diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/SUSYPhys/LongLivedParticleDPDMaker/python/DiLepFlags.py b/PhysicsAnalysis/SUSYPhys/LongLivedParticleDPDMaker/python/DiLepFlags.py
index b28e5a131e5e35fa7ec6d49e12d770cff36a0230..24f05df5519795512f108c22159a15ac9447ae40 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/SUSYPhys/LongLivedParticleDPDMaker/python/DiLepFlags.py
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/SUSYPhys/LongLivedParticleDPDMaker/python/DiLepFlags.py
@@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ class DiLep_FilterFlags(JobProperty):
     allowedTypes   = ['bool']
     StoredValue    = True
-    SiPhTriggers   = ["HLT_g140_loose", "HLT_g200_loose", "HLT_g200_loose_L1EM24VHIM"]
-    SiPhTriggers  += apitriggers.getDiLepSiPhTriggers() ## TriggerAPI
-    DiPhTriggers   = ["HLT_2g50_loose_L12EM20VH", "HLT_2g60_loose_L12EM20VH"]
-    DiPhTriggers  += apitriggers.getDiLepDiPhTriggers() ## TriggerAPI
-    SiMuTriggers   = ["HLT_mu80_msonly_3layersEC"] # this has changed !!
-    # add relevant TriggerAPI
-    SiMuBaTriggers = ["HLT_mu60_0eta105_msonly"] # this is new !!
-    #SiMuTriggers += apitriggers.getDiLepSiMuTriggers() ## TriggerAPI
+    SiPhTriggers    = ["HLT_g140_loose", "HLT_g200_loose", "HLT_g200_loose_L1EM24VHIM"]
+    SiPhTriggers   += apitriggers.getDiLepSiPhTriggers() ## TriggerAPI
+    DiPhTriggers    = ["HLT_2g50_loose_L12EM20VH", "HLT_2g60_loose_L12EM20VH"]
+    DiPhTriggers   += apitriggers.getDiLepDiPhTriggers() ## TriggerAPI
+    SiMuTriggers    = ["HLT_mu80_msonly_3layersEC"]
+    SiMuTriggers   += apitriggers.getDiLepSiMuTriggers() ## TriggerAPI
+    SiMuBaTriggers  = ["HLT_mu60_0eta105_msonly"]
+    SiMuBaTriggers += apitriggers.getDiLepSiMuBaTriggers() ## TriggerAPI
     ElEtaMax       = 2.5
     PhEtaMax       = 2.5
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/SUSYPhys/LongLivedParticleDPDMaker/python/RPVLLTriggers.py b/PhysicsAnalysis/SUSYPhys/LongLivedParticleDPDMaker/python/RPVLLTriggers.py
index 27047937140e0fc5ad5f024e4b13ae9bbfbb28ab..f09cd5878c834048414b0fa04321819c70eecb01 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/SUSYPhys/LongLivedParticleDPDMaker/python/RPVLLTriggers.py
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/SUSYPhys/LongLivedParticleDPDMaker/python/RPVLLTriggers.py
@@ -92,8 +92,14 @@ class RPVLLTriggers:
     # DiLep:SiMu
     def getDiLepSiMuTriggers(self):
-        DiLepSiMuList = getTriggerList( TriggerType.mu_single, "msonly", ["3layersEC"] )
+        DiLepSiMuList = getTriggerList( TriggerType.mu_single, "msonly_3layersEC" )
         return DiLepSiMuList
+    # DiLep:SiMuBa
+    def getDiLepSiMuBaTriggers(self):
+        #DiLep_FilterFlags.SiMuBaTriggers
+        DiLepSiMuBaList = getTriggerList( TriggerType.mu_single, "msonly", ["3layersEC"] )
+        return DiLepSiMuBaList
     # Emerging
     def getEmergingTriggers(self):
@@ -133,7 +139,8 @@ class RPVLLTriggers:
     # KinkedTrack:JetMet
     def getKinkedTrackJetMetTriggers(self):
-        KinkedTrackJetMetList = getTriggerList( TriggerType.xe, "", ["mht_xe", "pufit_xe"] )
+        #KinkedTrackJetMetList = getTriggerList( TriggerType.xe, "", ["mht_xe", "pufit_xe"] )
+        KinkedTrackJetMetList = getTriggerList( TriggerType.xe, "" )
         return KinkedTrackJetMetList
     # KinkedTrack:Zee
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/SUSYPhys/LongLivedParticleDPDMaker/share/PhysDRAW_RPVLL.py b/PhysicsAnalysis/SUSYPhys/LongLivedParticleDPDMaker/share/PhysDRAW_RPVLL.py
index 88a7ef16e7e26f86a7c461a1469c0e0586a2ba4b..8b7636d013e6baf72e46f069d772fb7829876daf 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/SUSYPhys/LongLivedParticleDPDMaker/share/PhysDRAW_RPVLL.py
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/SUSYPhys/LongLivedParticleDPDMaker/share/PhysDRAW_RPVLL.py
@@ -59,6 +59,9 @@ if primRPVLLDESDM.doDiLep():
     print primRPVLLDESDM.DiLep_FilterFlags.SiMuTriggers
     print ""
+    print primRPVLLDESDM.DiLep_FilterFlags.SiMuBaTriggers
+    print ""
     ## ----------------------------- ##
diff --git a/Tools/PathResolver/doc/packagedoc.h b/Tools/PathResolver/doc/packagedoc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..05a25a25aef4209a0a0fd141520f5e23ab158436
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/PathResolver/doc/packagedoc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+@page PathResolver_page 
+ <center><b>This utility finds files or directories from a search path list.</b></center>
+<hr />
+@section PathResolver_Principle Principle
+   Assuming that a path-like environment variable is defined and
+   filled in with the possible prioritized locations where a category
+   of files is to be looked for, this utility will locate any file of
+   that category from those possible locations.
+   <p>
+   The following properties are implemented:
+     <ul>
+      <li>a directory offset can be specified. In this case, the file
+      search will detect files either right in every search path or in
+      the offset directory in every search path.</li>
+      <li>the effective physical location of the file is returned,
+      possibly with symbolic link resolution</li>
+      <li>it is possible to locate regular files or directories </li>
+      <li>the search can be local in every search path or recursive to
+      all subdirectories below every serach path.</li>
+      <li>it is possible to simply verify a search path against non
+      existing entries</li>
+      <li>Search paths can be specified either by giving the name of a
+      path-like environment variable or by a text string containing
+      the path list. In both cases the list follows the specific
+      syntax convention of the operating system (ie <b>':'</b> on Unix
+      systems and <b>';'</b> on DOS ones).</li>
+     </ul>
+   </p>
+<hr />
+@section PathResolver_Using Using the PathResolver
+   @subsection Accessing Accessing the PathResolver package.
+   One needs to add to the requirements file the following use statement:
+      @code
+use PathResolver PathResolver-00-* Tools
+      @endcode
+   @subsection FindingFile Finding a file
+      <ol>
+      <li> <i>Finding a data file from the DATAPATH search list:</i>
+      @code
+#include <PathResolver/PathResolver.h>
+int main ()
+  std::string name;
+  name = PathResolver::find_file ("a.dat", "DATAPATH");
+  if (name == "")
+    {
+      std::cerr << "Cannot locate a.dat from ${DATAPATH}" << std::endl;
+    }
+  return (0);
+      </li>
+      <li> <i>Recursively finding a data file from the DATAPATH search list:</i>
+      @code
+#include <PathResolver/PathResolver.h>
+int main ()
+  std::string name;
+  name = PathResolver::find_file ("a.dat", "DATAPATH", PathResolver::RecursiveSearch);
+  if (name == "")
+    {
+      std::cerr << "Cannot locate a.dat from any subdirectory of ${DATAPATH}" << std::endl;
+    }
+  return (0);
+      </li>
+      <li> <i>Finding a data file from an explicit search list:</i>
+      @code
+#include <PathResolver/PathResolver.h>
+int main ()
+  std::string name;
+  name = PathResolver::find_file_from_list ("a.dat", "/here/data:/there/data");
+  if (name == "")
+    {
+      std::cerr << "Cannot locate a.dat from either /here/data or /there/data" << std::endl;
+    }
+  return (0);
+      </li>
+      </ol>
+   @subsection FindingDir Finding a directory
+      <ol>
+      <li> <i>Finding a directory from the DATAPATH search list:</i>
+      @code
+#include <PathResolver/PathResolver.h>
+int main ()
+  std::string name;
+  name = PathResolver::find_directory ("data", "DATAPATH");
+  if (name == "")
+    {
+      std::cerr << "Cannot locate data directory from ${DATAPATH}" << std::endl;
+    }
+  return (0);
+      </li>
+      </ol>
+ */