- Feb 18, 2015
Edward Diehl authored
* tagging MuonCalibIdentifier-00-00-37 16-01-2015 Edward Diehl Add BOE/BMG stations for MuonFixedId * Note: BOE3=BOL7 in offline, so no change needed, it will be handled as BOL * Add BMG since it is defined in IdDictMuonSpectrometer_S.02.xml * tagging MuonCalibIdentifier-00-00-36
Simon George authored
* src/RoIBResultByteStreamTool.cxx: update error checking and reporting for L1Topo * TrigT1ResultByteStream/RoIBResultByteStreamTool.icc: update error checking and reporting for L1Topo * TrigT1ResultByteStream-00-04-30
Simon George authored
* L1TopoByteStreamTool.cxx: Update error reporting * cmt/requirements: remove unecessary dependency * L1TopoByteStream-00-00-02
Simon George authored
'Add Error, Status and Fibre classes, move BlockTypes enum to separate file, related updates plus tests and references' (L1TopoRDO-00-00-04) * Add Error, Status and Fibre classes * Move BlockTypes from Helpers to own file * Updated unit tests & references * L1TopoRDO-00-00-04
Nicholas Styles authored
added new dE/dx algorithm with IBL informations in src/PixelToTPIDTool.cxx (PixelToTPIDTool-01-00-06) * added new dE/dx algorithm with IBL informations in src/PixelToTPIDTool.cxx 2015-02-06 Goetz Gaycken * derive from AthAlgorithm * use ATH_MSG and ATH_CHECK macros * use ServiceHandles * fix compiler warning (comparison mixes signed unsigned).
Jack Cranshaw authored
turn off TAG type tests, leave only CollectionUtilities style tests (POOLCollectionToolsTest-00-01-09) * turn off TAG type tests, leave only CollectionUtilities style tests * POOLCollectionToolsTest-00-01-09
Pierfrancesco Butti authored
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
Extending the functionality of RDBAccessSvc::shutdown() in order to be able to close all open connections in one go (RDBAccessSvc-00-09-09) * Extending the functionality of RDBAccessSvc::shutdown() in order to be able to close all open connections in one go
Tulay Cuhadar Donszelmann authored
* Update the condition tag of qtest_run2 to OFLCOND-RUN12-SDR-22. * Tagging RecExCommon-00-14-16 2015-02-09 Tulay Cuhadar Donszelmann <tcuhadar@cern.ch> * Update the condition tag of qtest_run1 to OFLCOND-RUN12-SDR-22. * Tagging RecExCommon-00-14-15
Mark Sutton authored
* TrigInDetAnalysisUtils-00-01-56 * add missing root header 2015-02-06 Benjamin Sowden < benjamin.sowden@cern.ch > * TrigInDetAnalysisUtils-00-01-55 * modified T_AnalysisConfig_Tier0 to conform with changes to T_AnalysisConfig_Tier0.h
Mark Sutton authored
* tagged as TrigIDtrkMonitoring-00-01-48 * remove obsolete dump tool, new montiring class
Sarka Todorova authored
* add warning in case of invalid input * add cleanup of differential eloss info * tag as TrkExSTEP_Propagator-01-01-06 2015-02-07 Peter Kluit * fix negative sigma Ioni and sigma Rad values in back tracking * tag as TrkExSTEP_Propagator-01-01-05
Nicholas Styles authored
* Always return 0 in case of failed extrapolation to chosen perigee surface, do not try to use Trk::Track Perigee * Tagged as TrkParticleCreator-01-01-24
Peng Jiang authored
ATLASSIM-1825. (ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-29) * Tagging: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-29 * Add protection to avoid crash from "GetPostStepLogicalVolume". ATLASSIM-1825. 2015-02-05 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * Tagging: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-28 * src/TrackProcessorUserAction.cxx - remove duplicated setting of entries in m_parentISPmap, should result in a 2% reduction in CPU time. obo Peng Jiang. ATLASSIM-1754. 2015-02-05 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * Tagging: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-27 * TransportTool: add QuasiStableParticlesIncluded configurable property to suppress warning messages when behaviour is expected. ATLASSIM-526.
Avishek Chatterjee authored
Masaki Ishitsuka authored
* Tagged as 00-01-74 * Added alternative method to extract MDT hit information using MtdPrepData following EF. Old method using MDT CSM is still kept with switch. 2015-01-22 Masaki Ishitsuka <ishitsuka@hep.phys.titech.ac.jp> * Tagged as 00-01-72 * Fixed coding issues pointed in Coverity Report.
Ioannis Nomidis authored
fixed compilation warning and added functionalities for running on data (MuonPhysValMonitoring-00-00-32) * modifications for running of data * fix compilation warning * added muon multiplicity histograms * tagging MuonPhysValMonitoring-00-00-32 2014-02-03 <Ioannis.Nomidis@cern.ch> * using new classes for new plots * disabling muon decoration * tagging MuonPhysValMonitoring-00-00-31 2015-01-30 <Daniel Mori <dmori@cern.ch> * macros now find author directories automatically * added PullProfileMacro.py to make track pull profiles over pt * updated CreateMuonValidationSlides.README 2015-01-26 <Daniel Mori <dmori@cern.ch> * Minor fixes for macros CreateValidationSlides.py and PullFitMacro.py 2015-01-18 <Ioannis.Nomidis@cern.ch> * adding muon quality selections with MuonSelectionTool ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Goetz Gaycken authored
fixed checkreq version (removed version number in use statements). (InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool-00-00-06) * Fix checkreq warning (private instead of public use statements).
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
* Revert back to register EgammaRecContainer in SG * Remove CaloUtil and aux etaCalo and phiCalo * Fix bug in retrieve of CaloPidBuilder * TrigEgammaRec-02-00-60 2015-01-29 Ryan White <ryan.white@cern.ch> * clear and delete internal EgammaRecContainer * Add properties for container names * TrigEgammaRec-02-00-58
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
* Fix monitoring of etaphi * Change PhotonContainer to attachFeature * TrigEgammaHypo-01-01-02
Goetz Gaycken authored
* Removed use statement for unused package (checkreq fix).
Goetz Gaycken authored
* Removed use statement for unused package (checkreq fix).
Peter Van Gemmeren authored
* MuonSimData/MuonSimData.h: Hide GeoPrimitives from Cling to avoid ROOT6 header parsing problems. * tagging MuonSimData-00-03-05
Jochen Meyer authored
* Fix for muon calib config when trigger is off (obo Dongliang Zhang, ATLASRECTS-1587) * tagging MuonRecExample-02-05-85 2015-02-06 Jochen Meyer * fix in MuonAlignConfig.py for use of I-Lines in HLT run 1 configuration * tagging MuonRecExample-02-05-84
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
* Tag as TrigT2BeamSpot-00-10-04 * New instance with FTF
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
* tag TrigFastTrackFinder-00-01-22 * Set TIDT enum to FTF 2015-02-07 Stewart Martin-Haugh <smh -at- cern -dot- ch> * tag TrigFastTrackFinder-00-01-21 * continue in convertToTIDT if perigee/covariance not found (bugfix)
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
* Add enum for FTF to TrigInDetTrack * Tagging as TrigInDetEvent-00-01-48 2015-02-03 Peter van Gemmeren <gemmeren@anl.gov> * Move TrigInDetTrackFitPar into seperate dictionary, as enums are shared with persistent class representations. * Tagging as TrigInDetEvent-00-01-47
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
* Using new values in the GeoConfig enum: GEO_RUN3 and GEO_TESTBEAM
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
Adding two new values to the GeoConfig enum: GEO_RUN3 and GEO_TESTBEAM (GeoModelInterfaces-00-00-05) * Adding two new values to the GeoConfig enum: GEO_RUN3 and GEO_TESTBEAM
Troels Petersen authored
Troels: Fixed output level and functionality/switch regarding occupancy in tool. (TRT_ElectronPidTools-01-00-12) * Change level of pHT warnings to DEBUG for suspecious (but OK) values. * New switch for including occupancy or not in PID calculation. * Tag as TRT_ElectronPidTools-01-00-11 2015-02-04 Alex Alonso * FixCov: 28938, 29026 * Tag as TRT_ElectronPidTools-01-00-10
Bernardo Sotto-Maior Peralva authored
* updates in COF for amplitude/time correction condition * Tagging TileRecUtils-00-09-43 2015-02-04 Bernardo Peralva <bernardo@cern.ch> * updates in the COF algorithm (TileRawChannelBuilderMF.cxx), a iterative correction for high amplitude signals * Tagging TileRecUtils-00-09-42
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
* Fix compilation warnings * tag TrigInDetRecoTools-00-02-07
James William Walder authored
* Switch of loglevel INFO to DEBUG; * TrigBphysHypo-00-04-28 2015-02-05 James Walder <jwalder@cern.ch> * EFBMuMuXFex updates for new two-step tracking algorithms * Partial updates to Mass+Track triggers * Needs TriggerMenu-00-06-88 for functionality * TrigBphysHypo-00-04-27 * Solutions to ATR-9224 ATR-9769 ATR-8975 2015-02-03 James Walder <jwalder@cern.ch> * Additional Fex TrigBphysL1DiMuComboFex for L1Topo usage / studies * Fix TE retrieval in L2MultiMuFex
Niels Van Eldik authored
* identifier fix in CscSimDataCollectionCnv_p1.cxx * tagging MuonEventTPCnv-01-07-06 2015-02-06 Toshi Sumida <Toshi.Sumida@cern.ch> * fixing : src/MuonTrigCoinData/TgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p3.cxx to resolve the issue ATLASRECTS-1578 (re-opened) * tagging MuonEventTPCnv-01-07-05 2015-01-31 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging MuonEventTPCnv-01-07-04. * Remove unused ARA converter dictionaries.
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging AthenaROOTAccess-00-09-54. * src/TTreeTrans.cxx: Remove reference to ArenaHeaderGaudiClear. 2015-02-05 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging AthenaROOTAccess-00-09-53. * python/transientTree.py: Update for ARA dictionary removal in RecTPCnv. 2015-02-04 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging AthenaROOTAccess-00-09-52. * python/transientTree.py: Another root6 fix. * Tagging AthenaROOTAccess-00-09-51. * test/dumpers.py: Add xAOD::L2IsoMuonContainer.
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
* Fire PostFork incident in the SharedEvtQueueConsumer
John Derek Chapman authored
add preInclude.PileUpBunchTrainsMC15_2015_50ns_Config1.py, preInclude.PileUpBunchTrainsMC15_2015_25ns_Config1.py - new bunch structure pattern preInclude files for MC15a digitization. ATLASSIM-1788. Tagging: SimulationJobOptions-00-06-02 (SimulationJobOptions-00-06-02) * Tagging: SimulationJobOptions-00-06-02 * add preInclude.PileUpBunchTrainsMC15_2015_50ns_Config1.py, preInclude.PileUpBunchTrainsMC15_2015_25ns_Config1.py - new bunch structure pattern preInclude files for MC15a digitization. ATLASSIM-1788
Mark Hodgkinson authored
* JetRecTools-00-03-18-02 * ATLJETMET-217 * Bug fix in PFlowPseudoJetGetter so that -ve energy pfo are not used. (JetRecTools-00-03-18-02) * JetRecTools-00-03-18-02 * ATLJETMET-217 * Bug fix in PFlowPseudoJetGetter so that -ve energy pfo are not used.
Toshi Sumida authored
fixed TgcRdoToPrepDataTool.cxx : removed protection with isInner to input correct channelID (MuonTGC_CnvTools-00-08-04) * fixed TgcRdoToPrepDataTool.cxx : removed protection with isInner to input correct channelID * Tagged as MuonTGC_CnvTools-00-08-04 2015-02-05 Toshi Sumida <Toshi.Sumida@cern.ch> * fixed TgcRdoToPrepDataTool.cxx : small fix for initialization of variables * Tagged as MuonTGC_CnvTools-00-08-03
Frank Winklmeier authored
* Change the default AOD EDM set to AODSLIM for MC, but keep AODFULL for data (ATR-10033) * python/TriggerFlags.py: change default AODEDMSet to AODSLIM * python/T0TriggerGetter.py: use AODFULL by default for data reconstruction * python/HLTTriggerResultGetter.py: cleanup * TriggerJobOpts-00-04-69