diff --git a/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/python/EventDisplaysConfig.py b/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/python/EventDisplaysConfig.py
index 0ec09b662af2bd44c5245e38ea83aefc4c4d38fc..ea384c35243c8c1bb98a01fad94f061de0d8ac1a 100644
--- a/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/python/EventDisplaysConfig.py
+++ b/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/python/EventDisplaysConfig.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 def GetRunType():
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ def GetRunType():
     import os
     partition = os.environ['TDAQ_PARTITION']
   except KeyError :
-    partition = "EventDisplays"
+    partition = "ATLAS"
     mlog.warning("TDAQ_PARTITION not defined in environment, using %s as default"%partition)
   mlog.debug('Probing partition %s for RunType'%partition)
diff --git a/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/python/EventUtils.py b/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/python/EventUtils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9ca59221a4ac7c91525599df877f9b7b63445d0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/python/EventUtils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+import os, re, time
+# This method reads the files in the given directory, sorts them by run/event number,
+# finds atlantis and vp1 files belonging to the same event and returns a list of events
+# and their corresponing files: (event, run, atlantis, vp1)
+def getEventlist(msg, directory):
+	filelist = []
+	files = os.listdir(directory)
+	# Build a list of files ordered by run/event number
+	for file in files:
+		matches = re.search('(?:JiveXML|vp1)_(\d+)_(\d+)(?:\.xml|_.+\.pool\.root)', file)
+		# Event file, add tot the list
+		if matches:
+			run = "%012d" % long(matches.group(1))
+			event = "%012d" % long(matches.group(2))
+			fileentry = run, event, file
+			filelist.append(fileentry)
+		# Something else, check if it is one of our bookkeeping files, otherwise try to remove it
+		elif file not in ['latest_vp1event', 'event.list']:
+			# If the file is recent, it might be from another thread... delete after 5 minutes
+			try:
+				if time.time() - os.path.getmtime(file) > 300:
+					msg.info("File '%s' does not belong in the output directory, removing it." % file)
+					try:
+						os.unlink("%s/%s" % (directory, file))
+					except OSError, err:
+						msg.warning("Could not remove '%s': %s" % (file, err))
+			except OSError:
+				# File was probably a temp file from another thread that already disappeared
+				pass
+	i = 0
+	eventlist = []
+	filelist.sort()
+	numfiles = len(filelist)
+	# Now loop through the files to form pairs
+	while i < numfiles-1:
+		#if filelist[i][0] != filelist[i+1][0] or filelist[i][1] != filelist[i+1][1]:
+			# Make sure that files without a partner (atlantis-vp1) are also removed
+		#	if i == 0:
+		#		msg.warning("One of the files is missing for run %s, event %s, removing the other as well." % (filelist[i][0], filelist[i][1]))
+		#		try:
+		#			os.unlink("%s/%s" % (directory, filelist[i][2]))
+		#		except OSError, err:
+		#			msg.warning("Could not remove '%s': %s" % (filelist[i][2], err))
+			# Do not include such files in the list for atlas-live.cern.ch
+		#	i = i + 1
+		#else:
+			# Build list for atlas-live.cern.ch
+			evententry = filelist[i][0], filelist[i][1], filelist[i][2], filelist[i+1][2]
+			eventlist.append(evententry)
+			i = i + 1
+	return eventlist;
+# Prune events in the given directory if the number exceeds the specified number
+def pruneEvents(msg, directory, maxevents, eventlist):
+	i = 0
+	numevents = len(eventlist)
+	# Check if there are more events than allowed and prune a number of files equal to the excess
+	if numevents > maxevents:
+		for i in range(numevents-maxevents):
+			run, event, atlantis, vp1 = eventlist.pop(0)
+			msg.debug("Going to prune files %s and %s for run %s and event %s." % (atlantis, vp1, run, event))
+			try:
+				os.unlink("%s/%s" % (directory, atlantis))
+				os.unlink("%s/%s" % (directory, vp1))
+			except OSError, err:
+				msg.warning("Could not remove files for run %s, event %s: %s" % (run, event, err))
+	else:
+		msg.debug("Nothing to prune (%d <= %d)." % (numevents, maxevents))
+# Build the event.list file that is used by atlas-live.cern.ch for synchronizing events
+def writeEventlist(msg, directory, eventlist):
+	pid = os.getpid()
+	try:
+		file = open("%s/event.%d" % (directory, pid), 'w')
+		for run, event, atlantis, vp1 in eventlist:
+			file.write("run:%s,event:%s,atlantis:%s,vp1:%s\n" % (run, event, atlantis, vp1))
+		file.close()
+	except IOError, err:
+		msg.warning("Could not write event list: %s" % err)
+	# Rename for an atomic overwrite operation
+	try:
+		os.rename("%s/event.%d" % (directory, pid), "%s/event.list" % directory)
+	except OSError, err:
+		msg.warning("Could not rename event.%d to event.list: %s" % (pid, err))
+# Perform all of these in one command
+def cleanDirectory(msg, directory, maxevents):
+	eventlist = getEventlist(msg, directory)
+	if maxevents:
+		pruneEvents(msg, directory, maxevents, eventlist)
+	writeEventlist(msg, directory, eventlist)
diff --git a/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/python/OnlineEventDisplaysSvc.py b/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/python/OnlineEventDisplaysSvc.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6fb683f45aabe51b49a840814f4b81e64a396536
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/python/OnlineEventDisplaysSvc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+__doc__ = """This service runs in the online Athena event display threads. It
+manages the distribution of incoming events to the right event display streams.
+In order to do that it connects to the different Atlantis and VP1 event output
+algorithms/tools and manipulates their job options during the run.
+__version__ = "0.1"
+__author__  = "Eric Jansen <eric.jansen@cern.ch>"
+import os, grp, stat, random
+from ipc import IPCPartition
+from ispy import ISInfoDictionary, ISInfoAny, ISObject
+from AthenaPython import PyAthena
+from AthenaPython.PyAthena import StatusCode
+from PyAnalysisCore import PyEventTools
+from EventDisplaysOnline import EventUtils
+class OnlineEventDisplaysSvc( PyAthena.Svc ):
+	def __init__(self, name = 'OnlineEventDisplaysSvc', **kw):
+		kw['name'] = name
+		self.output = kw.get('OutputDirectory')
+		self.maxevents = kw.get('MaxEvents')
+		self.public = kw.get('Public')
+		self.projecttags = kw.get('ProjectTags')
+		self.DQMgid = None
+		self.partition = None
+		self.StreamToFileTool = None
+		self.StreamToServerTool = None
+		self.VP1EventProducer = None
+		self.TrigConfDataIOVChanger = None
+		self.TrigBSExtraction = None
+		self.TrigDecMaker = None 
+		self.TrigDecTool = None
+		self.run = 0
+		self.event = 0
+		self.stream = ''
+		self.directory = ''
+		super(OnlineEventDisplaysSvc,self).__init__(**kw)
+	def initialize(self):
+		incidentSvc = PyAthena.py_svc('IncidentSvc', iface='IIncidentSvc')
+		incidentSvc.addListener(self, 'BeginEvent')
+		incidentSvc.addListener(self, 'StoreCleared')
+		self.partition = IPCPartition('ATLAS')
+		self.dict = ISInfoDictionary(self.partition)
+		self.DQMgid = grp.getgrnam("DQM").gr_gid
+		return StatusCode.Success
+	def finalize(self):
+		return StatusCode.Success
+	def getJobOptions(self):
+		self.StreamToFileTool = PyAthena.py_tool('JiveXML::StreamToFileTool', iface='IProperty')
+		self.StreamToServerTool = PyAthena.py_tool('JiveXML::StreamToServerTool', iface='IProperty')
+		# Some casting magic is needed to access algorithm properties
+		from GaudiPython.Bindings import gbl, InterfaceCast
+		vp1alg = PyAthena.py_alg('VP1EventProd')
+		self.VP1EventProducer = InterfaceCast(gbl.IProperty).cast(vp1alg)
+		self.msg.info("StreamToFileTool: %s" % self.StreamToFileTool)
+		self.msg.info("StreamToServerTool: %s" % self.StreamToServerTool)
+		self.msg.info("VP1EventProducer: %s" % self.VP1EventProducer)
+	def beginEvent(self):
+		if not (self.StreamToFileTool and self.StreamToServerTool and self.VP1EventProducer):
+			self.getJobOptions()
+		if not self.TrigDecTool:
+			try:
+				self.TrigConfDataIOVChanger = PyAthena.py_alg('TrigConfDataIOVChanger')
+				self.TrigBSExtraction = PyAthena.py_alg('TrigBSExtraction')
+				self.TrigDecMaker = PyAthena.py_alg('TrigDecMaker')
+				self.TrigDecTool = PyAthena.py_tool('Trig::TrigDecisionTool/TrigDecisionTool', iface='Trig::TrigDecisionTool')
+				self.msg.info("TrigDecTool: %s" % self.TrigDecTool)
+			except Exception, err:
+				self.msg.warning("Coult not retrieve TrigDecisionTool: %s" % err)
+		try:
+			eventInfo = PyEventTools.getEventInfo('')
+		except LookupError, err:
+			self.msg.error("Could not retrieve EventInfo: %s" % err)
+			return StatusCode.Recoverable
+		try:
+			# Read event info
+			eventID = eventInfo.event_ID()
+			self.run = eventID.run_number()
+			self.event = eventID.event_number()
+			# Retrieve trigger info
+			triggerInfo = eventInfo.trigger_info()
+			if triggerInfo:
+				streamTags = triggerInfo.streamTags()
+			else:
+				streamTags = []
+		except Exception, err:
+			self.msg.error("Exception occured while reading event/trigger info: %s" % err)
+			return StatusCode.Recoverable
+		# Retrieve the physics stream names from the trigger info
+		streams = []
+		for tag in streamTags:
+			## Added 08/03/15 - sjiggins - Wanted to see if events had physics stream tag or was from random trigger
+			if tag.name():
+				self.msg.debug("Event %d/%d has the corresponding streamTags: %s" % (self.run, self.event, tag.type()))
+			##################################################################################
+			if tag.type() == 'express' and tag.name():
+				streams += [tag.type()+'_'+tag.name()]
+			if tag.type() == 'physics' and tag.name():
+				streams += [tag.type()+'_'+tag.name()]
+		# Add special streams to the list (JetTriggers, Public)
+		try:
+			if self.TrigDecTool:
+				self.TrigConfDataIOVChanger.execute()
+				self.TrigBSExtraction.execute()
+				self.TrigDecMaker.execute()
+				if self.TrigDecTool.isPassed('L1_J5') or self.TrigDecTool.isPassed('L1_J10') or self.TrigDecTool.isPassed('L1_J15'):
+					streams += ['JetTriggers']
+				#if self.TrigDecTool.isPassed('L1_MBTS_1_1'):
+				#	streams += ['MinBias']
+				#if self.TrigDecTool.isPassed('L1_MU0') or self.TrigDecTool.isPassed('L1_MU6') or self.TrigDecTool.isPassed('L1_MU10'):
+				#	streams += ['Muons']
+		except Exception, err:
+			self.msg.error("Exception occured while using TrigDecTool: %s" % err)
+		try:
+			for stream in streams:
+				if stream in self.public:
+					ready4physics = ISInfoAny()
+					self.dict.getValue('RunParams.Ready4Physics', ready4physics)
+					print "Ready for physics: %s " % ready4physics.get()
+					runparams = ISObject(self.partition, 'RunParams.RunParams','RunParams')
+					runparams.checkout()
+					physicsReady = ISObject(self.partition, 'RunParams.Ready4Physics','Ready4PhysicsInfo')
+					physicsReady.checkout()
+					print "Ready for physics: %r" % (physicsReady.ready4physics)
+					#if ready4physics.get() and physicsReady.ready4physics and runparams.T0_project_tag in self.projecttags:
+					if physicsReady.ready4physics and runparams.T0_project_tag in self.projecttags:
+						streams += ['Public']
+					else:
+						self.msg.debug("RunParams.Ready4Physics is not set, run number is not set, or T0_project_tag is not set to any of %s" % ", ".join(self.projecttags))
+						break
+		except Exception, err:
+			self.msg.error("Exception occured while reading RunParams.Ready4Physics: %s" % err)
+		# Randomize list of streams
+		random.shuffle(streams)
+		self.msg.debug("Event %d/%d has event display stream tags: %s" % (self.run, self.event, ", ".join(streams)))
+		# Start from the beginning and send the event to the first stream that passes our directory checks
+		self.directory = ''
+		for self.stream in streams:
+			self.directory = "%s/%s" % (self.output, self.stream)
+			if os.access(self.directory, os.F_OK):
+				if os.path.isdir(self.directory) and os.access(self.directory, os.W_OK):
+					self.msg.debug("Going to write file to existing directory: %s" % self.directory)
+					if os.stat(self.directory).st_gid != self.DQMgid:
+						self.msg.debug("Setting group to 'DQM' for directory: %s" % self.directory)
+						os.chown(self.directory, -1, self.DQMgid)
+					break
+				else:
+					self.msg.warning("Directory \'%s\' is not usable, trying next alternative" % self.directory)
+					self.directory = ''
+			else:
+				try:
+					os.mkdir(self.directory)
+					os.chmod(self.directory, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXOTH)
+					os.chown(self.directory, -1, self.DQMgid)
+					self.msg.info("Created output directory \'%s\' for stream \'%s\'" % (self.directory, self.stream))
+					break
+				except OSError, err:
+					self.msg.warning("Failed to create output directory \'%s\' for stream \'%s\': %s", (self.directory, self.stream, err.strerror))
+					self.directory = ''
+		# Check if a suitable directory was found
+		if self.directory:
+			self.msg.debug("Event %d/%d will be streamed to: %s" % (self.run, self.event, self.stream))
+		else:
+			# This event is hopelessly lost, send StatusCode.Recoverable in an attempt to abort.
+			# But if Athena chooses to ignore that, set the output to the "Unknown" trashcan stream.
+			self.stream = 'Unknown'
+			self.directory = "%s/.Unknown" % self.output
+		try:
+			# Set output stream for JiveXML event streaming (file and server)
+			self.StreamToServerTool.getProperty('StreamName').setValue("%s" % self.stream)
+			self.StreamToFileTool.getProperty('FileNamePrefix').setValue("%s/JiveXML" % self.directory)
+			# And also for the VP1 event producer algorithm
+			self.VP1EventProducer.getProperty('DestinationDirectory').setValue(self.directory)
+		except Exception, err:
+			self.msg.error("Exception occured while setting job options: %s" % err)
+			return StatusCode.Failure
+		if not self.directory:
+			return StatusCode.Recoverable
+	def endEvent(self):
+		# Prune events and make index file for atlas-live.cern.ch
+		if self.directory:
+			# Hack for missing VP1 files, create an empty file to make cleanup/sync work
+			#open("%s/vp1_%d_%d_0.pool.root" % (self.directory, self.run, self.event), 'a').close()
+			EventUtils.cleanDirectory(self.msg, self.directory, self.maxevents)
+		# And cleanup the variables
+		self.run = 0
+		self.event = 0
+		self.stream = ''
+		self.directory = ''
+	def handle(self, incident):
+		self.msg.verbose("Received incident %s from %s" % (incident.type(), incident.source()))
+		# Event and trigger info present, decide stream
+		if incident.type() == 'BeginEvent' and incident.source() == 'AthenaEventLoopMgr':
+			self.beginEvent()
+		# VP1 writes its file at EndEvent, so we can do cleanup at StoreCleared
+		if incident.type() == 'StoreCleared' and incident.source() == 'StoreGateSvc':
+			self.endEvent()
diff --git a/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/python/PruneAlg.py b/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/python/PruneAlg.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..539c275cdae2ab25edd27a7dabdc0b3230670eb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/python/PruneAlg.py
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+__doc__ = """Algorithm for pruning eventdisplay files
+__version__ = "0.2"
+__author__  = "Eric Jansen <eric.jansen@cern.ch>"
+from AthenaPython import PyAthena
+from AthenaPython.PyAthena import StatusCode
+from EventDisplaysOnline import EventUtils
+class PruneAlg( PyAthena.Alg ):
+	def __init__(self, name = "PruneAlg", **kw):
+		kw['name'] = name
+		super(PruneAlg,self).__init__(**kw)
+		self.directory = kw.get("OutputDirectory", "/EventDisplayEvents/Default")
+		self.numevents = kw.get("NumberOfEvents", 250)
+	def initialize(self):
+		self.msg.debug("Going to prune %s, keeping %d events" % (self.directory, self.numevents))
+		return StatusCode.Success
+	def execute(self):
+		EventUtils.cleanDirectory(self.msg, self.directory, self.numevents)
+		return StatusCode.Success
+	def finalize(self):
+		return StatusCode.Success
diff --git a/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/scripts/athena_script.sh b/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/scripts/athena_script.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7cd662e90f78d7a5d69449d66d67c597aa1229e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/scripts/athena_script.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+exec athena.py $*
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/share/Atlantis_jobOptions.py b/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/share/Atlantis_jobOptions.py
index f44c95ce84674a9815b5f51375fe9062e2131606..29be2b16e03dac7f9b5ef73fec085349c8d32933 100644
--- a/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/share/Atlantis_jobOptions.py
+++ b/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/share/Atlantis_jobOptions.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 ### Enable Atlantis-flag (fake as this happens after we include RecExCommon)
 from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
+rec.doJiveXML.set_Value_and_Lock(True)  ## Steered by graphics/JiveXML/share/JiveXML_RecEx_Config.py
 ### Setup output level
 if not 'AtlantisMsgLvl' in dir():
@@ -28,23 +28,23 @@ AlgoJiveXML.AtlasRelease = os.environ["AtlasVersion"]
 ### - this is the same as AlgoJiveXML.WriteToFile = True
 ###   but allows to set the StreamName as prefix
 from JiveXML.JiveXMLConf import JiveXML__StreamToFileTool
-AlgoJiveXML.StreamTools += [
-  JiveXML__StreamToFileTool(FileNamePrefix=OutputDirectory+"/JiveXML",
-                            OutputLevel=AtlantisMsgLvl)
+StreamToFileTool = JiveXML__StreamToFileTool(
+        FileNamePrefix="%s/.Unknown/JiveXML" % OutputDirectory,
+        OutputLevel=AtlantisMsgLvl)
+ToolSvc += StreamToFileTool
+AlgoJiveXML.StreamTools += [ StreamToFileTool ]
 #Disable default tool
 AlgoJiveXML.WriteToFile = False
 ### Online mode allows you to send events to
-### AtlantiJava clients over a network connection
+### AtlantisJava clients over a network connection
 ### - this is the same as AlgoJiveXML.OnlineMode = True
 ###   but allows to the set server port number
-if not 'Port' in dir():
-  Port=48965
-from JiveXML.JiveXMLConf import JiveXML__XMLRPCStreamTool
-AlgoJiveXML.StreamTools += [
-  JiveXML__XMLRPCStreamTool(ServerPort=Port,OutputLevel=AtlantisMsgLvl)
+#if 'Port' in dir():
+#    from JiveXML.JiveXMLConf import JiveXML__XMLRPCStreamTool
+#    AlgoJiveXML.StreamTools += [
+#      JiveXML__XMLRPCStreamTool(ServerPort=Port,OutputLevel=AtlantisMsgLvl)
+#    ]
 #Disable default tool
 AlgoJiveXML.OnlineMode = False
@@ -55,22 +55,23 @@ AlgoJiveXML.OnlineMode = False
 #configure external ONCRCP server service to stream to the machine running our
 #server instance and adopt the message level
 if not 'ServerHost' in dir():
-  ServerHost="pc-tdq-mon-31"
+  ServerHost="pc-tdq-mon-29"
 from JiveXML.JiveXMLConf import JiveXML__ExternalONCRPCServerSvc
 ServiceMgr += JiveXML__ExternalONCRPCServerSvc("ExternalONCRPCServerSvc",
 #And add a stream tool that stream using the current stream tag
 from JiveXML.JiveXMLConf import JiveXML__StreamToServerTool
-AlgoJiveXML.StreamTools += [
-  JiveXML__StreamToServerTool(ServerService=ServiceMgr.ExternalONCRPCServerSvc,
-                              StreamName=StreamName)
+StreamToServerTool = JiveXML__StreamToServerTool(
+        OutputLevel=AtlantisMsgLvl,
+        ServerService=ServiceMgr.ExternalONCRPCServerSvc,
+	StreamName="Unknown")
+ToolSvc += StreamToServerTool
+AlgoJiveXML.StreamTools += [ StreamToServerTool ]
 ### Enable this to recreate the geometry XML files for Atlantis
 AlgoJiveXML.WriteGeometry = False
 ### add the AlgoJiveXML
 topSequence += AlgoJiveXML
@@ -82,20 +83,19 @@ if DetFlags.detdescr.ID_on() :
     include ( "JiveXML/DataTypes_InDet.py" )
 if DetFlags.detdescr.Calo_on():
-    include ( "JiveXML/DataTypes_Calos.py" )
+  include ( "JiveXML/DataTypes_Calos.py" )
+  if not rec.doHeavyIon:
     #Switch on pulse shapes for Tiles
     ToolSvc.CaloTileRetriever.DoTileDigit = True
     ToolSvc.CaloTileRetriever.DoTileCellDetails = True
     #Switch on pulse shapes for MBTS
     ToolSvc.CaloMBTSRetriever.DoMBTSDigits = True
     #Also switch on LAR digits, but only for Calo streams
-    if (Stream in ['L1Calo','L1CaloEM','MinBias']) and not Splash :
-      include("EventDisplaysOnline/LArDigits_jobOptions.py")
 if DetFlags.detdescr.Muon_on() :
     include ( "JiveXML/DataTypes_Muons.py" )
-#Switch on trigger if trig data is there
+#Switch on trigger if trig data is there 
 if rec.doTrigger():
   include ( "JiveXML/DataTypes_Trig.py" )
   #Special options for ACR
@@ -107,6 +107,53 @@ if rec.doTrigger():
 ### Always use this one
 include ( "JiveXML/DataTypes_Reco.py" )
+theJetRecJetRetriever.OtherJetCollections = []
+#theMissingETRetriever.OtherMissingETCollections = []
+## ================== Edit: 25-02-2015 by sjiggins - Do not limit additional Track Collection ========================                  
+include ( "JiveXML/DataTypes_Trig.py" ) # 25-02-2015 Change made by sjiggins to allow doTriggers to float
+#include ("xAODJiveXML/xAODJiveXML_DataTypes.py") # 04-04/15 by sjiggins
+#### jpthomas 4Jun15: Added correct muon track collection, but still also retrieve MS-only too:
+ToolSvc.TrackRetriever.OtherTrackCollections = ["CombinedMuonTracks","MuonSpectrometerTracks"] 
+## ===================================================================================================================
+## ========================== Edit: Beam Splash reduction flags ====================================                      
+##topSequence.theEventData2XML.DataTypes.remove("JiveXML::PixelClusterRetriever/PixelClusterRetriever"); #Solved by TrigJiveXML checkout
+#topSequence.CaloLArRetriever.LArlCellThreshold = 500.;
+#topSequence.CaloHECRetriever.HEClCellThreshold = 500.;                                                                    
+#ToolSvc.CaloLArRetriever.LArlCellThreshold = 500.;
+#ToolSvc.CaloHECRetriever.HEClCellThreshold = 500.;
+#ToolSvc.TrackRetriever.OtherTrackCollections = [];                                   
+#ToolSvc.xAODTrackParticleRetriever.OtherTrackCollections = []                                                              
+## ======================================================================================= 
+if rec.doHeavyIon:
+  #topSequence.AlgoJiveXML.DataTypes.remove("JiveXML::V0CandidateRetriever/V0CandidateRetriever") 
+  #topSequence.AlgoJiveXML.DataTypes.remove("JiveXML::TruthTrackRetriever/TruthTrackRetriever") 
+  #topSequence.AlgoJiveXML.DataTypes.remove("JiveXML::TruthMuonTrackRetriever/TruthMuonTrackRetriever") 
+  topSequence.AlgoJiveXML.DataTypes.remove("JiveXML::SiSpacePointRetriever/SiSpacePointRetriever") 
+  topSequence.AlgoJiveXML.DataTypes.remove("JiveXML::SiClusterRetriever/SiClusterRetriever") 
+  topSequence.AlgoJiveXML.DataTypes.remove("JiveXML::PixelClusterRetriever/PixelClusterRetriever") 
+  topSequence.AlgoJiveXML.DataTypes.remove("JiveXML::TRTRetriever/TRTRetriever") 
+  topSequence.AlgoJiveXML.DataTypes.remove("JiveXML::CaloClusterRetriever/CaloClusterRetriever") 
+  topSequence.AlgoJiveXML.DataTypes.remove("JiveXML::PixelRDORetriever/PixelRDORetriever")
+  topSequence.AlgoJiveXML.DataTypes.remove("JiveXML::SCTRDORetriever/SCTRDORetriever")
+  ToolSvc.TrackRetriever.PriorityTrackCollection = "Tracks" 
+  ToolSvc.TrackRetriever.OtherTrackCollections = ["ConvertedStacoTracks","ConvertedMuIdCBTracks"] 
+  ToolSvc.TrackRetriever.DoHitsDetails = False 
 ### Finally, print setup if in debug mode
 if AtlantisMsgLvl <= DEBUG:
   print "\n\n\t Atlantis setup\n",AlgoJiveXML,"\n\n"
diff --git a/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/share/ByteStreamController_jobOptions.py b/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/share/ByteStreamController_jobOptions.py
index 2c796c9825545528ee78c281523ef3ac3cf94dca..13b8fbb78849d2842e709608098f83eb392007c4 100644
--- a/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/share/ByteStreamController_jobOptions.py
+++ b/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/share/ByteStreamController_jobOptions.py
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ theApp.CreateSvc += ['ISPropertySvc']
 from ByteStreamEmonController.ByteStreamEmonControllerConf import BSEmonCtrlSvc
 #Create an instance with a stream-specific name
-ByteStreamEmonCtrlSvc = BSEmonCtrlSvc(Stream+"-BSEmonCtrlSvc")
+ByteStreamEmonCtrlSvc = BSEmonCtrlSvc(AppName+"-BSEmonCtrlSvc")
 ServiceMgr += ByteStreamEmonCtrlSvc
 #Add to list of services created right-away (otherwise not referenced)
-theApp.CreateSvc += ["BSEmonCtrlSvc/"+Stream+"-BSEmonCtrlSvc"]
+theApp.CreateSvc += ["BSEmonCtrlSvc/"+AppName+"-BSEmonCtrlSvc"]
 # Switch output level if requested
diff --git a/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/share/ByteStreamInput_jobOptions.py b/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/share/ByteStreamInput_jobOptions.py
index 978f51afab7d22585239a35a0cff919fbe15fb7e..30ecaea6f66618ddafe55a076f11bdefeedeae21 100644
--- a/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/share/ByteStreamInput_jobOptions.py
+++ b/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/share/ByteStreamInput_jobOptions.py
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ ByteStreamEmonInputSvc.Partition = Partition
 # The source of events, SFI for full events
 # #########################################
 if not 'SamplingLevel' in dir():
-  SamplingLevel="SFI"
+  SamplingLevel="efd"
 ByteStreamEmonInputSvc.Key = SamplingLevel
 # ############################################################
@@ -82,7 +82,9 @@ ByteStreamEmonInputSvc.KeyCount = Nodes
 # #################################
 # Set dispersion flag to false (so other can sample the same event
 # #################################
+if not 'Dispersion' in dir():
+  Dispersion=False
 # #################################
 # Set timeout (in ms?)
@@ -105,7 +107,9 @@ ByteStreamEmonInputSvc.LVL1Logic = "Ignore"
 # This can be used instead of or in addition to LVL1Bits.
 # ###########################################################
-#ByteStreamEmonInputSvc.LVL1Names = ['L1_MU2', 'L1_MU3', 'L1_EM10' ]
+if 'LVL1Names' in dir():
+  ByteStreamEmonInputSvc.LVL1Logic = "Or"
+  ByteStreamEmonInputSvc.LVL1Names = LVL1Names.split(' ')
 # A list of numerical trigger bits instead of names. This is
 # Or'ed with LVL1Names
@@ -119,7 +123,7 @@ ByteStreamEmonInputSvc.LVL1Logic = "Ignore"
 if ( not 'Stream' in dir()) or (Stream == 'Default') or (Stream.startswith("Test")):
   ByteStreamEmonInputSvc.StreamLogic = "Ignore"
-  ByteStreamEmonInputSvc.StreamLogic = "And"
+  ByteStreamEmonInputSvc.StreamLogic = "Or"
 # ###########################################
 # One of 'physics' or 'calibration'
@@ -132,7 +136,7 @@ ByteStreamEmonInputSvc.StreamType = StreamType
 # ############################################
 # A list of stream tag names
 # ############################################
-ByteStreamEmonInputSvc.StreamNames = [ Stream ]
+ByteStreamEmonInputSvc.StreamNames = Stream.split(' ')
 # #################################################
 # The event buffer size
diff --git a/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/share/EventDisplay_jobOptions.py b/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/share/EventDisplay_jobOptions.py
index 18640415689dd1965f3a8cd2a183a0dc476f96e1..dadaecbb078a9c224698a507f8c262168062d798 100644
--- a/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/share/EventDisplay_jobOptions.py
+++ b/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/share/EventDisplay_jobOptions.py
@@ -1,74 +1,166 @@
-# Setup for running event displays at point1
-#Define the general output directory for VP1 and Atlantis
-#All events will be stored in subdirectories of that directory
+## -- Overview of all default local settings that one can change 
+## -- The default values are also shown.
+## ------------------------------------------- flags set in: RecExOnline_jobOptions.py  
+isOnline          = True
+isOnlineStateless = True
+#Crashes online if you do not set this....
+isOfflineTest     = False
+#for the time being, running over file is not possible ONLINE (please see RecExOnline_File_Offline.py) 
+useEmon           = True
+#The number of machines we run with helpfully labelled "keycount"
+keycount          = 10 #10 #1000
+buffersize        = 10
+updateperiod      = 200
+timeout           = 600000
+keyname           = 'dcm'
+#Blank to read all
+streamName          = ''
+#Read Physics
+streamType        = 'physics'          #Progonal Does not specify  these
+useAtlantisEmon   = False
+## ------------------------------------------- flags set in: RecExOnline_emonsvc.py (from RecExOnline_jobOptions.py)                    
+partitionName   = 'ATLAS'
+#Current test partition looping through 2015 data if you want to test when no run is ongoing.
+#partitionName   = 'GMTestPartition_lshi_tdaq6'
+publishName     = 'EventDisplays'
+if (partitionName == 'ATLAS'):
+    evtMax            = -1
+#Don't flood if you are running on a test loop
+if (partitionName != 'ATLAS'):
+    evtMax            = 200
+## ------------------------------------------- flags set in: RecExOnline_globalconfig.py  (from RecExOnline_jobOptions.py)
+#read the pickle file if you want to use the AMI tag info
+#stored in ami_recotrf.pickle (produced by 'tct_getAmiTag.py f140 ami_recotrf.cmdargs ami_recotrf.pickle') 
+usePickleConfig   = False
+pickleconfigfile  = './ami_recotrf.pickle'
+DataSource        = 'data'
+InputFormat       = 'bytestream'
+fileName          = './0.data'
+#beamType          = 'cosmics'
+#beamType          = 'collisions'
+#COND tag and GEO are needed for running over a test partition online
+#Previous COND tag
+ConditionsTag     = 'CONDBR2-HLTP-2017-03' #Removed 07/04
+#Swapped to this following AMI tag for current reco. Swap back if not in release
+#ConditionsTag     = 'CONDBR2-ES1PA-2016-01' #Different
+#Current DetDesc
+DetDescrVersion   = 'ATLAS-R2-2016-01-00-01'
+doESD             = True
+writeESD          = True # False - Jiggins_12Feb_v2 working version switch 
+doAOD             = False #True  # False - Jiggins_12Feb_v2 wokring version switch
+writeAOD          = False # True  # False - Jiggins_12Feb_v2 working version switch
+IOVDbSvcMessage   = False
+## ------------------------------------------ flags set in: RecExOnline_recoflags.py (from RecExOnline_jobOptions.py)
+doAllReco   = True
+doInDet     = doAllReco
+doMuon      = True
+doLArg      = doAllReco
+doTile      = doAllReco
+doTrigger   = doAllReco 
+doHist      = False
+doJiveXML   = False
+doEgammaTau = False
+## ------------------------------------------ flags set in : RecExOnline_monitoring.py (from from RecExOnline_jobOptions.py)
+doAllMon  = False
+doCaloMon = doAllMon
+doPhysMon = doAllMon
+doTrigMon = False
+doIDMon   = doAllMon
+doTRTMon  = doAllMon
+doMuonMon = False
+doIDMon   = doAllMon
+doTRTMon  = doAllMon
+doMuonMon = False
+## ------------------------------------------ flags set in : RecExOnline_postconfig.py    (called from RecExOnline_jobOptions.py)
+## Define the general output directory for VP1 and Atlantis
 if not 'OutputDirectory' in dir():
-  OutputDirectory="/EventDisplayEvents/"
-#Make sure it ends with a "/"
-if not OutputDirectory.endswith("/"):
-  OutputDirectory += "/"
-#Make sure we run infintly if not otherwise specified on the command line
-from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties,athenaCommonFlags
-if 'EvtMax' in dir():
-  athenaCommonFlags.EvtMax.set_Value_and_Lock(EvtMax)
-  athenaCommonFlags.EvtMax.set_Value_and_Lock(-1)
-#Get a logger so we can show formated messages
-from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging                                                                                                                
-mlog = logging.getLogger( 'EventDisplays' )                                                                                       
-#Make sure we have a stream name defined
-if not 'Stream' in dir():
-  Stream="Default"
-#Make sure the Splash flag exists
-if not 'Splash' in dir():
-  Splash=False
-#Create phony stream name
-if not 'StreamName' in dir():
-  StreamName = Stream+(Splash and '-Splash' or '')
-#Assemble final output directory
-OutputDirectory += StreamName
-#Make sure the output directory exists and is writable
-import os, stat
-if os.access(OutputDirectory, os.F_OK):
-  if os.path.isdir(OutputDirectory) and os.access(OutputDirectory, os.W_OK):
-    mlog.info("using existing output directory \'%s\' for stream \'%s\'" % (OutputDirectory, StreamName))
-  else:
-    mlog.fatal("cannot write to directory \'%s\'" % OutputDirectory)
-    raise OSError("cannot write to directory \'%s\'" % OutputDirectory)
-  try:
-    os.mkdir(OutputDirectory);
-    os.chmod(OutputDirectory, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXOTH)
-    mlog.info("created output directory \'%s\' for stream \'%s\'" % (OutputDirectory, StreamName))
-  except OSError, err:
-    mlog.fatal("failed to create output directory \'%s\' for stream \'%s\': %s", (OutputDirectory, StreamName, err.strerror))
-    raise err
-#Bytestream input is configured here
-#Add reconstruction on top of that
-if not Splash:
-  include('EventDisplaysOnline/RecoCommon_jobOptions.py')
-else :
-  include('EventDisplaysOnline/SplashEvent_jobOptions.py')
-#Add Atlantis-specific jobOptions
-#Add VP1-specific jobOptions
-#Finally configure the ByteStreamController (after RecoCommon!)
+  OutputDirectory="/atlas/EventDisplayEvents"
+## Pause this thread until the ATLAS partition is up
+include ("EventDisplaysOnline/WaitForAtlas_jobOptions.py")
+from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
+## Setup unique output files (so that multiple Athenas on the same machine don't interfere)
+jobId = os.environ.get('TDAQ_APPLICATION_NAME', '').split(':')
+if not len(jobId) == 5:
+    from random import randint
+    jobId = ['Athena-EventProcessor', 'Athena-EventDisplays-Segment', 'EventDisplays-Rack', 'tmp', '%d' % randint(0, 999)]
+IPC_timeout = int(os.environ['TDAQ_IPC_TIMEOUT'])
+print " IPC_timeout Envrionment Variable = %d" %IPC_timeout
+#from random import randrange
+from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
+# #################### From JiveXML server python script ####################
+athenaCommonFlags.PoolESDOutput = "ESD-%s-%s.pool.root" % (jobId[3], jobId[4])                               
+## Additional flags from: GetTfCommand.py --AMI=x392
+from CaloRec.CaloCellFlags import jobproperties
+#Work around to stop crash in pixel cluster splitting 
+from InDetRecExample.InDetJobProperties import InDetFlags#All OK
+from JetRec.JetRecFlags import jetFlags
+#from MuonRecExample.MuonRecFlags import muonRecFlags; 
+#Crashes claiming does not exist
+from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
+#rec.projectName.set_Value_and_Lock('data16_comm') # CHECK THIS NAME WITH RUN CONTROL
+from RecExConfig.RecAlgsFlags import recAlgs
+## Main online reco scripts
+include ("RecExOnline/RecExOnline_jobOptions.py")
+ToolSvc.InDetPixelRodDecoder.OutputLevel = ERROR
+rec.abortOnUncheckedStatusCode = False
+include ("EventDisplaysOnline/JiveXMLServer_jobOptions.py")
+include ("EventDisplaysOnline/Atlantis_jobOptions.py")
+#include ("EventDisplaysOnline/VP1_jobOptions.py")
+## Disable histogramming
+################### Added by sjiggins 10/03/15 as given by Peter Van Gemmeren for name PoolFileatalogs
+svcMgr.PoolSvc.WriteCatalog = "xmlcatalog_file:PoolFileCatalog_%s_%s.xml" % (jobId[3], jobId[4])
+svcMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel = WARNING #INFO
+svcMgr.MessageSvc.Format = "% F%t %18W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
diff --git a/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/share/JiveXMLServer_jobOptions.py b/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/share/JiveXMLServer_jobOptions.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9cbb84b77f4d3644abbe9e3dcd1e2938f5a90951
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/share/JiveXMLServer_jobOptions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ #########################################
+# Setup for running event displays at point1
+import os
+from random import randrange
+from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
+######## Commented out by sjiggins - 19-02-2015 because of a ############### 
+######## writeESD crash with PoolFileCatalog read only error ###############
+#athenaCommonFlags.PoolESDOutput = 'ESD_' + randomString +'.pool.root'
+#os.environ['POOL_CATALOG'] = 'xmlcatalog_file:PoolFileCatalog_'+randomString+'.xml'
+#Add the online event display service
+from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
+if not hasattr(svcMgr, 'OnlineEventDisplaysSvc'):
+    if rec.doHeavyIon:
+        maxEvents=250
+        projectTags=['data18_hi']
+        publicStreams=['HardProbes', 'MinBias']
+    else:
+        maxEvents=250   #1000
+        ############## Original - changed by sjiggins @ 02-06-15 #################
+        #projectTags=['data12_8TeV']
+        #publicStreams=['Egamma', 'JetTauEtmiss', 'MinBias']
+        ##########################################################################
+        projectTags=['data18_13TeV']
+        publicStreams=['physics_Main']
+    from EventDisplaysOnline.OnlineEventDisplaysSvc import OnlineEventDisplaysSvc
+    svcMgr += OnlineEventDisplaysSvc(
+        "OnlineEventDisplaysSvc", 
+        OutputLevel = DEBUG,               # Verbosity
+        MaxEvents = maxEvents,             # Number of events to keep per stream
+        OutputDirectory = OutputDirectory, # Base directory for streams
+        ProjectTags = projectTags,         # Project tags that are allowed to be made public
+        Public = publicStreams,            # These streams go into public stream when Ready4Physics
+    )
+    theApp.CreateSvc += [svcMgr.OnlineEventDisplaysSvc.getFullJobOptName()]
diff --git a/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/share/VP1_jobOptions.py b/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/share/VP1_jobOptions.py
index c18c48a68ab385be7f6ae5f30b500ec4baff1c58..ed19e61a88547041056a30535abeba7bd6f4cbb1 100644
--- a/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/share/VP1_jobOptions.py
+++ b/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/share/VP1_jobOptions.py
@@ -4,23 +4,26 @@
 #     but setup things ourselves
-### Make sure a StreamESD stream has been setup before
-if not 'StreamESD' in dir():
-  print "\n\n"
-  print "\t WARNING: StreamESD is not available - can not run VP1 event producers!"
-  print "\t          Please use \"rec.doWriteESD\" to activate StreamESD.\n\n"
-  import sys
-  sys.exit(3);
+from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
+from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import OutputStreamSequencerSvc
+outputStreamSequencerSvc = OutputStreamSequencerSvc()
+outputStreamSequencerSvc.SequenceIncidentName = "EndEvent"
+outputStreamSequencerSvc.IgnoreInputFileBoundary = True
+svcMgr += outputStreamSequencerSvc
 ### Add the algorithm producing VP1 events
-from VP1Algs.VP1AlgsConf import VP1EventProd
+from VP1AlgsEventProd.VP1AlgsEventProdConf import VP1EventProd
 VP1EventProducer = VP1EventProd(InputPoolFile = StreamESD.OutputFile)
+## =================== Added 09/03/15 by sjiggins ================= 
+print "<<<<<<< VP1 Output File >>>>>>>"
+print "OutputFile: %s" % StreamESD.OutputFile
+## ================================================================
 #Write out files in the directory given by the stream name
-VP1EventProducer.DestinationDirectory = OutputDirectory
+VP1EventProducer.DestinationDirectory = "%s/.Unknown/" % OutputDirectory
 #Set number of files large so deleting is doen by prune script
-VP1EventProducer.MaxNumberOfFiles = 10000
+VP1EventProducer.MaxNumberOfFiles = 250
 #Set the output level
 if not 'VP1MsgLvl' in dir():
diff --git a/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/share/WaitForAtlas_jobOptions.py b/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/share/WaitForAtlas_jobOptions.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d507d394a2b1b5471c8de796c29012d86a344b28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/EventDisplaysOnline/share/WaitForAtlas_jobOptions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+from ispy import *
+import time
+while not partitionUp:
+    try:
+        p = IPCPartition(partitionName)
+        runparams = ISObject(p, "RunParams.RunParams", "RunParams")
+        runparams.checkout()
+        partitionUp=True
+    except Exception, e:
+        print "%s partition is not up, sleeping for 30 seconds" % partitionName
+        time.sleep(30)
diff --git a/graphics/JiveXML/src/ONCRPCServerSvc.cxx b/graphics/JiveXML/src/ONCRPCServerSvc.cxx
index d14a0abf10a4241356e202b9580948640ee267e7..42218c929b6167b65979a8cdeb4950f7516768cf 100644
--- a/graphics/JiveXML/src/ONCRPCServerSvc.cxx
+++ b/graphics/JiveXML/src/ONCRPCServerSvc.cxx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 #include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
@@ -342,8 +342,8 @@ namespace JiveXML {
     //obtain a lock. If the lock can not be obtained after a certain time, an
     //error is reported
-    //Timeout of 1 second and 0 nanoseconds
-    struct timespec timeout = { 1, 0 };
+    //Timeout of 5 second and 0 nanoseconds
+    struct timespec timeout = { 5, 0 };
     //Try to obtain the lock
 #ifndef __APPLE__
     int retVal = pthread_mutex_timedlock(&m_accessLock, &timeout);
diff --git a/graphics/JiveXML/src/ONCRPCServerThreads.cxx b/graphics/JiveXML/src/ONCRPCServerThreads.cxx
index 6b8914c52ab82b4394e99326a77efbb61ade3c4f..77a1bdcd680bae6d35c7bbe35cd5618873ef0a4d 100644
--- a/graphics/JiveXML/src/ONCRPCServerThreads.cxx
+++ b/graphics/JiveXML/src/ONCRPCServerThreads.cxx
@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@ namespace JiveXML {
       pthread_attr_t attr; retVal = pthread_attr_init (&attr);
       if ( ! checkResult(retVal,"request handler initializing thread attributes",ServerSvc)) return ;
-      //Set the stack size to 2*minumum
-      retVal = pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr,2*PTHREAD_STACK_MIN);
+      //Removing the limit on the thread memory usage as a test. Suspect that some threads do not have enough memory to finish and therefore eat up all the memory.
+      //retVal = pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr,10*PTHREAD_STACK_MIN);
       if ( ! checkResult(retVal,"request handler setting thread stacksize",ServerSvc)) return ;
       //NOTE: All threads are first created joinable, so we can wait for the to