- Feb 18, 2015
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging TrigCaloD3PDMaker-00-02-02. * python/TrigEMClusterD3PDObject.py: Don't crash on slimmed AOD.
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging AthenaROOTAccess-00-09-54. * src/TTreeTrans.cxx: Remove reference to ArenaHeaderGaudiClear. 2015-02-05 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging AthenaROOTAccess-00-09-53. * python/transientTree.py: Update for ARA dictionary removal in RecTPCnv. 2015-02-04 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging AthenaROOTAccess-00-09-52. * python/transientTree.py: Another root6 fix. * Tagging AthenaROOTAccess-00-09-51. * test/dumpers.py: Add xAOD::L2IsoMuonContainer.
Pierre Antoine Delsart authored
* src/JetMissingEtTagTool.cxx : protection for the case where no JVF exists. * tag JetMissingEtTagTools-00-02-06
Anthony Morley authored
* Add holes to the TrackStateOnSurfaceDectorator * Tagged as DerivationFrameworkInDet-00-00-22
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging AnalysisTriggerAlgs-00-01-43. * Fix bugs cound by coverity.
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging MuonD3PDMaker-00-04-28. * Update for changes in TrackRecordCollection.
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging D3PDMakerUtils-00-02-67. * D3PDMakerUtils/SGCollectionGetterTool.icc: Improve error message.
Tim Martin authored
* clear internal store for each event, bug * Tagging TrigCostD3PDMaker-01-06-00
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging PrimaryDPDMaker-00-05-05. * share/PerfDPD_MinBias.py, share/CommDPD_MUON.py, share/CommDPD_RPC.py, share/CommDPD_TGC.py, share/DAOD_MU.py, share/PerfDPD_Muon.py: Remove configurations that used MuonFilterAlg or TrackFilterAlg.
Fabio Cardillo authored
Giacomo Artoni authored
Maximilian Emanuel Goblirsch-Kolb authored
Maximilian Emanuel Goblirsch-Kolb authored
Maximilian Emanuel Goblirsch-Kolb authored
Steven Andrew Farrell authored
* Tagging PATInterfaces-00-00-18 2015-01-20 Steve Farrell <Steven.Farrell@cern.ch> * Added virtual destructor to ISystematicsTool to fix compiler warnings in derived classes about non-trivial move operations.
- Feb 07, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging ExoticPhysTagTools-00-01-06. * AthenaBaseComps migration.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging AssociationComps-00-01-19. * src/AssociationAlgorithm.cxx: Fix coverity warning. * Tagging AssociationComps-00-01-18. * AlgBase -> AthAlgBase.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging SUSYPhysTagTools-00-01-07. * AthenaBaseComps migration.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging StandardModelPhysTagTools-00-01-07. * AthenaBaseComps migration.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging BPhysTagTools-00-00-27. * AthenaBaseComps migration.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging HiggsPhysTagTools-00-01-06. * AthenaBaseComps migration.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging HeavyIonPhysTagTools-00-00-08. * AthenaBaseComps migration.
Oleg Fedin authored
* to reduce output change some message level to DEBUG * Tagging MCTruthClassifier-00-01-26
Emmanuel Le Guirriec authored
Emmanuel Le Guirriec authored
* Setting up a particle associator without using it now does trigger a JetBTagger tool update. * Rewrote LoadTools to use a list of taggers instead of the btagging flags (although this list is filled via the btagging flags by default). Will be useful later when moving to general ATLAS flags. * Cloning tools now automatically updates xAODBaseName when present in the metadata. * Tagged as BTagging-00-06-98 2015-01-15 Frank Filthaut * pass primary vertex (BTagTool, BTagSecVertexing) and TrackParticle container (BTagTrackAssociation) optionally to the main methods (necessary for trigger purposes as SG retrieval cannot be used there) * tagged as BTagging-00-06-97 (intended to tag as BTagging-00-06-96 but forgot to commit code!) 2015-01-13 Georges Aad * fix to allow multiple MSV running at the same time * does not affect normal config at all * tagged as BTagging-00-06-95
Carl Gwilliam authored
Fix TrigMET JO 27.01.2015 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> Add Trig* JOs in share
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging EventTagTPCnv-00-01-03. * Remove unused ARA converter dictionaries. * added ARA converters from Wolfgang Ehrenfeld * tag EventTagTPCnv-00-00-04 * removed all TopoCl (x3) and LooseMuonMDTHits1-4
Scott Snyder authored
Fix for case of class deriving from DV class that involves virtual derivation. (AthenaROOTAccess-00-09-50) * Tagging AthenaROOTAccess-00-09-50. * src/DataBucketVoid.cxx: Fix for case of class deriving from DV class that involves virtual derivation. * AthenaROOTAccess/TestTypes.h, AthenaROOTAccess/test_selection.xml, test/DataBucketVoid_test.cxx: Test the fix. 2015-01-16 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging AthenaROOTAccess-00-09-49. * python/transBranchRemap.py: Don't fail if we can't import from TrigEDMConfig (AtlasTrigger may not be available).
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging D3PDMakerConfig-00-04-00. * python/egammaD3PD.py: Update MET names.
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging D3PDMakerTest-00-10-00. * Migration of TrackRecordCollection to AtlasHitsVector instead of AthenaHitsVector 2015-01-21 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging D3PDMakerTest-00-09-24. * test/post_check.sh: pdf scale not being written now.
Alan Watson authored
* RoIBResultToxAOD: ensure use only full eta range MET results * Tag as AnalysisTriggerAlgs-00-01-42
Magda Anna Chelstowska authored
* Fixed package dependencies (changes in Makefile.RootCore) * Added an algorithm to recalculate muon quality (changes in requirements) * Tagging MuonSelectorTools-00-05-07-03 for rel20 EDM (ROOT 5 and 6) 2015-01-16 Magda Chelstowska <magda.anna.chelstowska@cern.ch> * hack for caloTag muons * Tagged as MuonSelectorTools-00-05-07-01
Zach Marshall authored
* JetCleaningCutDefs.py: Fixing argument name * Tagging: JetSelectorTools-00-04-10 2015-01-27 Zach Marshall <ZLMarshall@lbl.gov> * ConfiguredJetCleaningTools.py: Fixing default argument setup * Tagging: JetSelectorTools-00-04-09 2015-01-27 Zach Marshall <ZLMarshall@lbl.gov> * Fixing AthCleaningTool setup for legacy purposes * Moving ConfiguredAthJetCleaningTools to ConfiguredJetCleaningTools * Tagging: JetSelectorTools-00-04-08 2015-01-22 Zach Marshall <ZLMarshall@lbl.gov> * Adding exclusions to dictionaries for ROOT6 * Making member variables begin with m_ * Removing copy constructor (automatic one is fine) * Tagging: JetSelectorTools-00-04-07
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging egammaD3PDMaker-00-03-38. * python/ElectronD3PDObject.py, python/PhotonD3PDObject.py: More attributes that can be missing. 2015-01-20 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging egammaD3PDMaker-00-03-37. * Updates for devval. 2015-01-14 Christos Anastopoulos <Christos.Anastopoulos@cern.ch> * Tagging egammaD3PDMaker-00-03-36. * Coverity 28867
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging TrackD3PDMaker-02-01-23. * python/xAODTrackSummaryFiller.py: Don't crash if attributes are missing.
Ludovica Aperio Bella authored
* uodating trigger path * Tagging ElectronPhotonSelectorTools-00-01-86 2015-01-22 Ludovica Aperio Bella <ludovica@cern.ch> * Adding the new Conf file path * Tagging as ElectronPhotonSelectorTools-00-01-85 2015-01-21 Ludovica Aperio Bella <ludovica@cern.ch> * New converter waiting to tag * No tagging yet waiting calib path 2015-01-20 Ludovica Aperio Bella <ludovica@cern.ch> * BUG fix for the eta=0 problem modified the helper to read the comment in the conf file between 2 "#" * Replacing et calculating in electron tools with the electron->pt() stored in the xAOD * This uses the calo energy and track eta rather than just the calo cluster variables * not tagging yet : waiting for calibpath 2015-01-19 Joseph Reichert <Joseph.Reichert@cern.ch> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging ExpressionEvaluation-00-00-18. * More coverity warning fixes. * Tagging ExpressionEvaluation-00-00-17. 2015-01-02 Thomas Gillam <gillam@hep.phy.cam.ac.uk> * Make error message from MultipleProxyLoader less alarming * Tagging ExpressionEvaluation-00-00-16 2014-11-15 David Quarrie <David.Quarrie@cern.ch> * cmt/requirements Remove the space characters in the list of files in the apply_pattern dual_use_library line (files= " *.cxx ../Root/*.cxx") since these cause the CMT to cmake converter to ignore the list of files. * Tagged as ExpressionEvaluation-00-00-15 2014-10-23 Thomas Gillam <gillam@hep.phy.cam.ac.uk> * Add HLT to trigger evaluator * Tagging ExpressionEvaluation-00-00-14 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging TruthD3PDMaker-00-01-13. * python/TruthEventD3PDObject.py: Q variable no longer exists for truth event.
Maximilian Emanuel Goblirsch-Kolb authored
* Fixed coverity warnings introduced by fixing the prev. set of coverity warnings * Fixed memory leak in the tool's destructor * Tagged as MuonEfficiencyCorrections-03-00-11
Sanya Solodkov authored
* jobOptions updated for new xAOD * Tagging TileD3PDMaker-00-00-36 2015-01-15 Sanya Solodkov <solodkov@lxplus0190.cern.ch> * TileMuonFillerTool.cxx: Coverity fixes * Tagging TileD3PDMaker-00-00-35