diff --git a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/HLTMonTool.h b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/HLTMonTool.h
index a54969cb74558a73d64d1ea09b7f8a835e59b09e..98c698527d68beaca30bf74616d218f03a09c4b3 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/HLTMonTool.h
+++ b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/HLTMonTool.h
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ class HLTMonTool : public IHLTMonTool {
   std::vector<std::string>  m_L2_summary; //!< vector of L2 Chains
   std::vector<std::string>  m_EF_summary; //!< vector of EF Chains
   std::map<std::string,std::string>  m_regexlist; //!< maps Groupnames to corresponding regular expressions
+  std::map<std::string,std::string>  m_run1regexlist; //!< like m_regexlist but for Run-1
   std::vector<std::string> m_rateregex; //!< chains matching one of these regexes will be rate monitored
   std::map<cool::ValidityKey, cool::UInt63> m_lbStartTimes; //!< map of LB to its start time in UNIX time
   std::map<cool::ValidityKey, cool::UInt63> m_lbStopTimes;  //!< map of LB to its stop time in UNIX time
@@ -79,6 +80,15 @@ class HLTMonTool : public IHLTMonTool {
   const xAOD::LumiBlockRangeContainer* m_lbc;
   bool m_scopeLumi;
   int m_nLBs; //# of lumi blocks in run;
+  bool _useRun1Trigger; 
+  // this is a hack (recommended by Frank Winklmeier) to determine
+  // if we are processing "old/Run-1 data" (and we should expect 
+  // trigger chain names to begin with L2_ or EF_) vs "new data" 
+  // (where trigger chains names begin with HLT_). It is not the most 
+  // eloquent implementation ever, but it should work
+  bool useRun1Trigger(){return getRunNr() < 222222 && getRunNr() > 0;}
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/IHLTMonTool.h b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/IHLTMonTool.h
index 47933b5b91f0f19baa3f4a9be121ee6c7604cea8..f17e13de41523affb22b17dfc1455d617bcdf414 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/IHLTMonTool.h
+++ b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/IHLTMonTool.h
@@ -78,8 +78,6 @@ class IHLTMonTool : public ManagedMonitorToolBase {
   // Automatically casts a TTree to ntuple
   TNtuple *ntuple(const std::string &treeName, const std::string &monGroup = "");
   MsgStream *m_log;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/python/MenuAwareMonitoring.py b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/python/MenuAwareMonitoring.py
index c3bfccb8f371964737a11f09c32fb5cfb6df5701..030f00eb6da2eb1fa950f30fb06473db3d2df5d3 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/python/MenuAwareMonitoring.py
+++ b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/python/MenuAwareMonitoring.py
@@ -999,6 +999,14 @@ class MenuAwareMonitoring:
             # nice spacing for user
             print ""
+    def does_mck_athena_version_match_current_athena_version(self, mck_id):
+        "Compares the current Athena version to the one of the requested MCK"
+        mck_info = self.ms.oi.read_mck_info_from_db(mck_id)
+        mck_athena_version = mck_info['MCK_ATHENA_VERSION']
+        return mck_athena_version == self.current_athena_version            
     def apply_mck(self,input1="",print_output_here=""):
         "Apply an MCK to locally running tools."
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/python/TrigHLTMonitoringConfig.py b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/python/TrigHLTMonitoringConfig.py
index deda5fb33d2211f8a34816f3083adc43d9612bb0..29b4d3d0310d2050fe32c5f9a736d3fd2cd4ff2c 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/python/TrigHLTMonitoringConfig.py
+++ b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/python/TrigHLTMonitoringConfig.py
@@ -15,6 +15,18 @@ def HLTGeneralTool():
                                 'Taus'      : 'HLT_(tau[0-9]*|trk.*Tau).*',
                                 'Jets'      : 'HLT_(FJ|j)[0-9]+.*'
+                            # same as RegExes, but for Run-1;
+                            # this is only useful for processing Run-1 data 
+                            Run1RegExes = {
+                                'AllChains' : '(L2|EF)_.*', 
+                                'Electrons' : '(L2|EF)_e[0-9]+.*',
+                                'Gamma'     : '(L2|EF)_g[0-9]+.*',
+                                'Muons'     : '(L2|EF)_[0-9]*mu[0-9]+.*',
+                                'MinBias'   : '(L2|EF)_mb.*',
+                                'MissingET' : '(L2|EF)_(t|x)e[0-9]+.*',
+                                'Taus'      : '(L2|EF)_(tau[0-9]*|trk.*Tau).*',
+                                'Jets'      : '(L2|EF)_(FJ|j)[0-9]+.*'
+                                },
                             LumiKey = 'LumiBlocks'
     ToolSvc += HLTMon
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/share/addMonTools.py b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/share/addMonTools.py
index 3fef3255b95afcdb625111cde266cbd6fa3c8e4f..6e66ceadd034405e04ed1dc3035989b1fca2a0f4 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/share/addMonTools.py
+++ b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/share/addMonTools.py
@@ -161,9 +161,11 @@ if HLTMonFlags.doDump:
 ########## Menu-aware Monitoring ###########
-if HLTMonFlags.doMaM:
+HLTMonFlags.doMaM = False
+if HLTMonFlags.doMaM:    
     # set up menu-aware monitoring
+    # this is where MaM needs to check whether it is running in a Trigger reprocessing job or not, and start an instance of MaM connected to the correct database accordingly
     from TrigHLTMonitoring.MenuAwareMonitoring import MenuAwareMonitoring
     mam = MenuAwareMonitoring()
@@ -177,14 +179,17 @@ if HLTMonFlags.doMaM:
             # if a specific Monitoring Configuration Key (MCK) has been set, then use it
             if HLTMonFlags.MCK.StoredValue > 0:
-                print "Using trigger Monitoring Configuration Key (MCK)",HLTMonFlags.MCK.StoredValue
-                mam.apply_mck( HLTMonFlags.MCK.StoredValue )
-            # if HLTMonFlags.MCK is -1 (the default) then we pick the MCK based on the SMK
+                if mam.does_mck_athena_version_match_current_athena_version( HLTMonFlags.MCK.StoredValue ):
+                    print "Using trigger Monitoring Configuration Key (MCK)",HLTMonFlags.MCK.StoredValue
+                    mam.apply_mck( HLTMonFlags.MCK.StoredValue )
+                else: 
+                    print "MCK",HLTMonFlags.MCK.StoredValue,"cannot be applied as it is a patch for a different Athena version. No MCK applied."
+                    # should MAM check Cool in this case?
+            # if HLTMonFlags.MCK is -1 (the default) we get the MCK from Cool, if there is no MCK there then we pick the MCK based on the SMK
             if HLTMonFlags.MCK.StoredValue == -1:
-                # MaM will translate the SMK into an MCK, and apply it
+                # try to get the MCK from Cool
                 from RecExConfig.InputFilePeeker import inputFileSummary
                 #print "inputFileSummary =",inputFileSummary
                 if inputFileSummary.__contains__('bs_metadata'):
@@ -192,42 +197,96 @@ if HLTMonFlags.doMaM:
                     run_number = inputFileSummary['bs_metadata']['run_number']
                     lumi_block = inputFileSummary['bs_metadata']['LumiBlock']
                     runiov = (int(run_number)<<32) + int(lumi_block)
                     # get the database instance for getting the SMK
                     from IOVDbSvc.IOVDbSvcConf import IOVDbSvc
                     #print "svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.properties() =",svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.properties()
                     DBInstance = svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.properties()['DBInstance']
+                    # is this the right way to connect for the Trigger repro DB?
+                    # need to connect to some sqlite file instead
                     # try to connect to the COOL database
                     from PyCool import cool
                     from CoolConvUtilities.AtlCoolLib import indirectOpen
                     connstring = "COOLONL_TRIGGER/"+str(DBInstance)
-                    trigDB=indirectOpen(connstring,oracle='True')
-                    if trigDB is None:
-                        print "Unable to connect to",connstring
+                    coolDB=indirectOpen(connstring,oracle='True')
+                    if coolDB is None:
+                        print "Unable to connect to",connstring,"to get MCK from Cool. Will also not be able to get the SMK so no MCK will be applied."
-                        # get the SMK out of COOL
-                        folder=trigDB.getFolder('/TRIGGER/HLT/HltConfigKeys')
-                        retrieved_obj=folder.findObject(runiov,0)
+                        # try to get the MCK out of COOL
+                        MCKfolder=coolDB.getFolder('/TRIGGER/HLT/MonitoringConfigurationKey')
+                        retrieved_obj=MCKfolder.findObject(runiov,0)
-                        retrieved_format=retrieved_payload['MasterConfigurationKey']
-                        SuperMasterKey = int(retrieved_format)
+                        retrieved_format=retrieved_payload['MonitoringConfigurationKey']
+                        MonitoringConfigurationKey = int(retrieved_format)
+                        # what happens here if there is no MCK found for that IOV? At what point is the MCK added to Cool?
+                        print "MCK from Cool MonitoringConfigurationKey =",MonitoringConfigurationKey
+                        # if MCK found, check version 
+                        if MonitoringConfigurationKey > 0:
+                            if mam.does_mck_athena_version_match_current_athena_version( MonitoringConfigurationKey ):
+                                HLTMonFlags.MCK.StoredValue = MonitoringConfigurationKey
+                                print "Using trigger Monitoring Configuration Key (MCK) from Cool",HLTMonFlags.MCK.StoredValue
+                                mam.apply_mck( HLTMonFlags.MCK.StoredValue )
+                            else: 
+                                print "MCK",MonitoringConfigurationKey,"cannot be applied as it is a patch for a different Athena version."
+                        # if no MCK found or if MCK version doesn't match, check SMK  
+                        # If MCK version didn't match, should we update the MCK in Cool?
+                        # should MAM do this check by SMK if we find MCK 0 in the db? I don't think so 
+#                        if """( MonitoringConfigurationKey not found in cool ) or""" !mam.does_mck_athena_version_match_current_athena_version( MonitoringConfigurationKey ):
+                        if not mam.does_mck_athena_version_match_current_athena_version( MonitoringConfigurationKey ):
+                            SMKfolder=coolDB.getFolder('/TRIGGER/HLT/HltConfigKeys')
+                            retrieved_obj=SMKfolder.findObject(runiov,0)
+                            retrieved_payload=retrieved_obj.payload()
+                            retrieved_format=retrieved_payload['MasterConfigurationKey']
+                            SuperMasterKey = int(retrieved_format)
+                            print "SMK SuperMasterKey =",SuperMasterKey
+                            # We now have the required input info. Use mam to get the appropriate MCK
+                            MCKfromSMK = mam.get_mck_id_from_smk(SuperMasterKey)
+                            print "Have used Menu-aware monitoring to extract MCK",MCKfromSMK,"linked to SMK",SuperMasterKey
+                            # If the MCK is > 0 and is from the right release then apply it, otherwise use the default tool configurations
+                            if MCKfromSMK > 0:
+                                if mam.does_mck_athena_version_match_current_athena_version( MCKfromSMK ):
+                                    HLTMonFlags.MCK.StoredValue = MCKfromSMK
+                                    print "Using trigger Monitoring Configuration Key (MCK) from SMK",HLTMonFlags.MCK.StoredValue
+                                    mam.apply_mck( HLTMonFlags.MCK.StoredValue )
+                                    # If MCK version didn't match, should we update the MCK in Cool?
+                                    # should we update the MCK in Cool if the MCK in Cool is the default and we find an MCK that should be applied? I don't think so
+                                    # if we did not find the MCK in Cool
+                                    # we need to add the MCK to Cool 
+                                    payloadSpec = cool.RecordSpecification()
+                                    payloadSpec.extend("MCK",cool.StorageType.UInt32)
+                                    dataforCool = cool.Record(payloadSpec)
+                                    dataforCool["MCK"] = HLTMonFlags.MCK.StoredValue
+                                    # store object with IOV valid from 0-max, channel 0
+                                    # folder.storeObject(0,cool.ValidityKeyMax,data,chann,Tag)
+                                    # need to get IOV range
+                                    cooliov = cool.ValidityKey(runiov)
+                                    cooliovmax = cool.ValidityKeyMax
+                                    # is this the correct range?
+                                    print "Storing MCK",HLTMonFlags.MCK.StoredValue,"in Cool for IOVs",cooliov,"to",cooliovmax 
+                                    MCKfolder.storeObject(cooliov,cooliovmax,dataforCool,0)
+                                    # check this was successful
+                                else: 
+                                    print "MCK",MCKfromSMK,"cannot be applied as it is a patch for a different Athena version. No MCK applied."
-                        print "SMK SuperMasterKey =",SuperMasterKey
-                        # We now have the required input info. Use mam to get the appropriate MCK
-                        HLTMonFlags.MCK.StoredValue = mam.get_mck_id_from_smk(SuperMasterKey)
-                        print "Have used Menu-aware monitoring to extract MCK",HLTMonFlags.MCK.StoredValue,"linked to SMK",SuperMasterKey
-                        # If the MCK is > 0 then apply it, otherwise use the default tool configurations
-                        if HLTMonFlags.MCK.StoredValue > 0:
-                            print "Using trigger Monitoring Configuration Key (MCK)",HLTMonFlags.MCK.StoredValue
-                            mam.apply_mck( HLTMonFlags.MCK.StoredValue )
         # if dumping the tool configurations (as a .json file) has been requested, then do that here
         if  HLTMonFlags.doMaM_ExtractAndDumpConfigs:
-            # mam.setup_all_local_tools()         
             # get updated configs for all tools, and dump them to HLTMonFlags.MaM_OutputJSON.StoredValue
@@ -241,8 +300,3 @@ print HLTMonManager;
 #----   End
-#    print "ToolSvc.HLTMETMon.muon_pt_thresh",ToolSvc.HLTMETMon.muon_pt_thresh
-#    print "HLTMETMon is not set up, cannot print value"
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/src/HLTMonTool.cxx b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/src/HLTMonTool.cxx
index a12ac061544de7e58ad9e0d5f5a6d9c9e175f905..b1b28cd3768f9362aba10c378ea707bd0983759a 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/src/HLTMonTool.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/src/HLTMonTool.cxx
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ const IInterface* parent)
 : IHLTMonTool(type, name, parent)
+  declareProperty("Run1RegExes",m_run1regexlist);
   declareProperty("LumiKey",m_lumikey = "LumiBlocks");
   declareProperty("ScopeLumi",m_scopeLumi = 0);
@@ -74,6 +75,7 @@ HLTMonTool::~HLTMonTool()
 StatusCode HLTMonTool:: init()
+  _useRun1Trigger = false;
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -83,21 +85,40 @@ StatusCode HLTMonTool::book( ) //suppress 'unused' compiler warning
   StatusCode sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Regular Expressions used for chain selection:\n" << m_regexlist);
+  _useRun1Trigger = useRun1Trigger();
+  assert(getRunNr() > 0); // if this fails, run # is unknown & therefore _useRun1Trigger is not properly set 
-//  if (isNewRun) {  // Rebooking is now handled in the MonagedMonitorTool -- LS 20 Jan 2014
-      addMonGroup(new MonGroup(this,"HLT/ResultMon",run));
-      sc = GetL1SummaryAndLBInfo();
-      if(sc.isFailure()) ATH_MSG_WARNING("failed getting necessary info for booking");
+  if(_useRun1Trigger)
+    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Regular Expressions used for chain selection:\n" << m_run1regexlist);
+  else
+    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Regular Expressions used for chain selection:\n" << m_regexlist);
+  //  if (isNewRun) {  // Rebooking is now handled in the ManagedMonitorTool -- LS 20 Jan 2014
+  addMonGroup(new MonGroup(this,"HLT/ResultMon",run));
+  sc = GetL1SummaryAndLBInfo();
+  if(sc.isFailure()) ATH_MSG_WARNING("failed getting necessary info for booking");
+  if(_useRun1Trigger)
+    {
+      sc = bookResultAndConsistencyHistograms("L2");
+      if(sc.isFailure()) ATH_MSG_WARNING("failed booking result and consistency histos L2");
+      sc = bookResultAndConsistencyHistograms("EF");
+      if(sc.isFailure()) ATH_MSG_WARNING("failed booking result and consistency histos EF");
+    }
+  else
+    {
       sc = bookResultAndConsistencyHistograms("HLT");
       if(sc.isFailure()) ATH_MSG_WARNING("failed booking result and consistency histos HLT");
-      sc = bookLvl1Histograms();
-      if(sc.isFailure()) ATH_MSG_WARNING("failed booking LVL1 histos");
-      sc = bookHLTHistograms();
-      if(sc.isFailure()) ATH_MSG_WARNING("failed booking HLT Histos");
-//  }
+    }      
+  sc = bookLvl1Histograms();
+  if(sc.isFailure()) ATH_MSG_WARNING("failed booking LVL1 histos");
+  sc = bookHLTHistograms();
+  if(sc.isFailure()) ATH_MSG_WARNING("failed booking HLT Histos");
   if(sc.isFailure()) ATH_MSG_WARNING("failed at booking histograms for HLTMonTool");
   return sc;
@@ -108,15 +129,37 @@ StatusCode HLTMonTool::fill()
   StatusCode sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+  // Check HLTResult
+  if(getTDT()->ExperimentalAndExpertMethods()->isHLTTruncated()){
+    ATH_MSG_WARNING("HLTResult truncated, skip event");
+    return false;
+  }
   //go to original MonGroup
-  sc = fillResultAndConsistencyHistograms("HLTResult_HLT", hist("ConfigConsistency_HLT"), hist("HLTResultHLT"));
-  if(sc.isFailure()) ATH_MSG_WARNING("Filling Result and Consistency histograms failed for HLT");
+  if(_useRun1Trigger)
+    {
+      sc = fillResultAndConsistencyHistograms("HLTResult_L2", hist("ConfigConsistency_L2"), hist("HLTResultL2"));
+      if(sc.isFailure()) ATH_MSG_WARNING("Filling Result and Consistency histograms failed for L2");
+      sc = fillResultAndConsistencyHistograms("HLTResult_EF", hist("ConfigConsistency_EF"), hist("HLTResultEF"));
+      if(sc.isFailure()) ATH_MSG_WARNING("Filling Result and Consistency histograms failed for EF");
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      sc = fillResultAndConsistencyHistograms("HLTResult_HLT", hist("ConfigConsistency_HLT"), hist("HLTResultHLT"));
+      if(sc.isFailure()) ATH_MSG_WARNING("Filling Result and Consistency histograms failed for HLT");
+    }
   if(sc.isFailure()) ATH_MSG_WARNING("Filling Level 1 histograms failed");
-  std::vector<std::string> myChains = getTDT()->getListOfTriggers("HLT_.*");
+  std::vector<std::string> myChains; 
+  if(_useRun1Trigger)
+    myChains = getTDT()->getListOfTriggers("L2_.*|EF_*");
+  else
+    myChains = getTDT()->getListOfTriggers("HLT_.*");
   if (!(myChains.empty())) {
     std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator chIt;
     for (chIt=myChains.begin(); chIt!=myChains.end(); ++chIt) {
@@ -125,7 +168,10 @@ StatusCode HLTMonTool::fill()
   else {
-    ATH_MSG_WARNING("No HLT chains found using TDT");
+    if(_useRun1Trigger)
+      ATH_MSG_WARNING("No L2 and/or EF chains found using TDT");
+    else
+      ATH_MSG_WARNING("No HLT chains found using TDT");
     sc = StatusCode::FAILURE;
   return sc;
@@ -253,10 +299,16 @@ StatusCode HLTMonTool::bookLvl1Histograms(){
 StatusCode HLTMonTool::bookHLTHistograms(){
   StatusCode sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  std::map<std::string,std::string> streams = m_regexlist;
-  std::map<std::string,std::string>::iterator strItr;
-  for (strItr=streams.begin();strItr!=streams.end(); ++strItr)
+  const std::map<std::string,std::string> * streams;
+  if(_useRun1Trigger)
+    streams = &m_run1regexlist;
+  else
+    streams = &m_regexlist;
+  std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator strItr;
+  for (strItr=streams->begin();strItr!=streams->end(); ++strItr){
+    // we are trying to handle either "old" (L2_ and EF_) or "new" (HLT_) trigger chains here
     sc = bookHLTHistogramsForStream(strItr->first, strItr->second);
+  }
   return sc;
@@ -264,37 +316,60 @@ StatusCode HLTMonTool::bookHLTHistogramsForStream(const std::string& name, const
   ATH_MSG_DEBUG("booking histograms for stream " << name);
   StatusCode sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
   std::string monpath = "HLT/ResultMon/" + name;
-  std::vector<std::string>::iterator chItr;
+  std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator chItr;
   addMonGroup(new MonGroup(this,monpath,run));
-  std::vector<std::string> lvl = {getTDT()->getListOfTriggers(regex)};
+  std::vector<std::string> onelevel[1]; // one level corresponds to HLT
+  std::vector<std::string> twolevels[2]; // two levels correspond to L2, EF
+  const char* OneLevel[1] = {"HLT"}; const char * TwoLevels[2] = {"L2", "EF"};
+  const char ** levelName = 0;
+  const std::vector<std::string> * listOfTriggers = 0;
+  unsigned array_length = 0;
+  if(_useRun1Trigger)
+    {
+      // some regex manipulation to replace "(L2|EF)_" from regex with "L2_" or "EF_"
+      twolevels[0] = getTDT()->getListOfTriggers("L2_"+regex.substr(8,regex.length()-8));
+      twolevels[1] = getTDT()->getListOfTriggers("EF_"+regex.substr(8,regex.length()-8));
+      listOfTriggers = &twolevels[0];
+      levelName = &TwoLevels[0];
+      array_length = 2;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      onelevel[0]  = getTDT()->getListOfTriggers(regex);
+      listOfTriggers = &onelevel[0];
+      levelName = &OneLevel[0];
+      array_length = 1;
+    }
   //create helper strings
   std::stringstream tmp_histname;  
   const char* triggerstatus[]={"RAW","PS","PT"};
-  const char* level = "HLT";
-  for (uint j=0; j<sizeof(triggerstatus)/sizeof(triggerstatus[0]); ++j)
-    if(lvl.size()>0) {
+  for(uint index=0; index != array_length; ++index){
+    if(listOfTriggers[index].empty())continue;
+    for (uint j=0; j != sizeof(triggerstatus)/sizeof(triggerstatus[0]); ++j){
-      tmp_histname << level << "_" << name << triggerstatus[j];
+      tmp_histname << levelName[index] << "_" << name << triggerstatus[j];
       ATH_MSG_DEBUG("\tbooking --> " << tmp_histname.str());
-      //      addHistogram(new TH1F(tmp_histname.str().c_str(),name.c_str(),lvl.size(),0.5,lvl.size()+0.5),monpath);
-      addHistogram(new TH1F(tmp_histname.str().c_str(),tmp_histname.str().c_str(),lvl.size(),0.5,lvl.size()+0.5),monpath);
+      unsigned size = listOfTriggers[index].size();
+      addHistogram(new TH1F(tmp_histname.str().c_str(),tmp_histname.str().c_str(),size,0.5,size+0.5),monpath);
-      for (chItr=lvl.begin(); chItr!=lvl.end(); chItr++)
-	hist(tmp_histname.str(),monpath)->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(chItr-lvl.begin()+1,chItr->c_str());
+      for (chItr=listOfTriggers[index].begin(); chItr!=listOfTriggers[index].end(); chItr++)
+	hist(tmp_histname.str(),monpath)->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(chItr-listOfTriggers[index].begin()+1,chItr->c_str());
+  }
   //add a roi histo
-  //  addHistogram(new TH2F(std::string(name+"RoIs").c_str(),tmp_histname.str().c_str(),100,-5,5,64,-3.2,3.2),monpath);
-  addHistogram(new TH2F(std::string(name+"RoIs").c_str(),std::string(name+"RoIs").c_str(),100,-5,5,64,-3.2,3.2),monpath);
+  //  addHistogram(new TH2F(std::string(name+"RoIs").c_str(),std::string(name+"RoIs").c_str(),100,-5,5,64,-3.2,3.2),monpath);
+  addHistogram(new TH2F(std::string(name+"RoIs").c_str(),std::string(name+"RoIs").c_str(),64,-3.2,3.2,64,-3.2,3.2),monpath);
   addMonGroup(new MonGroup(this,monpath,run));
     for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator rItr=m_rateregex.begin(); rItr!=m_rateregex.end();++rItr){
       std::vector<std::string> ratechains = getTDT()->getListOfTriggers(*rItr);
@@ -407,9 +482,11 @@ StatusCode HLTMonTool::fillForChain(const std::string& chain){
   StatusCode sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
   //get results
   std::map<std::string,bool> results;
-  bool isHLTChain = !(chain.compare(0,3,"HLT"));
-  if(!(isHLTChain)){
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG(chain << "is not an HLT chain");
+  bool isL2Chain = !(chain.compare(0,2,"L2"));
+  bool isHLTChain = !(chain.compare(0,3,"HLT")) || !(chain.compare(0,2,"EF"));
+  if(!(isHLTChain||isL2Chain)){
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG(chain << "is neither HLT nor EF nor L2 chain");
     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
@@ -421,20 +498,31 @@ StatusCode HLTMonTool::fillForChain(const std::string& chain){
   //set up iterators and such
   const std::string basepath = "HLT/ResultMon/";
-  std::map<std::string,std::string> streams = m_regexlist;
+  const std::map<std::string,std::string> * streams = 0;
   std::map<std::string,bool>::iterator rsIt;
-  std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator sIt = streams.begin();
   std::vector<std::string>::iterator rItr=m_rateregex.begin();
+  unsigned length_to_chop = 0;
+  if(_useRun1Trigger)
+    {
+      length_to_chop = 3; // L2_ or EF_ from trigger chain name gets chopped
+      streams = &m_run1regexlist;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      length_to_chop = 4; // HLT_ from trigger chain name gets chopped
+      streams = &m_regexlist;
+    }
+  std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator sIt = streams->begin();
   //loop streams, if chain matched stream, loop result and if result is true fill
-  for (;sIt!=streams.end();++sIt){ if (boost::regex_match(chain.c_str(),boost::regex(sIt->second))) {
+  for (;sIt!=streams->end();++sIt){ if (boost::regex_match(chain.c_str(),boost::regex(sIt->second))) {
       for (rsIt=results.begin();rsIt!=results.end(); rsIt ++){ if (rsIt->second) {
 	  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(chain << " passed " << rsIt->first << " and matches " << *sIt);
 	  const std::string monpath = basepath+sIt->first;
-	  const std::string name = chain.substr(0,4)+sIt->first+rsIt->first;
+	  const std::string name = chain.substr(0,length_to_chop)+sIt->first+rsIt->first;
 	  // ------------ Standard Fill ---------------------