- Feb 18, 2015
Joerg Stelzer authored
* Make DSConfigSvc recognize Run2 conditions * TrigConfigSvc-01-01-36 2015-02-05 Joerg Stelzer * Algorithm loading for run 2 database * TrigConfigSvc-01-01-35 * HLTJobOptionSvc: Set config service properties correctly (including new L1TopoConfigSvc)
Bruno Lenzi authored
* EMExtrapolationTools::getMomentumAtVertex for each track * Tagged as egammaTrackTools-01-01-16 2015-02-07 Christos Anastopoulos <Christos.Anastopoulos@cern.ch> * Coverity 29059 * Tagged as egammaTrackTools-01-01-15
Bruno Lenzi authored
* IEMExtrapolationTools::getMomentumAtVertex for each track * tagging as egammaInterfaces-01-00-28 2015-01-30 David Di Valentino <david.di.valentino@cern.ch> * Adding SW/SC overlap tagger interface * tagging as egammaInterfaces-01-00-27
Edward Diehl authored
* Replace BOH references with BME, also add BMG in PhiEtaUtils.h * tagging MuonCalibStandAloneExtraTools-01-00-04 * warning this package will not compile due to including files from MdtCalibData which have Coverity errors and which still use CLHEP for vector operations (should be changed to Eigen).
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging TrigCaloD3PDMaker-00-02-02. * python/TrigEMClusterD3PDObject.py: Don't crash on slimmed AOD.
Steffen Maeland authored
* In PixelRodEncoder.cxx: fixed link numbers in trailer and hit words * Tagged as PixelRawDataByteStreamCnv-00-02-28 2015-02-05 Steffen Maeland <steffen.maeland @ cern.ch> * Now logging FE-I4B service records * Updates in error service (need PixelConditionsServices > 00-24-10) * Additional consistency checks, after discussion with FW experts * Tagged as PixelRawDataByteStreamCnv-00-02-27 * Tagged as PixelRawDataByteStreamCnv-00-02-26
Tim Martin authored
* Support more L1 items. Leave space for 0-600 as index of TrigConfSeq reserved to L1 * Only export HLT configs when needed. Reduce to single line of INFO * ATR-10104 * Tag TrigCostMonitor-01-13-00
Tim Martin authored
* Allow more L1 items (bit mask was already big enough, just relax check) * ATR-10106 * Tag TrigMonitoringEvent-00-01-10
Pierre Antoine Delsart authored
* ATLASRECTS-1636 * python/EventDensityConfig.py : fix check return code. Thanks to Scott Snyder. * EventShapeTools-00-01-07 2015-02-06 <gemmeren@anl.gov> * Adding dictionary creation for EventDensityTool, probably needed by ROOT6 for python bindings * EventShapeTools-00-01-06 2015-02-07 Christos * Coverity 19601 * EventShapeTools-00-01-05 2015-02-05 <delsart@localhost> * python/EventDensityConfig.py (EventDensityAlg): returns a Recoverable in case of error as per request of ATR-10064 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Graham John Cree authored
* StacoTag.[h,cxx] change to use unique_ptr * tagging as MuonCombinedEvent-01-00-40
Goetz Gaycken authored
* Fix coverity issue 14456 (uninitialised pointer). * Fix coverity issue 14455 (uninitialsied pointer). * Fix coverity issue 14454 (uninitialised values). * Fix coverity issue 14199 (possible resource leak). * Fix coverity issue 14453 (uninitialized pointer). * Finished migration to Eigen (TODO: migration strategy was tested, but not the final athena algorithm, that is still to be don). * Changed to use the ATH_MSG_... and CHECK macros. * Fixing StatusCode check crushes in CreateMisalignment (InDetAlignGenAlgs-00-03-07) * Fix coverity issue 14456 (uninitialised pointer). * Fix coverity issue 14455 (uninitialsied pointer). * Fix coverity issue 14454 (uninitialised values). * Fix coverity issue 14199 (possible resource leak). * Fix coverity issue 14453 (uninitialized pointer). * Finished migration to Eigen (TODO: migration strategy was tested, but not the final athena algorithm, that is still to be don). * Changed to use the ATH_MSG_... and CHECK macros. 2014-10-16 Pawel Bruckman <pawel.bruckman.de.renstrom@cern.ch> * Fixing StatusCode check crushes in CreateMisalignment
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
* fix coverity * tagging : Herwig_i-00-06-02
Edward Diehl authored
* tagging MuonCalibIdentifier-00-00-37 16-01-2015 Edward Diehl Add BOE/BMG stations for MuonFixedId * Note: BOE3=BOL7 in offline, so no change needed, it will be handled as BOL * Add BMG since it is defined in IdDictMuonSpectrometer_S.02.xml * tagging MuonCalibIdentifier-00-00-36
Simon George authored
* src/RoIBResultByteStreamTool.cxx: update error checking and reporting for L1Topo * TrigT1ResultByteStream/RoIBResultByteStreamTool.icc: update error checking and reporting for L1Topo * TrigT1ResultByteStream-00-04-30
Simon George authored
* L1TopoByteStreamTool.cxx: Update error reporting * cmt/requirements: remove unecessary dependency * L1TopoByteStream-00-00-02
Simon George authored
'Add Error, Status and Fibre classes, move BlockTypes enum to separate file, related updates plus tests and references' (L1TopoRDO-00-00-04) * Add Error, Status and Fibre classes * Move BlockTypes from Helpers to own file * Updated unit tests & references * L1TopoRDO-00-00-04
Nicholas Styles authored
added new dE/dx algorithm with IBL informations in src/PixelToTPIDTool.cxx (PixelToTPIDTool-01-00-06) * added new dE/dx algorithm with IBL informations in src/PixelToTPIDTool.cxx 2015-02-06 Goetz Gaycken * derive from AthAlgorithm * use ATH_MSG and ATH_CHECK macros * use ServiceHandles * fix compiler warning (comparison mixes signed unsigned).
Jack Cranshaw authored
turn off TAG type tests, leave only CollectionUtilities style tests (POOLCollectionToolsTest-00-01-09) * turn off TAG type tests, leave only CollectionUtilities style tests * POOLCollectionToolsTest-00-01-09
Pierfrancesco Butti authored
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
Extending the functionality of RDBAccessSvc::shutdown() in order to be able to close all open connections in one go (RDBAccessSvc-00-09-09) * Extending the functionality of RDBAccessSvc::shutdown() in order to be able to close all open connections in one go
Tulay Cuhadar Donszelmann authored
* Update the condition tag of qtest_run2 to OFLCOND-RUN12-SDR-22. * Tagging RecExCommon-00-14-16 2015-02-09 Tulay Cuhadar Donszelmann <tcuhadar@cern.ch> * Update the condition tag of qtest_run1 to OFLCOND-RUN12-SDR-22. * Tagging RecExCommon-00-14-15
Mark Sutton authored
* TrigInDetAnalysisUtils-00-01-56 * add missing root header 2015-02-06 Benjamin Sowden < benjamin.sowden@cern.ch > * TrigInDetAnalysisUtils-00-01-55 * modified T_AnalysisConfig_Tier0 to conform with changes to T_AnalysisConfig_Tier0.h
Mark Sutton authored
* tagged as TrigIDtrkMonitoring-00-01-48 * remove obsolete dump tool, new montiring class
Sarka Todorova authored
* add warning in case of invalid input * add cleanup of differential eloss info * tag as TrkExSTEP_Propagator-01-01-06 2015-02-07 Peter Kluit * fix negative sigma Ioni and sigma Rad values in back tracking * tag as TrkExSTEP_Propagator-01-01-05
Nicholas Styles authored
* Always return 0 in case of failed extrapolation to chosen perigee surface, do not try to use Trk::Track Perigee * Tagged as TrkParticleCreator-01-01-24
Peng Jiang authored
ATLASSIM-1825. (ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-29) * Tagging: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-29 * Add protection to avoid crash from "GetPostStepLogicalVolume". ATLASSIM-1825. 2015-02-05 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * Tagging: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-28 * src/TrackProcessorUserAction.cxx - remove duplicated setting of entries in m_parentISPmap, should result in a 2% reduction in CPU time. obo Peng Jiang. ATLASSIM-1754. 2015-02-05 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * Tagging: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-27 * TransportTool: add QuasiStableParticlesIncluded configurable property to suppress warning messages when behaviour is expected. ATLASSIM-526.
Avishek Chatterjee authored
Masaki Ishitsuka authored
* Tagged as 00-01-74 * Added alternative method to extract MDT hit information using MtdPrepData following EF. Old method using MDT CSM is still kept with switch. 2015-01-22 Masaki Ishitsuka <ishitsuka@hep.phys.titech.ac.jp> * Tagged as 00-01-72 * Fixed coding issues pointed in Coverity Report.
Ioannis Nomidis authored
fixed compilation warning and added functionalities for running on data (MuonPhysValMonitoring-00-00-32) * modifications for running of data * fix compilation warning * added muon multiplicity histograms * tagging MuonPhysValMonitoring-00-00-32 2014-02-03 <Ioannis.Nomidis@cern.ch> * using new classes for new plots * disabling muon decoration * tagging MuonPhysValMonitoring-00-00-31 2015-01-30 <Daniel Mori <dmori@cern.ch> * macros now find author directories automatically * added PullProfileMacro.py to make track pull profiles over pt * updated CreateMuonValidationSlides.README 2015-01-26 <Daniel Mori <dmori@cern.ch> * Minor fixes for macros CreateValidationSlides.py and PullFitMacro.py 2015-01-18 <Ioannis.Nomidis@cern.ch> * adding muon quality selections with MuonSelectionTool ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Goetz Gaycken authored
fixed checkreq version (removed version number in use statements). (InDetBCM_EventAthenaPool-00-00-06) * Fix checkreq warning (private instead of public use statements).
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
* Revert back to register EgammaRecContainer in SG * Remove CaloUtil and aux etaCalo and phiCalo * Fix bug in retrieve of CaloPidBuilder * TrigEgammaRec-02-00-60 2015-01-29 Ryan White <ryan.white@cern.ch> * clear and delete internal EgammaRecContainer * Add properties for container names * TrigEgammaRec-02-00-58
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
* Fix monitoring of etaphi * Change PhotonContainer to attachFeature * TrigEgammaHypo-01-01-02
Goetz Gaycken authored
* Removed use statement for unused package (checkreq fix).
Goetz Gaycken authored
* Removed use statement for unused package (checkreq fix).
Peter Van Gemmeren authored
* MuonSimData/MuonSimData.h: Hide GeoPrimitives from Cling to avoid ROOT6 header parsing problems. * tagging MuonSimData-00-03-05
Jochen Meyer authored
* Fix for muon calib config when trigger is off (obo Dongliang Zhang, ATLASRECTS-1587) * tagging MuonRecExample-02-05-85 2015-02-06 Jochen Meyer * fix in MuonAlignConfig.py for use of I-Lines in HLT run 1 configuration * tagging MuonRecExample-02-05-84
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
* Tag as TrigT2BeamSpot-00-10-04 * New instance with FTF
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
* tag TrigFastTrackFinder-00-01-22 * Set TIDT enum to FTF 2015-02-07 Stewart Martin-Haugh <smh -at- cern -dot- ch> * tag TrigFastTrackFinder-00-01-21 * continue in convertToTIDT if perigee/covariance not found (bugfix)
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
* Add enum for FTF to TrigInDetTrack * Tagging as TrigInDetEvent-00-01-48 2015-02-03 Peter van Gemmeren <gemmeren@anl.gov> * Move TrigInDetTrackFitPar into seperate dictionary, as enums are shared with persistent class representations. * Tagging as TrigInDetEvent-00-01-47
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
* Using new values in the GeoConfig enum: GEO_RUN3 and GEO_TESTBEAM