- Nov 27, 2015
Emma Torro Pastor authored
* Adding di-electron chain e24_lhmedium_e9_lhmedium to Physics_pp (ATR-12825) * TriggerMenu-00-14-65 2015-11-23 Nils Ruthmann * Adding L1Calo overflow monitoring chain (ATR-12818) * Needs TrigSteering-03-08-02 * TriggerMenu-00-14-64 2015-11-23 Nils Ruthmann * Adjusting mdeltar cut for razor triggers (ATR-12890) * TriggerMenu-00-14-63 2015-11-23 Nils Ruthmann * Adding test jet chains using cleaning functionality * Needs TrigJetHypo-03-00-44 * TriggerMenu-00-14-62 2015-11-23 Nils Ruthmann * removing trigger towoer test chain due to timeouts (ATR-12884) * TriggerMenu-00-14-61 2015-11-21 Viviana Cavaliere * fixing deta jet chains (ATR-11975) * TriggerMenu-00-14-60 2015-11-20 Ryan White <ryan.white@cern.ch> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
- Nov 13, 2015
Iwona Grabowska-Bold authored
* 2mu4_bDimu, 2mu4_bDimu_novtx_noos added to HIV3 * loose, medium, tight sequences for UPC (ATR-10574) * TriggerMenu-00-14-16 2015-10-29 Iwona Grabowska-Bold * UPC config class + trigger for rho in HIV3 (ATR-10574) * Needs TrigT2MinBias-00-02-20 * TriggerMenu-00-14-15 2015-10-29 Piotr Janus * add mb_idperf_ion_L1MBTS_1_1 to HIV3 (ATR-12268) * remove *loose1* and *medium1* triggers from HIV3 * TriggerMenu-00-14-14 2015-10-28 Iwona Grabowska-Bold * fix of L1_TE3_ALFA* -> L1_TE5_ALFA* * TriggerMenu-00-14-13 * muon and photon triggers added to Physics_pp_v5 for pp reference (ATR-12511) * TriggerMenu-00-14-12 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
- Oct 10, 2015
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
* Update tracking sequences in Egamma * Change config for etcut chain -- no cut applied at last step * TriggerMenu-00-13-41 2015-09-11 Emma Torro Pastor * Uncommenting jet chains (test3) in MC_pp_v5 menu (ATR-11959) * TriggerMenu-00-13-40 2015-09-09 Viviana Cavaliere * Moving tau+photon chains to Physics menu (combined chains) (ATR-11531) * TriggerMenu-00-13-39 2015-09-09 Viviana Cavaliere * Moving tau+photon chains to Physics menu (ATR-11531) * TriggerMenu-00-13-38 2015-09-07 Kunihiro Nagano * Bug fix for di-lepton exclusive trigger (ATR-11516) * Needs TrigMuonHypo-00-02-25 * TriggerMenu-00-13-37 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
- May 17, 2015
Yu Nakahama Higuchi authored
* Renamed three e26_medium chains with _L1EM22VHI (ATR-10849) * TriggerMenu-00-09-41-11 2015-04-29 Viviana Cavaliere * Added mu14_iloose (ATR-10952) * TriggerMenu-00-09-41-10 2015-04-29 Catrin Bernius * Added egamma triggers (ATR-10849) * TriggerMenu-00-09-41-09 2015-04-16 Viviana Cavaliere * Fixing narrow scan chain with 0 counts (ATR-10822) * TriggerMenu-00-09-41-08 2015-04-16 Elisabetta Pianori * Fix for Deta default value (ATR-10828) * Needs TrigJetHypo-03-00-23 * TriggerMenu-00-09-41-07 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
- Mar 20, 2015
Joerg Stelzer authored
* L1CommonCore to CTPFragment migration * TriggerMenu-00-08-60 2015-03-18 Yu Nakahama * Aligned the KF-XE thresholds (ATR-10301) * TriggerMenu-00-08-59 2015-03-18 Iwona Grabowska-Bold * fix of hi_v2/3 triggers in HIV3 (ATR-10480) * also HI electron sequence relaxed * TriggerMenu-00-08-57 2015-03-17 Moritz Backes * add missing import (ATR-10514) * TriggerMenu-00-08-56 2015-03-17 Iwona Grabowska-Bold * implementation of hi_v2/3 triggers in HIV3 (needs TrigHIHypo-00-00-46) (ATR-10480) * TriggerMenu-00-08-55 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
- Mar 03, 2015
Arantxa Ruiz Martinez authored
* XS parameters updated in l1menu/CaloDef.py for the W T&P triggers (ATR-10337) * TriggerMenu-00-07-87 * Fix 2e17_loose1_2j35_bperf -> 2e17_loose_2j35_bperf in MC_pp_v5 (ATR-10348) * TriggerMenu-00-07-86 2015-02-28 Arantxa Ruiz Martinez <aranzazu.ruiz.martinez@cern.ch> * Added W T&P triggers using L1Topo and XS thresholds (ATR-9342, ATR-10337) * TriggerMenu-00-07-85 * 'trkcut' included in ElectronDef.py and SignatureDicts.py (ATR-9342) * New HLT chains implemented in MC_pp_v5 menu: - e13_etcut_trkcut - e18_etcut_trkcut - e13_etcut_trkcut_xe20 - e18_etcut_trkcut_xe35 * Needs ElectronPhotonSelectorTools-00-02-14 and TrigEgammaHypo-01-01-06 * TriggerMenu-00-07-84 * Added e13_etcut_xe20 and e18_etcut_xe35 in MC_pp_v5 menu (ATR-9342) ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
- Feb 18, 2015
Joerg Stelzer authored
* Swap ALFA and TOPO cables (ALFA,TOPO1,TOPO2) * TriggerMenu-00-06-17 2015-02-12 Catrin Bernius * Added all L1Topo seeded bphys chains back to MC menu(ATR-9888) * TriggerMenu-00-07-16 2015-02-11 Catrin Bernius * corrected met chain naming: xe*_L1XE*_wEFMu to xe*_wEFMu_L1XE* * fix in way the chain parts of combined items are analysed in case of L1Topo items * added one bphysics chains seeding of L1 topo, using topo_starts_from (ATR-9888) * change in TE naming for dphi chains to not use the L1Topo * TriggerMenu-00-07-15 2015-02-11 Arantxa Ruiz Martinez <aranzazu.ruiz.martinez@cern.ch> * Prescale set in new HLT streamers (ATR-9520) * TriggerMenu-00-07-14 2015-02-11 Arantxa Ruiz Martinez <aranzazu.ruiz.martinez@cern.ch> * L1Topo streamers added in MC_pp_v5 menu (ATR-9520) ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
- Feb 07, 2015
Elisabetta Pianori authored
* comment out threshold definition for ALFA (ATR-9924) * TriggerMenu-00-06-67 2015-01-30 Arantxa Ruiz Martinez <aranzazu.ruiz.martinez@cern.ch> * VBF triggers implemented in MC_pp_v5 menu (ATR-9520) * TriggerMenu-00-06-66 2015-01-30 Elisabetta Pianori * update e/gamma menu (ATR-9981) * implement threshold definition for ALFA (ATR-9924) * add L1Mu6 warning for xe and te chains to ConsistentyChecker exceptions * TriggerMenu-00-06-65 2015-01-30 Yu Nakahama * L1Topo M8 menu: changed INVM with EMall to EMs, fixed max value on Sebastian's request * TriggerMenu-00-06-64 2015-01-30 Arantxa Ruiz Martinez <aranzazu.ruiz.martinez@cern.ch> * Jet triggers added in Physics_pp_v5 menu for M8 (ATR-9948) * TriggerMenu-00-06-63 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
- Jan 19, 2015
Moritz Backes authored
* New jet trigger updates & razor input TE fixes (ATR-9481, ATR-9521) * Needs TrigHLTJetRec-00-00-34 * TriggerMenu-00-06-17 2015-01-16 Mario Campanelli * additional changes to rate groups * TriggerMenu-00-06-16 2015-01-16 Mario Campanelli * rate group changed * TriggerMenu-00-06-14 2015-01-16 Lidia Dell'Asta * fixed mu0_perf (ATR-9564) * TriggerMenu-00-06-13 2015-01-16 Catrin Bernius * Changed input TE to mu/jet matching sequence (ATR-9668) * TriggerMenu-00-06-12 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
- Sep 19, 2014
Catrin Bernius authored