- Jan 19, 2016
Peter Onyisi authored
* Patch to reduce memory use in han write-out stage * Tagged as DataQualityInterfaces-04-00-10 2015-10-23 Peter Onyisi <ponyisi AT cern.ch> * Fix buggy reference creation in han-config-gen.exe * Allow compilation in 20.1.X.Y at expense of disabling dqm_persistency * Tagged as DataQualityInterfaces-04-00-08 * Tagged as DataQualityInterfaces-04-00-09
Peter Onyisi authored
* CSC postprocessing updates * Tag DataQualityUtils-02-20-18
- Nov 27, 2015
Peter Onyisi authored
* muon + SCT postprocessing updates * Tag DataQualityUtils-02-20-17 2015-10-20 Peter Onyisi * Added missing messaging_listen.py * Fix accidental display of over/underflow bins due to ROOT version upgrade * Tagged DataQualityUtils-02-20-16 2015-10-01 Peter Onyisi * James Frost tagged DataQualityUtils-02-20-14 * MDT monitoring folks removed MuonTrackPhys postprocessing, tweaked a few more things * yours truly tagged DataQualityUtils-02-20-15 2015-09-26 Gabriele Chiodini * Printout in MonitoringFile_RPCPosProcess.cxx 2015-09-23 Gabriele Chiodini * Changed Printout in CoolRpc.cxx, Safer code and no cut on projected tracks in MonitoringFile_RPCPosProcess.cxx
Peter Onyisi authored
* KurtosisTest.cxx: fix for new tdaq release * Tag dqm_algorithms-00-07-13 2015-08-28 gabriele.chiodini@le.infn.it * Added RPC_OccupancyHoleFinder * Tag dqm_algorithms-00-07-11
- Oct 10, 2015
Peter Onyisi authored
* Tag DataQualityUtils-02-20-13 2015-09-11 Alex Tuna <tuna@cern.ch> * Added uncertainties to Z/Jpsi mass RMS plots 2015-09-10 Gabriele Chiodini * Added TSize and TDota to displayExtra to add text with adjustable size and dotted TLine 2015-08-19 Peter Onyisi * Don't return status 0 on DQWebDisplay.py usage errors! 2015-08-18 Peter Onyisi * Clean up a lot of Coverity errors (MDT and HLTMinBias postprocessing) * Tag DataQualityUtils-02-20-12
James Frost authored
* BinContentComp.cxx: making ignore0 work for fixed value comparison * MDTTDCOfflineSpectrum.cxx: remove hardcoded t0 and tmax * Tag dqm_algorithms-00-07-10
David Quarrie authored
* cmt/requirements Remove the cmake-specific dictionary generation since the standard 'have_root_headers' command is now used, which works for both cmake and CMT. * Tagged as DataQualityInterfaces-04-00-07 (DataQualityInterfaces-04-00-07) 2015-04-09 David Quarrie <David.Quarrie@cern.ch> * cmt/requirements Remove the cmake-specific dictionary generation since the standard 'have_root_headers' command is now used, which works for both cmake and CMT. * Tagged as DataQualityInterfaces-04-00-07 2015-03-30 Marcin Nowak <Marcin.Nowak@cern.ch> * cmt\requirements: add back $(use_includes) to dict pattern * Tagged as DataQualityInterfaces-04-00-06 2015-03-20 Marcin Nowak <Marcin.Nowak@cern.ch> * cmt\requirements: add back -p option for rootcint * Tagged as DataQualityInterfaces-04-00-05 2015-03-18 Marcin Nowak <Marcin.Nowak@cern.ch> * cmt\requirements: use 'have_root_headers' pattern to create dictionaries * Tagged as DataQualityInterfaces-04-00-04
- Sep 15, 2015
Peter Onyisi authored
* cmt/requirements : allow PyROOT invocation in ROOT 6 * Tagged as DataQualityInterfaces-04-00-03-01 2015-03-13 David Quarrie <David.Quarrie@cern.ch> * cmt/requirements Tweak the cmake-specific lines for compatibility with both ROOT 5 and 6. * Tagged as DataQualityInterfaces-04-00-03 2014-11-24 David Quarrie <David.Quarrie@cern.ch> * cmt/requirements Add cmake-specific lines for building this package. These are transparent to CMT. * Tagged as DataQualityInterfaces-04-00-02
Peter Onyisi authored
* Fix for different exception types in ROOT 6 PyCool (ATLASRECTS-2245) * DQUtils-00-01-06 2015-06-04 Peter Onyisi <ponyisi at cern.ch> * Fix lingering EOR_Params * DQUtils-00-01-05 2015-05-11 Peter Onyisi <ponyisi at cern.ch> * Add SOR, EOR to db.py * DQUtils-00-01-04 2015-04-20 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging DQUtils-00-01-03. * dict/dictionary.h: Work around compilation warning.
- Sep 04, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Expand list of ignored virtual defects for intolerable computation 2015-06-24 Peter Onyisi [TAG] DQDefects-00-02-01 * Accommodate changes in exception types from PyCool/ROOT 6
Peter Onyisi authored
* Disable DQTMuonIDTrackMon * Remove memory leak in DQTDataFlowMon * Tag DataQualityTools-01-00-08 2015-08-21 Marcin Nowak <Marcin.Nowak@cern.ch> * src\DQTDetSynchMonTool.cxx: THist rebinning fix for ROOT6 API * Tag DataQualityTools-01-00-07 2015-07-07 Peter Onyisi <ponyisi at cern.ch> * Fix Coverity 13961, 13994, 16435, 16436, 16860, 17130, 17435, 29918, 29984 * Tag DataQualityTools-01-00-06
Peter Onyisi authored
* Tag DataQualityUtils-02-20-11 2015-08-18 Daiki Yamaguchi <daiki.yamaguchi@cern.ch> * Fix the bugs in MonitoringFile_PixelPostProcess.cxx * Committed to the trunk 2015-08-16 Peter Onyisi * Revert changes to arguments on DQWebDisplay.py * Tag DataQualityUtils-02-20-10 2015-08-14 Marcin Nowak <Marcin.Nowak@cern.ch> * src\MonitoringFile_IDEnhancedPrimaryVertex.cxx: fix const errors showing up with ROOT6.4 2015-08-11 Yuriy Ilchenko * Tag DataQualityUtils-02-20-09 with Lu Yuan's and Daiki Yamaguchi's updates 2015-08-06 Yuriy Ilchenko * Tag DataQualityUtils-02-20-08 with Baojia's fixes ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Peter Onyisi authored
* Use 2014 AMI commands for tags * Tag DataQualityConfigurations-00-08-00 2015-03-20 Peter Onyisi <ponyisi AT cern.ch> * Undo one trfsetupcmd problem * Tag DataQualityConfigurations-00-07-02 2015-03-20 Peter Onyisi <ponyisi AT cern.ch> * Fix to h-tag trfsetupcmd obo Armin & Christian * Tag DataQualityConfigurations-00-07-01 2015-03-14 Peter Onyisi <ponyisi AT cern.ch> * Take han configuration files from env variables set by h-tags if available * Tag DataQualityConfigurations-00-07-00 2015-03-11 Peter Onyisi <ponyisi AT cern.ch> * Fix bug in UploadDQAMITag.py found by C. Ohm * Tag DataQualityConfigurations-00-06-02 2015-03-06 Peter Onyisi <ponyisi AT cern.ch> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
- Aug 05, 2015
Peter Onyisi authored
* MDTOverview.cxx: fix Coverity 15151 * BinPrint.cxx: fix Coverity 16118 * GraphTest.cxx: fix Coverity 14884 * LastBinThreshold.cxx: fix Coverity 16116 * RepeatAlgorithm.h/.cxx: fix Coverity 14885 * Tag dqm_algorithms-00-07-09
Peter Onyisi authored
Fix some container names that changed in release 20; Fix change in units for mag field (kG -> kT) (DataQualityTools-01-00-05) * Fix some container names that changed in release 20 * Fix change in units for mag field (kG -> kT) * Tag DataQualityTools-01-00-05
Peter Onyisi authored
2015-06-21 Peter Onyisi * Add protection to HLTMuon postprocessing * Tag DataQualityUtils-02-20-06 2015-06-18 Peter Onyisi * Reenable HLTMinBias * Tag DataQualityUtils-02-20-05 2015-06-15 Peter Onyisi * Temporarily disable HLTMinBias updates for Tier-0 deployment * Include changes from P-F Butti & Alex Kastanas * Tag DataQualityUtils-02-20-04 2015-06-11 Andrzej Zemla <azemla@cern.ch> * add HLTMinBiasMonPostProcess and HLTMinBiasMonGetTargetHistos methods in MonitoringFile class for HLTMinBias post processing * made some configuration changes in cmt/requirements and python/DQPostProcessMod.py 2015-06-11 Peter Onyisi ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
- May 17, 2015
Peter Onyisi authored
* AlgorithmHelper.cxx : fix regression making SubtractFromMean mandatory for graph fits * Tag dqm_algorithms-00-07-08
Peter Onyisi authored
2015-04-24 Peter Onyisi <ponyisi AT cern.ch> * Fix hancool for Run 2 * Tag DataQualityUtils-02-20-00 2015-04-15 Yuriy Ilchenko <yuriy.ilchenko AT cern.ch> * Tag DataQualityUtils-02-19-02 with David's 'have_root_headers' fix 2015-04-15 David Quarrie <David.Quarrie@cern.ch> * cmt/requirements Remove the cmake-specific dictionary creation commands now that 'have_root_headers' is being used 2015-03-22 Peter Onyisi <ponyisi AT cern.ch> * Add panic function to send MQ message * Tag DataQualityUtils-02-19-01 2015-03-20 Peter Onyisi <ponyisi AT cern.ch> * Implement use of h-tag info in Tier-0 TRF * Implement message server notifications * Tag DataQualityUtils-02-19-00 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Peter Onyisi authored
* Point at CONDBR2 by default
Peter Onyisi authored
* Slightly different version of previous fix * DQUtils-00-01-02 2015-04-16 Peter Onyisi <ponyisi at cern.ch> * Change PyCOOL lookup for ROOT 6 (ATLASDQ-349) * DQUtils-00-01-01 2014-10-02 Peter Onyisi <ponyisi at cern.ch> * Switch to CONDBR2 as the default DB * DQUtils-00-01-00
- Mar 03, 2015
Yuriy Ilchenko authored
- Jan 19, 2015
Marcin Nowak authored
* cmt\requirements: handle Cintex libs correctly * Tagged as GoodRunsLists-00-01-17 2014-11-20 David Quarrie <David.Quarrie@cern.ch> * cmt/requirements Slight tweak to cmake-specific code for better consistency * Tagged as GoodRunsLists-00-01-16 2014-09-11 David Quarrie <David.Quarrie@cern.ch> * cmt/requirements Create the CINT dictionary for cmake in athena mode only (transparent to CMT) * Tagged as GoodRunsLists-00-01-15 2014-08-12 Grigori Rybkine <Grigori.Rybkine@cern.ch> * cmt/requirements: Apply pattern have_root_headers for GoodRunsListsLib or GoodRunsLists dependent whether tag xaod_standalone_build is activated (at RD's request) 2014-07-16 David Quarrie <David.Quarrie@cern.ch> * cmt/requirements ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Peter Onyisi authored
2014-12-10 Peter Onyisi <ponyisi AT cern.ch> * Tag DataQualityUtils-02-18-00 with David's COOL fixes 2014-12-10 David Malon <malon AT anl.gov> * Fix compilation failures due to COOL 3.0 interface changes * Fix Python use of deprecated interfaces that have disappeared from COOL 3.0 2014-12-05 Peter Onyisi <ponyisi AT cern.ch> * Put std:: in front of ofstream as required for ROOT 6 * Tag DataQualityUtils-02-17-02 2014-12-03 Peter Onyisi <ponyisi AT cern.ch> * physval_make_web_display.py now opens remote files * Tag DataQualityUtils-02-17-01 2014-12-01 Peter Onyisi <ponyisi AT cern.ch> * Li Yuan has made updates to HLT muon monitoring * From now on, trunk should only be used for rel 20 (TrigMuonMonitoring-00-02-02). Release 19 should use DataQualityUtils-02-16-10-branch. * Tag DataQualityUtils-02-17-00 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Marcin Nowak authored
* tools\AlgorithmHelper.cxx: make the 'const' change from 00-07-05 ROOT6 specific (was not compatible with ROOT5 API) * Tag dqm_algorithms-00-07-07 2014-11-05 David Quarrie <David.Quarrie@cern.ch> * cmt/requirements Specify the required Boost and ROOT components for cmake (transparent to CMT) * Tagged as dqm_algorithms-00-07-06 2014-09-30 Marcin Nowak <Marcin.Nowak@cern.ch> * dqm_algorithms\tools\DumpConfig.h add std:: to ofstream * tools\AlgorithmHelper.cxx add const to TAxis to match ROOT6 API for GetXaxis * Tag dqm_algorithms-00-07-05
Peter Onyisi authored
* Push results to new Agile machines (not old voatlas*) * Tag DataQualityConfigurations-00-06-00 2014-07-16 Peter Onyisi <ponyisi AT cern.ch> * Update CMR to Rucio paths 2012-12-06 Adrian Vogel <adrian.vogel@cern.ch> * scripts/han-to-hist.awk: new script to translate between han paths and HIST paths.
Peter Onyisi authored
* Remove DQTCaloClusterTool from build * Tag DataQualityTools-01-00-03
- Sep 19, 2014
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Peter Onyisi authored
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
Peter Onyisi authored
Peter Onyisi authored
Peter Onyisi authored
Nils Erik Krumnack authored
to write out a GRL, but was not compiled with libxml2 support. (GoodRunsLists-00-01-06)
Peter Onyisi authored
Peter Onyisi authored
More sophisticated matching of project tags to DQ configurations (DataQualityConfigurations-00-05-04)
Nils Erik Krumnack authored
don't have a test setup readily available. (GoodRunsListsUser-00-01-00)