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  1. Jan 19, 2016
    • Rafal Bielski's avatar
      fix BS->RDO->PRD decoding for run 2 (MuonCSC_CnvTools-02-00-23) · 6aa88ed5
      Rafal Bielski authored
      	* Tagging MuonCSC_CnvTools-02-00-22.
      	* Comply with ATLAS naming conventions.
      2015-11-04  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging MuonCSC_CnvTools-02-00-21.
      	* src/CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool.cxx (decode): Const fix.
    • Stefania Spagnolo's avatar
      setup for MC15c (RPC_Digitization-01-05-17) · abdae09e
      Stefania Spagnolo authored
      	* tagging RPC_Digitization-01-05-17
      	* src/RpcDigitizationTool.cxx (initialize):
      	if config in AtlasCommon is RUN1 or RUN2 setup define MC12 and MC15c setup respectively;
      	in all other cases use MSgeometryVersion R.06 or R.07 to switch on off BOFBOGdbr2 and
      	leave other options at default values
      	* python/ (RpcDigitizationTool):
      	default requested minimum n. of tracks used for the eff. is 100
      	* src/RpcDigitizationTool.cxx (DetectionEfficiency):
      	setting for MC15c, if config in AtlasCommon is RUN2, i.e.
      	- read eff and clustersize from cool;
      	- do not kill dead strips (->do not correct, upward, eff. for frac_dead_strips) **; # in case of hardware fixes in winter 2015-2016 shutdown;
      	- if panel eff <0.5, set panelEff to 0.5;
      	- if no measurement is available for the panel, use python default,
      	  but if eff from frac_deadstrips < nominal, redefine eff. to eff from frac_deadstrips
      	- requested minimum n. of tracks used for the eff. is 100 for MC15c (keep 50 for MC12 setup)
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • William Axel Leight's avatar
      Added out-of-bounds and non-deweighted hits to summaries (MuonTrackSummaryHelperTool-01-00-03) · cba03c2a
      William Axel Leight authored
      	* Added calculation of out-of-bounds and non-deweighted hits to the summary
      	* Tagging as MuonTrackSummaryHelperTool-01-00-03
    • William Axel Leight's avatar
      Can now set MdtDriftCircleOnTrack error strategy (MuonRIO_OnTrack-02-00-07) · 46eede46
      William Axel Leight authored
      	* Made it possible to set MdtDriftCircleOnTrack error strategy
      	* Tagging as MuonRIO_OnTrack-02-00-07
      2015-11-26  scott snyder  <>
              * Tagging MuonRIO_OnTrack-02-00-06.
      	* cmt/requirements: Restore dictionary generation.
      2015-10-21  scott snyder  <>
              * Tagging MuonRIO_OnTrack-02-00-05.
      	* gcc5 port:
      	* MuonRIO_OnTrack/CscClusterOnTrack.h, src/CscClusterOnTrack.cxx,
      	MuonRIO_OnTrack/MMClusterOnTrack.h, src/MMClusterOnTrack.cxx,
      	MuonRIO_OnTrack/TgcClusterOnTrack.h, src/TgcClusterOnTrack.cxx,
      	MuonRIO_OnTrack/RpcClusterOnTrack.h, src/RpcClusterOnTrack.cxx:
      	Add a ctor that doesn't require dereferencing the RIO EL.  Add
      	accessor to return the RIO EL directly.  Add friend decls for tp
      	converters where needed.
      	* MuonRIO_OnTrack/MdtDriftCircleOnTrack.h,
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • William Axel Leight's avatar
      Minor change, see Changelog (MdtDriftCircleOnTrackCreator-04-00-19) · 01b598d9
      William Axel Leight authored
      	* Made the MdtDriftCircleOnTrackCreator set the hit error strategy when it applies a new one
      	* Tagging as MdtDriftCircleOnTrackCreator-04-00-19
      2015-12-02  Jochen Meyer
      	* adding alignment errors for BXE also in loose error
      	* Tagged as MdtDriftCircleOnTrackCreator-04-00-18
      2015-12-01  Jochen Meyer
      	* adding alignment errors for BXE and EEL1C05 in tight error tune
      	* Tagged as MdtDriftCircleOnTrackCreator-04-00-17
    • Jochen Meyer's avatar
      enabling as-built for data (MuonRecExample-03-00-10) · 166bc67b
      Jochen Meyer authored
      	* enabling as-built parameters for data by default
      	* adjustment of access to as-built parameters from DB
      	* tagging MuonRecExample-03-00-10
    • Jochen Meyer's avatar
      updating error strategy (MuonTrackFinderTools-01-00-24) · cad3fe0f
      Jochen Meyer authored
      	* update strategy when to deweight barrel/endcap and large/small
      	* adding deweighting for more special chambers
      	* tagged as MuonTrackFinderTools-01-00-24
    • Peter Kluit's avatar
      'printout hits, residuals and pulls for JIRA 2638' (MuonRecHelperTools-02-00-18) · efc095ad
      Peter Kluit authored
             * printout hits, residuals and pulls for JIRA 2638
             * extend printMeasurements()
             * Tagging MuonRecHelperTools-02-00-18
  2. Nov 27, 2015
    • Atlas-Software Librarian's avatar
      'CMakeLists.txt' (MuonAlignmentData-03-01-04) · 23fa19c1
      Atlas-Software Librarian authored
      	update as-built implementation OBO PF Giraud
      	tagging 03-01-04
    • Atlas-Software Librarian's avatar
      'CMakeLists.txt' (MuonCondInterface-02-01-01) · c4a321b4
      Atlas-Software Librarian authored
      	* tagging MuonCondInterface-02-01-01
      	* adding AsBuiltContainer to IMuonAlignmentDbTool
    • Jochen Meyer's avatar
      update of asbuilt config (MuonRecExample-03-00-09) · b1b8d0ce
      Jochen Meyer authored
      	* adjustment of configuration for as-built parameters
      	* tagging MuonRecExample-03-00-09
      2015-11-22 Jochen Meyer
      	* adding configuration for as-built parameters
      	* tagging MuonRecExample-03-00-08
    • Jochen Meyer's avatar
      update of as-built code (MuonCondTool-01-03-09) · 8cc376c1
      Jochen Meyer authored
      	* tagging MuonCondTool-01-03-09
      	* some fixes to as-built code in MuonAlignmentDbTool
      2015-11-22 Jochen Meyer
      	* tagging MuonCondTool-01-03-08
      	* adding as built implementation to MuonAlignmentDbTool
    • Jochen Meyer's avatar
      fixing asbuilt code (MuonReadoutGeometry-03-02-20) · bf65f263
      Jochen Meyer authored
      	* Tagging MuonReadoutGeometry-03-02-20
      	* small fix in As-Built implementation OBO PF Giraud
      2015-11-22 Jochen Meyer
      	* Tagging MuonReadoutGeometry-03-02-19
      	* implementation for As-Built parameters OBO PF Giraud
      2015-11-21 Jochen Meyer
      	* Tagging MuonReadoutGeometry-03-02-18
      	* fixing abs method in MuonPadDesign (ATLASRECTS-2592)
      2015-11-06 Daniel Turgeman
      	* Tagging MuonReadoutGeometry-03-02-17
    • Jochen Meyer's avatar
      update for AsBuilt implementation (MuonGeoModel-01-09-08) · b245f04d
      Jochen Meyer authored
      	* tagging MuonGeoModel-01-09-08
      	* updating as-built code OBO PF Giraud
    • Jochen Meyer's avatar
      update for AsBuilt implementation (MuonGMdbObjects-00-01-09) · 39d07047
      Jochen Meyer authored
      	* tagging MuonGMdbObjects-00-01-09
      	* update for Xtomo data (OBO PF Giraud)
    • Gabriele Chiodini's avatar
      fix unchecked code for eventInfo (RpcRawDataMonitoring-01-02-27) · aa302bfb
      Gabriele Chiodini authored
              *   Tagging RpcRawDataMonitoring-01-02-27 fix unchecked code for eventInfo
      2015-25-10  Gabriele Chiodini
              *   Tagging RpcRawDataMonitoring-01-02-26 fix y label lumiblock plot
      2015-25-10  Gabriele Chiodini
              *   Tagging RpcRawDataMonitoring-01-02-25 Added Eff Trigger, Matched Muons, DQ Coin plots, mergepointdistance plot, fix shiftetapanel.
      2015-24-10  Gabriele Chiodini
              *   Tagging RpcRawDataMonitoring-01-02-24 Added Eff Trigger, Matched Muons, DQ Coin plots, mergepointdistance plot.
      2015-24-10  Gabriele Chiodini
              *   Tagging RpcRawDataMonitoring-01-02-23 Added Eff Trigger, Matched Muons, DQ Coin plots.
      2015-26-09  Gabriele Chiodini
              *   Tagging RpcRawDataMonitoring-01-02-22 comment out few debugging lines.
      2015-25-09  Gabriele Chiodini
              *   Tagging RpcRawDataMonitoring-01-02-21 fixed coverity errors
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Stefania Spagnolo's avatar
      Fixed a small bug in the strip assignement on side C if CS >1; test production... · 1df52ef1
      Stefania Spagnolo authored
      Fixed a small bug in the strip assignement on side C if CS >1; test production job-options added (RPC_Digitization-01-05-16)
      	* tagging RPC_Digitization-01-05-16
      	* src/RpcDigitizationTool.cxx (PhysicalClusterSize): fix a small bug affecting digit to hit position in side C when cluster size >1
      	* added share/ for test productions
      	1/Scale=1,00860215053763 (step1)
      	Eff(phi&eta) =0.930,  Eff(phionly)=0.0218   and Eff(etaonly)=0.0218
      	1/Scale=1,0195652173913 (step2)
      	Eff(phi&eta) =0.920,  Eff(phionly)=0.0216   and Eff(etaonly)=0.0216
      	1/Scale=1,03076923076923 (step3)
      	Eff(phi&eta) =0.910,  Eff(phionly)=0.0213   and Eff(etaonly)=0.0213
      	1/Scale=1,04222222222222 (step4)
      	Eff(phi&eta) =0.900,  Eff(phionly)=0.0211   and Eff(etaonly)=0.0211
      	1/Scale=1,05393258426966 (step5)
      	Eff(phi&eta) =0.890,  Eff(phionly)=0.0209   and Eff(etaonly)=0.0209
      	Final panel/gap eff (step5) are
      	Eff panel=0.9109 / Eff Gap=0.9318 (while MC15a had ... )
      	* tagging RPC_Digitization-01-05-15
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Edward Diehl's avatar
  3. Nov 13, 2015