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Commit 102ba3f3 authored by Denis Oliveira Damazio's avatar Denis Oliveira Damazio Committed by Graeme Stewart
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algorithm migration (TrigCaloHypo-00-00-02)

Former-commit-id: e04bc90cf8bbf8e59d3ff5f8bd73ba571b907a4b
parent deae3054
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Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
/// Name : TrigL2JetHypo.h
/// Package : Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigCaloHypo/
/// Author : Ester Segura (
/// Created : June 2006
/// DESCRIPTION: simple hypo algorithms for Lvl2 Jet, cut on energy
#include <vector>
#include "TrigInterfaces/HypoAlgo.h"
#include "TrigTimeAlgs/TrigTimerSvc.h"
class StoreGateSvc;
class TriggerElement;
class TrigL2JetHypo : public HLT::HypoAlgo {
TrigL2JetHypo(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
HLT::ErrorCode hltInitialize();
HLT::ErrorCode hltFinalize();
HLT::ErrorCode hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bool& pass);
// define the properties:
// Cuts to be applied:
double m_EtCut_L2;
int m_accepted_L2;
int m_rejected_L2;
int m_errors_L2;
// Switch to accept all the events.
bool m_acceptAll;
// Switch on Monitoring:
bool m_doMonitoring;
// cleaning:
// ---------
// flags (do specific jet cleaning or don't):
bool m_doHECfnLeadingCellsCleaning;
bool m_doEMfJetQualityCleaning;
bool m_doHECfJetQualityCleaning;
bool m_doTimeQualityCleaning;
bool m_doEMfCleaningHighEta;
bool m_doEMfCleaningLowEta;
bool m_applyCleaningToHighEtJets;
bool m_applyCleaningToLowEtJets;
// depending on the flags m_applyCleaningToHighEtJets and m_applyCleaningToLowEtJets, the cleaning
// is only applied to jets with Et > cleaningLowEtThreshold and/or Et < cleaningHighEtThreshold.
float m_cleaningLowEtThreshold; // in MeV
float m_cleaningHighEtThreshold; // in MeV
// thresholds for cleaning cuts:
int m_leadingCellsThr; // threshold for number of leading cells in hecf > m_leadingCellsThr && nLeadingCells <= m_leadingCellsThr cut
float m_hecfThrN; // hecf threshold for cut in combination with nLeadingCells (i.e. hecf > m_leadingCellsThr && nLeadingCells <= m_leadingCellsThr)
float m_hecfThrQ; // hecf threshold for cut in combination with jet Quality (i.e. hecf > m_hecfThrQ && |quality| > m_jetQualityThrH)
float m_jetQualityThrH; // quality threshold for cut in combination with hecf (i.e. hecf > m_hecfThrQ && |quality| > m_jetQualityThrH)
float m_jetQualityThrE; // quality threshold for cut in combination with emf (i.e. emf > m_emfThrQ && |quality| > m_jetQualityThrE && |eta| < m_etaThrEmfQ)
float m_emfThrQ; // emf threshold for cut in combination with m_jetQualityThrE (i.e. emf > m_emfThrQ && |quality| > m_jetQualityThrE && |eta| < m_etaThrEmfQ)
float m_etaThrEmfQ; // eta threshold for cut in combination with m_jetQualityThrE (i.e. emf > m_emfThrQ && |quality| > m_jetQualityThrE && |eta| < m_etaThrEmfQ)
float m_emfThrEmfHighEta; // emf threshold for cut at high eta (i.e. emf < m_emfThrEmfHighEta && |eta| >= m_etaThrEmfHighEta)
float m_etaThrEmfHighEta; // eta threshold for cut at high eta (i.e. emf < m_emfThrEmfHighEta && |eta| >= m_etaThrEmfHighEta)
float m_emfThrEmfLowEta; // emf threshold for cut at low eta (i.e. emf < m_emfThrEmfLowEta && |eta| < m_etaThrEmfLowEta)
float m_etaThrEmfLowEta; // eta threshold for cut at low eta (i.e. emf < m_emfThrEmfLowEta && |eta| < m_etaThrEmfLowEta)
float m_timeThrTimeQuality; // time threshold for identification of out-of-time jets (i.e. |time| > m_timeThrTimeQuality && |quality| > m_qualityThrTimeQuality)
float m_qualityThrTimeQuality; // quality threshold for identification of out-of-time jets (i.e. |time| > m_timeThrTimeQuality && |quality| > m_qualityThrTimeQuality)
// basic cleaning default for every chain
bool m_doBasicCleaning;
float m_n90Threshold;
float m_presamplerThreshold;
float m_negativeEThreshold;
int m_cutCounter;
double m_e; // total energy of the jet after calibration
double m_et;
double m_eta;
double m_phi;
// cleaning:
float m_hecf;
int m_nLeadingCells;
float m_emf;
float m_jetQuality;
float m_jetTimeCells;
// Histogram Service:
//IHistogramSvc* m_histsvc;
//StoreGateSvc* m_storeGate;
// Timing:
ITrigTimerSvc* m_timersvc;
std::vector<TrigTimer*> m_timers;
......@@ -14,3 +14,36 @@ class EFCaloHypoNoiseConfig (TrigEFCaloHypoNoise):
self.NoiseTool = theLArNoisyROTool
from TrigJetHypo.TrigJetHypoConf import TrigL2JetHypo
class L2JetHypoBase (TrigL2JetHypo):
__slots__ = []
def __init__(self, name):
super( L2JetHypoBase, self ).__init__( name )
#validation = TrigL2JetHypoValidationMonitoring()
#online = TrigL2JetHypoOnlineMonitoring()
#cosmic = TrigL2JetHypoCosmicMonitoring()
from TrigTimeMonitor.TrigTimeHistToolConfig import TrigTimeHistToolConfig
time = TrigTimeHistToolConfig("L2JetHypo_Time")
self.AthenaMonTools = [ time ]
# switch on basic cleaning by default for all chains
self.n90CleaningThreshold = 2
self.presamplerCleaningThreshold = 0.9
class L2JetHypo (L2JetHypoBase):
__slots__ = []
def __init__(self, name = "L2JetHypo",l2_thr=20*GeV):
super( L2JetHypo, self ).__init__( name )
self.Etcut_L2 = l2_thr
self.doHECfnLeadingCellsCleaning = False
self.doEMfJetQualityCleaning = False
self.doHECfJetQualityCleaning = False
self.doTimeQualityCleaning = False
self.doEMfCleaningHighEta = False
self.doEMfCleaningLowEta = False
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
// ********************************************************************
// NAME: TrigL2JetHypo.cxx
// PACKAGE: Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigCaloHypo
// ********************************************************************
#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/IToolSvc.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/StatusCode.h"
//#include "TrigSteeringEvent/TriggerElement.h"
#include "TrigSteeringEvent/TrigRoiDescriptor.h"
#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigT2Jet.h"
//#include "TrigCaloEvent/TrigT2JetContainer.h" // Not needed anymore
#include "TrigCaloHypo/TrigL2JetHypo.h"
#include "CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits.h"
class ISvcLocator;
TrigL2JetHypo::TrigL2JetHypo(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator):
HLT::HypoAlgo(name, pSvcLocator) {
declareProperty("Etcut_L2", m_EtCut_L2 = 20*CLHEP::GeV, "cut value for L2 jet et"); // Default: 20 GeV
declareProperty("doMonitoring_L2", m_doMonitoring = false, "switch on/off monitoring" );
declareProperty("AcceptAll", m_acceptAll=false);
//declareProperty("histoPath", m_path = "/stat/Monitoring/EventFilter" );
// cleaning:
// --------
// flags to set which jet cleaning cuts are to be applied
declareProperty("doHECfnLeadingCellsCleaning", m_doHECfnLeadingCellsCleaning = false);
declareProperty("doEMfJetQualityCleaning", m_doEMfJetQualityCleaning = false);
declareProperty("doHECfJetQualityCleaning", m_doHECfJetQualityCleaning = false);
declareProperty("doTimeQualityCleaning", m_doTimeQualityCleaning = false);
declareProperty("doEMfCleaningHighEta", m_doEMfCleaningHighEta = false);
declareProperty("doEMfCleaningLowEta", m_doEMfCleaningLowEta = false);
declareProperty("applyCleaningToHighEtJets", m_applyCleaningToHighEtJets = true);
declareProperty("applyCleaningToLowEtJets", m_applyCleaningToLowEtJets = true);
// Et-threshold: if(applyCleaningToHighEtJets==false) then don't apply cleaning cuts to jets with Et > highEtThreshold:
declareProperty("cleaningHighEtThreshold", m_cleaningHighEtThreshold = 1000.*CLHEP::GeV);
// Et-threshold: if(applyCleaningToLowEtJets==false) then don't apply cleaning cuts to jets with Et < lowEtThreshold:
declareProperty("cleaningLowEtThreshold", m_cleaningLowEtThreshold = 20.*CLHEP::GeV);
// threshold for number of leading cells in hecf > m_leadingCellsThr && nLeadingCells <= m_leadingCellsThr cut:
declareProperty("leadingCellsThr", m_leadingCellsThr = 1);
// hecf threshold for cut in combination with nLeadingCells (i.e. hecf > m_hecfThrN && nLeadingCells <= m_leadingCellsThr):
declareProperty("hecfThrN", m_hecfThrN = 0.9);
// hecf threshold for cut in combination with jet Quality (i.e. hecf > m_hecfThrQ && |quality| > m_jetQualityThrH):
declareProperty("hecfThrQ", m_hecfThrQ = 0.8);
// quality threshold for cut in combination with hecf (i.e. hecf > m_hecfThrQ && |quality| > m_jetQualityThrH):
declareProperty("jetQualityThrH", m_jetQualityThrH= 0.8);
// quality threshold for cut in combination with emf (i.e. emf > m_emfThrQ && |quality| > m_jetQualityThrE):
declareProperty("jetQualityThrE", m_jetQualityThrE = 0.9);
// emf threshold for cut in combination with m_jetQualityThrE (i.e. emf > m_emfThrQ && |quality| > m_jetQualityThrE):
declareProperty("emfThrQ", m_emfThrQ = 0.99);
// eta threshold for cut in combination with m_jetQualityThrE (i.e. emf > m_emfThrQ && |quality| > m_jetQualityThrE && |eta| < m_etaThrEmfQ)
declareProperty("etaThrEmfQ", m_etaThrEmfQ = 2.7);
// emf threshold for emf cut at high eta (i.e. emf < m_emfThrE && |eta| >= m_etaThrEemf):
declareProperty("emfThrEmfHighEta", m_emfThrEmfHighEta = 0.02);
// eta threshold for emf cut at high eta (i.e. emf < m_emfThrE && |eta| >= m_etaThrEemf):
declareProperty("etaThrEmfHighEta", m_etaThrEmfHighEta = 2.1);
// emf threshold for emf cut at low eta (i.e. emf < m_emfThrE && |eta| < m_etaThrEemf):
declareProperty("emfThrEmfLowEta", m_emfThrEmfLowEta = 0.01);
// eta threshold for emf cut at low eta (i.e. emf < m_emfThrE && |eta| < m_etaThrEemf):
declareProperty("etaThrEmfLowEta", m_etaThrEmfLowEta = 2.1);
// time threshold for identification of out-of-time jets (i.e. |time| > m_timeThrTimeQuality && |quality| > m_qualityThrTimeQuality):
declareProperty("timeThrTimeQuality", m_timeThrTimeQuality = 35.);
// quality threshold for identification of out-of-time jets (i.e. |time| > m_timeThrTimeQuality && |quality| > m_qualityThrTimeQuality):
declareProperty("qualityThrTimeQuality", m_qualityThrTimeQuality = 0.5);
// basic cleaning
declareProperty("doBasicCleaning", m_doBasicCleaning = false );
declareProperty("n90CleaningThreshold", m_n90Threshold = 2 );
declareProperty("presamplerCleaningThreshold", m_presamplerThreshold = 0.9 );
declareProperty("negativeECleaningThreshold", m_negativeEThreshold = -60e3 ); // 60 GeV
declareMonitoredVariable("CutCounter", m_cutCounter);
declareMonitoredVariable("E", m_e);
declareMonitoredVariable("Et", m_et);
declareMonitoredVariable("Eta", m_eta);
declareMonitoredVariable("Phi", m_phi);
// cleaning:
declareMonitoredVariable("HECf", m_hecf);
declareMonitoredVariable("nLeadingCells", m_nLeadingCells);
declareMonitoredVariable("EMf", m_emf);
declareMonitoredVariable("jetQuality", m_jetQuality);
declareMonitoredVariable("jetTimeCells", m_jetTimeCells);
{ }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2JetHypo::hltInitialize()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
msg() << MSG::INFO << "in initialize()" << endmsg;
// Initialize timing service
if( service( "TrigTimerSvc", m_timersvc).isFailure() ) {
msg() << MSG::WARNING << name()
<< ": Unable to locate TrigTimer Service" << endmsg;
if (m_timersvc) {
TrigTimer* tmp = m_timersvc->addItem("TrigL2JetHypo.TrigL2JetHypoTot");
return HLT::OK;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2JetHypo::hltFinalize(){
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
msg() << MSG::INFO << "Events (Lvl2) accepted/rejected/errors: "<< m_accepted_L2 <<" / "<<m_rejected_L2<< " / "<< m_errors_L2<< endmsg;
return HLT::OK;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2JetHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bool& pass) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Time total TrigL2JetHypo execution time.
if (m_timersvc) m_timers[0]->start();
m_cutCounter = -1;
m_e = -99;
m_et = -99;
m_eta = -99;
m_phi = -99;
m_hecf = -99;
m_nLeadingCells = -99;
m_emf = -99;
m_jetQuality = -99;
m_jetTimeCells = -999;
// get the trigger element and extract the RoI information
if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) { // pure debug purposes...
const TrigRoiDescriptor* roiDescriptor = 0;
if ( getFeature(outputTE, roiDescriptor, "a_label")==HLT::OK ) {
if ( roiDescriptor ) {
msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "REGTEST: RoI id " << roiDescriptor->roiId()
<< " located at phi = " << roiDescriptor->phi() << ", eta = " << roiDescriptor->eta() << endmsg;
} else {
msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Failed to find RoiDescriptor " << endmsg;
} else {
msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Failed to find RoiDescriptor " << endmsg;
std::vector<const TrigT2Jet*> vectorOfJets;
HLT::ErrorCode ec = getFeatures(outputTE, vectorOfJets);
if(ec!=HLT::OK) {
msg() << MSG::WARNING << " Failed to get the L2 Jets " << endmsg;
if (m_timersvc) m_timers[0]->stop();
return ec;
m_cutCounter = 0;
// Check that there is only one JETROI.
// We only expect ONE input RoI.
if (vectorOfJets.size() != 1){
msg() << MSG::ERROR << "The number of Jets attached to the TE is not 1" << endmsg;
if (m_acceptAll) m_cutCounter = 1;
if (m_timersvc) m_timers[0]->stop();
return HLT::OK;
// Get first (and only) RoI:
const TrigT2Jet* pJet = vectorOfJets.back();
msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Retrieval of RoI from vector failed" << endmsg;
if (m_acceptAll) m_cutCounter = 1;
if (m_timersvc) m_timers[0]->stop();
return HLT::OK;
// Build the "uses" relation for the outputTE to the Cluster:
//sc = writeHistoryOfTE(outputTE, uses, pJet);
/*if (!sc){
log << MSG::ERROR
<< "Write of TrigT2Jet into outputTE failed"
<< endmsg;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
} */ // Not used anymore.
//double etjet = pJet->e();
double etjet = pJet->et();
if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Jet energy (L2): " << etjet << endmsg;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// jet cleaning:
// =============
// global flag cleaningVeto: if this flag is set to true,
// the hypo will reject the event (if in addition m_acceptAll == false)
bool cleaningVeto = false;
// depending on the values of the two flags applyCleaningToHighEtJets and applyCleaningToLowEtJets, the cleaning
// is only applied to jets with Et > cleaningLowEtThreshold and/or Et < cleaningHighEtThreshold.
bool applyCleaning = true;
if(m_applyCleaningToHighEtJets == false && etjet > m_cleaningHighEtThreshold){
applyCleaning = false;
else if(m_applyCleaningToLowEtJets == false && etjet < m_cleaningLowEtThreshold){ // else if construct for performance
applyCleaning = false;
if(applyCleaning == true){
// n90 and hecfraction cut:
if( m_doHECfnLeadingCellsCleaning == true && pJet->nLeadingCells() <= m_leadingCellsThr && pJet->hecf() > m_hecfThrN ){
cleaningVeto = true;
// else if constructs for performance (once cleaning veto is true, the decision to reject the jet is taken)
// bad quality in EMC:
else if( m_doEMfJetQualityCleaning == true &&
pJet->emf() > m_emfThrQ && fabs(pJet->jetQuality()) > m_jetQualityThrE && fabs(pJet->eta()) < m_etaThrEmfQ ){
cleaningVeto = true;
// bad quality in HEC
else if( m_doHECfJetQualityCleaning == true && pJet->hecf() > m_hecfThrQ && fabs(pJet->jetQuality()) > m_jetQualityThrH ){
cleaningVeto = true;
// out-of-time jets
else if( m_doTimeQualityCleaning == true &&
fabs(pJet->jetTimeCells()) > m_timeThrTimeQuality && fabs(pJet->jetQuality()) > m_qualityThrTimeQuality ){
cleaningVeto = true;
// very small fraction of energy in EMC at high eta:
else if(m_doEMfCleaningHighEta == true && pJet->emf() < m_emfThrEmfHighEta && fabs(pJet->eta()) >= m_etaThrEmfHighEta ){
cleaningVeto = true;
// very small fraction of energy in EMC at low eta:
else if(m_doEMfCleaningLowEta == true && pJet->emf() < m_emfThrEmfLowEta && fabs(pJet->eta()) < m_etaThrEmfLowEta ){
cleaningVeto = true;
if(pJet->nLeadingCells() < m_n90Threshold)
msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " L2 basic jet cleaning: n90 < " << m_n90Threshold << endmsg;
cleaningVeto = true;
/* if(pJet->presamplerFraction() > m_presamplerThreshold)
msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " L2 basic jet cleaning: presampler fraction > " << m_presamplerThreshold << endmsg;
cleaningVeto = true;
if(pJet->?() < m_negativeEThreshold)
msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " EF jet cleaning: Negative energy < " << m_negativeEThreshold << endmsg;
cleaningVeto = true;
// end of jet cleaning
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Et and Jet Quality Cut
if( (etjet > m_EtCut_L2 && cleaningVeto == false) || m_acceptAll) {
pass = true;
if ( etjet > m_EtCut_L2 && cleaningVeto == false) {
m_e = pJet->e();
m_eta = pJet->eta();
m_phi = pJet->phi();
m_et = m_e/cosh(m_eta);
// monitor cleaning variables:
m_emf = pJet->emf();
m_hecf = pJet->hecf();
m_nLeadingCells = pJet->nLeadingCells();
m_jetQuality = pJet-> jetQuality();
m_jetTimeCells = pJet-> jetTimeCells();
if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " Event accepted ! " << endmsg;
} else {
if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " Event rejected !" << endmsg;
//m_cutCounter>1 not yet implemented
// Time total TrigL2JetHypo execution time.
// -------------------------------------
if (m_timersvc) m_timers[0]->stop();
return HLT::OK;
#include "TrigCaloHypo/TrigEFCaloHypoNoise.h"
#include "TrigCaloHypo/TrigL2JetHypo.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/DeclareFactoryEntries.h"
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