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137676 commits behind, 1602 commits ahead of the upstream repository.
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging CaloClusterCorrection-01-00-43. * CaloClusterCorrection/CaloFillRectangularCluster.h: Temp workaround for compatibility with IsolationTool. 2016-06-08 scott snyder <> * Tagging CaloClusterCorrection-01-00-42. * CaloClusterLocalCalib actually needs to be exported. Add some missing headers. 2016-06-04 scott snyder <> * Tagging CaloClusterCorrection-01-00-41. * More more private headers to src. * Tagging CaloClusterCorrection-01-00-40. * Starting to move headers that should be private to src. 2016-06-03 scott snyder <> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: d1207d08227cb6f0530b01cd500670eb89dfe42e
Scott Snyder authored* Tagging CaloClusterCorrection-01-00-43. * CaloClusterCorrection/CaloFillRectangularCluster.h: Temp workaround for compatibility with IsolationTool. 2016-06-08 scott snyder <> * Tagging CaloClusterCorrection-01-00-42. * CaloClusterLocalCalib actually needs to be exported. Add some missing headers. 2016-06-04 scott snyder <> * Tagging CaloClusterCorrection-01-00-41. * More more private headers to src. * Tagging CaloClusterCorrection-01-00-40. * Starting to move headers that should be private to src. 2016-06-03 scott snyder <> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: d1207d08227cb6f0530b01cd500670eb89dfe42e
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// $Id$
* @file CaloClusterCorrection/src/CaloSwCalibHitsShowerDepth.cxx
* @author scott snyder <>
* @date Jul, 2010
* @brief Calculate the shower depth as used by the calib hits correction.
#include "CaloClusterCorrection/CaloSwCalibHitsShowerDepth.h"
#include "xAODCaloEvent/CaloCluster.h"
namespace CaloClusterCorr {
* @brief Constructor.
* @param sampling_depth Array of sampling depths per bin/sampling in the EC.
* @param start_crack Eta of the start of the crack.
* @param end_crack Eta of the end of the crack.
* @param etamax Maximum eta value in @a sampling_depth.
* Note that the sampling depth is used only in the endcap.
* Parameters for the barrel are hardcoded. (FIXME!)
* Parameters are passed by reference to allow them to be changed.
using xAOD::CaloCluster;
(const CaloRec::Array<2>& sampling_depth,
const float& start_crack,
const float& end_crack,
const float& etamax)
: m_sampling_depth (sampling_depth),
m_start_crack (start_crack),
m_end_crack (end_crack),
m_etamax (etamax)
* @brief Calculate the depth of the cluster.
* @param aeta abs(eta) of the cluster.
* @param cluster Cluster for which to calculate the depth.
* @param log Stream for debug messages.
double CaloSwCalibHitsShowerDepth::depth (float aeta,
const xAOD::CaloCluster* cluster,
MsgStream& log) const
float R[4];
int si;
if (aeta < m_start_crack) {
barrelCoefs (aeta, R);
si = 0;
else if (aeta > m_end_crack) {
if (!endcapCoefs (aeta, R))
return 0;
si = 1;
return 0;
static const CaloSampling::CaloSample samps[2][4] = {
{ CaloSampling::PreSamplerB,
CaloSampling::EMB3 },
{ CaloSampling::PreSamplerE,
CaloSampling::EME3 }
double rsum = 0;
double esum = 0;
for (int i=0; i < 4; i++) {
float e = cluster->eSample (samps[si][i]);
rsum += R[i] * e;
esum += e;
if (esum == 0)
return 0;
double depth = rsum / esum;
if (log.level() <= MSG::DEBUG) log << MSG::DEBUG << "Shower barycenter ---->> " << depth << endreq;
return depth;
* @brief Calculate the sampling depth coefficients for the barrel.
* @param aeta abs(eta) of the cluster.
* @param R[out] The set of coefficients per layer.
void CaloSwCalibHitsShowerDepth::barrelCoefs (float aeta, float R[4]) const
// APPROXIMATE Longitudinal segmentation of the EM Barrel
// Inspired from M.Seman's former ACCOMPA.
// - PURPOSE Computes the shower longitudinal barycenter
// - Inputs: shower eta and energies in the compartments
static const float
X0IN = 1.6, // 1.7 X0 before strips
X0S1 = 6.0, // 6 X0 till end of strips
// X0S2 = 24.0, // 24 X0 till end of S2
// X0S3 = 2.0, // 2 X0 at least in S3
// RIN = 150.0024, // where strips start (cm)
// ROUT = 197.0482, // where S3 ends (cm)
// RCLR = 0.7, // clearance for resistive ink (cm)
//BEND1 = 152.1000, // first 3 bends radii (cm)
//BEND2 = 155.9659,
//BEND3 = 159.7202,
ETASTEP = 0.8, // where lead changes
//DENSHI = 2.137, // cm/X0 high density
//DENSLO = 2.695, // cm/X0 low density
X0THI = 23.74, // total depth high density part (not indep?)
X0TLO = 19.177; // total depth low density part (not indep?)
float X0T;
float R12, R23;
if ( aeta < ETASTEP ) {
X0T = X0THI;
//RLO = BEND2; // break strips between bends 2 and 3
//RHI = BEND3;
X0T = X0TLO;
//RLO = BEND1; // break strips between bends 1 and 2
//RHI = BEND2;
R[0] = (X0IN) * cosh(aeta);
// R12 is radius at transition strips->Sampling2
// R23 is radius at transition Sampling2->Sampling3
R12 = X0S1;
//.. total depth of calo at given eta
float RADLTOT = X0T*cosh(aeta);
//.. radius where S2 ends. Make sure there are 2X0 left for S3
if (aeta < 0.5){
R23 = 22 * cosh(aeta) ;
R23 = 25;
R[1] = R[0] + (R12 - R[0])/2 ;
R[2] = R12 + (R23 - R12)/2;
R[3] = R23 + (RADLTOT - R23)/2;
* @brief Calculate the sampling depth coefficients for the endcap.
* @param aeta abs(eta) of the cluster.
* @param R[out] The set of coefficients per layer.
bool CaloSwCalibHitsShowerDepth::endcapCoefs (float aeta, float R[4]) const
unsigned int ibin = (static_cast<unsigned int> (aeta / m_etamax * 100)) ;
if (ibin >= m_sampling_depth.size())
return false;
for (int i=0; i < 4; i++)
R[i] = m_sampling_depth[ibin][i+1];
return true;
} // namespace CaloClusterCorr