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Build Cleanup, master branch (2021.08.09.)

After what we discussed at the GRC meeting this morning (, I thought I would propose some simple updates/cleanups for the CORAL build configuration. These are the following:

  • Removed the legacy CMT and SCRAM configuration files. I don't believe we'll ever want to use those for building this code (anymore).
  • Removed the installation of the test executables and scripts. Those have absolutely no use outside of the build directory, we don't need them with the installed CORAL release.
  • Added a few missing add_dependencies(...) calls for PRE_BUILD_BANNER and POST_BUILD_BANNER after I noticed that in high-core-count builds those banners would not always show up at the beginning and end of the build, respectively.
  • Removed the need for specifying Python_config_version_twodigit for the build. We don't build CORAL in mixed Python 2/3 environments in ATLAS anymore, so the CMake configuration should just figure out by itself which version of Python is being used.
    • Note that the code that was in place for trying to figure out Python's version is just not working correctly with modern CMake versions. Maybe it worked correctly with old versions, but I'm not even convinced of that. 😦

Note that at the moment the "test infrastructure" of the project is completely broken. Or at least to me it seems to be completely broken. Since QMtest, as far as I can see, was never updated to work with Python 3. So I get:

[bash][atlas]:coral-build > ctest --output-on-failure
Test project /atlas/krasznaa/coralcool/coral-build
    Start 1: QMTest
1/1 Test #1: QMTest ...........................***Failed    0.07 sec
  File "/cvmfs/", line 133
    except qm.cmdline.CommandError, msg:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

0% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 1

Total Test time (real) =   0.07 sec

The following tests FAILED:
          1 - QMTest (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
[bash][atlas]:coral-build >

Note that I might be completely wrong with the removal of Python_config_version_twodigit. 🤔 Since the QMtest tests seem to run successfully in the CI. Which I fear may depend on that variable doing its thing...

Unfortunately the CI is set up to only run with the private runners of the main repository. So it is not able to do anything on my fork.

Pinging @mavogel, @rhauser. (Please add more people as needed.)

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