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  1. Mar 20, 2015
    • Joerg Stelzer's avatar
      copy over the generation script and fragment from L1CommonCore (L1Common-00-00-10) · 08d6af4d
      Joerg Stelzer authored
      	* copy over the generation script and fragment from L1CommonCore
      	* L1Common-00-00-10
    • Fred Luehring's avatar
      Fixes for JIRA ATLIDTRKCP-22 and ATLASRECTS-1860 (InDetRecExample-02-05-48) · 38c0c2ad
      Fred Luehring authored
        * Correct beginner's mistake in Python statements of previous tag.
        * JIRA ATLIDTRKCP-22 and ATLASRECTS-1860
        * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-48.
      2015-03-17 Frederick Luehring
        * Change TRT validity gate to match convention that a 18 ns calibrated drift
        * time is a 1 mm drift distance. Set gate the same for data and simulation.
        * Correct oversight of not applying  validity gate to straws using Ar gas
        * mixture by setting Ar gate parameters to the Xe mixture ones.
        * All changes are in and are cacheable.
        * JIRA ATLIDTRKCP-22 and ATLASRECTS-1860
        * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-47
      2015-03-12 Nick Styles
        * Add option to keep First/Last hit on TrackParticle
        * Changes for V0 finding from E. Bouhova-Thacker
        * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-46
      2015-03-09  Nick Styles
        * Re-enable Pixel Monitoring hole search
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • vsorin's avatar
      fixing header of KF to use 6 output bits (L1TopoAlgorithms-00-00-38) · 02ee1abd
      vsorin authored
      	* change header for KF to use 6 output bits
      	* L1TopoAlgorithms-00-00-38
      2015-03-17 Veronica Sorin
      	* changing requirements file to add SimulationUtils dependence for KF
      	* L1TopoAlgorithms-00-00-37
      2015-03-11 Veronica Sorin
      	* adding KF algorithms
      2015-03-06 Veronica Sorin
      	* replace DR for DR^2 condition, since that is what FW will use, this
      	needs to be bundle with menu changes
      	* L1TopoAlgorithms-00-00-36
      2015-03-05 Veronica Sorin
      	* copy RApprox algo to new name specified by FW for M9 and later to be
      	propagated to full menu
      	* L1TopoAlgorithms-00-00-35
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Soumya Mohapatra's avatar
      updated to include 2D histogrma of qn vs centrality for passing... · d0845f29
      Soumya Mohapatra authored
      updated to include 2D histogrma of qn vs centrality for passing events (TrigHIHypo-00-00-46)
      	* updated to include 2D histogrma of qn vs centrality for passing events
      	* TrigHIHypo-00-00-46
      2015-03-17 Soumya Mohapatra& Tomasz Bold
      	* moved from v2/v3 hypo to the common one
      	* TrigHIHypo-00-00-45
      2015-03-17 Tomasz Bold
      	* fixed INFO messages, added VnHypo configs
      	* TrigHIHypo-00-00-44
      2015-03-10 Iwona Grabowska-Bold
              * bugfix for UE subtraction in
              * TrigHIHypo-00-00-43
      2015-03-10 Tomasz Bold
      	* added configs for electron/photon HI UE chains
      	* TrigHIHypo-00-00-42
      2015-03-04 Tomasz Bold
      	* Added configurations for egamma UE subtraction algorithms and tools
      	* TrigHIHypo-00-00-41
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • David Adams's avatar
      Chang configuration of cone truth labeling. JetRec-03-00-25 (JetRec-03-00-25) · da9fdb3b
      David Adams authored
      	* JetRec-03-00-25
      	* ATLJETMET-260
      	* python/ Modify jetjdrlabeler and add
      	* python/ Modify so track jets use
      	  trackjetdrlabeler instead of jetjdrlabeler. Also define
      	  truth jet modifier maps only if truth is on.
      	* share/test_RunJetRec.log.clean.ref: Update after check.
      	* share/pflowjets.log.clean.ref: Update after check.
      2015-03-16 David Adams
      	* JetRec-03-00-24
      	* ATLASRECTS-1846, ATLJETMET-273
      	* python/ Fix set of jetFlags.useTracks. Add
      	  but disable block to use BTagging.
      2015-03-16 David Adams
      	* JetRec-03-00-23
      	* ATLJETMET-260
      	* share/ Fix test of flavor matching tool.
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Massimiliano Bellomo's avatar
      tagging (MuonTrackFinderTools-01-00-20) · 7a25da51
      Massimiliano Bellomo authored
      	* MuonTrackCleaner.h fixing variable type, ATLASRECTS-1854
      	* tagged as MuonTrackFinderTools-01-00-20
    • Graeme Stewart's avatar
      * python/ · 13e59631
      Graeme Stewart authored
      	- Add an extension to transform._doSteering to allow for 'manual' steering
      	* python/
      	- Add proper parsing for 'plain' string and number substep types
      	* test/
      	- Small fixes to q120 tag
      	- Update Tier-0 tag test to x309 instead of q220 (latter is mutable)
      	* Tag PyJobTransforms-02-03-45 (PyJobTransforms-02-03-45)
      	* python/
      	- Add an extension to transform._doSteering to allow for 'manual' steering
      	* python/
      	- Add proper parsing for 'plain' string and number substep types
      	* test/
      	- Small fixes to q120 tag
      	- Update Tier-0 tag test to x309 instead of q220 (latter is mutable)
      	* Tag PyJobTransforms-02-03-45
      2015-03-17 Graeme Stewart <>
      	* python/, scripts/
      	- Rollback last buggy commit r654630->r649652
      2015-03-17 Frank Volkmer <>
      	* python/
      	- add isNewAMITag
      	- add suppressNonJobOptions handling
      	- add own get_ami_tag func
      	- use remove_enclosing_quotes to clean up strings
      	- adapt getTrfConfigFromAMI to new AMI tags
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Graeme Stewart's avatar
      * share/ · 4c2cb3f9
      Graeme Stewart authored
      	- Remove early exit debug code committed in error
      	* Tag as RecJobTransforms-01-00-40 (RecJobTransforms-01-00-40)
      	* share/
      	- Remove early exit debug code committed in error
      	* Tag as RecJobTransforms-01-00-40
      2015-03-17 Graeme Stewart <>
      	* python/
      	- Add Run2 DRAW input file types as arguments and inputs for the RAWtoESD step
      	* share/
      	- Support DRAW inputs, with some sanity checks against multiple BS inputs
      	* share/
      	- Change common options to the RecJobTransforms version
      	* scripts/
      	- Cosmetic changes to 'help' and a note on where to do tricky stuff
      	* Tag as RecJobTransforms-01-00-39
      2015-03-17 Ignacio Aracena <>
      	* share/
      	- set HLTMonFlags.doMonTier0 = False
      	* Tag as RecJobTransforms-01-00-38
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Frank Winklmeier's avatar
      Remove leftover pragma message (TrigT1Result-00-01-66) · 4a6fb217
      Frank Winklmeier authored
      	* Remove leftover pragma message
      	* TrigT1Result-00-01-66
      2015-02-25  Werner Wiedenmann  <>
      	* TrigT1Result-00-01-65
      	* replace include "L1CommonCore/CTPdataformatVersion.h" with "CTPfragment/CTPdataformatVersion.h"
    • James Frost's avatar
      re-enable MuonTrackMon by default (AthenaMonitoring-02-01-13-03) · a8c66d36
      James Frost authored
      	* python/ re-enable MuonTrackMon by default
      	* tag as AthenaMonitoring-02-01-13-03
    • Catrin Bernius's avatar
      ATR-10352: fix in obtaining max thresholds, output level set to INFO for... · b42735bb
      Catrin Bernius authored
      ATR-10352: fix in obtaining max thresholds, output level set to INFO for L1CaloThrDef check (TrigConfStorage-03-00-96)
      	* L1CaloThrDef: obtaining max thr according to l1Version now
      	* reduced output level to info for missing thresholds (ATR-10352)
      	* TrigConfStorage-03-00-96
      2015-03-16  Werner Wiedenmann  <>
      	* replace include "L1CommonCore/CTPdataformatVersion.h" with "CTPfragment/CTPdataformatVersion.h"
              * TrigConfStorage-03-00-95
      2015-03-13 Joerg Stelzer
      	* Loading of clock of topo thresholds was missing
      	* CompMenu script simplified (needed to work with topo menu)
      	* TrigConfStorage-03-00-94
      2015-03-07 Joerg Stelzer
      	* Fix Random loader (cuts were wrongly loaded)
      	* L1Topo loader: fix loading of default values for parameters and inputs
      	* TrigConfStorage-03-00-93
      2015-03-03  Frank Winklmeier  <fwinkl@cern>
      	* src/L1TopoMenuLoader.cxx: print L1Topo menu once loaded
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Werner Wiedenmann's avatar
      update for new CTP (TrigSteering-03-07-26) · 9044e403
      Werner Wiedenmann authored
      	* update  for new CTP
      	* TrigSteering-03-07-26
      2015-03-12 Francesca Pastore
      	* bug fix for EventInfoAcceTool, which prevents it to work (remove
      	ChainPassed from the conditions)
      	* TrigSteering-03-07-25
      2015-03-08 Francesca Pastore
      	* commented out conditions for testing in EventInfoAcceeTool
      	* TrigSteering-03-07-24
      2015-03-06 Fracnesca Pastore
      	* added xAOD::EventInfo in the PureSteering test (ATR-9720)
      	* TrigSteering-03-07-23
      2015-03-06 Francesca Pastore
      	* few cleanup for EventInfoAccessTool
      	* TrigSteering-03-07-22
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Teng Jian Khoo's avatar
      'reimplement isGoodEoverP track cut' (METReconstruction-00-01-18-05) · ebd747a1
      Teng Jian Khoo authored
      	* Reenable IsGoodEoverP checks
      	* Tagged METReconstruction-00-01-18-05
      2015-03-09 TJ Khoo <>
      	* Carry on calo MET reco when PV is absent.
      	* Tagged METReconstruction-00-01-18-04
      2015-03-04 TJ Khoo <>
      	* Correct signal state setting for EMTopo
      	* Fix from Matt for PFO memory leak
      	* Tagged METReconstruction-00-01-18-03
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Stewart Martin-Haugh's avatar
      'Fix fabs call, include guards, unused members (ATR-10519)' (TrigVertexFitter-00-00-49) · bef8a7b8
      Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
      	* tag TrigVertexFitter-00-00-49
      	* Fix fabs call, include guards, unused members (ATR-10519)
    • Gabriele Sabato's avatar
      Removed medium and likelihood tightness selection for photons (ElectronPhotonTagTools-00-03-23) · a8ae5082
      Gabriele Sabato authored
      	*M src/PhotonTagTool.cxx
      	*removing medium and Likelihood method not defined for photon
      	*Tagging ElectronPhotonTagTools-00-03-23
      2015-03-13 Gabriele Sabato<>
      	*Introducing Electron isolation bits requested from Lepton+X searches: two new cut in Electron JO, new bit in src code.
      	*Adding Isolation bits to Electron and  Photon: topoetcone30, topoetcone40, ptcone30, ptcone40.
      	*Adding tightness bits in photon: Loose, medium, tight bit from likelihood tool.(medium cut based is not defined then it is set to 0 by default)
      	*M cmt/requirements
      	*M src/ElectronTagTool.cxx
      	*M src/PhotonTagTool.cxx
      	*M ElectronPhotonTagTool/ElectronTagTool.h
      	*M ElectronPhotonTagTool/PhotonTagTool.h
      	*M share/
      	*Tagging ElectronPhotonTagTools-00-03-22
      2015-03-11 Gabriele Sabato<>
      	*Removing ForwardElectrons container from the Electron JO
      	*Removed flag IsForward in src/ElectronTagTool.cxx
      	*Introduce likelihood ID tightness bit, loose, medium, tight in the electron code.
      	*Tagging ElectronPhotonTagTools-00-03-20
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Joerg Stelzer's avatar
      substitute include "L1CommonCore/CTPdataformatVersion.h" with... · 34f35942
      Joerg Stelzer authored
      substitute include "L1CommonCore/CTPdataformatVersion.h" with "CTPfragment/CTPdataformatVersion.h" (TrigT1ResultByteStream-00-04-33)
      	* TrigT1ResultByteStream-00-04-33
      	* substitute include "L1CommonCore/CTPdataformatVersion.h" with "CTPfragment/CTPdataformatVersion.h"
      2015-03-08  Simon George  <>
      	* src/RoIBResultByteStreamTool.cxx: generalise to handle an
      	arbitrary number of L1Topo module IDs, fix another source/module
      	mix up I noticed.
      	* TrigT1ResultByteStream/RoIBResultByteStreamTool.icc: generalise
      	to handle an arbitrary number of L1Topo module IDs and remove
      	default list which is anyway wrong. it should always be
      	initialised from ByteStreamAddressProviderSvc anyway.
      	* TrigT1ResultByteStream-00-04-32
      2015-03-04  Simon George  <>
      	* TrigT1ResultByteStream/RoIBResultByteStreamTool.icc: change
      	from [] to at for L1Topo module IDs list
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Werner Wiedenmann's avatar
      replace include L1CommonCore/CTPdataformatVersion.h (TrigT1Interfaces-01-05-16) · a13623e0
      Werner Wiedenmann authored
      	* Tag as TrigT1Interfaces-01-05-16
              * replace include "L1CommonCore/CTPdataformatVersion.h" with "CTPfragment/CTPdataformatVersion.h"
    • Joerg Stelzer's avatar
      replace include "L1CommonCore/CTPdataformatVersion.h" with... · dd9290fd
      Joerg Stelzer authored
      replace include "L1CommonCore/CTPdataformatVersion.h" with "CTPfragment/CTPdataformatVersion.h" (TrigT1CTP-03-00-60)
      	* replace include "L1CommonCore/CTPdataformatVersion.h" with "CTPfragment/CTPdataformatVersion.h"
      	* TrigT1CTP-03-00-60
    • Pierfrancesco Butti's avatar
    • Susan Cheatham's avatar
      fix compilation warnings complete (TrigMuGirl-01-04-27) · fdb6546d
      Susan Cheatham authored
      	* complete fix compilation warnings re ToolHandles
      	* Tagging as TrigMuGirl-01-04-27
      2015-03-16 Sue Cheatham
      	* fix compilation warnings re ToolHandles
      	* Tagging as TrigMuGirl-01-04-26
    • Peter Kluit's avatar
      'fix for MeasuredEnergyLoss TAIL JIRA 1664 and 1817' (TrkExTools-03-01-28) · 88063695
      Peter Kluit authored
              * fix for MeasuredEnergyLoss JIRA 1664 and 1817
              * revert back to TrkExTools-03-01-26 (Extrapolator.cxx)
      	* EnergyLossUpdator.cxx
              * Shift the measured energyloss for TAIL events
      	* Tagged as TrkExTools-03-01-28
      2015-03-11 Sharka Todorova <>
      	* patch for navigation break
      	* Tagged as TrkExTools-03-01-27
      2015-03-10 Peter Kluit
              * fix for MeasuredEnergyLoss JIRA 1664 and 1817
      	* EnergyLossUpdator.cxx
      	* take into account the Tail in measured energy loss
      	* Tagged as TrkExTools-03-01-26
      2015-03-05 Sharka Todorova <>
      	* fixing minor problems
      	* Tagged as TrkExTools-03-01-25
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • vsorin's avatar
    • Gabriele Sabato's avatar
      Introduced new isolation bits: topoetcone20(30,40),ptcone30(40). (MuonTagTools-00-08-11) · 071ce2c8
      Gabriele Sabato authored
      	*Introduced new isolation bits: topoetcone20(30,40),ptcone30(40).
      	*Tagging MuonTagTools-00-08-11
      2015-03-10 Gabriele Sabato<>
      	*bug fixed in the tightness bit 13
      	*Tagging MuonTagTools-00-08-10
      2015-03-06 Gabriele Sabato<>
      	* Introduced tigthness bits (chi2overfdof)
      	* tagging MuonTagTools-00-08-09
      2015-02-27 Gabriele Sabato
      	* Removed MuonSegmentContainer (bug), removed tigthness bits about BEE info and similar
      	* Implemented correctly track quality cut, IDCuts, HighPtCuts
      	* Implemented dd0 and dz0, bug fixed in the isolation bits evaluation.
      	* Substitute ATH_MSG_INFO with DEBUG
      	* Code cleaning
      	* tagging MuonTagTools-00-08-08
      2015-02-26 Gabriele Sabato
      	*tagging MuonTagTools-00-08-06
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Niels Van Eldik's avatar
      add validity check before unpacking ID (MuonTrkPhysMonitoring-02-02-10) · 44932391
      Niels Van Eldik authored
      	* add validity check before unpacking ID
      	* MuonTrkPhysMonitoring-02-02-10
      	* Put PlotBase in a namespace to resolve conflict with TrkValHistUtils (when running with MuonTrackMonitoring-04)
      	* MuonTrkPhysMonitoring-02-02-09
    • Joerg Stelzer's avatar
      Less verbose (L1TopoSimulation-00-00-16) · 0c1d7dcc
      Joerg Stelzer authored
      	* Less verbose
      	* L1TopoSimulation-00-00-16
      2015-03-16 Joerg Stelzer
      	* Initialize input providers in L1TopoSim::initialize (ATR-10385)
      	* L1TopoSimulation-00-00-15
    • Peter Alan Steinberg's avatar
    • Benedict Tobias Winter's avatar
      Tagging tauRec-04-06-18 (tauRec-04-06-18) · eeefe6cb
      Benedict Tobias Winter authored
        * Fix bug in TauPi0ClusterScaler and other minor issues. Jira reference: ATLASRECTS-1692
        * Tagging: tauRec-04-06-18
      2015-03-02 Blake Burghgrave <blake.burghgrave AT>
        * Pileup correction
          * Get mu from EventInfo for offline reconstruction
            * Fixes bug where mu == 0.0 always
        * Requirements change: xAODEventInfo added
        * Tagging: tauRec-04-06-17
      2015-02-25 Blake Burghgrave <blake.burghgrave AT>
        * Pileup correction
          * Use mu by default (as intended for these correction files)
          * nVertex is now a double, to avoid the double->int cast when mu is used
      2015-02-23 Blake Burghgrave <blake.burghgrave AT>
        * Attempt to fix the following coverity issues:
          * 13749 09/07/2014 (Medium) Unchecked dynamic_cast :/Reconstruction/tauRec/src/TauCalibrateLC.cxx in function "initialize"
            * Added required checks
          * 28707 18/12/2014 (Medium) Unchecked dynamic_cast :/Reconstruction/tauRec/src/TauPi0ClusterCreator.cxx in function "setHadronicClusterPFOs"
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Lee Hughie Sawyer's avatar
      Fixed unused variable warning (TrigJetMonitoring-00-05-03) · 68d419bb
      Lee Hughie Sawyer authored
      	* Major update: added basic histograms filled per chain and enabled TDT logic for features call
      	* Added partial scan histograms
      	* Added em and hecfrac attributes plots
      	* Modified the python configuration file to link chains with container name
    • Chris Pollard's avatar
      tagging ParticleJetTools-00-03-29 (ParticleJetTools-00-03-29) · fc2f3464
      Chris Pollard authored
      	* ParticleJetDeltaRLabelTool: Now labeling b-, c-hadrons, and taus
      	in the same instance so that one integer attribute can be added.
      	* tagging ParticleJetTools-00-03-29
      2015-03-12    <delsart@localhost>
      	* ATLJETMET-267
      	* Root/CopyTruthJetParticles.cxx : filtering out particles with status==2
      	* Tagging as ParticleJetTools-00-03-28
      2015-03-12 Chris Pollard <>
      	* ParticleJetDeltaRLabelTool: exclusive dR matching for flavor
      	* tagging ParticleJetTools-00-03-27
      2015-02-27 Giacinto Piacquadio
      	* re-add important missing line declareInterface<ParticleToJetAssociation>(this);
      	* Tagging as ParticleJetTools-00-03-26
      2015-02-26 Miles Wu <>
      	* ParticleToJetAssociator.h: re-add interfaceID function for Athena only (use #ifdef to hide it from RootCore)
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Yann Coadou's avatar
      Switch back to using objectExists despite small mem leak to avoid unwarranted... · c7070fca
      Yann Coadou authored
      Switch back to using objectExists despite small mem leak to avoid unwarranted ERROR messages (JetTagCalibration-00-02-27)
      	* Switch back to using objectExists despite small mem leak to avoid unwarranted ERROR messages
      	* tagged as JetTagCalibration-00-02-27
      2015-03-10 Yann Coadou
      	* Switch to RUN12 calib DB folder instead of ALL (requested by release managers)
      	* tagged as JetTagCalibration-00-02-26
      2015-03-01 Wouter van den Wollenberg
      	* added a new file in ./share to facilitate a disjunct CalibrationBroker instance for the online b-taggers.
      	* tagged as JetTagCalibration-00-02-25
    • Yann Coadou's avatar
      Added #BTAG# tag in MV2 warnings (JetTagTools-01-00-40) · d742edad
      Yann Coadou authored
      	* Added #BTAG# tag in MV2 warnings
      	* tagged as JetTagTools-01-00-40
      2015-03-10 Frank Filthaut
      	* protect against warning messages in case of known unusual but non-error cases
      	* tagged as JetTagTools-01-00-39
      2015-03-09 Yann Coadou
         	* From Valerio: adding protection against running on crazy configuration
      	* tagged as JetTagTools-01-00-38
    • Mark Sutton's avatar
      use real fullscan rois for offline and truth objects (TrigInDetAnalysisExample-00-03-10) · c375c323
      Mark Sutton authored
      	* TrigInDetAnalysisExample-00-03-10
      	* use fullscan rois for Offline objects
      2015-03-12	sutt < sutt @ >
      	* TrigInDetAnalysisExample-00-03-09
      	* add tier0 shifter specialisation
      2015-03-12	sutt < sutt @ >
      	* TrigInDetAnalysisExample-00-03-08
      	* fix the Tier0 path names
      2015-03-05	sutt < sutt @ >
      	* TrigInDetAnalysisExample-00-03-07
      	* use new TIDARoiDescriptor for superRoIs
    • Mark Sutton's avatar
      fix pi double to float conversion (TrigInDetAnalysis-01-01-30) · fa96fed6
      Mark Sutton authored
      	* tag TrigInDetAnalysis-01-01-30
      	* fix M_PI -> float(M_PI) conversion
      2015-03-13 Mark Sutton <sutt @>
      	* tag TrigInDetAnalysis-01-01-29
      	* update RoiDescriptor printout
      2015-03-08 Mark Sutton <sutt @>
      	* tag TrigInDetAnalysis-01-01-28
      	* improved TIDARoiDescriptor
      2015-03-05 Mark Sutton <sutt @>
      	* tag TrigInDetAnalysis-01-01-27
      	* replace RoI implementation for superRoIs
    • Peter Van Gemmeren's avatar
      Fix seeking end of file detection (EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-18-36-03) · e800329f
      Peter Van Gemmeren authored
      	* tag EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-18-36-03
      	* src/EventSelectorAthenaPool.cxx: Fix seeking end of file detection.
      2015-02-26  Peter van Gemmeren <>
      	* tag EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-18-36-01
      	* src/EventSelectorAthenaPool: Fire FirstInputFile incident in
      	initialize even for event-less files.
    • Mark Sutton's avatar
      filter reference tracks in z also (TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-03-68) · 87d63f04
      Mark Sutton authored
      	* tag TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-03-68
              * filter reference track in RoI z also
      2015-03-07 sutt < sutt @ >
      	* tag TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-03-67
      	* use new RoiDescriptor
      2015-03-05 sutt < sutt @ >
      	* tag TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-03-66
      	* remove c++11 extensions
      2015-02-13 Ondrej Penc <>
      	* tag TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-03-65
      	* fix for additional truth matching
    • Valerio Dao's avatar
      runDependent switch for SVtaggers (BTagging-00-07-18) · 03307fa5
      Valerio Dao authored
      	* implementing run-dependen flag for SVtagger
      	* tagged as BTagging-00-07-18
      2015-03-13 Yann Coadou
      	* re-enabling MV2, to be used with run 2 training in run 1
      	* tagged as BTagging-00-07-17
      2015-03-05 Valerio Dao
      	* disabling new taggers when running on Run1 + more fixes from Yann
      	* tagged as BTagging-00-07-16
      2015-03-04 Valerio Dao
      	* implementing Run1 VS Run2 automatic switched to prevent crashing
      	* tagged as BTagging-00-07-15
      2015-03-03 Valerio Dao
      	* new aliases from Yann
      	* fix for MV2m input collection
      	* tagged as BTagging-00-07-14
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Mark Stockton's avatar
      tag as TrigTransform-00-00-22 (TrigTransform-00-00-22) · 8fcd526a
      Mark Stockton authored
          * Addressing issues of running with no outputBS ATR-10492
          ***   scripts/Trig_reco_tf
          * fix triggerConfig argument
          ***   share/ (add)
          ***   doc/Trig_tf.txt
          * add a first attempt at a testing script
          *** Create Tag TrigTransform-00-00-22
      2015-03-13  Carlos chavez <>
          ***   python/
          * Addressing case when running on input file ending with a string apearing also in the middle of the file name
          *** Create Tag TrigTransform-00-00-21
      2015-03-06  Carlos chavez <>
          ***   python/,
          * Addressing case when running from tzero TestArea (tzero/software/patches)
          * fixes the case when we do not want to overwrite asetupString
          *** Create Tag TrigTransform-00-00-20
      2015-03-05 Mark Stockton <>
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Jochen Meyer's avatar
      addressing FPE (MuonTruthAlgs-02-11-34-01) · 25c68ce0
      Jochen Meyer authored
      	* addressing ATR-10149 (FPE caused by segment->setDirection
      	   in method createSegments of MuonTruthDecorationAlg)
      	* resolving shadowing variable
      	* tagged as MuonTruthAlgs-02-11-34-01
      2015-02-12 Jochen Meyer
      	* fixing memory leak (OBO Scott Snyder - ATLASRECTS-1841)
      	* tagged as MuonTruthAlgs-02-11-34-00
    • Rafal Bielski's avatar
      RPCRdoToPrepDataTool: added declareInterface, removed property... · cac8fe3e
      Rafal Bielski authored
      RPCRdoToPrepDataTool: added declareInterface, removed property dumpOffToOnlineMapToFile (MuonRPC_CnvTools-02-00-14)
      	* tagged MuonRPC_CnvTools-02-00-14
      	* RPCRdoToPrepDataTool.cxx : added declareInterface, removed property declaration dumpOffToOnlineMapToFile
    • Jochen Meyer's avatar
      commenting dumpOffToOnlineMapToFile (MuonSimHitToPrdTest-00-00-13) · 4ddb8d22
      Jochen Meyer authored
              tagging MuonSimHitToPrdTest-00-00-13
              * comment property dumpOffToOnlineMapToFile in job options (OBO Rafal Bielski)