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GetLCOutOfCluster.cxx 14.51 KiB
  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration

// File and Version Information:
// $Id: GetLCOutOfCluster.cxx,v 1.2 2008-11-04 14:33:37 menke Exp $
// Description: see GetLCOutOfCluster.h
// Environment:
//      Software developed for the ATLAS Detector at CERN LHC
// Author List:
//      Sven Menke

// This Class's Header --
#include "CaloLocalHadCalib/GetLCOutOfCluster.h"

// C++ Headers --
#include "CaloLocalHadCalib/GetLCDefs.h"
#include "xAODCaloEvent/CaloClusterContainer.h"
#include "CaloUtils/CaloSamplingHelper.h"

#include "AthenaKernel/errorcheck.h"

#include "TFile.h"
#include "TProfile2D.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include <iterator>
#include <cmath>

GetLCOutOfCluster::GetLCOutOfCluster(const std::string& name, 
				     ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator) 
  : AthAlgorithm(name, pSvcLocator),
  std::vector<Gaudi::Histo1DDef> dims(6);
  dims[0] = Gaudi::Histo1DDef("side",-1.5,1.5,1);
  dims[1] = Gaudi::Histo1DDef("|eta|",0.,5.,50);
  dims[2] = Gaudi::Histo1DDef("phi",-M_PI,M_PI,1);
  dims[3] = Gaudi::Histo1DDef("log10(E_clus (MeV))",log10(200),log10(1e6),14);
  dims[4] = Gaudi::Histo1DDef("log10(lambda_clus (mm))",0.0,4.0,14);
  dims[5] = Gaudi::Histo1DDef("weight",0.,3.0,1);


  // Dimensions to use for classification

  // Name of output file to save histograms in
  // Name of ClusterContainer to use

  // Name of Samplings to ignore 

  m_invalidSamplingNames[0] = "PreSamplerB";
  m_invalidSamplingNames[1] = "PreSamplerE";
  m_invalidSamplingNames[2] = "TileGap3";


  // Normalization type "Const", "Lin", "Log", "NClus"

  // Classification type "None" for single pion MC or 
  //                     "ParticleID_EM" for ParticleID based em-type clusters  
  //                     "ParticleID_HAD" for ParticleID based had-type clusters  
  declareProperty("ClassificationType", m_ClassificationType);


{ }


StatusCode GetLCOutOfCluster::initialize() {
  //---- initialize the StoreGateSvc ptr ----------------

  m_outputFile = new TFile(m_outputFileName.c_str(),"RECREATE");


  if ( m_NormalizationType == "Lin" ) {
    msg(MSG::INFO) << "Using weighting proportional to E_calib" << endreq;
    m_NormalizationTypeNumber = GetLCDefs::LIN;
  else if ( m_NormalizationType == "Log" ) {
    msg(MSG::INFO) << "Using weighting proportional to log(E_calib)" << endreq;
    m_NormalizationTypeNumber = GetLCDefs::LOG;
  else if ( m_NormalizationType == "NClus" ) {
    msg(MSG::INFO) << "Using weighting proportional to 1/N_Clus_E_calib>0" << endreq;
    m_NormalizationTypeNumber = GetLCDefs::NCLUS;
  else {
    msg(MSG::INFO) << "Using constant weighting" << endreq;
    m_NormalizationTypeNumber = GetLCDefs::CONST;

  if ( m_ClassificationType == "None" ) {
    msg(MSG::INFO) << "Expecting single particle input" << endreq;
    m_ClassificationTypeNumber = GetLCDefs::NONE;
  else if ( m_ClassificationType == "ParticleID_EM" ) {
    msg(MSG::INFO) << "Expecting ParticleID simulation as input -- use EM type clusters only" << endreq;
    m_ClassificationTypeNumber = GetLCDefs::PARTICLEID_EM;
  else if ( m_ClassificationType == "ParticleID_HAD" ) {
    msg(MSG::INFO) << "Expecting ParticleID simulation as input -- use HAD type clusters only" << endreq;
    m_ClassificationTypeNumber = GetLCDefs::PARTICLEID_HAD;
  else {
    msg(MSG::WARNING) << " unknown classification type " << m_ClassificationType << " given! Using None instead" << endreq;
    m_ClassificationTypeNumber = GetLCDefs::NONE;

  int iside(-1);
  int ieta(-1);
  int iphi(-1);
  int ilogE(-1);
  int iloglambda(-1);
  int iweight(-1);
  for(unsigned int idim=0;idim<m_dimensions.size();idim++) {
    if (      m_dimensions[idim].title() == "side" ) {
      iside = idim;
      m_isampmap[0] = iside;
    else if ( m_dimensions[idim].title() == "|eta|" ) 
      ieta = idim;
    else if ( m_dimensions[idim].title() == "phi" ) {
      iphi = idim;
      m_isampmap[1] = iphi;
    else if ( m_dimensions[idim].title() == "log10(E_clus (MeV))" ) {
      ilogE = idim;
      m_isampmap[2] = ilogE;
    else if ( m_dimensions[idim].title() == "log10(lambda_clus (mm))" )
      iloglambda = idim;
    else if ( m_dimensions[idim].title() == "weight" )
      iweight = idim;
  if ( ilogE < 0 || ieta < 0 || iloglambda < 0 || iweight < 0 || iside < 0 ) {
	<< " Mandatory dimension log10E, |eta|, log10lambda or weight missing ..."
	<< endreq;
    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
  int nside = m_dimensions[iside].bins();
  int nphi = (iphi>=0?m_dimensions[iphi].bins():1);
  int nlogE = m_dimensions[ilogE].bins();
  for ( int jside=0;jside<nside;jside++) {
    for ( int jphi=0;jphi<nphi;jphi++) {
      for(int jlogE=0;jlogE<nlogE;jlogE++) {
	TString oname("ooc");
	  oname += "_iside_";
	  oname += jside;
	  oname += "_[";
	  oname += m_dimensions[iside].lowEdge();
	  oname += ",";
	  oname += m_dimensions[iside].highEdge();
	  oname += ",";
	  oname += nside;
	  oname += "]";
	  oname += "_iphi_";
	  oname += jphi;
	  oname += "_[";
	  oname += (iphi>=0?m_dimensions[iphi].lowEdge():-1);
	  oname += ",";
	  oname += (iphi>=0?m_dimensions[iphi].highEdge():-1);
	  oname += ",";
	  oname += nphi;
	  oname += "]";
	  oname += "_ilogE_";
	  oname += jlogE;
	  oname += "_[";
	  oname += m_dimensions[ilogE].lowEdge();
	  oname += ",";
	  oname += m_dimensions[ilogE].highEdge();
	  oname += ",";
	  oname += nlogE;
	  oname += "]";
	  int iO = jlogE*nphi*nside+jphi*nside+jside;
	  m_ooc[iO] = new TProfile2D(oname,oname,
	  m_ooc[iO]->SetYTitle("log_{10}(#lambda_{clus} (mm))");
	  m_ooc[iO]->SetZTitle("E_{out of cluster} / E_{clus}^{EM-no-PS/Gap3} / Isolation");
  //--- check sampling names to use exclude in correction
  std::vector<std::string>::iterator samplingIter = m_invalidSamplingNames.begin(); 
  std::vector<std::string>::iterator samplingIterEnd = m_invalidSamplingNames.end(); 
  for(; samplingIter!=samplingIterEnd; samplingIter++) { 
    int theSampling(CaloSampling::Unknown);
    for (unsigned int jsamp = 0;jsamp< CaloSampling::Unknown; jsamp++) {
      if ( *samplingIter == CaloSamplingHelper::getSamplingName((CaloSampling::CaloSample)jsamp)) {
	theSampling = jsamp;
    if ( theSampling == CaloSampling::Unknown ) {
      msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Calorimeter sampling " 
	  << *samplingIter
          << " is not a valid Calorimeter sampling name and will be ignored! "
          << "Valid names are: ";
      for (unsigned int jsamp = 0;jsamp< CaloSampling::Unknown; jsamp++) {
	msg() << CaloSamplingHelper::getSamplingName((CaloSampling::CaloSample)jsamp);
	if ( jsamp < CaloSampling::Unknown-1) 
	  msg() << ", ";
	  msg() << ".";
      msg() << endreq;
    else {

  msg(MSG::INFO) << "Samplings to exclude from the out-of-cluster weighting:";
  samplingIter = m_invalidSamplingNames.begin(); 
  for(; samplingIter!=samplingIterEnd; samplingIter++)  
    msg() << " " << *samplingIter;
  msg() << endreq;

  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;


StatusCode GetLCOutOfCluster::finalize()
  msg(MSG::INFO) << "Writing out histograms" << endreq;
  for(unsigned int i=0;i<m_ooc.size();i++) {
  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;


StatusCode GetLCOutOfCluster::execute()
  const DataHandle<xAOD::CaloClusterContainer> cc ;
  StatusCode sc = evtStore()->retrieve(cc,m_clusterCollName);

  if(sc != StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
    msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Could not retrieve ClusterContainer " 
	<< m_clusterCollName << " from StoreGate" << endreq;
    return sc;

  // total calib hit energy of all clusters 
  double eCalibTot(0.); 
  double nClusECalibGt0 = 0.0;

  xAOD::CaloClusterContainer::const_iterator clusIter = cc->begin();
  xAOD::CaloClusterContainer::const_iterator clusIterEnd = cc->end();
  for( ;clusIter!=clusIterEnd;clusIter++) {
    const xAOD::CaloCluster * theCluster = (*clusIter);      
    double eC=999; 
    if (!theCluster->retrieveMoment(xAOD::CaloCluster::ENG_CALIB_TOT,eC)) {
      msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Failed to retrieve cluster moment ENG_CALIB_TOT" <<endreq;
      return StatusCode::FAILURE;      
    if ( m_ClassificationTypeNumber != GetLCDefs::NONE ) {
      double emFrac=-999; 
      if (!theCluster->retrieveMoment(xAOD::CaloCluster::ENG_CALIB_FRAC_EM,emFrac)){
	msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Failed to retrieve cluster moment ENG_CALIB_FAC_EM" <<endreq;
	return StatusCode::FAILURE;
      if (m_ClassificationTypeNumber == GetLCDefs::PARTICLEID_EM && emFrac < 0.5 )
	eC = 0;
      if (m_ClassificationTypeNumber == GetLCDefs::PARTICLEID_HAD && emFrac > 0.5 )
	eC = 0;
    eCalibTot += eC;
    if ( eC > 0 ) {

  if ( eCalibTot > 0 ) {
    const double inv_eCalibTot = 1. / eCalibTot;
    const double inv_nClusECalibGt0 = 1. / nClusECalibGt0;
    clusIter = cc->begin();
    for( ;clusIter!=clusIterEnd;clusIter++) {
      const xAOD::CaloCluster * pClus = (*clusIter);
      double eng = pClus->e();

      if ( m_ClassificationTypeNumber != GetLCDefs::NONE ) {
	double emFrac=-999; 
	if (!pClus->retrieveMoment(xAOD::CaloCluster::ENG_CALIB_FRAC_EM,emFrac)){
	  msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Failed to retrieve cluster moment ENG_CALIB_FAC_EM" <<endreq;
	  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
	if (m_ClassificationTypeNumber == GetLCDefs::PARTICLEID_EM && emFrac < 0.5 )
	if (m_ClassificationTypeNumber == GetLCDefs::PARTICLEID_HAD && emFrac > 0.5 )

      // subtract the samplings to ignore from eng
      std::set<int>::const_iterator ivSamplingIter = m_invalidSamplings.begin(); 
      std::set<int>::const_iterator ivSamplingIterEnd = m_invalidSamplings.end(); 
      for(; ivSamplingIter!=ivSamplingIterEnd; ivSamplingIter++) {
	eng -= pClus->eSample((CaloSampling::CaloSample)(*ivSamplingIter));
      if ( eng > 0 ) { 

	int iside = 0;
	int iphi = 0;
	int ilogE = 0;
	int nside = 1;
	int nphi = 1;
	int nlogE = 1;
	if ( m_isampmap[0] >= 0 ) {
	  const Gaudi::Histo1DDef & hd = m_dimensions[m_isampmap[0]];
	  nside = hd.bins();
	  iside = (int)(nside*(((pClus->eta()<0?-1.0:1.0) - hd.lowEdge())
	  if ( iside < 0 || iside > nside-1 ) {
	    msg(MSG::WARNING) << " Side index out of bounds " <<
	      iside << " not in [0," << nside-1 << "]" << endreq; 
	    iside = -1;
	if ( m_isampmap[1] >= 0 ) {
	  const Gaudi::Histo1DDef & hd = m_dimensions[m_isampmap[1]];
	  nphi = hd.bins();
	  iphi = (int)(nphi*((pClus->phi() - hd.lowEdge())
	  if ( iphi < 0 || iphi > nphi-1 ) {
	    msg(MSG::WARNING) << " Phi index out of bounds " <<
	      iphi << " not in [0," << nphi-1 << "]" << endreq; 
	    iphi = -1;
	const Gaudi::Histo1DDef & hd = m_dimensions[m_isampmap[2]];
	nlogE = hd.bins();
	ilogE = (int)(nlogE*((log10(eng) - hd.lowEdge())
	if ( ilogE >= 0 && ilogE < nlogE ) {
	  double lamb,eout,etot,isol;
	  if (!pClus->retrieveMoment(xAOD::CaloCluster::CENTER_LAMBDA,lamb) ||
	      !pClus->retrieveMoment(xAOD::CaloCluster::ENG_CALIB_OUT_L,eout) ||
	      !pClus->retrieveMoment(xAOD::CaloCluster::ENG_CALIB_TOT,etot) ||
	      !pClus->retrieveMoment(xAOD::CaloCluster::ISOLATION,isol)) {
	    msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Failed to retrieve a cluster moment (CENTER_LAMBDA,ENG_CALIB_OUT,ENG_CALIB_TOT,ISOLATION)" << endreq;
	    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
	  if ( lamb > 0 &&
	       etot > 0 &&
	       isol > 0.5 ) {
	    int iO = ilogE*nphi*nside+iphi*nside+iside;
	    if (m_ooc[iO]) {
	      double norm = 0.0;
	      if ( m_NormalizationTypeNumber == GetLCDefs::LIN ) {
		norm = etot*inv_eCalibTot;
	      else if ( m_NormalizationTypeNumber == GetLCDefs::LOG ) {
		if ( etot > 0 ) {
		  // cluster has to have at least 1% of the calib hit E
		  norm = log10(etot*inv_eCalibTot)+2.0;
	      else if ( m_NormalizationTypeNumber == GetLCDefs::NCLUS ) {
		if ( etot > 0 ) {
		  norm = inv_nClusECalibGt0;
	      else {
		norm = 1.0;
	      if ( norm > 0 ) {

  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

void GetLCOutOfCluster::mapinsert(const std::vector<Gaudi::Histo1DDef> & dims) {
  for (unsigned int i=0;i<dims.size();i++) {
    m_dimensionsmap[dims[i].title()] = dims[i];

void GetLCOutOfCluster::mapparse() {

  std::map<std::string,Gaudi::Histo1DDef>::iterator miter = m_dimensionsmap.begin();
  std::map<std::string,Gaudi::Histo1DDef>::iterator mend = m_dimensionsmap.end();
  for( ; miter != mend; miter++ ) {
    ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" New Dimension: " 
		  << miter->second.title() << ", [" << miter->second.lowEdge()
		  << ", " << miter->second.highEdge() 
		  << ", " << miter->second.bins()
		  << "]");
