14_ttbar_hdamp258p75_S
truthFile = com_dir+"mc21/EVNT/mc21_13p6TeV.601229.PhPy8EG_A14_ttbar_hdamp258p75_SingleLep.evgen.EVNT.e8453/EVNT.29328277._003902.pool.root.1"
data18File = com_dir+"data18/AOD/data18_13TeV.00357772.physics_Main.merge.AOD.r13286_p4910/1000events.AOD.27655096._000455.pool.root.1"
data22File = com_dir+"data22/AOD/data22_13p6TeV.00431906.physics_Main.merge.AOD.r13928_p5279/1000events.AOD.30220215._001367.pool.root.1"
data23CosFile = com_dir+"data23_cos/AOD/data23_cos.00459152.physics_CosmicMuons.merge.AOD.f1383_m2195/data23_cos.00459152.physics_CosmicMuons.merge.AOD.f1383_m2195._lb0124-lb0126._0001.1"
# pre/postExec
preExec = "\'from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags; DetFlags.detdescr.all_setOff(); DetFlags.BField_setOn(); DetFlags.digitize.all_setOff(); DetFlags.detdescr.Calo_setOn(); DetFlags.simulate.all_setOff(); DetFlags.pileup.all_setOff(); DetFlags.overlay.all_setOff(); DetFlags.detdescr.Muon_setOn();\'"
......@@ -161,6 +162,7 @@ if (makeDataDAODs or makeMCDAODs):
if makeMCDAODs:
if makeTruthDAODs:
for formatName in truthFormatList:
......@@ -128,6 +128,9 @@ from DerivationFrameworkMuons.MUON5 import MUON5Cfg
from DerivationFrameworkTLA.TLA0 import TLA0Cfg
from DerivationFrameworkTLA.TLA1 import TLA1Cfg
# NCB derivation running on AODs (for cosmic and BIB studies)
from DerivationFrameworkNCB.NCB1 import NCB1Cfg
# Avoids compilation warnings from Flake8
__all__ = ['TEST1Cfg','TEST2Cfg','TEST3Cfg','TEST4Cfg','TEST5Cfg','TEST6Cfg',
......@@ -152,4 +155,5 @@ __all__ = ['TEST1Cfg','TEST2Cfg','TEST3Cfg','TEST4Cfg','TEST5Cfg','TEST6Cfg',
'TLA0Cfg', 'TLA1Cfg',
# Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# Declare the package name:
atlas_subdir( DerivationFrameworkNCB )
# Install files from the package:
atlas_install_python_modules( python/*.py POST_BUILD_CMD ${ATLAS_FLAKE8} )
# DerivationFrameworkNCB
This package contains the configuration files for the Non-Collision Background (NCB) derivations used for cosmic rays and Beam Induced Background (BIB) studies.
The package contains the following files:
* ``: the configuration of the `NCB1` data type. As well as setting up the driving algorithm ("kernel") for the jobs, these files mainly configure directly the slimming (branch-wise content) but not the common physics content which is configured elsewhere (see below).
* ``: the configuration of the common physics content. This file pulls in the config fragments from all of the reconstruction domains plus truth and trigger matching (in the case of upgrade samples).
For more details please refer to [the manual](
# Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This defines DAOD_NCB1, an unskimmed DAOD format for Run 3.
# It contains the variables and objects needed for cosmic ray and BIB studies
# done by the NCB group
# It requires the flag NCB1 in
from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
from AthenaConfiguration.Enums import MetadataCategory
# Main algorithm config
def NCB1KernelCfg(ConfigFlags, name='NCB1Kernel', **kwargs):
"""Configure the derivation framework driving algorithm (kernel) for NCB1"""
acc = ComponentAccumulator()
# Common augmentations
from DerivationFrameworkNCB.NCBCommonConfig import NCBCommonAugmentationsCfg
acc.merge(NCBCommonAugmentationsCfg(ConfigFlags, TriggerListsHelper = kwargs['TriggerListsHelper']))
# The kernel algorithm itself
DerivationKernel = CompFactory.DerivationFramework.DerivationKernel
return acc
def NCB1Cfg(ConfigFlags):
from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
logNCB1 = logging.getLogger('NCB1')'****************** STARTING NCB1 *****************')
acc = ComponentAccumulator()
from DerivationFrameworkPhys.TriggerListsHelper import TriggerListsHelper
NCB1TriggerListsHelper = TriggerListsHelper(ConfigFlags)
acc.merge(NCB1KernelCfg(ConfigFlags, name='NCB1Kernel', StreamName = 'StreamDAOD_NCB1', TriggerListsHelper = NCB1TriggerListsHelper))
# ============================
# Define contents of the format
# =============================
from OutputStreamAthenaPool.OutputStreamConfig import OutputStreamCfg
from xAODMetaDataCnv.InfileMetaDataConfig import SetupMetaDataForStreamCfg
from DerivationFrameworkCore.SlimmingHelper import SlimmingHelper
NCB1SlimmingHelper = SlimmingHelper("NCB1SlimmingHelper", NamesAndTypes = ConfigFlags.Input.TypedCollections, ConfigFlags = ConfigFlags)
NCB1SlimmingHelper.SmartCollections = [
NCB1SlimmingHelper.AllVariables = [
# Truth extra content
if ConfigFlags.Input.isMC:
from DerivationFrameworkMCTruth.MCTruthCommonConfig import addTruth3ContentToSlimmerTool
NCB1SlimmingHelper.AllVariables += [
# Trigger content
NCB1SlimmingHelper.IncludeTriggerNavigation = False
NCB1SlimmingHelper.IncludeJetTriggerContent = False
NCB1SlimmingHelper.IncludeMuonTriggerContent = False
NCB1SlimmingHelper.IncludeEGammaTriggerContent = False
NCB1SlimmingHelper.IncludeJetTauEtMissTriggerContent = False
NCB1SlimmingHelper.IncludeTauTriggerContent = False
NCB1SlimmingHelper.IncludeEtMissTriggerContent = False
NCB1SlimmingHelper.IncludeBJetTriggerContent = False
NCB1SlimmingHelper.IncludeBPhysTriggerContent = False
NCB1SlimmingHelper.IncludeMinBiasTriggerContent = False
# Output stream
NCB1ItemList = NCB1SlimmingHelper.GetItemList()
acc.merge(OutputStreamCfg(ConfigFlags, "DAOD_NCB1", ItemList=NCB1ItemList, AcceptAlgs=["NCB1Kernel"]))
acc.merge(SetupMetaDataForStreamCfg(ConfigFlags, "DAOD_NCB1", AcceptAlgs=["NCB1Kernel"], createMetadata=[MetadataCategory.CutFlowMetaData]))
return acc
# Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# NCBCommonConfig
# Contains the configuration for the common physics containers/decorations used in analysis DAODs
# Actual configuration is subcontracted to other config files since some of them are very long
from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
def StandardJetsInDerivCfg(flags):
"""Jet reconstruction needed for NCB1"""
from JetRecConfig.StandardSmallRJets import AntiKt4EMTopo
from JetRecConfig.JetRecConfig import JetRecCfg
from JetRecConfig.JetConfigFlags import jetInternalFlags
acc = ComponentAccumulator()
AntiKt4EMTopo_deriv = AntiKt4EMTopo.clone(
modifiers = AntiKt4EMTopo.modifiers+("JetPtAssociation","QGTagging")
jetList = [AntiKt4EMTopo_deriv]
jetInternalFlags.isRecoJob = True
for jd in jetList:
return acc
def NCBCommonAugmentationsCfg(flags,**kwargs):
"""Configure the common augmentation"""
acc = ComponentAccumulator()
# MC truth
if flags.Input.isMC:
from DerivationFrameworkMCTruth.MCTruthCommonConfig import (
from DerivationFrameworkMCTruth.TruthDerivationToolsConfig import TruthCollectionMakerCfg
NCBCommonTruthCharmTool = acc.getPrimaryAndMerge(TruthCollectionMakerCfg(
name = "NCBCommonTruthCharmTool",
NewCollectionName = "TruthCharm",
KeepNavigationInfo = False,
ParticleSelectionString = "(abs(TruthParticles.pdgId) == 4)",
Do_Compress = True))
CommonAugmentation = CompFactory.DerivationFramework.CommonAugmentation
prefix = 'NCB_'))
# Re-point links on reco objects
# InDet, Muon, Egamma common augmentations
from DerivationFrameworkMuons.MuonsCommonConfig import MuonsCommonCfg
# TODO: need to find the new flags equivalent for the missing settings below, then we can
# drop these kwargs and do everything via the flags
from DerivationFrameworkInDet.InDetCommonConfig import InDetCommonCfg
DoVertexFinding = flags.Tracking.doVertexFinding,
AddPseudoTracks = flags.Tracking.doPseudoTracking,
DecoLRTTTVA = False,
DoR3LargeD0 = flags.Tracking.doLargeD0,
StoreSeparateLargeD0Container = flags.Tracking.storeSeparateLargeD0Container,
MergeLRT = False))
# Jets, di-taus, tau decorations, flavour tagging, MET association
from DerivationFrameworkJetEtMiss.METCommonConfig import METCommonCfg
# Trigger matching
if flags.Reco.EnableTrigger or flags.Trigger.triggerConfig == 'INFILE':
from DerivationFrameworkPhys.TriggerMatchingCommonConfig import TriggerMatchingCommonRun2Cfg
from DerivationFrameworkPhys.TriggerMatchingCommonConfig import TriggerMatchingCommonRun2ToRun3Cfg
from DerivationFrameworkPhys.TriggerMatchingCommonConfig import TriggerMatchingCommonRun3Cfg
# requires some wrangling due to the difference between run 2 and 3
triggerListsHelper = kwargs['TriggerListsHelper']
if flags.Trigger.EDMVersion == 2:
# NOTE: Once Run-2 -> Run-3 trigger navigation is validated and doEDMVersionConversion is on by default, we will only want to do ONE of
# TriggerMatchingCommonRun2Cfg(s) OR TriggerMatchingCommonRun2ToRun3Cfg
# Otherwise we are doubling up on the analysis trigger data in both the Run-2 and Run-3 formats.
# This sets up the Run-2 style matching during the derivation process
name = "PhysCommonTrigMatchNoTau",
OutputContainerPrefix = "TrigMatch_",
ChainNames = triggerListsHelper.Run2TriggerNamesNoTau))
name = "PhysCommonTrigMatchTau",
OutputContainerPrefix = "TrigMatch_",
ChainNames = triggerListsHelper.Run2TriggerNamesTau,
DRThreshold = 0.2))
# This sets up a conversion of the Run-2 trigger navigation to the Run-3 style,
# followed by Run-3 style navigation slimming for trigger-matching from DAOD.
# This function is a noop if doEDMVersionConversion=False
TriggerList = triggerListsHelper.Run2TriggerNamesNoTau +
if flags.Trigger.EDMVersion == 3:
# This sets up the Run-3 style navigation slimming for trigger-matching from DAOD
flags, TriggerList = triggerListsHelper.Run3TriggerNames))
return acc
# Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
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